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Speech therapy exercises, pronunciation classes. Texts for automating the sounds S, Z, Ts.doc - Texts for automating the sounds S, Z, Ts How to make whistling sounds for a child

Speech material for automation of sounds S, Z, Ts

(words, phrases, sentences, phrases, poems, texts)

Teacher speech therapist

Chuprikova N.V.


Exercise 1. Clearly pronounce words with the sound S (with emphasis on the syllable).

Saber, Savva, garden, kindergarten, cod, saury, saklya, somersault, bacon, himself, themselves, sambo, sleigh, sled, sable, owls, soda, jay, juice, juices, falcon, solo, salt, Sonya, catfish, dream, hill, rubbish, hundred court, soup, bough, bag, ship, sum, twilight, day, dry, badger, leisure, roe deer, carrying, grazing.

Task 2. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).

Sanya, sugar, gander, annoyance, killer whale, scythe, sausage, beauty, bite, forests, fox, nozzle, heaven, wasp, honeycomb, soybean, barefoot, block, temple, hair, high, voice, spikelet, wheel, piece, forest, son, scales, cheese, full, sprinkle, mustache, noses.

Task 3. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).

Siege, writer, write, stripe, striped, landing, dew, mustachioed, facade, sock, sedge, sand, belt, beans, style, dishes, dancer, drawing, draw, blue whiting, scarf, parcel, rash, bass, barefoot, raw, cheesecakes, full, whey.

Task 4. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).

Gardens, gardener, gardener, sanatorium, salad, salon, fireworks, napkin, scooter, self-propelled gun, dog, owl, advice, salt shaker, salty, nightingale, straw, meat, son, raw, cheese, full, beads, wasps, braids, hair, magic tricks, sailors, rails.

Task 5. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).

Samovar, plane, sandals, orderly, sapper, boot, barn, sundress, satin, cash register, mass, wheels, drawstring, blot, crybaby, Saturday, souvenir, snowdrift, pike perch, fate, cloth, chest, marmot, dry, soufflé, take out, fill, fill, write out.

Task 6. Pronounce words with consonant clusters clearly.

Swat, pile, dump, dump, welding, weld, freedom, vault, summary, your own, appropriate, firmament.

Rock, rolling pin, skipping rope, jump, slope, roll up, jumper, tablecloth, bench, bench, jump, cattle, bracket, how much, soon, frying pan, pressure cooker, shell, boredom, cheekbone.

Glory, glorious, weak, sweet, word, syllable, layer, elephant, as if, rumor, incident.

Task 7. Clearly pronounce words with two sounds [s].

Space, workshop, pump, obnoxious, vacuum cleaner, saxaul, saxophone, dump truck, resinous, pacifier, pine trees, soloist, composition, vessel, icicle, make up, condition, sauce, gravy boat, rescuer, way, sleepy, descent, chisel, ostrich, construction, adversary, gopher, suffix, sphinx, vinegar, Whiskas, Stas, skunk, status, asparagus, state, timber rafting, Stanislav.

Task 8. Clearly pronounce words with the sound Z (with emphasis on the syllable)

Hall, volley, bunny, west, smell, tomorrow, Cossack, goat, eyes, thunderstorm, pheasant, lick, climb, show, punish, order, indicate, mosaic, tongue, carts, basins, bubble, swell, umbrella, horizon, peephole, ozone, shame, once, ruin, callus, overalls.

Task 9. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable)

Castle, dragonfly, fidget, excitement, bazaar, goiter, call, Zoya, zone, pattern, cart, bison, lawn, watch, Trezor, vigilant, dawn, dawn, gold, teeth, itching, carrying, goat, below, crawling, gnawing, fuel oil, booted, reasonable, bison, rodent, mazurka.

Task 10. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on syllables)

Base, vase, rose, Lisa, blouse, pose, benefit, birch, dawn, plant, law, fence, tan, sunset, castle, fun, care, forget, idea, riddle, smear, get sick, forget-me-nots, mimosa, lens, corn, vase, rose, downwards, reason, bases, vases, elms, gases, goats, thunderstorms, loads, birches, watermelons, mimosas.

