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AnelStoll: Karmic psychology. Karmic psychology, or How to manage your life (2nd stream) Karmic psychology

Individual karma consists of two parts: acquired in past lives and developed in the current life.

The karma accumulated in past lives “lies and sleeps” in the field form of life, waiting for “its” karmic situation, which will activate and put it into action. The karma accumulated in the current life is formed from one source - the consciousness of a person and depends on his character traits. By demonstrating his character traits in one or another karmic, everyday, family and other situations, a person either extinguishes or accumulates karma in his current life.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, there is a classification of individual karma depending on the experience accumulated throughout life. In this regard, individual karma is divided into “black, white-black, white and neither-white-nor-black.”

Worst of all four - black– is acquired in the process of an immoral, villainous life. Slander, selfish intrigues aimed at destroying the fruits of someone else’s labor, humiliation of those more worthy, insults, and theft constitute “external” black karma. “Internal” - mental, black karma includes such states of the soul as skepticism, which does not lead to knowledge, unbelief, fierce persistence in ignorance, envy, etc.

Such mental disturbances, “sweeping” through space like a splash, return back to their source and produce in him those actions that he wished for another. (Don’t judge and you won’t be judged. Don’t dig a hole for someone else - you’ll end up in it yourself. Don’t spit in a well - you’ll need the water to drink.)

White karma is the result of virtuous deeds that help strengthen space. Upon returning to their source, they strengthen him and bring him goodness and success.

White-black karma is formed due to the accumulation of good and evil deeds in relation to other people, living beings, the planet, and therefore to the entire space. Depending on the amount of these deeds, a person has a corresponding fate. Somewhere he is lucky, but somewhere else he is lucky. The more good deeds, the better a person’s fate is, but if on the contrary - sheer bad luck and imprisonment.

Neither white nor black karma described as the actions of wandering hermits in their last bodily incarnation. However, this type of karma can also be used in Everyday life, if you do the task assigned or chosen by you in good faith and do not become attached to its fruits.

Understand the main thing: as soon as consciousness “hooks” on some idea, a thought process begins that disturbs space (God), and an adequate, or even an intensified response on its part immediately follows. If you are not interested, then it will not trigger your thought process, followed by disturbance in space, and therefore there will be no response.

Now let's talk about how karma manifests itself. According to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the process of karmic response occurs in different ways. The answer may “sleep” in the ocean of akash until favorable conditions are created for its manifestation. This type of karma is called "dormant"

A person committed an offense in relation to space, but later, through his good deeds, he caused a beneficial attitude towards himself, and the karmic response for this offense weakened. This type of karma is called "weakened".

The most typical version of a karmic response is when a person, after committing an act, after some time feels its reverse effect in the form of bad luck, deterioration of health, etc. This type of karma is called "fully expanded."

And finally, there is a variant of the karmic response when the process of reverse influence is postponed for some time due to the fact that the current circumstances contribute to the manifestation of a more powerful karmic debt, both in a positive and negative direction for a person. After the action of this karmic response has ended, the unfolding of what was previously interrupted continues again. This type of karma is called "interrupted".

How can karma be passed down the family line?

Both in literature and in life there are various ways of transmitting karmic information. For example, ancient sources, “Agni Yoga,” claim that the experience accumulated by a person during one life does not disappear anywhere after his death. In the posthumous existence (during the interval between death and rebirth), it is processed by the soul for the purpose of its spiritual growth. Depending on the quality of the accumulated experience, the Lords of Karma prepare a field of activity for the soul so that it can more fully realize, reveal, and work it out. Therefore, many components must be taken into account: era, country, surrounding people, family, etc.

Modern researchers, without denying karmic information coming from a past life, point to the possibilities of its formation and transmission in another way. And here we are faced with the phenomenon of karmic psychology. Incorrect use of thinking “collapses” extremely negative information and energy programs, which tend to be transmitted to other people, especially along the family line. These programs, “settled” in the structures of the field form of life, influence the health, communication and fate of both the person himself and other people.

Thus, a broader view of the transfer of karma is necessary, and it is associated with many aspects human life. In order to more fully understand the mechanism of production and transmission of karma, let us dwell on the two main reasons for its formation and transmission: karmic psychology and everyday situations.

Karmic psychology, or How karma is accumulated in the current life

Now we have to analyze the hidden forces that prompt a person to accumulate karma in the current life. Life in man manifests itself in the form of the six drives previously analyzed. If any of these impulses is not satisfied, as a person desires, then in ordinary consciousness ... a thought process arises dissatisfaction, irritation. This is nothing more than the very first pathological program.

Dissatisfaction and irritation imperceptibly turn into offense. This is a more serious and powerful program that “naturally” tends to develop into several consequence programs. Resentment binds the offended person to the object of the insult.

Details about the offense

Resentment is a mental and emotional activity in the ordinary consciousness of a person, which forms a certain package of programs. A package of resentment programs can be passed down the family line. In this case, the program of resentment “settles” in the subconscious and becomes unconscious. The abundance of such unconscious programs determines such a character trait as touchiness.

Touchiness, violating the normal structures of the field form of life of the offended person and his offender, is one of the most common violations of the laws of information-energy connections of space. This is a typical karmic knot that causes various troubles in the life of both the offended and the offender.

The strength of the offense is determined energy level offended person. The higher it is, the more strongly thoughts and emotions “collapse” the vital energy of the field life form into a program of resentment. It is not recommended to allow thoughts and emotions of resentment during an emotional upsurge: birthday, anniversary, wedding celebration, etc. In this state, ordinary consciousness forms the most powerful (and therefore harmful to health, character and destiny) programs of resentment.

The field form of life begins to become saturated with programs of resentment already during intrauterine life. Explicit and unspoken grievances and complaints of parents towards each other, in the form of an unconscious load of grievance programs, will settle in the child’s subconscious and affect his character, behavior, health and the attitude of others towards him.

In part, the offender can be justified by the fact that people's relationships to each other are determined by the information contained in the structures of their field lives.

This information consists of a set of programs that determine its communication with the surrounding nature and people. Therefore, the feelings of love, hatred, and resentment that others experience towards a person strictly correspond to the information that is embedded in his field form of life. For this reason, there are people who are constantly offended, deceived, robbed, who get injured out of the blue, who are jealous over trifles, who regularly get into all sorts of accidents, who are constantly bitten by dogs, and so on. Remember the statement of Jesus Christ that without God's will not a single hair will fall from a person's head. And if more serious things happened to a person, it means that he himself allowed it. Now you need to show humility and accept the situation and work through it. Next, you need to draw the necessary conclusions from the lesson and not do this again.

Conclusions. When something unpleasant is done to a person, it is not recommended to respond in kind. It is necessary to resist only on the physical level, but at the level of ordinary consciousness (thoughts and emotions) one must constantly maintain feelings of humility, meekness, and love for people. After all, any trouble or obstacle is a lesson for spiritual perfection and growth, working off karmic debt. Such behavior removes karma, eliminates diseases, improves the fate and health of the person himself and his children. Manifestation of rejection of the situation and pride only aggravate the harshness of the karmic lesson, create a program of resentment and spread it to descendants.

By the way, this is how “harmless grievance” affects health. The saturation of the child's field form of life with programs of resentment causes enuresis in him. If the resentment programs are stronger, then diathesis. The child cannot yet be offended, but there is diathesis! This is the result of mom or dad's grievances. Parents, do not complicate life for yourself and your children with insults!

A package of subconscious grievances is activated in childhood and adolescence by any, even the smallest, grievances. A child or teenager suddenly turns from mentally normal and healthy into capricious, touchy (angry) and sick. What's the matter? Conscious grievances were activated by subconscious ones.

Due to the fact that conscious grievances are formed in the chest area, bronchitis is possible. In adulthood, grievances lead to the development of tuberculosis, “unexpected” heart attack or stroke, tumors in the lungs, stomach or esophagus. Because people are unaware of the destructive effects of grievances and others negative emotions, they think distortedly, have moved away from morality, ethics and observance of the biblical commandments, in the field of each there are “sleeping” and obvious packages of programs of resentment, discontent, irritation, anger. The abundance of cardiovascular diseases and cancer in recent decades confirms this phenomenon.

Figure 8 shows the mechanism of transmission of the resentment program from mother to fetus. Consciously formed resentment is located in the mother's chest area. During the next emotional outburst of resentment, the program of resentment is transferred to the child. The maternal body “shares” a program of resentment with the fetus.

The resentment program, located in the fetus in the pelvic area, disrupts the normal function of urination. In the future, such a child will suffer from enuresis or diathesis.

Approximately according to the same pattern, all kinds of developmental defects in children are formed - from heart defects to congenital deformities. In most cases, the culprits may be parents with their emotional incontinence and bad manners.

Friendship, love, intimate relationships are the most “fertile soil” for the emergence of grievances. The teenager is still small, but sensitivity and emotionality are already strong. First love, friendship, sexual experience can “wrap up” such a resentment that descendants will not find it enough. Therefore, it is recommended under no circumstances to “drop” resentment into the structures of the field form of life. Discharge your resentment with powerful physical activity, hit a pillow, cry, scream, you can break something (inexpensive).

The grievances of a dying person against a living person and by a living person against a deceased person are extremely dangerous. In these cases, perverted karmic connections arise with loss of energy, serious illnesses, and failures in fate.

It has been noticed that the healthier a person is, the less offended he is.

How to forgive an insult?

If you have been offended, first of all ask for forgiveness for the fact that you were offended. This action “cuts off” the karmic programs of your parents and your own from past lives. By the way, your past grievances against someone created the opposite situation - they equally offended you. Now you need to ask for forgiveness for the fact that you failed to forgive another person, formed a program and were offended by him. After this, you need to ask for forgiveness for the offender, for the fact that he himself was offended and offended you. In conclusion, ask God for forgiveness for the sin of offense and thank Him for the opportunity to recognize the sin of offense and eliminate it.

If this is done sincerely and out loud (as evidenced by a trembling voice, tears in the eyes, trembling in the body), then the mechanism of repentance is triggered and subconscious self-purification occurs. (This is comparable to “rebooting” a computer, during which all glitches are eliminated and the system returns to normal operation.)

Resentment causes a person to strive to respond in kind to injustice (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). More powerful programs are formed from resentment: a feeling of deception, hatred, a desire to take revenge, humiliate, slander, physically destroy and destroy.

These programs (deception, hatred, revenge, humiliation, slander, violence) further strengthen the connection between a person and the object at which they are directed.

More about hatred

Hatred is a conscious and purposeful mental and emotional process aimed at harming and destroying a specific object (person, etc.). This process forms the most powerful destruction programs in field form, which spread “far” along the family tree for several generations ahead. Hatred programs, settling unconsciously in the field life of children and grandchildren, increase the level of subconscious aggression. These people, without realizing it, attack those around them at the field level. In a company, at work, and even more so in a family with such a person, people around them feel bad, nervous, excited, and anxious. All this is nothing more than a consequence of an unconscious, but nevertheless real struggle at the field level. Here's how it plays out in real life.

If the wife felt hatred for her husband, mentally and in words wished him harm, this formed a program for destruction in her field life form. By the way, the program, like a mine, doesn’t care who it destroys - the enemy against whom it was made, or the owner who steps on it. Therefore, the action of the program to destroy, due to the binding, begins to destroy the one against whom it was created and intended (if he is not protected or cannot defend himself). At the same time, it begins to destroy the structures of the field form of life of the creator himself. If the “creator” has children, then it unconsciously “settles” in their subconscious, causing the slow but sure destruction of the family.

The hate program works sluggishly, unnoticeably. Outwardly it manifests itself in an internally joyless attitude towards life. It causes a person’s addiction to alcohol and drugs and makes family life dull. A person who has a program of hatred and destruction in his subconscious, is unconsciously and unmotivatedly pushed by it to commit an act dangerous to himself (for example, a fight, a stabbing on domestic grounds), does not value his life and the lives of other people. It can harm a lot of people, especially those who depend on it. In the end, he himself may be struck by some disease associated with a loss of energy, atrophy, or tightening of the tendons.

If a person, being married, before the birth of a child is offended, and even more so hates his spouse, then a program for separation is formed. Then the spouses can make peace and completely forget about their disagreements, but the program remains and is passed on to their children. Children become adults and create their own families. And here an interesting pattern emerges. If a life situation is created or there are corresponding character traits that can “hook” and activate the separation program, the family will fall apart. If they are not there, then the “dormant” program goes on and on until it works on someone. This is true for any program. Some children miss it, while others get caught.

