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Arabic online tutorial for beginners. Secrets of self-learning Arabic

1. So, you have learned the alphabet and know how to write (albeit clumsily. I myself have terrible handwriting in Arabic, but this is not the main thing, you are not a secretary in an Arab company.) Now you start with this and only with this: First volume Medina course, videos by I. Sarbulatov:
2.Have you completed the first volume? Moved to the second:
● You need to start EXACTLY with these playlists and not take a step back. These 2 volumes with a clear and understandable explanation by I. Sarbulatov provide a serious starting base. You don’t even need a teacher, just sit down and turn on the video, listen carefully to what he says and write down.
3. With diligent training (3 videos a week, weekends - repeat), it should take you about 2-3 months, depending on your frequency. Don’t say now “ugh, that’s a long time”, this path is worth it and you will already be able to calmly make up children’s sentences like “who is this? This is a rooster.” (What did you want? This is a completely new, still unlearned language for us and we need to treat it normally. If you have seen “Arabic in 2 weeks” manuals in stores etc. and you think that Arabic can be mastered in so many days, then this is complete absurdity. Children begin to speak their native language only after 2-3 years. Don’t forget about it)
4. Repeat what you have learned, read more articles about motivation and don’t give up. We must try, try and try again, no matter what the circumstances. Many people start studying with some phrase books, learning some dialogues in Arabic, etc., thinking that they are thereby learning the language. This is the wrong approach. It’s just a waste of time, believe me. What I’m giving you now is I walked this path myself and Alhamdulillah I achieved more than those who are still learning Arabic proverbs, sayings and Baranov’s dictionary day and night in order. This will not work. We first need a basis, a base, a layout, a skeleton. I. Sarbulatov gives this in the best way on video. You don’t even need to hire any tutors.
● Print or buy Abu Adel's book for honey. course and go through/repeat it again. The effect will double, I assure you. I myself went through Abu Adel’s book 2 times.
5. Next comes Volume 3:
Having reached this level, you will finally become familiar with the so-called “breeds”, and by this time you will understand how this or that word is constructed in Arabic. There is no need to separately learn the words “visitor, writer, player, written, visited, played, told”, etc. You will simply put one corresponding verb in the desired “frame” and get the desired word.
6.You are not required to sit down and sit for hours. Spectator attention - half an hour. During the day - half an hour, in the evening - a little more, and at night - run through the notebook with your eyes. Effect 100%
7.Motivation, strong support - on the website They write convincingly and the words are highly motivating.
8.Make dua. There is no other language that would be mastered as well and quickly as the Arabic language - if you put in niyat for the sake of Allah and with the goal of at least reading His Scripture well (placing correctly logical stresses in words and sentences) and even understanding some words, as well as hadiths . NOT EVERYTHING WILL COME TO US AT ONCE. Make more duas.
9.Motivate yourself as often as possible.
10.If the desire begins to disappear from time to time, see point 9.
11. In the first 3-4 months, do not try to construct serious sentences like “I looked back to see if she looked back, to see if she looked back,” or at least what you see in front of you, and if you fail to construct a sentence, get upset. Don’t even think about it, remember at how many months a child begins to construct sentences. We are absolutely the same children.
12. Ask Allah to make your matter easier for you and turn to experts in Arabic. At least on the Internet.
13. So, you have mastered the first 3 volumes of the medical course, enough time has passed, but you feel that you have really improved compared to what you knew 2-3 months ago. Imagine now WHAT you will know in another six months. Go towards the goal. Set small goals (learn 10 words, then 10 more words: kitaabun, daftarun, masjidun...). By the end of the 3rd volume, you will already have a stock of more than 500 high-frequency words approximately. Iron, iron, love, search, use, read, write, went out, came in, looked, cat, dog, grandmother, grandfather.
14. So. Now we have a small, but still sufficient base for today. How does a child begin to learn a language? That's right, he remembers the words. We will learn the words with you. Which ones? Let's take a dictionary and learn everything? Words that we can only encounter in 80-100 years? Or will we learn high-frequency words that cover 95% of word usage in everyday speech? (Less in written language.) What words will we learn? Nepotism, gestalt ,patrol? Or “student, teacher, wake up, read, laugh, talk,
understand, institute, sea, forest, face, hands”?...
15.I give you ONE OF THE BEST TEXTBOOKS IN THE ENTIRE POST-SOVIET SPACE. This is Bagautdin’s book “Arabic Language Textbook”. Words are given there, then there is a small text where these words are used. There are collected about 4000 words of the MOST USED. I still repeat these words, because in cartoons, in video lectures, these words are everywhere. There is a method of learning words that leads to excellent results. This method is “Words and text” gives amazing results. You first learn the words, and then when you read the text, you are glad that you understand the Arabic text, because you know all the words that are there. This book will take you about six months. This textbook is one of my favorites my textbooks. There is also an audio version on the Internet.
16. That's all for now. This article is for you for one year. Insha Allah, if we are healthy and alive, write to me in a year with the question “what’s next” and if by that time I am still learning Arabic, insha Allah, then I will tell you what to do. )
17. When you learn words, you don’t need to sit for an hour. 15 minutes is enough. We took a picture of the words on our phone, opened it at the university/institute, and repeated. Is it lunchtime at work? We ate, opened the phone, and repeated. The effect is stunning. The effect will be exactly 15 minutes every 4-6 hours.
18. Try. Try. Nobody promised you ease. Your actions = your result. A person who worked diligently according to the instructions written above, who taught, tried, repeated, cannot tell me after 4 months: “I remained the same as I was.” was there and achieved nothing.” No, you didn’t do anything simple at all. You only deceived yourself.
19. In the photo I wrote a quote from I. Khaibullin’s book, if you want to improve the result of your study, just multiply some point by 2.”Which one is up to you to choose, depending on your abilities.”
20. I advise you to start a notebook where you will write verbs and their prepositions with which they are used. Just as in English prepositions can change the meaning of words (for example: look out = look out, look at), so in Arabic one or another preposition can change the meaning of the verb. Let’s say: نظر الى - to look (at something), and if instead of the preposition الى we say في, then the verb will be translated as “to think about something.” And there are many such examples. Write down at least 200-300 verbs and with what preposition they are used. The verb “zahaba” with the preposition “ilya”, “bahaSa” (search) with the preposition “gan”.

