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How to write a riddle about vegetables. Riddles from the garden, methodological development on the topic

This page of the site contains riddles about vegetables with answers for the little ones, for children of the junior and middle groups of kindergarten, as well as for schoolchildren in grades 1-4.

Child development is a very important moment in the life of family and school. Young children begin to explore the world around them through play. Such activities are very popular with both children and students in grades 2 and 3. Pictures with vegetables will also be useful for kids.

Try inviting your children to come up with riddles on their own; they will be happy to present you with their compositions, complementing them with funny drawings. Here you will find riddles about vegetables at various levels of difficulty.

Riddles about carrots

The girl is sitting
In a dark dungeon,
And the braid is on the street.

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.

I'm proud of my long tail,
For hares, there is no one tastier than me.
I take a lot of vitamins
I keep it under my skin.
I’ll put on the vest very cleverly,
Orange! After all, I... (Carrot)

Very bright girl
In the summer he hides in the dungeon.
Bunnies and kids love it
Fresh and in cutlets.
This red-haired cheat
It's called...(Carrot)

She is orange.
Helpful greetings from the summer.
Girls and boys gnaw on her,
And even long-eared bunnies.

One after another in order
The tails stick out in the garden bed,
And the beautiful girl
He sits in an earthen dungeon.

Poems about vegetables

What grows in our garden bed
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad,
Our garden bed is just a treasure.
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully,
I definitely remembered it.
Answer in order.
What's growing in our garden bed?


The vegetables argued until they were hoarse:
Which one is the standard of beauty?
“I’m both blush and cheerful,” -
The beets repeated with a sweet smile.
The carrot shook its curls proudly,
She even furrowed her bright eyebrow.
She said loudly, pushing the beets away:
“You are cheerful, and I am a treasure trove of vitamins!”
The cucumber risked intervening in their dispute:
“Am I not handsome and well done?
I'm almost entirely water
So all your efforts are in vain.”
But the onion suddenly became indignant:
“How many handsome men there are around, however!
Speeches of praise mean little,
Everyone next to me is crying with joy.”
Only the potatoes in the basket sighed.
He heard conversations in the kitchen:
Wash the vegetables - lunch is coming soon
And they will make a vinaigrette from them.

Interesting Facts about vegetables:

Carrots have been considered a fruit in Europe since 1991. Within European countries, no one dares to call it a vegetable or root vegetable anymore.

On the territory of Russia, turnip cultivation began earlier than all other vegetables; it was planted even before the emergence of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. They made turnip soup, steamed it in a Russian oven, baked pies filled with turnips, made turnip kvass, and ate it with honey.

What do a horse and a head of cabbage have in common? They drink water equally greedily! During the day, cabbage “drinks” as much water as an adult work horse.


Most vegetable crafts are made using a knife, so the creative process should take place under adult supervision. Products made from vegetables are short-lived because they spoil quickly, but they bring pleasure to those who make them.

By being creative, the child will spend time usefully.

Original crafts made from vegetables will decorate an exhibition in a kindergarten or school, or a children’s room at home. Working together improves relationships between family members and brings a favorable atmosphere to the home.

Vegetables from the garden are the most pliable material. They make funny figures and beautiful compositions. Sometimes additional natural material is required for work - vegetables, chestnuts, acorns and leaves. With their help you can create amazing crafts.

Working on making one or another figure develops a child’s imagination. Looking at a hooked vegetable, he immediately imagines what can be made from it. The advantage of models made from vegetables and fruits is that their production does not require material costs. Everything you need for work grows in the beds and lies in the child’s desk drawer. Crafts can be made on different themes at any time of the year.

Let's look at the most original crafts made from vegetables and how to make them.


Children do not like this vegetable. They find it tasteless and it makes them cry. But, if you show your child what crafts can be made from onions, he will change his opinion about him.

Try making a lily from an onion. Tip: to prevent the smell from causing tears, periodically wet the knife and the vegetable itself in water. For work, prepare:

  • large size onion;
  • hot water;

Step 1. Peel the onion.

