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Gloria is the inhabited twin of the earth. Gloria - a hypothetical double of the earth On the far side of the sun

Anti-earth by Kirill Pavlovich Butusov

When they say that the depths of the earth’s oceans have been studied less than our solar system, that is, there is some kind of deceit in this. Over the course of many centuries, the Solar System has presented humanity with a huge number of surprises, mysteries and brought to life a lot of theories, many of which have not yet been possible to refute or prove. More recently, a seemingly long-forgotten idea about the Anti-Earth has surfaced in scientific circles. There is a theory that has come to us since ancient times, as if an unknown planet Gloria, a twin of the Earth, is hidden behind the Sun. It is not visible because the twins move in their own orbits parallel to each other, and between them is the Sun. Many are sure that the conditions on Gloria are the same or almost the same as on its sister planet, which means there is life and brothers in mind there. We, the foolish ones, are looking for them billions of light years from the Milky Way, and here they are, hiding, without knowing it, behind the star. True, in 2006, NASA, in search of Gloria, launched a couple of satellites in that direction, which did not find anything behind the Sun. But skeptics were not convinced by these data, and they continue to persist. They have several theories about this, a couple of which don't sound so stupid.

  • Anti-Earth behind the Sun

    First: The ancient Pythagorean astronomers so convincingly described and proved the presence of Gloria in the sky that it simply cannot not be there, because it cannot never exist.

    This means that during these two and a half thousand years, our restless twin simply flew out of its orbit and went on a free voyage to exotic, so to speak, the world to see and show itself.

    Proponents of the second theory claim that the Anti-Earth has not gone anywhere and continues to exist, only on a more subtle plane than the planets we observe, like Saturn or Jupiter.

    I have an opinion

    There is no direct evidence that a twin planet exists behind the Sun. But no one undertakes to refute this opinion either.

    From the depths of time

    By the way, the idea of ​​the existence of the Anti-Earth originates in Ancient Egypt, where smart people had no doubt that each person has his own astral and energy double (soul).

    And if so, then why not the planets, whose influence on the earthly life of man the Egyptians attached great importance to.

    I have an opinion

    According to a number of ufologists, it is on Gloria, hidden from us behind the Sun, that UFOs that regularly visit the Earth may be based

    Development of the idea

    Despite the fact that the idea, even at that time, was quite strange, it continued to have many supporters. N

    For example, the director of the Paris Observatory, D. Cassini, discovered a satellite near the planet Venus in the 17th century and declared that this was the same Gloria that had changed its location.

    I have an opinion

    Some of the tombs of Ancient Egypt contain mysterious images. In their central part is the Sun, on one side of which is the Earth, on the other is its double. Both planets are connected through the Sun by straight lines

    Other prominent scientists also joined the chorus of enthusiastic voices singing hosannas to the Anti-Earth. Among them was D. Short, a famous English astronomer in his time, there was a German cartographer and brilliant explorer of stellar space, the German T. I. Meyer, and other scientists.

    Anti-Earth of Professor Butusov

    I have an opinion

    The Pythagoreans made assumptions about the existence of a twin of the Earth. Hicetus of Syracuse even named this hypothetical planet Antichthon

    But gradually interest in Gloria faded away and was revived with renewed vigor only recently, thanks to the efforts of our compatriot Kirill Pavlovich Butusov.

    During his lifetime, this outstanding astrophysicist scientist was a troublemaker, the author of a large number of works and discoveries in his field.

    Unfortunately, Kirill Pavlovich died in 2012, leaving behind a rich creative legacy.

    It was he who, for the first time in modern history, argued and openly declared the existence of a prototype of the Earth's twin planet - Gloria.

    We won’t be able to talk about the whole scientific theory regarding this in this short note, but today there are as many supporters of Butusov’s theory as there are opponents.

    And yet, if Gloria is not a figment of the imagination of scientists for many centuries, but a real cosmic object, what does this give us?

