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Exam scores check results. When and where can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam? Who checks the Unified State Examination

How are the Unified State Exam results assessed?

The results of the Unified State Examination are assessed on a 100-point scale and are included in a special “Certificate of the results of the unified state exam».

When assessing the results of the Unified State Exam, it is established minimum quantity test scores for each educational subject, confirming the graduate’s mastery of the basic general education programs secondary (complete) education in accordance with the requirements of the federal educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. If a student scores less than the established minimum number of points (has not overcome the minimum threshold), then the Unified State Examination is considered failed.

The minimum threshold value is announced within 6-8 days after conducting the Unified State Exam in the subject during the main deadlines and 2-3 days after the Unified State Exam during additional deadlines in July.

Unified State Examination scale

When you complete tasks on the Unified State Exam, 1 or more points are awarded for each correct solution, depending on the difficulty. In this case, correctly completed task of part A or B is scored 1 point, part C - up to 4 points. The sum of these scores is called the “primary score” (PS). In fact, this is the number of correctly completed tasks.

    The number of minimum PBs for different subjects may vary, for example:
  • mathematics: 36 PB,
  • biology: 36 PB,
  • foreign languages: 22 PB.

But these are not the scores that will be useful to you, for example, for admission to a university. They need to be converted on a 100-point scale. This is the so-called “test score” (TB).

TB assesses the student’s level of preparedness. It depends on the level of complexity of the tasks completed on the Unified State Exam. This score is used to determine the final grade. The maximum test score on the Unified State Exam in any subject: 100 points.

The primary score is converted into a test score using a special formula.

Table for converting Unified State Exam 2020 points into grades (using a five-point system)


Russian language

Profile mathematics

Basic mathematics



Social science


Computer Science and ICT

English language




    Minimum Unified State Examination points to obtain a certificate in 2020:
  • Russian language - 24 points;
  • basic level mathematics - 3 points (assessment);
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social studies - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
  • Chinese– 17 points.
    Minimum Unified State Exam scores for admission to a university:
  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • profile-level mathematics - 27 points;
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social studies - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points.

How the Unified State Exam affects obtaining a certificate

The basis for issuing a graduate with a certificate of secondary education is satisfactory results of the Unified State Examination, i.e. the number of points is not lower than the minimum threshold for compulsory subjects(Russian language and mathematics). In this case, the graduate receives 2 documents: a school certificate and a certificate of Unified State Examination results.

The final grades are included in the certificate according to the traditional 5-point system, which are defined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual grades for grades 10-11 (12).

The results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the final grades included in the certificate.

If a graduate has not passed the minimum threshold in one of the subjects - Russian language or mathematics - on the Unified State Exam within the main deadlines and when retaking it, then he will not be issued a certificate.

How and when can you find out your Unified State Exam results?

The results of the Unified State Exam must be known to participants no later than 3 working days after Rosobrnadzor announces the minimum thresholds for each subject. Thus, no more than 12 days pass from the date of the exam. Most regions inform their Unified State Exam participants at an earlier date.

Unified State Exam participants who are graduates of the current year are issued certificates of Unified State Exam results at the educational institution. The rest of the Unified State Exam participants will find out their results where they received their Unified State Exam pass: this is either the PPE in which they took the exam, or the education governing body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local educational authorities.

According to current regulations, each subject of the Russian Federation is independently responsible for informing Unified State Exam participants about the results. In some regions this information can be accessed online for free. You can find out your results by having an individual code (passport number, etc.).

  • Moscow and Moscow region:
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:

Lists of Unified State Exam participants with their exam results are posted on information stands (at school, PPE, education management body, etc.).

Validity period of the certificate of Unified State Examination results

On November 20, 2013, letter No. DL-345/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the effect of the Unified State Exam results” was published.

“The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the issue of the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before the entry into force on September 1, 2013. Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), reports.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the unified state exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs valid for four years, following the year of obtaining such results.

Consequently, admission to organizations that carry out educational activities for bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs, is allowed based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2015 and 2016, and valid until the end of 2019 and 2020, respectively

The Unified State Exam certificate after September 1, 2020 is valid for four years following the year of passing the exam. That is, the 2018 certificate expires in December 2022 and can be used for admission to universities in the period from 2018 to 2022. Therefore, certificates issued in 2019 and 2020 are valid until 2023 and 2024, respectively.

