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How will it be vertically? What is horizontal and horizontal surface

Russia is one of the leaders in oil production volumes, but the same cannot be said about the efficiency of the process. On average, one Russian well produces half as much hydrocarbons over its life cycle as its European counterpart. The main reason is the low level of intellectualization of our deposits.

In our country, no more than 15% of the well stock has so far been digitized, while in Europe this figure is close to 90%. Today, not all Russian companies even have a single repository of geological and production information. According to Deloitte, the volume of the market for intensification of production and enhanced oil recovery in Russia exceeds $2.2 billion. Domestic IT companies that are developing “smart” field technologies are vying for part of this pie.

The use of technologies for “smart” drilling, “smart” wells and automated fields (digital oilfield) greatly increases the speed of drilling and production efficiency. A digital field system can include many functions: online monitoring of work progress, field development planning, production control, well depletion forecasting and digital modeling of the drilling process. In addition, the system must be connected to various applications for processing geological, geophysical and seismic data, which make it possible to construct a section of the field and simulate production in digital form.

“By equipping the equipment at the well with sensors and installing cameras for visual observation, you can remotely monitor the condition of the well, the quality of the produced product and dispatch repair and maintenance teams only if there is an objective need, significantly reducing operating costs for personnel,” says the company’s director of business applications "Krok" Maxim Andreev.

According to Gazprom PJSC, innovations in field development and production can increase reserve recovery by 8-25%.

In Europe and the USA, “smart” fields appeared in the 2000s; they came to Russia five years later. In the pre-sanction period, innovative solutions for Russian oil and gas were supplied by foreign companies. The disincentive for the development of similar domestic solutions turned out to be high prices for oil. “Conservatism and inertia of thinking inhibited the desire of geologists of oil and gas companies to try something new. Why is this necessary when there is an unlimited budget and well-known foreign suppliers, whose product line covers all aspects of the drilling process - hardware, software, and even drilling fluid - in addition, they provide full service,” says the founder GTI company Sergey Stishenko.

However, despite the delay at the start, Russian developers cannot be considered catching up. The largest players in the global oilfield services industry are interested in our projects, especially in the field of drilling: in 2015, Schlumberger tried to buy almost half of the shares of the Russian independent drilling company Eurasia Drilling Company, but was prevented by the FAS, which opposed the emergence of a large player with foreign control on the domestic market. In December last year, the media reported plans of the American transnational oil service corporation Halliburton to buy 100% of the Perm oil service and engineering group Novomet. Own stake in the company (30.76% shares) in the summer of 2016. put Rusnano up for sale, its price during this time increased from 7.5 to 10 billion rubles. The FAS decision on the deal has not yet been made public.

Meanwhile, more and more innovative companies are appearing on the Russian market, offering their own developments for “smart” drilling.

Drill wisely

Skolkovo resident, the company GTI (“Geosteering Technologies”) develops software for “smart” well drilling and provides remote drilling support services based on it. The startup is two years old, it is owned by Sergei Stishenko, Airat Sabirov and Vitaly Tikhanovich. GTI's clients are Gazpromneft, Rosneft, Slavneft, Bashneft, Lukoil and other oil and gas and oil service players. Late last year, the company raised $2 million from several venture funds.

GTI product is professional geonavigation software Geonaft. Geosteering support is already an industry standard for the construction of horizontal wells in the USA, Canada, and in fields in the North Sea and is becoming a necessary minimum for Russia. Thanks to the developments, as GTI reports, the drilling speed increases up to two times, the productivity of a future well increases by 2-3 times, and its profitability by 3-5 times.

Using sensors placed on the drill string, the GTI program reads information from the well in real time, transmits it to the drilling support center, where it processes and analyzes the data, and then issues recommendations for further management of the drilling trajectory. The Russian company is trying to compete with the world's largest technology suppliers for integrated reservoir assessment, well construction and hydrocarbon production management.

