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Authorities of the 90s. For those who come out, their situation is not rich

The dashing 90s in Russia gave the criminal business a free hand. The bandits did not shy away from anything: be it drug trafficking, racketeering or murder. After all, fabulous money was at stake.

Who cares

Banditry in Russia flourished during perestroika, however, Soviet organized crime groups were noticeably constrained in their actions, mostly engaged in “protection” for underground entrepreneurs, robbing passersby or stealing social property. At the same time, it was these groups that became the soil that nurtured the ruthless and cynical criminals of the nineties. Some of them will end up in the ground, and some will become authorities, occupying the chair of an official, or being a shareholder of a large company.

But still, the majority of members of the organized crime group fed themselves and their families in more traditional ways: “protection protection”, money laundering, fraud, racketeering, robbery, pimping, contract killings. After all, it was possible to earn considerable income from this type of business.

Thus, the Volgovskaya criminal group, one of the largest in the country, created by natives of Togliatti, was engaged in the resale of stolen parts from the local VAZ automobile plant. Over time, half of the company's car shipments and dozens of dealership companies came under the control of the organized criminal group, from which the Volgovskys had an income of over $400 million a year.

The criminal activities of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group were no less large-scale. She owned the Solntsevo car market, a third of the district's entertainment establishments, as well as taxi services in Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo-2 and at the Kievsky station. One of the sources of profit for the Solntsevskys was the Gorbushka market, which they shared with the Izmailovskys. From one seller, the bandits received from 300 to 1000 dollars a month.


Each criminal group had a strict hierarchy, on which the redistribution of income depended. At the bottom of the criminal chain was usually a youth gang. Her “pawns” are high school students aged 15–16 (“boys”), who collected tribute from their peers or junior schoolchildren. These were either extortions for “protection” or simple robbery. Monthly “contributions” from each student, in terms of modern money, ranged from 200 to 500 rubles. The “boys” left almost nothing for themselves; they transferred the main amount up the hierarchical chain.

The next link in the organized crime group were the “boys,” whose ages ranged from 16 to 25 years. It was impact force gangs that carried out orders from their “elders,” ranging from “protection” for schoolchildren and security functions, to trafficking in soft drugs and street fights for territory. They were often trusted to participate in racketeering and murder. Based on the words of a former member of the Bauman group (Moscow), one “kid” brought the organized crime group monthly around 4-5 thousand rubles in today’s money. Each even small group of such suppliers had from hundreds to thousands.

Above the “boys” there were “foremen” who controlled and coordinated the activities of youth gangs. Their age, as a rule, ranged from 22 to 30 years. It was they who decided who to protect, where to rob, and how much this or that gang member would pay into the common fund. Subordinate to the “foremen” were from 50 to 400 “boys”. The leaders of the youth gangs accumulated all the incoming funds, they kept no more than 7% for themselves, and transferred the rest to the top.


The basis of the upper part of the organized crime group were the so-called “fighters”. They no longer transferred money to the common fund, but were in the pay of criminal “authorities.” In terms of modern prices, they earned from 70 to 200 thousand rubles per month. The “fighters” received additional income from looted property: cars, luxury furniture, imported equipment, jewelry.

The core of the criminal gangs was a group of 30-50 people who could be called “managers”. It was he who was involved in planning all operations and leading the “fighters”. Often “managers” could be found on the board of directors of “protected” companies. By modern standards, their income was 600-800 thousand rubles per month.

The gang leaders – the “authorities” – tried to keep a low profile. In one organized crime group their number did not exceed 5-7 people. As a rule, they made collegial decisions concerning vital issues of the group’s activities. Up to several million dollars could fall into the pockets of the “authorities” every month, but they also paid a high price for this, since they were the main target for rival gangs.

Income items

Criminal groups of the 90s often had several main sources of income. The first is the “common fund”: the funds brought in by the younger members of the gang. About 200 – 800 thousand dollars “ran up” per month. “Obshchak” was mainly formed thanks to funds received as a result of proceeds from petty extortion, theft or carjacking.

