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Demo version of physics. Changes in the Unified State Examination in Physics

PHYSICS, grade 11 2 Project Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational organizations to carry out a unified state exam in PHYSICS The Codifier of content elements in physics and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for the Unified State Exam is one of the documents, the Unified State Exam in PHYSICS, that determines the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Examination. It is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of state standards of basic general and secondary (full) general education in physics (basic and specialized levels) (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089). Codifier Section 1. List of content elements tested on the unified content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of the state exam in physics for graduates of educational organizations to be carried out. The first column indicates the section code to which large content blocks of the unified state exam in physics correspond. The second column shows the code of the content element for which test tasks are created. Large blocks of content are broken down into smaller elements. The code was prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Control Scientific Institution Code lirue Razmogo Elements of content, “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS” elements tested by tasks KIM ta 1 MECHANICS 1.1 KINEMATICS 1.1.1 Mechanical motion. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system 1.1.2 Material point. z trajectory Its radius vector:  r (t) = (x (t), y (t), z (t)),   trajectory, r1 Δ r displacement:     r2 Δ r = r (t 2) − r (t1) = (Δ x , Δ y , Δ z) , O y path. Addition of displacements: x    Δ r1 = Δ r 2 + Δ r0 © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 3 PHYSICS, grade 11 4 1.1.3 Velocity of a material point: 1.1.8 Motion of a point in a circle. " t, similar to υ y = yt" , υ z = zt" . Centripetal acceleration of a point: acs = = ω2 R Δt Δt →0 R    1.1.9 Rigid body. Progressive and rotational movement Addition of velocities: υ1 = υ 2 + υ0 of a rigid body 1.1.4 Acceleration of a material point: 1.2 DYNAMICS   Δυ  a= = υt" = (ax, a y, az), 1.2.1 Inertial frames of reference. Newton's first law. Δt Δt →0 Galileo's principle of relativity Δυ x 1.2.2 m ax = = (υ x)t " , similarly to a y = (υ y) " , az = (υ z)t " . Body weight. Density of the substance: ρ = Δt Δt →0 t  V   1.1.5 Uniform rectilinear movement: 1.2.3 Strength. Principle of superposition of forces: Fequal action in = F1 + F2 +  x(t) = x0 + υ0 xt 1.2.4 Newton’s second law: for a material point in ISO    υ x (t) = υ0 x = const F = ma; Δp = FΔt for F = const 1.1.6 Uniformly accelerated linear motion: 1.2.5 Newton’s third law  for   a t2 material points: F12 = − F21 F12 F21 x(t) = x0 + υ0 xt + x 2 υ x (t) = υ0 x + axt 1.2.6 Law of universal gravitation: the attractive forces between mm ax = const point masses are equal to F = G 1 2 2 . R υ22x − υ12x = 2ax (x2 − x1) Gravity. Dependence of gravity on height h above 1.1.7 Free fall. y  surface of the planet with radius R0: Free fall acceleration v0 GMm. Motion of a body, mg = (R0 + h)2 thrown at an angle α to y0 α 1.2.7 Motion celestial bodies and them artificial satellites. horizon: First escape velocity: GM O x0 x υ1к = g 0 R0 = R0  x(t) = x0 + υ0 xt = x0 + υ0 cosα ⋅ t Second escape velocity:   g yt 2 gt 2 2GM  y (t ) = y0 + υ0 y t + = y0 + υ0 sin α ⋅ t − υ 2 к = 2υ1к =  2 2 R0 υ x ​​(t) = υ0 x = υ0 cosα 1.2.8 Elastic force. Hooke's law: F x = − kx  υ y (t) = υ0 y + g yt = υ0 sin α − gt 1.2.9 Friction force. Dry friction. Sliding friction force: Ftr = μN gx = 0  Static friction force: Ftr ≤ μN  g y = − g = const Friction coefficient 1.2.10 F Pressure: p = ⊥ S © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 5 PHYSICS, grade 11 6 1.4.8 The law of change and conservation of mechanical energy: 1.3 STATICS E fur = E kin + E potential, 1.3.1 Moment of force relative to the axis in ISO ΔE fur = Aall non-potential. forces, rotation:  l M = Fl, where l is the arm of force F in ISO ΔE mech = 0, if Aall non-potential. forces = 0 → O relative to the axis passing through F 1.5 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS AND WAVES point O perpendicular to Figure 1.5.1 Harmonic vibrations. Amplitude and phase of oscillations. 1.3.2 Conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body in ISO: Kinematic description: M 1 + M 2 +  = 0 x(t) = A sin (ωt + φ 0) ,   υ x (t) = x"t , F1 + F2 +  = 0 1.3.3 Pascal’s law ax (t) = (υ x)"t = −ω2 x(t). 