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Unified State Exam in Russian language changes. The list of changes to the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is official and was provided by Fipi

Russian language is official language Russian Federation, which means every citizen of the country should know it at the highest level. Starting from the 1st grade, children begin to study “the great, the mighty,” and by the end of school they have a huge amount of knowledge in this area.

In graduating classes, all students take a national exam in this discipline and receive the coveted certificate, without which further education at the university is impossible. This article will tell you what the USE in the Russian language 2018 will be like and whether we can all expect major changes in its format.

The following dates have been allocated for holding final exams in the Russian language:

  • early period - March 23, 2018 (April 11, 2018 - reserve day);
  • main period - June 6, 2018 (June 26, 2018 - reserve day);
  • additional period - September 4, 2018 (September 15, 2018 - reserve day).

Future innovations

For several years, active negotiations have been ongoing regarding the introduction of adjustments to the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. In the future, experts advocate dividing the test into two parts: oral and written. Such optimization will make it possible to assess knowledge for more high level, and the work of examination commissions will become a little easier.

If the division is nevertheless approved, then the eleventh graders of 2017-2018 will, in some way, be pioneers: they will be able to personally experience all the benefits of the updated examination.

Changes to the written part

As such, the written part has not yet received any adjustments in the period under review. On this moment, the amendments made in 2017 remain relevant, namely:

  • the minimum number of points required to pass the exam is 36;
  • absence of a block with tests where only one answer was required;
  • dividing the form into two sections: the first - questions with short answers, the second - an essay on a given topic.

Please note that after the introduction of the “Speaking” block, the number of written tasks may change, but so far the persons responsible for the competent preparation of the Unified State Exam program have not given any comments on this matter.

What is the essence of the oral part?

Most graduates are already wondering about the advisability of introducing a section for oral examination. But everything was invented for a reason.

After lengthy research in several regions of our country, experts came to the conclusion that many schoolchildren speak Russian at a fairly poor level.

According to scientists, the following factors could lead to such phenomena:

  1. Poor quality teaching (not every teacher strives to hear from the student a detailed, and most importantly, reasoned answer to the questions asked).
  2. Distribution of written methods of testing knowledge (colleges and lyceums are reducing the number of oral quizzes).
  3. There is a general decline in children reading books (accordingly, graduates do not speak literary language and have a poor vocabulary).

Do not forget that excellent oratory skills, as well as the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, are valued in many professional areas of a person. Those who plan to enter higher education institutions are simply obliged to know the Russian language at a high level.

So, the oral part of the Unified State Exam in Russian will allow high school students to:

  • express your thoughts in literary language;
  • improve reasoning ability;
  • develop reasoned communication skills;
  • expand knowledge in the field of public speaking;
  • be in demand in the professional field.

Should there be an oral block in 2018?

Despite the fact that rumors about dividing the Unified State Examination in the Russian language into two parts have been floating around the Internet for a long time, schools have not yet received a final verdict on this issue. The Ministry of Education is not a supporter of drastic changes, so the reform, which can improve the level of proficiency in the native language, will take place in several stages:

  1. December test retelling.
  2. Transformation of the structure of tasks, as well as the final removal of tests with one answer option.
  3. Section of the all-Russian exam into two blocks: oral and written.

“Speaking” and how it will take place

The question of including the “Speaking” section in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language has already been practically resolved. Many students have already encountered a similar task more than once in final exams in foreign languages, which means that they must be mentally prepared for its appearance.

It is expected that the student will listen to the audio recording for 20 minutes and at the same time look at the picture that appears on the computer monitor. After the specified time, the student will have to answer the questions asked, the answers to which are recorded on tape. Members of the examination committee will listen to this recording and then render their verdict.

Thanks to this innovation, the real level of knowledge of students, as well as their level of proficiency in their native language, will be established. Examiners will primarily focus on the speaker's use of grammar, rules, argumentation, and beauty of speech.

