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Greenberg's magical academy holy man read online. Grinberga Oksana - Saint

Magic Academy

Grinberga Oksana

© Oksana Grinberga, 2017

© Alexander Solovyov, cover design, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-7343-5

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Master Charrez, to my great regret, turned out to be hopelessly elusive. Since the morning I have been rushing around Holberg. I looked for him all over the city - I visited the Magicians' workshop, from where I was sent to the Town Hall, where Charrez sat on the Council of Magic Control. I didn’t find the master there either, but they complained to me about his constant absence and vindictively advised me to look for him at his mistress. I didn’t dare go to the Holberg Flower; instead, I went to the largest educational institution in the Southern Province. I walked along the empty evening corridors of the Academy, preparing to receive new adepts, from whom the Dark Magician would teach Defense and Curses.

He wasn't there either!

Now I waited for an hour near the gloomy two-story house, looking at the pride of the city - the large clock on the Town Hall tower, still visible in the darkening sky above the brown roofs of the houses. It was quickly getting dark, as if dark enemies had attacked the blue sky above Holber, shattering the daylight on its head. A cold wind blew in from the foothills, forcing me to wrap my cloak tighter around me. The new impulse made my teeth chatter.

How cold June turned out to be!

The wind brought not only the breath of the glaciers of the Mervyan Mountains, but also the smell of a big city, which was unusual for me. Even though the Magi quarter was not the poorest or even the dirtiest in Holberg - impressive, stone, two or even three-story houses, cobblestone streets - it could also “boast” of the aromas of sewers, the kingdom of goldsmiths, called here “Night Kings” ", the stench of rotten fish from a small shopping area nearby. And also the pungent smell of burning resin from Remy’s torch, who was patiently waiting nearby.

Perhaps I could light a magic firefly, but... I glanced at the concentrated face of the boy, clutching a torch with a serious look. I'll make do! In addition, Remy turned out to be a storehouse of knowledge and tried in every possible way to please. For a small fee, he took me around the city and at the same time talked about Holberg. Without the boy, I would have been lost and, undoubtedly, would have gotten into trouble, which awaited the unlucky traveler around every corner of the poor neighborhoods.

Battle magicians, witches and soothsayers also lived in this area. Nice neighborhood, calm! Not long ago the city guard came by and checked the documents. Behind her was a magical patrol that was not interested in me, because I stood quietly and peacefully next to a spreading dogwood bush. When they disappeared from sight, she turned her nose. The local air, habitually saturated with magical currents, rang like the tense strings of a harp, emitting sounds inaudible to the ear, but perceptible to the heart. It seems that someone nearby cast a spell...

“You shouldn’t have listened, madam,” Remy’s voice knocked me out of my thoughts. Or rather, I was trying to figure out where the echo of magic came from, but then the boy touched my hand, attracting my attention. He shook his head, letting a shock of blond, unwashed hair fall onto his thin, mischievous face. How old is he? Eight or nine, no more. – I told you that we should have been on guard near the Holberg Flower!

Wait for the master at the boarding house where expensive courtesans lived - “No, not walking girls,” Remy explained importantly, “but courtesans!” – diligently pronouncing this word – I didn’t. Somehow it didn’t work out... So I decided to watch the master at his house.

“He really likes Munch,” the boy continued. “It’s true, she’s so thin, skin and bones... Well, just like you, madam!”

“Call me Laine,” Remi asked once again. -What kind of mistress am I to you?

- Little black one, she doesn’t look like you at all! – he stared at my disheveled blonde braid. - From our simple ones. A circus performer performed in the market squares until the mayor’s son noticed her. I settled in “Flower”. I dragged myself to her for a long time, more than a year. Then she left him. Traded it for a mage...

“Remy, spare me the details,” she winced in response. “The master is free to have fun as he pleases.”

I had nothing to do with this. The only thing I wanted was to give him a letter from the magician Sivissa. From hand to hand. But that was my problem! The master's hands, as well as his head and other parts of his body, all did not come across my path.

– Why don’t you just leave a letter? – the boy did not let up.

I sighed in response. Behind the front door of the master's house stood an old copper tray, littered with scrolls darkened by time. The servant, a long-nosed, arrogant fellow, said with a nasty grin that Lord Charrez did not accept. After which he offered to give him the message. “I’ll tell you,” he said, looking me up and down. Judging by his facial expression, he was not impressed by what he saw. As did me, by the way. In the corner of a copper vat, a hard-working spider hung impressive nets around the edges of old correspondence. I have no doubt that a similar hopeless fate awaited the mentor’s letter!