State certification after graduation from school is a solemn and very important moment. After the exam, you want to find out the results as soon as possible - after all, admission will depend on this. But how long do you need to wait for the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination in 2018? And where can they be found in the future? We have collected all known information about final exams from school - dates of publication of results, place of receipt and everything that a future student needs!

Of course, I want to quickly find out how many points this or that exam was written for. But you will have to be patient - you will have to wait quite a long time for results. Due to the sheer volume of materials, it will take a lot of time for reviewers to review everything, enter it into databases, distribute it, and publish it.

According to the regulations, the results of the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination will be gradually posted after approximately 14-16 calendar days. This applies to results at all stages. On the official website of the RCIO, specific days are indicated for everyone by which the commissions must send all results. You can find them below.

It is worth looking at information about scores at certification before. These dates are the deadline for all data to be published. No one said that they should not be posted 1-2 days earlier, if the time and energy of the inspectors allows this.

Dates for publication of the results of the Unified State Exam and GVE-11 in 2018

The following are the expected days on which the Unified State Exam and State Examination scores in 2018 should become known:

The results of the GVE for eleventh-graders and the Unified State Exam conducted on reserve days in 2018 will be published approximately on the following days:

Naturally, the results may sometimes not be published day after day, but with a slight difference: somewhere a little earlier, somewhere later. Much depends on the region - the further away it is, the higher the likelihood of a slight delay.

As for the final essay or presentation. Its results must be published 13 days from the date of writing.

Dates for publication of the results of the OGE and GVE-9 in 2018

The OGE and GVE conducted on the main days for ninth-graders should be published on the following dates:

If the exam is held on a reserve day, you should expect results by the following dates:

Publication of the results of the Unified State Exam, OGE and State Examination in 2018

Scores and summaries of the assessment are sent to the schools whose students took the assessment. In addition, information is published on portals that have received permission for this. For example, on the website of the mayor of Moscow. But for graduates different years The procedure and collection locations may vary.

Where can I find out the results for 2018 graduates?

For yesterday's schoolchildren, the process of obtaining points for exams has been significantly simplified. Students who graduated from school in 2018 can get the information they need in several places at once:

  1. At school, where they were enrolled until the graduating class inclusive.
  2. On separate sites. For example:
    • on the official portal (USE results),
    • on (OGE results);

As a rule, teachers receive exam results that come in educational institution. They can call and inform you before the graduate himself gets to the school or site.

Thanks to this factor, some graduates will not even need to independently search for information about the exact moment of publication of scores. But not all teachers are ready to raise awareness, so you shouldn’t hope for a magic call.

Step-by-step instructions on how to find out your exam results

1. Go to the official website of the Moscow Mayor. We go through the registration procedure:

2. After registration, go to the page of the service itself. Click "Get a service":

3. Fill in required fields and click the “Submit” button:

Video on how to find out exam results

If you have any questions, watch this video of ours:

Where can graduates of previous years find out the results?

If a person graduated from school several years ago, but suddenly wanted to pass a state certification (for example, to enter a university), or even came from another country, then the situation is somewhat different. This graduate is not assigned to any school. He applies for the exams on his own.

Consequently, he will be able to receive the results only in the department where he submitted his application for participation in the exams. It is also possible that the results will be published on websites, so it is worth checking there as well.

Who can find out the results

After the expected publication of the necessary information, it must be obtained somehow. But it’s worth remembering that scores for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and State Examination are strictly confidential information. It can only be received by those who are directly related to it. This:

  • a graduate himself;
  • parents of the graduate;
  • graduate confidant.

But for a reason. It is necessary to provide confirmation of the right to receive your own points, and for family or trusted persons - in fact, documents certifying the fact of relationship or power of attorney.

What documents are needed

Fortunately, you will not need to collect a package of documents. In order to find out the certification results, you must:

  1. Student passport.
  2. The parent’s passport and, if the graduate is not included in it, the child’s birth certificate.
  3. The proxy's passport and power of attorney confirming the owner's right and consent to receive the exam results.