Task 11. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on syllables)

Phrase, bronze, prose, sleeve, visa, diamonds, cornices, charge, charging, corral, task, hairpin, bay, lesson, comma, jellyfish, slogan, clove, dental, chisel, frost, divers, music, visor, poses, bubble, name, show, convoys.

Task 12. Pronounce words with the sound C clearly.

Bam, dumplings, blitz, fighter, wrestler, Varenets, crown, messenger, end, singer, father, tripe, fool, palace, daredevil, cunning, jellied, boatswain, pilot, cucumber, swimmer, fugitive, blacksmith, lollipop, well done, sage, finally, seller, hare, mountaineer, finger, pepper, dance, knapsack, tuna, parasite, brother, well, little finger, Indian, Chinese, chick, menagerie, merchant, brave man, foot soldier.

Task 13. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).

Sheep, heron, pollen, king, twinkle, chick-chick, gypsy, fathers, fighters, ends, swimmers, singers, wrestlers, cucumbers, palaces, messengers, workshop, goal, chain, zest, center, tenacious, score, whole, accent, officer, concert, associate professor.

Task 14. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).

Face, egg, ring, clatter, base, tree, dancer, porch, well done, blacksmiths, sellers, chicks, circus, figure, medicine, vaccine, hyacinth, chicks, tweezers, recipe, prices.

Task 15. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).

Eggs, street, mill, water, singer, greenhouse, border, hospital, mitten, chicken, rings, Friday, smart girl, cavalry, forge, onion, button, scratch, outskirts, bird, cement, price, chain, towel, window, soap, bottom, hoop, saucer, dress.


Task 16. Pronounce phrases with the S sound clearly.

Sani's sleigh salted cod

mustachioed catfish dense forest

forest owl lean sausage

fast planes pineapple soufflé

tall pine lard soup

hearty soup well-fed dog

high bridge broken branch

pine resin rich soup

pine trunk empty glass

Task 17. Pronounce phrases clearly.

red radish delicious salad

empty bus dry straw

thick bush red sandals

soloist of the ensemble old judge

raw sand salted lard

sailing lots of tips

salted cabbage salted butter

ripe apricot resinous pine

bowl of rice

motley dog

Task 18. Clearly pronounce phrases with the sound Z.

healthy corn mazurka sounds

mysterious castle crazy idea

familiar vase

funny bunny

pink roses

forgotten fun

gold teeth

bronze tan

Task 19. Clearly pronounce phrases with the sound T . whole egg valuable ring chicks birds cement base colored mat colored towel whole cucumber colored rings colored pollen colored chintz valuable vaccine chain reaction


Task 20. Pronounce sentences with the S sound clearly.

Sanya goes to the garden. Sanka has a brand new sled.

There is a wasp in the garden. Sanya rides on a sleigh.

There's a wasp right next to my nose. Sanya saw the fireworks.

Striped wasp. Sanya puts on his boots himself.

Airplane high in the sky. The gardener planted a garden.

Sanya and Sonya are flying on a plane. Boris was bitten by a dog.

The plane is landing. The dog was given a piece of meat.

Sanya and Sonya get off the plane. Dogs don't bite their own.

Sanya will be bought a new scooter. A dog sleeps on the straw.

Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Sonya has a braid right down to her waist.

Task 21.

Give Sanya juice and a piece of pineapple.

Sonya bites sugar.

There is honey in the honeycombs.

Sand in a scoop.

Salt in a salt shaker.

Sleepy catfish at the bottom.

Sonya, buy mom some soda.

The plane flies high above the forest.

Sonya slept on the straw.

The soup is carried in a bowl.

Sanya and Sonya are carrying a bag.

The bag contains juice, sugar and cheese.

They poured soup for Sonya.

Sonya sees a wasp.

Salt the soup yourself to taste.

For lunch, salad, soup and meat.

There is dry sand in the garden.

They are carrying a Christmas tree from the forest.

The icicle fell into the snow.

High on the branch is an owl.

