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Phenolic hydroxyl. I

Phenolic hydroxyl is a hydroxyl bound to an aromatic radical. It contains drugs from the phenol group (phenol, resorcinol); phenolic acids and their derivatives (salicylic acid, phenyl salicylate, salicylamide, oxafenamide); phenanthrene isoquinoline derivatives (morphine hydrochloride, apomorphine); sinestrol, adrenaline, etc.

Chemical properties compounds containing phenolic hydroxyl are due to the interaction of an electron pair with the π-electrons of the aromatic ring. This interaction leads to a shift in electron density from the OH group to the ring, disruption of the uniform distribution of electrons in it, and the creation of an excess negative charge in the ortho ( O)- and pair ( P)-positions. The hydrogen atom of the hydroxy group ionizes and gives phenols weak acidic properties (pKa of phenol = 10.0; pKa of resorcinol = 9.44). Therefore, unlike alcohols, they form salts with alkalis (at pH 12-13), soluble complex compounds with iron (III) chloride (in neutral, slightly alkaline and acidic solutions).

Phenols exhibit strong reducing properties and are very easily oxidized even by weak oxidizing agents. They form colored compounds with a quinoid structure.

The reactions of electrophilic substitution of hydrogens in O- And P-positions of the aromatic ring – halogenation (bromination), condensation with aldehydes, nitration, combination with diazonium salts.

Based on the properties of the phenolic hydroxyl and the aromatic ring activated by it, the following reactions are used in drug analysis:

1 – complex formation;

2 – halogenation (bromination);

3 – azo combinations;

4 – oxidation;

5 – formation of indophenol dye;

6 – condensation with aldehydes.


2.1. Complexation reaction with iron ions (III)

It is based on the properties of phenolic hydroxyl to form soluble complex compounds, often colored blue (phenol) or violet (resorcinol, salicylic acid), less often red (PAS - sodium) and green (quinosol, adrenaline).

The composition of the complexes, and, consequently, their color is determined by the amount of phenolic hydroxyls, the influence of other functional groups, and the reaction of the environment.

If there is an excess of phenol:

Presumable composition of the final product in the reaction with phenol:

2.2. Aromatic ring bromination reaction

Based on electrophilic substitution of hydrogen in O- And P- positions on bromine with the formation of an insoluble bromine derivative (white precipitate).

Basic rules for bromination:

Bromine replaces hydrogen in O- And P- positions relative to phenolic hydroxyl (the most reactive is P- position):

If available in O- or P- positions of the aromatic ring of substituents, fewer bromine atoms react;

If in O- or P- positions there is a carboxyl group, then in the presence of excess bromine, decarboxylation occurs and the formation of a tribromo derivative:

If the deputy is in m- position, then it does not interfere with the formation of the tribromo derivative:

If a compound contains two phenolic hydroxyls in m- position, then as a result of their coordinated orientation a tribromo derivative is formed:

If two hydroxyl groups are located in O- or P- positions to each other, they act inconsistently: bromination does not occur quantitatively:

If, in addition to phenolic hydroxyls, the compound contains an amide or ester group (salicylamide, phenyl salicylate), preliminary hydrolysis is necessary for their quantitative assessment by bromatometry.

2.3. Azo coupling reaction

The combination also goes to O- And P- provisions, in this case, as well as with bromination, it is preferable P- position. Diazo reagent is diazonium salt (diazotized sulfanilic acid). The environment is alkaline. The reaction product is an azo dye.

2.4. Oxidation reaction

Phenols can be oxidized to various compounds, but most often to O- or P-quinones (cyclic diketones), colored pink or, less commonly, yellow.

2.5. Reaction of formation of indophenol dye

It is based on the oxidation of phenols to quinones, which, when condensed with ammonia or an amino derivative and an excess of phenol, form an indophenol dye, colored violet.

A variation of this reaction is the Lieberman nitro reaction; it is characteristic of phenols that do not have substituents in O- And P- provisions.

When exposed to sodium nitrite in an acidic environment, it forms P-nitrosophenol, isomerizing to P- quinoidoxime, which, reacting with excess phenol in an acidic environment, forms indophenol:

2.6. Formation of nitroso compounds

When interacting with dilute nitric acid, phenols can be nitrated at room temperature, forming O- And P- nitro derivatives. The resulting nitro derivative contains P- position of the mobile hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group, a tautomeric aci form with a quinoid structure is formed; it is usually colored yellow. The addition of alkali enhances the color due to the formation of a well-dissociated salt:

2.7. Condensation reaction with aldehydes or acid anhydrides

With formaldehyde in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid to form an auric (arylmethane) dye colored red.

The reaction is pharmacopoeial for salicylic acid. Concentrated sulfuric acid at the first stage of the reaction it plays the role of a water-removing agent, at the second it is an oxidizing agent.

With phthalic anhydride (fusion and subsequent dissolution of the melt in alkali) is recommended by the pharmacopoeia for the identification of phenol and resorcinol.


2.8. Bromatometry

The method is based on the electrophilic substitution of hydrogen atoms of the aromatic ring with bromine, isolated in the reaction of potassium bromate with potassium bromide in an acidic environment.

K BrO 3 + 5KBr + 6 HCl → 3Br 2 + 6KCl + 3H 2 O

Direct and reverse titration methods are used. Directly - titrate with potassium bromate in the presence of potassium bromide with a methyl orange or methyl red indicator from pink to discolored. At the equivalence point, an excess drop of potassium bromate releases bromine, which oxidizes the indicator and the solution becomes colorless. During back titration, excess potassium bromate is introduced, potassium bromide is added, an acidic environment is created, the time required for bromination is maintained, and then the excess bromine is determined iodometrically (starch as an indicator).

