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Flag of the GRU Special Forces “3rd Guards. OBrSpN

Armed Forces of the USSR).
3rd Separate Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Special Purpose Brigade

Before the Victory Day Parade, Tolyatti (2011).
Years of existence - n. V.
A country USSR
Subordination Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces
Included in Central Military District
Type reconnaissance and sabotage formations
Includes military units
Function Special intelligence
Part brigade
Dislocation Samara region, Tolyatti
Mascot wolf
Participation in War in Tajikistan,
First Chechen War,
Kosovo War,
Second Chechen War
Marks of Excellence



Despite the fact that the brigade itself appeared in 1966, the individual units from which it was formed have a longer history.

Traditionally, the chronology in the brigade is counted from the 5th separate motorcycle regiment. The regiment was created by directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces on the basis of the 238th Tank Brigade on March 26, 1944. From July 14, 1944, the regiment took part in hostilities, fighting as part of the 1st Belorussian Front.

For the exemplary fulfillment of command assignments, for the capture of the cities of Lublin, Garwolin, Zhelechuv, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 9, 1944, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. On December 1, 1944, the regiment was given the honorary name "Guards".

For the successful completion of the command’s tasks for the liberation of Warsaw, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of February 10, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Warsaw”.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command, for the capture of the cities of Woldenberg and Tseden, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 26, 1945, the regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov, III degree.

For participation in the assault and capture of Berlin, by order of the Supreme High Command of May 11, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Berlinsky”. Since October 1945, the 5th separate guards motorcycle Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov regiment of the 2nd Guards Tank Army was located in the military town of Tiefenbrunn.

On April 1, 1947, the 5th Separate Guards Motorcycle Regiment was disbanded, and on its basis the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was created. And in accordance with the General Staff Directive No. Org/267486 of September 20, 1954, in order to improve the organization of reconnaissance units, on November 28, 1954, the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was reorganized into the 48th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Battalion.

By Directive of the General Staff No. Org/6/111560 of July 9, 1966, the 48th separate Guards reconnaissance Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov battalion was disbanded.

The 3rd separate guards special purpose brigade was created in 1966 on the basis of the Directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG).

It was formed in the Werder (Hafel) garrison on the basis of the 26th separate special forces battalion, as well as the 27th separate special forces battalion and, 48th Separate Guards and the 166th separate reconnaissance battalions.

The brigade was stationed in the city of Fürstenberg. Some of the brigade's units were stationed in Neustrelitz until 1975, then in the city of Neutimen.

One of the main tasks of the brigade in the 1960-1980s was the detection and destruction of mobile missile systems of a potential enemy.

From 1981 to 1985, the brigade, as the best unit, was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the GSVG.

In 1990, the brigade took first place at the annual review of mass sports work in the ground forces.

From January 1991 to June 1992, the 330th special forces unit was stationed in Riga (Latvia).

In April 1991, on the basis of directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 314/1/01500 dated November 7, 1990, the brigade was redeployed to the village of Roshchinsky, Samara Region and subordinated to the commander of the Purvo.

Federal period

In 2001, on the basis of the brigade, competitions in tactical and special training for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were held with the participation of representatives of the armed forces of Belarus.

In 2007, the 512th Separate Special Forces Detachment took part in the Peace Mission exercise.

In 2010, the brigade was redeployed from Roshchinsky to Togliatti (Central Military District), where it was located in a disbanded military town.


  • brigade management (military unit 21208, formerly military unit 83149),
    • Special Radio Communications Detachment (oSRS),
    • School of Junior Specialists (SHMS),
    • material support company (RMS),
    • special weapons company (RSV, recreated in 2000),
    • automobile company;
  • 330th separate special forces detachment (330 ooSpN, military unit 33473);
  • 501st separate special forces detachment (501 ooSpN);
  • 503rd separate special forces detachment (503 ooSpN, military unit 21209);
  • 509th separate special forces detachment (509 ooSpN, military unit 21353);
  • 510th separate special forces detachment (510 ooSpN);
  • 512th separate special forces detachment (512 ooSpN).

Combat operations


From September 28, 1992 to November 24, 1992, a task force from the brigade participated in combat operations in Tajikistan. The brigade's soldiers ensured the deployment of the 201st Motorized Rifle Division, guarded military and government facilities, covered the evacuation of the American Embassy, ​​and escorted convoys carrying humanitarian supplies.