“No, Remy,” she said to the torchbearer, “I’d better wait a little.”

With a habitual gesture, she pressed the book to her chest. The feeling of its heaviness was reassuring. In addition, I felt how the soft old leather of the binding warmed my body not only through the cloak, but also through the dress, which turned out to be too thin for the cold evening.

“It’s your business, Mrs. Laine,” the boy responded. – You won’t drive me away, right? I can stand all night! I am strong and I won’t sleep! – he shook a torch in front of my face. “My sister won’t look, she has no time for me,” he continued in an ingratiating tone. – The second torch is half price...

“Of course,” she smiled at him. He was desperate for money. And also - in love and care. - Want? - I took out a flatbread with goat cheese wrapped in a rag from a canvas bag.

Having broken it, she treated it to the boy. I bought the delicacy on the way out of Teoki, a small town two days’ drive from Holberg, the capital of the Southern Province of Kemir.

“The master could have returned through portals,” Remy said, choking on a flatbread, dropping crumbs on his dirty tunic, belted with frayed rope, almost squinting with happiness.

- And exactly! – I exclaimed. - Portal!

I recently felt magic. Complex weaving, no less than level seven...

“Mistress Laine,” Remy muttered with his mouth full. – Mrs. Laine... Do you think the master has returned home?

I didn’t know this, but I decided to check. She crossed the rough cobblestone street. Picking up the hem of a light gray dress with embroidery along the hem, she went up to the porch. I stared at the sign. “Master of Dark Forces Ilsar Sharrez, Holberg Magic Academy,” it read. Below could be seen an oblique inscription, scorched by the magic of the Dark Ones. "Do not accept!". Further, if I correctly translated from the sacred language of the Ancients, the wish to go to hell.

I... I studied this language, but the week-long journey from Wolf Valley to the capital of the Southern Province knocked some of the knowledge out of my memory. The matter was completed by the sights, smells, noises of the big city, which attacked me, who grew up in the silence of Wolf Valley, unaccustomed to the turmoil. We won, leaving behind a ringing silence in our heads.

But the first impressions subsided, and I was already coming to my senses. She took hold of the silver hammer, charmed against theft, feeling her palms tingling from the dark magic. A complex weave and a curse of at least the third degree... I could unravel it, disassemble it into components, neutralize the keys, but I’m not here to steal the master’s silver hammer!

“Just go in and give the letter to Laina!” – she said to herself, and then knocked on the door.

– Again?! – the servant drawled displeasedly and stared down at me. - What a clingy girl! Like a street vendor on a fair day.

Uncle Niklas taught me to answer any difficulties in life with a smile, but... Sometimes I was tormented by doubts. Like now, for example. Did his words refer to the nasty grin on the servant's face?

- I'm going to see Master Charrez.

- I’m telling you, he’s not here!

Here, from the top floor, to which a massive staircase led, blocked by the equally massive torso of a servant, flirtatious female laughter was heard.

- Ilsar, you’re right...

- He doesn’t accept it! - the servant barked. - And he won’t accept it! And if you keep hanging around here, I’ll call the magic patrol. Although no! I’ll show you out the door myself, but before that I’ll give you a good spanking.

I looked at him doubtfully. You could end up with no hands for this!

“But... I came from Wolf Valley,” she began pleadingly. - A week on the road... Before her death, the mentor took an oath that I would give the master a letter... It was on these dates. From hand to hand. He was once her student...

Saint. Magic Academy Oksana Grinberga

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Title: Saint. Magic Academy
Author: Oksana Grinberga
Year: 2017
Genre: Adventure: other, Russian fantasy, Contemporary romance novels

About the book “Saint. Magic Academy" Oksana Grinberga

Oksana Grinberga is a modern writer, a native of Latvia. Works primarily in the genre of romantic fantasy. Her famous book called “Saint. Magic Academy" immediately after its publication won the hearts of the readership, so the author soon wrote a continuation of this fascinating fantastic story.

Before us is a truly extraordinary story, full of magic and unforgettable adventures, of a young girl who, by the will of fate, had to enter the Magic Academy. As a result of one single incident, unremarkable at first glance, she found herself in a whirlpool of the most amazing and dangerous events imaginable. We will read about how the fate of the young girl turned out, how she resisted the adversity that befell her, and how she fought for her right to happiness.