So, the separation program formed by one of the ancestors acts through his descendant, destroying his destiny and relationship with his loved one. They try to rationally explain this phenomenon and refer to the incompatibility of characters and other circumstances, but in reality there is a subconscious mechanism of separation, hatred of... the dearest and most beloved person! In the lives of such people, everything goes topsy-turvy. They cannot live together - they quarrel. Being apart, they yearn for each other. So the pathological program torments them all their lives.

Something similar can happen to children. Their enmity, aggression, and unmotivated hatred of each other can be explained by the phenomenon described above. Older children can regularly beat younger ones half to death and torture animals. At the same time, they cannot explain to themselves why they are doing this. Further, unmotivated aggression is transferred to their own children - they are severely beaten for the slightest mistake or disobedience. Unconscious evil becomes so strong in a person that he watches his actions with horror and fears himself! Uniting and summing up, subconscious hatred spills out into hooligan fights, religious pogroms, and mutual hostility based on the slightest distinctive feature.

Irritability, hatred and anger towards people is an attempt to energetically attack not only a specific person, but the entire field of humanity, and through him, the Universe. Even dissatisfaction with the weather negatively affects the field structures of space, and through them is transmitted to other people. Space is taking retaliatory measures to make humanity aware of the evil it is doing. Through wars and ethnic conflicts, terrorist acts, humanity is learning a lesson in mutual hatred. Those who survive after it will be completely different people. We are only in the middle of this process.

“Pray for those who curse you and bless those who hate you...” is the strongest defense against mutual hatred.

Programs of irritation and hatred at the field level are closely related to the life principle of “Bile”. This principle is responsible for digestion, vision and immunity. Therefore, it is not surprising that with a strong program of hatred, diabetes occurs, vision deteriorates, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum occur, as well as cancer in this area.

Hate programs can be so strong that they “irradiate” the space with negative information, creating specific pathogenic zones in the premises. People intuitively sense these places and rooms and do not want to enter them, much less stay there. For example, if a program of hatred (maybe specifically against men or women), formed by his ancestors, has “settled” in the structures of a person’s field form of life, then the workplace of this person within a certain radius of him is extremely hostile. People feel this at the subconscious level and are wary, even hostile, against this person. As a result, the bearer of the hate program suffers the most: scandalous situations with elements of aggression against him constantly happen to him, things don’t go well family life.

Hatred programs along the family line are especially strong, for example when a mother does not want pregnancy and wants her child to die. The power of the program depends on how much emotional charge was put into the hatred and how long it was maintained. If a woman is emotional and experienced the entire pregnancy, then a program of hatred is formed of such power that its destructive effect will last for several generations to come.

For example, the great-grandmother did not want to be pregnant (this spoiled her figure during the beach season) and wanted the death of the girl born to her. A program of hatred and destruction has rolled down the family line. The unsuspecting heir began to destroy women on a subconscious level. His personal life went awry. The first wife, subconsciously feeling the harm coming from him, divorced him with a scandal. The relationship with his second wife was much better, but after several years of marriage she died absurdly. Moreover, the destruction program worked the more intensely, the more this man was attached to and loved the woman. After all, with affection and love they intensify energy flows, which lead to rapid activation of negative information. She gained strength and struck the line of her wife’s destiny. The man had no children. The “Soul of Humanity” blocked the possibility of reproducing souls through this man. She could not allow the sons of this man, having received the destruction program, to continue to destroy women. Women's souls were “scared” of the man’s deadly program and avoided him. This is how a race dies out because of one selfish act. This example shows how intelligently and prudently we must think, observe a culture of thinking and emotions, in order to live normally for ourselves and our descendants.

It is not so easy to get rid of any negative program, especially the programs of hatred, revenge, and irritation. Usually a person thinks that it is enough to forgive his offender and repent. No, the program needs to be worked out. To “work through” means to make you completely harmless. Otherwise, after your forgiveness, a similar situation arises - and you are again irritated, you are overcome by hatred, you want to take revenge. The hate agenda is fueled and continues to harm you and your loved ones.

For example, a man divorced his first wife due to the presence in the field life form of a subconscious program of hatred towards women. Married a second time, but no children. They told him his problems, he understood them. Life in the new family began to improve, but... he accidentally met his first wife, he remembered the insults, humiliations, and betrayals he had caused. The “spiritual dirt” that had settled had stirred up, and the new family life again went awry. This person needs to understand that the program of hatred and destruction reacts to an emotionally charged situation corresponding to it. It is fueled by her energy and, according to the dominant principle, grows and begins to spoil relationships, health and destiny. The slightest disagreement with the new wife will also feed and turn on the program of hatred - the destruction of oneself, one’s wife, one’s children.

Solving the Problem of Hate

Only through humility, forgiveness and prayer for one’s enemies can hatred and similar qualities be worked through. Humility, forgiveness and prayer for your enemies must be consciously demonstrated until they disappear on their own. Know that through inner humility and outer forgiveness, spiritual peace and harmony with the Universe are achieved at the subtlest levels of destiny.

If a person feels that he cannot respond in kind to his offender: restore lost property, violated rights, infringed freedom, etc., thoughts arise about own powerlessness, self-flagellation, the desire to lay hands on oneself. These are some of the most negative programs, aimed not only at self-destruction. According to the field of family, clan, people, etc., they spread to the universal human field and meet with its most powerful blockages. It cannot allow a program of destruction into its structures and severely punishes not only this person in future lives, but also his ancestors.

More about suicide

Thoughts of suicide form a program of self-destruction in the field form of life. Thoughts about not wanting to have children can also lead to the formation of the same program. Having “settled” in the subconscious, it undermines the health and destinies of many generations. The subconscious program of self-destruction (inherited to a person from his ancestors) outwardly breaks out in situations that provoke it, and leads to unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides. This program not only persists in the field of the family, but also gains strength, fueled by the energy of thoughts and emotions about the suicide of children and grandchildren. Over time, it becomes so strong that it literally physically pushes a person to commit suicide. It often happens that in a family, one after another, people similarly commit suicide because of a problem that is easily solvable.

Suicide attempts are the worst. This suggests that the program has gained enough strength and is pushing the person to implement it. If a person overcomes it, but does not completely destroy it, then it results in infertility.

Thoughts of suicide most often occur at a young age due to love-related resentment. Teenage girls and young women, as more sensual and emotional natures, suffer from this the most. They flare up, form a program of self-destruction, and then move away and move on with their lives. But the program remains and deforms field structures in the head or lower abdomen. This is how the woman herself created future headaches and gynecological diseases. The self-destruction program will “smolder” until the woman feeds it with a new similar process. This can manifest itself in a normal family after an offense against a husband or the termination of an accidental pregnancy.

Suicide attempts are passed down through the family line. The suicide program, being unconscious in the subconscious, disrupts the normal connection of children to life-giving currents. They may develop subconscious aggressiveness, which affects all three lines - health, communication and fate. The body, protecting itself from the collapse of its spiritual structures (responsible for fate), defends itself by starting to get sick. The disease forces a person to suffer, look for the causes of unhappiness, rethink his life and live the way he needs to.

Subliminal destruction programs are very widespread. They constantly require the replenishment of their information and energy structures with energy, which manifests itself through apathy, depression, and outbursts of aggression. They lead to the emergence of many psychosomatic diseases, form bad character traits, and negatively affect fate.

Harm from programs aimed against bad addictions and habits

Nowadays, various codings are widely used to rid a person of addiction to alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, and overeating. They began to use training under hypnosis, introduce weight loss programs and some others. What is the harm of such an intervention? Any information must be entered through everyday consciousness, then it is conscious and in the form of memory is in its place. If information is introduced, shoved in, driven in, bypassing ordinary consciousness, it deforms the normal structures of the field form of life, distorts the general circulation of energy in it. It's like a computer - any program must be installed through the program installation manager. Only in this case will it be recognized and all other computer programs can work with it. Installed in a different way, it reacts only to one command (aversion to alcohol, smoking, etc.), but it interferes with the normal setup and operation of other programs. The computer cannot even determine what exactly the failure is (after all, the program is installed outside of its control). And it turns out that the longer they work on this computer, the worse it functions.

Something similar happens with the structures of the field form of life of a coded person. After a certain time, he may develop a health disorder, and then a disease. Thus, in Bulgaria an attempt was made to teach on television under hypnosis. The students learned a large amount of information, but after three or four years they developed memory loss, a sharp decrease in immunity and other negative phenomena. Unconscious information, “dangling” around the structures of the field life form, brought them out of harmony.

Practice has shown another harmful side of coding, leading to an unconscious change in human behavior. Powerful encoding programs are capable of not only bringing “dormant” self-destruction programs into an active state, but also forming them. The impulses for leadership, freedom and justice come into unconscious conflict with the program of forced behavior change. At the level of consciousness, this manifests itself in an unwillingness to live. At first, the person becomes embittered and irritable. Then thoughts and a desire to commit suicide appear.

Conclusions. Under no circumstances should you disrupt the normal flow of information into the human body. It must go through ordinary consciousness and become a memory in a conscious form. Violation of this path leads to diseases and forms self-destruction programs.

Harming with pity

If misfortune befalls a person, then you can help him with deeds, but you cannot feel sorry. A person who feels sorry for another person unwittingly unites with him at the field level. Pity shows that you do not agree with his illness, misfortune, loss. You only think about the effect, not the cause, that led this person to his current position. Pity and excessive sympathy combine the fields of the pityer and the victim, which leads to the exchange of karmic information. As a result, the person who regrets can and does receive the karmic problems of another person.

You also need to be careful with your help. A karmic situation has been created with loss, bereavement and so on. A person’s karmic lesson has begun so that he realizes the harmfulness of his previous actions, deeds, thoughts, relationships, makes the necessary moral conclusion and changes. For this, karma “lowers” ​​a person to the very bottom. While the process of “lowering” is taking place, he is frantically looking for all sorts of ways to “stay afloat”. He runs around visiting relatives and friends, asks for help, borrows money, swears, swears, etc. The “kind soul” helped him - she lent him money, solved the problem. The karmic lesson failed - the person learned nothing from that situation and continues to sin further. His lesson was only postponed for the future. With his thoughts and communication, he will again fall into the same conditions, and everything will start all over again. But on the one who helped this person, in order to realize the wrong actions and so that he no longer interferes with God’s providence, a test of fate or health is sent. Suddenly, income decreases, but the debtor does not repay the money. Or you gave him your last, and now you find yourself in the same situation. And if he is engaged in treatment, he himself or his relatives will get sick.

A person must recognize the fair and reasonable existence of misfortunes and illnesses as a driving force for the development and perfection of spiritual qualities and accept them humbly. This is the duality of the attitude towards someone in trouble: internal humility and external reasonable help or advice make it possible to maintain harmony with space, the universal human field. By denial and rejection, a person only aggravates his condition. There is nothing good or bad in nature - everything is necessary for the evolutionary development of humanity. Everything that providence sends to a person must be equally humbly accepted, overcome and reached new spiritual frontiers.

Human life path and karmic knots

Now it is useful to trace how the process of formation of nodules occurs during one life and affects a person’s fate, relationships (character traits) and health.

Through a woman of pure consciousness, not burdened with heavy karmic programs, bright souls can incarnate. A bright soul is a sensitive and kind person, with some perfections, loving people and nature. Peace and tranquility are established around such a person. It is very good, calm and joyful to live with him.

The fewer bad hereditary programs in a family, the healthier and more capable children are born. Hence, the health and abilities of children are the ethics of their parents and relatives. And here we come to the concept family honor. The more moral the life of family members, the more friendly they are, the more they respect each other, the less they swear, the more they observe the laws of nature, the more viable it becomes genus and the people. The Bible says a lot about this: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation... and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Exodus, chapter 20.) God enters into a covenant of some kind with a representative, and if people keep it, then life circumstances, the fate of several generations, are very favorable. Conversely, departure from covenant norms is severely punished along the family line. Ancestral ties up to the fourth generation are in especially close information-field unity. Therefore, it is important to know the life of parents, “older” parents (grandparents) and grandparents. An analysis of their health (what illness they suffered), fate, what death was like, life expectancy, character traits, etc. can tell you about your own future. About what to expect, what to prepare for, what you need to pay special attention to and work through.

Before you become related to someone, find out about the fate of his family. Marriage is one of the main, main karmic events in a person’s life. It’s as if you are standing at a crossroads and, having made your choice, you are tying a powerful karmic knot with another race. Having done this, be prepared to accept and work through their karma, passing it on to your children and grandchildren. This is very great responsibility, which you take on your shoulders. Reasonableness in marriage will reward you, but frivolity will severely punish you.