First Chechen War

On January 17, 1995, the 1st battalion (509th ooSpN) of the 3rd brigade was transferred to Mozdok with the help of Il-76 aircraft, after which it moved in a column to Khankala on a BMP-1.

The battalion was engaged in reconnaissance of the outskirts of the city of Argun, including discovering a ford along which equipment was subsequently transported to encircle the city. In the area of ​​the village of Komsomolskoye, the battalion stormed a height controlled by the enemy.

On the night of March 20-21, 1995, the battalion, together with the reconnaissance company of the 165th Marine Regiment, captured height 236.7 (Mount Goyten Court), and thus began the operation to disarm illegal groups in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Argun and Mesker-Yurt.

Subsequently, the detachment fought near Gudermes and Shali. On May 31, 1995, the detachment was withdrawn to its permanent location.


The brigade's combined detachment took part in the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo from July 1999 to October 2001.

Second Chechen War

The brigade's units took part in hostilities from April 2002 to January 2007.

  • 1. History
  • 2 Eyewitness impressions
  • 3 Information for mom
    • 3.1 Parcels and letters
    • 3.2 Contact numbers
    • 3.3 Your visit
  • 4 Where to stay

The location of military unit 21208, or the 3rd separate Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree special forces brigade, is the city of Togliatti, Samara region. The unit belongs to the GRU special forces units, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. These formations are engaged in reconnaissance and sabotage activities and take part in various combat operations.


The unit, currently known as military unit 21208, dates back to 1966. It was formed in Germany on the basis of two special forces battalions stationed in the Werder garrison and several reconnaissance battalions. The predecessor of the 3rd Special Forces Brigade was the 48th Separate Motorized Rifle Battalion, which became a reconnaissance battalion in November 1948.

Banner of the 3rd Guards Special Purpose Brigade

The name of the brigade - Warsaw-Berlin - is closely connected with the events of the Second World War. At that time, the 48th motorized rifle battalion took part in the attacks on the capital of Poland.
The successful completion of combat missions was marked with the name “Warsaw” (February 1945). The unit received the second part of the name after the surrender of Germany, in May 1945, for special services during the capture of Berlin. Even before the end of the war, the battalion received the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree.
From October 1945 to May 1990, the unit was located in Germany, in the city of Tiefenbrunn, and then in Furstenberg. These settlements were part of the republic of the GDR, friendly to the USSR.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1991, the 3rd Special Forces Brigade changed its location to the Volga Military District, namely the village of Roshchinskoye. Since 2010, military unit 21208 has been located in the city of Tolyatti.

Awards for participation in sporting events

The brigade performed various combat and government missions.
In particular, military personnel participated in the evacuation of foreign embassies from Tajikistan in 1992, carried out peacekeeping missions during the armed conflict in Chechnya (1995), and various missions in Kosovo (1999).
Currently, the training of GRU special forces soldiers in Tolyatti is carried out on the basis of a former military engineering university. Soldiers of military unit 21208 now not only master the skills of long-range and close combat, but also swimming, cryptography, and the ability to work with radio equipment. Soldiers study mathematics and foreign languages ​​in depth and are able to navigate the latest developments in military and computer technology.

Eyewitness impressions

Interestingly, military unit 21208 is not isolated from the urban population. Most officers and contract soldiers who have families rent housing in the blocks closest to the unit - 10, 12 and 15.

Living conditions in part. Recreation room and barracks of the 3rd brigade

The rest live in comfortable cabin barracks with a gym, a recreation room and a kitchen for two cabins. There are no hazing or hazing in the unit, and the unit itself is called, if not elite, then exemplary.
On the territory of the garrison there are such infrastructure facilities as a post office, a bathhouse, hairdressers, shops, schools, kindergartens and hotels.
The training process for GRU special forces soldiers, as eyewitnesses say, differs from that in ordinary units. Employees take advanced exams in military affairs, and at the Roshchinsky training ground there is an obstacle course simulating mountainous terrain. Field training uses real weapons, mines and grenades, and soldiers also master numerous martial arts.
Civilians work in the canteen of military unit 21208; military personnel are not involved in preparing food. The menu is quite extensive - there are two first and two second courses to choose from.