Step 2. Make cross-shaped cuts on the first layer of inner juicy scales, and move them downwards.

Step 2. Do the same work, but only so that the cuts do not match.

Step 3. After cutting and spreading all the layers, place the plant in hot water. Heat treatment will make the leaves soft.

Video instruction “Chrysanthemum from onions”

Potato crafts are no less attractive. Sometimes you come across a rather funny shape of a tuber, which tells you what image you can give it. Just look at what cartoon characters can be made from irregularly shaped potatoes.

Step 1. Boil the potatoes in their jackets.

Step 2. Thread it onto a skewer.

Step 3. Decorate the product: use a yogurt jar instead of a hat, and sewing pins for the eye.

If you use other vegetables in the craft, it will become completely edible. For example, a parrot's tail can be made from bell pepper, and the wings can be replaced with feathers of young onions.

In fact, there are many options for crafts made from potatoes. An edible figurine can be served to your child for breakfast.

If you need a craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten or school, you can make characters like these.

A whole fairy tale

Video selection of potato crafts.


Vegetables are an excellent material for creativity. Its dense texture allows you to create strong and stable figures. Often in creating crafts, the carving technique is used - artistic cutting.

Try making a flower out of carrots.

Step 1: Peel the vegetable and shape it into a pentagon.

Step 2. Cut “petals” along each edge, and cut off the corner of each petal.

Step 3. Cut out the remaining petals in a checkerboard pattern.

Work is done.

We suggest making a cunning fox. For work, prepare:

  • cabbage leaf;
  • carrots (2 pieces);
  • toothpicks;
  • prunes.

Step 1. Cut out a muzzle with ears, a tail and paws from a small carrot, and a body from a large vegetable.

Step 2. Connect all the parts using toothpicks.

Step 3. Make eyes and nose from prunes.

Step 4: Use a cabbage fox instead of a collar.

This is what a fox looks like.

We invite you to watch a master class on making a giraffe.

The most interesting crafts from vegetables
Do crafts with your child. The creative process has a positive effect on its development:
memory improves;
perseverance is formed;
visual coordination is developing;
spatial thinking develops;
there is an understanding that everything needs to be completed.
By creating crafts with your own hands, a child’s self-esteem rises.
Interesting shapes are obtained from cabbage. Try making the composition “Autumn”.

For work, prepare:

  • head of cabbage;
  • rowan (red and black);
  • rose hip;
  • watermelon, melon and pumpkin seeds;
  • ash seeds;
  • paints;
  • colored paper;
  • wire;
  • plasticine;
  • toothpicks.

Step 1. Place the cabbage in front of you - this will be the head.

Step 2: Cut out the eyes from construction paper and place them where you want them to be.

Step 3. Make the pupils from berries, securing them with toothpicks, and the eyelashes from ash seeds.

Step 4. String rowan and currant berries onto the wire - these will be beads and earrings.

Step 5. Make flowers for the wreath from plasticine, black rowan berries and painted ash seeds.

Step 6. Make the nose from rosehips, and the mouth from rowan berries.

The “Autumn” beauties are ready.

Video selection of cabbage crafts.

Time spent being creative will be an excellent alternative to endless computer games and cartoons.

What is a RIDDLE? This is a brief description of an object or phenomenon that needs to be known and solved. The main feature of the riddle is that it is a verbal-logical problem. To guess a riddle means to answer a question, i.e. perform a complex mental operation. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize and develop the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions. When working with riddles, children develop: thinking, speech, attention and memory, imagination, their stock of knowledge and understanding of the world around them expands.



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riddles from the garden

Goal: teach children to solve riddles. Objectives: teach how to guess descriptive riddles, consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of vegetables, cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen carefully and understand the meaning of what is heard.