In addition, if you try to find out your points online, you will need a member registration code. It is entered on the portal, and it is through it that the system will search for data on a specific person. However, in some places it can be replaced with a passport number.

How long are exam results valid for?

According to the recently updated legislation regarding this type of certification, now the results of any state examinations will be valid for 4 years excluding the year in which they were received.

Let’s say a student passed the Unified State Exam in 2018. Its results will be valid until 2022 inclusive. He has the right to use them for admission to a higher or secondary vocational educational institution at any time, until the points “burn out.”

Deadlines for retaking the Unified State Exam, OGE and State Examination

Unfortunately, there is a chance that you simply will not pass the state certification along with your classmates. A couple of points might just be missing. Or the result did not meet expectations, and you want to earn more to enter university on a budget basis.

If you fail one compulsory subject

If a student fails to pass one of the required subjects, he has the right to retake it on reserve days. As a rule, these days come immediately after the main exams, that is, in the summer. Therefore, there will be time to prepare for admission in the event of a successful retake.

If you fail a retake or fail two required exams

In this case, the situation becomes somewhat sadder. If both Russian and mathematics fail, or if the graduate manages to fail the retake, he will only be able to get another attempt at an additional stage of certification.

This stage begins in the fall, after September 1. In this case, it will no longer be possible to enter a university or college this year, unless correspondence form training. Or to a private educational institution.

If you fail your elective subject

In the case where a subject chosen by the student himself was failed, he will have to wait a whole year to retake it. It will be possible to retake such a subject only in the summer, along with all other schoolchildren.

You can find out the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam through “State Services” according to a pre-compiled schedule for laying out information. Every year, before the start of all-Russian testing, the authorities draw up a schedule of examinations in individual disciplines. A commission is then formed to review the tests. And on the appointed day, information with preliminary results is posted on the official website or on the State Services portal.

How to get preliminary Unified State Exam results in your personal account on the official website of Gosuslugi, we will tell you in this material. This describes the procedure for submitting an application, an algorithm of actions, the correctness of which will determine the correctness of filling out the form.

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam in several school disciplines, which allows one to assess the level of knowledge acquired by a graduate. All schoolchildren who complete their studies at school (after 11th grade) undergo a similar testing procedure. This form of examination allows you to issue a certificate of completion of schooling. The form with Unified State Examination grades is the basis for calculation passing score to universities and colleges. No change required additional exams when passing entrance examinations. There are some exceptions creative professions, upon admission to which it is necessary to assess the level of professional suitability of the applicant.

The Unified State Examination can only be viewed on the State Services portal during exams. Usually the time allocated for this is from the end of May to the beginning of July. You can obtain information about previously passed tests only from special commissions upon the personal application of the graduate.

The results of the Unified State Exam are not publicly available on the official website of Gosuslugi. To receive them you will need to fill out a special application. We will tell you how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam through State Services later in the material.

Instructions for obtaining results on “State Services”

Pay attention! Only the graduate himself can obtain the results of the Unified State Exam on the State Services portal. To do this, he needs to have his own personal account. We recommend setting it up in advance. To do this, you will need a passport, SNILS certificate and personal cell phone number. Log in to the portal and complete a simple registration. Enter all personal and passport information. Submit your information for review. After receiving confirmation, you can carry out the authentication procedure. Confirmed personal status account allows you to use the full functionality of the portal. To complete the confirmation procedure, take your passport to the multifunctional center.

In order to find out the result of the ITS on the State Services portal, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. log in to your personal account;
  2. in the catalog of services provided, in the “Education” section, find the item “Find out preliminary results of the Unified State Exam”;
  3. follow the provided link;
  4. fill out the application form electronically;
  5. check the correctness of the information entered and submit the form for verification;
  6. in a few minutes you will receive preliminary results for the subjects that you indicated in the application.

The received transcript is not an officially confirmed document and cannot be provided to the admissions committee as confirmation of passed entrance examinations. For this purpose it is necessary to obtain educational institution certificates that will indicate all the results of the Unified State Examinations passed.

Where else can I see the results of the Unified State Exam?