Choosing a name for a person will greatly influence his destiny. Therefore, there is no need to be frivolous in this matter. When parents choose a name for a child, it is fixed in the form of a certain program (a kind of code) in the field form of a person’s life and begins interaction with him. A name may be suitable and favorable to a person in life, it may be neutral, or it may not be appropriate and distort a person’s destiny. You should be especially careful when naming a child after someone (relative, friend, etc.). By naming a child in someone’s honor, you do two things: you karmically connect your child with the person for whom he is named, and connect him to the egregor of this name. From here a person can receive all the advantages and disadvantages of both and carry them throughout his life. It is best to name a child in honor of the saints, in accordance with the calendar.

In general, a lot has to do with names. They give two names - one true, and the other “ordinary”. The true is imprinted into the structures of fate and is not told to anyone, but is called ordinary in everyday life. Therefore, all the evil eyes, slander and other information and energy harm that can be caused to a person along the line of the name do not work! The real name is something else. Negative mental message, witchcraft “does not know”, does not find a field addressee. And it hits the one who sent it with a back blow.

If you still decide to give your child the name of a friend or relative, then mentally block the negative part of his karma. To do this, you need to ask (preferably out loud) that the child’s name includes only everything positive that is in the name of the person after whom he is named.

As we see, everything begins long before a person is conceived. Future spouses have already formed behavioral programs. Both of them are “moderately” selfish and touchy. When they started a family and were expecting a child, their selfish qualities emerged and were revealed. The pregnant wife demanded increased attention and was capricious. The young man developed a dislike for his wife, who embarrassed him in his desire to go for a walk and created everyday problems. Sometimes he got loose and was rude, and this hurt his wife’s pride. Thoughts began to appear: “How he has changed. If I had known about this in advance, I would never have married him. He offends me with his behavior.” Thus a mutual resentment was formed. The program of this resentment penetrated into the child's field uniform. He was already born with this program of resentment in his subconscious.

It is important to know that the field form of human life, like an energy cocoon, protects a person from harmful information from the surrounding world, which can be recorded in the liquid media of the body, cellular structures and interfere with normal life activities. But during pregnancy she is absolutely open to her parents. Any information from parents, and especially thoughts about the child’s reluctance during pregnancy, forms a program of destruction in his field. This program is long-lasting and unconscious, because it was laid down by the parents, and it will be a destructive wave through his fate, happiness, health, and character.

The mother was scared, offended, thought negatively, experienced something bad - all this information in the form of appropriate programs settles in the field form of the child’s life. The child already in the womb shudders from the information of “family planning” - he is unwanted, unnecessary, they want to kill him!!! For what?! Well, it was conceived at the wrong time! Horror and deadening frost go through the general field of the family, clan, etc. And then, after an abortion, when they “plan” for a child, they don’t get it. The parents “planned” the murder program. The soul is afraid to enter the mother's womb, marked with the sign of death, and the reluctance to have a previous child. In a word, during intrauterine life, the future person receives whole packages of various programs from the mother and father, which make his character similar to his parents. These programs, lodged in the child’s subconscious, will unconsciously sprout in an adult with corresponding thoughts, actions and... illnesses. For example, when a child is abandoned before his birth - in thoughts, words or actions, the structures of the child’s field form of life are deformed in three zones: the head, the coccyx area and the legs. What does this mean in real life? The development of serious diseases in an adult in these areas: cerebral strokes; sexual problems such as prostatitis, adenoma and impotence in men, gynecological diseases in women; dilation of veins in the legs and salt deposition.

The process of childbirth is an unusually powerful experience for both mother and child. They must be carried out very correctly and, as naturally as possible, without violence. There should be no anxiety in those receiving childbirth, no need to frighten the woman in labor - all this will deposit pathological programs in the child’s subconscious. Statements like: “I won’t succeed! I'm not giving birth! It hurts me! I'm scared! How hard it is for me! What do we do?" - and the like will manifest themselves in a child, or even in an adult, as unmotivated fears, inability to achieve a set goal, to win an everyday victory, self-doubt, giving in to difficulties and many other “psychological things”, disorders and illnesses. He will not only carry these programs throughout his life, but will strengthen them and “gift” them to his future descendants, forming an insecure and unviable generation.

The karmic phenomenon of transmitting problems and diseases to children

I have already said that karmic reasons take the form of information and energy programs. One of the properties of the program is the ability to transfer it to another “media”. In life, this phenomenon manifests itself in the fact that the mother passes on her pathological programs (illnesses, failures in fate) to her child. The mother's field form, freed from them, improves, and the woman feels healthier, happier, luckier. But the child begins to get sick, and his fate line worsens.

An example from life. The girl had very harsh karma and was left an orphan early. She got married, hated her husband (the karmic program of evil inherent in her played a role here), but gave birth to ten children from him! Not a single abortion. She sawed her husband so hard that he killed himself. One child died in childhood. All the other children have a bad fate, the men become drunkards, family life does not work out. Life expectancy is short and, as a rule, ends tragically. Grandchildren suffer - girls, as it were, in passing, but boys (who have reached puberty) “get it”. They suffer from an unknown rare disease. But the grandmother herself, although forgotten by everyone and in poor conditions, lives into her ninth decade! She dumped everything on the children!

Parents attach a lot of pathological programs to a newly born child because they are mentally dissatisfied with the gender of the child (they were expecting a girl, but a boy was born, or vice versa), and his appearance. Further, they may be dissatisfied with the fact that the child requires a lot of attention to himself, is capricious, and is in poor health. If they do not block the flow of such thinking with love for him, with the realization that he is an independent, “adult” soul, but still small, then the negative programs they have formed “lie” in the child’s subconscious and wait for their fateful hour to begin his destruction.

The fact that parents, with their wrong attitude, have distorted the child’s field structures is indicated by diathesis, allergies, frequent acute respiratory infections, and in some cases, the kidneys may also suffer. And enuresis is the first signal of a powerful distortion of the structures of the child’s field form of life. Whether this will manifest itself in anything serious in the future depends on the child himself (and later on on the adult), his character traits, and his abilities for self-control. If you trace the lives of people who suffered from enuresis in childhood, it turns out that they are emotionally unstable, capricious, have bad character traits and, as a consequence, a crippled fate.

Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters, understand a simple truth: the longer and more vividly negative thoughts and emotions towards a child (grandchild, sister, brother) are in your everyday consciousness, the more powerful and diverse packages of negative programs they form and put into his subconscious. Then they will begin their autonomous development in the field form of life. The consciousness of a child, and then an adult, will not have any control over them, which means it will not even be aware of the mortal danger of their presence.

On a subconscious level, the field life form of the parents (close relatives), activated by a negative program, begins to attack and destroy the child’s field life form. The child’s field will begin to subconsciously defend itself by forming response programs. A response program of destruction may be formed - the child will dislike his parents, will be not just a stranger to them, but also an enemy. Or a program of resentment and dislike may be formed, leading to self-destruction. This is how the strong emotional disappointment of a father or mother that a child was born of the wrong gender can lead, many years later, to repeated suicide attempts by a daughter or son and then be passed on to their grandchildren.

Subconscious programs that are in the field form of children’s lives become more active with age, especially during puberty. ordinary consciousness. From this time on, a conscious breakdown in the relationship between the child and the parent begins. An emotional outburst of parents’ rejection of their newly born child (wrong gender, etc.) can subsequently cost many years of misunderstanding, rejection, reproaches, insults, hatred, illness and other torment. A culture of thinking and adherence to ethical standards are much more important for mental and physical health than material and medical security.

At 14–16 years old, the child turns into a boy or girl. It happens that in a meaningless conversation he will suddenly be asked: “How many children will you have, Vasenka (or Mashenka)?” You’re very curvy (curvy), and the kids should turn out beautiful.” To which a young man, flushed, may blurt out: “I don’t like children! I can do without them. Why do I need them! Usually they will laugh at this. The young man, embarrassed by this question, will laugh. With that, everything was forgotten. But as a result of the emotional response, a powerful program of not wanting to have children was formed. She “lay down” in the subconscious (the depths of the field life form) and peacefully “slumbered,” biding her time.

Yes, a person aged 14–16 years old has no need for children, and in an emotional frenzy he can say a bunch of different nonsense, not suspecting that by doing this he is creating negative structures within himself and programming his future. After 10–15 years, the desire to start a family arises. Everything is fine... except for the children. There is none of them. Doctors examine young spouses - everything is fine, but there are no children! What is the reason? The reason is that the program of reluctance to have children during sexual intercourse, formed in the field form of life (one with a good orgasm is enough), passed into the field form of another. Now both programs on a subconscious level block the possibility of the soul entering the uterus for conception and development. Either there is no conception, or there is a breakdown in the first weeks of pregnancy.

This is how words thrown in the heat of the moment affect the normal functioning of the body. And then problems begin along the line of communication. Spouses experience dissatisfaction, a feeling of inferiority and unfulfillment in the family plan. The family ship is cracking and going down! Problems get worse and reach the level of fate. Divorce, and after a while a new marriage.

A new marriage begins not with a new sheet of paper, but on an old sheet of consciousness with “blots” in memory. And if a person has not made the necessary conclusions or changed his character traits, then the old scenario awaits the new marriage, and it falls apart even earlier than the previous one.

In progress later life on family, everyday, work grounds, ordinary consciousness, due to irritation, dissatisfaction, resentment, revenge, unsuccessful love, family planning (abortion) and other thoughts and emotions, forms a mass of pathological programs that settle to the “bottom” of its own subconscious (in the structures field form of life) or are transmitted through the common field of family, friendly connections to children, grandchildren, comrades and work colleagues. At the subconscious level, in an unconscious form, almost all people have accumulated a huge number of programs of resentment, aggression, and suppression of love for their neighbor. In any external situation, they rush out with uncontrollable outbursts of resentment, anger, and the desire to take revenge and destroy. Because of such lack of control, people began to fear themselves, forming new programs of uncertainty, fear, and impossibility of achieving goals.

A person does not realize the power of his influence on the people around him. Both positive and negative remarks addressed to a close relative, friend, or just an acquaintance (who listens to your opinion) can form a negative program in the subconscious. It is very important: when you scold a child, express complaints or give advice to an adult, speak logically, with evidence. This will lead to reflection on your actions rather than resentment.

Thoughtlessly thrown words can cause great harm to yourself and others. After all, “with a word you can wound, you can kill, or you can lead regiments.” For example, a casual phrase about something can create a powerful mindset for failure in the mind. As a result, a person will not be able to achieve a goal, complete a task, will not have faith in his abilities, will miss the opportunities provided and, of course, will be dissatisfied with his life and destiny.

For example, in life a situation often happens when close friends give something like this advice: “He (she) is not for you. He (she) will leave you. You won’t live with him.” From such “advice” a person loses his orientation, belittles himself and misses a lot of wonderful opportunities and pushes away good people.

If a person gives bad advice or slander someone out of self-interest, then this creates a powerful karmic knot and connects him with the one to whom he gave advice or slandered. After all, any phrase is an information-energy formation or program generated by the body. Due to family connections and similar energies, the verbal program easily interacts with the body of any person. The main thing that frequency characteristics, existing in the body and the verbal phrase, coincided. The phrase “sticks” to such an organism and begins to act as an unconscious program. This is how a karmic connection is formed. One person thought and gave advice, and another took it and acted on it. In the end, both are responsible for what was done.

In everyday life, a person often allows himself to speak negatively about himself, relatives and friends. This is called domestic slander. What does it lead to? To the formation of negative programs in the field form of life, to their replication into the surrounding space. And the property of a negative program is one - to take upon itself vital energy and destroy the structures of the field form of life.

In addition to the above, thoughts about a specific person instantly form an information-energy bridge with him, along which information and energy are exchanged. Therefore, any negative thought, “folded” into a package of destructive programs, is an attack and can cause harm. If this attack is accompanied by words, then its effect is greatly enhanced. Internal agreement with the person slandering you in your presence gives additional strength to the program. By engaging in slander, a person causes damage not only to the person about whom he slander and has evil thoughts, but also destroys his own structures of the field form of life.

Due to the fact that slander programs are born (voiced) in the mouth area, they destroy... teeth. Practice shows that the most dangerous slander addressed to relatives, relatives, wishes of harm to loved ones. For example, the cause of periodontal disease is slander against parents in combination with poor nutrition and pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity. By the way, slander, as a certain type of energy, “attracts” pathogenic microorganisms to itself, for which it serves as a breeding ground.

