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home  /  Business/ What kind of vacation do teachers of additional vocational education institutions have? Length of working time (norm hours of teaching work per wage rate) of teaching staff - Rossiyskaya Gazeta Working time of an industrial training master at a driving school.

What kind of vacation do teachers of additional vocational education institutions have? Length of working time (norm hours of teaching work per wage rate) of teaching staff - Rossiyskaya Gazeta Working time of an industrial training master at a driving school.

How profitable and promising is this business today? The question is controversial. The tightening of requirements, which has been ongoing since 2014, should in the long term make the work of such schools more productive and the roads safer. But today, all changes only lead to an increase in the cost of training services and a complication of the process of obtaining rights for ordinary citizens.

Today we will talk about the current requirements for driving schools. But since the process of lawmaking in this area is incomplete, we recommend that you “ventilate” this issue with local regulatory authorities before preparing documents for opening.

Main licensing authorities

Driving school (DS), like any other school, belongs to the educational sphere. This means that before starting the training process, the program will need to be agreed upon with the Ministry of Education and Science.

In addition, permits will have to be obtained from:

  • Traffic police
  • Rospotrebnadzor (SES).
  • State Inspectorate.

Main innovations of 2017

The main innovations of 2017 concern the requirements, powers and responsibilities of the traffic police. Keep in mind that driving schools are licensed.

A license is issued only after police representatives check locally:

  • training vehicles;
  • autodromes;
  • classrooms.

Only after confirmation from the traffic police that these elements comply with the legal framework can you apply to open a school.

The introduced innovations regarding examination events are regulated by the rules for passing examinations for the right to drive a vehicle (entered into force on 04/04/17).

The innovations also include:

  1. Availability of a medical office and a health worker at the school (doctor/paramedic/nurse).
  2. Availability of a teacher with psychological education on staff.
  3. The presence of a special education among the teaching staff (car enthusiasts, even with extensive experience, will no longer be able to act as teachers without the appropriate document).
  4. The owner of this establishment must legally have an area for practical training of at least 0.24 hectares. A traffic light (according to GOST R 52282-2004), a railway crossing, competent markings (GOST R 51256-99), and all main traffic control signs (signs according to GOST R 52290-2004) should be placed on the usable area.
  5. The area for driving practice must be located on a slope ranging from 8 to 16% and its surface must be made of one material (asphalt/concrete) with a wheel-road grip of 0.4%.
  6. AS must legally own/have at its disposal a fleet of vehicles, which includes domestic and imported vehicles, the latter should be about half.

Innovations affected the school curriculum. It includes psychology as a separate discipline and expanded time for the discipline that familiarizes future drivers with the rules of first aid in case of an accident. A new subject "Basics of vehicle management" has appeared.

From this year, ordinary traffic police inspectors will not take part in driving license exams. The practical part will be taken either on the basis of a motor training ground of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or on the basis of a motor training ground selected by the road police of one of the training organizations. Driving school students have the right to choose the traffic police department where they will take the exam.

Remember that the “correct” schools are listed on the traffic police website. And your task is to get into this register.

Main legislative acts

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation regulating road safety.

Requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

Before organizing a business, you need to understand what type of institution it belongs to. To do this, you should use the explanatory letter from the Ministry of Education No. AK-2726/06 dated September 18, 2015.

So, according to this letter, a driving school is a professional educational organization. This definition justifies the main requirements of this structure.

When opening an AS, you should have:

  • the “right” teaching staff;
  • training programs;
  • visual aids;
  • equipment for demonstrating visual material (projectors, etc.);
  • technical equipment (agribusiness and simulators/mannequins);
  • map-scheme of the settlement;
  • board (ideally magnetic marker).
  • cars;
  • autodrome

Technical requirements for the hardware of a driving school, its computer programs, and the arrangement of racing tracks are approved by the traffic police department at the federal level and controlled by local traffic police authorities.

Requirements for training programs

Today there are requirements for the theoretical course, the practical part and the calculation of the volume of graduates that the school can complete in a year.

Innovations involve dividing the theoretical course into three large parts:

  • basic;
  • course in special subjects;
  • training in professional skills.

This applies to future drivers of all categories. Training at AS includes courses on the Code of Administrative Offenses, the Civil Code and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

You are also responsible for teaching your students the following rules:

  • behavior in a situation of acute conflict on the road;
  • in case of an accident;
  • providing emergency first aid to persons injured in an accident.