1.3.4 Pressure in a liquid at rest in an ISO: p = p 0 + ρ gh Dynamic description:   1.3.5 Archimedes’ Law: FАрх = − Pdisplacement. , ma x = − kx , where k = mω . 2 if the body and liquid are at rest in the ISO, then FАрх = ρ gV displacement. Energy description (law of conservation of mechanical energy. Condition for floating bodies mv 2 kx 2 mv max 2 kA 2 energy): + = = = const. 1.4 CONSERVATION LAWS IN MECHANICS 2 2 2 2   Relationship between the amplitude of oscillations of the original quantity and 1.4.1 Momentum of a material point: p = mυ    amplitudes of oscillations of its speed and acceleration: 1.4.2 Momentum of a system of bodies: p = p1 + p2 + ... 2 v max = ωA , a max = ω A 1.4.3 Law of change and conservation of  momentum:     in ISO Δ p ≡ Δ (p1 + p 2 + ...) = F1 external Δ t + F2 external Δ t +  ; 1.5.2 2π 1   Period and frequency of oscillations: T = = . l A = F ⋅ Δr ⋅ cos α = Fx ⋅ Δx α  F pendulum: T = 2π . Δr g Period of free oscillations of a spring pendulum: 1.4.5 Force power:  F m ΔA α T = 2π P= = F ⋅ υ ⋅ cosα  k Δt Δt →0 v 1.5.3 Forced oscillations. Resonance. Resonance curve 1.4.6 Kinetic energy of a material point: 1.5.4 Transverse and longitudinal waves. Speed ​​mυ 2 p 2 υ Ekin = = . propagation and wavelength: λ = υT = . 2 2m ν Law of change in the kinetic energy of the system Interference and diffraction of waves of material points: in ISO ΔEkin = A1 + A2 +  1.5.5 Sound. Speed ​​of sound 1.4.7 Potential energy: 2 MOLECULAR PHYSICS. THERMODYNAMICS for potential forces A12 = E 1 potential − E 2 potential = − Δ E potential. 2.1 MOLECULAR PHYSICS Potential energy of a body in a uniform gravitational field: 2.1.1 Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids Epotential = mgh. 2.1.2 Thermal motion of atoms and molecules of a substance Potential energy of an elastically deformed body: 2.1.3 Interaction of particles of a substance 2.1.4 Diffusion. Brownian motion kx 2 E potential = 2.1.5 Model ideal gas in MKT: gas particles move 2 chaotically and do not interact with each other © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 7 PHYSICS, grade 11 8 2.1.6 Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy 2.1.15 Change states of aggregation substances: evaporation and translational thermal motion of ideal molecules, condensation, boiling of liquid gas (basic equation of MKT): 2.1.16 Change in aggregate states of matter: melting and 1 2 m v2  2 crystallization p = m0nv 2 = n ⋅  0  = n ⋅ ε post 3 3  2  3 2.1.17 Energy conversion into phase transitions 2.1.7 Absolute temperature: T = t ° + 273 K 2.2 THERMODYNAMICS 2.1.8 Relationship between gas temperature and average kinetic energy 2.2.1 Thermal equilibrium and temperature of translational thermal motion of its particles: 2.2.2 Internal energy 2.2.3 Heat transfer as a method of change internal energym v2  3 ε post =  0  = kT without doing work. Convection, thermal conductivity,  2  2 radiation 2.1.9 Equation p = nkT 2.2.4 Amount of heat. 2.1.10 Ideal gas model in thermodynamics: Specific heat capacity of a substance with: Q = cmΔT. Mendeleev - Clapeyron equation 2.2.5 Specific heat vaporization r: Q = rm.  Specific heat of fusion λ: Q = λ m. Expression for internal energy Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation (applicable forms Specific heat of combustion of fuel q: Q = qm entries): 2.2.6 Elementary work in thermodynamics: A = pΔV . m ρRT Calculation of work according to the process schedule on the pV diagram pV = RT = νRT = NkT , p = . μ μ 2.2.7 First law of thermodynamics: Expression for the internal energy of a monatomic Q12 = ΔU 12 + A12 = (U 2 − U 1) + A12 ideal gas (applicable notation): Adiabatic: 3 3 3m Q12 = 0  A12 = U1 − U 2 U = νRT = NkT = RT = νc νT 2 2 2μ 2.2.8 Second law of thermodynamics, irreversibility 2.1.11 Dalton’s law for the pressure of a mixture of rarefied gases: 2.2.9 Principles of operation of heat engines. Efficiency: p = p1 + p 2 +  A Qload − Qcold Q 2.1.12 Isoprocesses in a rarefied gas with a constant number η = per cycle = = 1 − cold Qload Qload Qload particles N (with a constant amount of substance ν): isotherm (T = const): pV = const, 2.2.10 Maximum efficiency value. Carnot cycle Tload − T cool T cool p max η = η Carnot = = 1− isochore (V = const): = const , Tload Tload T V 2.2.11 Heat balance equation: Q1 + Q 2 + Q 3 + ... = 0 . isobar (p = const): = const. T 3 ELECTRODYNAMICS Graphic representation of isoprocesses on pV-, pT- and VT- 3.1 ELECTRIC FIELD diagrams 3.1.1 Electrification of bodies and its manifestations. Electric charge. 