An example of how a program can be “collapsed” by just one phrase thrown in the heat of the moment. The young people quarreled, and the girl, upset, said: “I will never forget this to you.” The phrase will form a program of resentment, hatred, desire to take revenge and destroy. It is difficult to say which direction this program will take next. Much depends on the next situation and how much the girl has managed to advance along the path of spiritual perfection. Maybe there won’t be any more similar situations, and the program will “settle peacefully” in her children. Maybe she will realize the meaning of the grievances and work through them. Then they will disappear from her field life form and she will become stronger and happier. For now, let's remember the main thing: any clear, emotional, negative statement is nothing more than harming oneself and another person.

The most dangerous thing is slander against those closest and dearest to you. The level of connection along the family line is the highest. It is even higher between people who love each other. Falling in love, emotional elevation, increased sensitivity raises the energy level of a person in love. Therefore, any negative statement addressed to a loved one easily hurts his field structures.

The harm caused by slander can manifest itself in different ways. Health related illness may occur. The decay of the subtle structures of the field form of life, along the lines of communication and fate, may begin. Moreover, the harm will not be felt immediately, but after some time. And only when a person begins to have misfortunes along the line of fate, illnesses along the line of the family, he is unlikely to realize that the cause of the misfortunes is his slander.

Domestic quarrels with neighbors are very common. If you look at this process from the outside, you can feel and see the atmosphere of hostility and hostility. Both sides, with their intransigence, intransigence, and burning out vital forces, support the information and energy basis of this atmosphere. How many illnesses arise on this basis, starting with loss of strength, depression and ending with more serious illnesses. Something similar can happen in a family. It has been noticed that as soon as the situation changes: moving, spending a vacation away, a business trip, changing neighbors, the person gets better and gets better.

As for dissatisfaction with oneself, the so-called self-flagellation, its harm lies in the fact that the body forms a destructive program against itself. The execution begins, the destruction of oneself. This should never be allowed to happen. If you are guilty of something, realize it and outline ways to eliminate it, but never “lower” the program of dissatisfaction with yourself into the subconscious. It, like a virus in a computer, will disable the entire system. I repeat once again: find any solutions, opportunities to make amends, and act.

For example, Moses killed an Egyptian in a fit of anger. E. Shure’s book “The Great Initiates” describes how Moses made amends for the murdered man. At the temple, he drank a potion that allowed his soul to leave his body. He found the soul of the Egyptian he had killed, asked for her forgiveness and helped her settle in the other world. Only after that did he return back to his body. All this was associated with a huge risk for himself. Moses' soul might not have found its way back.

Things, objects, and place of residence are “saturated” with destructive thought forms and negative programs, “poisoning” the human environment.

Dissatisfaction, resentment and disappointment accumulate in the field form of life; they have already become one of the character traits. With age, protective forces decrease, and the activity of programs increases, and they “want” to form a material body for themselves. They begin to “form” it from the cells of the body, forming an ugly tumor in it! The abundance of oncology in old age is striking, and the reason lies in the “diseases” of ordinary consciousness (bad character traits) and the programs formed by it (wrong thinking, mood, actions, habits).

And now comes the time to die. It turns out that you have to die correctly. The last thoughts, emotions, moods, concerns will be the first and most important in the next life. And if they are negative, they can immediately cross out life and set it on a negative path.

A person is burdened with a mass of unnecessary and harmful information. She, like a swarm of wasps, stings him and makes his consciousness restless. A restless consciousness burns out a person’s vital energy and forms psychosomatic diseases. This vicious circle can only be broken by awareness of this process and a change in attitude towards the environment. Let it happen, but your consciousness, your mind should reflect all this like a mirror. The action passed and you forgot about it, as if it had not happened.

Jesus Christ knew about the overloaded and inflamed consciousness, the human mind. That’s why He said to the people: “Come to Me, all you who are in need and burdened, and I will give you rest; take My yoke, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls; for My yoke is easy and My burden is light».

Throughout the history of mankind, people have “generated” so many negative mental messages that now the information field of the Earth is overloaded with negative and destructive programs. And now, when a person thinks negatively about someone, negative programs of the Earth’s information field are connected. It resembles a snowball that, as it rolls, turns into a large snowball. As a result, even without wishing harm, you can cause great harm to another person with a negative mental message. Malice leads to subconscious killing of each other. Now there is an avalanche-like process of mutual destruction. It no longer requires the inclusion of negative emotions to give strength to the mental message. It is enough to launch a mental “snowball”. Rolling across the information field of the Earth, it itself will “grow” with the negativity accumulated there, wanting to be realized, and will hit the addressee with a huge “snowball”.

Conclusions. In modern conditions, you cannot be an inert person, living like “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anyone and I don’t want to know.” Today we need an active position - conscious, purposeful spiritual work on oneself and harmony in the world.

A person who starts his day with the old wish: “Peace, happiness to everyone, be happy yourself” will protect himself from many karmic violations.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra says this: accumulated karma determines three most important indicators of future life: form of birth, life expectancy and type of experience. Based on this, each person is born in that country, in that city, in that family, in that physical body that he “earned” in his previous lives. His life expectancy will be the same as what he “deserved” in previous lives. Life situations, illnesses, way of existence, etc. will be those that we “earned” in previous lives.

Now let’s look in more detail at what “contribution” this or that type of karma makes to our lives.

The influence of acquired karma on real life

The following excerpts from Raymond A. Moody's book Life Before Life will illustrate this phenomenon.

“The woman—let’s call her Sabrina—was afraid of fire. She was so afraid of him that she could not even light a match without having a hysterical attack. She could not sit by the fire and bask in its warmth, she could not enter a restaurant in which candles were burning on the tables.

Even during the healing session, it was difficult for her to talk about fire without agitation.

Sabrina decided to try past life regression therapy after what happened to her in an American poetry class in college. During a discussion on early American religion, the teacher spoke about the massacre of “witches” in Salem. This was during a period of mass hysteria in America. Its victims were women accused of witchcraft. They were tortured and several were burned at the stake.

Sabrina was deeply imbued with the horror of this massacre. She tried to pull herself together and calm down, but the shock was so strong that she had to leave the audience. [ The pathological program sat deep in the subconscious and was activated by any information related to fire. ] Soon after this incident, the girl turned to a regression specialist in the hope of finding out whether the cause of her fear was hidden in one of her past lives. Using hypnosis, the doctor returned her to the last day of one of her previous lives.

“I saw myself eerily clearly.” I was a very young girl - I was barely fourteen years old - and I was tied to a post somewhere in France. The crowd around me was screaming and having fun. I realized that people are familiar with this spectacle; this is not the first time they have attended it. I was horrified. Feeling that it was impossible to loosen the rope that tied me, I still tried to free myself. I knew why I was being burned. A healer accused of witchcraft gave me medicine that caused me to have a miscarriage. I was not considered a witch, but because I received the medicine from a witch, the city judges decided that I was in league with the devil.

I didn't want to lose the child. I explained to the judges that I took the drug because I was sick. They didn’t believe me, and that’s why I was now here, waiting to be burned for something I never thought of doing. I saw myself turning white with fear as the executioners set fire to the piles of brushwood piled around me. I screamed and choked on the smoke. I felt the heat rise up my legs and burn my skin. If only I had died right away! The pain spread throughout the body, clothes and hair caught fire, and the smoke, like acid, burned my throat. I died only after these terrible torments.

Strange as it may sound after describing the torment, regression brought Sabrina relief. [ The phenomenon of awareness worked, which brought the karmic program to the level of ordinary consciousness and “filed” it in memory. From ordinary memory, it cannot act as before - it loses its power. ] Now it seemed to Sabrina that she knew where her terrible attacks of fear came from as soon as she was near the fire. The nightmares that had tormented her until then stopped. Despite the fact that the fire does not attract her to itself, she no longer runs from it. Sabrina is now allowed to go to a candlelit restaurant and is said to have been seen sitting near a forest fire with her friend.

Here is the story of Angela, a woman who abandoned everything she started halfway out of fear that nothing would work out anyway. As soon as she took on something, she already knew that she would not be able to finish it. Whatever she is planning - writing a letter, renovating a house or switching to new job, – I could hardly finish anything. She lived in constant fear that she would be dissatisfied. IN Lately the situation worsened. At work - Angela was a flight attendant - she already felt the excitement when she offered passengers drinks after the plane took off. Since this condition was already affecting her work, Angela decided to undergo past life therapy.

Angela is a short blonde, active, with feeling self-esteem. Her life was in complete contradiction to what emerged during the regression process. As soon as she was put into a hypnotic trance, Angela saw herself as an angry gladiator. This is how she described her regression.

“I immediately felt courageous and strong. I looked at my body and found that I was wearing heavy armor. I had a sword in my hand, and I practiced various strikes and lunges. There was an instructor next to me who told me what I needed to do to hone my weapon technique.

Then I found myself in a dirty arena, where I was taught to kill people. I was a Roman gladiator. Judging by the way I was treated, I was no ordinary gladiator. The rest, ordinary soldiers, trained in groups. I had my own trainer. In the next episode, I saw that I even ate at a separate table, and not at a common table, with all the gladiators. The food on my table was also special, the best.

Then I saw how I was driven through the streets of the city. People crowded along the road to get a glimpse of me. I was a sports idol, and people felt lucky to see me. I was very proud of it. Then the last day of my life came.

I saw myself from the outside. It felt like I was watching TV. I lay in a dirty arena while the crowd screamed and rioted around me. I was wounded, blood was gushing from a wound on my side. The gladiator, who had won the final victory, leaned towards me. He held a sword over my head and asked the audience whether to kill me or let me live! I became even more scared when I realized that the crowd wanted me dead. I realized that I was an idol only because I could entertain the crowd better than other gladiators. My life is nothing to them. Now they took up arms against me and celebrated my death as if I were some kind of mediocre “low-class” gladiator!

After the regression, Angela said that at that moment she experienced complete humiliation. In addition, she noted that, dying in the arena, she vowed never again to find herself in a situation in which someone could publicly humiliate her. [ With this, she formed a powerful program, which in subsequent lives blocked any of her initiatives, made her insecure, and prevented her from living normally.. ] Angela is sure that this past life, in which she was a gladiator, is the reason for her fear. As soon as she got into a public place or even thought about it [ what brings the program into active action], a deep-rooted fear of humiliation rose to the surface - and Angela withdrew into herself.

The doctor who treated Angela claims that this is one of the cases of instant change in the situation. [ The program is realized, discharged - the structures of the field form have straightened out, and everything has become normal. ] After just five regression sessions, Angela became a new person, practically undaunted. She no longer felt like something was stopping her all the time. She was rediscovering the world for herself.”

What strikes me about this story is that Angela was afraid of failure now, in this life, and traditional psychotherapy would never have discovered that the root of her problem was in a past life (or what she perceives as a past life). For her, regression therapy was a probe into the subconscious to discover what was hidden there. Without it, she would have struggled with her problems for many years and, quite likely, would never have solved them.

“A woman, a family physician by profession, described how regression therapy relieved her of pain in her shoulders, elbows and all joints of her hands. She used past life therapy to find out the cause of her current arthritis. Here's what she found out.

– During the regression, I found myself as a doctor (male) in Italy, in the 16th century. I treated an eight-year-old girl who broke her arm at the elbow. It was necessary to put the bones in place. I sharply twisted the child's hand. Bone passed over bone, the child screamed, and I knew that I was deliberately hurting her. [ To cause pain on purpose means to formulate in your mind in advance a program of causing harm to people.. ] I was embarrassed and humiliated. I didn't like myself in the image cruel person. My embarrassment came from the realization that I, a good doctor who loves children, had behaved so horribly. My behavior was a mystery to me. [ Subconscious aggressiveness and cruelty are a mystery to many of us. And the reason is so simple - either we formed the program, or we inherited it from our parents. ] From the continuation of the regression, I learned that I have an unhappy marriage with a woman who does not want children and drives away even the thought of a large family. My marriage was filled with anger and bitterness [ dissatisfaction with the second impulse - procreation - formed a negative program around this structure. The evil program pushed a person to embody, implement cruelty towards women, regardless of their age], and I transferred these feelings to my patients. In my mature years, my wife died. I felt like a stone had been lifted from my soul. I could live as I wanted. But by that time I already had arthritis. [ The program of resentment and cruelty has distorted the normal structures of the field life form and led to disease. ] Because of my immobile joints, I could no longer practice medicine [ so the moral reason first caused the disease, and then followed the line of fate] and went to the village, where he lived quietly in a small house, tending to his garden.