Br 2 + 2KI → I 2 + 2KBr

I 2 + 2Na 2 S 2 O 3 → Na 2 S 4 O 6 + 2NaI

By direct titration, thymol is determined by GF, and phenol, resorcinol, salicylic acid, synestrol and other drugs are determined by reverse titration.

M.E. = ¼ M.m. (thymol)

M.E. = 1/6 M.m. (phenol, resorcinol, salicylic acid)

M.E. = 1/8 M.m. (sinestrol)

2.9. Iodometry

Based on the electrophilic substitution of hydrogen atoms of the aromatic ring with iodine.

To bind hydroiodic acid, which shifts the equilibrium in the opposite direction, sodium acetate or sodium bicarbonate is added.

HI + NaHCO 3 → NaI + H 2 O + CO 2

HI + CH 3 COONa → NaI + CH 3 COOH

Direct and reverse titration methods are used. In the latter, excess iodine is titrated with sodium thiosulfate.

I 2 + 2NaS 2 O 3 → 2NaI + Na 2 S 4 O 6

M.E. = 1/6 M.m. (phenol)

2.10. Iodine chlorometry

The method is based on the electrophilic substitution of hydrogen atoms of the aromatic ring with iodine, which is part of iodine monochloride.

A back titration method is used - the excess of iodine monochloride is determined iodometrically.

ICl + KI → I 2 + KCl

I 2 + 2Na 2 S 2 O 6 → 2NaI + Na 2 S 4 O 6

M.E. = 1/6 M.m. (phenol)

2.11. Acetylation method

Used according to GF X for quantitative assessment of sinestrol.

M.E. = ½ M.m.

2.12. Alkalimetric method of neutralization in the protophilic solvent dimethylformamide (DMF).

The drug groups of phenols exhibit very weak acidic properties; their determination by the alkalimetric method of neutralization in aqueous or mixed media is impossible, therefore titration is used in a medium of non-aqueous solvents, in particular DMF. The method is based on the salt formation of a determined weak acid (phenol) with a titrant (sodium methylate) in a protophilic solvent that enhances acidic properties.


2.13. Photocolorimetry (FEC) and spectrophotometry (SPM)

It is based on the property of colored solutions to absorb non-monochromatic (FEC) or monochromatic (SPM) light in the visible region of the spectrum.

Obtaining colored solutions;

Measurement of optical density (D), which characterizes the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a solution containing the analyte;

Carrying out calculations based on the basic law of light absorption using a calibration graph, specific absorption coefficient, and standard sample solution.

When determining drugs containing phenolic hydroxyl by these methods, colored compounds are obtained based on complexation reactions with iron (III) ions, azo coupling with diazonium salts and the formation of indophenol dye.


Most drugs used in medical practice are organic compounds. The identity of such substances is confirmed by reactions to functional groups.

A functional group is a reactive atom, group of atoms, or reaction center in a molecule of an organic compound.

General principle functional analysis is the application characteristic reactions for groups to be determined. The reaction must not only be as specific as possible, but also sufficiently rapid, and it must involve a reactant or product of the reaction that is easily identifiable.

Identification of alcohol hydroxyl

Alcohols - These are derivatives of hydrocarbons, in the molecules of which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by hydroxyl groups. IN general view an alcohol molecule can be represented as ROH.

Ester formation reaction

Alcohols form with organic acids or acid anhydrides in the presence of water-removing agents (for example, concentrated sulfuric acid) esters. Esters obtained from low molecular weight alcohols have a characteristic odor, and esters based on high molecular weight alcohols are crystalline substances with a clear melting point.

Methodology. To 1 ml of ethanol add 5 drops of glacial acetic acid, 0.5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and carefully heat; a characteristic odor of ethyl acetate (fresh apples) is detected.

Oxidation reaction of alcohols to aldehydes

The resulting aldehydes are detected by smell. Potassium hexacyano-(III)-ferrate, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, etc. are used as oxidizing agents.

Methodology. Place 2 drops of ethanol, 1 drop of 10% sulfuric acid solution and 2 drops of 10% potassium dichromate solution into the first test tube. The resulting solution has orange color. Heat it over a flame until the solution begins to acquire bluish-green color(at the same time, a characteristic smell of acetaldehyde is felt, reminiscent of the smell of Antonov apples). Add 1 drop of the resulting solution to a second test tube with 3 drops of fuchsinsulfurous acid. Appears pink-violet color.

Reaction of formation of complex compounds

Polyhydric alcohols form blue complex compounds with copper sulfate in an alkaline medium (with Fehling's reagent).

Methodology. To 0.5 ml of glycerin add 5 drops of solutions of sodium hydroxide and copper (II) sulfate, intense blue coloring.

Identification of phenolic hydroxyl

Reaction with iron (111) chloride

Characteristic qualitative reaction for phenols is a reaction with iron (III) chloride. Depending on the amount of phenolic hydroxyls, the presence of other functional groups in the phenol molecule, their relative position, the pH of the environment, and temperature, complex compounds of various compositions and colors are formed.

Methodology. To 0.01 g of the drug dissolved in 1 ml of water (for phenol, resorcinol), add 2 drops of iron (III) chloride solution - characteristic coloring is observed (Table 1).

Table 1. Staining of preparation complexes with iron (III) chloride

A drug


Coloring of the complex




Adrenaline hydrochloride

Emerald green, turning from adding one drop of ammonia solution to cherry red, and then orange-red.