Now all over the world, including in Russia, the construction of horizontal wells is actively developing. They are 3-4 times more profitable than vertical ones, and oil and gas companies see this benefit. For an average well in just one year, the difference can be $5.5 million. In the USA and the Middle East, the share of horizontal wells is about 80% of the total well stock, in Russia this figure has reached 30% and continues to grow. “The volume of horizontal drilling over the past six years has increased more than fivefold, this trend will continue: in the future, until 2025, horizontal drilling will account for more than 50% of the total volume of work. Such wells require technologies that help to see in real time what is happening inside,” Sergei Stishenko is sure. At the same time, the construction of horizontal wells is much more expensive, and oil companies are actively using technologies to improve drilling efficiency. Each meter of a horizontal well drilled outside a formation with hydrocarbons removes up to 3,000 tons of hydrocarbons ($0.9 million in monetary terms) from development over the life of the well; the loss of a well in the event of a trajectory error can cost up to $100 million. When using geonavigation equipment, the average percentage production rises from 20% of well reserves to 40-45%.

Fear of small things

Despite the rosy promises of innovators, their own future depends on the mentality of top managers in the oil and gas industry. "U large enterprises The majority of the oil and gas sector still does not have a culture of working with small technology companies. The share of managers who are ready to consider and implement new technologies in order to improve the efficiency of their companies (and not for the purpose of reporting to the state) can be estimated at 20%. As a rule, these are people who have worked abroad or in global oil services. Nevertheless, this 20% today opens up huge market opportunities for fast-growing technology companies and refutes the thesis that it is impossible to break into the oil industry,” says Pyotr Lukyanov, managing partner of the Phystech Ventures fund.

The Perfobur startup is trying to break into this market by developing a technology for controlled radial drilling, which makes it possible to extract oil from wells whose reserves have only been partially selected for technical reasons. Oil companies are interested in increasing production at existing fields, where the entire infrastructure has been created. There are more than 200,000 such wells all over the world, and 20,000-30,000 in Russia. Perfobur has scientific roots: the company’s co-founder, professor at the Ufa State Petroleum Engineering University, Alexander Lyagov, has been working on the problem of enhanced oil recovery for more than 40 years. The head and co-founder of Perfobur is his son, Ilya Lyagov. In 2014, the startup received $400,000 from North Energy Ventures and Phystech Ventures. Large oil producers, primarily Bashneft, are showing interest in the developments of Ufa residents, but there are no implemented projects yet.

Unite and conquer

For the successful development of domestic innovation, partnership of strong teams working in different niches is important. An example of such cooperation can be the SAP Upstream Field Activity Manager by OIS (UFAM) system - a joint creation of SAP and the Russian company GIS-ASUproekt. Little is known about the owners of the Russian company: Artem Glotov, who also heads JSC Mobile GTES, a subsidiary of RAO UES of Russia (after 2008 - FGC UES), is listed as a minority shareholder. The main activity is the placement and operation of mobile gas turbine power plants in energy-deficient areas. According to, in 2016 Mobile GTPP acted as government customers in 353 contracts worth more than 13 billion rubles.

In December 2016, for the first time, a product developed jointly with a Russian company was included in the SAP global price list. UFAM allows you to create complex integrated models of the reservoir, well, infrastructure, unified network work schedules, as well as financial and economic models. Previously, these processes in most large Russian and foreign industrial companies were performed manually or using non-industrial software.

According to preliminary estimates, the global UFAM market capacity reaches 1 billion euros. Thus, customers from South-East Asia and BRICS countries. UFAM has commercial prospects everywhere except North America, where they will be wary of the Russian product, SAP believes. The developers predict that the costs of implementing the solution will be recouped by reducing shortfalls by 1%. At the same time, the maximum level for reducing field development costs is set at 5%, production can be increased by 2%.