Drone training room

On the territory of the unit there is a swimming pool with a 25-meter track, which can also be visited by civilians with a subscription.
The daily routine of military personnel, with the exception of enhanced combat and military training, is the same as in combined arms units: duty, guard duty, detachments and inspections. The latter are carried out no more often than once every 2 months.
Soldiers of military unit 21208 take the oath on Sunday. On this day, the soldier is allowed leave until 21.00; the rest of the time he must notify his relatives in writing about the arrival.
You can choose Megafon or MTS as your mobile operator. The first operator is convenient when the fighter is at the training ground, and the second one is convenient during free time from field exercises, from 19.00 to 21.00 on weekends. You can also communicate through social networks.

Practicing parachute flying skills

It is better to make money transfers to military personnel to a VTB Bank or Sberbank card. The first ATM is located at the checkpoint.
The following applicants are admitted to contract service in the GRU special forces, namely in military unit 21208:

  1. Having completed secondary education (at least 11 classes);
  2. Age from 18 to 35 years;
  3. Passed a medical commission (certificate form A-1);
  4. Trained in airborne units, as well as drivers of categories “C”, “D” and “E”.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

  • brigade control (military unit 21208 (formerly military unit 83149)
  • 330th separate special forces detachment (ooSpN) (2nd battalion) (military unit 33473);
  • 501st Separate Special Forces Detachment;
  • 503rd separate special forces detachment (military unit 21209);
  • 509th separate special forces detachment (1st battalion) (military unit 21353);
  • 510th separate special forces detachment;
  • 512th separate special forces detachment;
  • School of Junior Specialists (SHMS);
  • material support company (RMS);
  • special weapons company (RSV), (recreated in 2000);
  • autorota;




Despite the fact that the brigade itself appeared in 1966, the individual units from which it was formed have a longer history.

Traditionally, the chronology in the brigade is counted from the 5th separate motorcycle regiment. The regiment was created by directive of the USSR General Staff on the basis of the 238th Tank Brigade on March 26, 1944. From July 14, 1944, the regiment took part in hostilities, fighting as part of the 1st Belorussian Front.

For the exemplary execution of command tasks, for the capture of the cities of Lublin, Garwolin, Zhelukhov, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 9, 1944, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. On December 1, 1944, the regiment was given the honorary name “Guards”.

For the successful completion of the command’s tasks for the liberation of Warsaw, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of February 10, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Warsaw”.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command, for the capture of the cities of Woldenberg and Tseden, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 26, 1945, the regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree.

For participation in the assault and capture of Berlin, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of May 11, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Berlin”. Since October 1945, the 5th Separate Guards Red Banner Order of Suvorov III Class Warsaw-Berlin Motorcycle Regiment of the 2nd Tank Army was located in the military town of Tiefenbrunn.

On April 1, 1947, the 5th Separate Guards Motorcycle Regiment was disbanded, and on its basis the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was created. And in accordance with the General Staff Directive No. Org 267486 of September 20, 1954, in order to improve the organization of reconnaissance units, on November 28, 1954, the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was reorganized into the 48th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Battalion.

By Directive of the General Staff No. Org /6/111560 dated July 9, 1966, the 48th separate Guards reconnaissance Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov III degree battalion was disbanded.

The brigade was created in 1966 by directive of the commander-in-chief of a group of Soviet troops in Germany. It was formed in the Werder (Havel) garrison on the basis of the 26th separate special forces battalion, as well as the 27th separate special forces battalion and the 48th and 166th separate reconnaissance battalions.

The brigade was stationed in the city of Furstenberg. Some of the brigade's units were stationed in Neusterlitz until 1975, then in the city of Neutimen.

One of the main tasks of the brigade in the 1960-1980s was the detection and destruction of mobile missile systems of a potential enemy.

On December 13, 1972, for high performance in combat and political training, the brigade was awarded the Jubilee Honorary Badge of the CPSU Central Committee, the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

From 1981 to 1985, the brigade, as the best unit, was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the GSVG.

In 1990, the brigade took first place at the annual review of mass sports work in the ground forces.

From January 1991 to June 1992, the 330th special forces unit was stationed in Riga (Latvia).

In April 1991, based on directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 314/1/01500 dated November 7, 1990, the brigade was redeployed to the village of Roshchinsky, Samara Region and subordinated to the commander of the PURVO.

