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Take care of the hour. Class hour "Take care of your health from a young age"

Borisenko Violetta Nikolaevna

GKOU RO boarding school of the VIII type in the village of Matveev Kurgan

mathematics teacher, 6th grade class teacher

Class hour on the topic: "Take care of nature!"

Goal: developing a responsible attitude towards nature.

    promote a responsible attitude towards nature and the formation of an ecological culture;

    introduce the rules of behavior in nature;

    introduce children to the Red Book and some of the animals included in it.

Design: multimedia projector, presentation, video, children's drawings “Nature and us”.

Progress of the class hour.

1. Organizational moment.

Presenter: - Hello, friends! Hello nature!

2. Introductory part of the class hour.

Our planet - Earth

Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields

Our dear home, guys.

The sun rises early,

Lights up the day with a ray.

The bird sings merrily,

The day begins with a song.

How good, take a closer look

Maples, birches and fir trees!

Learn to sing from the bird,

And the bee's hard work.

3. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Humanity has lived on planet Earth for almost a million years, but people think little about the fact that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that they need protection, replenishment and careful handling.

In past centuries, when the number of earthlings was small and industry was poorly developed, people rarely thought about the consequences of gross interference in nature. And gradually, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the attack on nature led to the depletion of soils, shallowing of rivers and lakes, death of vegetation, and the formation of deserts. In recent years, the environmental situation has deteriorated sharply, many species of plants and animals are disappearing and becoming rare, and many corners of nature are losing their value. Many people began to worry about the deterioration environmental situation on the ground. And then they began to create entire territories in the world, in which entire natural components began to be protected, including here in Russia.

Nature is the house in which we live,

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

We want to live in that house forever.

Nature is home under the snow and rain.

In any frost or heat it works great.

Keep this house we live in

We have the right to this peaceful home.

We must learn to love and take care of everything that surrounds us. And our meeting today is dedicated to this goal.

(Children read poetry)

    On our globe on the earth,
    Where we were born and live,
    Where is the summer dew in the grass?
    And blue skies
    Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
    Full of mysterious miracles.

    A gray wolf wanders through the forest,
    And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
    In the steppe feather grass is like delicate silk,
    The breeze brushes.
    A waterfall thunders on the rocks,
    And the splashes fly like a rainbow.

    And in the blue sea there is a blue whale -
    Big as a house, it sleeps on the waves.
    Don't destroy this world
    Girls and boys
    Otherwise these miracles
    They will remain only in the book.

    So that there is Narzan in the springs,
    From the clearing - strawberries,
    Be careful like Tarzan
    Make friends with wild nature!
    - You are also part of her miracles,
    And the forest darkens for you,
    And the bright river flows,
    And everything will bloom in spring.
    And we have to try
    We can't part with this!

4. Conversation about the Red Book.

– How beautiful these creations of nature are! I would only admire them, amazed at how generous nature is with inventions, if not for one painful circumstance: many of them are listed in the Red Book and all of them are threatened with extinction from the face of the earth. Today we will talk about the Red Book. Let's find out what kind of book this is, what it is for and why?

International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources created the “Survival Service Commission”, which in 1966 published volume 1 of the Red Book. Why was she called Red? Red color is a danger signal. She seems to be calling on all people: plants and animals are in trouble, help them. The International Red Book looks like a thick desk calendar with pages of different colors.

Children read a poem.

Protected by a book

So many rare animals and birds,

For the multifaceted space to survive

For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

So that souls do not become empty,

Animals are protected

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are protected.

The Red Book is Red!

So, you can’t waste even a moment,

Calls to preserve all living things.

Let him not call in vain

Red Book. Red Book!

And the anxiety for life is tireless,

So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness.

Let's exhaust all the oceans

Let's exhaust everything on Earth.

We offend forests and fields,

The rivers groan from bitter insults,

And we forgive ourselves

And we forgive ourselves

But the future will not forgive us.

The red color of the book is a prohibitive color: stop, stop! This cannot continue. Red color is a danger signal.

Let's get acquainted a little with the contents of the Red Book.

Endangered species, the salvation of which is impossible without special protection measures, are placed on red sheets of paper.

Declining or vulnerable species are species whose numbers are rapidly declining. Information about them is printed on yellow paper.

