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What are Russian cities famous for? What is Russia famous for? The riches of our country Our country is very famous.

1. What are the reasons for the external differences between people of different races?

With the conditions in which they live.

2. Write where these peoples raise livestock.

3. Emphasize where it is more convenient to plow the fields.

  • In a wooded area
  • In the mountains
  • In a treeless area
  • On the plain

4. Highlight where the most fertile soils are.

  • In the forest area
  • In the steppe zone

5. Connect the activities of ancient tribes and their way of life.

6. Write what professions are common

  • in the city: craftsmen, carpenters, lawyers
  • in the village: tractor drivers, milkmaids, cattle breeders.

7. Write the names of cultivated plants.

8. Connect with lines and write what animals are bred where

9. By political map determine which country is the largest in the world.

Russia ( Russian Federation)

10. Write down the names of the three states with which Russia borders.

Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus

11. What can you tell about your country?

  • A country: Russia
  • Flag colors: White blue red
  • Capital: Moscow
  • Public holidays: January 1, January 7, February 23, March 8, May 1, May 9, June 12, November 4.
  • Famous building: Moscow Kremlin, Winter Palace, Peter-Pavel's Fortress, St. Basil's Cathedral
  • Famous people: Yuri Gagarin, Alexander Pushkin, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Ivan Aivazovsky.

What else is the country famous for?

Our country is rich in natural resources: forests, arable lands, seas, rivers. Many minerals are mined on its territory: oil, natural gas, coal, and various metals. Russian scientists (Korolev, Tsiolkovsky), writers (Dostoevsky, Bulgakov), artists (Levitan, Chagall), composers (Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka), theater and ballet artists and other talented people are also famous throughout the world.

12. In front of you is a map of the area where grain and flax are sown and potatoes are planted. Place new objects on it. Label them with the first letters of their names. After each new building, the city grows: circle its territory.

Iron ore was found near Andreevka: build a mining plant. Draw roads. There are more people. Build Houses, Schools, Shops and a Hospital for them. The plant is located so that it is convenient to bring in ore and take away its products. Build houses again and everything necessary for people to live. Build a port for exporting goods for sale ( water transport- the cheapest). Continue yourself.

For poets and writers, Russia is a huge country with birch trees and endless steppes. The famous poet Alexander Pushkin argued that Russia “cannot be understood with the mind.” Perhaps in order to “understand” Russia, you need to visit it. Tourists will see beautiful nature in Russia, numerous churches and monasteries, fortresses, unique attractions, and, of course, hospitable residents. Also, one should not forget that in Russia there are many balneological, ski and beach resorts.

Geography of Russia

Russia is in Eastern Europe, at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Russia from northwest to southeast borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk separates Russia from Japan, and the Bering Strait from the American state of Alaska. The total area of ​​the country is 17,098,246 square meters. km, including the islands, and the total length of the state border is 20,241 km.

Most of Russia is occupied by plains - steppes in the south and dense forests in the north. In the south of Russia there are mountain ranges - the Caucasus and Altai. Russia is divided into two parts by the Ural Mountains. The most high peak country - Mount Elbrus, whose height reaches 5,642 m.

Russia includes many islands and archipelagos. The largest of them are New land, Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya, Wrangel Island, Kuril Islands, etc.

There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Russia. The largest Russian rivers are the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Ural, Lena, Kolyma and Amur. It is in Russia that the largest freshwater lake in the world is located - Baikal.


The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow, whose population now numbers more than 11.7 million people. An urban settlement on the territory of modern Moscow existed already in the first half of the 12th century.

Official language

The official language in Russia is Russian, referring to Slavic group Indo-European language family.


The majority of the Russian population (more than 90%) professes Orthodox Christianity. However, there are many Muslims and Buddhists in the country.

State structure of Russia

Russia is a federal presidential republic, which is governed by a President elected by direct universal suffrage for a 6-year term.

The bicameral parliament in Russia is called the Federal Assembly. Parliament consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

Main political parties - " United Russia", "A Just Russia", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (communists) and the Liberal Democratic Party.

Climate and weather

The climate in Russia is very diverse, which is due to its vast territory and geographical location. Russia has a temperate climate zone, as well as arctic and even subtropical climate zones. The average annual air temperature is +4C. The highest average air temperature is observed in July (+24C), and the lowest in January (-14C). The average annual precipitation is 575 mm.

Seas and oceans

The shores of Russia are washed by the waters of twelve seas, which belong to three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Also, we should not forget about the inland Caspian Sea.

Rivers and lakes in Russia

It is quite possible that more rivers flow through Russia than in any other country in the world. Most of them are short in length, but some reach enormous sizes. The largest Russian rivers are the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Ural, Lena, Kolyma and Amur.

