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What are neuter words? Gender and number of nouns Use of abstract, real and proper nouns in the plural.

1. if the 1st declension includes feminine and masculine nouns ending in -a or -ya, then in what chain do these words stand? A. B

literature, in an article, before history, in a man. B. Without a manuscript, near the square, among the youth, from the mother.

2. If the 2nd declension includes masculine nouns with a zero ending and neuter nouns, then in what chain do these words stand?

A. Catalog, research, day

B. Furniture, shadow, role

3. Indicate nouns of the 3rd declension.

A. Love, sadness, fidelity

B. GUEST, leader, horse

4. Indicate nouns that have only a singular form.

A. Rose, aster, tulip

B. Sorrel, cotton, beets.

5. What form do collective nouns have?

A. Form only a single thought.

B. Plural form only

6. Noun Droshky has only a plural form, since..... . Choose an explanation.

A. Is distracted.

B. Is real

7. Indicate differently inflected nouns.

A. with desire

B. over time

V. with name

A. over the flame

B. above the banner

V. above the building

1. Place stress in the following words: carpenter, teenage, facilitate, force, agent, nap, minus. 2. Choose synonyms for the words (by

2-3 examples): Cumbersome, pointless, unique, embarrassed, vain. 3. Indicate the morphemic composition of the words: Harmless, jumped out, victorious, load, tightly. 4. Decline: Some, 12.495. 5. Determine the number of nouns (singular, plural, only singular, only plural): West, painting, child, people, canned food, gate, degrees, childhood, ravine. 6. Open the brackets, select the desired form: 1. On the personal (account, account) of many employees, there is a significant overfulfillment of the plan. 2. The plane landed at (airport, airport) 3. A volumetric hardening department (of rails, rails) was built at the plant. 4. The base shipped four tons (tomatoes) to the store. 5. The hospital received two hundred sets of blankets, pillowcases and (sheets, sheets) 7. Decline the nouns in the singular and plural. In all forms, place emphasis: Fine, language, stamp, speed. 8. From these full-form adjectives, form the short form of the masculine, feminine, neuter gender and plural form. In all forms, place the emphasis: Good, pear, bad, light. 9. Form the genitive case from these plural nouns. Highlight the endings. Minxes, amps, rails, potions, cells, apprentices.

Find phrases in which the words are connected using agreement: A) Blue sky, green grass. B) There was a whiff of cold, traces of sound

C) Portrait of a man, letter from mother

D) Mom and daughter, complete the letter.

E) Worked tirelessly, went to study

This noun has only a plural form.

Find the imperative verb in the sentences:

A) The wounded man was lying on his back.

B) The brothers are very similar to each other.

C) I would have learned my lesson if I hadn’t been lazy.

D) Complete the task without errors.

E) They worked tirelessly, trying to get there on time.

Indicate the part of speech that is not independent:

A) Pronoun

B) Verb.

C) Adverb.

D) Communion.

Specify the perfect verb:

E) danced

Determine the gender of the noun “crybaby”:

A) Feminine.

B) Neuter

C) Masculine

D) General kind

E) Has no gender

Specify an indirect question:

A) She asked her friend if she had written the essay.

B) The duty officer reported those who were absent.

C) What happened to you, friends?

D) I said that I love flowers, but not like this.

E) She interrupted me, saying it was none of my business.

Indicate the word from which a participle can be formed:

A) Love

B) Joy

C) Happiness

D) Desire

E) Kindness

The cardinal number is in the nominative case:

A) We bought one and a half meters of silk.

C) You can’t make four out of three minutes.

C) Two anchors hold the ship stronger.

D) One hundred pages of text are already ready.

E) The car reached a speed of up to one hundred kilometers per hour


1. Find the extra word.
a) highway
b) taxi
c) salami
d) pince-nez
2. Find the extra word
a) Baku
b) pony
c) coffee
d) coat
3. Mark the feminine nouns.
a) banjo
b) peri
c) ranch
d) ivashi
4. Mark the feminine nouns.
a) kohlrabi
b) referee
c) veil
d) aloe
5. Mark feminine nouns
a) shampoo
b) callus
c) mole
d) report card
6. Mark the masculine nouns.
a) tulle
b) only
c) vermicelli
d) wormwood
7. Mark neuter nouns
a) sconce
b) bourgeois
c) bully
d) wallet
8. Mark the neuter nouns.
a) neckline
b) Frau
c) bureau
d) foyer
9. Mark the masculine nouns
a) dandy
b) vanilla
In the underground
d) resume
10. Mark the masculine nouns
a) tulle
b) stew
c) callus
d) braggart
11. Mark neuter nouns
a) boot
b) little mind
c) small town
d) log
12. Mark the nouns that belong to the general gender
a) alibi
b) counterpart
c) crybaby
d) Suluguni
13. Mark the nouns that belong to the general gender
a) jury
b) attache
c) protégé
d) crybaby
14. Mark the nouns related to the feminine gender
a) ATC
b) research institute
c) UN
d) Moscow State University
15. Mark the masculine nouns
a) computer
b) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
c) hydroelectric power station
d) APU