2.1.13 Saturated and unsaturated pairs. High quality Two types of charge. Elementary electric charge. Law of dependence of density and pressure of saturated vapor on conservation electric charge temperatures, their independence from the volume of saturated 3.1.2 Interaction of charges. Point charges. Coulomb's law: pair q ⋅q 1 q ⋅q 2.1.14 Air humidity. F =k 1 2 2 = ⋅ 1 2 2 r 4πε 0 r p steam (T) ρ steam (T) Relative humidity: ϕ = = 3.1.3 Electric field. Its effect on electric charges p sat. steam (T) ρ sat. pair (T) © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 9 PHYSICS, grade 11 10  3.1.4  F 3.2.4 Electrical resistance. Dependence of resistance Tension electric field: E = . of a homogeneous conductor depending on its length and cross-section. Specific q test l q resistance of the substance. R = ρ Point charge field: E r = k 2 , S  r 3.2.5 Current sources. EMF and internal resistance homogeneous field: E = const. A Pictures of the lines of these fields of the current source.  = external forces 3.1.5 Electrostatic field potential. q Potential difference and voltage. 3.2.6 Ohm’s law for a complete (closed) A12 = q (ϕ1 − ϕ 2) = − q Δ ϕ = qU electric circuit:  = IR + Ir, from where ε, r R Potential charge energy in an electrostatic field:  I= W = qϕ. R+r W 3.2.7 Parallel connection of conductors: Electrostatic field potential: ϕ = . q 1 1 1 I = I1 + I 2 +  , U 1 = U 2 =  , = + + Relationship between field strength and potential difference for Rparallel R1 R 2 uniform electrostatic field: U = Ed. Series connection of conductors: 3.1.6 Principle of   superposition  of electric fields: U = U 1 + U 2 + , I 1 = I 2 = , Rseq = R1 + R2 +  E = E1 + E 2 + , ϕ = ϕ 1 + ϕ 2 +  3.2.8 Work electric current: A = IUt 3.1.7 Conductors in an electrostatic  field. Condition Joule–Lenz law: Q = I 2 Rt charge equilibrium: inside the conductor E = 0, inside and on the 3.2.9 ΔA surface of the conductor ϕ = const. Electric current power: P = = IU. Δt Δt → 0 3.1.8 Dielectrics in an electrostatic field. Dielectric Thermal power released by the resistor: permeability of the substance ε 3.1.9 q U2 Capacitor. Capacitance of the capacitor: C = . P = I 2R = . U R εε 0 S ΔA Electric capacity of a flat capacitor: C = = εC 0 Power of the current source: P = art. forces = I d Δ t Δt → 0 3.1.10 Parallel connection of capacitors: 3.2.10 Free carriers of electric charges in conductors. q = q1 + q 2 + , U 1 = U 2 = , C parallel = C1 + C 2 +  Mechanisms of conductivity of solid metals, solutions and Series connection of capacitors: molten electrolytes, gases. Semiconductors. 1 1 1 Semiconductor diode U = U 1 + U 2 +  , q1 = q 2 =  , = + + 3.3 MAGNETIC FIELD C seq C1 C 2 3.3.1 Mechanical interaction of magnets. Magnetic field. 3.1.11 qU CU 2 q 2 Magnetic induction vector. Superposition principle Energy of a charged capacitor: WC = = =    2 2 2C magnetic fields: B = B1 + B 2 +  . Magnetic 3.2 LAWS OF DC CURRENT field lines. Pattern of field lines of strip and horseshoe-shaped 3.2.1 Δq permanent magnets Current strength: I = . Direct current: I = const. Δ t Δt → 0 3.3.2 Oersted’s experiment. Magnetic field of a current-carrying conductor. For DC q = It Picture of the field lines of a long straight conductor and 3.2.2 Conditions for the existence of electric current. closed ring conductor, coil with current. Voltage U and EMF ε 3.2.3 U Ohm's law for the circuit section: I = R © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 11 PHYSICS, grade 11 12 3.3.3 Ampere force, its direction and magnitude: 3.5.2 Law of conservation of energy in oscillatory circuit: FA = IBl sin α , where α is the angle between the direction CU 2 LI 2 CU max 2 LI 2  + = = max = const conductor and the vector B 2 2 2 2 3.3.4 Lorentz force, its direction and magnitude:  3.5 .3 Forced electromagnetic oscillations. Resonance  FLore = q vB sinα, where α is the angle between vectors v and B. 3.5.4 Alternating current. Production, transmission and consumption Movement of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic electric energy field 3.5.5 Properties electromagnetic waves. Mutual orientation   3.4 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of vectors in an electromagnetic wave in vacuum: E ⊥ B ⊥ c. 3.4.1 Magnetic vector flux   3.5.6 Electromagnetic wave scale. Application of n B induction: Ф = B n S = BS cos α electromagnetic waves in technology and everyday life α 3.6 OPTICS S 3.6.1 Rectilinear propagation of light in a homogeneous medium. Beam of light 3.4.2 The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Induction emf 3.6.2 Laws of light reflection. 3.4.3 Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction: 3.6.3 Constructing images in a flat mirror ΔΦ 3.6.4 Laws of light refraction. i = − = −Φ"t Refraction of light: n1 sin α = n2 sin β . Δt Δt →0 s 3.4.4 Induction emf in straight conductor length l, moving Absolute refractive index: n abs = .    