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Chemical analysis laboratory assistant education requirements. Chemical analysis laboratory assistant: responsibilities and job description

Qualification requirements
Complete general secondary education and vocational education without work experience requirements or complete general secondary education and vocational training in production. Advanced training and work experience as a 2nd category chemical analysis laboratory technician - at least 1 year.

Knows and applies in practice: basics of general and analytical chemistry; methods for installing and checking captions; properties of the reagents used and requirements for them; methodology for conducting analyzes of medium complexity and properties of the reagents used; state standards for the analyzes performed and marketable products in the serviced area; rules for using analytical balances, electrolysis installations, photocalorimeters, refractometers and other similar instruments; requirements for the quality of samples and analyzes performed; processes of dissolution, filtration, extraction and crystallization; rules for setting up laboratory equipment.

Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities
Conducts analysis of medium complexity according to an approved method without preliminary separation of components. Determines the percentage of a substance in the analyzed materials using various methods. Determines viscosity, solubility, specific gravity of materials and substances with a pycnometer, Reid vapor pressure, induction period, acidity and coking properties of the analyzed products, flash points in a closed crucible and solidification of oil and petroleum products. Installs and checks simple titles. Conducts various tests chemical composition various samples of ore, chromium, nickel, chromium-nickel steels, cast irons; aluminum alloys, products metallurgical processes, fluxes, fuels and mineral oils. Determines the content of sulfur and chlorides in oil and petroleum products. Conducts complex analyzes and defines physicochemical characteristics paint and varnish products and cement using special equipment. Selects solvents for paints and varnishes. Weighs analyzed materials on analytical balances. Sets up laboratory equipment, assembles laboratory installations according to existing diagrams under the guidance of a highly qualified laboratory assistant. Monitors the operation of the laboratory unit and records its readings.


The goal of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is to obtain information about the chemical composition or chemical properties certain samples of liquids, gases, vapors and solids. This type of information is extremely valuable. Thanks to this data, they monitor the quality of raw materials and finished products in various industries, conduct all kinds of scientific experiments, and determine the degree of contamination environment, determine the volume and composition of fertilizers needed to fertilize the soil, etc. During the production process, any product or product encounters a chemical analysis procedure to one degree or another.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession are quite in demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified.

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Description of activity

Chemical analysis laboratory assistants conduct chemical and physical-chemical analysis of various substances: ores, oil and petroleum products, various grades of steel, metal alloys, acids, salts, etc. This data is necessary to monitor the compliance of process products and finished products with specified standards.

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What specialty do you need to get?

What education is needed

Average professional education(college, technical school)

To work in a profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The professional responsibilities of a chemical analysis laboratory technician depend on his qualifications. Let's look at general job responsibilities. Prepares reagents and equipment for use. Conducts analyzes of varying complexity, determines the content of substances in the analyzed materials, determines the qualities of materials (viscosity, solubility, specific gravity) and vapors (elasticity). All received data is recorded in a log. IN laboratory conditions carries out the synthesis of substances. Assembly, adjustment of laboratory equipment and monitoring of their operation, compliance with safety precautions when using chemicals, safety of reagents and equipment used are also the responsibilities of a laboratory assistant.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Chemical analysis laboratory assistant the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Chemical analysis laboratory assistants are especially in demand in the chemical and petrochemical industries. This industry has always been distinguished by its prestige, relevance, high income for its employees and the opportunity career growth. Vertical career growth involves increasing the qualification level from 2 to 4. If desired, there is a chance to get the position of head of a laboratory.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Chemical analysis laboratory assistants have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Chemical analysis laboratory assistant does not have a career path.

How users rated this criterion:

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant- a specialist who conducts chemical and physical-chemical analysis of substances in the laboratory. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The work of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is the basis for the quality of products in any industry. National economy. Chemical analysis of raw materials is necessary to monitor the compliance of process products and finished products with existing standards. A chemical analysis laboratory technician essentially ensures control of the industrial process and production of products with specified properties.

Specifics of the profession

The job of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is to:

  • performing laboratory analyzes and measurements, namely, in determining the qualitative chemical composition of a substance and the quantitative relationships in it chemical elements and connections;
  • carrying out the synthesis of chemicals in laboratory conditions;
  • registration of test results.

In modern laboratories, in addition to flasks, test tubes, reagents, scales, chemical analysis laboratory assistants have the opportunity to use computer programs data processing, mechanical and automatic measuring instruments varying degrees of complexity.

The volume and complexity of the research performed depend on the rank of the chemical analysis laboratory assistant and are specified in the job descriptions.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • indoor work;
  • personal responsibility for one’s own work, which the laboratory assistant performs from start to finish;
  • normal working hours;
  • additional payments for harmful work chemicals.


  • work involves risk and danger to life
  • high responsibility for people's lives and health
  • exposure to chemicals, vapors, drafts from fume hoods
  • shift work
  • in some industries, work in protective equipment (mask and gloves)

Place of work

Chemical laboratories in various industries: chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, building materials, aniline-dyed, varnish-dyed, etc.

Personal qualities

  • ability to concentrate and distribute attention for a long time;
  • good sensory memory;
  • well-developed coordination of hand movements;
  • good reaction;
  • neuropsychic stability;
  • olfactory and tactile sensitivity;
  • personal organization;
  • pedantry;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline.