The practical part of the course is aimed at instilling skills in future drivers in how to correctly:

  • get into the car;
  • start the driving process, how and when to change gears;
  • accelerate the vehicle and brake correctly in different situations;
  • make a U-turn and turn;
  • maneuver during parking and when there is a catastrophic lack of space;
  • drive through the railway track.

At the last stage, the instructor and the student go to the city to conduct the most difficult and important moment of training - training in real conditions.

The number of hours that must be included in driver training programs is established by law:

  • "B" category 190 hours;
  • "D" - 257 hours

Moreover, only teachers with appropriate secondary specialized or higher education who meet the requirements of professional standards can implement training programs.

The programs are scheduled taking into account the number of drivers studying in the driving school during the year. For this you can use the formula

Z= (t* 24,5 * 12 * (R- a))/ T,

  • Z is the number of future drivers studying at a driving school during the year,
  • t is the time period during which one vehicle from the training fleet will operate (with one master using it, this is 7.2 hours, with two, 2 times more);
  • Constant 24.5 - averaging for the number of working days in a month;
  • The constant number 12 corresponds to the number of months in a year;
  • R—number of training vehicles,
  • Constant a—the number of training technical equipment in reserve;
  • T is the time spent driving by the student (determined in hours) according to the training plan.

N= (F* P* 0,75)/ R, Where

  • N - number of issues/year;
  • constant number—percentage of theoretical training classrooms loaded;
  • F is the time during which one office/hour is occupied;
  • P—the number of such offices;
  • R is the full theoretical time, calculated for one group/hour (the modern standard is 138 hours).

F=24.5Х12ХH, where

  • the constants used are the same as for calculating the capacity of the network;
  • H— cabinet use time/hours.

Sample programs for drivers of different categories can be gleaned from Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1408 dated December 26, 2013.

Requirements for the provision of driving schools in terms of the availability of devices and training and testing programs

This equipment is designed to:

  • check the physiological qualities of future drivers;
  • test the psyche of applicants;
  • evaluate these indicators;
  • increase the level of physical skills and psychological reactions that ensure safety on the road.

Each AS should have a software test set of computerized psychodiagnostic techniques capable of assessing two groups of qualities in applicants:

  1. Psychophysiology.
  2. Personal characteristics.

The first group analyzes:

  • cognitive skills (attention, its switching and distribution, memory);
  • perception of volumetric-spatial relationships of objects;
  • eye gauge;
  • speed of psychomotor reactions;
  • emotional stability/lability.

The second group of factors allows us to assess the degree of student’s adaptability to a tense situation on the road:

  • resistance to stress, prolonged tension and monotony;
  • risk appetite and conflict;
  • locus of control (the tendency to assume or transfer responsibility for events to others).

In addition, the hardware and software set in a driving school should help in training, regulating the adaptation processes of the future driver, and making automatic reactions to the most common “stressing” factors on the road:

  • monotony of movement when driving a vehicle;
  • stressors;
  • accumulated fatigue.

Technical requirements for these complexes are approved at the federal level by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Requirements for simulators

Automotive companies are required to have simulators to help future drivers:

  • develop the correct position in the car;
  • provide assistance to accident victims (dummies).

In addition, they introduce the student to the main instruments of the vehicle control panel and help them practice basic techniques for driving a car.

Requirements for vehicles for training

Any cars intended for instilling driving skills are registered with the local traffic police in accordance with the established regulations.

They are also specially equipped with:

  • rear view mirror for the master;
  • the corresponding sign (“U”);
  • additional pedals for the teacher (except for “automatic machines”);
  • a set of equipment that provides recording and storage of the actions of the candidate and instructor while driving and recording what is happening on the road.

A motorist training school must also have special facilities for training persons with reduced physical capabilities.

Please note that the practical part of the lessons for drivers of category “A” is possible only in a closed area. The requirements for the closed area and the race track are described in the “Main Innovations” paragraph.

Basic requirements for teaching staff

AS teachers must have:

  • major education;
  • additional education "Education and Pedagogy" (no work experience required).

For example, a teacher who teaches first aid to future drivers must have a medical education (secondary/higher). And the teacher explaining the structure of the vehicle engine must have a technical education.

Teachers leading disciplines who explain the rules to students:

  • safe vehicle control;
  • organization of transportation;
  • fundamentals of legislation.

Must have not only a special education, but also a valid driver’s license in the category corresponding to the disciplines taught. Such teachers can work no more than 36 hours a week.