v  () with a speed υ υ ⊥ l in a homogeneous magnetic Relative refractive index: n rel = n 2 v1 = . n1 v 2 field B:   i = Blυ sin α, where α is the angle between vectors B and υ; if the path of rays in a prism.    The relationship between frequencies and wavelengths during the transition l ⊥ B and v ⊥ B, then i = Blυ monochromatic light through the interface of two 3.4.5 Lenz rule of optical media: ν 1 = ν 2, n1λ 1 = n 2 λ 2 3.4.6 Ф 3.6.5 Total internal reflection. Inductance: L = , or Φ = LI. n2 I Limit angle of total internal reflection ΔI: Self-induction. Self-induction emf: si = − L = − LI"t 1 n n1 Δt Δt →0 sin αpr = = 2 αpr 3.4.7 notrel n1 LI 2 Energy magnetic field current coils: WL = 3.6.6 Converging and diverging lenses. Thin lens. 2 Focal length and optical power of a thin lens: 3.5 ELECTROMAGNETIC VIBRATIONS AND WAVES 1 3.5.1 Oscillatory circuit. Free D= electromagnetic oscillations in an ideal C L F oscillatory circuit: 3.6.7 Thin lens formula: d 1 1 1 q(t) = q max sin(ωt + ϕ 0) + = . H  d f F F  I (t) = qt′ = ωq max cos(ωt + ϕ 0) = I max cos(ωt + ϕ 0) Increase given by 2π 1 F h Thomson's formula: T = 2π LC, whence ω = = . lens: Γ = h = f f T LC H d Relationship between the amplitude of the capacitor charge and the amplitude of the current strength I in the oscillatory circuit: q max = max. ω © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 13 PHYSICS, grade 11 14 3.6.8 Path of a ray passing through a lens at an arbitrary angle to it 5.1.4 Einstein’s equation for the photoelectric effect: the main optical axis. Construction of images of a point and E photon = A output + E kine max, a straight line segment in collecting and diverging lenses and their hc hc systems where Ephoton = hν =, Aoutput = hν cr =, 3.6.9 Camera as an optical device. λ λ cr 2 The eye as an optical system mv max E kin max = = eU zap 3.6.10 Interference of light. Coherent sources. Conditions 2 for observing maxima and minima in 5.1.5 Wave properties of particles. De Broglie waves. interference pattern from two in-phase h h De Broglie wavelength of a moving particle: λ = = . coherent sources p mv λ Wave-particle duality. Electron diffraction maxima: Δ = 2m, m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ... on crystals 2 λ 5.1.6 Light pressure. Light pressure on a completely reflective minimum: Δ = (2m + 1), m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ... surface and on a completely absorbing surface 2 5.2 ATOMIC PHYSICS 3.6.11 Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Condition 5.2.1 Planetary model of the atom observation of the main maxima at normal incidence 5.2.2 Bohr's postulates. Emission and absorption of photons during monochromatic light with wavelength λ on a lattice with the transition of an atom from one energy level to another: period d: d sin ϕ m = m λ , m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ... hс 3.6.12 Dispersion of light hν mn = = En − Em λ mn 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF THE SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY 4.1 Invariance of the modulus of the speed of light in vacuum. Principle 5.2.3 Line spectra. Einstein's relativity Spectrum of energy levels of the hydrogen atom: 4.2 − 13.6 eV En = , n = 1, 2, 3, ... 2 Energy of a free particle: E = mc. v2 n2 1− 5.2.4 Laser c2  5.3 PHYSICS OF THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS Particle momentum: p = mv  . v 2 5.3.1 Nucleon model of the Heisenberg–Ivanenko nucleus. Core charge. 1− Mass number of the nucleus. Isotopes c2 4.3 Relationship between mass and energy of a free particle: 5.3.2 Bonding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Nuclear forces E 2 − (pc) = (mc 2) . 2 2 5.3.3 Defect in the mass of the nucleus AZ X: Δ m = Z ⋅ m p + (A − Z) ⋅ m n − m of the nucleus Rest energy of a free particle: E 0 = mc 2 5.3.4 Radioactivity. 5 QUANTUM PHYSICS AND ELEMENTS OF ASTROPHYSICS Alpha decay: AZ X→ AZ−−42Y + 42 He. 5.1 Particle-Wave Duality A A 0 ~ Beta decay. Electronic β-decay: Z X → Z +1Y + −1 e + ν e . 5.1.1 M. Planck’s hypothesis about quanta. Planck formula: E = hν Positron β-decay: AZ X → ZA−1Y + +10 ~ e + νe. 5.1.2 hc Gamma radiation Photons. Photon energy: E = hν = = pc. λ 5.3.5 − t E hν h Law of radioactive decay: N (t) = N 0 ⋅ 2 T Photon momentum: p = = = c c λ 5.3.6 Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission and fusion 5.1.3 Photoelectric effect. Experiments by A.G. Stoletova. Laws of the photoelectric effect 5.4 ELEMENTS OF ASTROPHYSICS 5.4.1 Solar system: planets terrestrial group And giant planets, small bodies solar system© 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