There are no fewer lakes in Russia than rivers. It is in Russia that the largest freshwater lake in the world is located - Baikal. We recommend that tourists pay attention to Lakes Ladoga, Onega and Elton, as well as Lake Gusinoye on Far East on which lotuses grow.


People on the territory modern Russia appeared a very long time ago. In prehistoric times, numerous tribes of pastoralists roamed the steppes of southern Russia. The most famous of these tribes are the Scythians, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, and Cumans.

Around the middle of the 9th century, part of the territory of modern Russia became part of Old Russian state, which historians call Kievan Rus. It consisted of many principalities - Polotsk, Turovo-Pinsk, Pereyaslavl, Murom-Ryazan, Vladimir-Suzdal, Smolensk, Novgorod Republic and etc.

Decay Kievan Rus to appanage principalities began in the 1130s, and finally ended “thanks to” the Tatar-Mongol invasion of the first half of the 13th century. For more than 100 years, the Russian lands paid tribute to the Golden Horde (the so-called “Tatar-Mongol yoke”).

The Moscow Principality is considered the legal successor of Kievan Rus, around which the unification of all Russian lands gradually took place. Only during the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III (at the end of the 15th century) did Moscow stop paying tribute to the Golden Horde.

The first Moscow prince to take the title “tsar” was Ivan IV the Terrible (this happened in 1547). Since 1630, the Moscow state has been ruled by the Romanov dynasty, this lasted until 1917.

Gradually, the Moscow state annexed new lands and became the Russian Empire. True, this was preceded by numerous wars, Tatar raids and battles with the Crusaders and Turks. The reign of Tsar Peter I had a huge influence on the history of Russia. Also great importance on Russian history had the reign of Tsar Alexander I, who managed to early XIX century successfully resisted the invasion of a large army led by Napoleon, Emperor of France.

TO end of the 19th century century in Russia, the serf system, which provided for the personal ownership of peasants by Russian nobles, was abolished, and the country began to play a big role political role in the world.

True, the absolute monarchy of the Romanovs had outlived its usefulness by the beginning of the 20th century, and its modernization was required. However, the Romanovs were unable to modernize the political system and entered the First world war, and all this together led to February Revolution 1917. Tsar Nicholas II abdicates the throne and the Russian Republic is formed.

In October 1917, the October Revolution took place, the driving force of which was the Bolshevik Communist Party led by Vladimir Lenin. As a result, the Russian Soviet republic, and after the end of the bloodshed Civil War- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

In 1941, the USSR had to enter World War II - the Great Patriotic War began. No matter how they treated Joseph Stalin, thanks to him the USSR managed to defeat Germany and win the war. Although this required Soviet people big casualties and self-sacrifice.

After the end of World War II, the USSR strengthened its political influence in the world - a number of friendly states were formed Soviet Union. Countries in which a socialist or communist system of life was established had to enter into the so-called. " cold war", which was unleashed by the developed capitalist countries - the USA and Great Britain.

The USA, Great Britain and other countries actively interfered in the internal affairs of the USSR and other socialist countries. Thus, the peoples of the USSR were called upon to “gain independence.” Unlike capitalist countries, the USSR did not interfere in their internal affairs and did not, for example, send its agents to Ulster with a call to fight against England.

In 1990-91, with the active participation of Mikhail Gorbachev, who in fact was supposed to lead the USSR, this state broke up into separate independent countries. As a result, a new state appeared on the world map - the Russian Federation.


The culture of Russia has very ancient traditions, it is rich and diverse. Russian culture has a huge influence on the cultures of neighboring countries, and even on the cultural traditions of states on other continents.

Thanks to Russia, the world received a lot of brilliant writers, artists, philosophers and scientists:

Literature (Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Blok, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Konstantin Batyushkov, Afanasy Fet);
- Classical music (Mikhail Glinka, Modest Mussorgsky, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov);
- Art (Ivan Aivazovsky, Ilya Repin, Ivan Shishkin, Isaac Levitan, Mikhail Vrubel, Ilya Glazunov);
- Philosophy (Petr Chaadaev, Nicholas Roerich, Vladimir Odoevsky, Nikolai Lossky, Alexey Losev, Nikolai Berdyaev);
- Science (Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Dmitry Pavlov, Nikolai Vavilov, Sergei Korolev).

Most holidays in Russia are of a religious nature or have their origins in the Christian tradition. The most popular of them are Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, and also New Year(it is not religious in nature).

Russian cuisine

Many tourists arriving in Russia are pleasantly surprised by the variety and taste of Russian traditional dishes. Many peoples live on the territory of modern Russia, so the cuisine in this country is very diverse.

First of all, Russian cuisine is famous for borscht - a kind of beetroot soup with vegetables and meat. For residents of Western European countries, it may seem strange to make beet soup, but for Russians it turns out very tasty. Borscht with sour cream is especially good.

