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Is there hydrogen in the body? All about hydrogen and hydrogen water

From the school chemistry course we know that hydrogen ranks first in Mendeleev’s periodic table and is the smallest and simplest element. Moreover, its importance in the course of various chemical processes, including for human health, is very great. Hydrogen exists mainly in various compounds, for example, in a water molecule, two hydrogen atoms are connected to one oxygen atom.

What's happenedmmolecularhydrogen?

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas in which two hydrogen atoms are bonded to each other. It is in this form that hydrogen is a unique natural antioxidant that can have a therapeutic effect on every organ in the human body.

Ways to use hydrogen.

The simplest and most accessible methods of delivering hydrogen (H2) to the human body are drinking hydrogen water, inhaling molecular hydrogen, or taking hydrogen baths.

Main functions of hydrogen

Hydrogen has four main functions:

  1. Antioxidant effect
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect,
  3. Anti-apoptotic effect
  4. Activation of cellular restoration.

Distinctive feature of hydrogen

Hydrogen is distinguished by its high degree of penetration into the cells of the human body.

As the smallest and lightest molecule in the universe, hydrogen can diffuse throughout the body within a short time. It penetrates the cell membrane and mitochondria, regardless of the movement of blood through the circulatory system.

Thanks to this, molecular hydrogen (H2) effectively reduces the amount of harmful free radicals inside the cells of not only the body, but also the brain, protecting them from destruction, which is a major advantage when it comes, for example, to neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease) .

Research on the positive effects of molecular hydrogen

Hydrogen is the best antioxidant because it only targets damaged cells and does not harm healthy cells. The unique antioxidant properties of hydrogen H2 were officially discovered by Japanese scientists in 2007, after which more than 500 studies were conducted, the results of which confirm that hydrogen has a therapeutic effect on the human body: hydrogen eliminates free radicals and reduces oxidative stress (the process of cell damage resulting from oxidation) for diseases of various body systems, including the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also slows down the human aging process, increases energy levels, and strengthens the immune system.

Already today there are entire hospitals in Japan and Korea, the principle of treatment in which is based on the use of hydrogen water and hydrogen inhalations.

Advantages of molecular hydrogen:

  1. Aantioxidantny properties.

After numerous studies, scientists have proven that molecular hydrogen is a strong antioxidant. In addition, it maintains high levels of our own antioxidants in the body, causing the activation and regulation of additional antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, as well as body proteins that protect cells.

By activating the internal endogenous antioxidant system in our body, hydrogen reduces the amount of toxic substances in the body. The accumulation of toxic substances in the body is one of the reasons for the imbalance in the regulation of homeostasis, leading to serious metabolic disorders, changes in immune status, hormonal changes and profound disturbances in the detoxification system.

  1. High bioavailability.

H2 is the smallest and lightest molecule on Earth, which allows it to enter the blood and inside all human cells and mitochondria through hydrogen inhalation and through the consumption of water saturated with hydrogen gas. Hydrogen has the unique ability to easily overcome the physiological barrier between the circulatory system and the central nervous system, which is not available to other antioxidants. Only molecular hydrogen is able to penetrate cell membranes and eliminate toxic radicals inside cells, thereby healing our body at the cellular level. The protective functions of other antioxidants are greatly limited due to their large size, since it is difficult and most often impossible for them to penetrate the body's cells.

  1. Selective action.

Hydrogen is a “smart” molecule that selectively eliminates only harmful free radicals, without affecting those that perform vital functions in the human body.

  1. High efficiency.

Research by Japanese professor Hatan Gyazuki from Shitama University (Japan) showed that drinking 1.5 liters of hydrogen water per day has the same antioxidant effect as drinking 516 pieces. apples, 756 pcs. bananas, 38 pcs. carrots, 45 spinach leaves or 3.7 pcs. pumpkins

  1. Security andOno side effects.

As a result of interaction with free radicals, hydrogen forms safe water, which only improves the hydration of cells and our body as a whole and is easily excreted through the body’s excretory systems. When other antioxidants react with free radicals, various harmful waste products can be produced. You cannot get excess hydrogen in the body, since the excess will be released on exhalation during breathing.