PHYSICS, grade 11 15 PHYSICS, grade 11 16 5.4.2 Stars: a variety of stellar characteristics and their patterns. Sources of energy of stars 2.5.2 give examples of experiments illustrating that: 5.4.3 Modern representations about the origin and evolution of observation and experiment serve as the basis for the advancement of the Sun and stars. hypotheses and construction scientific theories; experiment 5.4.4 Our Galaxy. Other galaxies. Spatial allows you to check the truth of theoretical conclusions; scale of the observable Universe, physical theory makes it possible to explain phenomena 5.4.5 Modern views on the structure and evolution of the Universe of nature and scientific facts; physical theory makes it possible to predict yet unknown phenomena and their features; when explaining natural phenomena are used Section 2. List of requirements for the level of training tested by physical models; the same natural object or at a unified state exam in physics, a phenomenon can be studied based on the use of different models; the laws of physics and physical theories have their own Code Requirements for the level of training of graduates, mastering certain limits of applicability of the requirements of which is checked on the Unified State Exam 2.5.3 measure physical quantities, present the results 1 Know/Understand: measurements taking into account their errors 1.1 the meaning of physical concepts 2.6 apply the acquired knowledge for solving physical 1.2 meaning of physical quantities of problems 1.3 meaning physical laws, principles, postulates 3 Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical 2 Be able to: activities and everyday life for: 2.1 describe and explain: 3.1 ensuring life safety in the process of using vehicles, household 2.1.1 physical phenomena, physical phenomena and properties of bodies of electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications 2.1.2 results of communication experiments; assessment of the impact on the human body and others 2.2 describe fundamental experiments that have polluted organisms environment; rational significant influence on the development of physics of environmental management and environmental protection; 2.3 give examples practical application physical 3.2 determining one’s own position in relation to knowledge, laws of physics environmental problems and behavior in natural environment 2.4 determine the nature of the physical process using a graph, table, formula; products of nuclear reactions based on the laws of conservation of electric charge and mass number 2.5 2.5.1 distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data; give examples showing that: observations and experiments are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories and allow one to verify the truth of theoretical conclusions; physical theory makes it possible to explain known natural phenomena and scientific facts, to predict yet unknown phenomena; © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation © 2018 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