The second article of replenishment of the criminal budget is, as a rule, the planned activities of organized crime groups: racketeering of small and medium-sized businesses, participation in the privatization and corporatization of factories, contract killings and bank robberies. All this brought the gang from 2 to 5 million dollars a month.

The third source of funds is prostitution, drug trafficking, weapons and gambling. This income item generated between $3 and $9 million monthly. It should be noted that pimping was not favored by criminal communities. The “shameful” business was carried out either by small organized crime groups or by those who found themselves broke.

The last and biggest source of income is the participation of the top of the organized crime group in legal business as investors or shareholders, including the creation of their own business. Most often these are markets, shops, car dealerships and casinos. The amount of income here depended on the scale of the enterprise and could reach several tens of millions of dollars per month.

Murder for Hire

A separate source of income can be called contract killings, or, as Lieutenant Colonel of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Shutov calls them, murders committed for hire. Most often, according to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, people were killed because of cars, apartments and money in the account. However, high-profile contract killings, as a rule, were aimed at intimidation or revenge.

Prices for murder for hire varied widely. Thus, the killer of the Kazan group “Zhilka” Alexey Snezhinsky told how “some serious people” approached him and offered to organize the murder of the conditional “Sasha the bandit” for 10 thousand dollars. Snezhinsky himself acted as the organizer of the murder, taking 8 thousand dollars for himself and paying the perpetrator 2 thousand. According to the killer, for a more serious case one could ask for up to 50 thousand dollars.

In Moscow, according to former members of the organized crime group, the prices for murder were the highest - an average of 25 thousand dollars. It was much more expensive to order a well-known “media” figure. Thus, the investigation established that the advance payment for the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya alone (though it was committed after the era of the 90s) cost the customer 150 thousand dollars.

Thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hasan)

After the collapse of the USSR, many criminals established control over shadow businesses. Massive shootings often occurred between them with many deaths. According to statistics, mortality increased sharply from 1991 to 1999. If the number of deaths at the beginning of the decade was 1.7 million, then by 1994 it exceeded 2.3 million.

By the end of the 90s, the figures decreased slightly. The maximum mortality rate occurred among men aged 30 to 54 years. This is due to , covered . Causes of mass shootings In 1991, a series of economic reforms began. The collapsed Soviet laws were replaced by the laws of a capitalist society, where the bandits who had already accumulated serious capital in their hands turned out to be the most prepared to conduct business in a new way.

One of the journalists recalls how he tried to build his own business in the early 90s. The first thing the man did was buy a pistol - then the lack of weapons even for a novice mafioso spoke of the frivolity of the businessman. Through bloody carnage, bandits resolved differences between rival gangs. This is how, for example, they have been fighting since 1989, when they first fought among themselves in Devyatkino.

Often, during disputes, groups divided income. In 2005, the leaders of Armenian organized crime groups and Garik Danilov tried to divide the amount they received from the “asphalt” business in the Moscow region. Mass shootings were also brewing in the process of sorting out relations. Peace negotiations ended in a stabbing at:, and. Bandits also had conflicts with businessmen.

(operated in Naberezhnye Chelny) through thefts and robberies in the early 90s, instantly imposed a tribute on village entrepreneurs - owners of eateries and repair shops.

Resistance is futile

Often ordinary citizens unwittingly became participants in mass shootings. In 1993, the Nagatinskaya group killed an authority figure nicknamed Monya and, jumping out into the street, began beating and robbing passers-by. Sometimes the bandits killed witnesses who accidentally found themselves in the center of events.

In 1993, a clash occurred between members of the Chechen and Primorskaya organized crime groups. Then the criminals captured not only the offender, but also two strangers. They were taken to a garage that had been rented in advance. The victims escaped and managed to avoid death.

After 1991, the number of registered crimes under the article “banditry” increased sharply - to 500. But criminologists argue that these figures are significantly underestimated. Many cases have not been officially confirmed. Statistics say that more than 32 thousand mafiosi died every year during deliberate murders. Moreover, suicides staged by bandits and alleged accidents do not count.