Work on UFAM took more than 2.5 years. According to Andrey Portyannikov, deputy general director of GIS-ASUproekt, the digital reservoir model is exclusive: it works with the same accuracy as foreign analogues, but “weighs” less and calculates faster. SAP UFAM is currently undergoing pilot testing in “one of the three largest” oil companies. Previously, during beta testing in one of the “largest European oil companies”, carried out with the support of SAP, the analysis of a field of 40,000 wells took about an hour. European oil workers especially noted that the use of SAP UFAM will allow them to retain only four of the 18 systems used.

According to the forecast of the Cambrige Energy Reseach Association, the potential effect of implementing UFAM on the increase in oil and gas debit will be 1-6%, will reduce downtime by 1-4% and labor costs by up to 25%.

The GIS-ASUproekt portfolio includes developments for Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Bashneft and other oil producers. At the end of 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 215 million rubles, net profit - 6.5 million rubles. against a loss of RUB 8.4 million shown a year earlier. According to the Kontur.Focus service, GIS-ASUproekt is the contractor of government orders worth 27 million rubles, among government customers are Zarubezhneft JSC and SK Rusvietpetro LLC. OIS system solutions from GIS-ASUproekt are implemented, for example, by Gazprom Neft.

Seismically active Yandex

The development of solutions in the field of digital fields is carried out within the framework of the Yandex.Terra project, which represents a range of services for processing seismic data. The history of the project began in 1975 with the research of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, mathematician and geophysicist Vladimir Glogovsky in the Central Geophysical Expedition. In 2010 his followers founded Seismotek LLC, which integrated with Yandex in 2012. Today, Yandex LLC, according to, has 25% in Seismotech, the remaining shares are equally owned by five individuals: Ivan Kuznetsov, Sergey Langman, Oleg Silaenkov, Dmitry Finikov and the current general director of the company Dmitry Mosyakov. The small enterprise is registered on the territory of the Skolkovo Information Center. At the end of 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 80 million rubles, net profit - 17 million rubles. (in 2014 - 1 million rubles). Seismotek actively participates in government procurement, for example, for processing data from 3D seismic surveys at Rosneft license areas. In May 2016, Yandex.Terra began cooperation with the Gazprom Neft scientific and technical center. Seismotech software products will be used and integrated with the state company’s own software.

“We already have experience in creating software that has successfully replaced imported analogues. Our software products, developed as part of the technology strategy, are not only actively used by the company, but are also constantly being improved. Cooperation with Yandex.Terra will expand our capabilities in terms of creating new IT products and continue the implementation of the Electronic Development of Assets project,” notes Mars Khasanov, General Director of Gazprom Neft Scientific and Technical Center LLC.

As noted by Konstantin Ordov, head of the department of financial management of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, it has become a stereotype to classify companies in the IT sector, pharmacological and enterprises producing modern gadgets as innovative, and mining and industrial companies as hopelessly lagging behind global progress. “This is the deepest misconception. Just look at the sectoral structure of the volume of investment, where the share of mining and processing Russian enterprises accounts for more than 60% of the total costs of technological innovation in Russia, and the share of oil and gas companies accounts for about 15% of the total costs,” he states.

Trends in oil and gas field development

. Collection, transmission and processing of field data by installing remote-controlled sensors.

. Creation of an integrated management and decision-making system for an oil and gas field in real time.

. Application of knowledge-intensive innovative technologies to increase development efficiency.

. Development of complex deposits (geological, climatic, territorial conditions).

. Modeling of technological processes of production, transportation, processing and marketing of products in real time.

. Reducing the influence of the human factor. The desire for maximally automated technologies in oil and gas fields.

What does horizontal and vertical mean? Horizontally it's up and vertically it's well... right?