    I have an opinion

    According to some ideas, Gloria consists of asteroids and dust captured by a gravitational trap

    Fear the Glorians who bring gifts

    It is likely that there is life on Gloria, and representatives of the anti-earth race have surpassed us in terms of development.

    It cannot be ruled out that they treat us like younger brothers and conduct regular surveillance of us, using the same UFOs.

    I have an opinion

    Most scientists do not expect to find life on Gloria, but according to other ideas, it is very similar to our Earth, and is inhabited by intelligent creatures

    But, we can assume that as a result of wars, natural disasters and other nonsense, existence on Gloria has long ago turned into a permanent nightmare from which they want to quickly escape. Where?

    Yes, there’s a beautiful blue ball nearby, with life still on it.

    Perhaps this is still technically impossible, but it’s a small matter.

    So very soon, dear compatriots, expect guests from heaven.

    Although Gloria means “happiness” or “glory” in Latin, it is not a fact that its inhabitants will bring happiness to Earth. They will find happiness and glory here for themselves.

  • Scientists are expecting a meeting with the planet Gloria and its inhabitants. According to the UFO Research Information Center, in the coming years a planet inhabited by intelligent creatures will emerge from behind the Sun. The director of the center, Valery Uvarov, assumes that contact will take place, and prepares in advance for a meeting with another civilization, answering tricky questions.
    According to the latest information, there is still life on Mars. To be completely precise, it was approximately 12-13 thousand years ago. In any case, this is exactly the conclusion that scientists from the center came to.
    It is difficult to say how events would have developed further if one fine day or night, you can’t say for sure, the satellite of the red planet had not left its orbit. Whether he collided with a comet or was defeated during the Star Wars, we will only be able to know for sure after contact with an alien intelligence. It is only known that the Phaeton quickly retreated from its orbit and rushed to plow the expanses of the Galaxy along the way, exploding into thousands of small phaetons. It is impossible to describe what happened in the Universe after such an accident; all sorts of cataclysms haunted ordinary inhabitants from all the inhabited planets of the solar system. On Earth, all the continents began to crack, what could have become mixed up, and something else has swapped places. The planet moved away from the Sun, its period of revolution increased, and if earlier the earth’s calendar was 360 days, today it is five days more. And all this happened in a matter of minutes, a sharp instantaneous cooling led to a long ice age on Earth. According to one version, Yakutia, which was previously inhabited by mammoths and drifted in the equatorial part, is now where we are used to seeing it, and the poor animals froze with food not fully digested in their stomachs. Mars also moved away from the Sun, and life on the icy planet became impossible. People, or rather aliens, had a hard time for some time.
    The disturbed balance made itself felt even in the most remote corners of the Galaxy. To save the Earth and stop further freezing; the aliens chose the only right solution. After all, so that our “ball” does not continue to roll into bottomless space, all we need is to increase its mass. Therefore, that part of the Phaeton that was preserved after the explosion was dragged towards our planet for balance; We have an artificial satellite - the Moon. And with it, people had a wonderful opportunity to sigh languidly and write down lyrical poems one after another.
    Of course, the Martians themselves had to urgently move to another planet. Until recently, we did not have any reliable data indicating their location. There was, however, one planet that aroused suspicion, which either disappeared or reappeared in the field of view of terrestrial astronomers, and so, according to Valery Uvarov, it was there that the inhabitants from Mars moved. The first information about it dates back to the 17th century, it was observed by Giovanni Cassni, a professor at the Paris Observatory, in 1666. Then the planet, named by the scientist Gloria, disappeared until 1672.
    And quite recently, at the end of the last century, our compatriot, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kirill Butusov, was able to mathematically prove the presence of another planet in the solar system: it is located in the same orbit as the Earth, in the direct opposite direction from the Sun. But it can be observed once every thirteen years due to cyclical fluctuations. The nature of the vibrations is also unclear and suggests that Gloria, like the Moon, was created artificially and deliberately hidden from the prying eyes of humans. This is also evidenced by Gloria’s instability relative to the Earth and the Sun. If we collide with some cosmic body or a large meteorite crashes into the Earth, we will, of course, have a hard time, but the “anti-Earth” risks leaving orbit altogether. Therefore, it is not only beneficial, but also vitally important for the people of Gloria to keep our world completely safe.
    How do they do it?
    The clearest example of the care of our brothers in mind, according to Vachery Uvarov, was demonstrated in 1908, when our planet was threatened by the Tunguska meteorite. For many years, there were fierce debates about this: one body was approaching the Earth, but, as eyewitnesses said, along different trajectories, and it is also unknown why there were several explosions, and the fragments could not be found. But, apparently, today humanity is closer to solving this mystery than ever.
    Scientists explain the complexity of this phenomenon by the fact that “several objects participated in the event. In addition to the meteorite, there were also some energy balls” sent by some installation to intercept and destroy the Tunguska body. The installation itself is located in the north-west of Yakutia, in the Upper Vilyuy region, where for hundreds of kilometers around there is nothing but forest falls, stone debris and traces of some grandiose cataclysms.