For now, this is the plan for you and me. I wrote it hastily, if I need anything I’ll add it, but I think I wrote the main and most important things. May Allah reward the one who reposts and shares with his friends. Maybe they also need these tips.
May Allah help us in all our good endeavors!
والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Arabic is currently the most widespread of the group of Semitic languages ​​and belongs to its southern branch. The Arabic language reached the peak of its perfection with the revelation of the final Divine Scripture, the Holy Quran, before the beauty and greatness of which many word experts of that time bowed. The Almighty Lord announces:

“We have brought it down with the Qur'an in Arabic, in which there is not the slightest defect. Perhaps piety before God will awaken in the hearts of people” (see:).

Modern literary Arabic, the result of the gradual development of classical Arabic, is widespread in many countries of the world, the total population of which exceeds 100 million people.

Along with literary Arabic, which is the single and common official language in all Arab countries, there are also local Arabic dialects. In contrast to the literary language, which unites not only all Arabs, but also educated Muslims of the world, dialects and dialects have a narrow local, territorial meaning.

Phonetically, literary Arabic is characterized by an extensive system of consonantal phonemes, especially glottal, emphatic and interdental. There are six vowel phonemes: three short and three long.

In grammatical terms, Arabic, like other Semitic languages, is characterized by a significant development of inflection and belongs to the group of inflectional languages. Each grammatical form is based on a three-consonant (less often four-consonant) root. The formation of words occurs mainly due to the internal structural change of the word.

Arabic letter

The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters, displaying only consonant sounds in writing. There are no special letters for writing vowel sounds in Arabic writing. But due to the fact that the Arabic language distinguishes between short and long vowels, some letters used to write consonants are used to convey long vowels in writing. Short vowels are conveyed in writing using vowels.