We already know that in Spanish all words are masculine and feminine. But there is a special group of words in which there is no difference between masculine and feminine. That is, there are words that can be feminine or masculine. Moreover, when changing gender, some words change their meaning radically, while another group of words, if they change, do so only slightly.

The Spaniards call this phenomenon “género ambiguo”, I would advise you to just remember this, it happens... Because these words are quite often found in our everyday life. These are not exceptions, but rather the norm of Spanish vocabulary. Let's look at them and try not to get confused in their use. So:

No difference in meaning

In the modern dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, they are listed as words with two genders at the same time. There are about 105 such words in total, but many of them are not so often found in everyday speech. Some of them are outdated or specific. Not every Spaniard is able to explain the difference, if any. For example, many words are used in different genders due to the existence of multiple dialects, geographical locations, habits and frequency of use. Here are the most common ones with some comments:

El linde - la linde: border, boundary, boundary sign.

El mar - la mar: sea and figurative meaning “a lot of something.”

Most often you will, of course, come across “el mar”. The geographical name of the sea will always be used only with the masculine gender: el mar Negro, el mar Mediterráneo.

La mar is used more in a metaphorical sense, in poetry, for example. People who live in close proximity to the sea and are associated with it also speak in the feminine gender:

Lloró una mar de lágrimas (cried a sea of ​​tears), una mar de intrigues (sea of ​​intrigue), alta mar (open sea).

El reuma - la reuma: rheumatism. (most often used reumatismo).

El tilde - la tilde: tilde (a sign above letters, for example, the letter Ñ in Spanish), trifle, trifle. It is used in the feminine and masculine gender in grammar, and in the meaning of “trifle, trifle” it is said la tilde.

El arte, like la arte, is used to mean “art, creativity, skill.” True, for example, in this case, when we are talking about the arts in general, for example, Academia de Bellas Artes (Academy of Fine Arts), the feminine gender is used.

El azúcar - la azúcar: sugar. Russian translators, and more often in everyday life, say “el azúcar”. But there may also be a female version, for example, in the description of the production process, so be prepared not to be surprised.

For reference: These words were once also found with both the article el and la, but now these words cannot be used in both genders at the same time. Because in the latest version of the Royal Academy Dictionary they are listed as words with only a masculine article. Although, as was noted earlier, no one has canceled the spread of a certain form in colloquial speech in different regions of the country.

El fin - la fin: the end

El puente - la puente: bridge

El sabor - la sabor: taste

El análisis - la análisis: analysis

Words that change their meaning with gender

It is necessary to know that they exist and take on a different meaning, depending on which article is in front. Again, this is not a complete list of these words, but these are the most commonly used ones. Pay attention to how the translation changes and try to simply remember them.

Cutting, section

Courtyard (royal)

Money, capital


Treatment remedy

Police officer

mulberry tree


Guide, conductor


Customs officer

Sight, vision

Security guard, sentry

Forehead, front side

Message, notice

Party, participant, role in the theater



To use words correctly, you need to understand what kind they are. Is coffee, for example, neuter masculine? If it’s average, then you need to say: “My coffee is cold.” And if it’s male, “My coffee is cold.” How to avoid being branded as an illiterate person when determining the neuter gender?

What are the neuter words? Examples

The division of parts of speech by gender (feminine, neuter and masculine) is not unique to the Russian language. The ending of a word determines whether it belongs to the neuter gender. Neuter nouns are usually inanimate, although there are exceptions:

  • creature,
  • animal,
  • monster,
  • deity,
  • child,
  • monster,
  • person (official).

If a word comes from another language, ends in a vowel, is inanimate, and according to established tradition is not declined, it is considered neuter.

Neuter nouns answer the question: whose is it? If you can say about a word: “It’s mine,” then it’s a neuter noun. There are two types of endings for such words:

  1. -o, -e, -e, -ie. These are, for example, the following words: pots, lake, muffler, gun, understanding.
  2. -me. For example, stirrup, crown, name.