Rare species are found in small numbers or may soon disappear in limited areas. They are listed on white pages.

The gray pages of the Red Book contain information about little-studied and rare species.

Recovered species were previously in one of three categories, but their numbers have now been restored due to conservation. Information about them is printed on green sheets.

The black pages of the Red Book contain species that will never exist on Earth again. This is the result of man's barbaric attitude towards nature.

5. Video “Animals listed in the Red Book.”

6. Conversation about children's drawings. (Each student talks about his drawing.)

Famous writer M.M. Prishvin said: “Take care of nature! If there is water and not a single fish, I won’t trust the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, but birds don’t fly in it, I won’t trust the air either. A forest without animals is not a forest...”

... You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her.
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields!
And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn her recklessly
There are few of us - and she is alone!

Guys, now take turns naming the rules of behavior in the forest, according to the signs:

    Don't pick flowers.

    You can't destroy anthills.

    Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

    Do not damage the bark of trees.

    You cannot take eggs from nests.

    Don't light a fire in the forest.

    Do not pick mushrooms, even those that are not edible.

    You must not dig holes or disturb animals.

    In the forest, in nature, it is prohibited to make shouting and noise.

    When relaxing in the forest, do not leave trash behind!

7.Work on proverbs and sayings.

Guys, how many of you know proverbs and sayings about nature, about caring for it?

Let's continue with the proverbs.

Stork on the roof - // peace in the house.
Although the earth feeds, // it also asks for food.
Life is given // for good deeds.
A good deed // praises itself.
A lot of water - // a lot of grass.
Plant - // earth decoration.
A lot of forest - // don’t destroy it, a little forest - // take care, no forest - // plant it.
Feed the birds in winter, // they will repay you with kindness in summer.
The nightingale does not need // a golden cage, but he needs // an earthly branch.
The bushes were cut down - // goodbye to the birds.
I saw a starling - // spring at the porch.
Spark the carcass // before the fire, avert trouble // before the blow.
Groves and forests - // native land beauty.
The fate of nature is // the fate of the Motherland.

8. Summary of the class hour.

Protecting nature is the responsibility of every person. And I hope, guys, that each of you will treat it with care.

Reflection. A paper silhouette of a tree is hung, onto which children stick leaves of a certain color:

Green - if you love nature, know and follow the rules of behavior in the forest, you want our planet to be a blooming garden.

Yellow - you don’t care what happens in the surrounding nature, what happens to plants and animals.

Red - if you treat nature not with care, not economically, but selfishly, take an example from ignorant people who thoughtlessly destroy nature.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

There are sun glares on the path...

Take care of young shoots

At the green festival of nature,

The sky in the stars, the ocean and land

And a soul that believes in immortality, -

All destinies are connected by threads.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care...

List of used literature:

    From the Red Book. Animals and plants // Children's encyclopedia. – 2008. - No. 2.

    N. F. Vinogradova, “Mental education of children in the process of becoming familiar with nature,” M., 1978.

    Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons M., 2004.

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Class hour“Take care of your health!”


Today, guys, we will talk about human health. What is health?(students' answers)
- Health - priceless gift nature. It provides us with the opportunity to lead a full life in all its manifestations. It is easy to destroy your health; it cannot be bought for any money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, ideas, plans. Therefore, today we will talk about how to maintain and preserve your health, and strengthen it.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs written on the board

    Health is more important than money!

    You will be healthy, you will get everything!

    If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.

    Take care of your dress when it’s new, and your health when you’re young.

    You can't buy health, your mind gives it.

    Health is more valuable than wealth.

(students' answers)


- What does our health consist of? Select the required concepts from the list provided:

Watching movies, hygiene, long sleep, frequent consumption of ice cream and sweets, daily routine, proper nutrition, carousel rides, sports.

(Hygiene, proper nutrition, daily routine, sports)

1. Station "Hygiene"

Hygiene is measures and actions to preserve and maintain health and cleanliness.

Reveal the meaning of the proverbs:

    He who is neat is liked by people.

    Don't think about being smart, think about being neat.

First thing we do early in the morning?
- Let's go wash up and brush our teeth.