Abstract on ecology

on the topic "Gases and their effect on humans"


2. Harmful and toxic gases

2.1 The influence of ozone on the human body and its healing mechanisms


2.2 Human exposure to carbon monoxide

2.3 Effect of carbon dioxide on humans

2.3.1 Carbon dioxide in water

3. The influence of inert gases on the human body

3.1 Helium air and its effect on humans

3.2 Nitrogen oxides and their effects on humans

3.2.1 Nitrogen narcosis

3.2.2 Laughing gas


Each of us exists surrounded by gases. In nature, they are found everywhere: in the atmosphere, the waters of the world's oceans, and the earth's crust. The gases in the atmosphere have the greatest impact on humans.

The modern gas composition of the atmosphere is the result of the long historical development of the globe. It is mainly a gas mixture of two components - nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Normally, it also contains argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and small amounts of inert gases (neon, helium, krypton, xenon), ammonia, methane, ozone, sulfur dioxide and other gases. Along with gases, the atmosphere contains solid particles coming from the surface of the Earth (for example, products of combustion, volcanic activity, soil particles) and from space (cosmic dust), as well as various products of plant, animal or microbial origin. In addition, water vapor plays an important role in the atmosphere. The three gases that make up the atmosphere are of greatest importance for various ecosystems: oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases are involved in major biogeochemical cycles. Other components of air do not participate in biochemical cycles, but the presence of large amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere can lead to serious disruptions in these cycles. Various negative changes in the Earth's atmosphere are associated mainly with changes in the concentration of minor components of atmospheric air. There are two main sources of air pollution: natural and anthropogenic. Natural sources include volcanoes, dust storms, weathering, forest fires, and decomposition processes of plants and animals. The main anthropogenic sources of air pollution include enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport, and various machine-building enterprises.

1. Gases with a neutral or positive effect on the human body

1.1 The effect of hydrogen on the human body

Each of us exists surrounded by air that contains approximately 20% oxygen. In other words, we are surrounded by such a powerful oxidizing agent as oxygen. In addition, air, food, soil, and water are polluted. Nitrates, for example, contribute to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

It is almost impossible to eliminate these pollutants today, which means that in the human body the process of accumulation of active oxygen, free radicals and a number of other dangerous compounds is more active and is considered by WHO to be one of the main root causes of various diseases, aging and natural death of a person. Active oxygen, for example, is considered one of the factors in diseases such as asthma, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, epilepsy, leukemia, Parkinson's disease, infectious diseases, AIDS, influenza, pneumonia, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, various cancer-causing agents. diseases, glaucoma, rheumatism, dermatitis, etc.

Therefore, in order to fight against the oxidizing environment and defeat it, we need hydrogen." It is difficult to disagree with the fact that it is the Japanese nation, through the people's state policy of caring for citizens, that pays great attention to the quality and length of life, the prevention of environmental diseases Illness, aging and death itself do not depend on the age, position and status of a person in society.

Hydrogen is the oldest antioxidant on Earth, one of the five most important elements of our body and makes up up to 10% of its weight. Hydrogen is an energy carrier (fuel) in the human body. It is odorless, tasteless, colorless, but has tremendous penetrating ability through almost any metal, and even steel. Hydrogen is able to easily penetrate the body's cells, it has an effect on unhealthy organs, even in the case of blockage of blood vessels.

From birth until death, our body produces hydrogen from cellular water to counteract reactive oxygen. In the process of biological oxidation, 24 protons of hydrogen are formed. 12 are formed due to the oxidation of glucose molecules, and the remaining 12 due to 6 water molecules! This process was discovered in the 19th century by Russian biologist and biochemist Vladimir Paladin. The older a person is, the less water he has in his body, the less time he has left to live. Cells for which water is both an internal environment and a habitat, when there is a lack of water, wrinkle, lose their functions and die, being replaced by connective tissue (sclerosis). But even before its death, such a cell will complicate the input and output of various substances and blood through it and will give the body various diseases. Over time, external and internal signs of aging of the body appear: wrinkles, sclerosis of the kidneys, lungs, digestive tract, etc.

