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Brian Tracy - Update. Step-by-step personal development plan

This book is for those who want to “reboot” their life, find a new interesting work or open a business, achieve big goals. Brian Tracy suggests viewing yourself as a corporation that needs to be managed and the success of which depends solely on you. The questions and tests proposed by the author will help you understand what you really want from life, and the recommendations will help you set goals and systematically achieve them.


The topic of recreating oneself is close to my heart. At the age of 21, I worked as a laborer at a construction site. In the middle of a cold winter, I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning, take a bus to work with two changes and endure the whole day building materials from place to place. One day, I had an insight that changed my life: I realized that I myself was responsible for everything that happened to me.

I was sitting in my small one-room apartment - and suddenly it hit me like thunder. Just think: all the responsibility lies with me! From this very day, everything I want to achieve depends only on me and no one else. Nobody will do anything for me.

That was the first time I decided to leave the past behind and create myself anew. I looked as far into the future as possible and asked myself what I really what do you want from life? Of course, the subject of my desires were the most ordinary things: a well-paid job that would bring me pleasure, a happy relationship, good health and ultimately financial independence.

I remember going to a bookstore during my lunch break and buying a few books that I thought might help me. I started with books about business, then moved on to works on psychology, philosophy, economics and achieving success. Since I was not yet married at that time, I had enough free time, and at night I read a lot, noting interesting points in books.

The more I learned, the faster my confidence grew. I started writing letters to different companies asking them to hire me for one of the office positions. I didn't hear back for quite some time, but eventually I was accepted into the direct sales department. This was the start of my career.

Over the next few years, I reinvented myself as I worked in different jobs and industries, moving up the ranks from salesperson to sales manager. I then became vice president of an international company, where my responsibilities included organizing sales in six countries. Subsequently, I received a real estate license and, after reading many books on this topic, became a developer. I have found financial partners and have built over $100 million worth of real estate over the years in this industry.

I subsequently started life anew as an importer and distributor, establishing 65 dealerships (tens of millions of dollars in sales) that imported a full line of Japanese cars.

At every stage of reinventing myself, when deciding to take the next step in my life or start a new career, I started with a clean slate. After that, I studied books on a topic that interested me, talked to people, asked them questions in order to study a new line of business as deeply as possible, and began to work.

As I gained experience, I realized that creating oneself anew is not a long process that occurs in a linear, sequential manner. On this path you cannot avoid obstacles, difficulties and even temporary failures. Here, what at first glance seems like the right course can actually turn out to be a dead end, and something unexpected always arises that leads in a different direction. I learned that continuous movement forward allows you to create yourself anew, to become a new person. Decide what you want to achieve and start taking action. Try again and again and again. Never give up and always move forward.

We can achieve almost anything that lies within our capabilities if we consider ourselves capable of it.
George Adams, columnist, writer and publisher

You are an extraordinary person with exceptional qualities. You have more talents and abilities than you could use in a hundred lifetimes. However, what you can achieve if you start from this very day is limited only by your imagination.

The human brain consists of a huge number of nerve cells, neurons, interconnected and forming a complex network of nerve connections. Therefore, the possible number of thoughts and their combinations that our brain is busy processing is probably equal to one with enough zeros to fit on eight pages, which is more than the number of molecules in the known part of the Universe.

Well-known speaker and author of books on personal growth, Dr. Wayne Dyer, states that “every child comes into this world with a secret message to himself.” In other words, each of us is born with a unique purpose at a certain time, in a certain place, under certain circumstances, in a special situation. We were sent into this world to do something wonderful - something that no one but us can do. We are unique in every way. In the entire history of mankind there has not been, is not and will not be a person with such a combination of talents, abilities, knowledge, experience, ideas, feelings, desires, aspirations, hopes or dreams as you have.

Complete satisfaction will come in your life when you realize that you have the power to reach your potential and achieve all that you are capable of. Only you can decide whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Do you see the glass as half full or half empty? A lot depends on this.

Highest paid job

What job is considered the highest paid and most prestigious in the USA? In the minds of many, it's working in the sports and entertainment industry, running Fortune 500 companies, or something like that. In fact, the most important thing is mental, mental work.

The higher your intellectual abilities, the more effective you will be. decisions made and, accordingly, actions. And the result depends on the effectiveness of actions. The quality of your life is also determined by your mental abilities. Truly successful happy people know how to think intelligently, sensibly and constructively. After all, how events will develop in the future depends on the decisions they make.