He washed his face early,
I brushed my teeth and rubbed my ears.
The cleanest and tidiest
There was a forest beaver in the forest!
We are not too lazy to brush our teeth -
We clean them twice a day.
We brush our teeth twice a day,
We clean for a long time - three minutes
With a clean, not furry brush,
Tasty, aromatic pasta,
Clean with a brush up and down -
Well, germs, beware!
So that your teeth don't hurt,
Children know, animals know:
Everyone should twice a year
Show your mouth to the doctor!

To keep our smiles bright for many years, you must follow this reminder:

1. Brush your teeth twice a day;
2. Eat healthy;
3. Change your toothbrush every three months;
4. Visit the dentist twice a year;
5. Do not chew nuts, pens, nails or hard objects.

Keep your body, clothes and home clean. It was not for nothing that Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky said: “We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings...”
Of course, you need to do more than just wash your face. You need to wash your hands, brush your teeth, take a shower, wash with soap and a washcloth, clean your shoes and clothes, ventilate the room, regularly do wet cleaning in your apartment, keep your yard clean, never throw garbage on the streets past the trash can... A healthy lifestyle begins from cleanliness!

(While one child distributes reminders to everyone, the first page of the magazine is summarized).

2. Station “Proper nutrition”

Healthy eating– one of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.
What kind of food can be called healthy?
Varied, monotonous, rich in vegetables and fruits, rich in sweets, regular, from time to time, without haste, in a hurry.
Think about whether you are eating right. If not, try to improve the matter.

Scene: “Proper nutrition”

Ilya enters and groans:

Hello, Ilyusha!
- Hello!
- Why are you sad, give me an answer?
- I ate too much candy!
And there were cookies,
Cake and lots of jam:
The lunch was very tasty.
And now I'm very bad...
Oh, why did I eat pie?
-Where were you today?
– Semyon invited me to dinner.
I couldn't refuse him
Oh! Why did I eat pie?
- Is it possible to eat so much?
You need to go on a diet!
- To sit down, you need a bed!
And you can’t get to the house.
- Who would help me get into the desk...
Oh! Why did I eat pie?
Ilyusha! Don't grumble!
Better keep quiet about food!
It's all your fault:
You ate and ate everything!
- I am a man in his prime,
Well, you don’t care!
That's it, the last breath has come.
Oh! Why did I eat pie?

Ilyusha, let me help you get to your desk, otherwise you’re really bad! But the guys will give us some tips on proper nutrition:

Guys, food needs moderation.
So that unexpected misfortune does not happen,
You need to eat at the appointed time
A little at a time, but several times.
Always follow this law
And your food will become healthy!

You also need to know about calories
So that you don’t go through them in a day!
Diet is also important,
Then we will escape from diseases!
Buns, candies, cookies, cakes –
Children need it in small quantities.
Remember, Ilya, our simple advice:
Health is one thing, but there is no other!

Let's summarize.

3. Station “Daily mode”

Guys, let's discuss what schoolchildren's routine should be.

(Students' answers)

Poems about proper nutrition:
To drive away melancholy and laziness,
Get up every day
We need it at seven o'clock sharp.
Having opened the window bolt,
Do some light exercises
And clean up your crib!
Take a shower
And eat breakfast.
And then sit down at your desk!
But remember guys
It's very important to know this
Walking to school, on the road
Don't you dare play!
Beware of cars
Their insidious black tires.
Sit in class
And listen quietly.
Follow the teacher
Ears perked up.
Rest after school
But just don't lie around.
Help your mom at home
Go for a walk, toughen up!
After lunch you can sit down
Complete tasks.
It's okay if there is
Will and effort.
We always comply
Strict daily routine.
We go to bed at the appointed hour,
We get up at the appointed hour.
We don't care about illness!

Combine work and rest.

Studying at school and doing homework is serious work. It happens that a student is no less busy than an adult. In order to maintain health, it is imperative to alternate work with rest. A modern schoolchild usually has many opportunities for recreation and entertainment, including TV, videos, and computer games. But some kids turn on the TV in the morning, even before school, and sit at the computer for hours after school. This is harmful, especially for nervous system and vision. TV, videos, computer games are good in moderation. Don't get too carried away with them. Include walks, outdoor games, and reading books in your daily routine.