If we are talking about first courses in Russian cuisine, then we definitely advise tourists to try “okroshka” (made with kvass with sausage, meat or fish), “rassolnik”, “solyanka”, cabbage soup, and, of course, fish soup. There are dozens of options for preparing all these first courses, depending on the region of Russia.

Thus, fish soup “ukha” is sometimes prepared from several types of fish. Ukha can be “black”, “white”, “red” - depending on the fish from which it is cooked. A particularly tasty fish soup is the one cooked near the river on a fire made from different types fish. Sometimes a little vodka is added to this soup.

Far beyond the borders of Russia, pancakes are known - they are served with various fillings (cottage cheese, meat, jam, etc.), dumplings, pies with fillings (fruit, jam, cottage cheese, meat, fish), shish kebab.

We also recommend that tourists try stuffed pike, mushroom pate, baked stuffed zucchini, cabbage rolls with sour cream, mixed meat okroshka, Stroganoff pork, village solyanka, Easter cakes, and rum baba in Russia.

Non-alcoholic drinks in Russia - tea, coffee, mineral water, compote (decoction of fruits and berries) and kvass.

Sights of Russia

The rich history of Russia has determined the presence of a huge number of attractions in this country. On this moment There are several tens of thousands of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Russia. Many of them are on the list world heritage UNESCO. The top ten best attractions in Russia, in our opinion, include:

  1. Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow
  2. Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg
  3. Peterhof Palace in St. Petersburg
  4. Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"
  5. Kizhi Museum-Reserve
  6. Pskov Kremlin
  7. Mansi stone pillars in Komi
  8. Novodevichy Convent
  9. Izborsk fortress near Pskov
  10. Valdai Monastery

Cities and resorts

Derbent in Dagestan is considered the most ancient city in Russia, people lived on its territory already at the end of the 4th millennium BC, and the oldest ancient Russian city is Velikiy Novgorod, formed in the middle of the 9th century AD.

The largest Russian cities are St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, and, of course, Moscow. The population of each of these cities exceeds 1 million people.

Thanks to geographical location and a large area in Russia there are balneological, ski and beach resorts.

Russian beach resorts are located on the coast of the Black, Azov and Baltic seas. So, on the Black Sea tourists are welcomed by Sochi, Tuapse, Anapa and Gelendzhik, on the Sea of ​​Azov - Yeysk, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Taganrog, Taman, and on the Baltic Sea - the Curonian Spit, Zelenogradsk and Svetlogorsk.

The main Russian ski resorts are located in the Caucasus and the Urals, although there are ski slopes in the Moscow region, near St. Petersburg, in the Volga region, in the Murmansk region, and also in the Baikal region.

In the Caucasus, the most popular ski resorts are Cheget, Dombay, Lago-Naki, Krasnaya Polyana, Elbrus, and in the Urals - Solnechnaya Dolina, Gubakha, Abzakovo, Adzhigardak, Iset, Minyar, Nechkino, etc.

The ski season in the ski resorts of the Caucasus lasts from November to May, and in the Urals - from November to April.

As for the balneological, balneotherapeutic and balneological mud resorts of Russia, they are located in very different regions - in the Caucasus (Caucasian Mineral water), in Magadan, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Tver and Novosibirsk regions, in Karelia, Buryatia, Bashkiria, Udmurtia. Tatarstan, near St. Petersburg, in the Moscow region, in the Urals, near Kostroma and even not far from Arkhangelsk.


Tourists from Russia usually bring handicrafts, dolls in folk Russian costumes, nesting dolls, Cheburashka dolls, boxes, Gzhel porcelain products, earflaps, paraphernalia of the USSR era, wooden saucers, cups, spoons with Khokhloma painting, Dymkovo toys, products made of amber, Vologda lace, Easter eggs, samovars, jewelry, fur coats, black caviar, chocolates and chocolate, and, of course, vodka.

Office hours

All over the world we are known not only for our territory (although the status of the largest state is worth a lot), but also for our unique culture, natural resources, and talented people. All this is our wealth, increased by past generations and jealously cherished by the present. And our task today is to make our contribution.

Geographical features and natural resources of Russia

Our state is the largest and northernmost in the world. Russia, located on the Eurasian continent, occupies 40% of all Europe and 30% of Asia. It is washed by 13 seas.

More than half of our borders are maritime. We have the longest land cordon with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine.

A huge territory in the possession of the state means countless opportunities and a heavy burden at the same time. We have a large people, developed potential and wealth natural resources, but at the same time, difficulties arise in organizing the management process and establishing communication between the farthest corners of our country.

Speaking about what Russia is famous for, we should highlight large reserves of coal, oil, peat, flammable gases, as well as developed ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and the extraction of precious metals.

