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Lesson summary on home economics: a cozy home. Development of an open lesson on home economics on the topic: “Our helpers in the house” for students in the basic adapted general education program for children with intellectual disabilities

Leisure activity: “Come on, girls!”
Home economics lesson.

The lesson material will be useful to teachers of orphanages for teaching home economics to girls of primary and secondary school age. This activity can be used outside of school hours.

Target. Versatile preparation of pupils for a decent independent life.


Identification and development of children’s abilities in various types of work activities.

Formation of various knowledge and skills in cooking and handicrafts.

Cultivate interest and need for work.

Foster a desire for a full and varied leisure time.

Individual work.

Teach Sasha to sew on a button in different ways.

Methodological support.

Envelopes with cards, tables with tasks, technological cards, sets of products for cooking, a crossword puzzle “Self-service”, small cards with explanations of words. Materials for the practical task (buttons, fabric, needles, threads).


Proverbs and sayings.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired.

The bee is small, and it works.

It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to.

Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.

You can decorate with balloons and children's crafts.

Progress of the event.

You go to school, play different games, like to hang out with friends - this is your life now. But sooner or later every person grows up. Grow up too. You will certainly have your own family and your own home. And in order to become a wife, mother and mistress of the house, you need to know a lot and be able to do a lot. Tell me, please, who is the mistress of the house, what do you think she should be able to do? Children answer the question. Listen to the children's answers and add. I show the table (household responsibilities are written on it). I propose to choose what a woman, mother, housewife and man, father and owner should do. Children choose female and male responsibilities. I would like to know your opinion on this question: “Is it possible to divide housework into women’s and men’s?” Listen to the children's opinions and summarize. There should be harmony, understanding, mutual assistance and love in the family, then household responsibilities will not have to be divided.

Today in class we will show you what we know, what we can do and what we learned in the orphanage.

I suggest dividing into teams of three people, choosing a foreman who will take any envelope with the task.

How to cook pasta.

How to fry potatoes.

How to make tea.

The envelope contains small cards with the names of the actions. Each group needs to answer the question using small cards, and put them in order. Children choose cards and arrange them in accordance with the order of actions when preparing a given dish. Now I suggest that the foreman select the required technological map, check the correctness of the task and inform everyone. Well done! I see that you coped with the task, you know the technology of preparing some dishes.

III. A moment of safety.

Now - ATTENTION! Do you know the safety rules? Now we will check this. Stand in a circle. We throw the ball to each other and repeat the safety rules when working in the kitchen. Fine! And our girls know this! Therefore, it’s time to move on to our mini-kitchen.

Here on the tables there are three identical sets of products. Go to the tables, put on overalls, wash your hands and listen to the task. In ten minutes you need to prepare a light two-course breakfast. You need to show your knowledge, skills, and also imagination when preparing the finished dish. Children, after listening to the task, prepare breakfast (salad, sandwiches). Amazing! Guests, look and appreciate the skills of our girls.

V.Relaxation break.

(Slow, beautiful music sounds). We've worked hard, now we can rest. Housewives not only know how to treat, they also have to look good while doing it. To do this, we will meditate a little. Close your eyes. Relax. Smile. Tell yourself that every day you are becoming more beautiful, attractive, slimmer, more energetic; Every new day will bring joy. You will always be young. Stop. Open your eyes. You are ready to go again.

The woman in the family works hard every day. Her work is different. We got to know each other and learned different types of work. What is the name of work when a person serves himself: washes clothes, takes care of himself and his home? That's right, it's self-service. I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle. Tanya, write down the key word. Girls solve a crossword puzzle. Well, all the cells are filled in, everything worked out. You made me very happy.

Now we will play with you. The game is called "Siamese Twins". Stand up two people at a time. One of you will perform the task with your right hand, and the other with your left. You need to thread a needle, make a knot, and sew on a button. Children sew buttons. Sasha, today you and I will learn how to sew on a button in different ways. I show and explain. Sasha sews. Good girl! Today you did it all! I'm glad that the girls did it well, even with one hand!