In order not to sow panic, I would like to immediately note that (according to preliminary forecasts) the “Speaking” block will not be added to the Unified State Examination program in the Russian language. The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, said that in the near future the agency does not plan to seriously change the format of the exam, in particular to divide it into basic and specialized levels. The oral part, at this stage, is being developed and tested in 9 grades.

Demo version

If you want to independently prepare for a future test in the Russian language, then a demo version of the exam is already at your disposal. It can be found on the official website of FIPI.

Thanks to these materials, you will be able to determine the level of difficulty of tasks, as well as practice solving them.


  • Demos:
  • Specifications:
  • Codifier:

Rules of conduct during the exam

Even the most knowledgeable student may fail the Russian language exam. To get the coveted points in the certificate, it is not enough to know the material; it is also important to behave correctly in the classroom. At the national examination, a student is prohibited from:

  • move from place to place;
  • talk to a neighbor;
  • bring with you Cell phones, cheat sheets, listening devices, etc.;
  • leave the class without the permission of observers.

Exam preparation

Those students who are focused on getting high scores in exams begin to prepare for them in middle school. But even if you missed this moment, all is not lost.

Changes in the Unified State Exam occur every year, but most of them are not of fundamental importance. The order of tasks is changing, some of them are becoming more complicated, some are being simplified... But the new criteria for assessing assignment No. 27 in the Russian language (essay based on the text) also put forward fundamentally new requirements for the preparation of graduates. And the essay is, by the way, 24 out of 58 primary points, or 41 out of 100 tests!

How have the essay requirements changed? Can you write it yourself taking into account the new criteria? Let's figure it out!

Arguments are no longer required

Any mother whose child has graduated from school in the last few years knows that how important it is in an essay “ literary argument" If you have not yet been interested in this topic, let us briefly recap the essence of the problem: an essay is the most difficult and “expensive” Unified State Exam task for 11th-graders in the Russian language. It is written based on a small passage of text, which is given right there in the text of the assignment.

The essay was evaluated according to a number of criteria, among which one of the main ones was the ability to confirm or refute the author’s point of view on a problem, using the so-called “literary argument” - an example from fiction, journalistic or even popular science literature.

Although the texts that will be used in the Unified State Exam remained a secret until the very last moment, the main topics are known in advance and have not changed for several years. Therefore, tutors and preparation courses for the Unified State Exam (and schools, for that matter) suggested that schoolchildren memorize examples from the “bank of arguments”: love - “Eugene Onegin”, man and nature - “Farewell to Matera”, the role of art in life - “Letters” about the good and the beautiful” by Dmitry Likhachev... As a result, the graduates’ essays, written in the most honest manner, sometimes resembled each other like two peas in a pod. Without delving into the subtleties of the problematics of the text under discussion, they pulled memorized “arguments from the bank” onto it, like an owl onto a globe. It didn't turn out very well, to put it mildly.

We decided to get acquainted with the “argument banks” popular on the Internet and, frankly speaking, we were horrified by their straightforward primitiveness.

Problem: searching for the meaning of life in modern world. In the story by I.A. Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco,” an American millionaire served the “golden calf.” Main character believed that the meaning of life lies in the accumulation of wealth. When the Master died, it turned out that true happiness passed him by.

Problem: the inner beauty of a person. Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Wise thoughts The Little Prince They can teach even an adult a lot. Our hero said: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.” And we can say without a doubt that he is right. True beauty is inside a person, in his soul, in his right actions.

Problem: respect for nature. The hero of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” rescues drowning hares during the spring flood, collects them in a boat, and cures two sick ones. The forest is a home for him, and Grandfather Mazai cares and protects those who live in it. This attitude is a lesson in love for nature, careful and reasonable love.

In 2019, the position regarding writing is fundamentally changing. The emphasis shifts to understanding the text under discussion. In 2018, it was necessary to find a problem in the presented text; comment on it, giving at least two examples from the text. Now we need to explain why these particular fragments were chosen and show the relationship between them.

If earlier this action was awarded three primary points, now it is as many as five.