Russian time

In 2001, on the basis of the brigade, competitions in tactical and special training for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were held with the participation of representatives of the armed forces of Belarus.

In 2007, the 512th Separate Special Forces Detachment took part in the Peace Mission exercise.

In 2010, the brigade was redeployed from Roshchinskoye to Togliatti (Central Military District), where it was located in the military camp of the disbanded Togliatti Military Technical Institute.

On May 4, 2010, based on the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 415 dated April 28, 2010, the brigade was awarded the St. George Banner.


  • Guard Colonel Grishakov Alexey Nikolaevich (October 1966 - September 1971);
  • Guard Colonel Nikolai Mikhailovich Yatchenko (September 1971 - November 1975);
  • Guard Colonel Zharov Oleg Mikhailovich (November 1975 - September 1978);
  • Guard Colonel Vyacheslav Ivanovich Bolshakov (September 1978 - November 1983);
  • Guard Colonel Starov Yuri Timofeevich (November 1983 - January 1986);
  • Guard Colonel Manchenko Vladimir Andreevich (January 1986 - November 1988);
  • Guard Colonel Ilyin Alexander Sergeevich (November 1988 - January 1992);
  • Guard Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Artemyevich Chernetsky (January 1992 - September 1995);
  • Guard Colonel Vladimir Andreevich Kozlov (September 1995 - August 2003);
  • guard colonel (since 2005 - major general) Kersov Alexey Nikolaevich (August 2003 - July 2010);
  • Guard Colonel Shchepin Sergey Anatolyevich (July 2010 - present).



From September 28, 1992 to November 24, 1992, a task force from the brigade participated in combat operations in Tajikistan. The brigade's soldiers ensured the deployment of the 201st Motorized Rifle Division, guarded military and government facilities, covered the evacuation of the American Embassy, ​​and escorted convoys carrying humanitarian supplies.

First Chechen War

On January 17, 1995, the 1st battalion (509th ooSpN) of the 3rd brigade was transferred to Mozdok with the help of IL-76 aircraft, after which it moved in a column to Khankala on a BMP-1.

The battalion was engaged in reconnaissance of the outskirts of the city of Argun, including discovering a ford along which equipment was subsequently transported to encircle the city. In the area of ​​the village of Komsomolskoye, the battalion stormed a height controlled by the enemy.

On the night of March 20-21, 1995, the battalion, together with the reconnaissance company of the 165th Marine Regiment, captured height 236.7 (Mount Goyten Court), thus beginning the operation to disarm illegal groups in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Argun and Mesker-Yurt.

Subsequently, the detachment fought near Gudermes and Shali. On May 31, 1995, the detachment was withdrawn to its permanent location.


The combined brigade detachment took part in the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo from July 1999 to October 2001.

Second Chechen War

The brigade's units took part in hostilities from April 2002 to January 2007.


On July 21, 2001, a combined detachment was formed on the basis of the 1st battalion of the brigade, which until November 2004 provided security for Russian missions in Kabul.


The brigade's losses during the First Chechen War amounted to 4 soldiers. During the Second Campaign, 14 soldiers and officers were killed. Another brigade soldier died during a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

  1. USHAKOV Anton Borisovich, guard foreman, 03/21/1995
  2. BUSHUEV (BULUSHEV) Rem Shamilevich, guard senior sergeant
  3. BIRYUKOV Alexander Mikhailovich, guard private
  4. KUZOVOV Andrey (patronymic name unknown), private guard (?), __.05.2001 (Kosovo)
  5. TUDIYAROV Anatoly Mikhailovich, guard private
  6. TIKHOMIROV Alexander Pavlovich, guard captain
  7. Unknown
  8. Unknown
  9. Unknown
  10. Unknown
  11. Unknown
  12. Unknown
  13. Unknown
  14. Unknown
  15. Unknown
  16. Unknown
  17. Unknown
  18. Unknown
  19. Unknown
  20. Unknown


Ushakov Anton Borisovich

(16.05.1972 - 21.03.1995)

Hero of the Russian Federation

Date of decree: 01/29/1997.

Ushakov Anton Borisovich - deputy commander of a special-purpose reconnaissance group, serviceman of the 3rd Guards Separate Red Banner Order of Suvorov Warsaw-Berlin Special-Purpose Brigade Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Guard Sergeant Major.