30% of our territory is covered with forests, which constitute one of our main resources. Coniferous trees give construction material and are the basis of the paper industry. We must not forget about animal world: We have more than 1000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

As we see, geographical features- exactly what Russia is famous for. Every schoolchild’s essay will probably begin with a listing of these very natural resources of our country.

Russian culture

We are also rich spiritually. Our country is rightfully considered one of the cradles of world culture. Despite a centuries-old history full of battles and bloody wars, the Russian people managed to preserve and increase their spiritual heritage, remaining original and full of national flavor.

The concept of “culture,” oddly enough, in the dimension of our state usually refers not so much to the sphere of art, but to the special way of life, way of thinking and way of life of the inhabitants of Russia. This is a whole world, incomprehensible and at the same time so close and dear to each of us.

What Russia is especially famous for is its poets, writers, composers, and scientists. Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Lomonosov created immortal masterpieces that are among the pearls of world culture and are admired in all corners of our planet.

The 18th-19th centuries can be considered the golden period of the development of our culture. At this time, Russia takes the place of one of the most enlightened world states. The Russian Museum and the State Hermitage open their doors in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. Masterpieces of applied art are also collected in monasteries.

The beauty of Russian women

There is one axiom, as unconditional as the fact that our country is the largest. “Russian women are the most beautiful” - not a single foreigner can argue with this statement. When visiting us, foreign guests of the stronger sex literally go crazy from the number of beautiful girls around them. Foreign women notice that they cannot understand such a serious attitude towards their own appearance and beauty.

But our women are charming even without makeup. The blond braid about which songs and poems are written, Blue eyes and pitch-black eyelashes - no wonder you couldn’t find anyone more beautiful.

For many years in a row, representatives of Russia have taken high places in various beauty competitions. In 2014, a resident of St. Petersburg even became Mrs. World, beating her competitors from 40 countries.

IN Lately Invitations from Hollywood for our actresses have also become more frequent. By starring in foreign films, they once again confirm what Russia is famous for in the world: beauty, hard work, talent. And this cannot be taken away from Russian women.

Famous Russian inventions

Every history textbook will tell you that the brilliant minds of our compatriots contributed to the development of world progress. At the end of the 19th century, engineer Ippolit Romanov developed an electric car, and Nikolai Benardos patented

He was the author of the first multi-engine airplane and helicopter, and Vladimir Zvorykin was the first to obtain color television, and also developed an electron microscope and a night vision device. Even the world-famous game “Tetris” was developed by our compatriot

What Russia is especially famous for is its inventions of the 20th century. Among them, we should highlight the microwave laser, for which its creator was awarded the Nobel Prize, as well as the first artificial space satellite created by Sergei Korolev. And don’t forget about the worldwide fame of the Kalashnikov assault rifle!

Famous people from Russia

Our fame resounds in all corners globe. The best are ours! Maria Sharapova is a world famous tennis player. Alexander Ovechkin is a hockey star. Grigory Leps is a talented singer. Valery Gergiev is a legend of classical music. Evgeni Plushenko is an Olympic champion in figure skating. and Svetlana Khodchenkova - actors who became stars of Hollywood films. They, and many other outstanding compatriots of ours, are the support of the nation, the guarantee that glory great power will thunder throughout the world.

It is also worth mentioning the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He represents the state in the international arena, defends the rights of every citizen and cares about the bright future of the entire country.

But we can’t talk only about those whom the press calls “celebrities.” After all, what is Russia famous for? People. Each its own resident. Russia is famous for its teachers, engineers and doctors. By everyone who honestly works for the benefit of their state.

    Russia is famous to many and is not known by many in the world as a superpower. I’ll quote part of a poem by the poet F.I. Tyutchev. You can’t understand Russia with your mind,

    The general arshin cannot be measured:

    She will become special -

    You can only believe in Russia

    It’s unlikely that anyone will measure Russia:

    Arshin is not the same and will not be the same.

    You really have to believe in her.

    We have feeling, but no mind.

    Russia is a very famous country in the world, Russia has many famous constructions and buildings. Well, probably one of the most important advantages of Russia is Russian vodka, after which everyone will sing) In addition, Russia has a lot of weapons and a very strong army.

    I’m afraid to seem biased and even biased in some way, after all, I’m Russian and naturally, I’m proud of my country, its history, its achievements, its culture and its great people.

    For me Russia is best country! Maybe it’s patriotism, or maybe just love for one’s roots, which go deep into the depths of history, but it seems to me impossible not to love Russia. I am now saying this in relation to the Russian people. All the negative emissions towards Russia can only be emitted by a person who is confused in thoughts about politics and other tinsel that has nothing to do with what we call homeland. This needs to be felt, but for some it is just a matter of time - sooner or later a person comes to this.