So what should be the correct daily routine?

1. Charging;
2. Washing;
3. Breakfast;
4. School lessons;
5. Lunch;
6. Walk;
7. Homework;
8. Walk;
9. Games based on interests, reading books;
10. Shower;
11. Sleep.

Physical education minute My back is straight

I'm not afraid of bending:

(Lean forward.)

I straighten up, bend over,

(Tilt back, straighten up.) I turn around.

(Turns of the torso.)

One, two. three. four.

Three. four, times. two.

I walk with a proud posture.

(Turns of the torso.)

I keep my head straight

(Lean forward and straighten up.)

I'm not in a hurry.

(Walk in place, hands behind your back.)

Once. two. three. four,

(Turns of the torso.)

Three. four, one, two.

(Walk in place, hands behind your back.)

I can also bow.

(Bow and stand up straight.)

And sit down and bend over,

(Squat, bend forward.)

Turn back and forth!

(Turns the body to the right and left.) Oh, straight back!

(Lean forward and straighten up.)

One, two, three, four

(Turns of the torso.)

Three, four, one, two.

4. Station "Sportivnaya"

Move more! A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to your health, so try to move more. Do exercises in the morning. Play outdoor games more often, especially outdoors. Do physical labor and physical education. If possible, visit the pool. Skiing, swimming, and sports games reliably serve the health of children and adults all over the world. And trainers will help you master any sport and become strong, fit, and dexterous.

I don't need a coach!
Why? Know, understand
How to move your legs?
I will do physical education:
I'll do forty pull-ups!

You are a liar and an arrogant person!
We're in the gym every day
And let's admit frankly,
What's wrong with you at the horizontal bar?
We haven't seen it yet.
And in winter we played hockey,
But they didn't notice you.
So you can't fool us!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
I'm not lying, I'm dreaming.
I'm still flying in the clouds...
It's time to live on earth.
Be friends with physical education!

These are funny poems. Everyone in our class loves physical education and sports. In fact, Yasha goes in for swimming. Movement is life! We are for sports!
– So, we have voiced all the main things that will help us maintain and strengthen our health, to become what we planned at the beginning of our lesson:


But I have one more small task for you:

Crossword: "Health."

1. Get up earlier in the morning
Jump, run, do push-ups.
For health, for order
Everyone needs...(charger)

2. The rain is warm and thick,
This is not an easy rain:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day.(Shower)

3. Do you want to break the record?
This will help you...(sport) .

4. He is with you and with me
Walked in forest stitches.
A hiking friend behind your back
On belts with buckles.(Backpack).

5. Will soon turn into claws

6. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my...(bike) .

7. Guys, I have
Two silver horses.
I ride both at once -
What kind of horses do I have?(Skates).

8. To become a great athlete,
There is a lot to know.
And skill will help here
And, of course...(training)

What word is in the highlighted cells? Health.
– Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself. I wish you good health!

Class hour on the topic:

“A minute saves an hour.”

6 "A" class. 2013


1..Teach children to deliberate and expedient distribution of their time

2. Learn to take care of your own and other people’s time.

3. Deepen students’ knowledge of the need for rational use of their time.

Proverbs and sayings on the board:

The biggest waste is a waste of time.

Time is more valuable than money.

Time will teach everything.

The time to ruin is not to turn back.

Everything has its time.

Where there is work, there is happiness.

Time is behind us, time is before us, but it is not with us.

Teacher: Guys, you already guessed that today we will talk about time. What do you think is the meaning of the proverb: “Know the value of minutes, and the count of seconds”? (Students speak out).


If a person is well-mannered and smart, he knows how to take care of his own and other people’s time. Because he has a lot to do in life.

And such a person calculates everything by the minute. Such a person is said to be accurate and punctual. He always keeps his promises and is never late. Being one minute late is already a “crime”. Save your time. Take care of other people's time. Be precise and organized, neat and disciplined!

Teacher: We must remember the sayings of the sage: “Time is the fabric from which life is woven.”

How many years should a person live? Scientists say that on average it is no less than 100. Why is human life expectancy 2-3 times less? There are a lot of reasons. And one of them is the inability to choose the right profession, to determine life path taking into account your inclinations and abilities. As a result, mastering the profession is slow and late, and not everyone achieves mastery in it. Hence dissatisfaction and various diseases.