  1. vice versa
    and vertical is up
  2. no, horizontal is horizon, and vertical is straight mmmmm
  3. horizontal - and vertical up
  4. horizon earth line vertical top to bottom
  5. ____________ is vertical

    This is horizontal)

  6. horizontal-horizontal (that is, the line lies__) vertical-up (the line stands I)
    - two inseparable components of culture. The vertical symbolizes the energy of forward movement, creativity. a breakthrough into the unknown, new and extraordinary, original and original, which is sometimes not recognized as such by contemporaries and is misunderstood due to stereotyping, traditionalism of thinking, established species preferences and evaluative norms. The development of culture in the vertical dimension represents the infinity of perspective and the avant-garde principle. The pioneering pioneers evoke an ambiguous attitude in the community; their ideas and actions are often rejected by the majority in all spheres of spiritual life. One from Egypt. The pharaohs were ahead of their time, expressing the idea of ​​​​transitioning to monotheism, but did not receive widespread support and understanding. Christ, preaching his creed, was betrayed and crucified. Brilliant artists, with rare exceptions, were not appreciated by their contemporaries in accordance with their contribution to spiritual culture. Creative drama. fate is impressive and amazing. Bach received recognition 100 years later, representatives of the fatherland. artist The avant-garde at first were also not spoiled by public attention. These isolated examples from the history of culture, unfortunately, are not an exception to the rules, but rather a confirmation of them.
    The well-known idea of ​​N. Bohr is that an idea characterized by undeniable novelty goes through three stages in the process of introducing it into the public consciousness: a) this cannot be; b) perhaps there is something in this; c) this is undoubtedly true.
    What is horizontal in the development of cultural phenomena? In the triad “denial - doubt - affirmation,” the vertical begins to turn into a horizontal plane at the moment a new cultural form takes root in the consciousness of the mass audience, that is, at the stage of its complete acceptance, when the cultural form becomes recognizable. The relationship between V. and G. in culture is a two-pronged process. The vertical is the discovery of new forms of culture, “travelling into the unfamiliar,” the quintessence of a creative and productive principle. Horizontal is a gradual process. mastering this new, turning it into the property of many, a recognizable form of culture based on the production of the known.
    In addition to the above interpretation of the relationship between V. and G. in culture, one can offer another one, in which the vertical symbolizes the process of temporary development of culture, its history. character, principle of continuity, transition of previous cultural forms or their elements into new cultural formations. So classic. antiquity became a role model in the Renaissance, classicism, and elements of culture cf. -centuries in the era of romanticism. The horizontal in this case can be conceptualized as the spatial development of culture, the synchronous coexistence of various things. local and national its forms, their interaction and mutual enrichment.
  8. Vertical is from bottom to top, and horizontal is from left to right.
  9. vice versa
    horizontally is the horizon line. land
    and vertical is up
  10. IN
  11. vertical horizontal ---
  12. Stirlitz is lying in a puddle. He looks at men in harnesses and helmets walking by... Speleologists... thought Stirlitz. You yourself are a dirty pig! the climbers thought...

    Climbers are heading to the next conquest of Everest. They climb to the top with the last of their strength and suddenly see the following picture: the 600th Merc is standing, all frozen, and the brothers are sitting in it... their fingers are completely cramped from the cold. The climbers are completely bewildered: Guys! How did you get here then? How we got here is our business, but that bitch who hit us with an arrow here will greatly regret it!!! "

    A climber is crawling onto a rock, suddenly he sees a yogi hanging on the top, clinging to a protruding stone with one hand, in the lotus position and reading a book. The climber was stunned and asked: Is it true what they say that you, yogis, can do anything? The yogi takes his hand off the stone and turns the page: They’re lying!

    Thought is the process of thinking at the speed of light of 300 thousand km/sec. The psyche is a mirror, reflects everything at the speed of light.

  13. horizontal - from the word “horizon”, that is, parallel to the edge of the earth, draw a line to it at 90 degrees (right angle), find the vertical)
  14. The vertical is from top to bottom (or vice versa), and the horizontal is from left to right (or vice versa).
  15. Vertical up, horizontal - right
  16. horizontally from the word horizon means vertical straight! Example:
    H O R I Z O N T A L

Contour lines* (isohypses) - lines connecting points on the ground that lie at the same height above sea level or some basic plane taken as the base. To depict irregularities with horizontals, they usually assume secant horizontal planes, one above the other, at the same vertical distance, and the lines of intersection of these mentally drawn planes with the surface of the irregularities form exactly what is called horizontals. On the ground, horizontal lines are marked using cypregel and a mensula or level.