Thus, the Arabic writing system is based on the written representation of only consonant sounds, and the vowels that make up the word are completed by the reader during the reading process, depending on the meaning of the word and its role in the sentence.

The letters of the Arabic alphabet are characterized by the fact that each of them has, depending on its position in the word, several styles: independent, initial, middle and final. The nature of the writing of a letter depends on whether it is connected on both sides to parts of a given word or only on the right.

Of the 28 letters of the alphabet, 22 are connected on both sides and have four forms of writing, and the remaining 6 are only on the right, having only two forms of writing.

Based on the nature of the writing of the basic elements, most letters of the Arabic alphabet can be combined into several groups. Letters of the same group have the same descriptive “skeleton” and differ from each other only in the presence and location of the so-called diacritic points. Letters either have no dots at all, or have one, two or three dots, which may appear above or below the letter. Letters are connected to each other using connecting bars.

The printed and written styles of the letters of the Arabic alphabet are not fundamentally different. There are no capital letters in the Arabic alphabet.


The Arabic writing system provides for the transmission of only consonants and long vowels. Short vowels are not depicted in writing. However, to clarify the nature of short vowels in certain cases, for example, in the Holy Quran, prophetic traditions, textbooks, they are indicated using special subscript or superscript signs called vowels.

The vowel is placed above or below the letter indicating the consonant sound. There are three vowels in Arabic:

− “Fatha”

The vowel “fatha” is placed above the letter in the form of an oblique dash َ_ and conveys the short vowel sound [a]. For example: بَ [ba], شَ [sha].

− “Kyasra”

The vowel “kasra” is placed under the letter in the form of an oblique dash ـِ and conveys the short vowel [i]. For example: بِ [bi], شِ [shi].

− "Damma"

The vowel “damma” is placed above the comma-shaped letter ـُ and conveys the short vowel [у]. For example: بُ [bu], شُ [shu].

− "Sukun"

The absence of a vowel sound after a consonant is indicated by a symbol called a “sukun”. “Sukun” is written as ـْ and placed above the letter. For example: بَتْ [baht], بِتْ [bit], بُتْ [but].

Additional symbols in Arabic include the “shadda” sign, indicating the doubling of a consonant sound. "Shadda" is written as the Russian capital letter "sh". For example: بَبَّ [bubba], بَتِّ [batti]


Due to the fact that in the Arabic language there is a significant difference between the system of depicting words in writing and their sound composition, for practical purposes they resort to the so-called transcription. Transcription is the transmission of the sounds of a language using accepted conventional signs or letters of the same or another language, equipped, if necessary, with additional symbols.

In this textbook, the Russian language is used as transcription marks for Arabic sounds. To depict those sounds that do not exist in the Russian language, some Russian letters are equipped with additional icons: a dash and a dot under the letter. A dash indicates an interdental consonant, and a dot indicates a hard sound.

Gives you the opportunity to get acquainted and learn one of the ancient and most widespread languages ​​of the world - Arabic.

Arabic is considered an official language in the following countries of the world: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Western Sahara, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Chad, Eritrea. Arabic is spoken by about 290 million people (240 as a mother tongue and 50 as a second language).

The Arabic language played a big role in the history of world culture: in the Middle Ages, extensive fiction and scientific literature was created in it. A huge number of Arabic words have entered the languages ​​of many Asian and African peoples. Even in European languages, including Russian, there are words borrowed from Arabic (algebra, azimuth, zenith, alcohol, genie, store, treasury, coffee, safari, tariff, etc.).

Currently, the Arabic language exists in two significantly different forms: on the one hand, there is the Arabic literary language - a common language for all Arab countries in education, the press, radio, science, literature, oratory; on the other hand, there are Arabic colloquial languages ​​or dialects used by the population in everyday communication. The spoken language of each Arab country differs both from the common Arabic literary language and from the spoken languages ​​of other Arab countries.