Neuter words can be not only nouns, but also adjectives, numerals and pronouns.

Coffee - it or he?

It seems that the word "coffee" does not obey the rule: it ends in "e", but at the same time it is not neuter, but masculine. exception? Not really. The fact is that the word, along with the drink, came to Russia with Peter the Great. Tea had already been known for a long time, and by analogy with this drink the new product began to be called “coffee.” Then no one doubted that the word was masculine. Its diminutive version of “coffees” is still beyond doubt.

Over time, the word “coffee” became obsolete and was replaced by “coffee.” The word became unbreakable. And here a paradox arose. According to the rules, this word must have a neuter gender. This is why, intuitively, people began to use “coffee” as a neuter word. A process began that transferred the word “metro” from the masculine to the neuter. You probably remember Utesov’s song: “But the metro sparkled with oak railings...”

Why don’t linguists recognize the neuter gender for coffee? Because this word has a special meaning. Using it in the neuter gender is contrary to literary tradition, and therefore is perceived as illiterate. The coffee ended up in a place for which speakers of literate Russian speech are fighting. These are the words contract, rings, blinds, cottage cheese, provision and several others.

And although since 2002 you can say “my coffee” in colloquial speech, only the masculine gender is recognized in writing.


Changing words by case is called declension. Neuter words with endings can be inflected. For neuter nouns there are the following rules (see table).




A, -Z: windows, buildings, points

She, ev, ov: windows, fields, trees

U, -yu: window, building, edge

Am, yam: windows, fields, trees

Oh, -e, -e: window, building, edge

A, -z: windows, fields, buildings, trees

Om, eat, -eat: window, building, edge

Ami, -yami: windows, points

E, -i: about health, about the building, on the cutting edge

Ah, -yah: about windows, about trees

Common mistakes

A typical mistake was the incorrect determination of the gender of some words. Because of the ending “o,” which is pronounced “a” in the unstressed version, some inflect such words into the feminine form. Example:

  • The buffet sells pies with jam, manga and dried apricots.
  • We saw the natives living in bungalow.
  • The neighbors bought piano.

The correct options would be to use the highlighted words in the neuter form. That is: with jam, with mangoes, in a bungalow, we bought a piano.

The second common mistake is trying to change indeclinable nouns by case. It’s not just children who get confused, and incredible words of feminine, masculine, and neuter gender arise.

Words that do not change by case. Examples

In addition to inflected words, there are also neuter words that are invariable by case:

  • arpeggio,
  • video,
  • graffiti,
  • dragee,
  • neckline,
  • coupe,
  • cafe,
  • mango,
  • mini,
  • neutrino,
  • penalty,
  • piano,
  • rendezvous,
  • solo,
  • trio,
  • Taxi,
  • fouetté,
  • facsimile.

This list is far from complete. Therefore, if difficulties arise, it is better to turn to dictionaries.

How to remember words without endings: a game

To avoid making mistakes in declination, there is a simple and fun way to check. Try putting these words in several different cases. If it turns out funny and absurd, then this word is not declined according to cases.

  • The kangaroo put on his pince-nez (wrong, there is no such word, you need to put “pince-nez”).
  • To get to the cafe, I took a taxi (it would be correct: “taxi”).
  • We gorged ourselves on crème brûlée, blancmange and dragées (correctly: “crème brûlée, blancmange and dragées”).
  • Let's meet near the depot and go watch the movie "Dynamo" (you need: "near the depot, the movie "Dynamo").
  • I am dissatisfied with the passe-partout with a photo and a panel (it would be correct: “passe-partout with a photo and a panel”).

Play this game with your children. It is not difficult, the main thing is not to forget that these words are not declined by case. Regular games with words develop intelligence and expand vocabulary. Soon the child will feel how to construct a phrase and use words, and will not make mistakes.

The main grammatical feature that is inherent in almost every part of speech is the category of gender. How many genders do nouns have and how to correctly determine this category for this part of speech? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

What is the gender of nouns?

Category of gender of nouns in Russian– a grammatical sign indicating the gender (gender) of the object (living creature, phenomenon) called by the noun or its absence. Gender is a permanent grammatical feature of nouns and is studied in the 6th grade.

Features of the category of gender of nouns

There are three types of nouns in the Russian language:

  • Male (he). Masculine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of masculine nouns: dad, uncle, knife, table, hawk.

  • Female (she). Feminine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of feminine nouns: wife, nanny, night, glory, desert.

