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Provincial and zemstvo elders were appointed. Cheat sheet: Lip prefect

Lip Warden- position in the Moscow state. Introduced instead of the Virniks, who collected the Virus.

Name labial according to Tatishchev it comes from the word ruin , destruction. According to N.M. Karamzin, the word lip in ancient German law it meant an estate, and in Russian it meant a volost or department.

Provincial elders appeared in the first half of the 16th century for the trial of robbery cases, thus diverting a significant part of criminal cases from the court of feeders; additional articles to the Code of Laws of Tsar Ivan the Terrible add Tatin's cases, and according to the Code, the Guba elders are also in charge of murderous cases. Thus, almost all criminal jurisdiction is gradually concentrated in the hands of the Guba elders. But along with the expansion of their competence, they also transform into orderly people.

As before, they are chosen exclusively from literate nobles and children of boyars (mostly retired) by all people of the district, as before the main objective their activities are the fight against the “dashing” element in the region; but their very elections and the organization of the entire provincial administration at the expense of zemstvo funds and under zemstvo responsibility gradually becomes not a privilege, but a duty of the population; The government increasingly sees in the provincial elders the executors of a wide variety of assignments in the interests of the state, often considering them as ordered people.

The Code of Tsar Alexei, speaking about the competence of governors, adds to them the Guba elders, since the latter, by law, replace the governors where for some reason there are none at all or they are temporarily absent from the city.

That the government stopped looking at the Gubernaya Administration as the right of the zemstvo people is evident from the fact that it often entrusted Gubalny affairs to another authority, for example, to a voivode or a special detective sent from Moscow, and the Gubalnaya elder was sometimes forced to take on a matter that did not belong to him at all measurement and allocation of land for ownership (a similar example is found in the unpublished columns of the Local Order for Vologda).

De jure, provincial elders were a ubiquitous institution; but in practice they were not available everywhere, despite the decree of 1627. In 1669, the Guba elders were destroyed, and their case was transferred to detectives; in 1679, the Guba case was entrusted to the governor. In 1684, the Guba elders were restored and existed until 1702.

Elected to the Lip Prefects “a living person with a straight soul and stomach”, certainly literate (cases of the government appointing a Gubny headman are rare), appeared in Moscow at the Robbery Prikaz, took the oath there and received the Gubny order.

The number of provincial elders in the province and the term of office were not strictly defined by law, just as their relationship to the governors and detectives was not strictly defined. Both he himself and the voters were responsible for the proper performance of the service by the headman (“with the bellies” the Lip Headman was responsible twice as hard as compared to the Lip Kissers). The provincial elders were subject to the robbery order.


1. N. M. Karamzin History of Russian Goverment. Volume 9, chapter 7.

Head of the local government system in the Moscow State since mid. XVI century until 1702. Elected by all classes of the population, but always from nobles or children of boyars.