In 2018, your attitude to the problem had to be supported by at least two arguments, and one of them had to be taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature. Now it doesn’t matter how exactly the graduate will confirm his point of view, the main thing is persuasiveness.

Previously, you could get three points for arguing your opinion, but now - only 1.

This does not mean that a graduate cannot appeal to the authority of literary classics, it’s just that now this is not necessary.

Without arguments - good or bad?

Strictly speaking, Russian language and literature are different subjects. Literary argumentation, of course, demonstrated such an important advantage of a student as erudition. But the Russian exam should reveal completely different qualities: the ability to understand the text, isolate its essence, formulate a problem and maintain a dialogue.

If we think sensibly, these are the skills that are required for any citizen, no matter what professional path he chooses (after all, the results of the exam in Russian, unlike mathematics, are taken into account when entering any university, for any specialty). Whether a future dentist or heating engineer has read Likhachev or not, this, by and large, is not a matter of principle.

If the Russian exam, like the math exam, had two levels - basic and specialized, many “techies” would probably prefer to take the basic exam. But, since such an option was not offered, and every point for Russian upon admission was counted, “argument banks” and essay catalogs were born.

And now the situation has turned not 180 degrees, but, let’s say, 90. The basis of the essay is not erudition, but the accuracy of understanding the text and the persuasiveness of reasoning. Will this make the exam easier? Not at all! Enough to study guidelines Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), prepared on the basis of the analysis typical mistakes participants of the Unified State Exam 2018 to understand: it was the commentary on the main problem of the text that became a stumbling block for many graduates:

Statistics on the performance of work as a whole and individual tasks make it possible to identify the main problems in the preparation of examinees in the Russian language. As in previous years, sections of the course related to the formation of communicative competence. Underdeveloped skills analytical work with words and text, lack of necessary analysis practice linguistic phenomena also affect the quality of writing an argumentative essay. Completing a task with a detailed answer (26) demonstrated the most common errors associated with information processing text and expressing your own thoughts about what you read.

According to criterion K2 (commenting on the identified problem in the source text), only 47.5% of graduates received 3 points; 2 points 32%; 1 point 13.8%. The level of development of the ability of graduates to conduct text analysis is still not high enough.

On the one hand, in their essays, graduates substantiate the relevance of the problem, reveal its significance for the author of the text, and focus on textual details that illustrate the problem. On the other hand, examinees often delve into their own thoughts without relying on the original text or simply use a paraphrase of it. Many graduates do not consider it necessary to include in their essays the two mandatory examples-illustrations that are important for understanding the problem of the source text.

What should we do... write an essay!

Many of our readers are probably a little confused right now. Is it difficult to see the problem in the text? It seems like it’s not difficult at all, right? How about finding two supporting examples? What about the relationship between them? Well, try your hand at demo version of the Unified State Exam in Russian - 2019. The text for discussion there will be an excerpt from the story “The Scarecrow” by the writer Nikolai Leskov. We place the text under a spoiler.

Text from the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019

My father and the police chief were amazed that we had to spend the night in the house of Selivan, whom everyone in the area considered a sorcerer and a robber and who, we thought, wanted to kill us and take advantage of our things and money...

By the way, about money. At the mention of them, the aunt immediately exclaimed:

Oh my god! Where's my box?

In fact, where is this box and the thousands in it? She, imagine that she was not there! Yes, yes, it was the only one that was not in the rooms between the things brought in, nor in the cart - in a word, nowhere... The box, obviously, remained there, in the inn, and is now in Selivan’s hands...

I’m jumping now, jumping there... He’s probably already disappeared somewhere, but he won’t leave me! - said the police officer. - Our happiness is that everyone knows that he is a thief, and everyone doesn’t like him: no one will hide him...

But as soon as the police officer girded himself with his saber, suddenly an extraordinary movement was heard in the hallway between the people who were there, and Selivan entered through the threshold into the hall where we were all, breathing heavily, with his aunt’s box in his hands.

Everyone jumped up from their seats and stopped rooted to the spot.

“Forgot it, take it,” Selivan said dully.