To the master of industrial training

According to an explanatory letter from the Ministry of Education and Science, a driving instructor is not a teacher. But driver training is vocational training (Article 26, Clause 1 of Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 196). Therefore, there should still be education in the profile.

However, the same explanatory letter states that, by decision of the qualification commission of your enterprise, you can hire an employee for a position without the appropriate education, but with extensive practical experience in this field (clause 9 of the Classifier, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 761 from 08/26/10).

The master or instructor must keep the vehicle in good condition and ensure timely maintenance.

Additional requirements

The management of the AS must provide special conditions for training future drivers with disabilities (Article 79. Part 10 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273).

SES requirements

No one has yet developed special requirements for AS. When choosing and arranging a room for the theoretical part of training, it is recommended to be guided by SanPiN

Requirements for a driving school: its premises and location

The AS should have areas with facilities for the repair and maintenance of training vehicles. Owners of AS for the theoretical part of the course can rent premises of educational institutions, which most likely meet the requirements of the SES.

If a suitable room is used for these purposes, its area is calculated based on the number of groups. The requirements for classrooms are described in SanPiN (clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.2), but the area of ​​your lecture room in any case should not be less than 2.5 square meters per student.

A school for motorists must have a centralized system for drainage and water supply. If there are none, internal sewerage must be carried out without fail, and waste disposal must be agreed upon with the SES.

Requirements for furnishing study areas

For training, the owner of a driving school purchases furniture that complies with GOSTs 11015-93 and 11016-93.

Furniture is arranged depending on the shape and size of the room. In this case, the viewing angle should not be less than 35 degrees. The width of the passages and the distance to the board are standardized based on the dimensions of the training room. Textbooks can be stored both in built-in cabinets and in wall furniture.

The driving school should have a toilet room for students with a forced-air hood. A special room/closet should be allocated for storing cleaning products and equipment. All inventory is marked. If such rooms are not equipped with a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system, disinfectant solutions will have to be prepared in the toilet room. A disinfectant log is required.

Toilets must be equipped with an internal wastewater collection system (sewage system) and a supply of water (hot and always cold) to washbasins and sinks.

Lighting in a driving school: requirements and features

Driving school classrooms must be illuminated with sunlight and artificial lighting.


Usually this is light coming from windows located on the left side. In this case, the sun's rays should not be directed into the students' faces or backs.

The parameter requirements are as follows:

  • KEO - 1.5% 1 meter from the wall;
  • unevenness ratio 3:1;
  • The brightness ratio between the surface of the notebook and the table top is 3:1.

Classrooms should be decorated with light colors of paints with scattering and reflective properties. Windows are equipped with easy-to-clean (blinds) light-protective devices.

Artificial lighting

Artificial light illuminators must provide:

  • 500 lux in the board area;
  • 300-500 lux on the student's tabletop;
  • 200 lux in the floor area;
  • when using projection technology with note-taking, the notes should be illuminated with 300 lux;
  • when film projection onto desk tops, there must be at least 500 lux; it is permissible to create an unlit area in front of the screen.

To provide lighting in classrooms, it is permitted to use fluorescent illuminators LSO02-2x40/LPO28-2x40 (or 02-2x40.46-4x18-005) or other illuminators of the same design and with the same technical data.

Air temperature conditions in a driving school: basic requirements

This regime is standardized in accordance with the requirements for public buildings and those built for housing. Detailed requirements can be found in SNiP31-06-2009 /SP118.13330.2012*.

The temperature in classrooms for proofreading theory should be maintained within the range from 17-18 o C to 20 o C. Heating and ventilation of the AS building must comply with SP60.13330.2012 (SNiP41-01-2003).

When installing electrical equipment, including classrooms with PCs and simulators, you must proceed from SanPiNa 2.2.2/2.4.1340.

When organizing a driving school, the owner must take care of the design of the Consumer Corner, the availability of a Review Book and a SES inspection log.

Personnel requirements

All driving school employees who come into contact with students must have health certificates and undergo regular medical examinations.

Additional requirements

The SES will definitely check the absence of pests (rats, mice, insects) in the training area and the existence of contracts for their destruction. In addition, contracts for the removal of household waste, including fluorescent lamps, are mandatory.