Do you all love flowers? Who loves the field? Which? Children answer questions. I also love daisies. Today I have chamomile for you, but it’s unusual. Each of you tear off one petal. Read the task and answer the question. Children receive a task, answer questions, complement, and help each other.

What to do if water flows from a heating pipe and there is a flood?

Where and how to pay rent, electricity, gas?

Where and how to send a letter or parcel?

The phone doesn't work, what should I do?

I have a toothache, what should you do?

The temperature has risen. What can you do yourself?

The lock on the front door is broken, how to get out of this unpleasant situation?

There was a smell of gas in the kitchen. What are you going to do?

There are hooligans fighting in the entrance, what will you do?

Very good! I am glad that you know a lot and will not get confused in any situation.

Our lesson has come to an end. You and I have shown that we have already learned a lot. I am sure that all girls will be real, loving and caring mothers, wives and housewives. Thank you for your work. Did you like it? Are you satisfied with yourself? What's your mood? Choose the same ball for yourself.

Home economics lesson “Visiting the hostess”

This lesson will be useful for teachers of orphanages. The lesson material is useful for girls of middle and high school age, pupils of orphanages. I recommend using the lesson material when introducing and teaching housekeeping.

Lesson from the series: “Visiting the hostess”

TARGET: creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of pupils through implementation in the field of home economics.


Contribute to the formation and development of various labor skills in housekeeping.

Continue the development of cognitive interests, attention, memory, perception.

Develop communication skills that ensure verbal interaction with each other.

Learn how to properly stuff pancakes and brew tea; reinforce knowledge of safety precautions when working in the kitchen.

Expand the social experience of children, realize the need for knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an orphanage in future independent life.

INDIVIDUAL WORK: train Christina to use the technological map.

METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT: envelopes with cards, safety rules, tables with tasks, cooking products.

DESIGN: proverbs and sayings about work.

Friendship will hardly bring happiness later.

Take on a good deed with confidence and courage.

The habit of working will come in handy in life.

He rightfully rests; he has done a great job.

Listen to the parable and determine the topic of our lesson.

A man was walking along the road and found an old lamp. He picked it up and began to vigorously rub it - a genie appeared to him.

Tell me your deepest wish,” said the genie, “and I will fulfill it.”

The man thought for a minute, and then said: “Give me a job, but not a simple one, but one in which no one, even the most worthy, has reached the heights of mastery and has not even encroached on them.”

Fuck, tibidoh! - exclaimed the genie and turned the wanderer into...

After listening to the parable,

children answer the question.

Who did the genie turn the wanderer into? Your options.

Fuck, tibidoh! - exclaimed the genie.

Be the master of the house!

HOUSEHOLDING... A very capacious, short word in the Russian language. It means...What do you think? Listen to all the children's answers.


At first glance, this activity does not pose any difficulties. But this opinion is wrong. What do you think a housewife should have?

Children answer the question. Let's summarize.

So, skillful distribution of funds, decorating and furnishing the house, creating beautiful clothes, proper and rational nutrition and much more.

How are household responsibilities distributed in the family?

After listening to the children’s answers, I summarize.

There should be harmony, understanding, mutual assistance, love in the family, then housework will not have to be divided.

Today we will talk again about home economics and cooking. We’ll show you what we already know and can do, and we’ll learn something new.

1. Your first task.

Each hostess will choose an envelope with a task. Open it and get started. The envelope contains a large card and small ones. It is necessary to arrange the small ones under the large order.

Children complete the task. I propose mutual verification of the completion of the task according to the technological map.

Well done! They completed the task quickly and correctly! Oksana already acts more confidently with the help of the technological map.

2. In life, sometimes unplanned, emergency situations happen. You need to make the right decision quickly. Now we will learn this.

Look, count, there are six barrels. They have questions for you! You need to choose your question and answer. Children choose barrels with questions and answer them.