Morphine hydrochloride

Blue, disappearing with the addition of diluted acetic or hydrochloric acids



Pyridoxine hydrochloride

Red, disappearing with the addition of diluted of hydrochloric acid and does not disappear from dilute acetic acid.

Salicylic acid and sodium salicylate

Blue-violet, does not disappear with the addition of a few drops of diluted hydrochloric or acetic acid.

Phenyl salicylate

purple, disappearing from the addition of diluted hydrochloric or acetic acids and turning into blood red by adding 1-2 drops of ammonia solution.

Using an ammonia solution, you can distinguish phenol from resorcinol. The color of the resorcinol complex with iron after adding the reagent changes to brownish yellow.

As a result of interaction with aldehydes, oligomers and are formed, the structure of which depends on:

  • functionality of the phenol used,
  • aldehyde type,
  • molar ratio of reagents,
  • pH of the reaction medium.

In this case, either linear (or weakly branched) products are formed, which are called novolaks, or highly branched thermosetting oligomers called resolutions.
In phenols, the hydrogens present in the ortho- And pair- positions to the hydroxyl group. Therefore from monohydric phenols are trifunctional phenol, and , and from diatomic ones - resorcinol:
Bifunctional phenols include phenols with a substituent in ortho- or pair- position- O- And p-cresols 2,3- , 2,5- And 3,4- xylenols:
2,6- And 2,4-xylenols - monofunctional.

When and furfural with trifunctional phenols, both oligomers and oligomers can be obtained. Bifunctional phenols form only thermoplastic oligomers.
Of the aldehydes, only formaldehyde and furfural are capable of forming thermosetting oligomers upon polycondensation with trifunctional phenols. Other aldehydes (acetic, butyric, etc.) due to reduced chemical activity and steric hindrances do not form thermoreactive oligomers.

Thermoplastic (novolac) oligomers are formed in the following cases:

  • with an excess of phenol (ratio phenol: formaldehyde 1: 0.78-0.86) in the presence of acid catalysts; in the absence of excess phenol, resol oligomers are formed;
  • with a large excess of formaldehyde (ratio phenol: formaldehyde 1: 2-2.5) in the presence of strong acids as a catalyst; the oligomers obtained in this case do not harden when heated, but when a small amount of base is added to them, they become infusible and insoluble.

Thermosetting (resol) oligomers are formed in the following cases:

  • during the polycondensation of an excess of trifunctional phenol with formaldehyde in the presence of basic catalysts (in an alkaline environment, thermosetting oligomers are obtained even with a very large excess of phenol, which in this case remains dissolved in the reaction product);
  • with a slight excess of formaldehyde in the presence of both basic and acid catalysts.
    A peculiarity of the interaction of phenols with formaldehyde is the use of formaldehyde mainly in the form of aqueous solutions. This solution has a complex composition due to the following:

CH 2 O + H 2 O<=>NOSN 2 OH
HO(CH 2 O) n H + HOCH 2 OH<=>HO(CH 2 O) n+1 H + H 2 0
HO(CH 2 O) n H + CH 3 OH<=>CH 3 O (CH 2 O) n H + H 2 0

Participates in the reaction with phenol the most reactive free formaldehyde, the concentration of which in solution is low. As formaldehyde is consumed, balance shift to the left. In this case, the rate of formation of formaldehyde is higher than the rate of its consumption in the reaction with phenol. Therefore, in the process of interaction of phenol with formaldehyde stage methylene glycol dehydrations, depolymerization of oligooxymethylene glycols And decomposition of hemiacetals are not limiting.
The kinetics and mechanism of the formation of phenol-formaldehyde oligomers are determined by the type of catalyst used. In the presence of acids, the reaction proceeds as follows:
Initially, these compounds are formed in approximately equal quantities, then due to higher reactivity para-isomer fraction gets smaller. Total content monohydroxymethylphenols in the reaction medium initially increases, reaching 6-8% , and then begins to decrease, since the rate of addition reactions is almost an order of magnitude lower than the rate of condensation reactions.

As condensation proceeds, 4.4′- And 2,4′-dihydroxydiphenylmethanes and then in smaller quantities 2,2′-dihydroxydiphenylmethane:
The reaction products at the initial stage of condensation also contained 1,3-benzodioxane and hemiacetal derivatives hydroxymethylphenols. At the same time, there are almost no polycondensations in the products di- And trihydroxymethylphenols And . The latter are formed by the interaction of hydroxymethyl phenol derivatives with each other:
The low concentration of these compounds in the reaction mass is explained by their low stability. Dihydroxydibenzyl ethers decompose to release formaldehyde:

It is also possible phenolysis of dihydroxydibenzyl ethers (K=2·10 10 at 25 °C), which results in the formation of a mixture of products containing o-hydroxymethylphenol, 2.2′- And 2,4′-dihydroxydiphenylmethanes, and three- And quad core with methylene bonds. Below are data on the equilibrium constants of these reactions:

Reaction Equilibrium constant
at 25 °C at 100 °C
Formation of hydroxymethylphenols 8 10 3 10 2
Formation of dihydroxydiphenylmethanes 10 9 3 10 6
Formation of dihydroxydibenzyl ethers 8·10 -2 9·10 -3
Breakdown of the dimethylene ether bond 2 10 6 5 10 6

As can be seen from the values ​​of the equilibrium constants, the formation of a methylene bridge between phenyl nuclei is thermodynamically much more favorable than the formation of a bridge -CH 2 OCH 2 -(the corresponding equilibrium constants differ by 8-9 orders of magnitude). Under normal conditions for the synthesis of phenol-formaldehyde oligomers, when using formaldehyde in the form of aqueous solutions, the formation of dihydroxydibenzyl ethers is practically impossible.