As an old man, I became friends with a little fair-haired girl who lived next door. She came and dug in the garden with me. I was attached to her with all my heart. [ This is how his urge to procreate was realized. ] The girl was five or six years old when my time to die came. Before she died, she brought me a bouquet of flowers and kissed me on the cheek. She seemed to know that I was dying and accepted death as something natural. When my spirit left my body, I saw that the girl ran to call adults. I remembered my whole life and realized that I had abused my healing skills. I myself allowed most of my life to pass in bitterness and anger. [ Yes, unfortunately, we ourselves are guilty of cultivating evil in our minds instead of joy, and then reaping its fruits. Change your outlook on life. Don't look for negativity in it. Live in love and joy. ] And the fact that I eventually got rid of anger was not enough. I have not forgiven my wife for this. [ This means that he has formed a karmic knot with her that will need to be worked out. ] After her death, I felt nothing but relief.

Then an episode from another life surfaced, in which she was a monk in a monastery.

– During the regression, I found myself in another existence of mine, also associated with arthritis. This time I was a monk, living an ascetic life in a monastery and working in the garden. It always seemed to me that the other monks were only thinking about how to offend me. [ At first, the program of resentment is formed by someone. In this case, by the person himself. Then it exists in an unconscious form, giving rise to diseases, communication problems, bad fate. ] I complained about them, constantly reproached the monks themselves, and also shamed them for ceasing to honor God. In this life, the most characteristic thing for me was dissatisfaction with others and pickiness. And so I became an old, embittered and lonely monk. The young monks laughed behind my back. The more I complained, the less they hid their contempt. I became even more dejected and began to complain to God about the shortcomings that I noticed in others. Some recent years I never left my cell in my life. My body was tormented by pain. The cold dampness of the cell only aggravated my suffering. I died alone and in agony, without arousing regret in anyone.”

What could these two lives mean for this woman when it came to treating her arthritis? Regressions showed that anger, grief, rejection of other people, intransigence and abuse of one’s skills are active factors in her real life. So, in this life she recognized her wife from her first life in her ex-husband. He also did not want children in the family. [ So unravel the karmic knot from the past. Moreover, fate will bring these people together until they realize their mistakes and get rid of them.]

“I would like to say that I was magically cured, changed and in bliss since the regression, but if I say that, I will not reveal the essence of the event as a whole.” In a report on her regression, she wrote: “My arthritis has not disappeared without a trace. It seems to get worse during periods when I become angry, impatient, irritable, or intransigent. Pain serves as a reminder to me. If I stop and heed her warning, she soon goes away on her own. [ The anger program has not yet been fully developed. She only weakened significantly. Any replenishment of it leads to activation, and therefore to a relapse of the disease. You need to forgive your husband, deal with his problems and have many children.]

Was I really a doctor in the 16th century in Italy and a lonely, embittered monk in a monastery? Don't know. I only know that these stories have significantly changed my outlook on life, my way of life, as well as all my thoughts about the people around me and about myself... I continue to walk through life with humility and love, try to be patient and sensitive... and learn to forgive myself if I violate these requirements.”

An example of another kind of influence of acquired karma on real life.

“Nothing ever worked out for me. I tried my best in everything I did, but in the end it only got worse. I could never make a decent living. Where other people made good money, I received pennies and never even won a ruble in a single lottery.

My first marriage was unsuccessful. Married a second time. What decent relatives my second wife had. Out of the blue, scandals began, there was complete misunderstanding between all family members... After that, I began to think about everything that was happening. I remembered and analyzed all 25 years left behind me, and realized a terrible thing. Not only am I a failure myself, I also bring failure to people. [ The most powerful structures of failure have been formed at the level of fate. All who fall under their influence reap the fruits of failure. You don't need to have anything in common with people like that.. ] Judge for yourself. Before I was born, my father and mother lived well, my father had a good job. When I was born, my father started drinking and lost his job. His mother divorced him. There was not enough money to live on. The mother remarried a good, wealthy man. But he soon left for another woman. At school I was in the lowest class. When it was disbanded, I ended up in the best and most friendly class, and this class before our eyes turned into a bunch of truants and selfish people - no friendship. In the army, I was assigned to a demonstration company - within six months it moved to first place on the list of penalties. After the army, I got a job as a driver in a garage. Salaries almost did not rise, cars stopped working due to lack of spare parts. Everyone became nervous, scandals became more frequent. And so I quit. Less than half a month had passed before the salary was raised 3 times, the company had funds, the machines began to work again, and my place was already taken. An acquaintance offered me a job at a small enterprise. I accepted his offer - and... the profit went away, the salary fell. I could not find the initial reason for the failures; everything arose out of nowhere, of its own accord. And everything I described is only a tenth of what happened to me. Wherever I go, failure follows me.”

The influence of karma accumulated in a given life on a person

As stated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, during a lifetime a person can accumulate black, white-black, white and neither-white-nor-black karma. Depending on the accumulated karma, this will affect the form of birth, life expectancy and type of experience.

If we take the previous cases as examples, they will illustrate this perfectly.

Sabrina, out of her own ignorance, committed the most serious sin - she interrupted the life of an unborn child. The fetus experienced terrible, long suffering when it died from a miscarriage: intoxication; premature birth; the struggle for life in an environment that is destroying him, in which he cannot yet live; a feeling of doom, certain death, despite the struggle. It was horror and pain, stretched out over time. This is how Sabrina accumulated the worst of all – black – karma. This had a dramatic effect on her life expectancy and type of experiences. She had to pay adequately - with a short life expectancy and the special cruelty of near-death experiences.

“I saw myself eerily clearly [ the fetus began to experience intoxication]. I was a very young girl - I was barely fourteen years old [ adjust the age of the fetus] – and I stood tied to a post [ the fetus would like to run away, but it is tightly tied to the mother by the umbilical cord]... I was horrified. Feeling that it was impossible to loosen the rope that tied me, I still tried to free myself [ the fetus could not tear itself away from the umbilical cord, because it is its life, but it tried to do so]… I screamed and choked on the smoke [ the aborted fetus behaved exactly the same, unable to breathe on its own]. I felt the heat rising up my legs and burning my skin... The pain spread throughout my body... and the smoke, like acid, burned my throat [ the fetus, thrown out into an unfamiliar environment, felt it with its skin in the form of pain, with its open mouth grasping the air that was poisonous to it]. I died only after these terrible torments [ How did the fetus die before?]».

In this case, such a detail as death from people is also characteristic. Abortion is a “habitual” violence committed by people against defenseless creature. Based on their selfish motives, they “decide” whether he should live or not. The flip side of this process is the death of Sabrina. People first decided that violence had to be done. And then they produced it in the form they were familiar with. Everything that happened to the fetus was repeated on a larger scale with its mother - an absurd, cruel death.

Angela "entertained" the crowd by killing people weaker than her in the arena. She accompanied the taking of life with a sophisticated humiliation of the victims, because it “entertains.” She felt superior to others and was proud of it. This pushed her to maintain her image - strong, merciless, sophisticatedly killing for the needs of the crowd. As a result, black karma has been accumulated, which quickly manifests itself.

The punishment was equal - she suffered public humiliation as a mediocre "low-class" gladiator.

In the case of a woman with arthritis, anger and bitterness, unforgiveness and a sense of causeless resentment, grumbling accumulated black karma. But medical practice and serving God somewhat softened the situation, accumulating white karma. As a result, black and white karma was formed with a predominance of black, which led to suffering caused by arthritis. For the suffering - due to his anger, resentment, etc. - that the doctor caused to the patients around him led him to monasticism in a damp cell and to developing arthritis with its pain.

Everything happened as stated in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: karma determined her form of birth, place of birth, life span and type of life experiences.

We know that due to karmic predestination, a person is born to those parents whose karma corresponds to his own. And here it is necessary to note important feature– parents, through whom we emerge, are the “place of exit”, which continues in subsequent generations. This is the concept of "genus". Previously, the family was conducted through the maternal line, because the maternal womb is the “place of exit” of every person. The main thing here is an unbroken chain of succession: child, adult, old man. An old man dies, an adult becomes an old man, a child becomes an adult who has children, etc. So, the “place of exit” carries information about seven generations of people. At the same time, information seems to “flow” from generation to generation. And if someone violated moral laws, then information about this along the chain of succession will be transmitted from grandparents, parents, sons, grandchildren - until the energy of the violation is completely exhausted (if they do not aggravate it).

This is a very unpleasant thing when you are working off the unfavorable actions of your ancestors. Most often karmic debts are transmitted through the same-sex line, but it also happens vice versa. Here is an example from history.

In the 10th century, a castle was built by vassals of the French crown on the steep bank of the Loire River. He would have remained normal." noble nest”, if his native had not become the king of France in 1498 under the name of Louis XII. For him, Blois was his homeland, which he did not want to part with. Louis XII ordered the court and public services move to Blois.

The royal chambers became the setting for the dramatic events that took place here in 1588 and associated with the name of Catherine de Medici. When she was born, a horoscope was drawn up. The prediction said that Catherine would bring death to the family in which she would live. Fate would have it that Catherine de Medici became the wife of the French king Henry II.

The beginning of her period of power coincided with the death of her husband at the tournament and the accession to the throne of her eldest son, Francis II. However, he and his brother Charles IX were destined to die in the prime of their lives. The ominous prediction began to come true.

The crown of France is inherited by the youngest son and favorite of Catherine de Medici, Henry III. Like his brothers, he was greatly influenced by his intelligent and cruel mother. However, even Catherine de Medici could not prevent his evil inclinations. The reign of Henry III became the reign of effeminate favorites who ruled the country as they pleased. The French said with bitterness that there was only one real man left at court - Heinrich of Guise. All of Catholic France looked at him with hope. Descendant ancient family, who glorified himself in battles with Protestants, Henry of Guise was more consistent with royal rank. With his intelligence and charm, he managed to win the love of the most desirable woman in France - Margaret of Navarre.

After the savage massacre of the Huguenots on St. Barthalomew's Night, Guise became a folk hero (and earned black karma). Catherine de Medici, who had long sought an alliance with Guise in the fight against the Huguenots, was now seriously concerned about his growing popularity. When a riot broke out in Paris in 1588, Henry III fled the capital to Blois. In the autumn, the Estates General of the kingdom met in Blois to resolve the difficult situation. Heinrich Guise arrived in Blois with his brother and ally, Cardinal Charles.

Henry of Guise felt like a winner: the king offered him compensation - the rank of generalissimo in exchange for renouncing his claims to the throne. Guise doubted. Catherine de Medici took advantage of the precarious situation. She secretly convinced her only surviving son to escape - to kill Guise. Rumors spread that another massacre was being prepared at court. Unknown well-wishers sent Giza a note warning him to take care of his life. “They won’t dare!” – Giz waved them away.

On Friday, December 23, 1588, an envoy came to Guise asking him to follow him to the royal chambers. Heinrich Guise was in good spirits. Carefree, he walked into the reception room, where the courtiers were crowding. One of them approached Giza and pierced him with a dagger. The next day, Brother Giza was stabbed to death in the castle dungeon.

The murders in Blois did not go unpunished. Six months later, the monk Jacques Clement dealt a fatal blow to Henry III. This is how the story ends royal family Valois. The Bourbons ascended the French throne. Catherine de Medici never found out whether the astrologers' prediction came true. She died a month after the murder of Heinrich of Guise.

As we already know, karma is the sum of programs - information and energy formations that can be located in space, the field form of life of a person himself, and can be “written” on an object or thing. In addition, there are purely physical developments that remain on planet Earth.

If a karmic program begins to unfold in space, then this is connected with the fate of a person. Fate begins to change. A karmic program located in space connects several people into a single fateful node, in which either the working off or a new accumulation of obligations and debts begins.

Powerful karmic programs of space lead to the emergence of wars, conflicts, natural disasters, catastrophes and other “random” incidents and misunderstandings leading to death and injury. (Remember the collapse of three floors of a restaurant in Israel during a wedding.) There are karmic programs with a positive sign: the creation of various unions and large enterprises. But basically, the karmic programs of space are small and connect along the line of fate those people who were previously connected with each other in past lives by mutual obligations: friendship, enmity, love, marriage, children. These are colleagues, neighbors, just acquaintances, etc.

Negative information created by a person himself over several lives and deposited in space manifests itself as illnesses of the spirit. The illness of the human spirit manifests itself in the form of troubles along the line of fate.

If karmic programs are deposited in the structures of a person’s field form of life, then they manifest themselves as bad character traits; subconscious level of emotions and moods (fear, aggression, resentment, kindness, love, self-confidence and self-confidence, etc.). In this case it is appropriate to talk about illnesses of the soul– troubles and misunderstandings in communication, bad character, mental disorders and even diseases.

Distortion of the structures of the field form of life by karmic programs leads to psychosomatic and karmic diseases. Thus, karma can manifest itself as body diseases.

