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How the greenhouse effect overheats the atmosphere of Venus. Greenhouse effect


The greenhouse effect has a noticeable effect on those bodies in the solar system that have an atmosphere. The most striking example is Venus, with a CO2 pressure of more than 90 bar at the surface and a temperature of 733 Kelvin, rather than the effective temperature for Venus of about 240 K (Pollack 1979). Unlike Venus, on Earth the greenhouse effect is currently around 33 K superheat, which also plays an important role in supporting life. On Mars, the greenhouse effect is small at 5 K, although studies suggest it was significantly larger in the past (Carr and Head 2010). Interestingly, the greenhouse effect on Titan has much in common with that on Earth, including comparable surface pressure (1.5 times that of Earth, unlike Venus and Mars, which have pressures about 100 times greater, and 100 times less, respectively), and also condensable greenhouse gases are present on Titan, despite the low temperatures (Koustenis, 2005).

Comparative planetology can be used to look at these planets collectively and outline the underlying laws and significance of the greenhouse effect. Such a comparative analysis can provide insight into the possible atmospheric envelopes and surface conditions of Earth-like exoplanets. This work looks at more than just four sets of data about the current state of planets, but also looks at possible atmospheric conditions that existed on those planets in the past, taking into account geological, geochemical and isotopic evidence and other fundamental physical reasons.

The structure of this work is as follows: first, we consider the physical basis of the greenhouse effect and gases that absorb radiation. Second, let's briefly look at each of the four cosmic bodies listed above, the main absorber gases, the structure of the atmosphere, and the prevailing surface conditions of the various bodies. We will also consider possible patterns of past conditions, taking into account how they relate to data on various atmospheric conditions in the past and the paradox of a faint young Sun. And finally, let’s tie all these threads together and find out the basic physical processes associated with each planet and draw analogies between them. Please note that this article focuses primarily on quality characteristics.


Greenhouse gases transmit visible light, allowing most sunlight to escape the atmosphere and reach the surface, but they are opaque in the infrared, affecting radiation in such a way that the surface temperature increases and the planet is in thermal equilibrium with the incoming solar radiation.

The physical process by which atoms and molecules absorb radiation is complex, and involves many laws of quantum mechanics to describe the full picture. However, it is possible to qualitatively describe the process. Each atom or molecule has a set of states corresponding to different quantized energy levels. A molecule can go from a lower energy state to a higher energy state either by absorbing a photon or from a high energy collision with another particle (it is worth noting that it is not a fact that all possible higher energy states can be reached directly from a given lower one and vice versa ). After entering an excited state, a molecule can be excited to a lower energy state or even to the ground state (lowest energy state) by emitting a photon or transferring some of its energy to another particle after colliding with it. There are three types of transitions for absorber gases in the Earth's atmosphere. In order of decreasing energy, they are: electronic transitions, vibrational transitions and rotational transitions. Electronic transitions occur with energies in the ultraviolet range, vibrational and rotational transitions occur in the near and mid-infrared region of the spectrum. Ozone is an example of oxygen absorbing ultraviolet rays, while water vapor has noticeable vibrational and rotational energies in the infrared. Because infrared radiation dominates the Earth's radiation, rotational and vibrational transitions are most important when discussing the Earth's thermal balance.

This is not the whole story, because each absorption line depends on particle speed (temperature) and pressure. Changing these quantities can cause changes in the spectral lines and thus change the absorption of radiation provided by the gas. In addition, another mode of absorption related to very dense or very cold atmospheres, collision-induced absorption (known as COI), remains to be discussed. Its meaning is that ICP allows non-polar molecules (i.e., symmetrical molecules without a strong dipole moment) to absorb radiation. This works in one of two ways: first, the collision causes a temporary dipole moment on the molecule, allowing the photon to be absorbed, or second, two molecules, such as H2-N2, briefly bond into one supermolecule with their own quantized rotational states. These transient molecules are called dimers (Hunt et al. 1983; Wordsworth et al. 2010). The direct proportionality of density is quite easy to understand intuitively: the denser the gas, the greater the likelihood of a collision. The negative relationship with temperature can be understood as an effect of residence time - if a molecule has a lot of translational energy, it will spend less time in close proximity to another molecule, thus dimer formation is less likely.