HORIZONTAL. Fig. 1. - Fig. 2. - Fig. 3. - Fig. 4.

The terrain is expressed by horizontal lines very precisely, and although it is directly difficult to distinguish hills from depressions, which, however, becomes clear when orienting on plans by swamps, rivers, lakes, etc., yet this method of expressing irregularities is the most understandable and visual. The top or bottom is depicted by the smallest closed volumetric horizontal lines (Fig. 1, 2 and 3 and in Fig. 5 a.a...). Mountain spurs and valleys are parts of horizontal lines stretched out in the form of tongues (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5...b.b...), and saddles - parts of the relief where 2 spurs and 2 hollows meet - are designated by a quadrangle, limited by curved lines, convexities facing inward (Fig. 5 ss.).


The vertical equidistance of the horizontal lines and the distance between them make it possible to judge the steepness of the slopes. Denoting this steepness by i, by h the equidistance of the horizontals and by b the location of the considered part of the slope (the distance on the plan between the horizontals), the relationship will be expressed by the equation tang i = h/b, since for each plan h is known, b can be taken to scale, using a compass, then it is easy to determine i from the equation. To avoid making calculations, a graphic scale of steepness is usually drawn. Visual representation the nature of the relief in the desired direction can be obtained by constructing profiles, the data for which are the horizontal lines themselves and the distance between them. Obviously, the smaller the distance between the contour lines, the more accurately the relief will be represented, but the reduction limit depends on the scale of the survey and the nature of the relief. At 100-fat scale. equidistance is 1 sazhen, with a verst - 5, etc. On our military topographic surveys, 1/2 verst scale. the equidistance of the contours is equal to 2 fathoms, and auxiliary contours are allowed to express the slopes of the slopes. At a certain scale, contour lines fully characterize the terrain; The closer the distance between them, the steeper the slopes. On the attached sheet of drawings the properties of the contours appear very clearly. To compile profiles (for example, in the direction CD, Fig. 5), proceed as follows: if the scale of heights and distances is the same, then lay out on a horizontal line all the points of intersection of the straight line along which we want to compile the profile with horizontal lines, and at each point they restore perpendiculars, on which they lay the corresponding number of parts of the vertical scale, after which all that remains is to connect all the marked points; if the scale of heights is increased by 10 times, which is sometimes done deliberately in view of small elevations or depressions compared to their horizontal dimensions, then before setting aside the heights, it is necessary either to increase the distance between the horizontal lines by 10 times, then the terrain will be expressed in the scale of heights, or vice versa , reduce the heights by 10 times - then everything will be expressed on the horizontal scale. Sometimes, for greater relief, the horizontal lines are covered with strokes (see Strokes).

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what “Horizontals*” are in other dictionaries:

    Lines connecting points of equal height above level. m. With the help of geology, topographic maps display the features of the relief of the decomposed surface. plots earth's crust. Syn.: isohypses. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K.N... Geological encyclopedia

    - (isohypses) lines on the map connecting points earth's surface with the same absolute height and collectively conveying landforms... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lines on a map or site plan resulting from the intersection of the earth's surface with horizontal planes spaced at equal distances from each other. G., connecting with each other on a plan or map all points of the surface that have one and ... ... Technical railway dictionary

    horizontal- Lines on a plane or surface parallel to the horizontal plane of projections. Mechanical engineering topics in general... Technical Translator's Guide

    Horizontals- HORIZONTALS, lines connecting terrain points with equal heights above sea level. m., whereby the seashore represents a horizon with a height of zero, or, in other words, lines resulting from the intersection of the terrain with horizontal planes at a certain point. equal to each other... Military encyclopedia