In her book, Oksana Grinberga introduces us to the main character, who has undertaken to complete one very important task. She needed to deliver three letters to their destination in order to thus fulfill her promise to the people who raised and cared for her. However, this turned out to be not as easy as one might have expected. For in order to gain access to the first recipient, the girl had to enter the so-called Magic Academy of Holberg, an unsightly, overly noisy town located on the very outskirts of the Southern Lands. But this was only the beginning of a series of misadventures prepared by treacherous fate for the poor girl. After all, because of the second ill-fated addressee, the poor thing almost lost her life. And now she's scared to even think about what will happen when she finally gets to the third recipient.

Oksana Grinberga in the book “Saint. Magic Academy" depicts an incredible fantasy world, worked out to the smallest detail, which simply cannot leave you indifferent. It is inhabited by a wide variety of creatures, and mysterious and amazing things happen in it. Our heroine will have to go through many trials in order to save her life and fulfill the assignment entrusted to her. To do this, she will have to show all the courage, all the determination and endurance of which she is capable. After all, evil does not sleep, and dangers await her at every corner, trying to prevent her from implementing her plan. Will she be able to complete her difficult mission? We present to you an exciting fantasy story, which will be interesting to read not only for fans of the genre, but also for all admirers of high-quality modern prose.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Saint. Magic Academy" by Oksana Grinberg in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Saint. Path of the Heart
Her path lies from the capital of the Southern Province to the heart of Kemir; through the icy passes of the North to the wooded slopes of the West... Behind her are powerful enemies, next to her are true friends. She goes her own way, not forgetting who she is by birthright. After all, she is Lainizza Kromund, princess of Kemira, and this is the path of her heart.

Chapter 1 I knew he would come today. I kept his letter in my apron pocket. Sometimes she touched the soft edges of the parchment, touched the sheet with her fingertips, covered in military-style, clear, abrupt handwriting. The message radiated warmth, which, like an invisible bridge, connected me with my past life. It seemed like it was so long ago - both the storming of the city and this very St. Holberg Hospital, where she had once been a patient. Etar... His words, his kisses. Everything was different then, but now?!
I froze at the large window in the office of the magician Llyvida, located on the second floor of the hospital’s administrative building. She looked at the cobblestone courtyard, on which the midday sun played with golden reflections, feeling how despair threatened to spill out into hysterical sobs. But no one should see my tears, because... It turned out that since yesterday morning I had been in charge of St. Holberg's Hospital. And these are four overcrowded buildings, a laboratory, a pharmacy, a kitchen, a laundress and other utility rooms. And dozens more... Yesterday there were dozens, and today there are already hundreds of sick people.
Red Death…
The number of people infected increased every hour, growing exponentially. I looked in horror at the carts with new patients entering the yard. Much, too much!
No one was in a hurry to replace me. More experienced, skillful. Authoritative, like the magician Risanir, who had been rushing around in a fever for the third day. Yesterday morning she came to her senses briefly. She asked about the sorceress Llwyda, the head of the West Wing, then about Corasan, who headed the East Wing. I shook my head, biting my lips. All of the healers who did not have the blood of dragons in their veins fell ill. Then the sorceress Sivissa took me by the hand and told me about the appointment. When I unclenched my fingers, the sign of the Order of Healers appeared on my wrist - the Spiral of Knowledge in the Circle of Unity. Just next to the bristling maw of the King's Dogs, an elite regiment of archers.
The terrible disease was brought to Holberg by Kemir's army. The first patients were from the two hundred and twentieth and sixteenth regiments. “My war is over, Laine,” wrote yesterday Etar Haas, the governor-general who defended the city, so that later, with his brother, Rogan Haas, he could drive the barbarian queen Mazgul into the Endless Steppe. Etar returned victorious, and I... My war was just beginning. The enemy was strong, he mocked me, grinned at me with blisters, snapped at me with fever, bloody vomiting and feverish delirium. Magic against the Red Death was powerless. The disease was transmitted by breathing and was carried throughout the city by the hot wind along with the August dust. All we could do was give sick people medicinal decoctions that relieved fever and pain, wipe their bodies suffering from fever, and infuse them with magic powers to support life and give them the opportunity to fight. But I knew – three or four days from the moment the first symptoms appeared, and that’s it. All!
The disease avoided only those in whose veins dragon blood flowed. Immunity is a new word that I learned in Holberg. Anyone who did not possess it was in mortal danger. The only effective remedy is to escape from the infected place as quickly and as far as possible. And also - pray to your Gods, asking for protection. Panic reigned in the city. From the very beginning there were huge queues at the gate. The guards checked those leaving, looked for symptoms, trying to prevent the disease from escaping the walls of Holberg. Mages and civilian patrols wearing special masks went around the houses, marking those touched by the Red Death, sending those who fell ill to the hospital.
...Where we could do almost nothing to help them.
When it became clear what they were facing, the magician Risanir kicked everyone out of the hospital who did not have dragons in their family. She tried to send me out too, but I didn’t leave. I knew I wouldn’t get sick. Because of Arishsha. Some also... didn’t leave. Today there are only fifteen doctors left in two buildings - dragon blood in Holberg turned out to be very rare. There are also several laundresses, three cooks and auxiliary workers. And the patients continued to arrive. Continuously.
Yesterday, right in the middle of hell, they brought me a message. “I came back for you,” Etara wrote. He found the house where she lived, but he didn’t find me. I sent a letter to the hospital, but I could not answer. There was no time. And even now... Why am I standing there, hypnotizing the window when they are waiting for me?! I suspect everywhere...
Knock. Persistent knocking.
- Laine, are you here?! - a ringing girlish voice, and the door swung open before she had time to answer.
I turned to the newcomer. Too sharply, which is why she almost fell to the floor. Although... More likely, I would have kissed myself on the corner of a dark brown table covered with blue cloth. On it are scrolls on Light magic, which the sorceress Llywida read, then I re-read, but I still couldn’t figure out how to cope with the infection.