  • Average (it). Neuter nouns in the singular I. p. have endings -о, -е.

    Examples of neuter nouns: swamp, gold, sun, lake, jam.

There is also a class of words, the so-called general gender, which, depending on the context, can be used in both masculine and feminine genders

(boring, sissy, crybaby, smart, greedy).

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How to determine the gender of a noun?

For animate nouns, the gender coincides with the gender of a living creature, a person (father, interlocutor - m.r., girlfriend, gossip - f.r.).

For all nouns, gender can be determined by the grammatical form of the adjective, which agrees with the noun:

  • Masculine whose? Which? (white snow, good advice);
  • Feminine. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (fresh newspaper, cheerful friend);
  • Neuter gender. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (green field, tall building).

1. Swan. "Swan" is masculine. But if, for example, we are talking about Pushkin’s fairy tales (“Look, a white swan is swimming over flowing waters”), it is female. What do modern dictionaries say about this? That “swan” is really masculine, but in folk poetic speech this word can also be used as a feminine noun.

2. Tulle. In stores where they sell or sew curtains, you can often hear something about “beautiful tulle.” In fact, “tulle” is masculine: “curtain tulle.” By the way, in the source language (French) this noun is also masculine.

3. Shampoo. This word should also not be given “feminine” qualities. “Shampoo” is it. And unlike some other words, it never changed gender. So you can wash your hair with “new shampoo”, but not with “new shampoo”.

4. Callus. This is a feminine noun. However, quite often it is mistakenly attributed to masculine. The fact is that before (once upon a time) there really were fluctuations between the masculine and feminine genders, but in the end the feminine won. Which, by the way, is rather an exception - the male usually wins. Patriarchy reigns in linguistics!

5. Parcel. Feminine gender. The source language (French) is affected, as well as the defining word - parcel: “send by parcel post”.

6. Mascara. It’s hard to confuse anything here, it’s clearly “mascara”. But we need to talk about this word separately because it has a twin (or almost a twin) - “tush” without a soft sign at the end. Touche is a piece of music.

7. Report card. Actually, the “report card” is masculine, but there is one exception: “table of ranks.” This is a legislative act of the 18th century, and in its name the word “table” is feminine: “look at the table of ranks.” In all other cases, the masculine gender remains.

9. Shutter. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between options. "Shutter" is masculine. “Shutter” - female.


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"Words of feminine and masculine gender"

We learn to correctly use the feminine and masculine gender in words that look very similar.

1. Swan. "Swan" is masculine. But if, for example, we are talking about Pushkin’s fairy tales (“Look, a white swan is swimming over flowing waters”), it is female. What do modern dictionaries say about this? That “swan” is really masculine, but in folk poetic speech this word can also be used as a feminine noun.

2. Tulle. In stores where they sell or sew curtains, you can often hear something about “beautiful tulle.” In fact, “tulle” is masculine: “curtain tulle.” By the way, in the source language (French) this noun is also masculine.

3. Shampoo. This word should also not be given “feminine” qualities. “Shampoo” is it. And unlike some other words, it never changed gender. So you can wash your hair with “new shampoo”, but not with “new shampoo”.

4. Callus. This is a feminine noun. However, quite often it is mistakenly attributed to masculine. The fact is that before (once upon a time) there really were fluctuations between the masculine and feminine genders, but in the end the feminine won. Which, by the way, is rather an exception - the male usually wins. Patriarchy reigns in linguistics!

5. Parcel. Feminine gender. The source language (French) is affected, as well as the defining word - parcel: “send by parcel post”.

6. Mascara. It’s hard to confuse anything here, it’s clearly “mascara”. But we need to talk about this word separately because it has a twin (or almost a twin) - “tush” without a soft sign at the end. Touche is a piece of music.

7. Report card. Actually, the “report card” is masculine, but there is one exception: “table of ranks.” This is a legislative act of the 18th century, and in its name the word “table” is feminine: “look at the table of ranks.” In all other cases, the masculine gender remains.

8. Piano. Nowadays the word “piano” is masculine, but previously there were two variants. You could say “beautiful piano.” And this is where the masculine gender won.

9. Shutter. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between options. "Shutter" is masculine. “Shutter” - female.


It turns out that even the word “vegetable” can cause problems. The fact is that the dictionaries also include “vegetable” with a soft sign at the end. This feminine word has a collective meaning and denotes a collection of vegetables: “every vegetable.” But in living speech, “vegetable” is not used in this sense at all, and it is rare in written speech.