He could not say anything more, because he was completely out of breath from the exorbitant rapid walking and, probably, from strong inner excitement.

He put the box on the table, and, without being asked by anyone, he sat down on a chair and lowered his head and hands.

The box was completely intact. Auntie took the key from her neck, unlocked it and exclaimed:

Everything, everything is as it was!

Safe... - Selivan said quietly. - I kept running after you... I wanted to catch up... I'm sorry that I'm sitting in front of you... I choked.

His father was the first to approach him, hug him and kiss his head.

Selivan did not move.

The aunt took out two hundred-dollar bills from the box and began to give them to him.

Selivan continued to sit and watch, as if he did not understand anything.

Take what they give you,” said the police officer.

For what? No need!

For honestly saving and bringing back the money you had forgotten.

How about that? Is it necessary to be dishonest?

Well, you... good man... you didn’t think to hide someone else’s things.

And he got up from his seat to go back to his disgraced yard, but his father did not let him in: he took him into his office and locked him in there with a key, and then an hour later he ordered the sleigh to be harnessed and taken home.

A day later, this incident was known in the city and in the area, and two days later the father and aunt went to Kromy and, stopping at Selivan, drank tea in his hut and left his wife a warm fur coat. On the way back, they stopped by again and brought him more gifts: tea, sugar and flour.

He took everything politely, but reluctantly and said:

For what? Now, for three days now, all the people started coming to me... The income started... They cooked cabbage soup... They are not afraid of us, as they were afraid of us before.

When I was taken to the boarding house after the holidays, I again had a package with me to Selivan, and I drank tea with him and kept looking at his face and thinking: “What a beautiful, kind face he has! Why did he seem like a scarecrow to me and others for so long?”

This thought haunted me and did not leave me alone... After all, this is the same person who seemed so terrible to everyone, whom everyone considered a sorcerer and a villain. Why did he suddenly become so good and pleasant?

In the subsequent years of my life, I became close to Selivan and had the happiness of seeing how he became a loved and revered person among everyone.

If you couldn’t formulate the problem, here are some hints, or rather, the correct answers from FIPI. So, the text poses the following problems (under the spoiler).

Problems with the text from the demo Unified State Exam 2019

  1. The problem of human rejection by society.
  2. The problem of creating a reputation, forming an opinion about a person.
  3. The problem of manifesting a person's inner beauty.
  4. The problem of trusting a person.
  5. The problem of showing honesty.
  6. The problem of gratitude.

Well, have you identified the problem? Now you need to find two illustrative examples from the text, explain the importance of each example and indicate the relationship between them. Now that you have demonstrated an understanding of the problem, you need to formulate the position of the author (narrator) in relation to it. And now you can express your position in relation to the author’s position (so intricate). So, you've done it all. How many initial points will you receive?

  • Definition and formulation of the problem (one of those that FIPI specialists saw in the text) - 1 point.

A little, but nowhere without it. If you make a mistake here, then everything that follows will also be wrong.

    They gave two examples from the text to illustrate the problem and showed the relationship between them - the most expensive part of the answer, 5 points.

That's all, you can get another 16 points for your essay for style, punctuation and spelling.

Good luck in passing the Unified State Exam to all graduates and... their mothers!

Prepared by Irina Ilyina

Almost all planned changes to the Unified State Examination in 2018 are of a non-fundamental nature. The developers of the Unified State Exam this year have shown conservatism and we should not expect drastic changes.

When comparing changes in the Unified State Examination in different subjects in 2018, we can highlight:

  • introducing a new task;
  • improvement of instructions for completing tasks;
  • adjusting the wording of assignments;
  • clarification and revision of evaluation criteria.

What changes are being introduced to the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2018?

After the drastic reduction in assignments in 2015, this is the first change we have seen. Fundamentally, this innovation does not change the structure, tasks, content and form of the exam. Task number 20 is entered - this means that the number of tasks becomes not 25, but 26. At the same time, the total amount of primary points increases from 57 to 58.