Mass shootings on the streets and the destruction of leaders of the criminal world in the 90s acquired truly grandiose proportions. Due to the sharp increase in crime, this time was remembered as the heyday of the Russian mafia, and the definition of “dashing” was assigned to the 90s themselves.

We all know that the nineties were very hot times. Then legal and illegal business began to emerge. At times they were closely related to each other. This symbiosis was so profitable that influential groups fought for the right to work together with legal businessmen, sometimes starting real wars. As an echo of them, today we can observe the unusual graves of bandits of the 90s, which capture the imagination of ordinary people.

A little history

In the early 90s of the last century, various groups and gangs actively developed. They took control of small, medium, and later large businesses. Without doing practically anything, they made good profits. Of course, each gang wanted to conquer as wide a field of influence as possible. For this purpose, cold and firearms. And the graves of bandits of the nineties appeared in cemeteries.

It is known that the heads of groups that were worshiped and who had the most money from illegal business were the first to be shot. For example, in Yekaterinburg, the “lads” even managed to establish international illegal connections to make money from the sale of scrap metal. This is where the very first began big war, as a result of which several hundred “brothers” died on both sides. There were similar wars in St. Petersburg and other cities.

Unprecedented luxury

After high-profile murders, luxurious graves of bandits began to appear in cemeteries. Uralmash was one of the first to begin erecting real masterpieces in honor of its leaders.

These monuments are characterized by the fact that granite and marble were not spared for their construction. Tombstones were made both in the form of a classic slab and a full-length monument. The greater the position the deceased held, the more granite was used for his monument.

Sometimes you can even find entire memorials that occupy a huge area. In addition to the monument and tombstone, in such places there are also stone flowerpots, tables and benches for relaxation.

Friends and relatives tried to ensure that the monuments on the graves of the bandits fully reflected the fact how significant person the deceased was alive. Even more luxury can be observed at family graves, where relatives who were members of the same group are buried. In this case, the burial place looks especially regal.

Full length portrait

But no matter how luxurious the tombstone is, the graves of 90s bandits are also distinguished by the special style of the portraits on it. The deceased is usually depicted at full height. Outwardly, he has a typical look for that time: the clothes of a classic bandit.

There are several options here. The deceased can be depicted in a tracksuit and an eight-piece cap, if this is how the “brothers” knew him. But he may appear before you in a leather jacket with a typical cut for that time and in jeans.

Later graves show businessmen wearing crimson jackets. It is not even necessary that the portrait be in color. It is immediately clear to everyone that it is raspberry in color.

As for the image itself, the engraving on the stone is often done in color, although this is much more expensive than the usual two-color design.

It's all in the details

Not the least important thing in portraits is their detail. Almost every one depicts the famous gold chains - the main attributes of the leaders of that time. It doesn’t matter whether these are the graves of bandits in Moscow or in other cities.

There are also very specific details. There are portraits with a bunch of car keys in their hands or with their favorite keychain. In some portraits, the deceased is depicted with a handful of seeds, which he loved so much during his lifetime.

It is also common to see such items as a lighter, a matchbox, a cigarette, mobile phone, rings, rings, signets. All these details create the impression as if a living person is looking at you from a tombstone and is about to call you out. This causes fear and apprehension among strangers, as it did during the life of the person depicted on the tombstone. Looking at him, you immediately understand that this is a real authority of the criminal world.

Embracing the angels

It is known that criminals have a special concept Christian faith. They created their code based on its main postulates, bringing them to their own realities. Therefore, the monuments on the graves of bandits are often strewn with Christian symbols.

The most common one is a cross. But this is not surprising, since it is also on the graves of other people; it is under the cross that a person is sent to afterworld. The cross protects his soul in the “other world.”

But images are rare for ordinary people. Since most of the authorities did not die by their own death, it is not just crosses that must protect their peace, but the highest deities. Therefore, the monuments on the graves of bandits are hugged by angels, and they stand over the deceased, as if fulfilling their mission, which they failed to accomplish during his lifetime.

Tombstones in the form of churches and domes are also typical for bandits. In the criminal world, this is a special symbol that the “brothers” transferred to cemeteries for their brothers and colleagues.