Knowing the numerical values ​​of the radiation forcing characteristics, temperatures can be easily calculated in the absence of any feedback effects. If the surface temperature is adjusted, more energy will be emitted into space (Hansen, Sato and Rudy 1997). In general, understanding climate feedback is critical, since negative feedback stabilizes temperature, while positive feedback increases disturbances and creates runaway processes. The significantly different timing of feedback effects is also very important. It is often necessary to refer to a general circulation model (GCM) incorporating all important feedback effects at appropriate time scales to make accurate predictions (Taylor 2010). Examples of feedback effects are: temperature-dependent cloud formation (negative feedback, short time scales), melting or formation of significant ice cover (positive feedback, short/medium time scales), carbonate-silicate cycle (negative feedback, long time frames) and biological processes (various).



The annual average of the Earth's surface is 288 K and the effective temperature is 255 K. The effective temperature is determined by the ratio of the heat balance to the incoming solar radiation flux according to the equation below

where S is the solar constant (on earth ~ 1366 W / m2), A is the geometric albedo of the Earth, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, f is the geometric factor, equal to 4 for rapidly rotating planets, i.e. planets with rotation periods on the order of days (Catling and Kasting 2013). Therefore, the greenhouse effect is responsible for the increase in this temperature on Earth by 33 K (Pollack 1979). The entire Earth should radiate as a black body, heated to 255 K, but absorption by greenhouse gases, primarily CO2 and H2O, returns heat back to the surface, creating a cold upper atmosphere. These layers radiate at temperatures well below 255 K and therefore, in order to radiate like a black body at 255 K, the surface must be warmer and radiate more. Most of the flow leaves through the 8-12 micron window (a wavelength region relatively transparent to the atmosphere).

It is important to emphasize that the cold upper atmosphere is positively correlated with a warm surface—the more the upper atmosphere is capable of emitting, the lower the flux that must come from the surface (Kasting 1984). Therefore, it should be expected that the greater the difference between the temperature minimums of the surface and the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere, the greater the greenhouse effect. Hansen, Sato and Rudy (1997) showed that a doubling of CO2 concentration is equivalent to a 2% increase in solar radiation flux, ignoring feedback effects.

The main greenhouse gases on Earth are water vapor and carbon dioxide. Much lower concentration gases such as ozone, methane and nitrogen oxides also contribute (De Pater and Lisauer 2007). Notably, while steam is the largest contributor to greenhouse heating, it condenses and “synchronizes” with non-condensable greenhouse gases, most notably CO2 (De Pater and Lisauer, 2007). Water vapor can release latent heat to the atmosphere by condensing, shifting the temperature gradient in the troposphere to moist adiabatic rather than dry. Water cannot enter the stratosphere and undergo photolysis due to the tropospheric cold trap, which condenses water vapor at a temperature minimum (at the tropopause).

Evolution of the atmosphere

The presence of sedimentary rocks and the apparent absence of glacial deposits on the Earth around 4 billion years ago suggests that the early Earth was warm, perhaps warmer than today (De Pater and Lisauer 2007). This is especially problematic since solar radiation flux is believed to have been around 25% lower at the time. This problem is known as the “Weak Young Sun Paradox” (Goldblatt and Zahnle 2011). A possible explanation could be a much larger greenhouse effect than today. Concentrations of CH4, CO2 and H2O and possibly NH3 are believed to have been greater at that time (De Pater). Many hypotheses have been put forward to explain this discrepancy, including much greater partial pressure of CO2, a significant greenhouse effect due to methane (Pavlov, Kasting, and Brown, 2000), an organic fog layer, increased cloudiness, broadening of spectral lines due to pressure from -due to significantly higher partial pressures of nitrogen and total atmospheric pressure (Goldblatt et al. 2009).