Why else does the body need hydrogen protons? Here is what Doctor of Medical Sciences Volkov V.V. writes: “Our blood takes oxygen from the air in the lungs with the help of a special respiratory pigment, heme. Heme, in the form of hemoglobin, fills blood cells, red blood cells. Heme itself is pink, but in red blood cells There is so much of it that it gives the blood a red color. For pink heme, the interaction with oxygen does not go unnoticed. Oxygen is the strongest oxidizing agent and can burn everything. And indeed, oxygen burns (oxidizes) pink heme to the green pigment biliverdin. liver, spleen and red bone marrow, and is also deposited in connective tissue cells (skin, bones, capsules and stroma of internal organs). In high concentrations, green biliverdin is called black bile. n. Volkov V.V. in his work “Hydrogen against disease, aging and death” calls biliverdin a deadly substance. An increase in green biliverdin also limits the process of oxygen transfer to the cells of the body, causing oxygen deficiency - hypoxia. Hypoxia increases over time. And it’s no coincidence that they give a person an oxygen cushion, place him in a pressure chamber, and he…still dies! He dies because even though they give him oxygen, he can’t take it! Not enough heme, not enough respiratory pigments."

But our body is able to convert green biliverdin into orange bilirubin. The liver does this. It releases orange bilirubin with bile into the intestines, from where it is excreted from the body as part of the feces. In order to convert one molecule of green biliverdin into one molecule of orange bilirubin, the body needs to expend two hydrogen protons.

According to VV Volkov, the human body can be helped by saturating it with hydrogen protons. The famous Italian inventor G. Marconi said: “I think that hygiene and biochemistry will teach humanity to prolong life.”

When hydrogen gas enters the human body with drinking water, active oxygen and free radicals are neutralized and green biliverdin is transformed into orange bilirubin. Therefore, the nervous system, controlled by the brain, ceases to command the production of hydrogen protons from cellular water. This saves cellular water. Here's what Dr. Alex Carrl (Nobel Prize winner for keeping chicken heart cells alive for 34 years) writes: "The cell itself is immortal. It's simply a matter of the liquid medium (water) in which the cell is located and in which it degenerates."

Therefore, the fact of economical expenditure of cellular water on the production of hydrogen protons throughout life is of fundamental importance to us.

The human body is an excellent self-renewing system, but even it cannot function normally without the necessary materials. That is why healthy hydrogen-saturated water, with the properties of a natural hydrogen antioxidant, is used in Japan, the USA and Germany for longevity and rejuvenation. The body has a reserve and internal strength to fight illnesses.

Indeed, hydrogen performs a number of important functions in the body. Here are some of them:

Neutralization of free radical oxidation (V.V. Frolkis, Zh.I. Abramova, G.I. Oxengendler) When oxygen (O2), inhaled by the lungs, oxidizes food entering through the mouth, its volume, thanks to food, decreases and active oxygen is formed (1) (superoxide anion radical).

Oxygen in the lungs supports the production of active oxygen species (O2?, H2O2, H O) in the human body, but these active oxygen species gradually decrease by combining with atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen), and eventually return to the state of ordinary water.

Hydrogen is also directly involved in cold nuclear fusion (G. Petrokovich), the production of energy substrate (ATP, P. Mitchell, Nobel Prize, 1978), and rids our body of biliverdin (T.T. Berezov, B.F. Korovkin.

Hydrogen-enriched water has recently been in great demand. And although marketers sometimes exaggerate its miraculous properties, the benefits of hydrogen water have been scientifically proven.

What is hydrogen water and its properties

Biochemical processes in the body occur due to the high level of water content in the cells. Its basis is hydrogen - the simplest, lightest and most widespread element of the periodic table even beyond the borders of planet Earth. Its two atoms in connection with an oxygen atom form a water molecule, and from ancient Greek its name is translated as “generating water.”

Scientific research has proven that most acute and chronic diseases of varying severity in the human body manifest themselves due to exposure to reactive oxygen species. They also cause premature aging processes at the cellular level.

Hydrogen water (HW) is saturated with unbound hydrogen molecules. Japanese researchers were the first to discover its properties - they found that in its pure form this chemical element is the strongest antioxidant of natural origin.