    - (isohypses) lines connecting points on the ground that lie at the same height above sea level or some basic plane taken as the base. To depict irregularities with horizontal lines, secant horizontal lines are usually assumed... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    - (isohypses), lines on a map connecting points on the earth’s surface with the same absolute height and collectively conveying relief forms. * * * HORIZONTALS HORIZONTALS (isohypses), lines on a map connecting points on the earth’s surface with ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Isohypses (from the Greek ísos equal and hýpsos height), lines on geographical map, connecting points of the terrain with the same height relative to sea level (the World Ocean) and giving an idea of ​​​​the relief of the earth's surface. G.… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Isohypses, lines connecting points on a topographical plan of the area that have the same heights above the accepted conventional horizon level. G. give an image of the terrain and are plotted according to geodetic survey data... Agricultural dictionary-reference book

    - (isohypses), lines on the map connecting points on the earth's surface with the same abs. height and collectively conveying landforms... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Philosophy of Vertical. Horizontals, Konstantin Rylev. The philosophy of Vertical + Horizontal (V+H) is a system of views created on a unified interpretation of the fundamental symbols of the East and West. She helped analyze many striking historical phenomena...

Eye movement skills when reading are formed during the learning process. Moreover, the nature of eye movements largely depends on teaching methods and the writing characteristics of a particular language. For example, in Arabic languages the text is written and printed from right to left, and accordingly, the skills of eye movement along a line when reading are practiced in the same direction.

We read by perceiving words in a line from left to right. Then we quickly move our gaze to the left to the next line and again move along the line from left to right. On each line, a certain portion of it is perceived as one fixation.

In Fig. 8 in the center of the ellipse you see the fixation point at which the gaze of both eyes is corrected. Our eyes perceive a certain amount of information located at the same distance from the point of fixation. This is due to the properties of our vision, the structural features of the retina. The optical properties of the retina in its peripheral and central areas are different. The acuity of vision depends on the presence of cones and rods in the retina. Hence there is a division of vision into central and peripheral. The central area of ​​the retina, called the macula, contains the largest number of cones. In this zone there is a special formation - the central fossa, in which the density of cones reaches its greatest value. Thanks to this, visual acuity in the area of ​​the central fovea is maximum. With the help of central vision, the shape, color, small details, and size of objects are clearly distinguished. With distance from the fovea, the number of cones decreases and the number of rods increases, while the acuity of the field of vision decreases.

When reading a text, the line is perceived in this way:

Rice. 8. Scheme of perception of a section of a line in one fixation.

that the image of the fixed part falls on the macula of the retina and the central fovea, the zone of clearest vision. However, not only the area of ​​the retina immediately adjacent to the macula, but also its periphery is involved in the process of text perception.

When reading, for example, letters 1.76 millimeters high at a distance from the eyes to the text of 40 centimeters, the maximum possible distance of the image of letters located at the edges from the central fovea of ​​the retina does not exceed 4 degrees, which corresponds to a total distance of 56 millimeters. But such a distance is possible when perceiving individual letters. In the text, the letters in the words are located one after another without any gaps. When reading, such an arrangement of letters creates a so-called masking effect, as a result of which some letters impair the perception of others. Therefore, in real reading conditions this distance is much smaller.

The section of a line perceived during reading in one fixation is called the visual angle, field of view, fixation field, recognition interval, range of perception, etc. We will stick to the concept of “reading field.” The reading field is understood as the working part of the visual field within which this moment certain perceptual actions are carried out, i.e. actions of perception during the reading process.

In the reading field, which is an ellipse, one can distinguish horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal reading field is a section of a line perceived during reading in one fixation, the vertical reading field is a section of text perceived in one fixation. The vertical reading field plays an important role in connection with so-called “large-block” reading, the ability to perceive an entire paragraph. For example, the sentence: “Fixations are the main form of oculomotor activity” can be printed like this:

Fixations are
basic form

If a sentence printed horizontally in one line can be read in three or four fixations, the same sentence printed in a column can be read in one or two fixations.