While Venus is often described as Earth's sister due to its similar mass and size, its surface and atmospheric conditions have nothing in common with Earth. The surface temperature and pressure are 733 K and 95 bar, respectively (De Pater and Lisauer 2007, Krasnopolsky 2011). Thanks to the high albedo and 100% cloudiness, the equilibrium temperature is about 232 K. Therefore, the greenhouse effect on Venus is simply monstrous and equal to about 500 K. This is not surprising with a partial pressure of CO2 of 92 bar. Line broadening by pressure is significant at these densities and contributes significantly to warming. CO2-CO2 ICP may also contribute, but there is no literature yet on this. Water vapor content is limited to 0.00003% by volume (Meadows and Crisp 1996).

Evolution of the atmosphere

It is often believed that Venus began with a volatile set similar to that of Earth and a similar initial isotopic composition. If this is true, then the measured Deuterium/Protium ratio of more than 150 for Earth (Donahue et al. 1982) indicates large losses of hydrogen in the past, presumably due to photodissociation of water (Chassefier et al. 2011), although Grinspoon Lewis (1988) suggested that the delivery of water by comets could explain this isotopic signature. In any case, Venus could have had oceans before its current state if it had contained as much water as Earth does (Kasting 1987). Her condition could not have been caused by increased concentrations of CO2 (or any other greenhouse gas) alone, but is generally thought to be caused by increased influx of solar energy (Kippenhahn 1994), although the internal heat flow causing the runaway greenhouse effect on tidally locked planets is also possible (Barnes et al. 2012).

Kasting (1987) examined both runaway and persistent greenhouse effects on Venus. If Venus had an ocean early in its history, the solar energy flux in its current orbit would be such that a greenhouse scenario would begin almost immediately. There are two scenarios for ocean water loss due to increased solar radiation flux (Kasting 1987, Goldblatt et al. 2011, Catling and Kasting 2013). The first uncontrolled scenario: the ocean begins to evaporate into the troposphere, increasing the heating, but the pressure also increases, so the oceans do not boil. Water accumulates in the troposphere much faster than photodissociation and hydrogen escape into space. Weather events can still occur and slow down the release of CO2. The temperature and pressure of the water vapor increases and the ocean persists until the water reaches the critical point of 647 K, at which it is impossible to turn the vapor into water under any pressure, at which point all the still liquid water evaporates and creates a dense fog of water vapor, completely opaque to outgoing long-wave radiation. The surface temperature then increases until it begins to radiate in the near-infrared and visible regions, where the transparency of water vapor is much higher and more stable. This corresponds to a temperature of 1400 K, high enough to melt near-surface rocks and release carbon from them. In addition, without weathering, CO2 can be released from the rock and not removed anywhere. In the second scenario, the release of water vapor into the atmosphere makes the temperature distribution more isothermal, raising the tropopause and destroying the cold trap. Water vapor can therefore move into the stratosphere and undergo photolysis. Unlike the first scenario, water is lost at a rate commensurate with the rate of evaporation from the ocean, and evaporation will not stop until all the water is gone. When the water runs out, the carbonate-silicate cycle turns off. If CO2 continues to be released from the mantle, there is no available way to remove it.


Mars is in some ways the opposite of Venus in terms of temperature and pressure. The surface pressure is approximately 6 millibars and the average temperature is 215 K (Carr and Head 2010). The equilibrium temperature can be shown to be 210 K, so the greenhouse effect is about 5 K and is negligible. Temperatures can vary between 180 K and 300 K depending on latitude, time of year and time of day (Carr and Head 2010). Theoretically, there are short periods of time when liquid water could exist on the Martian surface according to the phase diagram for H2O. In general, if we want to see a wet Mars, we must look to the past.