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Labial, Labial— (labial) - 1. Related to the lip or lips. 2. This term is applied to the surface of the teeth adjacent to the lips.
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Vurpa Labial Symptom— (C. Vurpas, French doctor)
see Wurpa reflex.
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Labial groove- (philtrum, PNA; synonym philtrum)
a vertical depression on the surface of the face located in the midline from the base of the nasal septum to the edge of the upper lip.
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Lip Warden - elected zemstvo power in its origin, which accepted from the middle of the 16th century. more and more orderly in nature. City elders appear in the first half of the 16th century. for the court of robbery, thus diverting a significant part of criminal cases from the court of feeders; additional articles to the Code of Laws of Tsar Ivan the Terrible add Tatin's cases, and according to the Code of G., the elders are also in charge of murderous cases. Thus, almost all criminal jurisdiction is gradually concentrated in the hands of G. elders. But along with the expansion of their competence, they also transform into orderly people. As before, they are selected exclusively from literate nobles and children of boyars (mostly retired) by all people of the district, as before, the main goal of their activity is the fight against the “dashing” element in the region; but their very elections and the organization of the entire city administration using zemstvo funds and zemstvo responsibility gradually becomes not a privilege, but a duty of the population; The government more and more sees in the elders the executors of a wide variety of assignments in the interests of the state, often considering them as commanding people. The Code of Tsar Alexei, speaking about the competence of governors, adds to them also G. elders, since the latter, by law, replace the governors where for some reason there are none at all or they are temporarily absent from the city. That the government stopped looking at G. management as the right of the zemstvo people is evident from the fact that it often entrusted G. affairs to another authority, for example, to a governor or a special detective sent from Moscow, and G. the headman was sometimes forced to take on completely the matter of measuring and allocating land into possession that does not belong to him (a similar example is found in the unpublished columns of the Local Order for Vologda). De jure G. elders were a universal institution; but in practice they were not available everywhere, despite the decree of 1627. In 1669, the city elders were destroyed, and their case was transferred to detectives; in 1679 G. the matter was entrusted to the governor; in 1684, the city elders were restored and existed until 1702. Elected to the city elders, a “subsistence man with a direct soul and stomach”, certainly literate (cases of the appointment of a city elder by the government are rare), appeared in Moscow at the Robbery Prikaz, was brought there took the oath and received G.'s order. The number of G. elders in the province and the term of office were not strictly defined by law, just as their relationship to the governors and detectives was not strictly defined. Both he himself and the voters (“with the bellies” of G.) were responsible for the correct performance of G.’s service as headman. the headman answered twice as hard as compared to G. tselovalniks). G. elders were subject to the robbery order. See B. N. Chigerina, “Regional institutions of Russia in the 17th century”; F. M. Dmitrieva, “History of the Courts”; A. D. Gradovsky, "History local government". Newest work about the G. Institute was published in the "Bulletin of Archeology and History", ed. archaeol. inst., vol. IX. For general literature, see the book by N.P. Zagoskin: “The Science of the History of Russian Law” (Kazan, 1891).

V. St.

Article about the word " Lip Warden" in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was read 1537 times

(head), elected head of the local administration in Ancient Rus', head of the provincial administration. Nobles or children of boyars, literate and with a certain material qualification, were chosen as provincial elders from local residents. All classes took part in the elections. Participation in elections was mandatory for voters, since they were responsible for the elected persons to the government. Therefore, during elections, unanimity was required, even if it was fictitious. The chosen one appeared in Moscow at the Robbery Prikaz to take the oath and receive the order, according to which and according to the labial letter he was to be judged. In one lip there were from one to four elders, depending on the size of the district and the number of robbers in it. They decided matters individually or collectively, depending on their importance. The service life of the elders was not determined either. They were replaced due to their abuses and inability to serve. The reason for the change was either complaints from residents, or a request from the headman himself. As for the competence of provincial elders, at first they were in charge only of robbery cases, but from 1541-55 they began to deal with thief cases as well. From the beginning of the 17th century. murder cases also came to them. According to the Code and the newly specified articles, they began to deal, in addition, with cases of arson, seduction from Orthodoxy and crimes against morality. Finally, in 1669, cases of witchcraft also came to them. The provincial authorities also had police duties. The economic part also lay on them.

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

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    Lip Warden Encyclopedia of Law

    This term has other meanings, see Headman. Labial elder is a position in the Moscow state. Introduced instead of the Virniks, who collected the Virus. The name labial, according to Tatishchev, comes from the word ruin, destruction. By... ... Wikipedia

    Elected zemstvo power in its origin, which took place from the middle of the 16th century. more and more orderly in nature. City elders appear in the first half of the 16th century. for the court of robbery, thus distracting the feeders from the court... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    LIP LEADER- in Russia, a representative of the zemstvo government acted on the basis of a labial letter, which was allowed by the G.S. prosecute and judge cases of red-handed theft, robbery and robbery. Activities of G.S. was strictly controlled from Moscow by the Robust Order.... ... Russian statehood in terms. 9th – early 20th century

    Lip Warden- in Russia from the 1st half of the 16th century. an elected zemstvo official who exercised judicial police functions. Number of G.s. in the province and the term of office was not strictly defined by law. Gradually in the hands of G.S. Almost all of it is concentrated... Large legal dictionary