Karmic diseases

The reason for them is already known to us - pathological programs formed by the human consciousness, but located in the subconscious (in the structures of the field form of life). Karmic diseases differ from ordinary ones in that they are not strictly localized in one place. For example, only in the kidneys, only in the heart, only in the lungs, only in the joint, etc. Karmic disease “floats” alternately through different organs during treatment. This is due to the fact that we are dealing with an information-energy formation, which, moving through the field form of human life, stops in one place or another. Such a stop means “severing” this part of the body or organ from general management, which immediately affects his work and is perceived by a person as a disease. If this stop involves bone tissue, ligaments, and muscles, then local weakness develops. This weakness manifests itself in lumbar pain (if the program is located in the lumbar region), habitual dislocation of joints or permanent sprains (if located in the area of ​​​​the joint, ligament), inguinal hernia(if located in the groin), etc.

There may be such a variant of the development of karmic disease. The pathological program “stops” in a certain place in the body, which most feeds it with energy, and here it already develops, destroying the structure of the organ. This is approximately how cirrhosis of the liver can proceed. And it can also form a tumor, building a material body for itself.

Conclusion. In case of karmic illness, it is not the organ or body that must be treated, but the distorted field form of human life. This requires completely different work than with the physical body. It is necessary to influence the cause and eliminate it.

Karmic information on objects and things

Almost any material object, especially water, can be subject to any karmic program. Such a program will necessarily interact with the person who took, carried or previously came into contact with this object. Common slander, hexes and other additions are made this way. Information is applied to an object in the form of a curse and it is made so that the necessary person touches, eats, puts on, etc. The program, in an unconscious form, passes into the field form of life of this person, is built into his structures, is imbued with his vital energy and begins to “unconsciously” manifest its effect. For example: I only like this person; one feels aversion to vodka; something pushes a person to commit suicide, etc. There are chairs that, after sitting on them, women quickly become pregnant. There are relics of saints, touching which promotes healing. The marble walls of the Kropotkinskaya station contribute to human peace, for they are made from the dismantled Cathedral of Christ the Savior and thoroughly prayed by believers.

At the quantum level, the fields2 of living and nonliving objects have the same characteristics and interact with each other. Therefore, any negative thought, emotion, behavior so structures the matter of an inanimate object, object, room that it leaves in them a program of evil, harm, and destruction.

The field structure of any living or working space accumulates these programs. In turn, the accumulated programs interact with the fields of people and influence them. A person who quarrels, is irritated, speaks negatively about the news he has watched, etc., does not suspect that he is irradiating the room with negative information, which will now negatively affect the health of everyone in it. This is how negative emotional energy accumulates and the room becomes infected with emotional poison.

Toilet items, clothes, cars, etc. accumulate and store both positive and negative information in their quantum structures. Therefore, you need to treat your things well and give them less to other people.

About envy

Envy is nothing more than mental, negative program, created by the ordinary consciousness of man. Usually the envy program is associated with the visual image of an object. And the property of our consciousness is such that whoever you think about, what you look at, you attach a program of evil eye or envy to that. Next, the program of envy and the evil eye interacts with the person and harms him. A good defense against the evil eye is a person’s own inner goodwill.

And finally we come to physical developments on planet Earth. A simple example of such developments: a person lives in a multi-storey building, each of the residents, going out into the yard, throws out something, little by little. One is a candy wrapper. The second is a match. The third is the pen rod. The fourth is trash from your pocket. The fifth is a stub. The sixth one is an ice cream wrapper. As a result, after a week, if you don’t clean it, the area around the house is just dirty, and after six months it’s difficult to walk. So, imperceptibly, the economic activity of people has led to the fact that it has become impossible to live in some parts of the Earth, others are heavily polluted, etc., etc. All this is nothing more than the karmic activity of man, and we, the present residents, we are reaping its fruits.

Thus, karma manifests its action in a very multifaceted and varied way. Every person now living reaps the fruits of both his own karma, the karma of his ancestors, as well as universal karma.

I advise you to perceive this entire text as a “schizoteric” fairy tale, which perhaps partly reflects the real state of affairs.

Human karma is usually presented as a concept of retribution, as if there are some exalted beings, or a supreme personality - the Creator, who repays everyone for their actions. In a certain spectrum of perception, this is the truth. However, at a deep level, everything we do, think and feel, everything we desire for ourselves and for “others,” we do all this to ourselves. You can call this the principle of “supreme justice”. In essence, our karma is what we have done to ourselves.

Every action is realized only because there is a thought about it, every phenomenon is a phenomenon occurring in our own consciousness. Every thought colors reality, to say the least - creates that very familiar reality that we experience in everyday life. This is how our karma works.

When there is no thought, reality in the usual sense does not exist. Or else we can say that in this case there is something beyond description and any statements about life. This is the highest free consciousness. But as long as we are subject to the laws of karma, we can talk about different levels of reality. These levels are the necessary individual experience of a particular soul.

When the soul "separates" from the source, it "unites" with the intelligent principle of the material universe. The word materiality in this case means any substance, energy, or form accessible to perception and discrimination. The rational principle is the principle of discrimination and “choice” of anything. We distinguish one thing from another and choose something thanks to the presence of reason. Any conscious action, any choice creates karma.

Karma is a projection through which we look at the world and feel it in the colors with which karma colors it. When people have similar seeds of karma, they can experience the same situation in a similar way. But more often than not, the similarity of views on the world is illusory; it only seems to us that the person feels the same way, because we project our experiences onto his words.

The mind, as a subtle instrument that distinguishes thoughts, depending on its own experience, relatively successfully, from the general mental chaos of sprouted shoots of karma, “selects” those thoughts that best “correspond” to the current state of affairs. How might these “things” be? What kind of processes occur against the background of soul awareness? All that a person feels is the action of his own karma, the original seeds embedded in the causal body.

The bad things we think and do happen within ourselves and for ourselves. You can call this a person’s personal karma, or in this context, the “principle of supreme justice.” In time, as the soul gains wisdom, it follows the path of the saints to accordingly gain holiness. There is an awareness that all processes, all reality, everything that happens is a single process, a whole, inseparable “I”.

When it seems to you, for example, that some person is treating you unfairly, in order to get rid of this illusion, you can consider the experience in its true light - not as an event, but precisely as your own experience. It is not for nothing that the topic of personal responsibility is one of the central ones in psychology. You can always pretend to be a victim of circumstances. And only by accepting responsibility for your actions and feelings can you change something in the desired direction.

The feeling of injustice is one of the knots of karma that prevents the free flow of energy in subtle energy channels. These are our own thoughts, beyond which this injustice does not exist. The most difficult experiences are overcoming the most difficult knots of karma in the subtle body, when energy dissolves them. There is only one way to correct injustice - to recognize it in its true light. This is why it happens, sometimes repeating itself many times until it is recognized as the energy of consciousness, and not an “event” of the external world.

When the time comes to think and act, the adult soul thinks and does good. This is a choice of her mind, coming from essential experience. Her mind recognized good and bad as two poles of a whole, and learned to “develop” a connecting, balancing link between these polarities. In this way, life resembles something like a continuous spontaneous finding of balance in every phenomenon. This is similar to an elusive lightness during the pause between inhalation and exhalation, like relief after a long illness, or in another aspect - like throwing away old heavy toys in favor of the freedom of a mature soul.

Karmic psychology deepens the work on understanding the life of our Soul.

The word psychology is translated as the science of the soul, the word karma means “action” or “activity” and in a broader sense is the sum of all our actions and their consequences both in this and in previous lives.
The law of karma leads to the concept of reincarnation, that is, the life of the Soul in many incarnations, so the goal of karmic psychology is to consider understanding our tasks for this life, which we chose before birth, and planning our future life. But without a sober awareness of what I am doing now, whether my actions are directed correctly, whether I am making enough efforts, how to work on my own motivation for harmonious development, it is impossible to comprehensively understand my path. This is exactly what karmic psychology helps to reveal.

Now the time has come when the knowledge that this law not only exists, but also operates, has already been accepted by many. However, practical work on understanding karma is not simple, but even complex, since it consists of the ability to correlate several images in consciousness, that is think three-dimensionally. But our thinking is not particularly accustomed to doing this; it is even difficult for us to imagine an object in volume and sketch it, and drawing or sketching will already be the materialization of the form of thought.

Most often, a person, having sketched something in volume, says: “Well, that’s about it!”
Yes, I’m not an artist!” That is, it is not so easy to sketch, but to do what we asked, by volumetrically analyzing what is happening, is much more difficult. Moreover, when it comes to understanding and building relationships with people, not only the correct response to them, but also the ability to see cause-and-effect relationships in time, the ability to predict them and choose the desired consequences, take responsibility for them and bring them to life.

Of course, all this is not simple from the point of view of feelings, because feelings have their own life. Even mastering complex logic will not be able to give the desired effect of working through karma without the necessary work on feelings. A large number of different energies move in a person, but the two main ones occupy a special place in the awareness of what parts make up real fruitful evolutionary work. One of them is male - Pingala-yang energy, which is responsible for logic even without accepting new information logic it does not develop. The second is female – ida-yin energy, and for transformation and expansion it is necessary to work with the figurative flow of information, configure, turn on, track and experience. But the most important thing that is needed for harmonious work is to understand the mutual influence of one energy on another and learn to manage it, because only then is true creativity born.

Do you want to work with your karma? Are you ready for a new, challenging, but exciting stage?

Responsibility for your development is not empty words, but readiness. This is already working with your own meanings and strengths. No matter how developed we may seem to ourselves or, on the contrary, weak, working on ourselves is always a new step, and the more conscious it is, the better we will do it. According to the Law of Karma, we always have consequences, so what do we lose if everything Are we deciding to take this step?

Of course, illusions, fears, laziness interfere, and these are great forces that often hold us back from what we want and include a bunch of different defense mechanisms. Therefore, what we are now able to do is up to everyone to decide for themselves, since accepting and forgiving oneself as “imperfect” is very difficult! It is this psychology that is considered the most difficult, and the human ego finds various, both smart and stupid excuses to justify inaction.

Nevertheless, unfortunately for the ego, and to the joy of the Soul, according to the law of karma, sooner or later, depending on individual karma (a personal horoscope can well show the stages of inclusion of various topics in our life), we encounter difficult situations and circumstances that come from external sources and from our body. Controlling the movement of karma through deferment is not the best, and is not even cost-effective. Imagine clenching your fingers in pain when you get burned while standing at the stove while cooking. Experiencing that pain, the memory of it will control you, and you will either avoid cooking on the stove altogether or cook with one hand clenched into a fist. . In any case, you will not be able to learn how to cook on the stove masterfully and with pleasure. And if you came to the kitchen to learn how to cook (this is in comparison with how we come into life, to learn even more creativity), then sooner or later you will pass an exam on cooking on a hot stove, and then what? And then the examiner will seem to be annoying you, an angry person, the day of the exam will seem to you the most miserable day in your life and: “In general, why did this day come?”, “I didn’t want it!”, “And I don’t need this stove!” etc. At such moments, most often, a person criticizes himself for not being able to do this, sometimes devaluing himself: “I am a weakling, I am flawed, and this is not given to me.”
And so the running in circles begins, you force these “dark” exam days out of your memory, or, conversely, you become alert so that in the future you will do something and not come to the next “cooking on a hot stove” exam. How much effort a person can spend to avoid this exam, and in the end, without the strength and necessary skills, he will again come to the line when the test in this subject will be included in the certificate of “maturity of the Soul.” What about your burnt hand? Yes, there are also many options - for example, it can remain clenched, and then a whole series of forces in our body will maintain the fear of opening our hand, ultimately the hand will become numb, and you will unclench it, experiencing even greater pain. However, the hand can heal if you immediately work with the wound, experiencing pain, you treat it, but the hand does not become numb, as in the first case, and this will save a lot of effort. After which, because of the fear in your memory, you will be very careful, and you will not bring this hand to the stove, but you will work with only one hand, and you may even learn to do a lot, but all with one hand, which sooner or later will hurt from fatigue and overwork.
And how much effort will this restoration take? Wouldn’t it be easier to treat and learn at the same time, setting up and inspiring yourself for a future good result?
And from the experience of pain from a burn, take the understanding that fire from a hot stove is a great force that must be known and taken into account when working with a stove. And motivate yourself with the fact that thanks to the ability to work with fire, you can prepare from products something that you would never have made without it. This will expand your experience of eating food from different, new sides.

With this associative example, I wanted to show that every person has aspects of life where additional work is required, but the memory of the pain experienced often does not allow them to go there, and how diverse defense mechanisms can manifest themselves. They lead a person in a circle, from life to life, pain and suffering are experienced again, and over time it becomes more and more difficult to take a step in the right direction. Therefore, it is important to understand that this work requires a mentor who knows how to walk this path, will help you properly treat the “wound” and draw up a plan for rehabilitation and learning new skills. Besides, we need like-minded people who will inspire with their similar performance. However, the most important thing is that inspiration must come from yourself, which means that you must learn to always maintain contact with your Soul, with your “higher self.”