It is very important to understand what consequences this or that choice will lead to - positive or negative. Decisions that can have serious consequences are considered important - it does not matter whether they are good or bad. And usually what leads to insignificant consequences or leads to nothing at all is not so important.

Your intellectual abilities determine the extent to which you are able to foresee the likely consequences of your actions or inactions. Will you spend time and energy on things that have the most significant consequences?

Future-oriented people tend to think long-term. They plan their lives for the coming days, weeks, months and even years, carefully analyzing the likelihood of developing various events that may occur as a result of one or another course of action.

Typically, the better you understand what you want to achieve in the future, the more successful decisions you make in the present, which means you are more likely to get the results you want.

Today, each of you can, in fact, be called an intellectual worker. A good education and a large amount of acquired knowledge give you the tools to properly organize your ability to think constructively, hone your decision-making process and acquire the habit of doing everything possible to get the desired result. Fortunately, these abilities can be developed if you use them as often as possible.

Strategies for thinking in the 21st century

To thrive in times of disruption and rapid change, you need to master several thinking strategies.

1. Reanalysis should be done when you decide to take a break to once again think in detail about all the smallest aspects of your life, especially when dramatic changes occur in it. The need to reconsider your life can be easily determined by the appearance of signs such as stress, decreased stamina, feelings of hopelessness, failure, disappointment or various difficulties. Constant irritability, anger, or dissatisfaction with your work or personal life indicates that it is time to reconsider the current situation.

In the past, the head of General Electric, Jack Welch, once said that the most important thing for a leader is to be able to look at things realistically, that is, to perceive the world as it is, and not as you would like it to be. It is known that every work meeting Jack Welch began with the question, “So, how are things really?”

Strong people always face the truth, they accept reality. They are concerned with questions about what is right, who is right, or whether they themselves are right. They persistently seek the truth and acknowledge problems rather than avoid them in the hope that they will resolve themselves. They constantly review current events based on real facts.

2. Rethinking. The success of a decision depends largely on the amount of information available to work with. By reframing the situation, you are doing your best to, as ITT's Harold Jenin said, "get the facts straight." You should ask as many questions as possible about the person, problem, or situation so that you can make decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

In order to remain calm and clear-headed, you need to ask a lot of questions. What exactly happened? How did this happen? When did this happen? Who is involved in this? What could happen as a result of this situation? What can be done immediately to resolve the situation and keep costs to a minimum?

In addition, writing down all the details on paper helps to better rethink. You might even think that there is an amazing connection between your hand and your head: the more you write down, the more calm, understandable and constructive your thoughts become. In many cases, you will find the solution you need in your notes.

3. Reorganization. In order to ensure the smoothest flow of all processes, you should constantly reorganize and put in order any situation, be it personal or business. Because circumstances are constantly changing, especially in these turbulent times, you must regularly review your approaches to life, work and business. Be prepared to redesign all processes, procedures and activities to ensure they run smoothly and efficiently. In times of change, many people completely transform their lives. They move from the city to the countryside or vice versa. They change a residential complex to a condominium or vice versa. They reorganize their business or change their personal lives in order to achieve greater success in the new reality.

4. Restructuring. Since there is never enough time or money for everything you want to have, do, or become, you have to save. Restructuring involves reallocating time, money and resources from less valuable activities to those where they will produce more valuable results.

In business, restructuring means moving the most talented people and valuable resources into the most promising areas of activity. And to transform your personal life, you should spend more time on what brings you happiness and satisfaction. However, this may require determination on your part because you will have to focus on completing the 20 percent of tasks that bring you the majority of your income. However, this will give you more time for your family or personal matters.

5. Modernization. In management, this popular tool is designed to simplify processes. It involves constantly looking for ways to reduce the level of complexity or reduce the number of steps in any process.

You can reduce the complexity of processes by involving those people whose work is paid less, but who are able to cope with them better than you and at lower costs, to perform unimportant and unimportant tasks.

You can make your life easier by outsourcing all the work that isn't central to your business or life and that another company or employee specializes in doing. In fact, hiring specialized companies to perform such tasks is cheaper and produces better results than doing them in-house.

In addition, you can modernize your work by “expanding the range of responsibilities through the consolidation of work assignments.” In other words, you need to combine several work tasks and perform them yourself or assign them to one employee, instead of having several people do this work. And lastly, you can rebuild and simplify your life by refusing to perform certain actions and tasks. Every day you do many things that were probably important before, but now, in comparison with other goals, have become insignificant and insignificant.