State Fire Supervision Requirements

During inspections, the main attention of State Fire Inspectorate (GPS) inspectors is paid to:

  • the presence and serviceability of automatic fire control system and fire extinguishing;
  • the availability of certified fire extinguishers, their logbook and other means of primary fire extinguishing;
  • state of evacuation routes;
  • training employees on safety measures and rules, having a log of briefings and knowledge testing.

Regulatory framework

  • GOST 12.4.009-83 (about fire extinguishers).

Requirements for offices and evacuation routes

Evacuation routes must be clear. It is prohibited to use them for storing equipment or hanging outerwear for teachers/students. Evacuation plans (in color) should be located in places with good visibility. Doorways for classrooms should be 90 cm wide. Escape routes must have emergency lighting.

Fire protection systems

All schools for motorists are equipped with primary fire extinguishing systems. This means that hand-held fire extinguishers should be located in visible places that are convenient for their quick use. They must have a verification label and instructions for use. An audible fire alarm (sirens) must also be installed.

Personnel requirements

All driving school employees must be informed about the safety rules on the territory of the educational institution.

Must know:

  • instructions for industrial safety;
  • location of fire extinguishing equipment and evacuation means;
  • know how to use fire extinguishers;
  • attend safety training sessions with an entry in the appropriate journal;
  • have an idea of ​​helping students during evacuation, especially those with limited mobility.

GPS requirements depend on the size of the school premises, its capacity and the number of people present in the premises at the same time. The above requirements are sufficient for AS teaching more than 10, but less than 50 people at a time (in one shift).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2015 No. 466 “On annual basic extended paid vacations.” At the very beginning there is the following wording: “...for employees filling the positions of teaching staff.” Could you explain it? If it is a non-state educational private institution of additional professional education, then does this Resolution apply to us, and can we set a leave of 56 cal for teachers? days? Because substitution essentially does not occur...Thank you very much for your help!


Teaching staff have the right to annual basic extended paid leave (). The list of employees entitled to such leave has been determined.

According to the LETTER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF WORKFORCE TRAINING AND FURTHER POLICY TRAINING OF THE RUSSIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIA dated 09.10.2013 No. 06-735 “” the concept of “teaching worker” is applicable to teachers of additional vocational education.

In organizations carrying out educational activities to implement educational programs of higher education and additional professional programs, positions of teaching staff and researchers are provided, which are classified as scientific and pedagogical workers. Teaching staff belong to the teaching staff of these organizations ().

The duration of extended leave depends on the type of educational organization and the position occupied by the teaching staff, and can range from 42 to 56 calendar days ().

Teaching staff acquire the right to use this leave by ().

Also, teaching staff can, by agreement with the employer, for part of the vacation exceeding 28 calendar days ().

A special feature of granting vacations to teaching staff is the possibility of using them mainly during the summer holidays.

For the rest, formalize the granting of leave to a teaching employee in ().

Alexander Zavgorodniy,

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Labor Law, Faculty of Law

St. Petersburg State University

  1. Answer: What kind of paid leave are teaching staff entitled to?
  2. Answer: How to provide long leave to teaching staff

Pedagogical workers of an educational organization, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year (Procedure, approved).

The positions of teaching staff who have the right to long leave are indicated in the nomenclature of teaching staff positions approved. granting long leave is approved. The employer establishes the specific duration of long-term leave, its order, as well as the procedure for dividing it into parts and extending it in (Procedure Approved).

During the period of leave, the teaching staff retains their place of work and. During a long vacation, a teaching employee cannot be fired, except for a full-time educational organization. This is stated in the Procedure approved.

Long-term vacation experience includes:

  • the employee's time in teaching positions. In this case, periods of teaching work are summed up if the break between them was no more than three months;
  • the time when the teacher did not actually work, but he retained his place of work and position;
  • time of filling positions of teaching staff during practical training. Provided that the break between the day of graduation from the educational organization and the day of entry into teaching work did not exceed one month.

Long-term leave is granted to a teaching employee based on his application. The employer checks the employee's length of leave and evaluates the possibility of providing leave within the period specified by the employee. If the required length of service is available, the employer issues an order for leave in

The theoretical skills acquired in a driving school must be supported by practical driving skills. This is not so easy to do, and before you become an independent full-fledged participant in the road traffic, you will need to spend a single hour behind the wheel of a training vehicle under the strict guidance of an experienced instructor. The amount of time spent in a training vehicle is not limited, subject to payment, but the minimum hours of practical driving is fixed at the level of federal legislation. What is the minimum number of hours of driving (practice) required to attend a driving school in 2018 according to the law? What law regulates these deadlines? How long does it take to drive depending on the driver’s license category? We will answer these questions in this article.

