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February 21 is International Mother Language Day. Event dedicated to International Mother Language Day

international day native language in 2018 it is celebrated on February 21. The holiday is celebrated by people who study and pass on knowledge about language: teachers of literature, language, writing researchers, library staff, students, teachers and graduate students of philological faculties of higher education. educational institutions, people passionate about linguistics.

The purpose of the holiday is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and protect endangered languages. Every year it is dedicated to a specific topic.

history of the holiday

On November 17, 1999, the UNESCO General Conference declared February 21 as International Mother Language Day. The first celebrations took place in 2000. The UN General Assembly supported the initiative to proclaim the holiday in 2002 in Resolution No. Α/RES/56/262. She called on member countries to promote the preservation and protection of the languages ​​of the world's peoples.

The date of the holiday is dedicated to the memory of the tragedy that occurred in Bangladesh on February 21, 1952. Pakistani police shot protesters who advocated for the recognition of Bengali as the state language.

Holiday traditions

On this day, educational lectures, conferences, and seminars are held. Actions are being taken to protect the state language. At UNESCO headquarters in Paris and its branches, exhibitions and presentations dedicated to languages ​​are organized, and festive concerts are organized. IN educational institutions Thematic classes are held. Competitions are held among native language experts. In means mass media Articles on existing and endangered languages ​​are published.

Each official UN language has its own holiday. Russian Language Day is celebrated on June 6, English on April 23, Spanish on October 12, French on March 20, Arabic on December 18 and Chinese on April 20. The European Day of Languages ​​is celebrated on September 26, and Common Language Day on August 18.

54% of Internet resources are on English language, 6% – in Russian.

There are 7 thousand languages ​​on Earth. One of the reasons for their disappearance is the uneven distribution of the number of carriers. A language becomes extinct if fewer than 100 thousand people speak it.

In 2009, UNESCO recognized 136 languages ​​in Russia as endangered.

The UN General Assembly declared 2008 the International Year of Languages.

Pidgin is a simplified, non-native speech, a means of communication between several ethnic groups.

Researchers claim that a primitive protolanguage appeared 2.3 million years ago in Homo habilis, a highly developed australopithecine.

The history of linguistics began in the 5th century BC. e.

February 21, 2018 FSBEI HE "Moscow Pedagogical State University» holds an event dedicated to International Day native language.

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism in the world, International Mother Language Day is celebrated in universities and educational organizations Russian system education in order to support and promote the dissemination of the native language, affirmation of the significance of the state Russian language, support of linguistic diversity and cultural traditions of different peoples.

Students and teachers of Moscow State University are invited to participate in the event, including students of the Faculty of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication for Foreign Citizens, teachers and high school students of educational complexes in Moscow, representatives of interclubs and fraternities of Moscow universities.

The rich event program offers different formats of participation.

Exhibition. The concept of the exhibition is based on the task of presenting the languages ​​of different peoples of the world, including the peoples of Russia, spoken and studied by MSGU students. The exhibition is a development of the “Languages ​​of the country’s main pedagogical university” project, which was launched at the Mother Language Day 2017 event. The project is intended to present the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world and Russia as a multinational state, as well as the multilingual environment of the university, the development of which is one of strategic objectives university. The exhibition is being prepared by the combined efforts of students and teachers of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Operation of youth discussion platforms on the issues of International Mother Language Day. The work of students, graduate students and young teachers under the guidance of moderators on discussion platforms aims to discuss topical, including controversial, issues related to the functioning of languages ​​and the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity in the modern global information space. The results of the sites’ work are presented for general discussion at the end of the event and are enshrined in the final recommendations of the participants.

Interactive program. The work of creative platforms in the exhibition space is considered as a form of manifestation of initiative and creativity of students, united by knowledge and interest in the topic of cultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of the world and Russia. Any format of interactive activity in a single exhibition space is welcome: master classes, tests and quests, virtual excursions and competitions on the topic of diversity of languages ​​and cultures. Conducted by MSGU students for the event participants, including schoolchildren from educational complexes in Moscow and a wide range of guests.

Location: Building of humanities faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Address: Vernadskogo Avenue, 88 (access to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station)

Additional Information: The coordination of the preparation and holding of the event is carried out by the Department of Interregional Cooperation of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Contact persons: Krivenkaya Marina Aleksandrovna [email protected](+7 916 678 4623), Nadezhda Borisovna Samoilova [email protected] (+7 916 158-8527)

Many linguists and travelers claim that if you travel on foot, stopping for a couple of days in all the villages and towns, you will notice that one language smoothly transitions into another. In this way you can develop your linguistic abilities and learn a lot of new things. But there is nothing sweeter than returning to your land after long months of absence and speaking the language of childhood again. Our native language is a form of thought and our natural state of mind!

Justice and a little history

Language is the main means of communication between people. Its development kept pace with civilization and progress. Although there are still those in society for whom two dozen words and sounds are enough. This example is perfectly described in the novel “The Twelve Chairs.” But no cannibal Ellochki will prevent people from respecting the language and organizing a small celebration for it. In late autumn 1999, the thirtieth General Conference of UNESCO established World Mother Language Day (it doesn’t matter what date). The UN willingly joined the initiative.