When using ortho-substituted phenol derivatives, the corresponding ortho isomers are further stabilized due to the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds:
At subsequent stages chemical process interaction occurs monohydroxymethyl phenol derivatives with dihydroxydiphenylmethanes. Addition and condensation reactions occurring in an acidic medium are of first order for each of the reactants, and the rate constants are directly proportional to the activity of hydrogen. Activation energies of addition reactions 78.6-134.0 kJ/mol, condensation reactions of phenol with o-hydroxymethylphenol 77.5-95.8 kJ/mol And n-hydroxymethylphenol 57.4-79.2 kJ/mol.

Rate of addition and condensation reactions on unsubstituted ortho- provisions novolac oligomer depends little on , i.e. all are free ortho- positions have equal reactivity.

An increase in monomer conversion leads to dividing the reaction mass into two layers: aqueous and oligomeric, after which the reaction continues in a heterogeneous system. Interaction at the interface is practically unimportant due to the relatively slow occurrence of the reactions under consideration.

The presence of three reactive groups in phenol creates the prerequisites for isomerism of phenol-formaldehyde oligomers. Their isomeric composition is determined by the ratio of reaction rates according to O- And P– provisions phenolic kernels. The reactivity of these positions depends on the nature of the catalyst, pH environment and temperature.

Under conditions usual for the production of novolacs (catalyst - acid, pH=0-2, 37% solution of foralin, temperature about 100 °C) unsubstituted pair- positions of phenolic units and pair- hydroxymethyl groups are significantly more active than the corresponding ortho- provisions and ortho- hydroxymethyl groups. This difference is especially significant in the case of condensation reactions, as can be seen from the data below:

Reactions Rate constant

k·10 5 s -1

Activation energy,


Phenol -> o-hydroxymethylphenol 1,5 93,5
Phenol -> P-hydroxymethylphenol 1,8 79,6
o-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


5,9 96,0
p-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


35,6 79,3
o-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


14,8 78,0
p-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


83,9 72,5

Speed ​​of reactions according to ortho- positions increases with increasing pH and temperature. The isomeric composition of polycondensation products in an aqueous solution depends little on the nature of the acid. In the case of polycondensation in organic solvents (ethyl alcohol, toluene, tetrachloroethane), the proportion ortho- substitution decreases in the series of acids:acetic > oxalic > benzenesulfonic acid > hydrochloric.
Conventional novolacs contain 50-60% ortho-, pair- methylene bonds, 10-25% ortho-, ortho- and 25-30% pair-, pair- methylene bonds.
In the process of obtaining phenolic oligomers, linear And branched products. However, the degree of branching is low, since the proportion of trisubstituted phenolic units is 10-15% . The low degree of branching is explained by the fact that the initial mixture of isomers contains an excess of phenol.

Polycondensation in an acidic environment

In acid catalysis, the reaction proceeds according to the following mechanism. First happens
Further arose carbonium ion attacks phenol, forming:
In an acidic environment, hydroxymethylphenols form relatively stable and long-lived carbonium ions, which react as electrophilic agents with phenol or its hydroxymethyl derivatives:
In general, the process of producing novolac can be represented by the following diagram: A decrease in the excess of phenol in the initial mixture is accompanied by an increase in the molecular weight of the resulting novolac, and at a ratio close to equimolar, a polymer with a spatial structure can be obtained.

In novolacs obtained from trifunctional phenol or a mixture of phenols containing at least one trifunctional phenol, there are still active hydrogens in ortho- And pair - positions to phenolic hydroxyls. Therefore, when treating them with formaldehyde, replacing the acid catalyst with a basic one, it is possible to obtain resol directly, an infusible and insoluble polymer resit .

Resit is also obtained by the action of formaldehyde polymers on novolac ( paraforms, α-polyoxymethylene, β-polyoxymethylene) or hexamethylenetetramine. In the latter case, apparently, the curing process involves di- And trimethylamines, formed during the decomposition of hexamethylenetetramine, and the released ammonia plays the role of a catalyst.

Novolacs obtained from bifunctional phenols (O- And P- cresols), when treated with formaldehyde, do not become infusible and insoluble. However, if such oligomers are heated above 180 °C, they are capable of passing, albeit slowly, into an infusible and insoluble state.

A similar picture is observed when 250-280 °C and for novolacs obtained by polycondensation 1 mol phenol with 0.8 mol formaldehyde, which can be explained by the activation of hydrogen atoms in meta- position to phenolic hydroxyls or the interaction of the latter with the formation of ether bonds.

Polycondensation in an alkaline environment

When phenol reacts with formaldehyde in an alkaline environment, as in the case of acid catalysis, first O- And p-hydroxymethylphenols, then 2,4- And 2,6-dihydroxymethylphenols and finally trihydroxymethylphenols. In polycondensation, they mainly participate pair- hydroxymethyl groups and unsubstituted pair- positions of phenolic nuclei.

Of the hydroxymethyl derivatives, the most reactive is 2,6-dihydrocoimeylphenol, which quickly reacts with formaldehyde to form trihydroxymethylphenol. Hydroxymethylphenols formed in an alkaline environment (as opposed to an acidic environment) are very stable. Therefore, at the reaction temperature no higher 60 °C hydroxymethylphenols remain practically the only reaction products.