control measuring materials
for holding the unified state exam in 2018

1. Purpose of KIM Unified State Exam

The Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam) is a form objective assessment quality of training of persons who have mastered educational programs secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The Unified State Examination is conducted in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

Control measuring materials make it possible to establish the level of mastery by graduates of the Federal component of the state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physics, basic and specialized levels.

The results of the unified state exam in physics are recognized by educational organizations of secondary vocational education and educational organizations of higher professional education as results entrance examinations in physics.

2. Documents defining the content of the Unified State Exam KIM

3. Approaches to selecting content and developing the structure of the Unified State Exam KIM

Each version of the examination paper includes controlled content elements from all sections of the school physics course, while tasks of all taxonomic levels are offered for each section. The most important content elements from the point of view of continuing education in higher educational institutions are controlled in the same version by tasks of different levels of complexity. The number of tasks for a particular section is determined by its content and in proportion to the teaching time allocated for its study in accordance with the approximate physics program. The various plans by which examination options are constructed are built on the principle of content addition so that, in general, all series of options provide diagnostics for the development of all content elements included in the codifier.

The priority when designing a CMM is the need to check the types of activities provided for by the standard (taking into account the limitations in mass written check knowledge and skills of students): assimilation conceptual apparatus physics course, mastery methodological knowledge, application of knowledge in explaining physical phenomena and solving problems. Mastery of skills in working with information of physical content is tested indirectly by using various methods of presenting information in texts (graphs, tables, diagrams and schematic drawings).

The most important type of activity from the point of view of successful continuation of education at a university is problem solving. Each option includes tasks in all sections of different levels of complexity, allowing you to test the ability to apply physical laws and formulas both in standard educational situations and in non-traditional situations that require the manifestation of a fairly high degree of independence when combining known action algorithms or creating your own plan for completing a task .

The objectivity of checking tasks with a detailed answer is ensured by uniform assessment criteria, the participation of two independent experts evaluating one work, the possibility of appointing a third expert and the presence of an appeal procedure.

The Unified State Examination in Physics is an exam of choice for graduates and is intended for differentiation when entering higher education. educational institutions. For these purposes, the work includes tasks of three difficulty levels. Completing tasks at a basic level of complexity allows you to assess the level of mastery of the most significant content elements of a physics course high school and mastery of the most important species activities.

Among the tasks of the basic level, tasks are distinguished whose content corresponds to the standard of the basic level. Minimum quantity Unified State Examination points in physics, confirming that a graduate has completed a secondary (full) general education program in physics, is established based on the requirements for mastering the basic level standard. The use of advanced and advanced tasks in the examination work high levels complexity allows you to assess the degree of preparedness of a student to continue education at a university.

4. Structure of KIM Unified State Exam

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 32 tasks, differing in form and level of complexity (Table 1).

Part 1 contains 24 short answer questions. Of these, 13 are tasks with the answer written in the form of a number, a word or two numbers. 11 matching and multiple choice tasks that require you to write your answers as a sequence of numbers.

Part 2 contains 8 tasks combined general view activities - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (25-27) and 5 tasks (28-32), for which you need to provide a detailed answer.

Secondary general education

Line UMK G. Ya. Myakisheva, M.A. Petrova. Physics (10-11) (B)

Unified State Exam 2020 codifier in physics FIPI

Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting the Unified State Exam in Physics is one of the documents defining the structure and content of the KIM of the Unified State Exam, the list of objects of which have a specific code. A codifier has been compiled based on the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in physics (basic and specialized levels).