One more question for you:

Do you know emergency phone numbers? Listen and clarify.

3-25-01 - fire department

3-25-02 - police

3-25-03 - ambulance

Repeat in unison if necessary.

Amazing! I am glad that you know a lot and will not get confused in any situation, you will definitely find a way out.

3. It's time to check your homework. Has everyone prepared cards - conventional symbols - signs of clothing care? Please show everyone and explain what they mean. Children show signs and symbols and explain.

Fine! And our hostesses know this! Let's move on to the next task.

4. Now I suggest you go to the easels, take markers and complete the task. It is necessary to connect with lines objects that are interconnected and necessary for each other. Children perform a task at easels. Well done! You did an excellent job with this task!

5. We’ve worked hard, now we can rest. During your relaxation, you will guess the taste of different foods. Be careful, you will perform the task blindfolded. Children guess different foods by taste.

Perfect! Everyone was attentive, so they made no mistakes!

6. Girls, do you know the safety rules? I announce a moment of safety. Only bad luck - all the rules are cut. Let's collect them together and read them. Children collect cut cards and read safety rules when preparing food. Wonderful! Now we are almost ready for the main work of the hostess - cooking.

7. What did you remember to do at the beginning of work? Right! Wear special clothing - an apron and a headscarf. What more do we all need to do? That's right - wash your hands. Children put on overalls and wash their hands.

Let's get to work. Remember yesterday we baked pancakes and prepared different fillings? Which? Children call. Now we will learn how to make stuffed pancakes. Do you remember what kind of cabbage the filling was made from? Children answer - from environmentally friendly. What does this mean and why is it important in nutrition? Listen and clarify children's answers. That's right, the cabbage was grown in our garden, without the use of chemical fertilizers. So it's useful.

We wrap pancakes in different ways: an envelope and a tube. I'm showing you. Children wrap pancakes.

All we have to do is make tea and treat everyone. Where do we start? I remind you. Pour water into the kettle and turn it on. Pour boiling water over the brewer. Pour in tea leaves. Pour in, wait. Pour into cups. Invite guests.

I really enjoyed our lesson. I am convinced that you are growing up and have already learned a lot. I especially liked your ability to help each other. I am sure that all these activities will be useful to you in your future independent life. You are real hostesses! I am proud of you!

Did you like the lesson? If you were interested and learned something, put a red circle in the box. If you weren't interested, omit the yellow circle. Children analyze and choose the right circle.


1. Describe the group in which the lesson took place.

2. Characterize the place of the topic of the lesson in the system of other lessons.

3. What are the objectives of the lesson. Show their connection with the content of educational material, methods of education and ways of organizing children's activities.

4. What does the implementation of meaningful lines go through:

Cultural - historical;


Information and methodological;

Ecological and health culture.

What is the result of the quality of knowledge and education in the three components of the NQF:

Subject information;



There are 6 girls of different ages in our group - from 9 to 16 years old.

In the system of other educational activities, the topic of developing the need for different types of work activity occupies one of the main places.

I consider the main goal of my teaching activity to be comprehensive preparation for a decent independent life, the development of a general culture and the expansion of children’s sphere of interests.

I really hope that this will help our students create a warm and cozy home, help them solve everyday and interpersonal problems, and also help them to open up creatively and realize themselves in the family world.

To achieve my goals, I used various methods and techniques.

Work with cards, tables, work on the technological map, the socializing exercise “Magic Bag”, and, finally, practical activity. To maintain interest in work and attention, I tried to use tasks in different forms:

Verbal - question and answer - How to cook pasta? and - How to subscribe to a newspaper? Reasoning and conclusion about what to do and where to go if you need help; Is it possible to divide all housework into women's and men's?

Graphic - connect with lines;

Conditionally symbolic - working with international symbols for clothing care, cards in game tasks. I used the PROBLEM CREATIVE task “What to do if...”, “A Minute of Safety”, to make cut cards. The children also showed their creativity when preparing pancakes.