The salary of a laboratory technician depends on the region and place of work, industry, and category. High level salaries in the prestigious petrochemical industry. The minimum salary of a laboratory assistant is 20 thousand rubles, the maximum is up to 36 thousand rubles.

Salary as of 12/10/2019

Russia 16000—35000 ₽

Moscow 30000—55000 ₽


Career growth within the profession is possible by increasing the qualification level from 2 to 7. To obtain 5, 6, 7 categories, you must obtain secondary specialized education in the profession. The next stage of career growth is the position of laboratory manager. Advanced training of a chemical analysis laboratory technician is possible both at the enterprise itself and in industry educational institutions systems for improving the qualifications of workers and employees.

The training and consulting center AKSON (GC TSESK) conducts courses professional retraining under the program “Laboratory engineer for chemical analysis. Testing laboratory specialist" or "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Test laboratory specialist." We invite you to take part-time or distance learning courses.

Program code: PP-Х-102(о)

Program “Laboratory engineer for chemical analysis. Testing laboratory specialist" or "Chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Test laboratory specialist"

Names of sections and topics:

Fundamentals of general and analytical chemistry

Basic concepts of general and analytical chemistry

Analytical reactions

Quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis

Laboratory instruments and glassware

Physical and physico-chemical methods analysis

Analysis methods: chemical, physical, physico-chemical

Acceptability of analytical results. Metrological characteristics of the method

Logistics for analysis: instruments, glassware, reagents

Choosing an analysis method depending on the task at hand

Selection and preparation of samples for analysis

Sampling methods

Sampling equipment

Sample preparation methods and techniques

In-laboratory quality control (GOST R ISO 5725)

Quality control of measurement (analysis) results. Assessing the acceptability of results

Requirements regulatory documents to control the quality of analysis results. GOST R ISO 5725

Metrological characteristics of methods: accuracy, correctness, precision

Operational control of the analysis procedure

Monitoring the stability of results over time

Planning for In-Laboratory Quality Control

External control. Interlaboratory comparison tests

Methods for documenting quality control of analytical results

Organization of work in the laboratory

Occupational health and safety requirements when working in a chemical laboratory

Rules for working with chemicals

Organization of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant's workplace

Material and technical equipment of the laboratory: equipment, instruments, glassware, reagents

Laboratory premises, control of microclimate parameters

Laboratory quality management system

Basics of laboratory accreditation in the FSA

Research, testing, measurements according to the laboratory profile

Basic requirements for laboratory equipment in accordance with its profile

Carrying out sampling in accordance with the profile (area of ​​accreditation) of the laboratory

Analysis of environmental objects: atmospheric air, natural and Wastewater, soil

Analysis of industrial environment objects: work area air, industrial emissions

Analysis drinking water and food

Analysis of non-food products

Selecting the optimal analysis method for a specific laboratory

Acquisition of material and technical resources

Sanitary and hygienic standardization

Production control and special assessment of working conditions

Interim testing

Practical lessons

Performance practical work, sample analysis using methods (techniques) proposed by the teacher

Carrying out practical work, analyzing samples using methods (methods) used by the customer’s laboratory

Final examination.

Forms of training

  • Full-time and part-time. Training is carried out on your or our territory.
  • Correspondence with the use of remote technologies (on the job).

Class schedule: no more than 8 academic hours per day.

How much does training cost for a testing laboratory specialist?

Relevance of the program

Relevant for persons with complete secondary specialized education, higher non-core education, university students who want to obtain an additional working profession.

Paragraph 19 of the laboratory accreditation criteria (approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of May 30, 2014 No. 326) establishes requirements for laboratory workers directly performing research (testing) and measurement work to have education in a profile corresponding to the scope of laboratory accreditation. Consequently, if laboratory workers do not have specialized higher or secondary vocational education, in order to meet the requirements of the accreditation criteria, they need to receive additional professional education in the work performed in the field of accreditation (research, testing, measurements).

In accordance with Art. 196 Labor Code Russian Federation, in cases provided for federal laws, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to carry out professional education or additional professional education of employees, if this is a condition for the employees to perform certain types of activities.

Acquired knowledge about modern methods and methods of chemical analysis, equipment used, methods of quality control of tests (research) and measurements carried out will allow the laboratory to competently carry out the tasks assigned to the laboratory, which will increase the competitiveness of the laboratory.

The professional retraining program provides for the acquisition of competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquisition of new qualifications, which is often required when expanding the scope of activity (area of ​​accreditation) of the laboratory.

Purpose of the program

Obtaining and/or improving theoretical knowledge in the field of analytical chemistry and practical skills in working in a chemical laboratory necessary to carry out research (tests) and measurements in accordance with the field of activity (area of ​​accreditation) of the laboratory, which confirms the compliance of the laboratory employee with the requirements of the Accreditation Criteria.

Category of listeners

The professional retraining program was developed for employees of testing (analytical) laboratories whose job responsibilities (job functions) include performing chemical analysis, conducting research (testing) and measurements.

Requirements for program students

Persons with a level of education not lower than complete secondary specialized education.

Issued documents

Upon completion of training, students who have successfully passed the final certification for this educational program a certificate of advanced training is issued. Documents on advanced training are issued on a standard form, valid throughout the Russian Federation, which is protected from counterfeit printed products.

Get detailed advice on the conditions and professional retraining program for testing laboratory specialists and apply for participation in the courses by contacting our managers by phone, email or using the online form.