A lifestyle associated with psychological activity, lack of physical activity, exposure to smoking and drinking alcohol-containing drinks, poor nutrition - all these factors lead to the accumulation of oxidants in tissues and organs. Hydrogen is able to neutralize free radicals in cells, thereby preventing premature aging and healing it. The small size of the molecules allows them to penetrate cell membranes, unlike most other antioxidant substances.

Free radicals in the active phase are able to borrow electron particles from healthy molecules, causing mutation processes in cells and destroying the cell membrane. At the genetic level, various disturbances in the functioning of tissues and organs begin to appear, and cancer cells are actively forming. However, unbound hydrogen molecules in water destroy the free radicals that are formed, thereby preventing the development of pathological processes at the cellular level.

Pouring water into glass on blue background

What are the benefits for humans?

It has been proven that daily consumption of clean water by a person in the required volume, calculated in accordance with his weight, helps not only restore the water balance of cells, but also removes harmful decay products of pathogenic bacteria from the body. The use of explosives enhances this effect, complementing it with many beneficial properties.

A prescription for drinking water containing hydrogen is not required. It is safe for use at any age and is especially indicated for people living in highly polluted environmental conditions and working in hazardous industries.

Harm and contraindications

Hydrogen is absolutely safe for the human body. The main rule is that you must consume the prepared composition immediately after enrichment. Under the influence of external temperature (heating or supercooling), the number of hydrogen compounds decreases, which is due to their volatility. It is recommended to use the enriched drink daily for several months.

Molecular hydrogen is used to treat and prevent diseases in several ways:

  • inhalation (inhalation) of hydrogen in gaseous form;
  • enrichment of saline solution for intravenous administration;
  • using water for bandages and compresses;
  • drinking solution;
  • swimming in enriched water.

The opinion of official medicine

Research aimed at studying molecular hydrogen and hydrogen water is actively carried out in most developed countries of the world.

  • it is able to prevent the development of pathological processes;
  • can be used during the period of manifestation of toxic poisoning of the body, regardless of its nature (toxicosis during pregnancy, alcohol poisoning, food poisoning, etc.).

The benefits of non-bonded hydrogen for women have been noted, as it actively manifests itself in the fight for beauty and rejuvenation of the body.

In the scientific field, works on the benefits of hydrogen liquid are actively published. The research was started by Japanese scientists in 2007. An international publishing company has released the first monograph entitled “Molecular Hydrogen. Molecular biology and medicine".

Review of devices for producing hydrogen water

The production of medicinal water is carried out using special generators. The principle of operation of the device is to produce a liquid with a neutral pH level and a high concentration of hydrogen - first the liquid goes through several stages of purification, and then it is enriched with hydrogen compounds. The first such device was developed in Japan.

The production of explosives without the use of special equipment is impossible, therefore all imaginary methods of liquid enrichment are quackery. Treatment with water enriched in such ways will not bring any positive effect.

The modern market provides a large selection of hydrogen generators, reviews of the use of which prove a positive effect on the human body and form the potential for the development of inventions to improve the quality of life.

Below is a comparison table of some popular models of devices in the mid-price category for the production of hydrogen water.

Modern patented technologies make it possible to saturate water with useful molecules, and special conditions provide high concentration and strong hydrogen bonds, the splitting and volatilization of which does not occur for several hours. Therefore, you can take such drinks with you in bottles on a long walk or on a trip.

Hydrogen is physiologically neutral gas, which has been considered and used by many researchers during deep-sea diving. However, it is explosive in mixtures where the oxygen content exceeds 4%. Brauer and employees 1966-1971 found that the narcotic ability of hydrogen is consistent with its solubility in fats; it is higher than that of helium or neon, but lower than that of nitrogen.

In 1971 Brauer and collaborators have shown that adding hydrogen to a helium-oxygen mixture slows down the appearance of objective and subjective signs of high-pressure nervous syndrome (HPNS) at great depths. Nitrogen and nitric oxide have a similar effect. This circumstance aroused the interest of researchers in further studying hydrogen as a “diving” gas.

So, Chouteau in 1971. conducted an experiment with immersing 5 rabbits using hydrogen at a depth of 277 m, but after 7-12 hours all animals died. G.L. Zaltsman and coworkers, in an environment containing hydrogen, subjected mice to compression to a depth of 504-914 m, and observed the appearance of convulsions, as in the case of the use of helium, but only at greater depths.