On a Mercedes to the afterlife

Probably the most amazing part of the tombstones that decorate the graves of 90s bandits is their cars. It was the 600th Mercedes that became a symbol of that time, it was the one that the most authoritative bandits drove, and it was its image that was transferred to the tombstones.

Some people thought a simple drawing was not enough, so the graves of bandits in Togliatti and other cities are decorated with monument cars. Carved from granite to life size, they stand directly on the grave of the deceased.

True, Mercedes is not the only brand that can be found in cemeteries. There are even tombstones in the shape of motorcycles. Particularly interesting examples are a car half hewn from stone, while the other half remains untreated stone.

Paired graves

Along with single graves in cemeteries where bandits of the 90s lie, there are also double graves. Close relatives are buried there. For example, the graves of the Uralmash bandits in Yekaterinburg are famous commonplace burial places of the brothers who founded this sports-gangster group. They are united by one tombstone, on which those who are buried in them are carved in full height.

The same graves are typical for a brother and sister, and for a husband and wife. There are even family graves in which their children also lie next to their parents, since the gang wars were extremely cruel. They killed everyone: both children and adults. As a tribute to their memory, the most luxurious tombstones and family crypts were erected.

Simplicity and conciseness

But not all 90s gangster graves are so striking. There are simple but tastefully decorated places in cemeteries. And this does not mean that the person was completely uninfluential during his lifetime, or that he had little money. It’s just that his relatives and friends understood that he no longer needed excessive showing off. Therefore, such graves are decorated with a simple tombstone, on which, in addition to the main portrait, there may be 1-2 more minor ones, illustrating the life of this person in all its manifestations.

Decades later, we can already talk about such a cultural phenomenon as the bandits of the 90s, and what is left of them. These are unusual tombstones showing special treatment people to the memory of their deceased comrades.

Published on your favorite website. Today we’ll talk about crime of the 90s. For some, the nineties never ended - these people still listen to the gentle May and walk around with purses. For some, the nineties did not end because they could not get out of prison for the pranks of that decade. Here's more about these characters:

At the end of the 80s, cooperators began to make money. Speculation became legal and the first more or less big money brought its owners more or less big problems. There was already enough crime in the USSR, but here everyone wanted money quickly - and not to make money, but just to take it. The racket has arrived. From the Italian "ricatto" - blackmail.

(The first racketeers were in the USSR in 1979. Then underground businessmen - guilds and thieves in law - gathered in Kislovodsk, and decided. For protection from the claims of criminals, the guild gives a tithe. 10% of income).

The boys went to the rocking gym and karate. Then they went to the video salon - the pernicious influence of the West, through the most understandable of arts - cinema, stuck in the heads of the people.

Strong boys, in sweatpants and leather jackets, began to provide protection for hucksters and merchants. But the cops didn’t expect this. There were no articles in the Criminal Code, and there was no riot police yet. And now there is no witness protection program. So the lads frolicked. Legends.

1. Sergey Ivanovich Timofeev and Sasha Makedonsky. King of Mayhem, Sylvester. Orekhovo-Borisovsky district of Moscow. 1988, athletes, 18-25 years old, clearly understood that they no longer wanted to work. A bodybuilder by hobby and tractor driver by profession, Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev, nicknamed “Sylvester,” (like Stallone), and assembled the basis of the future gang. They started by robbing truckers - they took trucks and sold the car and cargo. They lived on these percentages. Further more. Car thieves, thimble dealers, markets. They fought off business from the Chechens, who were still just gaining strength, and timidly objected to the Slavs.

Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev - Sylvester.

And by 1991, the Orekhovskys had grown into the banking business - 30 banks were controlled by Sylvester. Precious metals, real estate, auto trading - the gang is legalizing itself. The oil business did not work out - the Abramovichs and other top officials of the country had long been committed to the government of the country, against which the gang turned pale.