Some people read in paragraphs rather than words, grasping them instantly keywords and capturing the main meaning. But this type of reading, of course, refers to selective, and not continuous. The skill of selective reading can be developed only on the basis of well-formed continuous reading skills and a sufficiently developed semantic guess.

Some publications say that you can expand the reading field to a line and read vertically, along a vertical line, i.e. by vertical eye movement. Is this true?

At the University of Tartu, research was carried out on factors affecting the time it takes to read words in connected text. The study found that at a speed of 192 words per minute, there were an average of 1.3 fixations per word. It follows that the horizontal reading field per fixation is 0.77 words, or 4.9 characters. These data are consistent with the data of foreign studies.

Many scientists believe that the limit of reading capacity per fixation does not exceed three words, or 18-20 characters. This means that even a fast reader, when continuously reading a line of 60 characters, will make three fixations.

Rice. 9. Eye movement pattern of three readers.

The reading speed of such a reader will reach almost 800 words per minute.

There is a certain relationship between speed and reading field. At a reading speed of, for example, 192 words per minute, the reading field is 0.77 words; at 340 words per minute - 1.33 words; 545 words per minute - 2.08 words; 577 words per minute - 2.17 words.

Let's consider the pattern of eye movements of three readers (Fig. 9). The top part of the picture shows the eye movement of a person reading at a speed of 200 words per minute. The second reader perceives the text more economically, but the overlap of fixation fields still exists. The bottom part of the picture shows the eye movement of a fast reader. He perceives the text without fixing some of its elements with his gaze, and nevertheless assimilates the content of the text being read no worse than the first two readers. As can be seen from the figure, an increase in reading speed and an increase in the number of perceived characters per fixation are related by a proportional relationship.

Let's return to the table for assessing reading proficiency (see Table 2). Let us pay attention to the fact that at a reading speed of 180 to 296 words per minute, the duration of fixations is the same - 0.24 seconds, but the reading fields are different. To some extent, the pattern of eye movements of readers with different reading speeds helps to understand this paradox. Reading speed depends on the location of your eyes along the line. Thus, the task arises - to streamline eye movements during the reading process in order to reduce the number of fixations and regressions. It can be solved with the help of various exercises.

Related information.

Many candidates, when applying for a job, explain their departure from their previous organization by “lack of career prospects.” But a simple question - “What do you understand by career prospects?” - puts them at a dead end. Mostly they answer like this: “I want to be a boss, head of a department, management...” Or even: “president of a bank, general director of a company.” For most, career growth is something like a vertical race: the higher you rise, the more significant the position and the more significant the salary. Meanwhile, a career implies different options for professional development: vertically, horizontally and diagonally.


A vertical career involves climbing hierarchical ladder- and not necessarily in the same company, in the same business or field of activity. A careerist, like a rock climber, is always attracted by heights. In this race, the so-called trade union capitalists are taking the lead. Their credo is career, their goal is to move up the career ladder as quickly as possible. When they talk about an enviable career, they are the ones who are held up as an example: “Look, you studied together, and he’s already there! And you still..."

In search of the next position in the next company, the trade capitalist becomes a real tracker: he monitors new opportunities, chooses the most profitable positions and organizations for himself. He knows the market well, knows which people he needs to talk to in order to get help, advice, and support.

It is not typical for him to delve deeply into problems, to devote himself completely to work, to join the team - after all, after a year or two he will move on. Therefore, if you need to create something new, create, you shouldn’t count on him.

A professional capitalist brings benefits to the organization in those areas of work where he can score points for himself at the same time: at presentations, conferences, at negotiations, when it is necessary to profitably sell a product or idea, or increase the value of the company.