With increasing temperature, hydroxymethyl derivatives begin to interact both with each other and with phenol. The main product for homocondensation of p-hydroxymethylphenol is 5-hydroxymethyl-2,4′-dihydroxydiphenylmethane:
In this case, by analogy with acid catalysis, the formation also occurs 4,4′-dihydroxydiphenylmethane. However, since this compound was also found in the absence of phenol, the reaction apparently proceeds through the formation of an unstable intermediate dihydroxydibenzyl ether:

It should be noted that in an alkaline environment, generally stable compounds with a dimethylene ether bond

-CH 2 OCH 2 -

are not formed in noticeable quantities. Ratio couple- And ortho- substituted hydroxymethylphenols depends on with a decrease pH share pair- of substituted products decreases (with pH=13 it is 0.38, with pH=8.7 it is equal to 1.1).
Depending on the alkaline catalyst used in the series of cations, this ratio increases in the following sequence:

At pH≤9 addition reactions are of the first order for phenol and formaldehyde, their rate is directly proportional to the concentration HE --ions. For catalysis NaOH at 57 °C and pH≈8.3 The following values ​​of rate constants and activation energies were obtained:

Reactions Rate constant, k·10 5 , l·mol/s Activation energy, kJ/mol
Phenol -> o-hydroxymethylphenol 1,45 68,55
Phenol -> P-hydroxymethylphenol 0,78 65,20
o-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


1,35 67,71
o-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


1,02 60,61
P-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


1,35 77,23
p-Hydroxymethylphenol ->


83,9 72,5
2,6-Dihydroxymethylphenol ->


2,13 58,40
2,4-Dihydroxymethylphenol ->


0,84 60,19

Thus, the interaction of hydroxymethyl derivatives with each other occurs faster than their reaction with phenol.
The mechanism of interaction of phenol with formaldehyde under conditions of basic catalysis includes the formation pseudoacid anions with high nucleophilicity:
Localization of negative charge in ortho- And pair- pseudoacid positions makes them highly reactive towards electrophilic agents, in particular formaldehyde:
Negative charge in phenolate ion is shifted towards the ring due to the inductive influence and the coupling effect. In this case, the electron density in ortho- And pair- positions increases to a greater extent than on the oxygen of the hydroxymethyl group, since charge transfer through π bonds more effective than through δ-bonds. That's why ortho- And pair- nuclear positions are more nucleophilic than the hydroxymethyl group.

The consequence of this is the attack of the electrophilic agent on the ring, which is accompanied by the formation methylene bond(not dimethylene ether). The reaction speed is maximum at pH=pK a reagents and is minimal at pH=4-6. At these values pH resol oligomers are the most stable.
Has some specifics reaction of phenol with formaldehyde when used as a catalyst ammonia. Ammonia easily reacts quantitatively with formaldehyde to form hexamethylenetetramine:
Therefore, along with the interaction of phenol with formaldehyde, the reaction of phenol with hexamethylenetetraamine can occur. Naturally, the probability of this reaction depends on the ratio CH 2 O: NH 3. The smaller it is, the greater the probability of the second reaction occurring, the consequence of which is the presence in the reaction products, along with hydroxymethylphenols, 2-hydroxybenzylamine, 2,2′-dihydroxydibenzylamine, as well as derivative benzocoazine buildings:
The use of metal salts, oxides or hydroxides as catalysts leads in some cases to a significant increase in the proportion of oligomers containing ortho- substituted phenolic nuclei. They have an ortho-orienting influence. Zn, Cd, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mn, Co, Ni, Fe, Pb. The ortho-orienting effect of these catalysts is especially noticeable at pH = 4-7, when the catalytic effect of ions H+ And HE - minimal. Therefore, salts of weak carboxylic acids are most often used as catalysts, for example, acetates.

Education hydroxymethylphenols when catalyzed by metal hydroxides can be represented as follows:
Both novolacs and resoles can be obtained in this way. Ortho isomers are predominantly formed in the case of a non-catalytic reaction, for which a mechanism has been proposed according to which the reaction proceeds through H-complex phenol-formaldehyde:
Resols are a mixture of linear and branched products of the general formula:
H-[-C 6 H 2 (OH) (CH 2 OH)CH 2 ] m -[-C 6 H 3 (OH)CH 2 -] n -OH
Where n =2.5, m =4-10.
Molecular mass resols (from 400 to 800-1000) are lower than novolac oligomers, since polycondensation is carried out very quickly to prevent gelation. When heated, resoles gradually harden, that is, they turn into polymers with a spatial structure.

There are three stages in the curing process of resol oligomers:

  • IN stages A, also called resolny, the oligomer is similar in its physical properties to the novolac oligomer, since, like novolac, it melts and dissolves in alkalis, alcohol and acetone. But unlike novolac, resol is an unstable product that, when heated, becomes infusible and insoluble.
  • IN stages IN polymer called resitol, only partially dissolves in alcohol and acetone, does not melt, but still retains the ability to soften (transform into a highly elastic, rubber-like state when heated) and swell in solvents.
  • IN stages WITH- the final stage of curing - a polymer called resit, is an infusible and insoluble product that does not soften when heated and does not swell in solvents.

In the resit stage, the polymer has a high disparity and a very complex spatial structure:

This formula shows only the content of certain groups and groupings, but does not reflect their quantitative relationship. It is currently believed that phenol-formaldehyde polymers are quite sparsely cross-linked (a small number of nodes in a three-dimensional network). The degree of completion of the reaction at the last stage of curing is low. Typically, up to 25% of the functional groups forming bonds in the three-dimensional network are consumed.

Kuznetsov E. V., Prokhorova I. P. Album of technological schemes for the production of polymers and plastics based on them. Ed. 2nd. M., Chemistry, 1975. 74 p.
Knop A., Sheib V. Phenolic resins and materials based on them. M., Chemistry, 1983. 279 p.
Bachman A., Müller K. Phenoplastics. M., Chemistry, 1978. 288 p.
Nikolaev A.F. Technology of plastics, Leningrad, Chemistry, 1977. 366 p.