Ask yourself again: What from the Soul's point of view do I really want?, what will I be happy about when I sum up this life and what will I be sad about as a result of inaction?

Only the answer must be detailed and with an acceptance of responsibility for “what I am really ready to do and am doing now.” And if you strive to live and work on yourself, then the criteria for self-awareness that lead to achieving happiness and success in life must correspond to the points listed below. It is these aspects that karmic psychology reveals:

I feel and realize the real needs of my Soul and act in accordance with them

I have good contact with my subconscious, I work well with the creative flow

I take responsibility for my desires, aspirations and goals, and I understand the motives that drive me, I know how to manage them

I consciously move towards my future, creating the necessary prerequisites for this

I am able to demonstrate different character qualities and corresponding emotional reactions who go both for creation and destruction, I understand the need and importance of their correct manifestation. I accept that I am part of the divine power and am able to manifest it in all its diversity.

In each of my incarnations I follow the path of development and study of the creativity of spirit in matter

Current page: 1 (book has 13 pages in total)

Vladimir Vadimovich Kononov

Karmic psychology

How to get rid of negative karma


Before I begin to present the material of the book, I would like to briefly talk about the reason that prompted me to write it.

Initially, I wrote several articles within the framework of this topic, some of which were posted on the Internet. Based on feedback from readers, I have the opinion that it is better if such material is presented not in separate articles, but in a single context in a book format. This will allow readers interested in this topic to get the most complete understanding of such a concept as “karma”.

I hope that this book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. It will contain a lot of information both for people who are not familiar with the issues of karmic psychology, and for specialists - psychologists, psychics, those who work with psychoenergetics - and many others.

The book contains many techniques and practices that anyone can successfully master. These technologies will allow you to study your reincarnations and, of course, improve your karma if you wish.


Nowadays, the problem of karma has become a very popular topic. It is karma that is considered the cause of all misfortunes; any series of misfortunes is attributed to its influence: getting sick, being robbed, going broke, being haunted by bad luck - karma is to blame.

It's no secret that one of the components of our success is good karma. When it is there, we do not waste precious life resources on eliminating its negative influence and can direct all our energy to realizing our goals, objectives and needs.

Undoubtedly, karma and fate are closely related. It often happens that our past completely controls the future. Here karma acts as the main cause of our daily problems and worries.

People strive for happiness and well-being, although everyone puts their own meaning into these concepts.

We take different paths to realize our aspirations and fulfill our desires, using many means to achieve them. Sometimes, striving for our goal, we do not take into account the space around us, treacherously violating its boundaries and destroying it. We don’t think about the fact that the Universe always answers us in the same coin. The response of space to our actions and even thoughts can occur immediately or after some time. And this will be the retribution called karma. The law of cause and effect is inexorable.

We also must not forget about our inner space - physical body, psyche, personality, etc. By destroying them, we deprive ourselves of vital resources, knowledge and skills.

We constantly, day after day, build our destiny, and it consists of our thoughts, desires, and actions. In life, it often happens that we are overwhelmed by chaotic thoughts, we are torn among unfinished tasks, unpaid debts and unfulfilled obligations. But we also have plans for the future!

Disordered, chaotic thoughts lead to restlessness, fussiness, unnecessary actions and wasted energy. Unfulfilled desires provoke and direct all our aspirations towards their satisfaction. Unfinished actions steal energy, prompting them to be implemented.

Aren't these three reasons the rulers of our future, destiny and karma?

Solving karmic problems has become a profitable business today: experienced psychics, for a good reward, will “remove” negative karma from you - they will avert misfortunes and illnesses. But is this possible?

They give lectures, conduct seminars and trainings on the topic of karma, but how much do they help you live a better and calmer life? How to improve your karma? Perhaps you will get answers to these questions by reading this book.

Then, I hope, my efforts will not be in vain.


Vladimir Kononov


The concept of karma as a component of fate was known to our distant ancestors. True, different peoples had different names for this concept. The birthplace of the word we know today is India. Translated from Sanskrit, “kar” means action, and the concept of “karma” is considered as a result, outcome, fate, obligation. Thus, as the ancients said, karma is the result of actions performed by a person.

To put it simply modern language, karma is a consequence of the law, which states that any event has a cause and effect. Chains of cause and effect exist in any area of ​​the Universe, and even the Creator himself cannot break them.

Undoubtedly, the law of cause and effect also operates in human life. It is akin to the law of physics about action and reaction and works at all levels of human existence, including the physical. The action of cause-and-effect relationships can be traced in all areas of our lives.

Now let's try to figure out what karma is in the sphere of body, speech, mind and what role it plays in our lives.

Human actions can be both conscious and unconscious. Every action we take affects us in one way or another. environment, and it doesn’t matter whether it is social or natural.

Any of our external manifestations encourage space to respond accordingly to our actions. In cases where our actions are environmentally friendly and do not harm the environment around us, the Universe, as a rule, does not bother us. If our actions cause destruction or irritate the environment, it may cause a negative response towards us. True, it may not follow instantly, but with some delay, which is only a consequence of the inertia of action in the environment with which we interact. Another reason for this pause is processes dependent on accumulation critical mass negativity, the excess of which triggers the mechanism of karma.

However, even if no reaction resulted from a person’s wrong actions, this does not mean that he will not be held responsible for what he did. Fatal consequences will definitely overtake him in the future. Unfortunately, these negative “accumulations” can spread to his children and grandchildren.

Even if a person unknowingly creates negative energy around himself and creates destruction, this does not relieve him of responsibility for what he has done. Karma is merciless and fair, it spares neither kings nor beggars, for it everyone is equal.

The ancient Indian sages knew the laws of karma well. They divided any action into “white” or “black”.

A “white” action is performed in accordance with the prescription of Dharma - a set of laws, following which a person is protected from erroneous negative actions that burden his karma.

In essence, a “white” action is an act performed without any desire for one’s own benefit. “Black” action is, as a rule, the result of selfish aspirations.

As a result, “positive” or “negative” karma arises as a result of one or another act or action and becomes its consequence.

Talking about karma in simple language, you can put it this way: do good - “and it will come back to you more than once...”. If you commit evil, it will come back to haunt you now or later.

In this regard, the comparison with seedlings in the fields is very apt: if you sow good, good seed, you will reap a good harvest; If you sow rotten, bad seed, you may be left without a harvest.

The cause of karma is internal intentions, thoughts and aspirations. In Buddhism, karma is identified with intention. Buddhists say that karma is not some kind of entity, but a process, an action, an energy, a force. Some call it “action-influence.” This is the reaction of our actions to ourselves.

Simply put, karma is an action. Repeating actions becomes a habit, and the habit over time turns into a person's character. A bad character can lead to disaster. At the present moment we are the result of what we were until today. The personality of the future is made up of the moments of the present. In other words, a person is constantly changing, but whether our development follows the path of evolution or involution largely depends on us.

But actions are only a consequence of our thoughts.

In the world of karmic connections, thought has amazing power. Every idea has a life of its own. It has form and substance in the world of cause and effect. Depending on the strength, passion and clarity of mind of its owner, each thought creates various vibrations in the energy-information field of the planet. Actions and words generate huge energy waves that echo throughout the Universe.

Thought is the root cause of karma. The Dhammapada says the following about this: “Mental processes are preceded by the intellect, it leads and creates them. If anyone speaks or acts with an impure intellect, misfortune follows him, like wheels following a draft animal. If someone speaks or acts with pure intellect, then happiness follows him, persistent, like a shadow.” Thus, the ancients hinted that the quality of thinking can change karma, and in some cases even completely free a person from its influence.

Thus, only through our thoughts can we constantly create and balance karma.

An example is the well-known fact: intense prayers Christian priests and Buddhist monks in the temples of Tibet influenced the course of World War II. And such examples mutual influence a huge number could be listed.

According to Buddhists, suffering and happiness are the results of how a person's own actions, words and thoughts affect him. They are the ones who give rise to good luck or lack of well-being, happiness or sorrow.

The consequences of negative actions can be gradually destroyed by developing the habit of “white” actions. They can be performed by adhering to certain rules.

Don't disturb the harmony of the world.

Before you take this or that action, think about whether your actions will harm the surrounding space and everything living in the present and future.

Always be attuned to the response coming from the outside, reflecting your intentions and actions. In this case, you will be able to feel how to act without disturbing the harmony of the world.

Even if you are already performing some action, your internal attitude towards it in the process of performing it can also change karma in one direction or another.

Karma is not an absolute predetermination. The world is infinitely diverse, and there is always some uncertainty or probability of karmic consequences, which allows for the possibility of freedom of choice.

If everything were “planned” in advance, we would become slaves of the past. In this case, it would become pointless to adhere to the rules of behavior and strive for spiritual growth and self-improvement.

Only having freedom of choice is it possible to make the right choice in any karmic conditions.

On the other hand, if there were no predetermination, then there would be absolute freedom of choice. In this case, we could do whatever we wanted, and no one and nothing could interfere with the fulfillment of our desires, both creative and destructive.

According to the existing laws of karma, these two extremes - absolute freedom of choice and absolute predestination - cannot exist in our world. Since we are not alone in the Universe, any action we take is met with opposition from other people, and from nature itself, who have the same freedom of choice as we do. Therefore, the result of cause-and-effect karmic connections cannot be considered either inevitable or completely impossible. Its manifestation is always the result of a combination of predetermination and actions committed as a result of freedom of choice.

Everything in life is intertwined and connected. We are in a living, pulsating Universe where all things are interdependent on each other. A crushed butterfly on the ridge of the Caucasus Mountains affects a tornado off the coast of the Philippines, which in turn responds to a baby suckling at its mother's breast in a French village.

Man constantly entangles himself in cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, on the one hand, karma becomes a powerful limiter in his freedom of choice and does not give him complete freedom of action. On the other hand, karma does not allow a person to degrade, creating situations in which it is difficult to violate the laws of development and evolution.

This suggests the conclusion that karmic limiters are a special mechanism of the Universe that protects it from involutive tendencies. And if a person fails to cope with his cosmic tasks in this life, he, as a poor student, is left for the second year, that is, “reset” for a new reincarnation. The last incarnation can be imagined as a reflection of all past lives, and karma plays an important role here.

In general, if a soul exists, then it cannot have karma. Karma arises from the illusions in which the spirit resides. It seems to us that we are the body, emotions, mind, etc., and since we have identified ourselves with these concepts, we have become part of this world, where causes and effects are connected together.

A similar conclusion was reached by yogis who reached the level of enlightenment through practical awareness of karmic experience as a means of accumulating the necessary knowledge. They develop in themselves the same attitude towards all manifestations of the universal “counteraction”. Since their lives are not governed by either pleasure or pain, they have neither “white” nor “black” karma. The absence of desires allows them to change the future even in this life.


1. Dhammapada. M.: Publishing House of Eastern Literature, 1960.


The success of our life depends on the totality of “positive” and “negative” karma. The predominance of “negative” karma brings a person suffering, delusions, erroneous actions, etc. But the preponderance of “positive” karma provides unlimited opportunities for the realization of desires, aspirations and hopes.

So what contributes to the emergence of “positive” or “negative” karma?

Firstly, it depends on certain external conditions in which actions are performed.

Good living environment, excellent social conditions, being among spiritual, intelligent, smart people contribute to the performance of actions that improve karma.

At the same time, poor external conditions, low social status, bad company do not at all contribute to the improvement of karma, but, on the contrary, create conditions for its deterioration.

Thus, we can conclude that the occurrence of karma depends on the external conditions that surround a person at a particular moment in time. These include:

the very place where events take place;

time of day, year, day when the action takes place;

the plane that is involved in this process is mental, emotional, physical;

social environment, etc.

The second source that encourages us to create future karma is ourselves, or more precisely, the internal reasons contained within us. The main prerequisite is our state of mind at the moment of our actions, and it plays no small role.

Another insidious “enemy” is our internal unconscious programs. They can turn on at the most inopportune moment and, without our knowledge, aggravate or improve the consequences of an action, creating a karmic trace.

These programs include everything that we inherited from our ancestors and the society in which we lived before.

That is, a person’s karma can be divided into individual and that which he receives from external environment, – for example, the karma of planet Earth. The second concept also includes social karma. This is, first of all, the inheritance that we inherited from our ancestors. It is commonly called ancestral karma. It also includes: family karma, karma of the nation to which we belong, the country in which we live, etc.