Evolution of the atmosphere

Mariner 9 sent back photographs for the first time showing obvious traces of river flows. The most common interpretation is that early Mars was warm and wet (Pollack 1979, Carr and Head 2010). Some mechanism, presumably the greenhouse effect (though clouds have also been considered), which must have been caused by sufficient radiative forcing, made Mars warmer during its early history. The problem is even worse than it first appears, given that the Sun was 25% dimmer 3.8 billion years ago, when Mars had a mild climate (Kasting 1991). Early Mars may have had surface pressures on the order of 1 bar and temperatures close to 300 K (De Pater and Lisauer 2007).

Kasting (1984, 1991) showed that CO2 alone could not have warmed the early surface of Mars to 273 K. Condensation of CO2 into clathrates changes the atmospheric temperature gradient and forces the upper atmosphere to radiate more heat, and if the planet is in radiative equilibrium, then the surface emits less so that the planet has the same outgoing flux of long-wave infrared radiation, and the surface begins to cool. Thus, at pressures above 5 bar, CO2 cools the planet rather than warms it. And this is not enough to heat the Martian surface above the freezing point of water, given the solar flux at that time. In this case, CO2 will condense into clathrates. Wordsworth, Foget, and Amit (2010) presented a more rigorous treatment of the physics of CO2 absorption in a dense, clean CO2 atmosphere (including ICP), showing that Kasting in 1984 actually overestimated surface temperatures at high pressures, thereby exacerbating the problem of warm, wet early Mars. Other greenhouse gases in addition to CO2 could solve this problem, or perhaps dust if it reduced the albedo.

The possible role of CH4, NH3 and H2S has been previously discussed (Sagan and Mullen, 1972). Later, SO2 was also proposed as a greenhouse gas (Jung et al., 1997).


Titan's surface temperature and pressure are 93 K and 1.46 bar, respectively (Koustenis). The atmosphere consists mainly of N2 with a few percent CH4 and about 0.3% H2 (McKay, 1991). Titan's tropopause with a temperature of 71 K at an altitude of 40 km.

Titan's greenhouse effect is primarily caused by pressure-induced absorption of long-wave radiation by N2, CH4 and H2 molecules (McKay, Pollack and Cortin 1991). H2 strongly absorbs the radiation typical of Titan (16.7-25 microns). CH4 is similar to water vapor on Earth, as it condenses in Titan's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect on Titan is mainly due to collision-induced absorption by N2-N2, CH4-N2 and H2-N2 dimers (Hunt et al. 1983; Wordsworth et al. 2010). This is strikingly different from the atmosphere of Earth, Mars and Venus, where absorption through vibrational and rotational transitions predominates.

Titanium also has a significant anti-greenhouse effect (McKay et al., 1991). The anti-greenhouse effect is caused by the presence at high altitudes of a layer of haze that absorbs visible light, but is transparent to infrared radiation. The anti-greenhouse effect reduces surface temperature by 9 K, while the greenhouse effect increases it by 21 K. Thus, the net greenhouse effect is 12 K (82 K effective temperature compared to 94 K observed surface temperature). Titan without the haze layer will be 20 K warmer due to the lack of anti-greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect (McKay et al. 1991).

Surface cooling is mainly due to radiation in the 17-25 micron region of the spectrum. This is Titan's infrared window. H2 is important because it absorbs in this region, just as CO2 is very important on Earth because it absorbs infrared radiation from the Earth's surface. Both gases are also not constrained by the saturation of their vapors in the conditions of their atmosphere.

Methane is close to its vapor pressure, similar to H2O on Earth.

Evolution of the atmosphere

Due to increased solar luminosity, Titan's surface temperature is likely 20 K warmer than it was 4 billion years ago (McKay et al. 1993). In this case, the N2 in the atmosphere would be cooled to ice. The formation and lifetime of Titan's atmosphere is an interesting problem without any solid solutions (Koustenis 2004). One problem is that at this rate of CH4 photolysis and ethane production, the current supply of CH4 in Titan's atmosphere would be depleted in much less time than the age of the solar system. In addition, liquid ethane would accumulate on the surface several hundred meters below at today's production rates (Lunine et al., 1989). Either this is an uncharacteristic period in Titan's history, or there are unknown sources of methane and sinks for ethane (Catling and Kasting, 2013).