Human capabilities are great. As a result of systematic, purposeful, organized work, a lot can be achieved. However, as research has shown, even talented people often achieve little if they do not know how to value time. Conversely, many people, even those without outstanding abilities, manage to achieve great

success in life if they take care of time and organize their work and life correctly.

Many people waste their precious time. They live as they please, going with the flow, lead a chaotic lifestyle, do not use their capabilities and abilities, and put off many important matters for the future. It is no coincidence that the Roman philosopher Seneca remarked: “While we are going to live, life passes.”

The main reason why precious time is lost is disorganization, excessive fuss, inability to plan your work, or build your life correctly.

You need to learn to take care of your own and other people’s time already at school, since these are the years of not only learning, but also the formation of personality, preparation for later life

Leading: We open our oral magazine “A minute saves an hour.” The first page of the magazine is entitled “The Price of a Minute.”

The value of time has now increased significantly as the flow of information has increased. It’s not for nothing that Americans often use the expression “Time is money.” However, today we hear more and more often: time is more valuable than money. In a certain sense, this is true: well, if a person has lost or had some amount stolen from him, of course, he is offended, but what he lost can be earned again. But the wasted, wasted time cannot be returned.

There is a very instructive poem on the page of our magazine. Let's listen to him. The readers come out and tell (read) one quatrain.

1. The clock counts the seconds,

They are counting the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

2.Who knows how to live by the clock?

And appreciates every hour,

This is not necessary in the morning

Wake up ten times.

3. And he won’t talk,

Why is he too lazy to get up?

Do exercises, wash hands

And make the bed.

4. He will have time to get dressed on time,

Wash and eat

And before the bell rings,

Sit at a desk at school.

5. Friendship with a watch is good!

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books.

6. So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes.

You could confidently say:

“It was a good day!”

1. The clock keeps count of seconds,

They are counting the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Leading: People value time, and they determine it by the clock. IN different eras they used different clocks.

How did it all begin?

1. The very first clock on earth is the sun clock. They were very simple: a pole stuck into the ground. A time scale is drawn around it. The shadow of the pole, moving along it, showed what time it was.

The sundial had one significant drawback: it could only “walk” outside, and even then on the sunlit side. This, of course, was extremely inconvenient.

2. Apparently, this is why the water clock was invented. Water flowed drop by drop from one vessel to another, and by how much water flowed out, they determined how much time had passed. For many hundreds of years, such watches have served people. In China, for example, they were used more than 4 thousand years ago. By the way, the first alarm clock on earth was also a water alarm clock - both an alarm clock and a school bell at the same time.

Sometimes they say: “A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then,” and we understand that a lot of time has passed.

3. The hourglass was designed like a water clock. An hourglass consists of two small cone-shaped vessels connected at the tops to each other, with a narrow hole at the junction of the vessels. The upper vessel contains sand, which seeps in a thin stream through the hole into the lower vessel. When all the sand from the upper vessel is in the lower one, a certain time passes, for example, one minute.

Sometimes the time is determined by the striking of the clock. This is where the old expression “beats the clock” comes from.

Time cannot be killed, that is, it cannot be spent uselessly. It is important to develop a sense of time and learn to cherish every minute.

Have you heard of flower clock?

In the morning, in a sunny meadow where dandelions grow, you can find out the time without a wristwatch. Dandelions open up at five o'clock in the morning, and by two or three o'clock in the afternoon they extinguish their golden lanterns. Listen to a poem about dandelions.

There is a green meadow by the river,

Dandelions around

They washed themselves with dew,

They opened their doors together.

Like the lanterns are burning,

They tell you and me:

"It's exactly five o'clock,

You can still sleep!"

Dandelions are meadow clocks.

But water lilies are river watches. No wonder they are called “tourists’ watches.” At seven o'clock in the morning they open their snow-white petals to the sun's rays and turn to follow the sun throughout the day.

Here in a circle one after another

Two girlfriends are walking together.

Without pushing, without interfering

The big one moves quickly (arrows)

Which watches can you see the hands on?