6. Upgrade is one of the most exciting and revolutionary strategies out there. Creating oneself anew implies the need to draw a line under the past and imagine what? you would do or could do if you started now with a clean slate, no matter what aspect of life we ​​are talking about.

If your company went bankrupt and you had to start building your business from scratch in a new location, what would you start doing immediately and what would you not do at all? If your job, business, industry or profession suddenly became unnecessary or even illegal and you had to start all over again, what would you choose to do? Where would you like to do this? What new skills or abilities would you consider developing? If you could start your life over again, how would it be different from your current life? Practice blank slate thinking in every area of ​​your life. Constantly reflect on whether you are doing anything that you would not do if you had your current experience and knowledge if you had to start all over again. This is one of the most effective update tools. Are there any business or personal relationships you have developed that you would not have entered into if you had your current experience if you had to start all over again? Is there any line of business, product or service, process, procedure or expense that you would not do? And lastly, what would you not have spent your time, money and emotions on earlier if you knew what you know now? Imagine being able to wave a magic wand and start any part of your life all over again. What would you change? What would you do differently?

7. Taking control. When a period of major change comes, you may feel like a small boat caught in a storm. Sometimes it feels like you are being thrown up and down. Sometimes you react to shocks using the “fight or flight” principle*, alternately choosing either attack or retreat. You feel like life is carrying you along like a roller coaster. During this period, more than ever, you need to take control of your emotions and actions.

According to one psychological theory, every person is inclined to either take responsibility for himself or attribute everything to the will of fate. This is called locus of control, which is divided into internal and external. A person with an internal locus of control takes responsibility for his own life and feels in control. Thanks to this, he behaves calmly, clearly and thinks positively in any circumstances. In contrast to a person with an external locus of control, who believes that his life depends on other people, circumstances and events. Such people feel that they are unable to influence what is happening, which is why they experience stress, negative emotions and are prone to psychosomatic diseases.

Six steps to regain control

Psychologist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross identified several psychological stages experienced by a person who learns that he is terminally ill. She called them the five stages of accepting death. However, something similar happens to people when their professional life changes dramatically.

1. Denial. I can't believe it! This can't be true! This is the most common reaction at the first stage. Denial (unwillingness to accept the inevitability and inevitability of the current situation) causes severe mental pain in a person and makes him unhappy.

2. Anger. As soon as a person realizes what happened, he reacts to it with anger at what or who, in his opinion, caused what happened.

3. Accusations. A person who has experienced a traumatic event, some kind of loss, immediately begins to blame someone or something for what happened. In dialogue with himself and with other people, he tries to explain that it is not he, but someone else, who is to blame for the misfortune.

At the stage of denial, anger or accusations, it is very difficult for a person to calmly and rationally look for a way out of the current situation and change something. Negative emotions paralyze him and prevent him from moving forward, as if his feet were stuck in a bucket of cement. Of course, in such a state there can be no talk of any progress.

4. Repentance. A person feels that he did or, conversely, did not do something, and this led to the problem, contributed to it. Under the influence of guilt, he begins to think negatively, a guilt complex, self-flagellation and depression arise. A person gives up and begins to feel sorry for himself. At this moment, self-pity is extremely acute.

5. Acceptance. You can solve the problem and take control of the situation only if you accept responsibility for the current situation and for your reaction.

The extent to which you accept responsibility determines your sense of control. And your positive attitude depends on how much control you have over the situation. This means that the more you take responsibility for the situation, the stronger the feeling of control over life will be and the happier and more positive you will feel.

Many years ago, in the course of my research, I discovered the amazing power simple words“I am responsible for my actions!” It is impossible to feel angry or blame others for your problems if you consider yourself responsible for everything that happens to you. The more often you say these words to yourself, the faster you get rid of negative emotions, clouding your judgment and making you unhappy. Sometimes you may be tempted to say that someone did something that got you into trouble, and you have every reason to be angry at them. However, here it is appropriate to recall the wonderful question of psychologist Gerald Yampolsky: “Do you want to be right or happy?”