Earth, Mars, and Venus are similar in that each planet has a noticeable atmosphere, weather, past or current volcanism, and a chemically heterogeneous composition. Titan also has a significant atmosphere, weather, possibly cryovolcanism, and potentially partially heterogeneous composition (De Pater and Lisauer 2007).

Mars, Earth and Venus have a greenhouse effect with a noticeable influence of CO2, although the magnitude of the warming and partial pressure of CO2 differs by several orders of magnitude. It is quite obvious that the Earth and Mars must have had additional heating earlier in the history of the solar system, when the Sun shone weaker. It is unclear what the source(s) of warming were for these two planets, although many solutions have been proposed and many explanations are possible. Interestingly, Mars allows for comparisons with Earth's past, since both planets have plenty of geological evidence that they were warmer, having more than the greenhouse effect created by CO2 gas. At the same time, the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus provides insight into the future of Earth if solar activity continues to increase. By comparing models for all three planets, knowing the fundamental physical laws that are the same for all planets, we can obtain things that would be impossible to obtain if the Sun did not influence the terrestrial planets.

Titan is an exciting material for study, according to the author, especially since, unlike other described worlds, its greenhouse effect is dominated by collision-induced absorption. Heating due to ICP has many possible applications to describe the conditions and possible habitability of exoplanets (Pierrehumbert). Like Earth's atmosphere, Titan's atmosphere contains enough material close to the triple point that can condense in the atmosphere and is therefore capable of influencing temperature distribution.

The main types of gases in the Earth's atmosphere are, of course, influenced by living organisms (Taylor 2010). Obviously, this is not true for other planets in the solar system. However, we can use comparisons between Earth and lifeless worlds in our system to better understand possible other biospheres.


Carr M. H., Head J. W. (2010), Geological History of Mars, EPSL, 296, 185-203.

Planet Venus

It is the second planet in the solar system after Mercury and the third brightest in the night sky, for which it was called the morning star.

The age of Venus is about 4.6 billion years old, it was determined using meteorites falling to the earth, using radiocarbon dating, which showed a single age not only for Venus, but for the entire solar system.

Venus belongs to the terrestrial planets and is often called the evil twin of the Earth because it has a hot atmosphere.

The size, mass, composition, gravitational characteristics of Earth and Venus are almost similar.

Venus' core is made of metal, with a mantle containing liquid rocks and an upper solid outer crust. But researchers do not yet have the opportunity to directly see the internal structure of the planet.

Since the surface of Venus is very hot and the spacecraft cannot stay on it for more than two hours, information about the internal composition is not available.

As a result of the fact that the densities of the terrestrial planets coincide, scientists have suggested that its internal structure is similar to the terrestrial structure.

Venus does not lose its internal heat and, as a result, has no generated magnetic field.

With the advent of unmanned spacecraft equipped with radar, it has become possible to penetrate the planet's thick clouds and determine the topographic characteristics of the surface.

It was found that the planet is covered with impact craters and ancient volcanoes. There are suggestions that in the geological past, namely 300-500 million years ago, the surface of the planet was destroyed as a result of some global events. This information was calculated from the number of impact craters on the surface.

The upper hard shell of Venus - the crust, contains silicon rocks and is about 50 km thick, and the thickness of the mantle located below, according to scientists, is 3000 km thick, but its composition is unknown.

The central part of the planet is the core, solid or liquid, and consists of iron and nickel. Due to the fact that Venus does not have its own geomagnetic field, then, in all likelihood, there is no convection inside the core.

There are no fundamental differences in temperature between the inner and outer cores, so the metal contained in the core does not move and does not create a magnetic field.

Atmosphere of Venus

The planet's atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide mixed with nitrogen.