    Russia is certainly famous history of the emergence of Kievan Rus. Wise(and not really) princes. Brave warriors for the honor of the Russian land(Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy and a great many others).

    Tsar Ivan the Terrible(not only to them, of course, but often in the mouths of foreign historians, Ivan Vasilyevich acts as a parable for military men).

    Emperor Peter the Great, master of windows and shipbuilding)

    The list of rulers can take a long time, but I will mention the murdered king Nikolai Romanov with his family- this tragedy also gave Russia additional fame (there is no need to be proud of this fact).

    Revolutions, revolutionary figures Russia is also famous.

    And also communism, Soviet general secretaries and their activities, victory in the Great Patriotic War, the dictatorship of Stalin, Perestroika, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and, of course, Putin.

    Russia is famous for its military morale. In the old days, an army of men in sheepskin coats with spears and clubs could go out without fear against enemy knights clad in armor with heavy swords. At the same time it is worth mentioning the mystery and breadth of the Russian soul. I think it's appropriate.

    Russia is famous for its culture- both ancient and modern. Elements Russian folk costume V great success and in service with designers all over the world. Many people are also world famous Russians folk songs and fairy tales— our folklore is very multifaceted.

    Russia is famous ballet and gymnastics— these types of art and sports originated in Russia.

    Russia is famous for its great writers and poets, whose poems, novels and plays have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and staged on the stage in many countries and are in many ways world classics (Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboedov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Bulgakov Voznesensky, Yevtushenko and others)

    Russia is famous for its scientists(offhand - Lomonosov, Dashkova, Pavlov, it’s a very long time to write)) And we don’t know exactly how many of our brains have flown abroad!

    Russia is also famous first manned space flight, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Tereshkova, Grechko, Soyuz, Belka, Strelka)

    Russia is known for the vast extent and area of ​​its territories, the wealth of nature and resources, beautiful women and strong men.

    Well, a little detail, so to speak, stereotypes: balalaika, earflaps, accordion, vodka, bathhouse with a broom, bears on the streets)))

    I think that a representative of any other nation who loves his homeland will also certainly defend for it the status of the very best and famous country in the World, but for Me Rus', Russia is unique, loved and unique.

    Russia is the most big country in the world, i.e. In terms of territory, the Russian Federation is in first place, but in terms of population it is in ninth place. Russia borders on 18 countries. Russia is famous for its history, its patriotism of people, culture and art. Russia is famous for its varied climate. The current President of the Russian Federation is Vladimir Putin. Russia is famous for its national composition. Russia is famous for its industry and sporting achievements at international competitions.

    Here it is already difficult to answer something new for which our country Russia is so famous, because the previous authors and the author of the question themselves gave together an almost exhaustive, complete answer to this question.))

    Remember the song?

    My native country is wide.

    There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.

    I don't know any other country like this

    Where can a person breathe so freely?

    For us Russians, of course, our country is the best, the most beautiful, the most powerful, the most beloved...

    And the most important wealth of our Russia is its people, the most sincere and generous people in the world. The Russian soul is always wide open.)

    Russia is famous for many things.

    This is its rich nature, heroic cities, the history of Russia is simply diverse and one cannot help but be proud of it.

    And what kind of people live in Russia? All are talented and smart. Many people hire Russian scientists from abroad.

    Russia is a great and powerful country with a centuries-old cultural heritage!

    Russia has a vast territory rich in natural minerals, resources

    It is in Russia that there are different shifts climatic conditions, relief, traditions, peoples, culture, natural phenomena. Russia is home to a huge number of famous and talented people, unique animals listed in the Red Book and a cultural heritage of UNESCO.

    Russia is a powerful and actively developing country, which includes excellent conditions for the development of science, the application of its achievements and the implementation of urban planning and agricultural projects.

    PHOTO: St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Red Square

    PHOTO: Peterhof, St. Petersburg

    PHOTO: Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka, Russia

    PHOTO: All-Russian Exhibition Center

    I will tell you from the words of a Greek citizen, whom my relative asked what she knew about Russia.

    Russia is a huge country, there are so many empty territories (not inhabited by people) that it is possible to create 10 more countries. There is a lot of snow and very cold there.

    And most importantly, America is afraid of Russia.

    This is how they think about us.

    How wonderful all the answers are! It’s so nice to read positive reviews about our country from Big Question users! We all love her, our unique Motherland!

    And she is truly unique! Where else can you find so many time zones? When the sun rises in the Far East, residents of Moscow and Kaliningrad still dream! Where else can you find such unique nature? And we have oceans, and seas, and rivers, and mountains, and taiga, and eternal glaciers, and volcanoes, and fields... Russia is rich in everything!