    Lip Warden- head of the local government system in the Moscow State since mid. XVI century until 1702. Elected by all classes of the population, but always from nobles or children of boyars ... Brief dictionary historical and legal terms

    Headman, sub-headman are the names of various leadership positions in Slavic languages. Provincial elder, judge for robbery cases in the 16th century in the Moscow state. Zemstvo elder, representative of the princely administration in Ancient ... ... Wikipedia

    Position in the Moscow State. The name labial, according to Tatishchev, comes from the word ruin, destruction. According to N.M. Karamzin, the word lip in ancient German law meant an estate, and in Russian it meant a volost or department. Labial... ... Wikipedia

    Lip kisser position in the Moscow state. The name labial, according to Tatishchev, comes from the word ruin, destruction. According to N.M. Karamzin, the word lip in ancient German law meant an estate, and in ... ... Wikipedia

    ELDER, elders, husband. 1. An elected (or appointed) person to manage the affairs of some small group. Village headman (elected official who performed administrative police duties in a rural community; pre-rev.).… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Lip Warden

From the 16th century - until 1702.

An elected official who headed the judicial-administrative district (guba) on the territory of the county, as well as the body of class-elected self-government - the lip hut.

The position arose during the labial reform of 1538-1541. and was finally formalized by the zemstvo reform of 1551-1555.

The range of responsibilities and powers were determined by labial charters, after 1556 - by the Charter Book of the Robbery Order and a number of decrees. Probably, initially the Guba elders were subordinate to the city clerks, after 1556 - to the Robber Order; during the period of great investigations (beginning of the 17th century - 1627, 1669-1679, 1683-1684) also to local representatives of the central government - detectives.
The position arose as a zemstvo privilege to pursue and judge robbers in the territory of one’s district, but already from the middle. XVI century the state began to view it not as a privilege, but as component civil service. The capture and execution of robbers was entrusted to the communities as a duty (laborary service), and service in the Guba elders, despite its elective nature, acquired the features of state central power depending on the specific situation, for example, according to secular petitions, preference was given either to the provincial elder or to the voivode, temporarily abolishing this or that in this or that district. This tendency was also manifested in a strictly class-based approach to the selection of the Guba headman - they were elected by all classes of the district (service and tax), but necessarily either from the city nobles, or from (until 1649, as an exception, from the townsman elite). Elections were organized by representatives of the central administration - voivodes or city clerks; election lists, necessarily signed by all voters, were also provided to the voivode. With these lists, the newly elected provincial elder had to go to Moscow and personally introduce himself to the Rank Order, which finally approved the election, swore in the elected one and handed him the order.

The term for which the Guba Elder was elected was not regulated - he could be dismissed (due to old age or due to complaints from residents of his district) or replaced due to emergency circumstances (in 1627, for example, the government ordered new elections to Guba Elders to be held everywhere).

In 1702, the labial huts were abolished with the transfer of powers to the noble college under the governor; Probably at the same time the position of Lipny Head disappeared.

Article title: Lip Warden Topic category: Author(s) of the article: M.Yu. Zenchenko, Yu.M. Eskin Date of article writing: 2007-12-23 Articles used in writing this article: Cathedral Code of 1649. L., 1987; RGADA. Guide. M., 1997. T. 3, part I.; Chicherin B.N. Region institutions of Russia in the 17th century. M., 1856; Gradovsky A.D. History of local government in Russia. M., 1868. T. I; Golombievsky A.A., Ardashev N.N. Prikaznye, zemstvo, customs, labial, ship huts Moscow. states: Review of documents of the XV-XVII centuries. in cases of the 18th century transferred to Moscow. archive of the Ministry of Justice from institutions abolished in 1864. Notes Moscow. Archaeological Institute 1909. T. 4, issue. 1.; Syromyatnikov B.I. Essay on the history of court in ancient and new Russia(before the publication of the Code of Laws Judicial reform. M., 1915. T. I; Nosov N.E. Formation of class-representative institutions in Russia: Research on the zemstvo reform of Ivan the Terrible. 1969; Kolesnikova E.A. Institute of labial elders after the Time of Troubles (1610-1630) // Scientific works of MPGU, Series of Social Historical Sciences, Moscow, 1995.