Several animals died. In contrast, Brauer et al. in 1971, monkeys were successfully immersed to a depth of 579 m with an exposure of 24 hours. Subsequently, 8 monkeys were immersed to a depth of 610-672 m in an environment containing hydrogen with an exposure of 6-20 hours. Mice were also successfully immersed to a depth 914 m in an environment containing hydrogen. Perhaps the reason for the discrepancy in the results of the studies was the lack of heating of the chamber, which caused the death of the animals.

In future research conducted by Rostein, Naquet in 1972, it was found that diving 2 monkeys to a depth of 305 m with an exposure of 24 hours leads to the development of seizures and early changes in the EEG. Researchers from the company COMEX placed baboon monkeys 3 times a month in a hydrogen-oxygen environment at depths of 305, 503 and 670 m. Convulsions were observed when the animals were at a depth of 670 m while breathing a mixture containing either hydrogen or helium.

The researchers concluded that hydrogen, apparently, does not mitigate, as previously assumed, the convulsive attack that occurs during breathing with helium mixtures.

The only study on humans after experiments carried out by Zetterstrom in 1948, carried out by Edel. Two successful dives using hydrogen were made in 1967 to a depth of 61 m (10 and 20 min) and in 1970 and 1977. to a depth of 4-61 m (10-108 min). Edel also conducted dog dives (at 91 m, exposure 24 hours, and at 305 m, exposure 39 hours). During these experiments, no significant changes in biomedical parameters were detected.

The effect of hydrogen on the human body

Each of us exists surrounded by air that contains approximately 20% oxygen. In other words, we are surrounded by such a powerful oxidizing agent as oxygen. In addition, air, food, soil, and water are polluted. Nitrates, for example, contribute to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

It is almost impossible to eliminate these pollutants today, which means that in the human body the process of accumulation of active oxygen, free radicals and a number of other dangerous compounds is more active and is considered by WHO to be one of the main root causes of various diseases, aging and natural death of a person. Active oxygen, for example, is considered one of the factors in diseases such as asthma, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, epilepsy, leukemia, Parkinson's disease, infectious diseases, AIDS, influenza, pneumonia, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, various cancer-causing agents. diseases, glaucoma, rheumatism, dermatitis, etc.

Therefore, in order to fight against the oxidizing environment and defeat it, we need hydrogen." It is difficult to disagree with the fact that it is the Japanese nation, through the people's state policy of caring for citizens, that pays great attention to the quality and length of life, the prevention of environmental diseases Illness, aging and death itself do not depend on the age, position and status of a person in society.

Hydrogen is the oldest antioxidant on Earth, one of the five most important elements of our body and makes up up to 10% of its weight. Hydrogen is an energy carrier (fuel) in the human body. It is odorless, tasteless, colorless, but has tremendous penetrating ability through almost any metal, and even steel. Hydrogen is able to easily penetrate the body's cells, it has an effect on unhealthy organs, even in the case of blockage of blood vessels.

From birth until death, our body produces hydrogen from cellular water to counteract reactive oxygen. In the process of biological oxidation, 24 protons of hydrogen are formed. 12 are formed due to the oxidation of glucose molecules, and the remaining 12 due to 6 water molecules! This process was discovered in the 19th century by Russian biologist and biochemist Vladimir Paladin. The older a person is, the less water he has in his body, the less time he has left to live. Cells for which water is both an internal environment and a habitat, when there is a lack of water, wrinkle, lose their functions and die, being replaced by connective tissue (sclerosis). But even before its death, such a cell will complicate the input and output of various substances and blood through it and will give the body various diseases. Over time, external and internal signs of aging of the body appear: wrinkles, sclerosis of the kidneys, lungs, digestive tract, etc.