Duology "Saint"

Oksana Grinberga

Cover designer Alexander Soloviev

© Oksana Grinberga, 2017

© Alexander Solovyov, cover design, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-6691-2

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Saint. Magic Academy

Master Charrez, to my great regret, turned out to be hopelessly elusive. Since the morning I have been rushing around Holberg. I looked for him all over the city - I visited the Magicians' workshop, from where I was sent to the Town Hall, where Charrez sat on the Council of Magic Control. I didn’t find the master there either, but they complained to me about his constant absence and vindictively advised me to look for him at his mistress. I didn’t dare go to the Holberg Flower; instead, I went to the largest educational institution in the Southern Province. I walked along the empty evening corridors of the Academy, preparing to receive new adepts, from whom the Dark Magician will teach Defense and Curses.

He wasn't there either!

Now I waited for an hour near the gloomy two-story house, looking at the pride of the city - the large clock on the Town Hall tower, still visible in the darkening sky above the brown roofs of the houses. It was quickly getting dark, as if dark enemies had attacked the blue sky above Holber, shattering the daylight on its head. A cold wind blew in from the foothills, forcing me to wrap my cloak tighter around me. The new impulse made my teeth chatter.

How cold June turned out to be!

The wind brought not only the breath of the glaciers of the Mervyan Mountains, but also the smell of a big city, which was unusual for me. Even though the Magi quarter was not the poorest or even the dirtiest in Holberg - impressive, stone, two or even three-story houses, cobblestone streets - it could also “boast” of the aromas of sewers, the kingdom of goldsmiths, called here “Night Kings” ", the stench of rotten fish from a small shopping area nearby. And also the pungent smell of burning resin from Remy’s torch, who was patiently waiting nearby.

Perhaps I could light a magic firefly, but... I glanced at the concentrated face of the boy, clutching a torch with a serious look. I'll make do! In addition, Remy turned out to be a storehouse of knowledge and tried in every possible way to please. For a small fee, he took me around the city and at the same time talked about Holberg. Without the boy, I would have been lost and, undoubtedly, would have gotten into trouble, which awaited the unlucky traveler around every corner of the poor neighborhoods.

Battle magicians, witches and soothsayers also lived in this area. Nice neighborhood, calm! Not long ago the city guard came by and checked the documents. Behind her was a magical patrol that was not interested in me, because I stood quietly and peacefully next to a spreading dogwood bush. When they disappeared from sight, she turned her nose. The local air, habitually saturated with magical currents, rang like the tense strings of a harp, emitting sounds inaudible to the ear, but perceptible to the heart. It seems that someone nearby cast a spell...

“You shouldn’t have listened, madam,” Remy’s voice knocked me out of my thoughts. Or rather, I was trying to figure out where the echo of magic came from, but then the boy touched my hand, attracting my attention. He shook his head, letting a shock of blond, unwashed hair fall onto his thin, mischievous face. How old is he? Eight or nine, no more. – I told you that we should have been on guard near the Holberg Flower!

Wait for the master at the boarding house where expensive courtesans lived - “No, not walking girls,” Remy explained importantly, “but courtesans!” – diligently pronouncing this word – I didn’t. Somehow it didn’t work out... So I decided to watch the master at his house.