The priority in my classes is the information and methodological line of the NQF.

The use of game exercises and socializing games helped me realize the subject-information component of the quality of education.

Children received knowledge about the role of a housewife, mother, wife; about society; about the technology of preparing some dishes. Children learned to realize themselves in different types of activities. In a new socializing game with a bag, children began to comprehend a real everyday situation; the pupils showed the ability to solve a problem with the help of social services. I taught to understand the importance of information in a person’s life, for example: - Why environmentally friendly products are necessary and important for human life. This is how the value-oriented component of the quality of education was implemented. While performing various tasks, the girls learned to interact with each other. An interest in cooking and housekeeping was fostered. And all this is important for the implementation of the activity-communicative component of the quality of education. Also, the implementation of the environmental and valeological content lines of the NRC took place through the game. The children remembered the safety rules when compiling parts of the card. They clarified what it is - environmentally friendly products and healthy eating. The entire lesson is aimed at developing the child’s personality, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, obtaining necessary and useful information, and the social development of the pupils’ personality.

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Visiting the hostess. Home Economics Lesson
Medvedeva Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher, orphanage.

This lesson will be useful for teachers of orphanages. The lesson material is useful for girls of middle and high school age, pupils of orphanages. I recommend using the lesson material when introducing and learning housekeeping.

Lesson from the series: “Visiting the hostess.”

TARGET: creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of pupils through implementation in the field of home economics.


Contribute to the formation and development of various labor skills in housekeeping.

Continue the development of cognitive interests, attention, memory, perception.

Develop communication skills that ensure verbal interaction with each other.

Learn how to properly stuff pancakes and brew tea; reinforce knowledge of safety precautions when working in the kitchen.

Expand the social experience of children, realize the need for knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an orphanage in future independent life.

INDIVIDUAL WORK: train Christina to use the technological map.

METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT: envelopes with cards, safety rules, worksheets, cooking products.

DECOR: proverbs and sayings about work.

Friendship will hardly bring happiness later.

Take on a good deed with confidence and courage.

The habit of working will come in handy in life.

He rightfully rests; he has done a great job. Progress of the lesson Listen to the parable and determine the topic of our lesson:

A man was walking along the road and found an old lamp. He picked it up and began to vigorously rub it - a genie appeared to him.

Tell me your deepest wish,” said the genie, “and I will fulfill it.”

The man thought for a minute, and then said: “Give me a job, but not a simple one, but one in which no one, even the most worthy, has reached the heights of mastery and has not even encroached on them.”

Fuck, tibidoh! - exclaimed the genie and turned the wanderer into...

After listening to the parable,

children answer the question.

Who did the genie turn the wanderer into? Your options.

Fuck, tibidoh! - exclaimed the genie.

Be the master of the house!

HOUSEHOLDING... A very capacious, short word in the Russian language. It means...What do you think? Listen to all the children's answers.


At first glance, this activity does not pose any difficulties. But this opinion is wrong. What do you think a housewife should have?

Children answer the question. Let's summarize.

So, skillful distribution of funds, decorating and furnishing the house, creating beautiful clothes, proper and rational nutrition and much more.

How are household responsibilities distributed in the family?

After listening to the children’s answers, I summarize.

There should be harmony, understanding, mutual assistance, love in the family, then housework will not have to be divided.

Today we will talk again about home economics and cooking. We’ll show you what we already know and can do, and we’ll learn something new.

1. Your first task.

Each hostess will choose an envelope with a task. Open it and get started. The envelope contains a large card and small ones. It is necessary to arrange the small ones under the large order.

Children complete the task. I propose mutual verification of the completion of the task according to the technological map.

Well done! They completed the task quickly and correctly! Oksana already acts more confidently with the help of the technological map.

2. In life, sometimes unplanned, emergency situations happen. You need to make the right decision quickly. Now we will learn this.