    The ancient name of this area is “Eluyu Cherkechekh”, or “Valley of Death”. It is now clear to us that the Tunguska body was blown up by aliens to maintain the immobility of the libration point of our planet, so that the Earth would remain in place and not roll towards Gloria. Previously, only local hunters knew about the existence of an extraterrestrial unit in the “Valley of Death”, making up legends about metal monsters lying deep underground, in the permafrost, so that only small metal hemispheres remained on the surface.
    The Yakuts, although they did not know the fateful role of these “cauldrons” for civilization, but, don’t be fools, avoided this remote area. Here are lines from a letter from a man who visited the “Valley of Death”: “I visited there three times. I saw seven such “boilers”. They all seem completely mysterious to me: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter. They are made of an unknown metal. It cannot be broken off or even scratched. The vegetation around the “cauldrons” is anomalous - not at all similar to what grows around. She is more magnificent, one and a half to two times taller than human height. In one such place we spent the night in a group of six people. We didn't feel anything bad. No one was seriously ill afterwards. Except that one of my friends lost all his hair completely after three months. And on the left side of my head (I slept on it) three small sores appeared, each the size of a match head. I have been treating them all my life, but to this day they have not gone away.”
    In our world, there are three such installations - one of them is located underwater near the island of Crete (not working), the second is also underwater - between America and Easter Island (in full combat readiness). So, in a sense, we are lucky, our third and final installation not only works, but is also within reach.
    The Vilyui complex does not work to destroy all cosmic bodies entering the Earth’s atmosphere, but only if the fall of foreign bodies flying to us from space threatens a widespread environmental disaster. This is both the effect of nuclear winter and changes in the trajectory of the planet. Even when the body can cause powerful earthquakes, floods associated with changes in the shape of the geoid, this is a threat to Gloria. If there is a suspicion that the falling body wants to re-infect everyone here with unknown bacteria or is aiming straight at the installation, you can be sure that in this case it will shy away - it won’t seem like much. That is why, when the Tunguska meteorite flew close enough, energy “balls” controlled by a force field fell one after another from the belly of the foreign monster. And that is why researchers of several generations cannot find the remains of the Tungussa. They simply don't exist. They were turned into dust, which was found in the form of magnetite and silicate balls scattered throughout the taiga.
    Do they want to be friends with us?
    Among other things, Uvarov notes that “energy installations have a so-called “energy source,” which is a system of energy information support for the activities of aliens. From these sources they draw any information both about us and about the Universe in which we all live. It is with this that the frequent appearance of UFOs on Earth is connected and as one of the confirmations of their presence - “crop circles”.
    Valery Uvarov also believes that the protective complex in the “Valley of Death” operates automatically. Most likely, the monitoring part of the installation is located on Mars, this makes it possible to monitor cosmic bodies at distant approaches to the Earth. They monitor not only natural objects, but also spaceships and satellites sent from Earth to Mars. Also, according to Uvarov, earthlings are still unwelcome guests in space. And you shouldn’t be surprised when satellites sent by people to roam endless spaces deviate from their intended orbit. This is not only a manifestation of the higher intelligence that aliens are endowed with, but also the only possible evidence of reluctance to make close acquaintances in outer space.
    Then the disappearance of Phobos-1, a satellite launched in 1988, which could capture the planet behind the Sun, becomes understandable. The fate of Phobos-2, which witnessed activity on Mars, is similar. Is it true. “F-2” still managed to get pictures of the approaching object, after which it deviated from the specified trajectory. Another proof that there is life on Gloria can be comets that fly behind the Sun, but do not appear back, as if Gloritian spaceships are returning to base.
    But the strangest event in recent memory is the 1956 comet Roland-Arend. This is the first comet whose radiation was received by radio astronomers. When comet Roland-Arend appeared from behind the Sun, a transmitter in its tail, at a wave of about 30 meters, began to work in an unimaginable way - strange, but true. Then he switched to a wave of half a meter, separated from the comet and moved back behind the Sun. It is still not clear what kind of transmitter it was and who flew with it beyond the Sun. The comets (maybe they weren’t comets at all, but UFOs), which flew around all the planets known to us as if on an inspection, did not go unnoticed by earthly astronomers. Earthly technologies do not yet allow us to accomplish anything that would even remotely resemble the flight of these “comets.”
    And now that we have learned the truth about almost everything, circumstances are clearly playing into our hands. In the next 13 years, the stars will align so that Gloria will appear from behind the Sun. We will finally be able to recognize the benefactors who have been “blowing away specks of dust” from our Earth for a long time, whether they want it or not. But will the long-awaited contact take place? Now the future of the planet is in the hands of every person, everyone must prove themselves as Homo sapiens. While there are still a few years left, we need to be well prepared for this meeting. After all, it depends on how long earthlings will remain on the outskirts of space. A few years, so as not to be disgraced by ignorance in the face of friends and intellectual brothers, is not so much.

    Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind.

    Earth's twin - planet Gloria

    At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

    Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of the Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days.

    Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever wondered: “Is there a large area that the Sun blocks from our view?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 times the diameter of the Earth.

    Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause.

    Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova.
    Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates. Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...

    More and more often we (ordinary people) are faced with the theory about the planet Gloria (Anti-Earth); some call it Nibiru.

    This is my first time writing an article (don’t scold me too much)

    What kind of planet is this, who lives on it, and is their civilization older than ours?

    The theory about the anti-earth (Gloria) was created by Pavlovich Kiril Butusov. Since ancient times, gods have descended from heaven to people, most likely they were aliens on their ships (if you fly by helicopter to primitive South American tribes, you will also be called a god), from where they could have flown, most likely more than one alien civilization is watching us and they probably they could have flown from that same Gloria (anti-earth). This planet is located at the libration point of the earth (Langrange point).

    In total, any planet has 3 Langrange points:

    Experienced astronomers know that there is another satellite orbiting around our planet. We don’t notice it because it consists of meteorite debris and dust - these elements are grouped at the Langrange point (libration point), and are actually a single body (probably it is reflected in the UFO picture).

    So this very anti-earth is located directly behind the sun and therefore it is not visible from the earth, although the Langrange point is not entirely stable, the planet can emerge from it (rare cases) so, in 1666 and 1672, the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini observed close Venus has a crescent-shaped body and assumed that this was its satellite (now we know that Venus does not have any satellites). In subsequent years, many other astronomers (Short, Montel, Lagrange) saw something similar. Then the mysterious object disappeared somewhere. By studying the dates of observations and their chronological order, we can make a forecast when Gloria can be seen next time, this is 2012 (this is just a forecast).

    The existence of Gloria is also evidenced by anomalies in the movement of Mars and Venus (Neptune was discovered due to anomalies of Uranus), however, if you put an anti-earth, then all the anomalies of Mars and Venus disappear (this is how you can calculate the mass of the anti-earth).

