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When children finish 3rd quarter. Annual educational calendar schedule \ Yellik calendar uku graphigy

According to modern Russian laws, there is no uniform schedule for school holidays in the country: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions have the right to independently establish children’s rest schedule, the number of short holidays and their duration. The only exception is Moscow, where all schoolchildren study and relax according to one of two schedules: traditional, when the school year is divided into four quarters, and modular (five weeks of study and one of rest) and for each option the same vacation dates are established.

In other regions of Russia, educational authorities usually issue recommendations in which they invite educational institutions to set start and end dates for vacations, leaving the final decision up to school administrations.

It is recommended to start the holidays on Monday (so that the weekend is “added” to them), which allows for the school weeks not to be divided into parts and to increase the duration of continuous rest for schoolchildren. The exact duration of the holidays is also not regulated - as a rule, 30-35 days are allotted for rest throughout the academic year, which allows you to fully complete the curriculum by the end of May.

Despite this freedom, most Russian schools take a conservative approach to the issue of determining the school holiday schedule - as a result, the majority of the country's schoolchildren rest on the same dates.

What will be the holiday dates in 2016-2017? academic year in most schools in Russia?

Dates of autumn holidays in 2016

Autumn holidays are traditionally held in early November and fall during the week in which Russians celebrate National Unity Day (November 4).

In 2016 autumn holidays will begin on October 31(Monday) and will last until the end of the week, until November 6 (Sunday). Second academic quarter will begin on November 7th. Thus, in schools where there is a school day, schoolchildren will rest for 8 days, and five-day students will have 9 days off.

However, National Unity Day falls on Friday this year. Therefore, in some schools, the start date of the 2016 autumn holidays may be set to November 7, which will increase the duration of the holidays by adding a holiday to them. In this case, schoolchildren will have a rest until November 13, and the duration of the rest will be 10 days.

Winter school holiday schedule 2016-2017

The winter school holidays, which fall on New Year's holidays and separate the second quarter from the third, are especially loved by schoolchildren - they are the longest of all intra-year holidays. In addition, they coincide with the nationwide holiday period for adults, which allows families to spend time together – including when traveling. Therefore, the timing of the winter holidays, as a rule, is of particular concern to parents of schoolchildren.

The winter vacation for schoolchildren begin on the last Monday of December. In 2016-2017, the “start” will be quite early - the last Monday of the month falls on 26th(that is, schoolchildren will start resting on Sunday, December 25th). Children will have time to properly prepare for the main winter holiday. True, the New Year's holiday will end earlier than usual - on January 8.

The third, longest academic quarter starts on January 9, Monday - it is on this day that schoolchildren will have to sit down at their desks again.

Dates of additional holidays for first-graders

The third quarter is especially difficult for first-graders - they are not yet accustomed to the traditional school schedule, and therefore in the middle of the third quarter a “special” vacation is arranged for them. To the envy of all other schoolchildren, they have a whole week off at the end of February.

In the 2016-2017 academic year additional holidays will begin on February 20 and will last until the 26th, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Students will also have rest during the same period. correctional schools– they are also subject to the rule on additional holidays.

Spring school holiday dates – 2017

Spring break most often falls in the last week of March. The 2016-2017 academic year will be no exception.

Schoolchildren will be dismissed for vacation on Monday, March 27– and they will rest for one week, until April 2. Taking into account Sunday, the duration of the March holiday will be 8 days with a six-day period, and 9 with a five-day training regime.

The first day of school in the fourth quarter will be April 3. It will last until the end of May (depending on the school, the academic year in all grades except 9 and 11 ends between May 21 and 31), after which students will have three months of summer vacation.

Vacation schedule in 2016-2017 with a modular training mode “5+1”

In those Moscow schools where parents of students chose not a classic teaching schedule dividing the school year into four quarters, but a modular scheme “five weeks of study - one week of rest,” the holidays in 2016-2017 will take place on the following dates:

  • from October 3 to October 9;

  • from November 14 to November 20;

  • from December 31 to January 8;

  • from February 20 to February 26;

  • from April 10 to April 16.

Holiday schedule for quarters in Moscow schools

Students of Moscow schools, where the educational process is organized according to the traditional “four quarters” scheme, will have a rest in the 2016-2017 academic year in the same way as the majority of schoolchildren in the country:

  • autumn vacation from October 31 to November 6;

  • the winter vacation from December 26 to January 8;

  • holidays from March 27 to April 2;

  • extra holidays for first grades - from February 20 to 26.

How to find out holiday dates at your school

As already mentioned, the exact vacation schedule in each specific school in Russia (excluding Moscow) is determined by the administration of the educational institution and may differ from the generally accepted one.