Born on May 16, 1972 in the city of Glazov, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He graduated from high school and vocational school in his homeland. He worked as an electrician at the city communications center in Glazov.

From 1990 to 1992 he served in the Airborne Forces. He took part in hostilities during the interethnic armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. After being discharged from the reserves, he returned to Glazov and worked in his specialty.

In 1994, he entered service under a contract in the 3rd Guards Separate Red Banner Order of Suvorov III Class Warsaw-Berlin Special Purpose Brigade. He held the positions of squad commander and company sergeant major.

From March 2, 1995, he took part in the fighting of the first Chechen war as deputy group commander.

On March 20, 1995, he died in a battle with bandits near the city of Argun (Chechnya), covering the group’s retreat.

“On March 21, 1995, a reconnaissance detachment consisting of three special forces groups was tasked with destroying a stronghold of militants at the Goiten-Yurt heights in front of the city of Gudermes. Taking advantage of their advantage, the militants at this height actively impeded the actions of army aviation, which supported the advance of the Russian advanced units on Gudermes. At night, a group of 8 people under the command of Senior Lieutenant I.V. Zharkov began advancing to the mountain with the task of eliminating firing points. Her actions were covered by two other special forces groups, as well as an attached reconnaissance group of paratroopers, which was located below with mortars and heavy machine guns. Guard Sergeant Major Anton Ushakov walked in the rear patrol of the main group. In conditions of heavy fog, the special forces group came close to the positions of the militants, and close combat ensued. When the group retreated from a height, Anton Ushakov was seriously wounded by one of the machine gun bursts. While the battle continued, about three to four hours, Ushakov remained lying in the line of fire, and his groans were clearly heard. After they managed to pull Ushakov out on a cape, it was already too late: the wound turned out to be fatal. By dawn, with the approach of the armored group, the height of Goitein Court was taken.”

On January 29, 1997, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). In the award documents it was noted that Ushakov shielded the commander, senior lieutenant I.V. Zharkov, from enemy fire with his body. Also, all participants in the operation were awarded the Order of Courage.

Dergunov Alexey Vasilievich

(22.12.1979 - 26.12.2003)

Hero of the Russian Federation

Date of decree: 01/01/2004.

Dergunov Alexey Vasilievich – platoon commander of the 3rd Guards Separate Red Banner Order of Suvorov Warsaw-Berlin Special Purpose Brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Guard Senior Lieutenant.

Born on December 22, 1979 in the city of Frunze (now the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek). Subsequently, the family moved to Novosibirsk.

In 1998 he graduated from high school in Novosibirsk.

In 2002 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Military Institute.

He served as a platoon commander in the 3rd Guards Separate Special Forces Brigade.

Since October 2002, he was on a business trip to the Chechen Republic, participating in military operations to eliminate gangs.

In December 2002, the unit in which Alexey Dergunov served was transferred to the Tsumandinsky district of Dagestan. The day before, a gang of one of the most brutal field commanders, Ruslan Gelayev, was discovered there, shooting a mobile group of border guards from an ambush. The pursuit was carried out in inaccessible mountain conditions, through a multi-meter layer of snow, under constant frost and wind. The search area was located at an altitude of three kilometers above sea level, and during the winter months these areas were not visited even by local residents.

On December 26, 2003, while crossing the rocks, a conscript sergeant, a subordinate of Alexei Dergunov, fell into an abyss and hung on a ledge. The commander rushed to save his soldier and managed to catch him. However, when pulling him out, he was unable to hold him and fell into the abyss along with the sergeant. Both died.

For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2004, senior lieutenant Alexey Vasilyevich Dergunov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

He was buried at the Zaeltsovsky cemetery in Novosibirsk.

Memorial plaques were installed on the house in the Zaeltsovsky district of Novosibirsk, where the Hero lived, and on the building of secondary school No. 126 of Novosibirsk. A bust of the Hero was installed on the territory of the Novosibirsk Higher Military School.

The location of military unit 21208, or the 3rd separate Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree special forces brigade, is the city of Togliatti, Samara region. The unit belongs to the GRU special forces units, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. These formations are engaged in reconnaissance and sabotage activities and take part in various combat operations.


The unit, currently known as military unit 21208, dates back to 1966. It was formed in Germany on the basis of two special forces battalions stationed in the Werder garrison and several reconnaissance battalions. The predecessor of the 3rd Special Forces Brigade was the 48th Separate Motorized Rifle Battalion, which became a reconnaissance battalion in November 1948.