Look, count, there are six barrels. They have questions for you! You need to choose your question and answer. Children choose barrels with questions and answer them.

One more question for you:

Do you know emergency phone numbers? Listen and clarify.

3-25-01 – fire department

3-25-02 – police

3-25-03 – ambulance

Repeat in unison if necessary.

Amazing! I am glad that you know a lot and will not get confused in any situation, you will definitely find a way out.

3. It's time to check your homework. Has everyone prepared cards - conventional symbols - signs of clothing care? Please show everyone and explain what they mean. Children show signs and symbols and explain.

Fine! And our hostesses know this! Let's move on to the next task.

4. Now I suggest you go to the easels, take markers and complete the task. It is necessary to connect with lines objects that are interconnected and necessary for each other. Children perform a task at easels. Well done! You did an excellent job with this task!

5. We've worked hard, now we can rest. During your relaxation, you will guess the taste of different foods. Be careful, you will perform the task blindfolded. Children guess different foods by taste.

Perfect! Everyone was attentive, so they made no mistakes!

6. Girls, do you know the safety rules? I announce a moment of safety. The only problem is that all the rules have been cut. Let's collect them together and read them. Children collect cut cards and read safety rules when preparing food. Wonderful! Now we are almost ready for the main work of the hostess - cooking.

7. What did you remember to do everything at the beginning of work? Right! Wear special clothing – an apron and a headscarf. What more do we all need to do? That's right - wash your hands. Children put on overalls and wash their hands.

Let's get to work. Remember yesterday we baked pancakes and prepared different fillings? Which? Children call. Now we will learn how to make stuffed pancakes. Do you remember what kind of cabbage the filling was made from? The children answer - from environmentally friendly materials. What does this mean and why is it important in nutrition? Listen and clarify children's answers. That's right, the cabbage was grown in our garden, without the use of chemical fertilizers. So it's useful.

We wrap pancakes in different ways: an envelope and a tube. I'm showing you. Children wrap pancakes.

All we have to do is make tea and treat everyone. Where do we start? I remind you. Pour water into the kettle and turn it on. Pour boiling water over the brewer. Pour in tea leaves. Pour in, wait. Pour into cups. Invite guests.

I really enjoyed our lesson. I am convinced that you are growing up and have already learned a lot. I especially liked your ability to help each other. I am sure that all these activities will be useful to you in your future independent life. You are real housewives! I am proud of you!

Did you like the lesson? If you were interested and learned something, put a red circle in the box. If you weren't interested, omit the yellow circle. Children analyze and choose the right circle.

Nadezhda Bannova

Topic of the program: Cooking "Table Setting", "Making tea", "Cooking a biscuit"


1. Systematize knowledge and skills minors on setting the table for dinner, on the technology of preparing biscuits, on brewing tea.



Continue to introduce children to the basic rules of table setting;


Upbringing communicative culture minors,

Cultivating a sense of beauty.


Develop creativity minors, their initiative, self-confidence;

Develop communication skills, the ability to express your point of view and argue your position;

Develop creativity minors.

The ability to behave is an urgent need and a great deficit today. It's sad, but true, many of us have a vague idea of ​​the rules of good manners, politeness, and culture of behavior. Often the simplest life situations put us in dead end: how to receive guests? How to set a holiday table? How to have a conversation? How to choose a gift? By how a person behaves at the table, how he talks to people, one can determine the degree of his good manners. Lately our life has become more diverse: business and economic ties with foreign countries have expanded. Naturally, everyone wants to appear in front of their partners at their best. But how many different misunderstandings and sometimes awkward situations arise due to ignorance of basic norms of behavior! But knowledge and adherence to the rules of etiquette makes human communication mutually pleasant, brings even the most different people together, and helps to avoid conflict situations. One of classes That's what I want to introduce.

Equipment and products: a set of dishes and cutlery, tablecloth, teapot, loose leaf tea, products for making biscuits.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational beginning classes, topic message classes, setting tasks for children.