Therefore, in order to accurately plan your child’s vacation, you need to check the dates with your school. This can be done in various ways:

  • Check with the class teacher or secretary. At the beginning of the school year, the vacation schedule has already been approved, and exact dates known to all school employees (teachers prepare work programs for subjects for the academic year taking this information into account).

  • View on the school website. Information about the start and end dates of the school year, as well as the vacation schedule, should be in the section devoted to the organization of the educational process.

  • If the school uses an electronic diary system– the school holiday schedule for 2016-2017 can also be found there. Even if the school administration does not inform parents about the start and end dates of school, by “flipping through” the magazine forward, you can see until what date classes are planned to be held.
March 05, 2018 181 Comments to the post The third quarter in schools and educational institutions in 2018 when will it end disabled

When will the third quarter in schools and educational institutions end in 2018?

The third quarter is not at all easy for most schoolchildren, and the kids, of course, want and are looking forward to being able to sleep and relax during the holidays. Now this third quarter is still underway, but before some three weeks have time to fly by, teachers will sum up the results of students’ performance, and schoolchildren will be dismissed for the long-awaited vacation. The quarter ends this year on 03/23/18 and, accordingly, there is a rest from Saturday. The duration of the holidays should be until April 1, 2018, but this is a day off on which schoolchildren do not study, so the fourth quarter begins on the second of April, and there have already been a couple of months and long summer holidays.

As usual, spring school holidays begin at the end of March. This question is often found on school forums: “When will the holidays start?” So, the third academic quarter of 2018 will end on Saturday, March 24. (In some regions this date may be different)

The third quarter is slowly but surely coming to an end.

Children always look forward to the holidays. Summer ones are of course a priority, but any vacation, even a week or two (like in winter) is always a joy, especially for junior schoolchildren, many of whom are really tired and just want to be carefree children.

The third quarter will end on the 24th on Saturday.

It’s just that you don’t have to go to school on Monday the 26th.

When does the third quarter end in schools in 2018? When does spring break start?

Vacations are a long-awaited time for any student. Each of the students dreams of taking a quick break from lessons. Therefore, it is very important for them to know what dates the holidays fall on.

There are no fixed dates for the start and end of school holidays in Russia. Officials are responsible for drawing up the vacation schedule every year.

The third quarter will end very soon, and the long-awaited spring break will begin on March 25th.

The last day of school will be Saturday March 24th. The holidays will last seven days and end on April 1st.

The third quarter, in my opinion, is the most difficult and stressful of all, which is why schoolchildren, teachers, and parents are looking forward to spring break with great impatience.

Graduates especially need rest; they will have the last quarter before the whole whirlwind, which is called the Unified State Examination and admission, and all other schoolchildren will be able to run outside, breathe in the air and just get a good night’s sleep during these days.

If speak about spring break, then it is worth saying that there is no specific date; each region can set its own rest time for schoolchildren.

But there is a general approximate time for the end of the third quarter: March 24, from the next day all students can rest.

Annual educational calendar schedule \ Yellik calendar uku graphigy

Head of MKU "Department of Education" Director of MBOU
Executive Committee of the Pristan-Bersutskaya Public School
Mamadysh municipal
____________ ______Minnikhanova R.R.
"01" September 2018 "01" September 2018

Annual calendar training schedule
MBOU "Pristan-Bersutskaya main" comprehensive school»
Mamadyshsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan
for the 2018 - 2019 academic year
1. Duration of the academic year:
. start of the school year - 09/01/2018
. duration of the academic year:
in 1st grade -33 weeks
in 2-4-34 weeks.
in grades 5-9 - 35 weeks (including weekly preparation for the final certification in grade 9)
. The academic year ends:
Classes deadlines
May 1-25
2-4 May 31
5-8 May 31
May 9-25
September 1 - First Bell Holiday
. Duration of academic quarters.
at the first stage:
in 1st - 4th grades

1st quarter 09/01/17 10/30/18
2nd quarter 07.11.18 26.12.18
3rd quarter 01/08/19 03/23/19
4th quarter 04/01/19 05/25/19 Note: from May 25 to 31, excursions are organized for students in grades 2-4.
at the second stage:
in grades 5 - 9
date Duration (number of school weeks)
Beginning of quarter End of quarter
1st quarter 09/01/18 11/30/18

2nd quarter 07.11.18 26.12.18

3rd 01/08/19 03/23/19

4th 04/01/19 05/31/19

Note: in the 9th grade there are 35 weeks, taking into account the weekly preparation for the final certification
. Vacation duration:
Additional 1st grade 02/11/19-02/17/19
Total for the academic year
2-9 30