Very sharp, but not a knife. Doesn't look like a radish. Long, narrow, too red, and wonderful as a spice. (hot peppers)

White clove for colds Chewing is not bad at all. For colds and diseases There is no healthier vegetable. (garlic) It grows in the ground and is removed for winter. The head looks like a bow. If you just chew even a small slice, it will smell for a very long time. (garlic)

Tall, large leaves, Ears like wheat, And in covers with green fluff - Just a ton of yellow grains! Its ripe cobs - Like sweet, sweet sugar - You can eat a lot from your belly! What is this?... (Corn)

The green house is a bit cramped: narrow, long, smooth. Round kids are sitting side by side in the house. In the fall, trouble came - the smooth house cracked, Round kids galloped in all directions. (Peas)

This vegetable is truly a marvel, Round, tasty and beautiful, Let's prepare lunch with it, Casserole, vinaigrette, The color of the dishes is not at all faded, The main thing in the kitchen... (Beets) You guys answer me, What grows in our garden bed, Disguising itself over land, very valuable tops? Its taste is unique, the color is burgundy, suited. Without it you can’t cook borscht, you can’t season vinaigrette. I got wet more than once in the rain Who, tell me, kids? ... (Beet)

The vegetable is juicy, bitter, caustic. Children rarely like him. The arrows are collected in a bunch, and it is called... (onion). Doesn't upset anyone, but makes everyone cry. Before we ate it, we all had time to cry. (onion)

I look like a zucchini, My side is also smooth, Only my color is like a plum - Purple, with a tint. They fry me and bake me, pickle me, salt me, rub me. My dishes are tasty, healthy, and necessary. (Eggplant) Although he hasn’t seen ink, He suddenly turned purple, And is shiny from praise. Very important... (Eggplant)

Tell me, what saves us from flu and colds, cleanses the liver and kidneys, removes pain and itching? What is white, black, and has a bitter taste; From melancholy, even green, But in the garden, like a butuz? My question is simple, answer me, What is everyone’s name? ... (radish)

Admire: what a fairy tale! A pointer was hidden in the garden bed. Bright red cheat! And her name is... (carrot). An orange root sits underground, It stores a storehouse of vitamins, Helps children become healthier, What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell? (carrot)

There are red fruits on the greenhouse bushes, thick and pot-bellied, do you recognize them? Like big berries hanging on the branches, eagerly asking to be added to a vegetable salad. (Tomatoes) I grow in the garden. And when I ripen, they cook a tomato from me, put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (tomatoes)

Wide leaves grew in the garden bed. What do you guys call them? Summer salads with them are delicious. Try this treat quickly. (Salad) Like gathered skirts Your leaves are frilly, And look behind the fold, Vitamins inside! Everyone will be very happy to eat some green... (Salad)

It is like a traffic light: Red, yellow or green. Everyone has known for a long time Stuffed, salted. You put it in the salad and add it to the seasonings. Don't sit idle, call this vegetable. (Pepper) Bright lanterns hang on the bushes, as if a festive parade is taking place here. Green, red, yellow fruits, Who are they, do you recognize them? (peppers)

My cheeks are pink, my nose is white, I sit in the dark all day. And the shirt is green, it’s all in the sun. (radish) A red mouse with a white tail sits in a hole under a green leaf. (radish)

He is covered in green pimples, Among the pollinated leaves, In a green garden bed He plays hide and seek all day long. And in winter, salted in a barrel, Resting in the cold. Do you know that cunning guy? Who is he, kids?... (Cucumber) Longer, shorter, Thick-sided, not so much. In every house, in every hut, in a jar, in a barrel and in a salad! If you guess it, well done! This is a vegetable...(cucumber).