Legislative regulation

The minimum standards for practical driving in a driving school during the training process are enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of exemplary professional training programs for drivers of vehicles of relevant categories and subcategories” No. 1408 dated December 26, 2013. The number of additional hours of practical driving after the student rolls out the established the minimum is determined virtually independently by the student. Each additional lesson is paid according to the driving school tariffs.

The number of hours depends on the category of license for which the person is studying, as well as on the type of transmission. When training for the most popular category “B”, the required number of hours of practical driving is 56 hours when driving a car with a manual transmission. At the request of the student and his written application, training can be carried out in a car with an automatic transmission, in which case the amount is reduced to 54 hours, but the cost of training remains virtually unchanged. In addition, for those trained in a car with an automatic transmission, the traffic police exam is carried out in a similar car, and the corresponding mark is placed on the driver’s license and with such a license you cannot drive a car with a manual transmission. At the request of the student, the established minimum cannot be reduced, even if the student successfully copes with practical driving.

Number of hours depending on the category of rights

Practical driving standards for students of all categories are legally established. For each, this standard is different due to the specifics of the category received and the purpose of obtaining a driver’s license. The driver's license categories and the corresponding driving training standards are presented in the table below.

Table - Number of hours of driving vehicles depending on category in accordance with the sample curriculum

Number of hours
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission

Based on the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) No. 1408 dated December 26, 2013 “On approval of exemplary vocational training programs”

Training for the category of driving a car with a trailer takes the following number of hours: “BE” - 16 hours, “CE” - 24 hours, “DE” - 32 hours. Moreover, the normative act provides not only recommendations on the number of hours required for driving lessons, but advice on how to allocate that time. Thus, the legislator distinguishes several stages, including initial training and driving in traffic conditions.

Types and features of driving hours

The type of driving hours is very important. The actual duration of practical driving of transport depends on them, which affects the quality of driving skills and the degree of preparedness of the student for exams in the traffic police. So, driving hours are:

  • Academic;
  • Astronomical.

In the first case, 1 academic hour is only 45 minutes, while 1 astronomical hour is 60 minutes. The variety must be indicated both in the contract and in the training program of the selected driving school. If such information is missing, it is worth clarifying further. At the same time, one practical lesson in a driving school is 2 hours. The total number of hours also includes the time of exams at the school itself and the traffic police. The total duration of the exams is 8 hours, which actually shortens the practical course (this is legal). Driving schools follow such a path that part of the practical time, usually 6 hours, is spent not in a training car, but on simulators.

In accordance with Article 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2006, N 27, Art. 2878; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616 ) and clause 5.2.78 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 N 337 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 21, Art. 2603; N 26, Art. 3350) , I order:

1. Establish for teaching staff, depending on their position and (or) specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work per wage rate) in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the invalidation of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) of teaching workers” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 14, Art. 1289; 2005, No. 7, Art. 560; 2007, No. 24, Art. 2928; 2008, No. 34, Art. 3926).

Minister A. Fursenko


Length of working time (standard hours of teaching work per wage rate) of teaching staff

The length of working time (standard hours of teaching work per wage rate) for teaching staff is established on the basis of a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week.

Depending on their position and (or) specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, the following is established for teaching staff:

1. Working hours:

36 hours per week:

employees from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education and educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) specialists;

senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, educational institutions of additional education for children and children's homes;

educational psychologists, social educators, teacher-organizers, industrial training masters, senior counselors, labor instructors;

methodologists, senior methodologists of educational institutions;

tutors of educational institutions (with the exception of tutors engaged in the field of higher and additional professional education);

heads of physical education of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

teachers-organizers of the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training;

instructors-methodologists, senior instructors-methodologists of educational institutions of additional education for children in sports;

30 hours per week - for senior teachers of educational institutions (except for preschool educational institutions and educational institutions for additional education of children).