The first mechanical watches in Russia appeared in the 15th century. It is curious that on the watches of that time, instead of numbers, letters were applied to the dial... Watches can be worn as wristwatches. They are put on the hand using a bracelet or strap. Fashionistas love a beautiful watch in the form of a pendant or ring. A pendant on a chain is worn around the neck, and a ring on the finger. Some men prefer chunky pocket watches. They are attached with a chain to a belt and carried in a trouser pocket.

You probably have an alarm clock at home.

Why do we need such a watch? - The alarm clock can be set for a certain hour, and with its bell or melody it will wake us up at the right time.

Like sentries on duty

The clock moves into the darkness.

And their clear step is heard:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Look at your watch,

Listen, are they coming?

The watch won't let you down

They are at any time

They will tell you the time.

So that you don't oversleep your lesson

The clock will wake you up on time,

At least hide your alarm clock

In the chest of drawers or in the refrigerator.

The watch is not given for beauty,

They dictate our time.

A person who knows how to appreciate even a second can achieve a lot. Let's remember what we said about time famous people. Their sayings are in our magazine. (Guys come out with posters with sayings written on them).



“A careless person does everything twice” ()

“They get tired and exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly” ()

Leading: We hope these quotes will make you think about time in a new way.

The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Let's listen silently for a minute (includes chronometer). See how long it is!

How much does one minute “cost”?

11. Organize your vacation skillfully.

Following these rules along with maintaining a daily routine will help you guys spend your time wisely, avoid overload and improve your academic performance.


Our oral journal is finished, but the clock ticks and life goes on. In youth it seems endless, and many teenagers and young adults procrastinate. And suddenly one day they discover that most of their life has already been lived. They did not have time to do what they wanted in life. They begin to justify themselves or blame others for it. But they themselves are to blame for this. They were always sorely short of time, because they preferred to spend it in front of the TV screen, computer monitor, aimless “hanging out” with friends, etc.

Leading: We will be glad if our oral journal made someone take a fresh look at their own and other people's time. We are confident that the advice will help you prepare for lessons, spend your time wisely, and skillfully organize your vacation.

Follow these rules A:

4.Get to work right away.

8.Prevent or eliminate possible interference in operation.

9.Do not take frequent breaks from mental work.

10.Work daily, systematically, but not to the point of overwork.

11. Organize your vacation skillfully.

Follow these rules A:

1. Set yourself up for work.

2.Prepare your work area.

3. Establish a specific work routine.

4.Get to work right away.

5. Treat her with great responsibility.

6.Work intensively, but do not overwork.

7.Alternate various types activities.

8.Prevent or eliminate possible interference in operation.

9.Do not take frequent breaks from mental work.

10.Work daily, systematically, but not to the point of overwork.

11. Organize your vacation skillfully.

Follow these rules A:

1. Set yourself up for work.

2.Prepare your work area.

3. Establish a specific work routine.

4.Get to work right away.

5. Treat her with great responsibility.

6.Work intensively, but do not overwork.

7.Alternate between different types of activities.

8.Prevent or eliminate possible interference in operation.

9.Do not take frequent breaks from mental work.

10.Work daily, systematically, but not to the point of overwork.

11. Organize your vacation skillfully.

Target: introduce students to a healthy lifestyle;

  • expansion and systematization of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;
  • creating conditions for the formation in students of a conscious need to preserve and improve health;
  • development of creative and communication abilities of children;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards one’s health and the environment, and a love of sports.


  • “island” signs,
  • ship drawing;
  • mayonnaise, yogurt, juice, cottage cheese, crackers, chips, Coca-Cola, instant noodles, chewing gum, nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables, buckwheat.

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! They say that health is the peak to which everyone must climb themselves. According to scientists, health is only 10% dependent on medical care, 20% is determined by heredity, 20% by condition environment, and 50% of it is determined by lifestyle. What do you think is the most valuable thing for a person? (children's answers)

Health is something that we value little, but for which we pay the most. The most valuable and dear thing a person has is health; it cannot be bought for any wealth in the world.

I suggest you take a trip on the ship “Health” under the flag “Take care of your health from a young age!” We will make stops on the islands, where we will have to understand and learn the most important thing - why we need to take care of our health from childhood and what we need to do for this.