    Another interesting fact:

    This is a fragment of the “Book of the Earth”, part A, scene 7. So: a male figure (possibly the Egyptian sun god Amon-ra) symbolizes the Sun, and two balls to the right and left of it are the Earth and Gloria (Anti-Earth). This drawing is further evidence of Gloria's existence.

    Exposure of "Revelations":

    1. If this planet existed, it would have long ago emerged from behind the sun and appeared to us:

    As I already said, Gloria is located at the Libration point (Langrange point) and therefore she can calmly rotate at this point, but in some periods she comes out from behind the sun, but then returns to her place (all 3 libration points have this property).

    2. Satellites flying far from our planet would have discovered this Gloria long ago, but it has not yet been discovered:

    The satellites have a certain field of view and they have no time to turn around at the Sun, but even if they turn around and take a picture of it, they will not see anything, since their camera has a certain resolution.

    And no one has ever set the task of searching for the Anti-Earth.

    Although science knows of one case when a Cassini satellite (not a person) exploring Saturn turned towards the Sun, they say that Gloria was discovered, however, this case has not been proven, which means the information may turn out to be unreliable (about the Cassini satellite).

    3. If this planet existed, the calculation of orbits would be incorrect:

    Any (professional) astrophysicist will tell you that a body the size of the earth could only influence 2 planets between this one. And the influence would not be so strong that the planets would fly out of their orbits, but Gloria just influences Mars and Venus.

    According to the theory of astrophysicist and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kirill Butusov, there is another earth in the Earth’s orbit third from the sun; it was given the name “Gloria” (or antipode planet), which is located at the opposite point of the Earth’s orbit. Rotating at the same speed and trajectory as the earth, we cannot see it because... it is hidden from us by the solar disk. And the size of this mystery planet is more than 2 times our “living planet”. According to the professor, there are many indisputable scientific facts in favor of this theory.

    From the point of view of astronomy, there is a special point behind the Sun, at which the planet can easily be knocked off its trajectory by any cosmic gravitational influence, for this reason we can still sometimes observe this planet.

    A little history. In 1672 and 1686 the director of the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, was able to see it twice: but then it seemed to him that it was a satellite of Venus. James Short, an English astronomer, observed it in 1740, and in the same century in 1759. German Andreas Mayer. And due to powerful solar disturbances of the 17th and 18th centuries, they led to the fact that, in 1761. In France and Denmark, astronomers observed the planet, which was mysterious to them at that time, for several days. The last time Gloria appeared was in August 1892. according to the American Edward Barnard, its size was approximately three times smaller than Venus.

    After a while, no one remembered about this planet, until today. And now a new interest has awakened, but what is the reason for this? And because one of the ufologists stated that if this planet exists, then intelligent life must be present there, since the same conditions and laws of physics apply on it as on our Earth. And it would also become an ideal base for - UFOs. It is convenient for spaceships launching from this planet to moor to Earth. In this case, there is no need to move from orbit to orbit; it is enough to just slightly speed up or, conversely, slow down the flight of the spacecraft.
    But why, with our modern technology, can’t we all see it whenever we want? The thing is that our spacecraft cannot perform a similar function - to look around (since they are aimed only at completing given objects), and even moreover, the distance from Earth to Gloria is 300,595,000 km. To see Gloria, you need to move to a certain distance from the earth, the so-called near-Martian orbit, which modern technology simply cannot reach.

    With all of the above, I want to state that serious astronomers also admit the possibility of the existence of Gloria. They explain it this way - not everyone knows that there are actually at least two moons above the Earth, we do not see the second one, due to the fact that it consists of tiny meteorite debris and dust, grouped at the so-called libration point. According to the laws of celestial mechanics, near the Earth system, there is a certain point near the Moon - a trap into which the gravitational field can drive its prey. Like the lunar points, the systems Sun - Earth, Sun - Mars, Sun - Venus, etc. have the same points. It turns out that dust twins (of planets) are not so rare in the Solar System. But there is no hope that there is life, intelligent life, on such doubles. Because living in a cloud of dust is not very comfortable.

    But it is possible that we will get the answer thanks to future missions to interplanetary reconnaissance probes.