    What are our people like? How many bright minds, how many talents! Even if you just start listing names, it will take a lot of time! I will supplement the very good answers of the respected Authors Graf and Gillen with such names. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was the first to introduce the observance of asepsis and antiseptics, which saved the lives and health of thousands, if not millions, of people; he founded military field surgery. And malaria was also defeated in the Soviet Union, although it still kills people in the world. Our country won the most difficult Great Patriotic War, brought to its knees an enemy many times superior in strength to our army.

    I would also include our current President Vladimir Putin as a unique person, whom I greatly respect for his line in recent events. A real man, in the best sense of the word!

    And without firing a single shot, we returned home the Crimean peninsula, and justice triumphed!

    We can make an artificial heart, which has no analogues in the world.

    They talk about us about the Russian spirit - and this is also a source of pride for our people, the most responsive and hospitable. This is our mentality, this is how we differ from all other nations. Our country is full of monuments of culture, architecture, and history. We learn to tell the truth. We are fighting corruption and shortcomings. Our people will overcome everything! I'm just happy that I was born and live in Russia, and not in the United States of America! And I like how they grind their teeth in impotent anger because Russia does not prostrate itself before them! Live and prosper, my great Russia!

    Russia is famous for many things all over the world. First of all, Russia is known for its territories and natural reserves. Russia is also known for the cold, the army, weapons, vodka, the Kremlin and Red Square and so on.

    Russia is famous for its territories, natural resources, mineral resources and, of course, its people. Russia has many attractions and simply beautiful natural places, for example Golden ring Russia, Kizhi, Solovki. The beautiful city of St. Petersburg and other cities. Mountains of Kamchatka, Urals, Altai. There are many places worth visiting.

In February 2016, we asked the magazine's readers to tell us in two or three sentences about the city in which they live and what it is famous for. What is famous about the main Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - is known to almost everyone today, but with the rest of the cities (there are ~1100 cities in Russia) things are not so optimistic. Unfortunately, only 4 people responded to our appeal. There was no mass revelation or engaging dialogue. Nevertheless, our collection of “stories about cities” continues to grow and we will continue to post everything that we “collect” in encyclopedias, on forums, in comments in this section. Let's start our educational excursion with Tula, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg and Volgograd. So, what are these Russian cities famous for?


Shares knowledge: Cometa

For Halloween, the dinosaur standing at the entrance to the Tula Exotarium was dressed in a witch costume

"Hero City will replace gingerbread, samovars and weapons. And we also have Yasnaya Polyana nearby! Here's something else I remembered - Tula Exotarium!!! Here, all kinds of exotic snakes give birth to children, which sometimes does not happen in any country in the world (under artificial conditions)!!! This is especially surprising knowing what tiny rooms they live in! And next to dinosaur monument, but people always call it “the monument to the mother-in-law.” :) They put a red hat on him for New Year.”

From the editor: The famous Tula “dinosaur-mother-in-law” is dressed up not only for the New Year, but also on September 1, March 8, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, City Day, and they even tried on a kimono for the arrival of President Putin.

By the way, the first weapons factory, which was built specifically for the war with Sweden, was opened during the reign of Peter I in Tula. Subsequently, Tula became the most weapons-rich city in Russia.

Samovar factories at the beginning of the 20th century there were about 50 in Tula. At this time, the saying “You don’t go to Tula with your own samovar” arose. Naturally, there is a samovar museum in Tula.

A curious fact about Tula gingerbread: A unique Tula gingerbread was considered to be one whose baking form was cut out and left to infuse for 10-20 years. It was then that gingerbread could be baked in it, but only once. The second gingerbread baked in the same form was no longer considered unique. One of these unique gingerbread cookies was baked for the coronation of Nicholas II. The profile of the king himself was depicted on the gingerbread itself. By the way, the heaviest Tula gingerbread weighed 1 pood (16 kg), and the smallest baked one weighed only 50 grams.

Among other things, Tula is considered to be the birthplace of the Russian accordion. The funniest thing is that they started producing harmonics Tula gunsmiths at samovar factories (!) Tula was the main supplier of harmonicas for all Russian Empire. The sound capabilities of accordions imported from abroad did not satisfy Russian musicians, and by that time one of the artistic and stylistic features of Tula accordions had already emerged - their unique chamber sound.


The city is considered the birthplace of airborne assault, as well as navy Russia. It was first built in Voronezh admiralty. It was here in the 18th century that the first Russian fleet. For his perseverance, courage and heroism during the years of struggle for independence and freedom of the Fatherland, in February 2008, he was awarded the proud title "City of Military Glory".