Monohydric phenols (arenols). Nomenclature. Isomerism. Methods of obtaining. Physical properties and structure. Chemical properties: acidity, formation of phenolates, ethers and esters; nucleophilic substitution of hydroxyl group; reactions with electrophilic reagents (halogenation, nitration, nitrosation, azo coupling, sulfonation, acylation and alkylation); interaction with formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde resins; oxidation and hydrogenation reactions.

Diatomic phenols (arenediols): pyrocatechol, resorcinol, hydroquinone. Preparation methods, properties and applications.

Trihydric phenols (arenetriols): pyrogallol, hydroxyhydroquinone, phloroglucinol. Preparation methods, properties and applications.

Hydroxyl derivatives of arenes

Phenols are derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons in which one or more hydroxyl groups are directly attached to the benzene ring.

Depending on the number of hydroxyl groups in the nucleus, one-, two- and triatomic phenols are distinguished.

Phenolics are often named trivial names(phenol, cresols, pyrocatechin, resorcinol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, hydroxyhydroquinone, phloroglucinol).

Substituted phenols are referred to as phenol derivatives or hydroxy derivatives of the corresponding aromatic hydrocarbon.

Monohydric phenols (arenols) Ar-OH

ortho-cresol meta-cresol para-cresol

2-methylphenol 3-methylphenol 4-methylphenol

2-hydroxytoluene 3-hydroxytoluene 4-hydroxytoluene

In the aromatic series there are also compounds with a hydroxyl group in the side chain - the so-called aromatic alcohols.

The properties of the hydroxyl group in aromatic alcohols do not differ from the properties of aliphatic alcohols.

Diatomic phenols (arenediols)

pyrocatechin resorcinol hydroquinone

1,2-dihydroxybenzene 1,3-dihydroxybenzene 1,4-dihydroxybenzene

Trihydric phenols (arenetriols)

pyrogallol hydroxyhydroquinone phloroglucinol

1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene

Monohydric phenols
Methods of obtaining
A natural source of phenol and its homologues is coal, during dry distillation of which coal tar is formed. When the resin is distilled, a “carbolic oil” fraction (t 0 160-230 0 C) containing phenol and cresols is obtained.
1. Fusion of salts of aromatic sulfonic acids with alkalis

The reaction underlies industrial methods for the production of phenols.

The reaction consists of heating benzenesulfonic acid with solid alkali (NaOH, KOH) at a temperature of 250-300 0 C:

The reaction proceeds by the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution S N 2 aroma(attachment-detachment).

The presence of electron-withdrawing substituents in ortho and para positions relative to the site of substitution facilitates the nucleophilic substitution reaction.

2. Hydrolysis of aryl halides
Aryl halides, which do not contain activating electron-withdrawing substituents, react under very harsh conditions.

Thus, chlorobenzene is hydrolyzed to form phenol by the action of concentrated alkali at a temperature of 350-400 0 C and a high pressure of 30 MPa, or in the presence of catalysts - copper salts and high temperature:

The reaction proceeds by the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution (elimination-addition) (aryne or kine mechanism).

The presence of electron-withdrawing substituents in the ortho and para positions relative to the halogen significantly facilitates the hydrolysis reaction.

Thus, para-nitrochlorobenzene is capable of replacing chlorine with hydroxyl by conventional heating with an alkali solution at atmospheric pressure:

para-nitrochlorobenzene para-nitrophenol
The reaction proceeds according to the mechanism S N 2 aroma(attachment-detachment).

3. Preparation of phenol from cumene (cumene method)
Synthesis based on cumene is of industrial importance and is valuable because it allows one to simultaneously obtain two technically important products (phenol and acetone) from cheap raw materials (oil, petroleum cracking gases).

Cumene (isopropylbenzene), when oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, turns into hydroperoxide, which, under the action of an aqueous acid solution, decomposes to form phenol and acetone:

hydroperoxide phenol acetone

4. Hydroxylation of arenes

To directly introduce a hydroxyl group into the benzene ring, hydrogen peroxide is used in the presence of catalysts (iron (I) or copper (I) salts):

5. Oxidative decarboxylation of carboxylic acids

Phenols are obtained from aromatic acids by passing water vapor and air into the reactor at a temperature of 200-300 0 C in the presence of copper salts (P):

6. Preparation from diazonium salts

When arendiazonium salts are heated in aqueous solutions, nitrogen is released to produce phenols:

Physical properties of phenols
The simplest phenols under normal conditions are low-melting, colorless crystalline substances with a characteristic odor.

Phenols are slightly soluble in water, but highly soluble in organic solvents. When stored in air they darken due to oxidation processes.

Are toxic substances, cause skin burns.

Electronic structure of phenol
The structure and distribution of electron density in a phenol molecule can be depicted by the following diagram:

The hydroxyl group is a substituent of the 1st kind, i.e. electron-donating substituent.

This is due to the fact that one of the lone electron pairs of the hydroxyl oxygen atom enters into p,π-conjugation with the π-system of the benzene ring, exhibiting the +M effect.

On the other hand, the hydroxyl group, due to the greater electronegativity of oxygen, exhibits the –I effect.

However, the +M effect in phenols is much stronger than the oppositely directed –I effect (+M > -I).

The result of the coupling effect is:

1) increasing polarity O-N connections, leading to increased acidic properties of phenols compared to alcohols;

2) due to conjugation, the C-OH bond in phenols becomes shorter and stronger in comparison with alcohols, since it is partially double in nature. Therefore, OH group substitution reactions are difficult;

3) an increase in electron density on carbon atoms in the ortho- and para-positions of the benzene ring facilitates the reactions of electrophilic substitution of hydrogen atoms in these positions.