For any unfavorable situation, any drastic changes in life, you are at least partly responsible. And sometimes they are completely responsible for everything that makes you more angry. What did you do or didn't do that led to unexpected and undesirable consequences? You failed to take the necessary actions or did not pay attention to signs of dire consequences. In fact, the more aware you are of your responsibility, the stronger your first instinct will be to blame someone else. However, this will not lead to anything good. Taking responsibility is a selfish act. You take responsibility for one reason: to again experience peace, clarity of thought and control over what is happening. Instead of being angry, upset, and unhappy, when you take responsibility, you immediately feel calm and relaxed.

Of course, sometimes you really are not guilty of anything, as in the case of shooting from a moving car, if by the will of fate you became a victim of such circumstances. However, you are usually responsible for at least your reaction to the event. Whether you are happy or unhappy depends not on what happens to you, but on how you react to it. As Shakespeare said, there is no good or bad - only our thoughts make everything so. Therefore, it is appropriate to add another stage of regaining control here.

6. Reframing is one of the most effective tools for regaining control over your own mind. How you perceive a situation largely depends on what explanatory style you use, or in other words, how you interpret what is happening, positively or negatively.

When you use reframing, you interpret the event in a positive way. In this case, you will need to change the language used to describe what is happening. Instead of defining an event as a problem, you define it as a situation, a set of circumstances. The problem is usually upsetting and stressful, and you just deal with the situation.

It's even better to take these circumstances as a challenge. Because it makes you want to show what you are capable of and brings out the best in you. A challenge is a positive experience that you look forward to.

It's a good idea to learn to see unexpected failure as an opportunity. Problems hinder our progress, we have to spend time, money and emotions to solve them, but we can try to use an opportunity to our advantage as quickly as possible.

Do you remember that study in which 299 of 300 high-achieving respondents attributed their success to unexpected job loss? Instead of going through phases of denial, blame, and anger toward management and the company, these people embraced their newfound freedom as a challenge, an opportunity to start over, and decided to take on a new endeavor.

7. Return to activity. Once you have taken responsibility, interpreted the adverse event in a positive way, and taken control of your mind and emotions, you are ready to resume moving forward. The famous writer Napoleon Hill said: “The only real cure for anxiety is purposeful action, aimed at achieving a set goal.”

Accept what happened as inevitable. Don't waste a minute worrying about the past or what you can't change. Better focus on the future, on the endless possibilities that are open to you and which will help you create a new wonderful life for yourself.

Questions to Consider

1. In what area of ​​your life should you take the time to completely reconsider the current situation based on current realities?

2. How can you reorganize your life or work to align it with what you want and what makes you happy?

3. How can you restructure your life or work to focus more on what brings you the most benefit?

4. How can you simplify your life by entrusting other people with tasks and activities that are of little or no importance to you?

5. If you could wave a magic wand and start your life over, what would you change about it?

6. In what areas of your life do you need to take full responsibility in order to move forward towards your goal?

7. Based on what you learned in this chapter, what are you going to do immediately?

The book is addressed to those who want to radically change their lives, find a job, open a business, and achieve goals that are meaningful to them.

Renowned specialist in the field personal development and professional growth

Interesting and original tests placed in the book will help the reader understand himself more deeply and discover new qualities in himself that, quite possibly, he had no idea about before. And the author’s published recommendations will help you set goals and systematically achieve them.

Introduction. World in times of change

  • A wonderful life awaits you ahead!
  • Transfer to another job
  • Obsolescence of professions and industries
  • Life is constantly changing
  • Think about the future
  • New retirement age
  • The turning point
  • Adapt, make adjustments and take action

Chapter 1. You are wonderful

  • Highest paid job
  • Strategies for thinking in the 21st century
  • Six steps to regain control

Chapter 2 Who are you?

  • Take a time out
  • Give yourself a “comprehensive examination”
  • Questions to Consider

Chapter 3. What are you striving for?

  • Answers have already been found
  • Immutable law
  • The power of thought
  • Expectations
  • Law of Attraction
  • Key Point
  • Look ahead
  • Paint a picture of the future five years in advance
  • From future to present
  • Seven main areas of life

1. Business and career
2. Family
3. Health and physical condition
4. Finance
5. Knowledge and skills
6. Social inclusion and participation in society
7. Spiritual growth and inner peace

  • Three enemies to watch out for
  • Quick Reply Method
  • The main skill for success
  • Goals, plans and income
  • Traveling around the country
  • A simple approach to goal setting
  • Goal Setting Exercise
  • Take action
  • Unleash your intellectual potential
  • Self-regulation and personal power
  • Questions to Consider

Chapter 4. What are you worth?