Voronezh is famous all over the world for its black soils. Chernozem soils are among the most fertile in the world and occupy about 75% of the territory. Voronezh region. Of the 49 million hectares of chernozems in Russia, 3 million hectares are located in the Voronezh region. An interesting fact: at the famous fourth World Exhibition in Paris (1899), which lasted for six months, the “Russian department” looked so respectable that out of 818 participants, 662 awards were awarded to Russia. The most “unusual” award was a gold medal to the Russian “soil scientist” Dokuchaev and his black soil.

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General view of the Champ de Mars, 1889

Russian restaurant at the 1889 exhibition

Russian Pavilion, 1889

Russian Pavilion, 1889

Main gallery Russian department, 1889

Here’s what the press wrote: “Among the huge Russian samovars, pound candles, piles of Siberian furs and barrels of caviar at the pavilion of the Russian Empire, on a high pedestal stood a huge cubic monolith of black soil, each face of which was two meters. Thus, in that “cube” there was not one, but eight cubic meters of first-class, anthracite-black chernozem. They took this monolith not far from Voronezh, in the current Paninsky district.

After the exhibition closed, the National Museum, the University of the Sorbonne, various institutes and scientific societies of France asked to cut the monolith of Russian black soil into pieces and distribute it as visual evidence of the immense soil wealth of Russia and all of humanity. But they still decided to preserve the miracle monolith in its entirety; by lot it went to the Sorbonne and was kept there for many years.”

In 1968, major student unrest occurred at the Sorbonne and during battles between youth and the police, the monolith was completely destroyed. French soil scientists preserved only fragments of that monolith. The largest of them is 60 cm in length, 40 in width and 25-30 in height. The remains of the sample are now stored in the attic of the National Agronomic Institute.

And the city also has its own sea— “Voronezh” is a local reservoir. The length of the reservoir is about 30 kilometers, the width is about 2 km, the average depth is about 2.9 meters. The reservoir on the Voronezh River was built in 1972, and became the first man-made reservoir of such a scale within the city in the history of the USSR. The “sea” was intended for the industrial water supply of Voronezh.

And also Voronezh - Homeland of the Oryol trotter. The Oryol trotter is a famous Russian breed of horse with a hereditary ability for a fast trot (trot is the gait of a horse in which it alternately rearranges pairs of legs located diagonally).

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Great Oryol trotter "Krepysh"

One of the victories of "Krepysh"

Oryol trotter "Bedouin"

Trotter "Bull"

Trotter "Balagur" with a lady

Oryol trotter

Trotter "Crown Prince"

Oryol trotter "Kochet"

Trotter "Huge"

Count Orlov

The Orlov Trotter breed was bred at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries at the Khrenovsky stud farm, which still exists and is located in the village of Khrenovoe, Bobrovsky district, Voronezh region. The breed of trotting horses was named Orlovskaya in honor of the favorite of Catherine II - Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky, who worked on the creation new breed until his death - from 1775 to 1808. His co-author in this case is deservedly considered the serf Vasily Ivanovich Shishkin, who after the death of Alexei Grigorievich successfully completed the work he had begun. It is thanks to V.I. Shishkin, the Oryol trotter spread to stud farms and became the main Russian factory breed.

Portrait of Alexander I on horseback (artist Franz Kruger, from the collection. State Museum"Hermitage" in St. Petersburg).

A funny incident: There were legends about the Oryol trotters; crowds of people gathered to watch them run. Once, in 1812, Alexander I visited the Khrenovskaya stud farm. When the emperor stepped onto the threshold of the stable, 500 horses, as if welcoming him, reared up and neighed deafeningly. The secret was that a few weeks before the Tsar’s arrival, Shishkin, who managed the plant, ordered the grooms to open the shutters on the windows when distributing oats to the horses, thus developing a conditioned reflex. As soon as the emperor entered the stable, the shutters were thrown open... Alexander was very pleased with this reception, gave Shishkin a diamond ring and asked Anna Orlova, the count’s daughter and heir, to give Vasily Ivanovich his freedom.

Orlova complied with this request of the tsar, but refused to violate the ban established by her father - not to release a single uncastrated stallion from the stud. When Alexander I wanted to get “Khrenov’s” stallions for riding, he was given geldings...


Natalia Balbutskaya: « The city is famous for the “Musical Comedy Theater”, a dozen of the strongest universities, the railway, museums, theaters (24), literate people, just a normal HUGE Ural city, the capital of the Southern Urals.”

A forum member with the funny nickname “Rain’s Wife” shared more extensive information: “Ekaterinburg is the stronghold of the state. It is famous for being located on the Europe-Asia border; execution of the family last emperor Nicholas II; the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, lived and studied here; KVN team “Ural dumplings”; humorous artist from “Our Russia” Sergei Svetlakov; S/C Greenwich, where Gena Bukin from “Happy Together” works; there are many Olympic and world champions, for example Sergei Chepikov, etc.”

