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Extra words in Russian presentation. Parasitic words in speech

Completed by a student from MBOU Secondary School No. 34. 6 "B" class Zhenya Galustyan

Scientific supervisor: teacher of Russian language and literature Sabanova Aleta Vladimirovna.

Introduction. Relevance:

Purpose of the study:

Research objectives:

Subject and object of research:

Research methods and techniques:

Verification of existing hypotheses:

Novelty of the work:

Practical significance:


Chapter 2: Results this study. Conclusions. What is possible Research further in this direction.

  • Results:

During this study, methods such as questionnaires were used. A questionnaire was compiled for students and an oral survey for teachers, in which these questions were used:



43 students from 6th grade and 7 teachers were interviewed. The following results were obtained during the survey:


What can be explored further in this direction:



Thank you for your attention!

student of 6th "A" class

Head Ibraeva G.S.-

teacher of Russian language.

Purpose of the study:

Research objectives:

Object of study :

speech of students in grades 8-11

our school

Research methods:

2. Observation of students’ speech in class and outside of class;

3. Questionnaire;

4. Oral survey (video recording)

Reasons for use

3. If a person does not want to answer an “inconvenient” question, but still needs to answer, he tries to stall for time. While a person chants his “you see”, “you understand what’s the matter”, “well, how to say”, etc., he is feverishly thinking about what and how to answer.

4. Tribute to fashion (among young people)



In fact


As if


Well, well, finally

So to speak

That's it, that's it, that's it


Briefly speaking

think about it

Exactly this





Along the way

No question, no


believes that everything in life should be simple, reasonable, even

banal and no complications!

"Briefly speaking" – a person is not inclined to communicate, he does not like conversations, so he wants to shorten his speech.

However, because of this endless “in short,” the opposite effect is achieved.

Young people have a buzzword "as if". It means convention.

Young people live like this - as if we’ll go, but as if we won’t go; as if we will, but as if we won’t..

Words “type”, “in short”, “means” people use

somewhat aggressive.

Questionnaire for students

3.Which of these words do you use most often?

43 students from grades 8-11 took part in the survey and oral survey.

Leninskaya secondary school

Do you often speak publicly?

Do you read a lot?

1. There is no need to be afraid of silence. You are completely in vain trying to fill the pauses; you are simply not used to being silent during a speech. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, you give your listeners time to process what you said.

2.Practice, practice and more practice. Read your report out loud, standing in front of a mirror. You will immediately feel the problems that arise in your speech



Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language,

Read, read and read again! Nothing develops speech better

than reading quality literature .

How computer viruses destroy operating system, and so are the words-

Sometimes these words become fashionable, so students who do not have speech problems can also use them.

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We seem to be getting more and more stupid these days - Everyone seems to have forgotten that we don’t even know how to string together a couple of words without “as if.” It would be good, as it were, even if it was at random. Otherwise, it’s as if ineptly and more often as if out of place. Yu.Vazhdaev *

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* Research methods: study of literature on the topic, observation, comparison, generalization, oral survey, questionnaire, presentation of results.

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“Takskat” (so to speak) “This” “Namely” “For example” “This is the same” “In principle” “Like” “Here” “You understand” “In short” “In kind” “Damn” “In general » *

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For example, the author of the story “Tanya Grotter” Dmitry Yemets put into the mouth of his hero Bab-Yagun a phrase repeated every time in difficult cases: “Oh, my mommy, grandma!” This phrase sounds like a call for help, but at the same time it looks funny. The phrase also provides insight into the character's personality. Bab-Yagun is the comic hero of the story, cheerful, able to turn serious and scary things into fun. *

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Anatole France:

There is no magic stronger than the magic of words.

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Nikolay Rylenkov:

The language of the people is both rich and precise, But there are, alas, inaccurate words, They grow like weeds Along poorly plowed roadsides.

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Do you recognize yourself in these words?

Have you ever wondered when they occur?

um, in general, that is, in short

When there is a pause and there is silence.

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Jargon is the speech of some social or other group united by common interests, containing many different common language, including artificial, sometimes conventional words and expressions. Argo is the speech of socially or professionally isolated groups and communities. Unlike jargon, argot has a professional attachment. In this regard, they sometimes talk about the argot of actors, hunters, musicians, etc. Historically, it goes back to the speech of wandering traders and artisans. Strictly speaking, argot is the language of declassed groups of society, the language of thieves, tramps, and beggars. Argo does not constitute an independent system and is reduced to specific word usage within the general language. Argo interacts with jargons and vernacular, forming a special lexical layer - slang (party, plum, informer). Slang are words that are often seen as violating the norms of standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects spoken in Everyday life(cut, saw, eat).

So, in general, frankly speaking, in short, you can say, as they say, well, that’s what it’s called

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Uh-uh, the main, you know, the main feature of his, so to speak, character is, that means, his love, you know, for people.

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Sergey Soloviev

Each time has its own verbal virus, something like a fever on the lip. Our generation has this word “as if.” A person speaks less and less, more and more often - as if he wants to say...

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Vladimir Novikov

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Square of the hypotenuse equal to the sum squares of legs

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FIRST GROUP They try to explain themselves exclusively in Turgenev’s language, but... abuses epithets and catchphrases

SECOND GROUP The leading position is occupied by the definition of “fashionable”. These people simply copy the speech patterns of those who, in their opinion, are worthy of respect.

THIRD GROUP These are people who rarely listen to their speech.

1. There is no need to be afraid of silence. You are completely in vain trying to fill the pauses; you are simply not used to being silent during a speech. Nothing wrong with that. Plus, you give your listeners time to process what you said.

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Anatole France:

There is no magic stronger than the magic of words.

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Nikolay Rylenkov:

The language of the people is both rich and precise, But there are, alas, inaccurate words, They grow like weeds Along poorly plowed roadsides.

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Do you recognize yourself in these words? Have you ever wondered when they occur? um, in general, that is, in short, when there is a pause and silence sets in.

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Jargon is the speech of some social or other group united by common interests, containing many words and expressions that differ from the common language, including artificial, sometimes conventional, words and expressions. Argo is the speech of socially or professionally isolated groups and communities. Unlike jargon, argot has a professional attachment. In this regard, they sometimes talk about the argot of actors, hunters, musicians, etc. Historically, it goes back to the speech of wandering traders and artisans. Strictly speaking, argot is the language of declassed groups of society, the language of thieves, tramps, and beggars. Argo does not constitute an independent system and is reduced to specific word usage within the general language. Argo interacts with jargons and vernacular, forming a special lexical layer - slang (party, plum, informer). Slang are words that are often seen as violating the norms of standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken in everyday life (truncate, saw, pohavat).

So, in general, frankly speaking, in short, you can say, as they say, well, that’s what it’s called

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Uh-uh, the main, you know, the main feature of his, so to speak, character is, that means, his love, you know, for people.

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Sergey Soloviev

Each time has its own verbal virus, something like a fever on the lip. Our generation has this word “as if.” A person speaks less and less, more and more often - as if he wants to say...

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The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs

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Just Like In short Means By the way As if This is the very thing Actually Practically Actually So to speak Actually

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THE FIRST GROUP They try to explain themselves exclusively in Turgenev’s language, but... abuses epithets and catchphrases. THE SECOND GROUP The leading position is occupied by the definition of “fashionable”. These people simply copy the speech patterns of those who, in their opinion, are worthy of respect. THIRD GROUP These are people who rarely listen to their speech.

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“Parasite” words are usually attached to the person who often hesitates in speech and cannot quickly select the right word. It is also believed that the habit of pronouncing filler words is the lot of people with a small vocabulary.