If we pay attention to " Demo version» Unified State Exam 2018, then we will find there a task on lexical norms. Such a task already existed in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, even when the Unified State Exam was just being conceived and introduced experimentally in 2000, so there is nothing new in it.

New task

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Literature in 2018.

All last year At the instigation of the new Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, there was a discussion about the Unified State Exam in literature. Proposals have been put forward to make this exam exclusively creative. However, experts have faced many problems - how to accurately evaluate creativity. It is very difficult. Even a new model of the Unified State Exam in literature was published, 2 articles were published in the FIPI journal about changes in the Unified State Exam, but they decided not to introduce a new model this year. But what’s good is that the evaluation criteria have changed written works. Now they will evaluate much better, subjective and controversial formulations will be excluded - “justification for choosing a work for comparison”, “depth of disclosure of the topic”, etc. Moreover, after improving the system of criteria, the primary score increased from 42 to 57.

"Unpointing" 2017

"Unpointing" 2018

If we compare “Unscoring”, we can note that in 2017 the ratio of points for basic tasks to tasks of increased complexity and high complexity was almost equal 29 x 38 x 33.

But in 2018 there is a sharp shift towards tasks of increased complexity - 21 x 53 x 26. This means that more than half of the points will be provided by 4 tasks. The importance of basic assignments has decreased and the importance of the main long essay has decreased.

Chinese schoolchildren take state exams (“gaokao”) two days in a row: on the first day they take compulsory subjects (Chinese, mathematics and a foreign language), and on the second day they take elective subjects (or three subjects according to social sciences, or three subjects natural sciences). Chinese system unified exam often associated with rising rates of clinical depression and suicide among youth.

IN South Korea On the days of state exams, planes do not land so that their noise does not distract students. In Brazil, the standardized exam is paid and optional. In Germany, to enter universities, applicants take several dozen preparatory courses and pass four exams.

What do we have? But we have the Unified State Examination, and, you see, this is not the worst option compared to some exams for foreign schoolchildren. To successfully pass the Unified State Exam, it is enough to know the requirements and follow the changes of the current academic year. Methodologists from the Unified State Exam preparation center “Five with a Plus” tell you what you need to know about the Unified State Exam 2018.

What remains the same

The year 2018 is passing quietly, under the sign of stability: the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, said that the Unified State Examination procedure is already established, that everything is decided by knowledge, and no significant changes are expected.

The official exam schedule has been approved and, as before, will be held in three waves:

The full schedule for subjects can be viewed. Applications for participation in the Unified State Exam are submitted until February 1; For those who did not have time to submit an application, it is difficult to get the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam, but it is possible. But schoolchildren have nothing to worry about - the school took care of their timely registration.

As before, two subjects remain mandatory for school graduates - Russian language and mathematics (basic for a certificate, specialized for admission to a university). Demo versions of the Unified State Exam 2018 are available. Remember that the tasks from the demo versions will definitely not be on the exam forms, but they will be similar. And to draw up a preparation plan for exams, use codifiers from FIPI - they contain a complete list of topics necessary for study.

You can take into the room where the exam takes place:

  • medications and nutrition (if necessary);

    teaching aids (in mathematics - a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator);

    Unified State Exam participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities can take special technical equipment with them.

    Check Unified State Exam results 2018 will be possible using the official online service or on State Services.

From compulsory subjects the changes affected the Russian language, but mathematics did not present any surprises. Among the elective subjects, biology and history remained unchanged. IN foreign language The changes are also minor and concern only the wording and evaluation criteria.

General changes

Examination materials for the Unified State Exam 2018 will be printed directly in the classroom, and not sent to schools before the exams. Examination forms and test materials will be black and white and one-sided. Exam participants only need to fill out forms on one side - the reverse side will not be checked.

Russian language: plus speech literacy

One knowledge task has been added lexical norms and the ability to recognize speech errors. Now there are 26 tasks. The wording has also been clarified in some places: for example, in an essay you now need to specifically formulate the author’s position. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 57 to 58.