2. Opening remarks teacher:

A table set with love is, as in ancient times, the pride of many housewives. But there are also men who attach great importance to this and can set the table just as beautifully and tastefully. But regardless of whether women’s or men’s hands “conjure” here, there have never been as many opportunities to set the table as there are today. The rules of serving and behavior at the table have been developed over the centuries, and their main goal is not to complicate the eating process with various formalities, but to make eating and communication at the table beautiful, comfortable, and enjoyable. A beautifully set table always looks better and more attractive than one that is bursting with food but does not create a feeling of celebration. Setting the table is quite a creative matter, but even here there are general canons that should be taken into account. attention: the availability of free space, the style of the house or apartment, the reason for which the event is being held, the tastes of the owners.

Questions for children:

For what reason can we set a festive table? (Birthday, wedding, anniversary, new year, etc.).

What kind of celebrations are there? (Family, official)

Educator: There are celebrations when guests are seated at the table, and there are times when guests are not seated (buffet). Today we will try to determine the basic rules and principles of setting the festive table. The main purpose of table setting is to create order on the table and provide everyone with the necessary items. And now we will try to show clearly how to properly set the table for dinner.

In front of you is a set of dishes and cutlery, a tablecloth. Let's try to set the table for one person. How do we arrange the plates and cutlery? Where should we start, what should we do first?

Children: First you need to wash your hands, then put on the duty uniform (takes and apron).

Educator: and only after these procedures do we begin setting the table. So what do we need to do now?

Children: lay a tablecloth.

Educator: right. How to lay a tablecloth to make it beautiful?

Children: We lay out the tablecloth and offer to check if it turned out beautifully.

The teacher is really beautiful, on all sides the edges of the tablecloth hang evenly, equally. What's next?

Children: cups, saucers, plates, forks and spoons must be put in the same way. What will you and your guests eat and drink from? It is also necessary to supply napkin holders and bread bins.

Children (on duty, and the rest are watching) Place napkin holders, then bread bins in the middle of the table.

Children: We’ll arrange the cups and saucers.

Children: We place deep soup bowls on small ones - which are intended for the second course.

The guards are on duty. Educator looks and asks if there are enough plates for all the children.

Educator: The plates have been placed, what to do next?

Children: forks, spoons and also a knife, in case there is a cutlet on the menu for the second course, and we eat it with a knife and fork.

Educator: Well done. How should you arrange cutlery correctly?

Children: knives are placed to the right of a deep plate with the blade facing it, forks are placed to the left, teeth up. Place the soup spoon next to the knife. A spoon for compote is behind the plate, parallel to the edge of the table, with the handle to the right.

Educator: How interesting, I didn’t know. How can you check if everyone has cutlery?

Children: We stop near each plate and check the presence of cutlery and how they are laid.

(One of the students sets the table for one person, while commenting on his actions, explaining how and why he places plates, wine glasses, and arranges cutlery).

Educator: Let's see what happened. Your comments and suggestions? Please comment.

(The guys express their point of view about how the table is set, make comments, correct, help each other).

Educator: Now let's try to set the table for dessert (tea table).

(The children must, with the help of the teacher, determine the basic rules):

Table setting involves a reasonable, comfortable, neat and symmetrical arrangement of all items.

Serving starts with tablecloths: It must be clean, well ironed.

The set of dishes should be the same in shape, pattern, color.

Dishes on the table are placed in a strictly defined sequence, each serving item must have its own place.

A necessary finishing touch for serving is a linen or paper napkin. It should be individual and placed on a snack plate.

Educator: Today, girls, we have consolidated our knowledge of how to beautifully and correctly set the table for dinner and the tea table, and examined various options for designing and decorating the table. This knowledge will be useful to you in the future when organizing and holding family holidays or meetings with friends.

Educator: Let's review our knowledge and prepare our delicious fluffy sponge cake.

Now we will answer a few questions, and then we will start practicing.