Task 22. Pronounce sentences clearly.

On Saturday they will buy dishes for Sonya.

Alice is washing the dishes.

Sonya draws an airplane.

There is a dry branch on the tree.

There is a pike perch in the bag.

There is a fox in the forest.

There are tall pines in the forest.

The catfish has a mustache.

The wasp has a mustache.

There are wasps in the garden.

They bought Sanya a scale.

Aunt Vassa has new beads.

Sonya has a headscarf.

Sonya has a package containing beads and a scarf.

The package contains cheese, sausage, sugar.

I carry a piece of cheese in my bag.

Sonya has two braids.

Sonya has brown braids.

Sonya has thick hair.

Sanya has striped socks.

Task 23. Pronounce sentences with the sound Z clearly.

Lisa has a mimosa. Lisa washes the vase in the basin.

Zoya has a castle. Zoya is sick.

The factory whistle sounded.

Zoya forgot to lock the lock.

Pour water into the vase, otherwise the roses will wither.

Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch tree.

Watermelons are carried on carts.

Lisa climbed the fence.

Zoya broke the vase.

Zoya's teeth hurt.

Zoya knows the alphabet.

Zoya works outside.

Air is good for health.

IN healthy body healthy mind.

The goat is tied to the fence.

Zoya forgot Lisa's umbrella.

Dawn appeared in the sky.

Zoya and Lisa know a lot of mysteries.

Task 24.

Lisa asks riddles to Zoya.

Watermelons are thrown from truck to truck.

Lisa knows how to knit.

Children are given riddles.

Zakhar goes to the factory.

Zoya will be bought a bunny and a mosaic.

There is a vase with forget-me-nots on the window.

The house is locked.

The rose has withered.

Zoya is called home.

Lisa has two splinters in her leg.

Nazar saw a bison at the zoo.

Zoya is never punished.

Zoya loves music.

There is a banner on the building.

Blackbirds build nests.

The bell rings loudly.

Never be late for class.

Zoya knows many children.

Lisa's eyes hurt.

Task 25. Pronounce sentences with the sound C clearly.

Vanya waters the sheep. Tanya's father is an infantryman.

Katya has a lollipop. Tsibik is on the chain.

There is a hare in the bushes. At the end of the village there is a blacksmith shop.

Vova is a good swimmer. Soldiers guard the borders.

The well is deep. Vova has a scratch on his finger.

My uncle is a blacksmith. There is cold water in the well.

The seller served pepper. There are cucumbers and onions in the bag.

I cut my little finger. Wet chickens are walking down the street.

Winter is over, the starling is flying. The sheep came to the well.

Nina has a cucumber.

Task 26. Pronounce sentences clearly.

The cavalry is riding along the street.

We saw a bear at the circus.

The chicken laid an egg.

The chain was forged by a blacksmith.

I lost a button.

The seller brought cucumbers.

The duckling is not afraid to plunge into the water.

It is not sung to a bird when it is in prison.

Acacia blossoms.

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

There is a hospital outside.

Chickens peck an egg.

There are lollipops on the saucer.

Mom has a ring on her finger.

A singer sings at a concert.

On Friday at kindergarten there will be dancing.

Pure talk

Task 27. Clearly pronounce pure phrases with the sound S.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox is running in the forest. Su-su-su - it was cold in the forest.

So-so-so - Sonya has a wheel. Sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps.

Su-su-su - berries in the forest. Sy-sy-sy - Sanya has beads.

Su-su-su - I’m bringing lunch to the table. Sy-sy-sy - the catfish has a mustache.

Su-su-su - they saw a fox in the forest. Si-sy-sy - the clock is ticking.

Su-su-su - we saw a wasp. Sy-sy-sy - they gave me scales.

Su-su-su - braid your hair.

Task 28.

As-as-as - butter, pasta, pineapple.

As-as-as - we have pineapple at home

Is-is-is - cypress, Boris, iris.

As-as-as - the light in the window went out

Os-os-os - nose, ear, apricot.

As-as-as - kvass for sale

Us-us-us - taste, bus, toddler.