Literature: plus one more topic

A fourth topic has been introduced for the mini-essay (by latest literature) in task No. 17. For tasks with a detailed answer No. 9 and 16 you can now get 10 points, and for No. 8 and 15 - 5 points. All of these tasks now take into account speech errors. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

Social studies: plus logic

In social studies, the assessment system for task 28 (answer plan) has changed. It is recommended to pay more attention to tasks on the logical relationship of concepts, since in task No. 29 (essay) one point was added for logic, the relationship of concepts. CMM as such has not changed, the evaluation criteria have changed. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 62 to 64.

Physics: plus astrophysics

In the first part there are more tasks - 24 instead of 23. An additional task in the first part tests the mastery of the basic concepts of the elements of astrophysics. Correct completion of this task with writing the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers is estimated at 2 primary points. Otherwise, the thematic affiliation of the tasks of the first and second parts and the system for grading tasks remains the same. The maximum primary score for completing the entire work has been increased from 50 to 52 points.

Chemistry: plus assignment

The total number of Unified State Exam tasks in chemistry has increased to 35 due to the addition of a sixth task in the second part. Tasks with a general context have been introduced: No. 30 and No. 31. Here, the assimilation of material on the topic “Redox reactions” and “Ion exchange reactions” is tested. But the maximum primary score remained the same due to changes in the grading scale - 60 points.

Computer Science: C++

In tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, the code examples are now written not in C, but in C++.

The All-Russian examination in the Russian language is mandatory for all eleventh grade graduates. At first glance, this subject should not cause any particular difficulties, especially if you compare the Russian language with the same subject, which requires long and thorough preparation, as well as elaboration of the tasks presented in the program from grades 5 to 11.

Many students believe that there is no need to prepare for Russian, since it is the native language for the majority of residents of the Russian Federation. We communicate on it every day, watch movies, correspond with friends on social networks... However, the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is not so simple - passing it requires some effort, especially if you are applying for a mark higher than “satisfactory”. In addition, this is characterized by a high threshold score, which will not be easy to achieve.

We would like to separately mention the annual changes in the ticket structure. Just look at the rumors about the introduction of speaking to the exam! Such an innovation can significantly reduce the quality and success rate of passing this Unified State Exam, because it is no secret that beautiful and competent speech is not heard very often in schools today. Well, let's figure out whether we should expect further innovations from specialists from FIPI, and also find out the features of the Unified State Exam-2018 in the Russian language.

The introduction of a speaking part will make it much more difficult for schoolchildren to pass the Unified State Exam!

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018

Unified State Exam dates in Russian

Final dates conducting the Unified State Exam will be known only in January. But today specialists from Rosobrnadzor are ready to announce the approximate time periods during which testing will take place:

  • the early stage of the Unified State Examination will take place from mid-March to mid-April 2018 (start date – 03/22/2018);
  • The main stage of the Unified State Examination will begin at the end of May and will last until the beginning of June 2018. Rosobrnadzor tentatively names the start date as 05/28/2018;
  • An additional period (taking the Unified State Exam by students who received unsatisfactory grades or missed the main exam due to illness and other valid reasons, documented) is scheduled for the first half of September 2018. So far, the starting date is September 4, 2018.

Let us remind you that the following people can write an application to take the exam early:

  • schoolchildren who received secondary education before the 2017/2018 academic year;
  • students who graduated from school with a certificate instead of a certificate;
  • evening school graduates;
  • individuals who go to study outside of Russia;
  • graduates of the current year who completed the curriculum ahead of schedule;
  • children leaving for sports competitions, competitions, Olympiads and other events of national or international significance;
  • schoolchildren in need of treatment or rehabilitation on the dates of the main exam.

Statistics for passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

Students’ opinion that with good preparation for Unified State Exam Russian Passing the language is quite easy, as confirmed by official statistics. Thus, in 2017, 617 thousand schoolchildren took part in the examination, of which only 1.6% were unable to overcome the minimum threshold (i.e., score 36 passing points required for).