Tell me how to beat egg whites correctly?

Answer: Egg whites should be fresh and cold, they will whip better. You need to beat the whites without interruption. Whipped whites should be folded into the dough, stirring gently. When vigorously stirring the whites "settle" and the products turn out dense and unbaked.

Beat the whites and add all the necessary ingredients, list their:

sugar, soda, quenched with vinegar, vanillin, flour.

The dough in which they are placed must be baked immediately. It is better to beat the egg white in a porcelain, plastic, glass or copper bowl with thick walls. Aluminum utensils give the whipped whites a dark color, while a piece of enamel can break off from an enamel one and get into the egg whites. When beating, no particles should get into the whites. impurities: yolk, water, fat from dishes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to beat the egg whites.

How to properly knead biscuit dough? (bake quickly and immediately or vice versa)

Answer: biscuit dough must be kneaded quickly and baked immediately, otherwise air bubbles may escape from the biscuit and it will lose its taste and tenderness.

How to add raisins to the dough so that they are distributed evenly?

Answer: Rinse the raisins in hot water, and then sprinkle with flour, then the raisins will be evenly distributed in the dough.

What consistency should the biscuit dough be?

Answer: for biscuits, mix batter or medium consistency (liquid is poured into flour).

What kind of dough is kneaded for rolls?

Answer: the dough is kneaded to medium consistency (flour is poured into the liquid).

How to properly bake products in an oven?

Answer: the oven should be moderately hot, the baking sheet with the product should be protected from shaking, the oven door should be closed carefully. Products should be baked on evenly greased sheets, baking sheets, or in molds, otherwise the products will stick to them. The baked product should be kept on a baking sheet or in a mold until it cools, only then taken out and decorated.

Is it necessary to sift flour through a sieve?

Answer: necessarily, sifted flour has a uniform density and is enriched with oxygen.

In which oven should I bake sponge cakes? (in hot or warm, cold)

Answer: Warm and simmer, if the sponge cake is baked in a hot oven, it will be hard on the outside and raw on the inside.

What is the easiest way to remove a baked sponge cake from the mold?

Answer: After removing from the oven, place the pan on a cloth moistened with water.

When should you add spices to the dough? (at the beginning or at the end)

Answer: at the end, after all the ingredients have been added.

How do you know if a biscuit is baked?

Answer: insert a wooden pointed stick (skewer, match, toothpick) into the product; if it is dry, the biscuit or other baked goods are ready, you can remove them from the oven.

Educator: Well, while our biscuit is being prepared, we will talk to you and brew delicious tea and, in between, we will entertain the guests with ditties, sayings, and solve riddles.

Educator offers to brew tea and read the theory about tea to everyone.

Of course, in one meeting we will not be able to talk about all the traditions and customs of the Russian people. but we follow many of them even now. Yes, needless to say, our grandparents loved to drink aromatic tea after a hard day. or after a bath. Have you ever been invited to tea? It's safe to say that you weren't invited to a cup of tea. We have a “tea country”, and they drink a lot of it, but the culture of tea drinking has been lost. Very few people are familiar with tea drinking traditions. Tea drinking is one of the paths to a healthy lifestyle.

The tea ceremony is a ritual that originated in China before our era. Currently in Japan there are special tea houses for tea drinking. entering the house, a person leaves all the worries of the day behind its walls. After drinking tea, people's stress is relieved, they calm down and become healthier and more cheerful.

Russian tea drinking is different from Japanese. tea was considered healing, they tried to give it to the sick. In the city, drinking tea was part of the daily routine and was an indispensable part of receiving guests. In most cases, the treat began with it.