Major changes in the new demo

For the most part, the changes have become minor. Thus, in physics assignments there will be not five, but six questions that require a detailed answer. Task No. 24 on knowledge of the elements of astrophysics has become more complicated - now, instead of two required correct answers, there can be either two or three correct options.

Soon we will talk about the upcoming Unified State Exam on and on air our YouTube channel.

Unified State Exam schedule in physics in 2020

On at the moment It is known that the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor have published drafts for public discussion Unified State Exam schedule. Physics exams are scheduled to be held on June 4.

The codifier is information divided into two parts:

    part 1: “List of content elements tested at the unified state exam in physics”;

    part 2: “List of requirements for the level of training of graduates, tested at the unified state exam in physics.”

List of content elements tested at the unified state exam in physics

We present the original table with a list of content elements presented by FIPI. Download the Unified State Examination codifier in physics in full version possible at official website.

Section code Controlled element code Content elements tested by CMM tasks
1 Mechanics
1.1 Kinematics
1.2 Dynamics
1.3 Statics
1.4 Conservation laws in mechanics
1.5 Mechanical vibrations and waves
2 Molecular physics. Thermodynamics
2.1 Molecular physics
2.2 Thermodynamics
3 Electrodynamics
3.1 Electric field
3.2 DC laws
3.3 Magnetic field
3.4 Electromagnetic induction
3.5 Electromagnetic vibrations and waves
3.6 Optics
4 Fundamentals of Special Relativity
5 Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics
5.1 Wave-particle duality
5.2 Physics of the atom
5.3 Physics of the atomic nucleus
5.4 Elements of Astrophysics

The book contains materials for successful completion Unified State Exam: brief theoretical information on all topics, assignments different types and levels of complexity, solving problems of an increased level of complexity, answers and evaluation criteria. Students will not have to search for additional information on the Internet and buy other textbooks. In this book they will find everything they need to independently and effectively prepare for the exam.

Requirements for the level of training of graduates

FIPI KIMs are developed based on specific requirements for the level of preparation of examinees. Thus, in order to successfully pass the physics exam, a graduate must:

1. Know/understand:

1.1. the meaning of physical concepts;

1.2. the meaning of physical quantities;

1.3. the meaning of physical laws, principles, postulates.

2. Be able to:

2.1. describe and explain:

2.1.1. physical phenomena, physical phenomena and properties of bodies;

2.1.2. experimental results;

2.2. describe fundamental experiments that had a significant impact on the development of physics;

2.3. give examples of the practical application of physical knowledge and the laws of physics;

2.4. determine the nature of the physical process using a graph, table, formula; products of nuclear reactions based on the laws of conservation of electric charge and mass number;

2.5.1. distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories; draw conclusions based on experimental data; give examples showing that: observations and experiments are the basis for putting forward hypotheses and theories and make it possible to verify the truth of theoretical conclusions, physical theory makes it possible to explain known natural phenomena and scientific facts, to predict yet unknown phenomena;

2.5.2. give examples of experiments illustrating that: observations and experiments serve as the basis for putting forward hypotheses and constructing scientific theories; an experiment allows you to verify the truth of theoretical conclusions; physical theory makes it possible to explain natural phenomena and scientific facts; physical theory allows us to predict still unknown phenomena and their features; physical models are used to explain natural phenomena; the same natural object or phenomenon can be studied using different models; the laws of physics and physical theories have their own certain limits of applicability;

2.5.3. measure physical quantities, present measurement results taking into account their errors;

2.6. apply the acquired knowledge to solve physical problems.

3. Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life:

3.1. to ensure life safety during the use of vehicles, household electrical appliances, radio and telecommunications; assessing the impact of environmental pollution on the human body and other organisms; rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

3.2. determining one’s own position in relation to environmental problems and behavior in the natural environment.

Search results:

  1. Demos, specifications, codifiers Unified State Exam 2015

    One state exam; - specifications of control measuring materials for carrying out a unified state exam
  2. Demos, specifications, codifiers Unified State Exam 2015

    Contacts. Unified State Exam and GVE-11.

    Demo versions, specifications, codifiers of the Unified State Exam 2018. Certificate of changes in the KIM Unified State Exam 2018 (272.7 Kb).

    PHYSICS (1 Mb). CHEMISTRY (908.1 Kb). Demo versions, specifications, Unified State Exam 2015 codifiers.
  3. Demos, specifications, codifiers Unified State Exam 2015

    Unified State Exam and GVE-11.