S. Chepikov, Soviet and Russian biathlete and skier, two-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion in biathlon. First ever new Russia winner of the Biathlon World Cup. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

The information and tourism service of Yekaterinburg pleased with the following facts:

The world's oldest wooden sculpture, the Great Shigir Idol, is kept in Yekaterinburg. He is older Egyptian pyramids, its age is 9,500 years. Radiocarbon dating of fragments of the idol found in the vicinity of the city gave a sensational result: it was made with stone tools during the Mesolithic era in the 8th millennium BC.

The one-of-a-kind Kasli cast-iron pavilion, created by Ural craftsmen and which won the Grand Prix and gold medal World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. Each of the 25 Ural workers who assembled the pavilion at the exhibition received a personalized silver watch in Paris as a reward for their art. The pavilion is made up of more than 1,500 unique cast iron parts and sculptural compositions and weighs about 20 tons. In 1978, the pavilion was registered by UNESCO as a rarity - the only architectural structure in the world made of cast iron that is in a museum collection.

The products of Yekaterinburg metallurgical plants were used to create the most famous architectural structures and designs around the world. It is known that the first industrial machines in England were made from Ural iron. In 1820 the roof of the building English Parliament in London was made from roofing iron produced in Yekaterinburg. Ural steel was used in the construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Ural copper was used in the construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Yekaterinburg is the first city in Russia in which ore gold was found and began to be mined. From 1745 to 1922, 559 tons of alluvial and 145 tons of native gold were mined - about a third of Russia's total balance. But the significance of this Ural metal can hardly be overestimated: it was the first Russian gold. Here, the technology for searching for primary and alluvial deposits, technologies for processing ores from gold-containing sands were developed, and machines for gold extraction were designed. In short, the historical, geological, and technological significance of Ural gold is unusually great.

In the 18th century, the Yekaterinburg Mint was one of the main mints in the country, producing up to 80% of the copper coins in the Russian Empire. For almost two centuries the entire population huge country paid for purchases daily in Ural nickels.

The first bicycle, an analogue of modern models, was invented in Yekaterinburg. Peasant Efim Artamonov built a model not much different from modern ones, and in 1801 he arrived on it for the coronation of Emperor Alexander I in St. Petersburg. A similar two-wheeled “running machine” with pedals appeared in Europe only in 1839.

The world's first jet aircraft, BI-2, was tested in Yekaterinburg. On May 15, 1942, BI-2, under the control of test pilot Grigory Yakovlevich Bakhchivandzhi, took off for the first time using a rocket engine. The flight lasted 3 minutes 9 seconds at an altitude of 840 meters.

Yekaterinburg, like the entire Urals, is directly related to the opening of the space age of mankind. It was in Yekaterinburg that a transmitter was invented that made it possible to receive signals from a satellite to Earth.

The world's most famous walking excavator, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was produced in Yekaterinburg. The boom length of the giant model ESh 100.100, manufactured at the famous Uralmash plant in 1980, is 100 meters. One bucket of such an excavator loads two railway cars at a time.


Revived from the ashes, the hero city of Volgograd (formerly Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad) is primarily known to the whole world memorial complex"Mamaev Kurgan" and the statue of the "Motherland" erected in memory of one of the most terrible battles in the Second World War. Mamayev Kurgan is the highest point in the central part of Volgograd. Its military name is "Height 102"

Battle of Stalingrad- is the largest land battle in human history. For 140 days and nights, the troops of the 62nd Army under the command of V.I. Chuikov stood to the death on the slopes of Mamayev Kurgan, which occupied a key position in the battles for Stalingrad. Therefore, whoever owned the mound at that time also owned the city. That is why, holding this height in your hands was a matter of life or death. In total, the Battle of Stalingrad lasted exactly 200 days and nights!

The fierce nature of the battles for this height is confirmed by the fact that immediately after the battle, from 500 to 1250 shell fragments were found on every square meter of land on Mamayev Kurgan. In the spring of 1943, not even the grass was green here. According to official data, casualties Soviet army exceed 1,130,000 people.

The tallest monument to Lenin in the world - The stone giant is located in the Krasnoarmeysky district, on the Volga embankment. The height of the monument together with the pedestal is 57 meters, and the Lenin sculpture is 27 meters.

Volgograd is famous for its embankment! Embankment named after the 62nd Army named after the army that defended it in the Battle of Stalingrad. Its length is 3.5 km. One of the most popular vacation spots for Volgograd residents and city guests. For many tourists and vacationers, their acquaintance with Volgograd begins from the central embankment.

The most noticeable building on the embankment is Volgograd River Station. This is the largest structure of this type in Europe: the length of the building is almost equal to the length of Red Square in Moscow and is 296 m, the width is 36 m, and the height at the top is 47 m. The river station building was built on reclaimed territory. 6 ships can moor at the station at the same time.