It is quite natural that test takers are worried and want to know at least the preliminary exams as soon as possible. After all, future admission and the likelihood of receiving a certificate depend on this. There are several resources where you can still view the results of the Unified State Exam based on the passport data of the person being examined. First of all, this is the central official website for the Unified State Exam. Using a special form located on its pages, you can obtain preliminary test results.

Pay attention! You can look at the Unified State Exam results on the official website of your region. There they are usually posted with a delay of 1 – 3 hours.

Now you know on which website you can view the Unified State Exam results before they are published within the walls of your home school. We wish you success in passing the unified state exam and accuracy in choosing your future profession.

On the Internet there is official portal of the Unified State Exam. This portal allows the student or his parents to understand whether the required test has been passed and what its result is.

Unfortunately, not every region of our country decides to publish information about the results of the Unified State Exam on the specified website. If you cannot find your information, then you need to find a website in your region with information about the results. For example, for graduates Vladimir region The link to the website where you can find out the results of the Unified State Examination is listed below - in the Sources section.

What information must be provided to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

In order to find out the necessary information based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you must indicate the following data on the official website:

  • registration code or passport number (indicated without series);

  • region of your residence, for example, Moscow.

Required information may vary on regional websites. So, for example, on the website of the Vladimir region, a graduate will only need to indicate the series, passport number and subject in which the Unified State Exam was taken.

In what time frame can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam based on passport data?

On average, such periods are at least 9 days for compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian language. And for the exams that the graduate himself chose, less time is needed - about 7 days.

After passing the Unified State Exam Many school graduates and their parents are wondering:

Where can I find out the results of the Unified State Examination?

Each subject of the Russian Federation independently establishes ways to inform exam participants about the results of the Unified State Exam for free.

Find out the results of the unified state exam, as well as - essays on the Russian language, you can:

When can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

In the regions, USE participants must be informed about their results no later than 3 working days after Rosobrnadzor announces the minimum number of points (minimum threshold) for each subject. 6 calendar days are allotted for processing the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian language and mathematics after the test. Processing of Unified State Examination results in other general education subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, foreign language) Unified State Examination results must be completed within 4 calendar days after the relevant exam.

Thus, participants will be able to find out their results in compulsory subjects (Russian language, mathematics) at least 9 days after the exam, and in elective subjects - after 7 days.

In regions with inaccessible and remote areas, the results of the Unified State Exam may be announced a little later. However, the period for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam in Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days, and the results of the Unified State Exam in additional terms (in July) - 8 days.

Schedule for issuing individual USE results in 2020

Early period

date exam processing time in the region date of issue of the result
20.03.2019 geography, literature 23.03.2019 01.04.2019
22.03.2019 Russian language 25.03.2019 02.04.2019
25.03.2019 history, chemistry 28.03.2019 05.04.2019
27.03.2019 foreign languages ​​(oral) 30.03.2019 12.04.2019
29.03.2019 mathematics (basic, specialized) 01.04.2019 08.04.2019
01.04.2019 04.04.2019 12.04.2019
01.04.2019 biology, physics 04.04.2019 12.04.2019
03.04.2019 social studies, computer science and ICT 06.04.2019 15.04.2019
05.04.2019 reserve: geography, computer science and ICT, chemistry, history 08.04.2019



reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)



08.04.2019 reserve: literature, physics, biology, social studies 11.04.2019


08.04.2019 reserve: foreign languages ​​(written) 11.04.2019


10.04.2019 reserve: Russian language, basic and specialized level mathematics 13.04.2019 22.04.2019

Main period

date exam processing time in the region result announcement date
27.05.2019 geography, literature 31.05.2019 11.06.2019
29.05.2019 mathematics (basic level) 01.06.2019 11.06.2019
29.05.2019 mathematics (profile level) 01.06.2019 12.06.2019
31.05.2019 chemistry, history 03.06.2019 14.06.2019
03.06.2019 Russian language 09.06.2019 20.06.2019
05.06.2019 physics 11.06.2019 20.06.2019
05.06.2019 foreign languages ​​(written) 11.06.2019 24.06.2019
07.06.2019 foreign languages ​​(oral) 10.06.2019 24.06.2019
08.06.2019 foreign languages ​​(oral) 11.06.2019 24.06.2019
10.06.2019 social science 13.06.2019 25.06.2019
13.06.2019 biology, computer science and ICT 16.06.2019 27.06.2019
17.06.2019 reserve: geography, literature 20.06.2019