Banner of the 3rd Guards Special Purpose Brigade

The name of the brigade - Warsaw-Berlin - is closely connected with the events of the Second World War. At that time, the 48th motorized rifle battalion took part in the attacks on the capital of Poland.
The successful completion of combat missions was marked with the name “Warsaw” (February 1945). The unit received the second part of the name after the surrender of Germany, in May 1945, for special services during the capture of Berlin. Even before the end of the war, the battalion received the Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree.
From October 1945 to May 1990, the unit was located in Germany, in the city of Tiefenbrunn, and then in Furstenberg. These settlements were part of the republic of the GDR, friendly to the USSR.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1991, the 3rd Special Forces Brigade changed its location to the Volga Military District, namely the village of Roshchinskoye. Since 2010, military unit 21208 has been located in the city of Tolyatti.

Awards for participation in sporting events

The brigade performed various combat and government missions.
In particular, military personnel participated in the evacuation of foreign embassies from Tajikistan in 1992, carried out peacekeeping missions during the armed conflict in Chechnya (1995), and various missions in Kosovo (1999).
Currently, the training of GRU special forces soldiers in Tolyatti is carried out on the basis of a former military engineering university. Soldiers of military unit 21208 now not only master the skills of long-range and close combat, but also swimming, cryptography, and the ability to work with radio equipment. Soldiers study mathematics and foreign languages ​​in depth and are able to navigate the latest developments in military and computer technology.

Eyewitness impressions

Interestingly, military unit 21208 is not isolated from the urban population. Most officers and contract soldiers who have families rent housing in the blocks closest to the unit - 10, 12 and 15.

Living conditions in part. Recreation room and barracks of the 3rd brigade

The rest live in comfortable cabin barracks with a gym, a recreation room and a kitchen for two cabins. There are no hazing or hazing in the unit, and the unit itself is called, if not elite, then exemplary.
On the territory of the garrison there are such infrastructure facilities as a post office, a bathhouse, hairdressers, shops, schools, kindergartens and hotels.
The training process for GRU special forces soldiers, as eyewitnesses say, differs from that in ordinary units. Employees take advanced exams in military affairs, and at the Roshchinsky training ground there is an obstacle course simulating mountainous terrain. Field training uses real weapons, mines and grenades, and soldiers also master numerous martial arts.
Civilians work in the canteen of military unit 21208; military personnel are not involved in preparing food. The menu is quite extensive - there are two first and two second courses to choose from.

Drone training room

On the territory of the unit there is a swimming pool with a 25-meter track, which can also be visited by civilians with a subscription.
The daily routine of military personnel, with the exception of enhanced combat and military training, is the same as in combined arms units: duty, guard duty, detachments and inspections. The latter are carried out no more often than once every 2 months.
Soldiers of military unit 21208 take the oath on Sunday. On this day, the soldier is allowed leave until 21.00; the rest of the time he must notify his relatives in writing about the arrival.
You can choose Megafon or MTS as your mobile operator. The first operator is convenient when the fighter is at the training ground, and the second one is convenient during free time from field exercises, from 19.00 to 21.00 on weekends. You can also communicate through social networks.

Practicing parachute flying skills

It is better to make money transfers to military personnel to a VTB Bank or Sberbank card. The first ATM is located at the checkpoint.
The following applicants are admitted to contract service in the GRU special forces, namely in military unit 21208:

  1. Having completed secondary education (at least 11 classes);
  2. Age from 18 to 35 years;
  3. Passed a medical commission (certificate form A-1);
  4. Trained in airborne units, as well as drivers of categories “C”, “D” and “E”.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (in the Soviet period - as part of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR).

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ 3rd separate guards special purpose brigade




Despite the fact that the brigade itself appeared in 1966, the individual units from which it was formed have a longer history.

Traditionally, chronology in a brigade is counted from 5th separate motorcycle regiment. The regiment was created by directive of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces on the basis 238th tank brigade on March 26, 1944. From July 14, 1944, the regiment took part in hostilities, fighting as part of the 1st Belorussian Front.

For the exemplary fulfillment of command assignments, for the capture of the cities of Lublin, Garwolin, Zhelechuv, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 9, 1944, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. On December 1, 1944, the regiment was awarded the honorary title "Guards".