Chemical properties of phenols

The chemical properties of phenols are determined by the presence of a hydroxyl group and a benzene ring in the molecule.

1. Reactions on the hydroxyl group

1. Acid properties

Phenols are weak OH-acids, but much stronger than alkanols. Acidity constant rK A phenol is equal to 10.

The higher acidity of phenol is explained by two factors:

1) greater polarity of the O-H bond in phenols, as a result of which the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group acquires greater mobility and can be eliminated in the form of a proton to form phenolate ion;

2) Phenolate ion due to the conjugation of a lone pair of oxygen with benzene ring mesomerically stabilized, i.e. the negative charge on the oxygen atom of the phenolate ion is significantly delocalized:

None of these boundary structures alone describes the actual state of the molecule, but their use allows us to explain many reactions.

Electron-withdrawing substituents increase acid properties phenol.

By drawing electron density from the benzene nucleus toward themselves, they enhance p,π-conjugation (+M-effect), thereby increasing the polarization of the O-H bond and increasing the mobility of the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group.

For example:

phenol 2-nitrophenol 2,4-dinitrophenol picric acid

рК а 9.98 7.23 4.03 0.20

Electron-donating substituents reduce the acidity of phenols.

1. Substitution of phenolic hydroxyl with halogen

The hydroxyl group in phenols is very difficult to replace with halogen.

When phenol reacts with phosphorus pentachloride PCl 5, the main product is triphenyl phosphate and only small amounts of chlorobenzene are formed:

Triphenylphosphate chlorobenzene

The presence of electron-withdrawing substituents in the ortho- and para-positions relative to the hydroxyl greatly facilitates the reactions of nucleophilic substitution of the OH group.

Thus, picric acid under the same conditions is easily converted into 2,4,6-trinitrochlorobenzene (picryl chloride):
picric acid picryl chloride

2. Interaction with ammonia

When interacting with ammonia at elevated temperature and pressure in the presence of an aluminum chloride catalyst, the OH group is replaced by an NH 2 group to form aniline:

phenol aniline

3. Phenol reduction

When phenol is reduced with lithium aluminum hydride, benzene is formed:

3. Reactions involving the benzene ring

1. Electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring

The hydroxyl group is a substituent of the 1st kind, therefore electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring occur with phenols much more easily than with benzene, and the substituents are directed to the ortho and para positions.

1) Halogenation reactions

Phenol easily reacts with bromine water at room temperature to form a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol:


This reaction is qualitative for phenols.

Phenol chlorination occurs easily:

2) Nitration reactions

Phenol is easily nitrated with dilute nitric acid at a temperature of 0 0 C to form a mixture of ortho and para isomers with a predominance of the ortho isomer:

ortho- and para-nitrophenols

Isomeric nitrophenols are easily separated due to the fact that only the ortho isomer is volatile with water vapor.

The greater volatility of ortho-nitrophenols is explained by the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, while the para-isomer forms intermolecular hydrogen bonds:

When concentrated nitric acid is used, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid) is formed:

picric acid

3) Sulfonation reactions

Phenol is easily sulfonated at room temperature with concentrated sulfuric acid to form an ortho isomer, which at temperatures above 100 0 C rearranges into a para isomer:

4) Alkylation reactions

Phenols easily undergo alkylation reactions.

Haloalkanes, alkanols and alkenes are used as alkylating agents in the presence of protic acids (H 2 SO 4, H 3 PO 4) or Lewis acids (AlCl 3, BF 3):

5) Acylation reactions

Acylation of phenols occurs easily under the action of halogen anhydrides or carboxylic acid anhydrides in the presence of Lewis acids:

6) Nitrosation reactions

Nitrosophenols are obtained by direct nitrosation of phenols:

para-cresol ortho-nitroso-para-cresol

7) Azo coupling reactions
Combination with phenols leads to slightly alkaline environment, since the phenolate ion is much more active than phenol itself:

8) Condensation reactions

Phenols are such active components in electrophilic substitution reactions that they interact with very weak electrophiles - aldehydes and ketones in the presence of acids and bases.
Condensation with formaldehyde

Formaldehyde most easily enters into condensation reactions.

If the condensation reaction of phenol with formaldehyde is carried out under mild conditions, it is possible to isolate ortho- and para-hydroxymethylphenols: Individual representatives

Phenol– crystalline substance with m.p. 43°C, has a characteristic pungent odor, causes burns on the skin. This is one of the first antiseptics used in medicine. It is used in large quantities to produce plastics (condensation with formaldehyde), medicines (salicylic acid and its derivatives), dyes, explosives(picric acid).

Phenol methyl ether – anisole– used to produce aromatic substances and dyes.

Phenol ethyl ether – phenetol.

Cresols (methylphenols) used in the production of plastics, dyes, and disinfectants.

Functional analysis of organic medicinal substances

The overwhelming majority of medicinal substances used in medical practice are compounds of organic nature. Unlike the analysis of inorganic substances, which uses the properties of the ions that form them, the basis of the analysis of organic medicinal substances is the properties of functional groups.

Functional groups- these are individual atoms or groups of atoms associated with a hydrocarbon radical, which, due to their characteristic properties, can be used for the purposes of identification and quantification of medicinal substances.

The presence of several functional groups influences the effects of some general reactions and the properties of the products formed as a result of their occurrence.