Like everyone else language learners from scratch, we will talk about literary Arabic. The online lessons on the site are based on the tutorial by V. S. Segal (). Its peculiarity is that it allows you to get acquainted with the language gradually, without immediately bombarding you with a stream of incomprehensible and complex Arabic letters. Errors were also corrected, letter animation was added, and answers were added that can be viewed by moving the mouse over the key: . Plus, audio has been added! You will not only learn to read and write Arabic, but also begin to understand the language by ear. Lessons free.

Go to → list of lessons ← (Click)

If the opportunity to communicate with 290 million people is not your big motivation for learning Arabic, then it might be, for example, the desire to stand out from the crowd. Few people know Arabic. And if now you just seem very smart, then in the future you will be able to build a successful career. The Middle East has a very large economic potential, so knowledge of the language and culture is beneficial and promising.

In today's climate of growing hostility between the Arab world and the West, understanding the Islamic religion is key information to overcome the crisis. People who know Arabic can bridge cultural and linguistic barriers between countries, help resolve or avoid international conflict, and help businesses successfully trade internationally. In addition, knowledge of Arabic opens the door to other languages. For example, 50% of Farsi words are made up of Arabic words. The situation is similar with Urdu and Turkish. Hebrew is also linguistically related to Arabic, making it easier to understand grammatical and semantic concepts in the languages.

Arabs are hospitable. Once you speak a few words of Arabic in front of a native speaker, they will be delighted and want to help you in any way possible. But try to do the same thing, for example, in German in front of the Germans - it is unlikely that it will greatly surprise them. Arabs are proud of their language and will be happy to see someone making an effort to learn it.

Arabic is the 5th most widely spoken language in the world, and migration processes in recent years have only increased its spread. More recently, Arabic has become the second most common language in Sweden, but Finnish has always been so. And before Arabic takes over the whole world, you still have time to study it!

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Learning Arabic

Whether you want to devote your life to studying Muslim customs, conduct business in the United Arab Emirates, or want to visit Jerusalem for tourism purposes - in any case, knowledge of the Arabic language will be useful to you.

Arabic alphabet. Video tutorials

Arabic for beginners and intermediate. Visitors will find grammar lessons, stress and conjugation rules on the channel. There is an online dictionary and video lessons with the Arabic alphabet, tips for learning the language. The founders of the page did not disdain entertaining methods of language learning, so on the channel you can find videos with poems with subtitles and the like. A lot of educational information: among the videos you can even find translations of Russian names into Arabic.

On the pages of the YouTube channel, the student will find materials for conquering the Egyptian dialect of Arabic, and online tests. It’s convenient that the presenters’ comments are in Russian - a Russian-speaking user does not need to know another foreign language to learn Arabic. The channel will help you learn Arabic for business and teach you competent business communication.

Arabic at Shams School Irada Mersalskaya

A huge variety of videos for mastering the initial level of the Arabic language - much attention is paid to the alphabet on the channel. Vocabulary and grammar are taught, and carefully compiled video dictionaries will help you expand your vocabulary. The learning process is made easier by dividing the videos by topic.
The listener will need knowledge of the English language, since the presenter’s explanations are in English.

Arabic at the Arabic Language School

The channel is aimed at those who are starting to get acquainted with the Arabic language. Even those who have barely started learning will understand the materials, including the Arabic alphabet for children to master the Arabic language.
This is a simple yet high-quality video tutorial. Great emphasis is placed on mastering grammar, and if the student wishes, the channel will help in studying the Koran.

Arabic with "Brothers and Sisters"

Will be useful for beginners. Channel visitors will be able to watch video materials to learn the Arabic alphabet and reading rules. In addition to educational videos, the channel contains many videos for getting acquainted with the language and the Muslim way of life. There are videos and commentaries about Islam, interpretation of the Koran. Training in Russian.

Arabic by Daniyar Chormoshev

The author of the channel will help you master the initial level of Arabic. The teaching area included grammar, pronunciation, the Arabic alphabet and its features. Visitors to the page will be able to find valuable tips - for example, on memorizing Arabic words and phrases. Comments on the lessons are in Russian.
In addition to educational materials, the channel contains many educational videos about Muslim life, customs and rules. Comments in these videos are most often in Arabic.