2. Standard hours of teaching work per wage rate (standardized part of teaching work):

18 hours per week:

teachers of grades 1-11 (12) of educational institutions implementing general education programs (including special (correctional) educational programs for students and pupils with disabilities);

teachers of educational institutions implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education with a pedagogical orientation (with the exception of teachers of such educational institutions, for whom the standard hours of teaching work have been established for a salary rate of 720 hours per year);

teachers of special disciplines 1-11 (12) classes of music and art general education institutions;

teachers of 3-5 grades of schools of general music, art, choreographic education with a 5-year period of study, 5-7 grades of art schools with a 7-year period of study (children's music, art, choreographic and other schools), 1-4 classes of children's art schools and schools of general art education with a 4-year period of study;

teachers of additional education, senior teachers of additional education;

trainers-teachers, senior trainers-teachers of educational institutions of additional education for children in sports;

foreign language teachers of preschool educational institutions;

speech therapists of health and social service institutions;

24 hours a week - teachers of 1-2 grades of schools of general music, art, choreographic education with a 5-year term of study, 1-4 grades of children's music, art, choreographic schools and art schools with a 7-year term of study;

720 hours per year - for teachers of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education.

3. Standard hours of teaching work per wage rate:

20 hours a week - for speech pathologists, speech therapists, speech therapists;

24 hours a week - music directors and accompanists;

25 hours a week - for educators working directly in groups with students (pupils, children) with disabilities;

30 hours per week:

physical education instructors;

educators in boarding schools, orphanages, after-school groups, boarding schools at general educational institutions (boarding schools), special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with tuberculosis intoxication, health care institutions and social services;

36 hours per week - for teachers in preschool educational institutions, preschool groups of general education institutions and educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, in educational institutions for additional education of children, in dormitories of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, and other institutions and organizations.


1. The length of working time of teaching staff includes teaching (educational) work, educational work, as well as other pedagogical work provided for by the qualification characteristics for positions and the features of the working hours and rest time of teaching and other employees of educational institutions, approved in the prescribed manner.

2. The standard hours of teaching and (or) teaching work for the wage rate of teaching staff is established in astronomical hours. For teachers, instructors, additional education teachers, senior additional education teachers, trainers-teachers, senior trainers-teachers, the standard hours of teaching work per wage rate includes the lessons (classes) they conduct, regardless of their duration, and short breaks (recesses) between them.

3. For teaching (pedagogical) work performed with the consent of teaching staff in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate, additional payment is made in accordance with the received wage rate in a single amount.

4. Teachers who cannot be provided with a teaching load in the amount corresponding to the norm of hours of teaching work for the weekly wage rate are guaranteed payment of the wage rate in full, provided that they are supplemented to the established norm of hours by other teaching work in the following cases:

teachers of grades 1-4 when transferring the teaching of foreign language lessons, music, fine arts and physical education to specialist teachers;

teachers of grades 1-4 in rural general education institutions with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction who do not have sufficient training to teach Russian language lessons;

Russian language teachers in rural primary secondary schools with native (non-Russian) language of instruction;

physical education teachers of rural educational institutions, foreign language teachers of general educational institutions located in the villages of logging and rafting enterprises and chemical forestry enterprises.

5. Teachers, as well as teachers of educational institutions implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education of a pedagogical orientation (with the exception of teachers of such educational institutions for which the standard hours of teaching work have been established for a salary rate of 720 hours per year), who, for reasons beyond their control, have During the academic year, the academic load is reduced in comparison with the academic load established at the beginning of the academic year, until the end of the academic year, and also during vacation time that does not coincide with the annual main extended paid leave, the following is paid:

wages for the actual remaining number of hours of teaching work, if it exceeds the standard hours of teaching work per week established for the wage rate;

wages in the amount of a monthly rate, if the volume of the teaching load before it was reduced corresponded to the standard hours of teaching work per week established for the wage rate, and if they cannot be loaded with other teaching work;

wages established before the teaching load was reduced, if it was set below the standard hours of teaching work per week established for the wage rate, and if they cannot be loaded with other teaching work.

The specified teaching staff must be notified of a reduction in the teaching load during the academic year and of additional teaching work no later than two months in advance.

6. Teachers of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, for whom, for reasons beyond their control, during the academic year the teaching load is reduced in comparison with the teaching load established at the beginning of the academic year, until the end of the academic year, as well as in Vacation time that does not coincide with the annual main extended paid leave, wages are paid in the amount established during tariff calculation at the beginning of the academic year.