Classification of functional groups

1. Oxygen-containing functional groups:

OH - hydroxyl (alcoholic or phenolic);

C=O; -C=O - carbonyl (ketone or aldehyde);

COOH - carboxyl;

C-O- - ester group;

CH-(CH 2) n -C=O – lactone group.

NH 2 - primary amino group, aliphatic or aromatic;

NO 2 - aromatic nitro group;

NH- - secondary amino group;

N- - tertiary nitrogen atom;

C-NH- - amide group;

CH-(CH 2) n -C=O – lactam group;

С-NH-C- - imide group;

SO 2 -NH- - sulfamide group;

CH = N- - azomethine group;

3. Other functional groups:

Aromatic (phenyl) radical;

- pyridine ring;

R―Gal - covalently bonded halogen (Cl, Br, I, F);

R―S― - covalently bound sulfur.

Alcohol hydroxyl:Alk- HE

Alcohol hydroxyl is a hydroxyl bonded to an aliphatic hydrocarbon radical. It contains alcohols, carboxylic acids and their salts, terpenes, phenylalkylamine derivatives, steroid compounds, aromatic antibiotics and some other medicinal substances.


1. Esterification reaction with acids or their anhydrides in the presence of water-removing agents. Based on the property of alcohols to form esters. In the case of low molecular weight compounds, esters are detected by smell, and in the analysis of high molecular weight substances - by melting point.

C 2 H 5 OH + CH 3 COOH + H 2 SO 4 k. → CH 3 -C = O + H 2 O

alcohol ethyl ethyl acetate (fruity scent)

2. Oxidation reaction. It is based on the property of alcohols to oxidize to aldehydes, which are detected by smell. Various oxidizing agents are used as reagents: potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, potassium hexacyanoferrate (III), etc. Potassium permanganate has the greatest analytical value, which, when reduced, changes the oxidation state from

7 to +2 and becomes discolored, i.e. makes the reaction more effective.

C 2 H 5 OH + [O] → CH 3 -C=O + H 2 O

alcohol ethyl acetaldehyde (smell of apples)

Oxidation may be accompanied by side chemical reactions. For example, in the case of ephedrine - hydramine decomposition, in the case of lactic acid - decarboxylation.

3. Complexation reaction, based on the property of polyhydric alcohols to form complex compounds with copper (II) sulfate in an alkaline environment.

CuSO 4 + 2 NaOH → Cu(OH) 2 + Na 2 SO 4

blue glycerin complex

Aminospirates (ephedrine, mezatone, etc.) give a similar color reaction. The alcohol hydroxyl and the secondary amino group take part in complex formation. The resulting colored complexes have the structure:

In the case of ephedrine, the resulting complex, when extracted into ether, colors it violet-red, while the aqueous layer retains the blue color.


1. Acetylation method: alkalimetry, neutralization option, indirect titration method. Based on the property of alcohols to form insoluble esters. Acetylation is carried out with an excess of acetic anhydride when heated in the presence of pyridine. During the titration process, an equivalent amount of acetic acid is released, which is titrated with sodium hydroxide with the indicator phenolphthalein.

CH 2 -OH CH 2 -O-COCH 3

CH -OH + 3 (CH 3 CO) 2 O → CH -O-COCH 3 + 3 CH 3 COOH

CH 2 -OH CH 2 -O-COCH 3

At the same time, the acid formed during the hydrolysis of excess acetic anhydride taken for acetylation will also be titrated, so a control experiment is necessary.

(CH 3 CO) 2 O + H 2 O → 2 CH 3 COOH

CH 3 COOH + NaOH → CH 3 COONa + H 2 O E=M/3

2. Bichromatometry. The method is based on the oxidation of alcohols with excess potassium bichromate in an acidic environment. In this case, ethyl alcohol is oxidized to acetic acid, glycerin - to carbon dioxide and water. Oxidation occurs over time and therefore the back titration method is used.

3 C 2 H 5 OH + 2 K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 16 HNO 3 → 3 CH 3 COOH + 4 Cr(NO 3) 3 + 4 KNO 3 + 11 H 2 O

Excess potassium dichromate is determined iodometrically with the indicator - starch:

K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 6 KJ + 14 HNO 3 → 3 J 2 + 2 Cr(NO 3) 3 + 8 KNO 3 + 7 H 2 O

J 2 + 2 Na 2 S 2 O 3 → 2 NaJ + Na 2 S 4 O 6 E=M/4

3. Cuprimetry. The method is based on the property of alcohols to form stable complex compounds with copper sulfate in an alkaline environment. Direct titration. Titrant – copper sulfate. The indicator is murexide. The method is used in intrapharmacy quality control of dosage forms with chloramphenicol.

Phenolic hydroxyl: Ar- HE

It is a hydroxyl bound to an aromatic radical. It contains medicinal substances of the group of phenols, phenolic acids and their derivatives, phenanthrene isoquinoline derivatives, synestrol, adrenaline, etc.


1. Complexation reaction phenolic hydroxyl with iron (III) ions. It is based on the properties of phenolic hydroxyl to form soluble complex compounds, often colored blue (phenol) or violet (resorcinol, salicylic acid), less often red (PAS sodium) and green (quinosol).

The composition of the complexes, and, consequently, their color is determined by the amount of phenolic hydroxyls: blue (phenol) or violet (resorcinol), the influence of other functional groups (salicylic acid, sodium PAS, quinosol), and the reaction of the medium (resorcinol).

salicylic acid

2. Bromination reaction aromatic ring. Based on electrophilic substitution of hydrogen in O- And P- positions on bromine to form an insoluble white bromine derivative. With an excess of bromine water, an oxidation and halogenation product (tetrabromocyclohexadien-2,5-one) is formed in the form of a yellow precipitate.