For the successful completion of the command’s tasks for the liberation of Warsaw, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of February 10, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Warsaw”.

For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command, for the capture of the cities of Woldenberg and Tseden, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 26, 1945, the regiment was awarded the Order of Suvorov, III degree.

For participation in the assault and capture of Berlin, by order of the Supreme High Command of May 11, 1945, the regiment was given the name “Berlinsky”. Since October 1945, the 5th separate guards motorcycle Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov regiment of the 2nd Guards Tank Army was located in the military town of Tiefenbrunn.

On April 1, 1947, the 5th Separate Guards Motorcycle Regiment was disbanded, and on its basis the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was created. And in accordance with the General Staff Directive No. Org/267486 of September 20, 1954, in order to improve the organization of reconnaissance units, on November 28, 1954, the 48th Separate Guards Motorcycle Battalion was reorganized into the 48th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Battalion.

By Directive of the General Staff No. Org/6/111560 of July 9, 1966, the 48th separate Guards reconnaissance Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov battalion was disbanded.

The brigade was created in 1966 by a directive from the Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG). It was formed in the Werder garrison (Hafel) on the basis 26th a separate special forces battalion, as well as 27th a separate special forces battalion, and the 48th and 166th separate reconnaissance battalions.

The brigade was stationed in the city of Fürstenberg. Some of the brigade's units were stationed in Neustrelitz until 1975, then in the city of Neutimen.

One of the main tasks of the brigade in the 1960-1980s was the detection and destruction of mobile missile systems of a potential enemy.

From 1981 to 1985, the brigade, as the best unit, was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Military Council of the GSVG.

In 1990, the brigade took first place at the annual review of mass sports work in the ground forces.

From January 1991 to June 1992, the 330th special forces unit was stationed in Riga (Latvia).

In April 1991, on the basis of directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 314/1/01500 dated November 7, 1990, the brigade was redeployed to the village of Roshchinsky, Samara region and subordinated to the commander of the Purvo.

Russian time

In 2001, on the basis of the brigade, competitions in tactical and special training for the championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were held with the participation of representatives of the armed forces of Belarus.

In 2007, the 512th Separate Special Forces Detachment took part in the Peaceful Mission exercise.

In 2010, the brigade was redeployed from Roshchinsky to Tolyatti (Central Military District), where it was located in a disbanded military town.


  • brigade management (military unit 21208, formerly military unit 83149),
    • Special Radio Communications Detachment (oSRS),
    • School of Junior Specialists (SHMS),
    • material support company (RMS),
    • special weapons company (RSV, recreated in 2000),
    • automobile company;
  • 330th separate special forces detachment (330 ooSpN, military unit 33473);
  • 501st separate special forces detachment (501 ooSpN);
  • 503rd separate special forces detachment (503 Special Forces, military unit 21209);
  • 509th separate special forces detachment (509 ooSpN, military unit 21353);
  • 510th separate special forces detachment (510 ooSpN);
  • 512th separate special forces detachment (512 ooSpN).

Combat operations


From September 28, 1992 to November 24, 1992, a task force from the brigade participated in combat operations in Tajikistan. The brigade's soldiers ensured the deployment of the 201st Motorized Rifle Division, guarded military and government facilities, covered the evacuation of the American Embassy, ​​and escorted convoys carrying humanitarian supplies.

First Chechen War

On January 17, 1995, the 1st battalion (509th ooSpN) of the 3rd brigade was transferred to Mozdok with the help of Il-76 aircraft, after which it moved in a column to Khankala on a BMP-1.

The battalion was engaged in reconnaissance of the outskirts of the city of Argun, including discovering a ford along which equipment was subsequently transported to encircle the city. In the area of ​​the village of Komsomolskoye, the battalion stormed a height controlled by the enemy.

On the night of March 20-21, 1995, the battalion, together with the reconnaissance company of the 165th Marine Regiment, captured height 236.7 (Mount Goyten Court), thus beginning the operation to disarm illegal groups in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Argun and Mesker-Yurt.

Subsequently, the detachment fought near Gudermes and Shali. On May 31, 1995, the detachment was withdrawn to its permanent location.


The brigade's combined detachment took part in the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo from July 1999 to October 2001.

Second Chechen War

The brigade's units took part in hostilities from April 2002 to January 2007.