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Measurements of temperature dependences of electrophysical parameters of semiconductors. Methods for measuring electrophysical parameters of single-crystal silicon (review)

2. Calculation of temperature dependences of electrophysical parameters of semiconductors

In order to calculate the necessary parameters, I entered the necessary values, such as:

Electron charge

Atomic rest mass

Donor level ionization energy

Electron masses along the main axes of the ellipsoids

Masses of holes along the main axes of the ellipsoids

Number of valleys in the conduction zone

Number of valleys in the valence band

Donor atom concentration

Boltzmann's constant

Bandgap width


Planck's constant

This was followed by the need to convert them to the SI system. Now that all the data is in front of us, we can begin with an approximate calculation of the dependence of electron concentration on temperature.

2.1 Approximate calculation of the dependence of electron concentration on temperature

To begin with, I found the average temperature and effective mass of electrons and holes, which are then necessary to calculate the effective density of states in the valence and conduction bands and

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