18.06.2019 reserve: physics, history 21.06.2019


20.06.2019 reserve: computer science and ICT, biology, chemistry 23.06.2019



reserve: basic and specialized level mathematics



26.06.2019 reserve: Russian language 29.06.2019


27.06.2019 reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral) 30.06.2019



reserve: social studies, foreign languages ​​(written)



01.07.2019 reserve: for all academic subjects 04.07.2019


Official regional websites informing about the results of the Unified State Exam

In many regions to inform Unified State Exam participants regional information processing centers (RTC) Special free websites have been created where you can find out your results with an individual code. Typically the code could be:

Find out the results of the Unified State Examination in the region on the websites of the Russian Center of Education:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the "Registration Code" and where can I find it?

  2. The registration code is necessary to identify the Unified State Exam participant; it is indicated on the Unified State Exam pass. If you lose your pass, you must contact the place where USE passes are issued at your place of residence.

    If your data is not in the system, then there may be a problem with the spelling of the letter “е” in your full name. From the point of view of the "Semyonov" and "Semyonov" system - different people. Try different spellings.

  3. What are the criteria?

  4. The assignment assessment criteria are used during the review of Part C of the participant's work.

    A task can have one or more criteria. The criteria are not applied to all assignments in Part C. The number of points for an assignment is equal to the sum of points for all criteria for this assignment. Detailed information on the assessment criteria is on the FIPI website

  5. What is the primary and test score?

  6. Primary score– this is the sum of points awarded for answers to tasks of all parts of the examination paper.

    Test score– this is the result of recalculation (scaling) of the primary score to bring it to a 100-point scale.

    What score is included in the certificate? - Test.

  7. How long is the certificate of Unified State Examination results valid?

  8. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 N DL-344/17 “On the validity of the results of the unified state exam” explained that according to the new Law “On Education” (which entered into force on September 1, 2013), the results of the Unified State Examination for admission to Bachelor's and specialist's programs are valid for 4 years following the year of their receipt.

    The previous law provided that the certificate of Unified State Examination results expires on December 31 of the year following the year in which it was received.

    In this regard, as of September 1, 2013, certificates issued after January 1, 2012 are applied. Their validity period after September 1, 2013 is 4 years following the year of receipt.

    Consequently, admission to bachelor’s and specialist’s programs is permitted with Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2012 and 2013. and valid until the end of 2016 and 2017. respectively.

What documents are needed for admission to the university?

The procedure for admission to training educational programs higher education- bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs for 2015/16 academic year, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 28, 2014 No. 839 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), established an exhaustive list of information indicated in the application for admission, a list of documents submitted by applicants, as well as a list of requirements for these documents.

According to the Procedure, the applicant provides the admissions committee with:


    original or photocopy of an identity document, citizenship;

    original (required when applying to target places) or a photocopy of a state-issued education document;

    4 photographs (if you plan to enroll in areas of training for which additional admissions tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation, additional admissions tests of a specialized orientation, or admissions tests conducted by the university independently are conducted);

    documents confirming benefits (if any).

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 22, 2015 No. AK-1687/05 “On the acceptance of documents from persons applying for bachelor’s degree programs, specialty programs, and master’s programs” specifically explains that:

    the list established by the Procedure is comprehensive;

    all documents can be submitted in copies;

    Certification of copies of documents is not required;

    no additional documents or information may be requested.

Procedure for those applying based on the results of the Unified State Exam:

    First, you need to carefully study the information about the number of passing scores from last year and first assess your own chances of admission.

    Submit copies of documents to 5 universities for 3 budget-funded specialties in each. The original documents remain in hand or are submitted to a priority university, or to one where there is a high probability of admission. The next day (to be on the safe side), look for yourself in the competition lists that are posted on the websites of universities.

    Total quantity budget places It is better to check at each university for each specialty of interest. It consists of the number of places allocated for the general competition + places for targeted students + places for preferential categories of applicants. Record the total number. Let, for example, it be = 100.