The air is very dense and forms nitrogen clots 4 times higher than those on Earth. This combination of gases underlies the greenhouse effect, which can maintain critically high temperatures.

The planet's clouds also accumulate heat and act as a "blind" for observations from the Earth's surface.

The pressure on Venus is 90 times greater than on Earth and, despite the almost identical sizes of the planets, a person will feel like being at great depths in the ocean.

The atmosphere of Venus is 96% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen, 1% carbon monoxide, argon, sulfur dioxide, water vapor.

Planetary researchers in the 60s were convinced that the climate of Venus was similar to the climate of Earth and referred to the fact that the planet is hidden under thick clouds, which in terrestrial conditions carry an abundance of moisture, which means life is possible there. Microwave survey revealed a very high temperature and hopes were gone. The clouds are represented by sulfuric acid vapor, not moisture. The mass of the Venusian atmosphere is 93 times greater than that of the Earth.

Presumably, Venus previously had a normal atmosphere, and its magnetosphere ceased to function after a strong and unknown intervention. The planet's protection was lost, and the solar wind tore its atmospheric layer into pieces. Hydrogen and all water immediately disappeared from the atmosphere.

The average temperature on Venus, maintained stably throughout the day, is 462 degrees, which is quite enough to melt lead.

Venus has an axis tilt of 3 degrees, which is why the planet has no seasons. The winds blowing on Venus have a speed of 360 km/h, thanks to them the clouds are constantly moving. Closer to the surface, wind speeds become slower. After each axial rotation, the winds stop for 4 days.

The clouds are bright yellow or white.

Venus has its own albedo, which is formed by atmospheric clouds consisting of sulfuric acid.

Definition 1

Albedo is the ability of a celestial body to reflect the light of the Sun.

Theoretically, the maximum value reaches 1 and is equal to 100% reflection of incoming electromagnetic rays.

If the celestial body is completely black, then the albedo will be zero. For example, the Moon's albedo is 0.12, which means that our Moon, which shines brightly in the night sky, is actually quite dark.

Saturn's moon Enceladus has an albedo of 0.99, which means it almost completely reflects all light.

Venus has an albedo of 0.75, making it a very bright, shining star.

Venus's greenhouse effect

What distinguishes Venus from all other planets is its greenhouse effect, created by gases and clouds in the atmosphere.

Experts suggest that Venus once had a low temperature and even liquid water, which was similar to the Earth. Billions of years ago, the heating process began, water evaporated, and space was filled with carbon dioxide.

The greenhouse effect is found in the planet's atmosphere and is about 500 degrees.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus makes it very dense and prevents cooling through infrared radiation. As a result, the surface of the planet heats up to critical levels. The temperature on the planet's surface rises as a result of thermal energy due to heating of gases.

Earth escaped the fate of its neighbor thanks to the presence of oceans, which absorb atmospheric carbon and store it in rocks.

There are no oceans on Venus, so all the carbon dioxide released by volcanoes into the atmosphere remains in it - this is an uncontrollable greenhouse effect.

Venus receives twice as much solar heat as Earth. However, if the Earth were put in the place of Venus, then its temperature would be only 60 degrees higher and would be 75 degrees, but not 480, which means that the reason for the high temperature is not the distance to the Sun.

The answer was found by the American scientist Carl Sagal - the reason lies in the atmosphere of the planet, which is a giant greenhouse, consisting of 96-98% carbon dioxide. This gas, the heat received from the Sun, is not released outside, and it returns to the surface of Venus. The sun does not stop its activity and continues to radiate heat, heating the surface. The planet radiates the resulting heat back into space, but the gas clouds do not allow this heat to pass through and return it back. Thus, Venus is warming up more and more every day. The heating of the planet occurs due to the clouds enveloping it.

The greenhouse effect is not present on all planets, but only on those whose atmosphere contains its main element - carbon dioxide.

The average surface temperature of the Earth (or another planet) increases due to the presence of its atmosphere.