So why are we dragging such a huge ballast of social karma?

The fact is that man by nature is a social being. Through joint activities, people are bound by mutual obligations, family relationships, feelings and internal disposition towards each other, communications, etc.

A person does not notice the subtle connections with which he is permeated, which connect him with the people around him. This interaction is usually called energy-information exchange. Naturally, if a person is entangled in this invisible web, then any of his movements in the energy-information field causes responses from other people, especially those with whom he is connected through ancestral karma.


They talk a lot about it, all life’s failures, illnesses, etc. are attributed to it. But what is ancestral karma?

Ancestral karma is what we inherited from our ancestors: fathers and mothers, grandparents...

You don't have to be particularly observant to notice how similar we are to our relatives. Geneticists say that this is due to heredity; The DNA of our parents carries information about our entire family.

But if we assume that physical body form programs hidden in DNA, then what contributes to the formation of our character? It’s no secret that newborns differ not only in temperament, but also in disposition. This is observed even in children in the womb.

Apparently, the point here is not only in the peculiarities of the information contained in DNA. We receive the lion's share of this same information from our parents in a different way.

Thoughts and stress experienced by our ancestors are recorded in their subconscious or, as psychics say, written on the shells of the astral body and begin to be passed down from generation to generation in the form of specific statements or programs with the help of which we act in certain ways in certain situations , we react to certain manifestations of the world around us. This happens after the birth of a person until his energy-informational adulthood, which is not related to physiological age and can occur at thirty, forty, or even fifty years, and sometimes only after the death of his parents.

Such information relates to ancestral karma. But that's not all!

Ancestral karma is also the consequences of our actions, which in the future will affect our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

According to popular beliefs, the results of our wrong actions can affect our descendants even in the seventh generation. A similar phenomenon has been known in Rus' since ancient times, so the laws of the clan were strictly followed. The strength of the family has always been closely connected with spiritual principles, which were considered sacred in the family. A strong family is a powerful antidote to curses.

As the proverb says: “Everything comes upon poor Yegor.” And why? Yes, because his ancestors led a “wonderful” lifestyle, for which he is now (seven generations later!) paying for it. By the way, similar beliefs were observed among the American Indians.

The Indians made conscious decisions based on how they might affect the fate of the tribe and the fate of the next seven generations. Even in such small things, as it seems to us, like cutting down a tree, the Indians adhered to strict rules. They took into account how this action would affect descendants.

In some tribes there were not even physical punishments for crimes. The elders of the tribe held long conversations with the culprit until, after much reflection, he realized all the consequences of his offense. For example, American aborigines believed that every action of a person has an impact on the entire world around him.


First of all, it affects our health. Heredity, a strong and healthy physical body, a strong psyche are signs of good ancestral karma. Bad genetics family illnesses they talk about the presence of dark spots and karmic traces in the family. Due to heavy ancestral karma, a person may be born crippled or mentally handicapped in this life.

The material inheritance we inherit from our ancestors primarily depends on the severity of our ancestral karma. With its large negative value, millions left to the heirs can literally evaporate before reaching the recipients.

In addition to the gross aspects of ancestral karma, there are also its invisible manifestations. It influences the success and internal well-being of an individual, attracts the corresponding social environment to a person or repels him from him, and much more.

A person with heavy ancestral karma has to face countless difficulties in overcoming his own vices and social troubles. Such people constantly attract misfortune to themselves and their surroundings.

Ancestral karma can influence a person’s aspirations and his energy reserves.

Heavy ancestral karma constantly deprives a person of vitality. Even the energy gained during vacation as a result of negative heredity dissipates very quickly.

Bad ancestral karma often blocks information flows, and a person cannot get to the right place at the right time. All this has an impact on the series of events, disrupting the harmonious development of the individual.

Ancestral karma can be transmitted through both the male and female lines. Usually in the male line it applies to boys, and in the female line it applies to girls. However, there are cases when this rule is not followed. If there is one child in a family, then, as a rule, he bears the karma of both the male and female line of his family. And if in families all the children are of the same sex, then some of them can receive karma through the male line, and some through the female line. IN large families It also happens that one or more children do not bear this burden at all.

Ancestral karma is closely intertwined with the individual karma of the reincarnating person. Before incarnation, the soul chooses a place, time and parents in accordance with the goals and objectives set for this reincarnation, during which it solves its problems and receives relevant life lessons that add up to the accumulation of experience.

Therefore, the signs of individual and generic karma are closely related to each other.

Due to heavy karma from the past, a person in this life may be born into a poor family or lose his parents in childhood. His karmic bad luck will be expressed in the fact that he will be born disabled, will suffer from various hereditary diseases, including mental ones, etc. As a rule, a difficult fate awaits him, he will have to constantly face failures in society.

For example, if in a previous life a person shed someone else’s blood in large quantities or contributed to the useless loss of someone else’s sperm, then in a subsequent incarnation he may acquire anemia.

A man who refuses to see himself and the world in the true light, may be born physically blind in his next incarnation in order to learn to see the truth through feelings and intuition.

For example, a lady who was impatient in the Renaissance and was not able to listen to anyone completely may find that in this life no one wants to listen to her.


It all begins at the moment when the soul chooses its future parents. She is looking for a family where she can the best way realize your negative karma by making efforts to correct it.

We join the ancestral karma at the moment of conception, when the energies of both parents draw the “soul” into the funnel of creation of a future life. The beginning process of fetal growth forms not only a new body, but also a scenario for future life, predetermined by past reincarnations. A developing baby in the womb is “saturated” with parental energies and programs that carry different types information from ancestral karma. This complex undoubtedly has a direct impact on the character of the unborn child and his aspirations, the psychophysical characteristics that he will need to fulfill his life’s karmic program. His future life scenario is built into the events of the life of his parents and the society in which he will live. These programs are written in the child’s subconscious. For weak reincarnating individuals, the process of forming subconscious programming is similar to the zombification of the soul. However, if the incarnating soul is not young and has a lot of karmic experience, then such programming by ancestral karma may not occur or occurs partially.

There are cases when the individual positive karma of an incarnating spirit is very strong. In this case, he overpowers the ancestral karma and comes out from under its influence.

It should be noted that ancestral karma is transmitted from parents to child only before his birth. Therefore, it should not be confused with parental programs, which can be transmitted to a person after his birth at any time in his life, both in childhood and in adulthood.

Such programs include a specific, frequently encountered energy message from parents; it is especially strong if it comes from the mother. It can be briefly called “mine”: “my child”, “my son”, “my daughter”, etc. This program powerfully limits a person’s freedom, since he becomes someone else’s and can no longer be free, unless, of course, , agrees with this. Unfortunately, people are not perfect, and most mothers do not feel or radiate true, non-possessive love for their child. They themselves have a lack of love, they also weren’t given it enough in childhood, and they don’t know what it is. They know how to love only for something. In the same way we love our parents. Therefore, another distorted program is the following statement: “We should love our parents because they are our parents.”

Such programs are consciously or unconsciously imposed on children, penetrate their subconscious and ultimately influence their behavior and actions, and therefore affect karma.

Another example of the impact of parental karma on a child is the imitation effect, when a child copies the manners, behavior and actions of adults. Any child, unless, of course, he is a saint from birth, considers close people to be ideal beings who should be imitated. The fact is that in the first years of his life, the child does not see other adults and energy connections with parents during this period are very strong. Children, with mathematical precision, record these “standards” of behavior in the subconscious for use in the future.

There are a huge number of negative programs passed on to us by our parents: for example, the program “I am a loser”, “men are unreliable”, “there is nothing but problems in life”, etc. Therefore, before starting to work with karma, first In turn, it is necessary to get rid of such malicious programs inherited from our parents and the society in which we have incarnated.

Liberation from ancestral karma is not such a simple thing. Some ignorant people think that if they stop maintaining relations with their parents, then the hereditary program will not affect them and their fate will change for the better. However, ancestral karma cannot be destroyed in this way. We should not forget that it is given at conception and is introduced with the genes of the parents.

Getting rid of ancestral karma is difficult, but possible. We will tell you how to do this later.

Another type of social karma is the karma of the nation. Our national characteristics, features, language, behavior - isn’t this a manifestation of such karma?

During world upheavals and wars, individual nations suffer, go bankrupt and even disappear from the face of the earth. Others are reborn from the ashes and strive for spiritual improvement. For example, the Tibetans, who terrorized the Chinese for many centuries, created such negative karma that it eventually led to the seizure of Tibet by China. Now Tibet is a province of the Celestial Empire, and its population is forced to flee to neighboring countries to save their lives.

Speaking about human karma, one cannot fail to take into account the karma of the country in which we live, the karma of the religion of which we are adherents. Any public organization, like its members, also has karma. For example, parties, groups, organizations, societies, etc. carry an additional karmic load for their members.

As esotericists say, each organization has its own egregor.

I would like to note that egregors play a significant role in the formation of karma.

The word egregor - egregor - is formed from the Latin grex (herd, crowd, in a broad sense - a collection) using the prefix ex-, which has the meaning of highlighting, distancing. Egregor is a thinking, complex energy-information formation, a living entity. It is a self-aware and self-developing structure that determines the interconnection of people united by common ideas, goals and objectives.

An egregor, as a rule, is generated by the mind: divine, cosmic, alien, the collective mind of earthlings, etc. As a rule, it is created by a group of like-minded people obsessed with one idea.

There is close interaction between the egregor and each of its members - this is, first of all, a constant exchange of energy and information. A person, as a rule, feeds it with his thoughts, images, emotions, and actions born in his head.

The number of like-minded people is one of the determining factors in the strength of an egregor as a structure influencing processes in the surrounding world. This collective symbiosis is mutually beneficial both to the person entering into it and to himself.

Egregor not only milks a person like a cow, but in times of danger for the subject is able to give him strength, support, protection and self-confidence, like a shepherd caring for his flock. However, a person is only a part of this cunning energy-informational being, its energy supply, a constituent element of its development.

Each egregor necessarily has an owner, who, in fact, collects the real harvest of energy and information, and also manages all his charges. As a rule, the owner of an egregor is the one who created it.

An egregor cannot be bought, sold or captured by force, it can only be transformed or destroyed.

Sometimes egregors, having lost their owner and flock, are not destroyed. In this case, they begin to independently search for another leader (messiah), with the help of whom they can get a new flock, dump bad karma on it and recharge with fresh energy. There are many examples in history when an ancient egregor, having slightly transformed its ideas, is reborn again. In this case, the ideas generated by this energy being and its leader capture a large number of people. A hungry egregor needs energies that feed it.

Chapter 1. What is karma

The concept of karma as a component of fate was known to our distant ancestors. True, different peoples had different names for this concept. The birthplace of the word we know today is India. Translated from Sanskrit, “kar” means action, and the concept of “karma” is considered as a result, outcome, fate, obligation.

Thus, as the ancients said, karma is the result of actions performed by a person. In modern language, karma is a consequence of the law, which states that any event has a cause and effect. Chains of cause and effect exist in any area of ​​the Universe, and even the creator himself cannot break them.

Undoubtedly, the law of cause:effect relationships also operates in human life. It is akin to the law of physics about action and reaction and works at all levels of human existence, including the physical. The action of cause and effect relationships can be traced in all areas of our lives.

Now let's try to figure out what karma is in the sphere of body, speech, mind and what role it plays in our lives. Human actions can be both conscious and unconscious. Any of our actions in one way or another affects the environment, and it does not matter whether it is social or natural.

„ Mental processes are preceded by the intellect, it leads and creates them. If anyone speaks or acts with an unclean intellect, then misfortune follows him, like wheels following a draft animal. If someone speaks or acts with pure intellect, then happiness follows him, persistent, like a shadow.”

Working with karma, we constantly learn the true values ​​of life and change our future in better side. Traveling into the past not only allows you to find the causes of negative karma, it is also a visit to the library. It contains information about real historical events past in which we participated, and it often, for obvious reasons, runs counter to the history that now exists in society. It is clear that the Akashic chronicles cannot be destroyed or rewritten, no matter how much one would like it.

By remembering our past, we revive abilities, skills and abilities that we did not even know we had, and we restore true knowledge about the external and internal world. As a result of this work, we become whole. This integrity is manifested not only in our three-dimensional space, but also goes beyond its boundaries into the multidimensional Universe.

We become those for whom the past, present and future are no longer separate components, they exist with us, simultaneously being here and now. Therefore, we know not only about what once was, but also about what will happen. As a result, the Universe is becoming increasingly predictable in its evolutionary changes. We fully understand and see what consequences the results of our planned interactions with the outside world will lead to.

For us, the future is still uncertain, and it depends on how conscious we are in our actions.