Why else does the body need hydrogen protons? Here is what Doctor of Medical Sciences Volkov V.V. writes: “Our blood takes oxygen from the air in the lungs with the help of a special respiratory pigment, heme. Heme, in the form of hemoglobin, fills blood cells, red blood cells. Heme itself is pink, but in red blood cells there is so much of it that it gives the blood a red color. For pink heme, the interaction with oxygen does not go unnoticed. Oxygen is the strongest oxidizing agent and can burn everything. And indeed, oxygen burns (oxidizes) pink heme to the green pigment biliverdin. cells of the liver, spleen and red bone marrow, and is also deposited in connective tissue cells (skin, bones, capsules and stroma of internal organs). In high concentrations, green biliverdin is called black bile by the Great Avicenna, who called black bile the cause of cancer. .n. Volkov V.V. in his work “Hydrogen against disease, aging and death” calls biliverdin a deadly substance. The increase in green biliverdin also limits the process of oxygen transfer to the cells of the body causing oxygen deficiency - hypoxia. Hypoxia increases over time. And it’s no coincidence that they give a person an oxygen cushion, place him in a pressure chamber, and he…still dies! He dies because even though they give him oxygen, he can’t take it! Not enough heme, not enough respiratory pigments."

But our body is able to convert green biliverdin into orange bilirubin. The liver does this. It releases orange bilirubin with bile into the intestines, from where it is excreted from the body as part of the feces. In order to convert one molecule of green biliverdin into one molecule of orange bilirubin, the body needs to expend two hydrogen protons.

According to VV Volkov, the human body can be helped by saturating it with hydrogen protons. The famous Italian inventor G. Marconi said: “I think that hygiene and biochemistry will teach humanity to prolong life.”

When hydrogen gas enters the human body with drinking water, active oxygen and free radicals are neutralized and green biliverdin is transformed into orange bilirubin. Therefore, the nervous system, controlled by the brain, ceases to command the production of hydrogen protons from cellular water. This saves cellular water. Here's what Dr. Alex Carrl (Nobel Prize winner for keeping chicken heart cells alive for 34 years) writes: "The cell itself is immortal. It's simply a matter of the liquid medium (water) in which the cell is located and in which it degenerates."

Therefore, the fact of economical expenditure of cellular water on the production of hydrogen protons throughout life is of fundamental importance to us.

The human body is an excellent self-renewing system, but even it cannot function normally without the necessary materials. That is why healthy hydrogen-saturated water, with the properties of a natural antioxidant - hydrogen, is used in Japan, the USA and Germany for longevity and rejuvenation. The body has a reserve and internal strength to fight illnesses.

Indeed, hydrogen performs a number of important functions in the body. Here are some of them:

Neutralization of free radical oxidation (V.V. Frolkis, Zh.I. Abramova, G.I. Oxengendler) When oxygen (O2), inhaled by the lungs, oxidizes food entering through the mouth, its volume, thanks to food, decreases and active oxygen is formed O2-(1) (superoxide anion radical).

Oxygen in the lungs supports the production of reactive oxygen species (O2-, H2O2, H O ) in the human body, but these reactive oxygen species successively decrease by combining with atomic hydrogen (active hydrogen) and eventually return to the state of ordinary water.

Hydrogen is also directly involved in cold nuclear fusion (G. Petrokovich), the production of energy substrate (ATP, P. Mitchell, Nobel Prize, 1978), and rids our body of biliverdin (T. T. Berezov, B. F. Korovkin.

The biological significance of hydrogen is determined by the fact that it is part of water molecules and all the most important groups of natural compounds, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. The ability of hydrogen to form a hydrogen bond plays a decisive role in maintaining the spatial quaternary structure of proteins, as well as in implementing the principle of complementarity in the construction and functions of nucleic acids (that is, in the storage and implementation of genetic information), and in general in the implementation of “recognition” at the molecular level.

So, hydrogen takes part in the most important dynamic processes and reactions in the body - in biological oxidation, which provides living cells with energy, in biosynthesis reactions, in nitrogen fixation and bacterial photosynthesis, in maintaining acid-base balance and homeostasis, in membrane transport processes. Even without one of these processes, a full life is not possible. Thus, along with oxygen and carbon, hydrogen forms the structural and functional basis of life phenomena.

Therefore, hydrogen plays an important role in the prevention of diseases and our lives in general. Hydrogen (proton) is harmless to humans, it restores mitochondria in the body, and the Decision of the Pharmacological Committee of the former USSR dated February 22, 1988 legalized the use of hydrogen. Treatment with hydrogen-saturated water was carried out by injection.