The duty killer of the Orekhovskis was Alexander Solonik, or, nicknamed for his ability to shoot with both hands, Sasha Makedonsky. Excellent mastery of almost all types of weapons, Sasha committed only 20 high-profile murders. In 1994, during his arrest, he killed 3 policemen and was wounded! The cops would have finished off the scumbag. From the hospital, Sasha Makedonsky is taken to the “Matrosskaya Tishina”, from which he escaped. The first case in the entire history of Matroska. Moreover, the warden, bribed for $500,000, helped him, bringing a rope ladder, along which he left with Sasha. In 1995, the killer settled in Athens with model Svetlana Kotova. Under the name Vladimir Kysev.

Alexander Solonik and Svetlana Kotova

They lived in a villa in the suburbs of Athens. They weren't poor. In 1997, Moscow friends from work in the Orekhov group, Andrei Pylev and his comrades, came to visit Sasha Makedonsky. It seems like they strangled him and threw him into the forest. They cut his girlfriend into pieces and buried her. For this murder, Andrei Pylev received 21 years. But Solonik’s lawyer, who came to Greece, did not identify the famous killer in the murdered man. And Alexander’s mother, who came to the funeral, after examining the body, flew home without waiting for the funeral. No one looked after the grave and it was transferred to a general burial. There is a version that Sasha the Great still lives in Greece. Moreover, according to another version, he served in the special forces to fight crime. Hence his shooting skills.

Only suicide can kill a real murderer.

But the Orekhovskys’ number one was still Sylvester. He becomes a big businessman - he has a lot of accounts abroad, receives Israeli citizenship like Sergei Zhlobinsky. Increasingly, he sits behind the cordon, not touching on criminal matters; his deputies were responsible for them. In 1992, the deposit of Boris Berezovsky, who was a member of Yeltsin and the Kremlin at that time, was placed in Sylvester's bank. However, the bank was in no hurry to return the money. Moreover, soon they tried to blow up Berezovsky himself in the car - the driver died, and BB himself was wounded. Yeltsin announced on TV about criminal lawlessness and the bank did return the money.

Boris Yeltsin was a good man. But in the nineties it was survival of the fittest. Money had nothing to do with it.

In the nineties, the Orekhovskys bought fighters and took away businesses outside their area. The group includes 1000 bandits. Almost all the groups in Moscow were at knifepoint with them, but were reluctant to fight. And in the fall of 1994, at the age of 39, Sylvester was blown up in his 600 Mercedes. The group breaks up into a dozen small gangs.

The car in which Sylvester crashed and his grave.

Over the next four years, during the redistribution of business, 150 fighters were killed. "Orekhovskie" existed until 2002 - in 2011, 13 members of the top group were imprisoned for a long time.

2. Vladimir Labotsky. The Regions were also fun. Novokuznetsk, mining, processing of coal and metal. Money is spinning. And in 1992, former paratrooper, master of sports in wrestling, Vladimir Labotsky, organized his fellow soldiers to take action - to take their hometown into their hands. The beginning was the crushing of markets and hucksters - those who disagreed were immediately killed, so business went smoothly. With the first money, the gang in England ordered listening equipment and special communications. The fighters did not drink or smoke. They received salaries and bonuses. Trainings are on schedule. Soon the gang also clamped down on large businesses in Novokuznetsk. And yet they took it, in the first year they knocked out the competitors, intimidated all the local businesses and came to an agreement with the cops. The gang's signature style was killing with tourist hatchets. Already on next year the gang moves to Moscow, leaving Novokuznetsk as a boob that constantly sponsors the gang.

Volodya Lobotsky.

Before the march on Moscow, Labotsky compiled a card index of Moscow authorities and a summary of the structures under their control. I bought housing for my bulls in the same area. They communicated on protected frequencies, with their own coded words. The army guys, damn them.

At the first shootouts with the Moscow ones, Labotsky came alone. Like one. He listened to his opponents, then asked them to look around. The meeting place was surrounded by snipers and machine gunners. This is how the Novokuznetsk soldiers conquered Moscow. However, foolishly, envy came into the gang - Labotsky decided that his deputy, Shkabara, who is also his right hand, was keeping him up. Labotsky stupidly brought a bomb home to Shkabara, but it went off in his hand. So Shkabara led the gang. The discipline was ironclad. Shkabara personally killed those who did not complete the task. For this, the Novokuznetsk people began to be called disposable. Soon the bloody trail became full of evidence and the gang was captured. 60 murders by Novokuznetsk have been proven. Everyone sat down.