So we go on a journey.

A Georgian centenarian celebrated her 120th anniversary. She has four children, 19 grandchildren, 75 great-grandchildren. Her youngest son is 88 years old. At 120 years old, her teeth grew for the third time. What do you think she considers the main secret of her longevity?

(Children's answers)

She has done good things for people all her life, but the hero of the day considers proper nutrition to be her main secret.

As you already understood, but we made our first stop on the island “Proper nutrition”.

Today we have to examine the set of food products that we took with us. And select what is useful and not useful.

Game “Useful, not useful”

Each of you needs to come to the table, take one healthy and one unhealthy product, and explain your choice.


useful– yogurt, juice, cottage cheese, homemade crackers, nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables, buckwheat, rolled oats, milk.

useless – mayonnaise, crackers, chips, Coca-Cola, instant noodles, chewing gum, Sprite, chocolates (Snickers, Mars), ketchup.

We do not take harmful products with us on voyages; we throw them away.

(A bag of “unhealthy products” is thrown from the ship)

You need to eat not only correctly, but also in moderation. Because overeating is a bad habit. On the horizon I see the island “Bad Habits”. Let's stop here.

2nd stop. “Bad habits.”

Dramatization of a poem.

The little son came to his father, and the little one asked:
– If I start smoking, is it very bad?
Apparently the son took his father by surprise with the question.
Dad quickly got up from his chair and threw away his cigarette.
And the father said then, looking into his son’s eyes:
- Yes, son, smoking tobacco is very bad.
The son, having heard this advice, asks again:
– You’ve been smoking for many years and not dying?
- Yes, I’ve been smoking for many years, without knowing a rest,
I have not known terrible troubles - and my head is gray.
I lit a cigarette with youth to appear grown up,
Well, from cigarettes I became shorter than normal.
I won't run after you anymore,
I can’t run fast, I’m suffering from shortness of breath.
Last summer...or did you forget what happened to me?
I ended up in the hospital, my heart caught.
I stayed there for a whole month, they barely pumped me out.
Yes, thank you, doctors - they didn’t let me die.
The heart and lungs are sick, there is no doubt about it.
I paid for my smoking with my health.
Nicotine is a dangerous poison, it damages the heart,
And the tar from cigarettes settles in the bronchi.
A carbon monoxide CO comes with smoke,
In the blood it is ready to bind with hemoglobin.
After all, a smoker is always tormented by hypoxia,
Under the eyes the blue is blacker than a cloud.
- Well, well! - exclaimed the son - how much you know:
About tar and nicotine, hypoxia, hemoglobin,
But you don’t quit smoking!
- My dear son, I would lie to you,
But, I admit, I only compared the facts with you.
I quit smoking five times, maybe more,
Yes, the trouble is I’m smoking again, I don’t have enough will.
- No, you are strong, my father, strong-willed. And boldly
You will finally finish the job you started.
I want you to quit smoking this nasty thing,
He began to live as a non-smoker, to the delight of all his relatives.
I know that it’s never too late to quit smoking.
It's hard not to start again, hard but possible.
You are my dad. I am your son, we will cope with the trouble.
You quit smoking alone, and now there are two of us.
And our family budget will become richer,
Let's buy me a bike to ride in the country.
- What a baby! That's it son! Cunning is terrible!
I solved all the problems at once, okay, I agree.
But I also put forward my own conditions:
Don't you dare try
And I'm quitting smoking!
And henceforth both the father and the baby decided:
- Let's do good and not do bad!

In addition to smoking, there are many other bad habits that people have. Which ones do you know?

(list: alcoholism, drug addiction)

Each of you will now have the opportunity to express your opinion on these problems. And the game “Controversial Statements” will help us with this.

Game conditions:

Sheets are attached to three sides of the room: “agree”, “disagree”, “don’t know”.

I will read out controversial statements, and you must disperse and stand near those signs that reflect your answer on this matter.

Guys, don't be shy, express your opinions. Stand up for your point of view.


  1. Alcoholism is a crime.
  2. Many young people get into problems because of drugs.
  3. Drug addiction is treatable.
  4. Many teenagers start smoking “socially.”
  5. By appearance you can identify a person who abuses alcohol.
  6. Drug addicts are not people.