In 2016, there were 2.5% of such students. In its turn, minimum scores only 0.5% of examinees failed to obtain the requirements required to obtain a matriculation certificate, i.e. half as much as in 2016. According to Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor, this trend indicates the effectiveness of the “I will pass the Unified State Exam” project, in which lagging students from Chechnya, Dagestan and Tuva took part before testing.

According to statistics, the percentage of schoolchildren who fail the Unified State Exam is gradually decreasing

Rules for the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language

The testing procedure remains the same - students will have 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the tasks. According to the regulations, before entering the examination hall, the student must empty his pockets of any foreign objects, which include cheat sheets, smartphones, cameras, headphones, tablets, smart watches and any other equipment.

When writing a test in the Russian language, the use of any other reference and auxiliary materials is not provided. Schoolchildren are prohibited from changing seats, talking with neighbors, turning their heads in the hope of spying on the answer, and also leaving the classroom without permission and accompaniment of a member of the supervisory commission.

What is included in the Russian language ticket?

The Russian language exam is aimed at:

  • assessment of the ability to conduct linguistic analysis;
  • identification of practical language skills in compliance with relevant norms and rules;
  • communication skills test;
  • assessment of understanding writing through the prism of one’s own perception;
  • testing the ability to compare, analyze, synthesize, generalize, specify and find patterns.

When completing the work, the student will be faced with tasks that will test the level of his knowledge of vocabulary and phraseology, his understanding of language, spelling and punctuation standards, as well as the ability to use speech instruments.

Each ticket includes 26 tasks, divided into two parts:

  • The first part of the ticket is 25 tasks that require a short answer from the student. In this part of the Unified State Exam, the answer should be given in the form of one or more numbers, a word or a phrase. For correct completion of this part of the test, you can receive 34 primary points, which is 59% of all points for the Unified State Exam. Tasks numbered 2, 3-6, 8-14, 16-24 are scored 1 point, 1 and 15 – 2 points, 7 – 5 points, 25 – 4 points;
  • the second part of the ticket is on the proposed topic. It should provide a detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed. For correct completion of this part of the test, you can receive 24 primary points, which is 41% of all points for the Unified State Exam.

The entire ticket allows you to earn a maximum of 58 primary points.

Innovations in tickets 2018

Experts from FIPI report that the following changes await schoolchildren in the new Russian language tickets:

  1. One task (numbered 20) was added to the tickets, aimed at testing knowledge of the norms of vocabulary of the Russian language.
  2. The maximum primary points that can be obtained for all work have been increased - now there will be 58, not 57, as in 2017.

Will speaking be included in the exam?

Over the past few years, rumors have increasingly arisen that another part will be added to the Russian language exam - speaking. Lyudmila Verbitskaya, head Russian Academy Education, stated that speaking would become an integral part of the exam back in 2016. Sergei Kravtsov, who heads Rosobrnadzor, also believed that Russian should not be taken at the basic and specialized level, but it is imperative to test the ability of modern schoolchildren to express their thoughts out loud.

The Unified State Exam 2018 will require not only knowledge of the rules, but developed speaking skills

The leadership of the main educational department of the Russian Federation explained the need for this innovation by the fact that the ability to apply language norms in practice, it can only be identified when the student answers questions orally. This is the only way to understand whether the student knows how to express his thoughts beautifully and cogently, or whether he has simply memorized a certain number of rules.

Speaking never appeared in the Unified State Examination 2017, however, at a conference at Moscow State University dedicated to the problems of the modern Russian language, Verbitskaya expressed confidence that in 2018 this part will definitely complement the national exam in this subject. Not long ago, information appeared on the FIPI website that department specialists discussed the issue of including speaking in the Unified State Exam, having prepared a corresponding project. Today it includes two possible options for improving CMMs:

  • the first assumes that the student will have to read the text expressively, then take part in the dialogue, and at the end, argueably express his position on some issue, based on the proposed text. You will need to do it in 15 minutes;
  • the second option includes four types of tasks: expressive reading of the proposed passage, retelling the information read, a monologue on a given topic, and participation in dialogue. 15 minutes will be allotted for all tasks.