Arabic with Ummanews

A lovely teacher named Zariyat will help everyone who wants to master the initial level of Arabic over the course of twelve lessons, in high quality, in detail and in Russian. Explanations are written on a white board with a black felt-tip pen, and the good quality of the image leaves no doubt about a particular symbol. Together with Zariyat, students will be able to master Arabic grammar, pronunciation, alphabet and features of some letters.

Arabic with Arablegko portal channel

The channel published unique materials from a course on teaching Arabic using the methods of Elena Klevtsova. Comments on the educational materials are in Russian, so knowledge of any intermediate language is not required. On the page you can find an online dictionary of the most frequently used Arabic words, grammar, and the teacher also pays special attention to a complex topic - the difference between similar sounds in Arabic words.

“Arabic no problem!”

The channel contains educational videos designed to introduce a novice user to the Arabic language and customs of the countries in which it is declared the official language. Channel visitors will get acquainted with frequently used expressions in Arabic, will be able to learn how to behave in typical situations and communicate correctly with the local population.
Training and comments in Russian. The lessons are designed for beginners. The videos consist of clear and memorable presentations.

Arabic with Shammus Sunshine

On the channel, the visitor will find training videos for beginners who want to get acquainted with the language. Through videos in the form of easy-to-understand presentations, the student is introduced to basic Arabic words and expressions. The channel will help in learning the language for both beginners with knowledge level A and those who have reached level B. Lessons will teach you how to communicate about colors, vegetables, fruits, stationery, travel, antonyms, animals, the location of rooms and much more, as well as put it all into competent sentences . The videos consist of clear presentations that teach listening comprehension and introduce complex Arabic writing.

Arabic with Speakit (Prologmedia)

For those who are able to understand the language without Russian comments. Subtitles make it easier to understand. Temperamental presenters will help you master the most common standard phrases in Arabic.
The channel also contains many videos for practicing speaking in Chinese, German, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and many other languages.

Arabic with Ahmed

On his page, a friendly Arab named Ahmed will introduce you better to the Arabic language. The videos will help beginners. The author of the channel will help everyone who wants to learn personal and demonstrative pronouns in Arabic, teach them how to use the masculine and feminine, singular and plural.
Visitors can expect lessons on politeness in Arab countries, pronunciation training and instructions on how to construct sentences. On his channel, Ahmed will tell you how to learn a foreign language as quickly as possible and share some other useful tips.

Arabic with Irada of Mersal

For the visitor's attention - useful collections designed to help learn Arabic. The author of the channel will talk about Arabic verbs of the past and present tense, personal pronouns, introduce sounds and letters, and the most commonly used words. Guests of the channel will be able to find tips on learning Arabic on their own. Comments in Russian.

Arabic grammar

Concise but clear lessons of the Arabic language for those who are starting to study it and want to consolidate the basics or lay them down. The author of the video will tell you about grammar in detail: prepositions, adverbials, predicates, idafa, parts of speech and members, and will teach you how to parse sentences.
Training is in Russian, visual information is conveyed through clear presentations.

If there were a competition for foreign languages ​​to determine their degree of popularity, then Arabic would definitely be in trend. One of the most widespread in the world, spoken in 28 countries, from Africa to the Middle East. Muslims revere it as the language of the Holy Quran, in which it has been preserved in its pure form. Modern Standard Arabic is the lingua franca of the entire Arab world. It is used in documents and in official speech, educational institutions, and as a language of business communication, but colloquial varieties vary widely and each Arab region has its own dialect. Of all the spoken dialects, the Egyptian dialect is the most studied variety of Arabic, given that Egypt has had a major influence on the MENA region for over a century, including Egyptian cinema and Egyptian music.

Why learn Arabic?