Gardeners are very familiar with this physical phenomenon. The inside of the greenhouse is always warmer than the outside, and this helps to grow plants, especially in the cold season. You may feel a similar effect when you are in a car. The reason for this is that the Sun, with a surface temperature of about 5000°C, emits mainly visible light - the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which our eyes are sensitive. Because the atmosphere is largely transparent to visible light, solar radiation easily penetrates the Earth's surface. Glass is also transparent to visible light, so the sun's rays pass through the greenhouse and their energy is absorbed by the plants and all objects inside. Further, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, every object emits energy in some part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Objects with a temperature of about 15°C - the average temperature at the Earth's surface - emit energy in the infrared range. Thus, objects in a greenhouse emit infrared radiation. However, infrared radiation cannot easily pass through glass, so the temperature inside the greenhouse rises.

A planet with a stable atmosphere, such as Earth, experiences much the same effect—on a global scale. To maintain a constant temperature, the Earth itself needs to emit as much energy as it absorbs from the visible light emitted towards us by the Sun. The atmosphere serves as glass in a greenhouse - it is not as transparent to infrared radiation as it is to sunlight. Molecules of various substances in the atmosphere (the most important of them are carbon dioxide and water) absorb infrared radiation, acting as greenhouse gases. Thus, infrared photons emitted by the earth's surface do not always go directly into space. Some of them are absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere. When these molecules re-radiate the energy they have absorbed, they can radiate it both outward into space and inward, back toward the Earth's surface. The presence of such gases in the atmosphere creates the effect of covering the Earth with a blanket. They cannot stop heat from escaping outward, but they allow heat to remain near the surface for a longer time, so the Earth's surface is much warmer than it would be in the absence of gases. Without an atmosphere, the average surface temperature would be -20°C, well below the freezing point of water.

It is important to understand that the greenhouse effect has always existed on Earth. Without the greenhouse effect caused by the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the oceans would have frozen long ago and higher forms of life would not have appeared. Currently, the scientific debate about the greenhouse effect is on the issue global warming: Are we, humans, disturbing the planet’s energy balance too much by burning fossil fuels and other economic activities, adding excessive amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? Today, scientists agree that we are responsible for increasing the natural greenhouse effect by several degrees.

The greenhouse effect does not only occur on Earth. In fact, the strongest greenhouse effect we know of is on our neighboring planet, Venus. The atmosphere of Venus consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, and as a result the surface of the planet is heated to 475 ° C. Climatologists believe that we have avoided such a fate thanks to the presence of oceans on Earth. Oceans absorb atmospheric carbon and it accumulates in rocks such as limestone - thereby removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. There are no oceans on Venus, and all the carbon dioxide that volcanoes emit into the atmosphere remains there. As a result, we observe on Venus ungovernable Greenhouse effect.

The average surface temperature of the Earth (or another planet) increases due to the presence of its atmosphere.

Gardeners are very familiar with this physical phenomenon. The inside of the greenhouse is always warmer than the outside, and this helps to grow plants, especially in the cold season. You may feel a similar effect when you are in a car. The reason for this is that the Sun, with a surface temperature of about 5000°C, emits mainly visible light - the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which our eyes are sensitive. Because the atmosphere is largely transparent to visible light, solar radiation easily penetrates the Earth's surface. Glass is also transparent to visible light, so the sun's rays pass through the greenhouse and their energy is absorbed by the plants and all objects inside. Further, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, every object emits energy in some part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Objects with a temperature of about 15°C - the average temperature at the Earth's surface - emit energy in the infrared range. Thus, objects in a greenhouse emit infrared radiation. However, infrared radiation cannot easily pass through glass, so the temperature inside the greenhouse rises.