Summer holidays: 06/01/2019 - 08/31/2019
2. Number of classes - 8 sets (9 classes in total):
Class Number of students Class Number of students
1st grade 3rd 6th grade
2nd grade 3 7th grade 5
3rd grade 4 8th grade 4
4th grade 3 9th grade 3
5th grade 5
3. Regulation educational process for a week
Length of working week:
5 days work week in 1st grade;
6-day working week in grades 2 - 9.
4. Regulation of the educational process for the day.
o Shift: MBOU "Pristan-Bersut Basic Secondary School"
works one shift;
o lesson duration:
 1st grade - use of a “stepped” teaching mode in the first half of the year (in September, October - 3 lessons per day of 35 minutes each, in November - December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; January - May - 4 lessons per day). 45 minutes each);
 2-9 grades - 45 minutes.
o Home training sessions- 8.00 hours
o Duration of change
- between lessons - 10 minutes
- after lessons 2 and 3, two long breaks of 20 minutes each
o Mode of educational process
for 1st grade
for the first half of the year for the second half of the year
Lessons Start of lesson End of lesson Lessons Start of lesson End of lesson
1 8.00 8.35 1 8.00 8.45
2 8.45 9.20 2 8.55 9.40
Dynamic pause 9.40 10.20 Dynamic pause 10.00 10.45
3 10.20 10.55 3 11.05 11.50
4 11.05 11.40 4 12.00 12.45
5 11.50 12.25 5 12.55 13.40
for grades 2-9
Lessons Start of lesson End of lesson
1 8.00 8.45
2 8.55 9.40
3 10.00 10.45
4 11.05 11.50
5 12.00 12.45
6 12.55 13.40
7 13.50 14.35

5. Organization of intermediate and final certification
 final certification of 9th grade students is carried out in accordance with the deadlines established by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan for this academic year.
 intermediate control of students in grades 2-9 is carried out within the educational time of the 2nd quarter in the form tests from 12/13/2018 until December 25, 2018;
 final control of students in grades 2 - 8 is carried out within the school time of the 4th quarter in the form of tests from 04/18/2019. until 04/30/2019;
6. School parent meetings:
general school - 3 times a year
cool - 1 time per quarter

7. Administrative - social work
Pedagogical council - 1 time per quarter
Small teachers' council - as needed
Meeting with the director - once a month
Trade union meeting - as planned

Winter holidays, which usually coincide with New Year's.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that days of compulsory rest in different educational institutions may fall on different dates. And of course, everyone knows that the reason for such discrepancies is training formats. When dividing the year into four unequal parts (quarters), a break follows immediately after the end of the quarter, and when dividing the year into trimesters, every four to five weeks.

However, the situation with winter holidays looks completely different - this period practically coincides in all educational institutions, regardless of the profile and format of study. The difference can be literally a couple of days - trimester schools can announce the start of the weekend a day or two later than “quarter” institutions. But the vacation always ends on the same day.

Winter holidays 2018-2019 in schools with quarterly instruction: December 26-27, 2018 – January 8, 2019 inclusive.

That is, the last lessons will be held on Tuesday 25.12. or Wednesday 26.12. School will begin again on Wednesday 01/09/2019.

The decision on the start and end time of holidays in the new academic year will be made by each educational institution independently. The dates of the 2018-2019 school holidays in a particular educational institution depend on many factors: training in trimesters, quarters or modules; weather; climatic conditions terrain; The Ministry of Education sets recommended holiday dates, but the final decision still remains with the leadership educational institutions.

Date of winter holidays in the 2018-2019 academic year

The 2nd quarter is the shortest and goes by quickly. Children look forward to the winter holidays with trepidation, as they coincide with the New Year holidays. They will have to be patient and study until December 28-29. The issue is the postponement of holidays at the state level. Monday, December 31st, has been declared a day off; adults and children will work for it on Saturday, the 29th. Although it is unlikely that there will be lessons on the schedule that day. The holidays will last until 01/10/2019. But it is possible that a number of educational institutions will give students the opportunity not to remember their lessons until the Old New Year.

First day of the third quarter

Calculating the first day of school in 2019 may cause some difficulties. The long New Year and Christmas winter holidays, when both adults and children relax, usually last exactly ten days - the first ten days of January. But in 2019, the winter “vacation” will be somewhat shorter than usual. The reason is the Christmas holidays.

Christmas, although not included in the list of public holidays, is an official day off. That is, in relation to this date, the law on the transfer of holidays comes into force. But January 7 and 8 - Christmas days - fall on Monday and Tuesday. This means that no transfers, compensations or extensions of the usual vacation are expected. And the first working day in 2019 for everyone, including schoolchildren, will be Wednesday, January 9.

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Surprise for first-graders

In order to reduce stress levels, an additional break was taken in the middle of the longest and most difficult quarter - the third. Rest, as a rule, occurs at the end of winter, when the New Year's fun has almost faded into memory, and the warm days of spring are still so far away. True, such an unexpected “vacation” is given only to first-graders, and all other students, both junior and middle level, will continue to study their lessons.