    On July 27, universities reveal competitive lists, i.e. on this day you can already see your place in the ranking, the competitive scores of other applicants, the number of submitted originals, the number of Olympiad students entering without entrance tests. However, it is too early to draw any concrete conclusions from this. At this stage, the competition lists only provide general idea about the competitive environment.

    On July 30, universities publish orders for the enrollment of target students, preferential categories of applicants, and Olympiad participants. Look at these orders and count how many people were admitted according to these documents. Let's say there are 30 people.

    Determine how many budget places are actually left for the general competition. To do this, subtract 30 from 100, and thus it becomes clear that there are 70 budget places left for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam (conditional figures from our example are given).

    See your place in the ranking. If this is a position from 1 to 70, with 99% confidence (1% for force majeure), we can say that if you submit the originals on time (before August 3, inclusive), you will be enrolled in wave 1.

    In the period from July 30 to August 2, you carefully observe the movement within the competitive list for each university and specialty, from the point of view of determining the exact number of submitted originals. Lists on university websites must be updated every day.

    On the evening of August 2, you finally decide where to take the original documents (if you didn’t take them earlier). At the same time, take into account the fact that in the first wave of everything (taking into account target recipients, beneficiaries, and Olympiad participants) up to 80% of all budget places can be filled (in our particular case, this is up to 80 places, and in the second only 20% ( in our case, this is 20 places). The criterion for making the final decision may be the place occupied in the ranking, the number of submitted originals, the number of free places remaining after the release of admission orders published on July 30.

    It must be borne in mind that the number of applicants who will keep the originals at home until the last minute may turn out to be large, and therefore on August 3 admissions committee Possible crowds from those who brought the originals. This naturally can radically change the entire competitive situation.

    If you were admitted to wave 1, congratulations! If this does not work out, continue to closely monitor the competition lists. At the same time, you keep in mind that on August 3, orders will be issued for the enrollment of those applicants who were admitted in the 1st wave. But this does not mean that all budget places reserved for the 1st wave will be completely filled. It is possible that some seats will remain free, and, in this case, they will be transferred to wave 2, i.e., in our case, they will be added to 20.

    Everything will become clear on this issue on the evening of August 3. You just need to look at the admission orders and count the number of accepted applicants. Next, perform basic arithmetic calculations and determine the exact number of budget places that will be played in the 2nd wave.

    Then you can proceed according to the algorithm set out in paragraphs 8 - 9 with the only difference that the process of monitoring the competition lists is carried out from August 4 to 5, and the final decision on the originals (if they have not yet been submitted) is made on the evening of 5, because on August 6 The last day for accepting documents, and on the 7th, orders for the admission of those applicants who entered the 2nd wave will be published.

Applicant calendar 2019 - procedure and deadlines for admission to the university

Minimum Unified State Exam scores for applicants to universities

Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated June 24, 2014 N 11-132 determined the minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs:

    Russian language - 36 points

    mathematics - 24 points

    physics - 36 points

    chemistry - 36 points

    biology - 36 points

    computer science - 40 points

    history - 32 points

    literature - 32 points

    geography - 37 points

    social studies - 39 points

    foreign language - 20 points

Order of Rosobrnadzor dated September 4, 2014 No. 1701-10 “On establishing the minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs” determines the minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs:

  • in Russian language - 36 points
  • in mathematics - 27 points
  • in physics - 36 points
  • in chemistry - 36 points
  • in computer science and ICT - 40 points
  • in biology - 36 points
  • in history - 32 points
  • in geography - 37 points
  • in social studies - 42 points;
  • in literature - 32 points
  • By foreign languages- 22 points.

The Order of Rosobrnadzor dated June 20, 2014 N 1231-11, which previously established the minimum number of Unified State Examination points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs, was declared invalid.

Information posted on May 30, 2013. Added 06.06.2013, 07.12.2013, 31.05.2014, 29.06.2014, 12.09.2014, 05.05.2015, 28.05.2015, 26.06.2015, 13.10.2015, 14.06.2016, 05/30/2017, 03/21/2018, 04/16 .2019