“He really likes Munch,” the boy continued. “It’s true, she’s so thin, skin and bones... Well, just like you, madam!”

“Call me Laine,” Remi asked once again. -What kind of mistress am I to you?

- Little black one, she doesn’t look like you at all! – he stared at my disheveled blonde braid. - From our simple ones. A circus performer performed in the market squares until the mayor’s son noticed her. I settled in “Flower”. I dragged myself to her for a long time, more than a year. Then she left him. Traded it for a mage...

“Remy, spare me the details,” she winced in response. “The master is free to have fun as he pleases.”

I had nothing to do with this. The only thing I wanted was to give him a letter from the magician Sivissa. From hand to hand. But that was my problem! The master's hands, as well as his head and other parts of his body, all did not come across my path.

– Why don’t you just leave a letter? – the boy did not let up.

I sighed in response. Behind the front door of the master's house stood an old copper tray, littered with scrolls darkened by time. The servant, a long-nosed, arrogant fellow, said with a nasty grin that Lord Charrez did not accept. After which he offered to give him the message. “I’ll tell you,” he said, looking me up and down. Judging by his facial expression, he was not impressed by what he saw. As did me, by the way. In the corner of a copper vat, a hard-working spider hung impressive nets around the edges of old correspondence. I have no doubt that a similar hopeless fate awaited the mentor’s letter!

“No, Remy,” she said to the torchbearer, “I’d better wait a little.”

With a habitual gesture, she pressed the book to her chest. The feeling of its heaviness was reassuring. In addition, I felt how the soft old leather of the binding warmed my body not only through the cloak, but also through the dress, which turned out to be too thin for the cold evening.

“It’s your business, Mrs. Laine,” the boy responded. – You won’t drive me away, right? I can stand all night! I am strong and I won’t sleep! – he shook a torch in front of my face. “My sister won’t look, she has no time for me,” he continued in an ingratiating tone. – The second torch is half price...

“Of course,” she smiled at him. He was desperate for money. And also - in love and care. - Want? - I took out a flatbread with goat cheese wrapped in a rag from a canvas bag.

Having broken it, she treated it to the boy. I bought the delicacy on the way out of Teoki, a small town two days’ drive from Holberg, the capital of the Southern Province of Kemir.

“The master could have returned through portals,” Remy said, choking on a flatbread, dropping crumbs on his dirty tunic, belted with frayed rope, almost squinting with happiness.

- And exactly! – I exclaimed. - Portal!

I recently felt magic. Complex weaving, no less than level seven...

“Mistress Laine,” Remy muttered with his mouth full. – Mrs. Laine... Do you think the master has returned home?

I didn’t know this, but I decided to check. She crossed the rough cobblestone street. Picking up the hem of a light gray dress with embroidery along the hem, she went up to the porch. I stared at the sign. “Master of Dark Forces Ilsar Sharrez, Holberg Magic Academy,” it read. Below could be seen an oblique inscription, scorched by the magic of the Dark Ones. "Do not accept!". Further, if I correctly translated from the sacred language of the Ancients, the wish to go to hell.

I... I studied this language, but the week-long journey from Wolf Valley to the capital of the Southern Province knocked some of the knowledge out of my memory. The matter was completed by the sights, smells, noises of the big city, which attacked me, who grew up in the silence of Wolf Valley, unaccustomed to the turmoil. We won, leaving behind a ringing silence in our heads.

But the first impressions subsided, and I was already coming to my senses. She took hold of the silver hammer, charmed against theft, feeling her palms tingling from the dark magic. A complex weave and a curse of at least the third degree... I could unravel it, disassemble it into components, neutralize the keys, but I’m not here to steal the master’s silver hammer!

“Just go in and give the letter to Laina!” – she said to herself, and then knocked on the door.

– Again?! – the servant drawled displeasedly and stared down at me. - What a clingy girl! Like a street vendor on a fair day.

Uncle Niklas taught me to answer any difficulties in life with a smile, but... Sometimes I was tormented by doubts. Like now, for example. Did his words refer to the nasty grin on the servant's face?

- I'm going to see Master Charrez.

- I’m telling you, he’s not here!

Here, from the top floor, to which a massive staircase led, blocked by the equally massive torso of a servant, flirtatious female laughter was heard.

- Ilsar, you’re right...

- He doesn’t accept it! - the servant barked. - And he won’t accept it! And if you keep hanging around here, I’ll call the magic patrol. Although no! I’ll show you out the door myself, but before that I’ll give you a good spanking.

I looked at him doubtfully. You could end up with no hands for this!