I don’t know a better vegetable, I always plant it. It grows well, It's beautiful when it blooms, You can fry and boil it, And stew it with mushrooms. Think a little. What kind of vegetable is that? - (Potato) It blooms as a bush in the beds, and grows as tubers in the ground. We dig a little... Collecting what?.. (Potatoes)

This vegetable is a brother to the cucumber, that’s what people say. Here he lay down on his side. Striped... (zucchini). It grows very long and takes up half the garden bed. This vegetable is pumpkin brother, everyone eats it in summer. (zucchini)

An annual plant, From the cabbage family, It lies on store shelves like “Superman”... It contains Fiber - To cleanse the body, Vitamins, Calcium, Potassium Zinc, Iron and Selenium. All heads are blocks... What's the name?.. (Broccoli)

Broccoli on a spoon fell into the mouth. There are many vitamins in broccoli. I should touch those vitamins... So the broccoli ended up on me: Broccoli on my cheeks, Broccoli in my ears, Somehow they even ended up in my hair... A spoon on my mother, a spoon on the carpet, Broccoli even left on the wall. Tomorrow I need to ask for more spoon. It's so healthy to love broccoli!

Even though he hasn’t seen any ink, he suddenly turned purple, and shines with praise. Very important... (eggplant) They immediately recognize this vegetable by its color, everyone calls him Master Blue. With a shiny and oblong skin, it is happy to treat adults and children. (eggplant)

There is a yellow ball in the garden. But he doesn't run at a gallop. It is like the full moon, the seeds in it are delicious. (Pumpkin) She is the queen of all vegetables, and is proud of her size. From a distance it looks like a melon, and it also looks like a huge red ball. (pumpkin)

What's that squeak? What's that crunch? What kind of bush is this? How can I be without crunch, If I... (cabbage) I tried all summer - Dressed, dressed... And when autumn came, She gave us our clothes. We put a hundred clothes in a barrel. (cabbage)

Round side, yellow side, Gingerbread Man sits in the garden bed. Rooted firmly into the ground. What is this? (turnip) It is pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter, a cat, a grandfather and a mouse with a bug that has grown firmly into the ground. What is this? (turnip)

He sleeps in a garden bed under a leaf, and even snores. Slothboy has a fifth sweet dream - ... (Patisson) What kind of flat cake is this? The zucchini has changed its style! Dressed up in unusual clothes... (Patisson)

What kind of grass did we pick in our garden? Green, juicy, curly, Spicy, fragrant? (Parsley) My name is like a clown, But I’m not spoiled. There is a fluffy tail on the stem. Invite me over. I am juicy and long Vitamin greens. (Parsley)

A bush with a pleasant smell, fragrant, spicy, aromatic. It has the shape of an umbrella, When the seeds in it ripen... (Dill)

Vegetable dispute This is an autumn fairy tale about vegetables. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. Grandfather watched TV in the evenings, and grandmother knitted socks for him. They became bored with living like this. We decided to get a vegetable garden. They spent days fiddling with it. They really liked that time flew by quickly and it was not boring at all. It's time to sow the seeds. The grandfather did not entrust such a serious matter to the grandmother. I went to the market myself and bought everything. I decided not to call grandma, but to sow the seeds myself. But he stumbled, and all the seeds scattered throughout the garden. children's tales about vegetables Grandfather came home gloomy. And he says: “Now how can you find out where the carrots are and where the beets are!” “Don’t worry, grandfather,” said the grandmother, “the time will come, we’ll figure it out ourselves.” Autumn has come, it's time to harvest. An old man and an old woman were watching, and the vegetables were all so beautiful and ripe. But they argue with each other about which of them is better and more useful. - I am a tomato, I make a delicious tomato. I'm the best. - And I’m the most useful of all. I am an onion, I save everyone from illness. - But no. I'm also rich in vitamins. I am a sweet and very tasty pumpkin, and I am also very bright and beautiful. “You’re not the only one who shines with beauty.” I am a red carrot, I am a beautiful girl. Healthy and tasty, everyone really likes it. The vegetables argued for a long time, until the grandfather and grandmother said: “You are all the main, important and useful. We will gather all of you, we will not leave anyone in the garden. Some will go into porridge, some into soup, and many of you will eat raw vegetables.” and very tasty. The vegetables were delighted, laughed and clapped."