  • Pursuit of happiness
  • Labor is a commodity
  • What is labor
  • Your most valuable asset
  • Personal strategic planning
  • You are the president of your own company
  • Planning for success
  • Seven Applications of Strategic Thinking
  • Seven components of personal strategic planning

1. Values
2. Vision
3. Mission
4. Purpose
5. Goals
6. Priorities
7. Daily activities

  • Find a way to increase your contribution
  • Questions to Consider
  • Chapter 5. How to get the job you want in any economic conditions
  • Take control of your career
  • Consider yourself working for yourself
  • Analyze yourself carefully
  • Exercises to Identify Your Aspirations
  • Think about the future
  • Set clear goals
  • Ten Goal Setting Exercise
  • Study the labor market
  • Skills become obsolete
  • Universal principle of personnel selection
  • The best and effective application your talents
  • Fish where they are
  • Multiple labor markets
  • Use your time wisely
  • Treat your job search like a full-time job
  • Conduct preliminary research
  • Prepare thoroughly
  • Sow seeds everywhere
  • Increase your likelihood of success
  • Look for key people
  • Three factors that determine getting a job

1. Circle of contacts
2. Reputation
3. Competence

  • Five most sought-after qualities

1. Intelligence
2. Ability to be a leader
3. Honesty
4. The ability to win over
5. Competence

  • Create a resume that delivers the results you want
  • Two types of resumes
  • Opportunity to apply experience in new work
  • Prepare thoroughly for the interview
  • Act like a winner during an interview
  • Employers are driven by self-interest: give them what they want
  • Informational interview
  • Make thorough preparations
  • Getting a job
  • The power of self-selection
  • How to negotiate the highest possible salary
  • Determine the salary range
  • Negotiate terms for a salary increase
  • Unlimited thinking
  • Questions to Consider

Chapter 6. How to achieve success?

  • How to achieve higher pay and faster career advancement
  • You work for yourself
  • Determine what you are aiming for
  • Practice Clean Slate Thinking
  • Analyze every aspect of your life
  • Happiness Test
  • Select the right industry and company
  • Find the top 20 percent of companies
  • Look for a company with the best reputation
  • Choose the right leader
  • Qualities of the Best Leaders
  • Objectively evaluate the quality of your work
  • Develop a Positive Attitude
  • Be a team player
  • Create a positive image for yourself
  • Informal dress days
  • Greeted by clothes
  • The importance of self-care
  • Start work earlier, work longer and harder
  • Use your working time effectively
  • Win the competition
  • Strive to be first
  • Use this opportunity
  • Always do more than what you are paid for
  • Look for opportunities to demonstrate your effectiveness.
  • Ask for what you want
  • Create your business case
  • Don't be afraid of rejection
  • How my secretary out-negotiated me for a pay raise
  • Become a more valuable employee
  • Keep honesty as a sacred thing
  • Focus on the future in everything you do
  • Strengthen your core competencies
  • Be goal-oriented in everything you do
  • Focus on results in your actions
  • Prioritize your work
  • Focus on problem solving
  • A simple seven-step problem solving method
  • Be idea-driven in your work
  • Brainstorm solutions
  • Don't forget the importance of relationships
  • Follow the "golden rule"
  • Meet the leaders in your industry
  • Aim for growth
  • Three Secrets to Lifelong Learning
  • Strive for excellence in everything you do
  • Remember the clients
  • Four levels of customer satisfaction
  • Don't forget about profit
  • Strive to gain power
  • Be proactive
  • Questions to Consider

Chapter 7: How to Maximize Your Efficiency?

  • Make a choice!
  • Make a firm decision
  • Set clear goals and objectives for yourself
  • Plan ahead each day
  • Plan every project meticulously
  • When setting priorities, use the ABCD method.
  • Start with a list
  • Separate the urgent from the important
  • Forced efficiency
  • Follow the 80/20 rule
  • Work at your peak
  • Solve important tasks one at a time
  • Finish what you start
  • Eat the frog!
  • Do the most unpleasant thing first
  • Organize your workspace
  • Keep your papers in order
  • If in doubt, throw it away!
  • Make efficient use of your travel time
  • Office in the sky
  • Get to work right away
  • Improve your core tasks
  • Continuously learn
  • Work in real time
  • Reengineer your workflows
  • Reinvent yourself every year
  • Establish a clear order of tasks
  • Taking back control and letting go of non-essential tasks
  • Keep your balance
  • Make your life easier and better
  • Become a man of action
  • The result is important!
  • Formula for Increasing Efficiency


What should you do now?
Questions to Consider
About the author

I bought a book. How many times have I read them, and still.... The annotation says:
This book is for those who want to “reboot” their life, find a new interesting job or open a business, and achieve big goals. Brian Tracy suggests viewing yourself as a corporation that needs to be managed and the success of which depends solely on you. Questions and tests proposed by the author will help you understand what you really want from life, and recommendations will help you set goals and systematically achieve them. Published in Russian for the first time.