A planet with a stable atmosphere, such as Earth, experiences much the same effect—on a global scale. To maintain a constant temperature, the Earth itself needs to emit as much energy as it absorbs from the visible light emitted towards us by the Sun. The atmosphere serves as glass in a greenhouse - it is not as transparent to infrared radiation as it is to sunlight. Molecules of various substances in the atmosphere (the most important of them are carbon dioxide and water) absorb infrared radiation, acting as greenhouse gases. Thus, infrared photons emitted by the earth's surface do not always go directly into space. Some of them are absorbed by greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere. When these molecules re-radiate the energy they have absorbed, they can radiate it both outward into space and inward, back toward the Earth's surface. The presence of such gases in the atmosphere creates the effect of covering the Earth with a blanket. They cannot stop heat from escaping outward, but they allow heat to remain near the surface for a longer time, so the Earth's surface is much warmer than it would be in the absence of gases. Without an atmosphere, the average surface temperature would be -20°C, well below the freezing point of water.

It is important to understand that the greenhouse effect has always existed on Earth. Without the greenhouse effect caused by the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the oceans would have frozen long ago and higher forms of life would not have appeared. Currently, the scientific debate about the greenhouse effect is on the issue global warming: Are we, humans, disturbing the planet’s energy balance too much by burning fossil fuels and other economic activities, adding excessive amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? Today, scientists agree that we are responsible for increasing the natural greenhouse effect by several degrees.

The greenhouse effect does not only occur on Earth. In fact, the strongest greenhouse effect we know of is on our neighboring planet, Venus. The atmosphere of Venus consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, and as a result the surface of the planet is heated to 475 ° C. Climatologists believe that we have avoided such a fate thanks to the presence of oceans on Earth. Oceans absorb atmospheric carbon and it accumulates in rocks such as limestone - thereby removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. There are no oceans on Venus, and all the carbon dioxide that volcanoes emit into the atmosphere remains there. As a result, we observe on Venus ungovernable Greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse effect (in planetary atmospheres)

- increase in internal temperature layers of the planet's atmosphere and its surface, due to the fact that the atmosphere is more transparent to the incident solar radiation than to the outgoing thermal radiation of the surface (and its own). 75% of solar radiation energy falls in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 1.5 microns, 75% of thermal radiation at T = 300 K (Earth) in the range of 7.8-28 microns, and at T = 700 K (Venus) to the range of 3.3-12 microns. Thus, thermal radiation from the atmosphere and surface of planets is IR radiation. It is strongly absorbed by molecules (CO 2, H 2 O, SO 2, NH 3, etc.). At the same time, in the visible region of the spectrum, molecules of planetary atmospheres scatter sunlight, almost without absorbing it, so it penetrates to great depths. Aerosol scattering is added to molecular (Rayleigh) scattering, but it does not attenuate light very effectively, even in the case of an optically thick continuous cloud cover. Sunlight penetrates the planetary atmosphere, is absorbed by the surface of the planet (as well as the atmosphere, especially radiation in the near-UV and IR regions of the spectrum) and is transformed into thermal energy. Its flow goes up and radiates into space. space. Since the heat flow is directed upward, the temperature in the troposphere decreases with increasing altitude. The resulting overall temperature difference is greater, the higher the atmospheric pressure at the surface and the greater the relative temperature. the number of molecules capable of absorbing infrared radiation.

The value of P. e. characterized by the difference between avg. temperature of the surface and planet T e (see Table 1 in article). For Venus = 735 K, T e = 230 K. Here P. e. expressed very strongly due to the fact that the pressure at the surface is high (p = 90 atm) and CO 2 - basic. component of the atmosphere (small impurities of HgO and SOa enhance the atmospheric emission). In the Earth's atmosphere, CO 2 is only 0.03%, but this is enough for the presence of CO 2 molecules and a small amount of H 2 O (0.1%) to increase the temperature by 40 K (= 288 K, T e = 249 K). T.o., P.e. plays a very important role in shaping the Earth's climate.

On Jupiter P. e. create molecules H 2, H 2 O, NH 3, but there the role of P. e. is small, since the scattered flux of solar energy in the depths of the atmosphere is much less than the heat flux from the bowels of the planet. On Mars and Titan (a satellite of Saturn) 3-5 K.