Regulations on the regime of working time and rest time for teaching staff of LLC “Educational Center” FORMULA” 1. This Regulation determines the procedure for regulating the regime of working time and time of rest of teaching staff of LLC “Educational Center” FORMULA”. 2. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with Part 6 of Article 47 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 3. The concepts used in these Regulations mean the following: “local regulatory act” - a regulatory requirement adopted at the level of a driving school and regulating its internal activities; “administrative act” is an order issued by the head of a driving school, which records decisions on administrative and organizational issues of the driving school’s activities; “teaching worker” is an individual who has an employment, service relationship with a driving school and performs responsibilities for teaching, educating students and (or) organizing educational activities. 4. In order to familiarize teaching staff of a driving school (hereinafter referred to as teaching staff) with these Regulations, the driving school places it on the official website of the driving school on the Internet information and telecommunications network ( 5. These Regulations are a local regulatory act of a driving school, regulating the rights, duties and responsibilities of teaching staff. 6. Labor relations between a teacher and a driving school arising on the basis of an employment contract are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations, and these Regulations. 7. Employment contract - an agreement between a driving school and a teaching worker, according to which the driving school undertakes to provide the teaching worker with work for a specified labor function, to provide working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations, in a timely manner and pay the teaching staff salary in full, and the teaching staff undertakes to personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement and comply with the current internal labor regulations. 8. Working time - the time during which a teacher, in accordance with internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, relate to working time. 9. The duration of working hours and rest time for teaching staff is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, internal labor regulations and work schedules. 10. The working time of teaching staff is the norm of -3 to 6 hours per week, for which teaching staff are paid an official salary, as well as the time of events (meetings, etc.), the presence of which is mandatory for the teaching staff. 11. A 36-hour working week for each teacher can be ensured by: 1) each teacher replacing absent teachers due to illness and other reasons for 6 hours a week; 2) during this time, performing work on the production of educational visual aids; 3) fulfillment of duties related to participation in the work of pedagogical and methodological councils provided for by the educational program; 4) performing other work. 12. The length of the working week of teaching staff is fixed in the internal labor regulations. 13. The duration of daily work of teaching staff is determined by the work schedule. 14. The head of a driving school has the right to involve teaching staff in methodological and organizational work, in performing economic work that does not require special knowledge (minor repairs, classroom cleaning, work on the territory, security of the driving school, etc.) within the working hours established for each teaching worker with maintaining the established salary. 15. The length of the working day for industrial training masters is determined by the shift schedule, which is approved by the head of the driving school. 16. The scheduling of direct educational activities for teaching staff is carried out taking into account the rational use of their working time. 17. Rest time is the time during which a teaching worker is free from performing work duties and which he can use at his own discretion. 18. The duration of weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours. 19. Work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited, except in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 20. Involvement of teaching staff to work on weekends and non-working holidays is carried out with their written consent, if it is necessary to perform unforeseen work, on the urgent implementation of which the normal operation of the driving school depends in the future. 21. The involvement of teaching staff to work on weekends and non-working holidays is formalized by an administrative act of the driving school. 22. Work on weekends and non-working holidays is paid at least double the amount. 23. At the request of a teaching worker who worked on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be given another day of rest. 24. Women teaching staff living in rural areas are given an additional day off per month without pay based on an application. 25. Teaching staff are provided with annual paid leave while maintaining their place of work (position) and average earnings. 26. The vacation schedule is approved by the administrative act of the driving school no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year and is mandatory for both the driving school and the teaching staff. 27. The teaching employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation against signature no later than two weeks before its start. 28. Annual paid leave must be extended in cases provided for in Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 29. At the written request of a teaching employee, annual paid leave is transferred to another period if he was not paid in a timely manner for the duration of this leave or he was notified about the start time of the leave later than two weeks before its start. 30. By agreement between the teaching staff and the Employer, annual paid leave may be divided into parts. In this case, one of the parts of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days. 31. Recall of a teaching employee from vacation is allowed only with his written consent. 32. The part of the vacation unused in connection with the recall must be provided at the choice of the teaching employee at a time convenient for him during the current working year or added to the vacation for the next working year. 33. When providing teaching staff with annual paid leave for the first year of work before the expiration of six months, its duration must correspond to the duration established for these positions and be paid in full. 34. Calculation of the duration of leave in proportion to the time worked is carried out only in the case of payment of monetary compensation upon dismissal. 35. Teaching staff may be granted short-term paid leave for family reasons (their own wedding or the wedding of children, the birth of a child, the death of family members, etc. ) and for other valid reasons. 36. Outside the vacation schedule, a teaching employee is granted vacation upon presentation of a voucher for sanatorium treatment. 37. Every teaching employee, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, has the right to a long leave of up to one year.