In Russia, tea began to be consumed in 1638. They brought it from Mongolia. It entered Russian everyday life in the 19th century. in the European part of Russia and somewhat earlier in Siberia. Long tea was brewed, mainly Chinese. At first, tea was used as a medicine, then as a drink that relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Here's some more information. water for tea was boiled in samovars, which spread from Russia to many European countries, and in the villages - in cast iron. They brewed tea in teapots - earthenware and porcelain, and drank from the same cups and saucers, from glass glasses. The samovar and teaware were considered a luxury by the common people. They drank tea with sugar, more - with a bite, with honey, jam. Russians, neighboring Mongolian and Turkic peoples, had a custom of drinking tea flavored with flour, salt, and fat. This is what the tea was like.

presenter. The Russian samovar is no match for the Japanese teapots. tea drinking is associated with the noise of a boiling samovar. For Russians, the tea ceremony meant uniting, communicating, opening up to others. intimate conversation over a glass of tea successfully replaced scientific psychotherapy in our country. children, gnawing on bagels, listened with pleasure to the stories of the old people "about life". The spouses, melting the samovar together with pine cones, made peace. and the merchants only talked about business in the teahouses and only after the third or fourth samovar they drank together.

leading. Very interesting information, yes girls, I would like to add a little about herbal tea, which is very good for health. Previously, instead of natural tea, they used dry berries, fireweed herb, and strawberries. and now you have to determine the name of the grass.

competition “find out the grass” (1-2 people)

Put medicinal herbs that are brewed into tea into the sockets and place them on the table. Place a beautifully decorated napkin with a number under each socket. prepare cards, marking each with the number of all sockets. distribute cards, and within 5-7 minutes each of them must guess the name of the herb.

the reward will be candy.

Educator: Well, what would tea be without ditties. our girls will sing them now.

"tea ditties"

1. there is a pie, buns and bread on the table

we'll sing to you now "tea" ditties.

2. tea from cut leaves taken from the tea bush,

Tea is good for people; having a teapot at home is not without reason.

3. treats boredom and melancholy better than any doctor,

a cup of delicious, cool samovar tea.

4. everyone is probably happy to sit at the samovar,

His sides burn like a bright sunny fire.

5. Serve a cup of tea, because I love sweet tea.

I don’t like tea, pour some hot tea.


1. “drinking tea means living a pleasant life”.

2. “Tea never hurts, but it makes you healthier”.

3. “You don’t drink tea, where do you get your strength?”

4. “tea relieves all fatigue and lifts your mood”.

5. “If you drink some tea, you will forget the melancholy”.

6. “It’s cold - drink tea. It's hot - drink tea. tired - drink tea".

the girl is standing in the garden,

all covered in patches

who will look -

everyone will cry (onion)

What can’t you carry in a sieve? (water)

not a book, but with leaves? (cabbage)

what's red outside

white inside

with a green tuft on his head? (radish)

in the middle of the yard there is a golden head (sunflower)

I feed everyone with pleasure,

and she herself is mouthless (spoon)

white, not water,

sweet, but not honey,

I take it from the horned one,

yes I give it to the kids (milk)

beauty sits in prison,

and the braid is on the street (carrot)

Educator: At the end of practical classes table setting and sponge cake baking teacher sums up:

Girls answer a few questions:

1. How to properly set a tablecloth on a table?

2. How should cutlery be placed on the table?

3. The main condition when performing culinary work (cleanliness of the room and workplace)

4. How to properly clean the workplace.

5. List the products needed to prepare the biscuit.

6. And the last question, what kind of housewife should she be? (neat, tidy, smiling, contented, good-natured, then the work in the house will be in full swing, and most importantly, the baked goods will always be lush and rosy.)

I really hope that this knowledge and skills will always be useful to you in your future adult life and you will be happy to cook for your loved ones and relatives.

Carrying out open lessons encourages children to actively think and creative program work. the variety of teaching methods creates in them an interest in the educational and cognitive activity itself, which is extremely important for developing a motivated attitude towards classes.

The ability to speak and work publicly is developed, to stand in the face of criticism, and also not to be afraid to express your opinion about the work done, which is a very valuable and important quality of a modern person.

Prepared teacher: Bannova N.V.



Prepared: Bannova N.V.