Since February 21, 2000, the holiday has been regularly celebrated in all advanced countries. UNESCO and other public organizations monitor endangered languages ​​and do not allow them to disappear without a trace in the powerful information flow of our time. Any language is a carrier of culture and history. With its disappearance, humanity will forever lose certain knowledge and information. February 21 was not chosen by chance. This is Bengali Language Movement Day. It has been celebrated in Bangladesh since 1952. In that terrible year, Pakistani security forces brutally dealt with those who demanded recognition of the Bengali language as an official means of communication in the eastern part of the state.

As celebrated around the world

The language festival is not a mere formality. Various events are held every year to highlight the importance of any language, even if it is spoken by a small tribe in the African jungle. Each year is dedicated to a specific theme, here are a few titles:

  • 2011. « Information Technology and the preservation of linguistic diversity."
  • year 2013. “Books and education in the native language.”
  • 2015. “The role of language in inclusive education.”
  • 2017. "Multilingual education and a confident future."

It is also customary at the UN to celebrate the Days of Languages public organizations. These are English, Arabic, Chinese, French. According to all international norms, rules and concepts, any language is equal in rights and has the right to exist. There are no major or minor languages. There is also a holiday of the Russian language, which is usually celebrated on June 6th.

Love for language in the Russian Federation

Mother Language Day is not considered a state day in Russia; there will be no ceremonial fireworks or fiery speeches by the president. But it will definitely be celebrated in kindergarten, school or university. Experienced teacher or assistant teacher educational work will conduct Classroom hour on the topic of love for one’s native language. It is best to organize a small formal event in the library. It is important to remember that the Russian Federation is a multinational state. Russian is not a native language for everyone. On a vast territory there live a lot of peoples who communicate in Tatar, Chuvash or Chechen.

Language mixture of Russian and Ukrainian: surzhik
Main international language: English
Number of languages ​​in the world more than 700
The most famous fictional language: Esperanto
Number of letters in the Russian alphabet: 33
Age of the modern Russian alphabet: 99 years old
Dictionary of people involved in crime: jargon, fenya

To the epigraph:

It is good to know, respect and love your native language. But the desire to learn other languages ​​improves intelligence, allows you to expand your horizons and education.

UNESCO has been promoting multilingual and multicultural education in the context of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education since its early years training. Thus, raising awareness on this issue on International Mother Language Day, which takes place on February 21st.

Theme of the Day 2018: Preserving linguistic diversity and promoting multilingualism as part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals on quality education and Goal 6: “Ensure that all young people and a significant proportion of adults, both men and women, are able to read and count.” "
To ensure sustainable development, students must have access to education in their mother tongue and other languages. Basic skills in reading, spelling and arithmetic are acquired through learning the native language. The transition to multilingual education ensures sustainable development, as set out in Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 6, which aim to ensure that by 2030 all young people and a significant proportion of adults, both men and women, can read and count.

What is multilingual education?

Multilingual education facilitates access to education while promoting equity for people belonging to a minority or indigenous group, especially girls and women:

  • Emphasizing quality teaching and learning that emphasizes understanding and creativity;
  • Strengthening cognitive aspect learning that provides direct application of learning outcomes to the learner's life through the native language;
  • Expanding dialogue and interaction between student and teacher, allowing genuine communication from the very beginning.
  • Promotes participation and activity in society and provides access to new knowledge and cultural expression, thereby ensuring harmonious relationships between global and local conditions.
UNESCO's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, as part of mother tongue development and multilingual education, has developed a mother tongue multilingual education toolkit for three stakeholder groups: policymakers, program implementers and community members. The five booklets in the set present the "big picture" of successful mother tongue-based multilingual education programs and suggestions for the roles each group can take in planning, implementing and maintaining their programs.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference in November 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

On December 4 - 8, 2017, a Regional Seminar on Multilingual and Multicultural Education in Kazakhstan was held in Shymkent. The seminar was organized by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) in cooperation with the National Center for Professional Development "ORLEU" Kazakhstan, the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and UNICEF in the Kyrgyz Republic.
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The United Nations at the end of the 20th century established that World Mother Language Day will be celebrated on February 21 of every year. This holiday was created in memory of the tragic incidents of 1952 in Bangladesh.

In 1952, Bangladesh was part of Pakistan under the name East Pakistan. Most of the inhabitants of this region spoke Bengali, and in the western provinces Urdu was dominant, which in 1948 was assigned by law the status of the only official language states. Following the passage of this law, protests began in the eastern parts of the country.

The government banned any rallies and actions supporting the Bengali language, and on February 21 a massive student demonstration took place in Dhaka. Dozens of participants died due to the actions of security forces. This tragedy became the starting point of resistance and mass protests.

Decision of the UN General Assembly

In 1999, the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference established International Mother Language Day to commemorate the resistance. The first celebration took place in 2000. The purpose of the event is to preserve the diversity of world languages.

UNESCO experts believe that almost half of all languages ​​existing in the world are on the verge of extinction, 139 of them are the languages ​​of small peoples of Russia. The organization plans to create a monitoring system that will monitor the status of these languages ​​and take timely measures to support them.

The UN General Assembly calls on all member states to protect and preserve existing this moment languages. The UN believes that steps towards their preservation and support promote cultural diversity and help strengthen community and solidarity based on tolerance and mutual understanding among the peoples of the world.