(Go to the next game) let's now try to determine how a person feels when someone or something controls him, when he is not free.

Break into groups of three. One of you will play the role of the “doll”, and two of you will be “puppeteers” who completely control all the movements of the “doll”. The task of the “puppeteers” is to move the “doll” from one place to another. At the same time, the person who plays the role of a “doll” should not resist what the “puppeteers” do to him.

  1. How did you feel when you were in the role of a doll?
  2. Did you like this feeling?
  3. Did you feel comfortable?
  4. Did you want to do something yourself?

So you proved with your answers that there is no place for bad habits on our ship “Health”. I just throw them away. We swam further.

IN Ancient Rome In cold weather, a warmly dressed young man met an old man. The old man was wearing only a loincloth.

- How do you, old man, not freeze in such cold? - asked the young man.

“But you don’t cover your face, do you?” - Instead of answering, the old man remarked.

- But this is a face, it’s used to it! - the young man exclaimed.

“So imagine that I’m all face,” answered the old man. – The face gets used to the cold. The whole body should also get used to it. But for this you need to train.

Guys, who guessed which island we landed on?

(Children's answers)

2nd stop “Oh sport - you are life!”

Scene “Petya and Vasya”.

(Petya is standing in a tracksuit, he has dumbbells in his hands, he is doing exercises. Vasya, a poor student, is standing nearby.)

Petya sings:

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!
Try to forget about doctors.
Douse yourself with cold water,
If you want to be healthy!

Vasya. Sing, where are you going?

Petya. Now to school, then to the volleyball section, then I have music classes.

Vasya. Come on, Petro, show off! Let me write off the math better. I don’t understand, why do you need all this?! You study lessons, in sections you wave your arms and legs, you learn scales in music...

Petya(continuing to do exercises). And I want to know a lot! When I grow up, I’ll become a physicist, I’ll study the trajectories of galaxies. Do you know how the Universe is expanding?

Vasya. Come on, you and your Universe! I want my dad to buy me new sneakers and a cell phone with a camera. This is cool! Well, give me a math notebook.

– Give your comment about what you saw. (daily routine, sports allow you to make plans for the future)

Sports and physical education develop our physical health.

But our muscles quickly get tired with monotonous work. This fatigue can be overcome by movements that will restore your blood supply to the head and limbs. Hand development promotes brain development. There is a connection between the parts of the hand and internal organs. If you massage thumb, which is responsible for the brain, then we relieve headaches by massaging the index finger - we strengthen the stomach, the middle finger - the intestines, the little finger - the heart.

Are your hands developed enough? Let's conduct a simple test to determine the functional state of our hands. If you can tilt your hand 90 degrees with your other hand and reach your forearm with your thumb, that’s great, 90-120 is not enough, more than 120 is very poor physical development.

Immanuel Kant also said that “the hand is the brain coming out,” so in case of any fatigue, you can simply rub your hands together; if you press your hands hard on each other, this will not only strengthen your muscles, but also strengthen your nerves and heart ! And also – smile more often! A smile spreads across your body like sunshine and you will immediately feel bright and joyful! (smile!)

Let's take a little rest and stretch our muscles.

Physical education session with music (min 3)

(The guys are given the task to continue the sentence “Sport is ....”)

Sport– this is the dawn of vitality!

Sport– this is life and a cure for troubles!

Sport– the path to longevity is straight – the guys say

Guys, let's take a funny song with us on the road. (I give out words)

1. Our dear friend,
Our faithful friend!
Sport helps us in life.
We go with him
We don't get tired
We sing the glory of sports.

Let us have moments of sport
Gives joy of movement,
And inspiration for the soul
May sport always give!

2. Play games
Jump, dream,
We learn to run at school.
Sun, water -
Our friends -
We are always tempered.

3. At school native
Friendly family
We solve problems together
We live together
We sing songs
About your dear sport.

Every person dreams of living to a ripe old age healthy. Now can you answer me in one sentence, what is needed for this?

(children's answers)

Start from childhood healthy image life.

Now, let's look at the health ship. Under what flag did we start our journey? “Take care of your health from a young age.” And let him run at full speed through your life joyfully and cheerfully. May you all be healthy and happy!