At passing the Unified State Exam There will be audio and video recording of the student’s answers, which will then be listened to by members of the examination committee. However, in the CMM versions presented today, there is no speaking in the demo version. It is possible that the new type of Unified State Exam will first be tested on schoolchildren from the 9th grade who will have to take the State Examination.

Firstly, it is easier for them to equip classrooms with the necessary equipment, and secondly, for high school students, errors in the calculations of specialists from FIPI can become critical, ruining the chance of entering a university. It is quite possible that the project will not have time to pass the final approval stage in 2018, but students should prepare for this type of test.

How will the Unified State Exam in Russian affect the certificate?

Let us remind you that the scores that an eleventh grader received for the national exam influence the certificate. The maximum points for this Unified State Examination are 100. If we convert them to the regular school system assessment of knowledge, the picture looks like this:

  • students who managed to score only 0-35 points are recognized as “failing students”;
  • schoolchildren who were able to score 36-57 points for testing can qualify for the “three” mark;
  • 58-71 points guarantee the student a grade of “four”;
  • graduates who score 72 points and above receive an “excellent” grade.

To enter the budget you will need more than 73 points for Russian

The minimum points that should be scored for the Russian language are directly dependent on the goal set by the student:

  • schoolchildren who do not intend to enter a university can write an exam for 24 points - this is enough to simply receive a certificate;
  • students who plan to enter higher education educational institution, must receive a minimum of 36 points on the test. You can overcome this threshold by correctly solving at least 16 tasks from the first part of the ticket. Of course, 36 points will not allow you to qualify for budget place and a scholarship to the university. As the practice of past years shows, for regional universities the score must be at least 73, but to get into the capital’s universities you need to manage to write the Unified State Exam in Russian with at least 88-94 points.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian?

Preparing for the Russian language exam involves regular classes, practicing all existing rules and regulations, memorizing exceptions, and developing punctuation skills. In addition, it is highly recommended to regularly write dictations and short essays on a variety of topics.

Experts say that you should devote most of your time to task No. 26 - the essay will require you to be able to discuss and comment on a specific topic, support your point of view with arguments, think broadly, draw analogies and correctly insert quotes from other sources into the text. To do this, it is worth paying attention to reading classical works, the authors of which raise themes of ideological problems.

Of course, when preparing for the exam, you cannot do without working on demonstration CMMs developed by FIPI specialists for the new academic year. Of course, there will be no absolute match between the demo versions and the real tests, but the tasks are so similar that it will be easier for you to gather your thoughts during the exam. Only in this case you will not waste time trying to understand the structure of the ticket and its content. You can download official demo versions of CMMs in Russian at the beginning of the article.

At the Unified State Examination in Russian, you should correctly distribute the allotted time. Don't waste precious minutes by lingering on difficult tests. You can return to them later, when answers to tasks that do not cause you difficulties are ready. To write an essay, you will need at least 60-70 minutes - creative tasks require time to gather your thoughts, sketch out a draft version of the work, and then carefully rewrite the essay on the answer sheet.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, train yourself to regularly write essays and dictations.

What should you consider when writing an essay?

The essay involves writing a text in which the following components will be clearly highlighted:

  • introduction– here you should give a suitable quote, highlight the main idea of ​​the author of the work, talk a little about his worldview, give your own thoughts on this topic, and then move on to the main part;
  • main part– is divided into several structural components, each of which will be assessed by a commission. Start by formulating the problem, describing its relevance and urgency. Provide comments on the problem, briefly retelling the text in your own words. Next, you need to express the author’s main idea and retell his vision of the issue. Express your opinion on this matter, agreeing with the author or, conversely, giving counterarguments. Own thoughts should be supported by arguments in the form of quotes famous personalities, statistical and scientific facts, descriptions of life situations or thoughts of other writers. At least two arguments must be given, and one of them is literary;