Nineties. Happiness. Yes, such that it’s easier to shoot yourself right away.

3. Podolsky Luchok with comrades. The biggest gang of the 90s. 2500 bandits in one group. From the 200,000 people of Podolsk near Moscow came the largest gang, a whole army, in the process. The army was organized by a former paratrooper (Airborne Forces again!), Sergei Lalakin, nickname Luchok. Moreover, he was given a nickname at school. Having never been convicted, Luchok worked as a butcher and was a petty swindler. I sold “dolls” near the exchangers and made confidants. With the very first money, he gathered around himself the same young and unprincipled goofballs, usually athletes-wrestlers. They help him push competitors out of the thimble business. Then there was traditional racketeering, control over the auto business, wholesalers of everything. Young people were willingly taken into the gang, forced to work hard and paid well. This is how the gang became the biggest. Soon most areas of the Moscow region fall under the influence of the largest gang. Now both factories and banks are quietly paying luchka and its caudle.

The first serious rebuff to the Luchka gang was in 1992 and a criminal nicknamed crazy. He collected bruises around him, people just as convicted as himself. Therefore, the conflict with Luchko was a conflict between the old and new schools of banditry, two worldviews collided. Soon Psycho was found with his head severed.

Then there was Luchka’s fellow countryman, Kolya Sobol, who was shot in his Mercedes in broad daylight in the city center. Authority Roman, caught from the river. An authority figure from Moscow, Sponge, was shot dead in his own car near his home.

And the gang developed - branches of Podolsk residents were opened - in Urengoy and Kyiv groups of Luchkovsky Podolsk residents successfully functioned.

However, Luchka’s most striking project remains financial Pyramide"Lord". For the first four months, it paid investors 100% per month and collected about 20 billion rubles from Russians. Much like MMM. Moreover, crazy amounts were paid on the spot from scratch. There is a version that money from arms and drug trafficking was laundered in this way. After all, “Vlastelin” closed on the eve of the Chechen war.

On August 8, 2003, one of the last surviving leaders of the Orekhovskaya group, Andrei Pylev, nicknamed Dwarf, was detained in the Spanish resort of Marbella. Among the most notorious crimes of the organized crime group is the murder of killer Alexander Solonik and businessman Otari Kvantrishvili. Who were the Orekhovskys and what happened to them - in the Kommersant-Online photo gallery.
The Orekhovskaya organized crime group was formed in the south of Moscow in the area of ​​Shipilovskaya Street in the late 1980s. It mainly included young people aged 18-25 with common sports interests.

Over the years, the organized crime group has grown into one of the largest criminal communities in Moscow. The group became famous as one of the most brutal Russian gangs of the 1990s, responsible for such high-profile cases as the murder of Otari Kvantrishvili and the assassination attempt on Boris Berezovsky in 1994, as well as the murder of the famous killer Alexander Solonik in Greece in 1997. In the second half of the 1990s, the organized crime group, most of whose leaders fell victims to internal strife, weakened. In the early 2000s, the remaining Orekhov “authorities” were put on trial and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.

In the photo: members of the organized crime group Viktor Komakhin (second from left; shot in 1995) and Igor Chernakov (third from left; was killed in 1994 the day after the murder of the leader of the organized crime group Sylvester)

Marat Polyansky is a killer, member of the Orekhovskaya and Medvedkovskaya organized crime groups. He was involved in the murder of the Kurgan organized crime group killer Alexander Solonik, as well as Otari Kvantrishvili. He was detained in February 2001 in Spain. In January 2013 he was sentenced to 23 years in prison

Oleg Pylev (pictured) was detained in 2002 in Odessa, Andrei Pylev in 2003 in Spain. Oleg Pylev was sentenced to 24 years in prison, Andrey - to 21 years