What I liked: Written in easy language, intelligibly, with a convenient structure and motivating quotes

What I didn't like: Preface. But for me it only causes irritation in almost all American authors. Lots of water and lyrics.
The book makes you think. In each chapter, the author asks questions, makes you understand who you are and what do you really want?
If you answer the questions thoughtfully, you will begin to move forward.

There is also a consolidation of the material covered. At the end of each chapter, a list of questions is repeated. But the result will ultimately depend only on the reader. We need to bring everything to life. You need to read with a notepad and pen.
To understand whether you need this book, here are a few questions from the book:
Questions to Consider

1. In what area of ​​your life should you take the time to completely reconsider the current situation based on current realities?
2. How can you reorganize your life or work to align it with what you want and what makes you happy?
3. How can you restructure your life or work to focus more on what brings you the most benefit?
4. How can you simplify your life by entrusting other people with tasks and activities that are of little or no importance to you?
5. If you could wave a magic wand and start your life over, what would you change about it?
6. In what areas of your life do you need to take full responsibility in order to move forward towards your goal?
7. Based on what you have learned in this chapter, what are you going to do immediately?1. Remember the happiest moments of your life.
8. What do you like to do most in your free time?
9. What advice would you give to your child or close friend who wants to succeed in your business?
10.Name your best talent or skill. What is your greatest skill at?
11.What quality would you like to develop in yourself?
12.What is the most important business lesson you've learned?
13.What is the most important lesson you have learned in your personal life?

I lovingly dedicate this book to my friends and partners John McClelland and Bill Rowland, who help people change their lives for the better


The topic of recreating oneself is close to my heart. At the age of 21, I worked as a laborer at a construction site. In the middle of a cold winter, I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning, take a bus to work with two changes, and carry construction materials from place to place all day. One day, I had an insight that changed my life: I realized that I myself was responsible for everything that happened to me.

I was sitting in my small one-room apartment - and suddenly it hit me like thunder. Just think: all the responsibility lies with me! From this very day, everything I want to achieve depends only on me and no one else. Nobody will do anything for me.

At that moment, I made the first decision to leave the past behind and create myself anew. I looked as far into the future as possible and asked myself what do I really want from life? Of course, my desires were the most ordinary things: a well-paid job that would bring me pleasure, a happy relationship, good health and, ultimately, financial independence.

I remember going to a bookstore during my lunch break and buying a few books that I thought might help me. I started with books about business, then moved on to works on psychology, philosophy, economics and achieving success. Since I was not yet married at that time, I had enough free time, and at night I read a lot, noting interesting points in books.

The more I learned, the faster my confidence grew. I started writing letters to different companies asking them to hire me for one of the office positions. I didn't hear back for quite some time, but eventually I was accepted into the direct sales department. This was the start of my career.

Over the next few years, I reinvented myself as I worked in different jobs and industries, moving up the ranks from salesperson to sales manager. I then became vice president of an international company, where my responsibilities included organizing sales in six countries. Subsequently, I received a real estate license and, after reading many books on this topic, became a developer. I have found financial partners and have built over $100 million worth of real estate over the years in this industry.

I subsequently started life anew as an importer and distributor, establishing 65 dealerships (tens of millions of dollars in sales) that imported a full line of Japanese cars.

At every stage of reinventing myself, when deciding to take the next step in my life or start a new career, I started with a clean slate. After that, I studied books on a topic that interested me, talked to people, asked them questions in order to study a new line of business as deeply as possible, and began to work.

As I gained experience, I realized that creating oneself anew is not a long process that occurs in a linear, sequential manner. On this path you cannot avoid obstacles, difficulties and even temporary failures. Here, what at first glance seems like the right course can actually turn out to be a dead end, and something unexpected always arises that leads in a different direction.