Arabic is a sought-after and exclusive choice as a foreign language to study. Proficiency in the language will definitely enhance your skill set and ensure that you are prepared for a range of careers. Indeed, there are very few people in the West who dare to study it. And with the growing importance of the Middle East on a global scale, there is an extreme shortage of workers who know the language and understand Arab culture. Dubai is a fantastic place to study, but it's also an international business hub. It offers many well-paid jobs in sectors such as energy, finance, architecture, aviation, consulting, journalism, translation and interpretation, and attracts ambitious people and graduates from all over the world.

The MENA region provides a huge export market for goods and services. Arab countries are in the process of reforming and diversifying their economies. Business regulation has been improved to improve the competitiveness of the economy and attract entrepreneurs. For example, in the Gulf, huge investments are being made in areas such as construction, finance, telecommunications and tourism. To effectively conduct business, you need to understand the language and culture of the people with whom you will be negotiating. Business culture in the Arab world is very important for building personal relationships built on mutual trust.

The Arab peoples made a significant contribution to world civilization, to the development of science, medicine and philosophy, mathematics, navigation and astrology, architecture and literature. During the early Middle Ages, when Europe was experiencing relative intellectual stagnation, the Arab-Islamic civilization was at the peak of its power. The store of knowledge of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine cultures was preserved for the whole world thanks to Arab libraries. Knowledge of Arabic. language will allow us to explore this vast body of knowledge. The greatest works on medicine, geology, law, and philosophy were written in this language. Many educated people study Arabic for scientific or anthropological reasons.

Arab culture is unique, rich and interesting. We know about belly dancing, we may have read The Arabian Nights, we may have tried Middle Eastern dishes like hummus and falafel, but in general, our knowledge of the realities of a huge culture is limited for us.

As a rule, we think in stereotypes created by the media. Superficial patterns lead to mistrust and misunderstanding, an inability to negotiate and compromise. People who study Arabic gain a deep understanding of the thinking patterns of the entire Arab world. It doesn't matter what your beliefs are, but the Qur'an is a great form of world literature. To witness this literary miracle, you only need to learn the language.

Knowing Arabic makes it easier to learn other languages ​​spoken in the region; Farsi or Persian, Turkish, Urdu and even Hebrew. The dictionaries of these languages ​​are largely based on Arabic words, so you can quickly understand the general meaning when communicating with a person who speaks, for example, Farsi or Urdu...

Choosing a teaching method

The sociolinguistic situation in Arabic is a striking example of the linguistic phenomenon of diglossia: the use of two varieties of the same language in different social contexts. Educated Arabs who speak the modern standard version live in most countries of the Arab League and it can be assumed that the number of native speakers is equal to the number of literate people. They mainly use it for writing and reading, but not in conversation.

Those who are planning to study Arabic are recommended to start with the modern standard version if they want to be able to read and understand religious texts. MSA is used in modern versions of the Qur'an, modern literature, and poetry of the Abbasid and Umayyad periods.

If you plan to be able to speak and make friends, travel, watch comedies, then it is better to choose a dialect that interests you more.

The fact is that almost no one speaks MSA as a native language in everyday life. It is grammatically more complex and somewhat archaic than the colloquial varieties, and having arrived in any Arab country, you are unlikely to understand anything when communicating with the locals. Essentially, if you're studying MSA in hopes of traveling around an Arab country, it's almost the same as if you were studying Latin to communicate with the locals in France or Italy.

MSA and Quranic

The two versions are the basis on which other dialects developed. They are found, as a rule, only in written form, they are taught to be able to write and read Arabic. Modern Standard Arabic(MSA: Modern Standard Arabic) – laconic, measured, understandable when compared with the classic version. MSA is used in modern versions of the Qur'an, modern literature, and poetry of the Abbasid and Umayyad periods. Classical - the language of the Koran. Many Muslims strive to learn it at a young age in order to be able to read the Qur'an in the original.

Regional varieties are based on either the MSA or the classic version. Therefore, there are notable similarities between the dialects, but they are also unique in their own way. For example, the language heard in Morocco is as different from the Levantine dialect as German is from English, if not more so, and both are hardly identifiable with MSA.