    Demo versions, specifications, codifiers of the Unified State Exam 2018 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (975.4 Kb).

    PHYSICS (1 Mb). Demo versions, specifications, Unified State Exam 2016 codifiers.
  4. Official demo Unified State Exam 2020 to physics from FIPI.

    OGE in 9th grade. Unified State Exam news.

    → Demo version: fi-11 -ege-2020-demo.pdf → Codifier: fi-11 -ege-2020-kodif.pdf → Specification: fi-11 -ege-2020-spec.pdf → Download in one archive: .
  5. Codifier

    Codifier of USE content elements in PHYSICS. Mechanics.

    Swimming conditions of bodies. Molecular Physics. Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids.

    01n®11 p+-10e +n~e. N.
  6. Codifier Unified State Exam By physics

    Unified State Examination Codifier in Physics. Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting a unified state Physics exam.
  7. Material for preparation for Unified State Exam(GIA) by physics (11 Class)...
  8. Codifier Unified State Exam-2020 to physics FIPI - Russian textbook

    Codifier content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations to conduct Unified State Exam By physics is one of the documents defining the structure and content of CMM single state exam, objects...
  9. Codifier Unified State Exam By physics

    Codifier of content elements in physics and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting a unified state exam is one of the documents defining the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Examination.
  10. Demos, specifications, codifiers| GIA- 11

    codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational institutions to carry out a unified

    specifications of control measuring materials for carrying out a uniform state exam
  11. Codifier Unified State Exam By physics 2020

    Unified State Exam in Physics. FIPI. 2020. Codifier. Page menu. Structure of the Unified State Exam in Physics. Preparation online. Demos, specifications, codifiers.

  12. Specifications And codifiers Unified State Exam 2020 from FIPI

    Unified State Exam 2020 specifications from FIPI. Specification of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    Unified State Examination Codifier in Physics.
  13. Documents | Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements

    Any - Unified State Exam and GVE-11 - Demo versions, specifications, codifiers - Demo versions, specifications, codifiers of the Unified State Exam 2020

    materials for chairmen and members of the PC on checking assignments with a detailed answer of the State Academic Examination of IX grades of the educational institution 2015 --Educational and methodological...
  14. Demo version Unified State Exam 2019 to physics

    Official demo version of KIM Unified State Exam 2019 in physics. There are no changes in the structure.

    → Demo version: fi_demo-2019.pdf → Codifier: fi_kodif-2019.pdf → Specification: fi_specif-2019.pdf → Download in one archive:
  15. Demo version of FIPI Unified State Exam 2020 to physics, specification...

    Official demo version Unified State Examination in Physics in 2020. THE APPROVED OPTION FROM FIPI is final. The document includes a specification and codifier for 2020.
  16. Unified State Exam 2019: Demos, Specifications, Codifiers...

    In anticipation academic year Demo versions of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018 in all subjects (including physics) have been published on the official website of FIPI.

    This section presents documents defining the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018:

    Demonstration versions of control measurement materials of the Unified State Exam.
    - codifiers of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for conducting the unified state exam;
    - specifications of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam;

    Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in physics tasks with answers

    Physics demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 variant + answer
    Specification download
    Codifier download

    Changes in the Unified State Exam KIM in 2018 in physics compared to 2017

    The codifier of content elements tested on the Unified State Exam in Physics includes subsection 5.4 “Elements of Astrophysics”.

    One multiple choice question testing elements of astrophysics has been added to Part 1 of the exam paper. The content of task lines 4, 10, 13, 14 and 18 has been expanded. Part 2 has been left unchanged. Maximum score for completing all tasks of the examination work increased from 50 to 52 points.

    Duration of the Unified State Exam 2018 in physics

    235 minutes are allotted to complete the entire examination work. Estimated time to complete tasks various parts work is:

    1) for each task with a short answer – 3–5 minutes;

    2) for each task with a detailed answer – 15–20 minutes.

    Structure of KIM Unified State Examination

    Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 32 tasks, differing in form and level of difficulty.

    Part 1 contains 24 short answer questions. Of these, 13 tasks require the answer to be written in the form of a number, a word or two numbers, 11 tasks require matching and multiple choice, in which the answers must be written as a sequence of numbers.

    Part 2 contains 8 tasks united by a common activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (25–27) and 5 tasks (28–32), for which you need to provide a detailed answer.