To build a successful career, you don’t have to become a “climber.” You can simply be a traveler - “walk across the plain”, developing and improving in your profession. A horizontal career is a professional career.

Not everyone wants and can be a boss, and not everyone who leads does it of their own free will - it’s just the way life has turned out. After all, the constancy of a “horizontal careerist” is highly valued, and in the event of a personnel shortage, a “path to the top” is imposed on him - he is appointed head of a department, then - head of a department, then - to the board of directors... And here Peter’s principle, set out in the book of the same name, often works: “Everyone the individual tends to rise to the level of his incompetence,” that is, a person from an excellent specialist can turn into a bad leader.

I always ask people who come for an interview before a promotion: do they really want to lead or is it better for them to do what they love in their current position?

Of course, a horizontal career has its limitations - financial and status. But it also has many advantages. For example, they can be removed from any position, but skill, professionalism, and knowledge cannot be taken away (or endowed) by order. If a vertical career often depends on the circumstances and people with whom it is necessary to establish relationships, then a professional builds a horizontal career almost independently. He has the opportunity to concentrate on one thing, to be responsible only for himself, and not for his subordinates. I know an IT department employee who is constantly escorted out of the office by security after 10 p.m., literally tearing him away from developing a new program. For such a person, being a leader is simply unbearable.

The “horizontal” path of development is most often chosen by people with creative ambitions: designers, programmers, journalists, musicians. However, there are “horizontal” careerists in every field. For them, being recognized as an expert in their field, knowing that they can do their job better than others, is more important than any credentials. They are confident in themselves because they know that they will not get lost in the labor market - no matter the economic or political storm.


What should those who would like to grow professionally, but at the same time not lacking career ambitions, do? Move both vertically and horizontally - if you “add” these two vectors, you get a diagonal.

A diagonal career usually develops within the same company. IN Soviet time They often said: “He went from a worker to a director.” Such a career does not involve forcing; a person moves forward progressively, taking advantage of the opportunities that arise. He likes his company or field of activity, he shows activity, initiative, contributes to the corporate culture, to the formation of a warm, trusting environment.

Usually, a diagonal careerist develops professionally for some time, without trying to move to another organization for a higher position, waits in the wings, and it comes - the patient employee receives a promotion.

Here lies the danger: when you work in one company for many years, it seems that you know it inside and out, so it will be easier to get used to a new position than for an outsider. Perhaps “one of our own” will not be given a probationary period, but they will look more closely than a stranger. In addition, relationships with colleagues may become complicated: for many years you were equal, studied, worked together, chatted in the smoking room - and suddenly you became their boss! An internal “lift” or “leap” can be much more difficult and painful than moving to a new company.

The diagonal option incorporates the pros and cons of a vertical and horizontal career. Therefore, on the one hand, we must understand our own limitations, and on the other, realistically assess the company’s capabilities.


Every journey through life begins with the phrase “I want...”. Usually we know in advance where we are flying, what plane we will be on, and what hotel we will be staying at. And when it comes to a career, planning, a career “vision” is necessary: ​​before climbing the career ladder, you should think: did I put it in the right building?

To do this, you need to assess the situation, own desires and opportunities. Let’s answer the questions for ourselves: what do I want, what is my goal? What do I want to change in my life, what kind of work should I do, what kind of team should I have, what kind of corporate culture is closer to me? What resources do I have, what load can I bear? Is this in demand by the market, by the companies I would like to work for? This is how the triad “I want - I can - I need” is built. Our task is to find a balance between these components.

And if something suddenly doesn’t go the way we would like, we can always change it, we shouldn’t be afraid to start all over again, no matter how old we are. Life is a stayer's distance. And your career doesn’t end at 40, 50, or 60. What is happening to us now is just a segment of a long journey. And if we suddenly have a desire to change something in our lives, this is not by chance. The main thing is to figure out what we personally need. And then you can apply what I consider to be the classic formula for success: “Do what you like and do it with all your might.”