As-as-as - we are going to first grade

Aska-aska-aska - caress, mask, helmet.

Os-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the garden

As-as-as - we have kvass at home

Os-os-os - there is a sailor on deck.

As-as-as - Sonya drinks kvass

Task 29. Clearly pronounce pure phrases with the sound Z.

For-for-for - Zoya has a goat.

For-for-for - Katya has brown eyes.

For-for-for - the hall, the plant, the fence, the eyes.

For-for-for - the brakes failed.

Zy-zy-zy - roses, vases and basins.

For-for-for - the dragonfly flew away.

For-for-for - there is a goat tied here.

For-for-for - go home, goat.

For-for-for - a goat climbs into the garden.

Zu-zu-zu - we caught a dragonfly.

For-for-for - a thunderstorm is approaching.

Zu-zu-zu - Vova on a cart.

Zu-zu-zu - a stream flows below.

Task 30. Clearly pronounce pure phrases with the sound C.

Ets-ets-ets - Vova is a great guy.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - we are driving around the ring.

Itz-its-its - for injections you need a syringe.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave the singer a room.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - heron, street, pollen.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - write a letter to your father.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - a store without a salesperson.

Tsut-tsy-tsy - hares, mills, chicks.

Tso-tso-tso - we go out onto the porch.

Tsk-tsk-tsk - we washed the cucumbers.

Tso-tso-tso - a familiar face.

Task 31. Pronounce clearly.

Ets-ets-ets - the chick is sitting in the nest.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - the pussy reaches for the egg.

Its-its-its - there are a lot of hospitals in the city.

Tsk-tsk-tsk - we are good singers.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - this is my father's room.

Tsk-tsk-tsk - wash the cucumbers.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - we met a fighter.

Tsk-tsk-tsk - starlings are flying south.

Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg.

Tse-tse-tse - we relax on the porch.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave us a cucumber.

Tse-tse-tse - a lot of grains in a cucumber.

Task 32.Come up with sentences based on the pictures.

Task 33.Find in the picture as many objects as possible with the sound C .

Task 34.Color the picture, find as many objects as possible whose names contain the sounds Z and C.


Poems for memorization

Sound C


They are walking along the fishing line

Gander after gander.

Looks down on you

Gander on gander.

Oh, he'll spit out his sides

The gander is at the gander.


Sonya loves to sleep very much.

They started calling Sonya Sonya.

Dormouse sleeps all day.

She's too lazy to even go for a walk.

Look, Sonyushka,

It's sunny outside.

Sleigh, sleigh,

They're going on their own!

Through mountains and forests

The miracle sleigh is coming!

Young angry dog

A wasp stung my nose.

Don’t whine, I told the dog,

drive away the wasp quickly.


It's dark in the forest.

The owls have been sleeping for a long time.

Owl, owl! The owl doesn't sleep.

The owl is flying, flying!

Sanya and sleigh


It became quiet, quiet, quiet.

My elephant is sleeping in the corner.

Two little elephants

They have been wanting to sleep for a long time.


The grass is turning green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter.

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon.

I'll give you some grains

And you sing a song.

What from distant countries I brought with me.

Alice in the garden

Here comes Alice to the garden,

The leaves will fall soon.

There is a plum and an apricot,

There is a sleepy dog ​​on the bench

There is beauty and miracles there.

Sun, pussy and dew,

    There are benches and a table. The samovar whistles on it. There is sand in the sandbox, a dump truck and a scoop, and a scooter next to them. Oh, what a beautiful garden!

The bicycle carried me. He carried him somewhere downhill, he was left there without wheels, and then I carried him

Sound Z

I won't forget the forget-me-not, these blue eyes.

The name will remind you that it cannot be forgotten.

We enter the station, We enter a huge hall. You can only be in such a huge hall at a train station.

    Zoe is her own goat. The goat's name is Egoza. Zoya knows no peace with her goat Egoza.

Sound Ts


This hare drums, This hare mows grass, This hare carries water, This hare can sing. The gray hare is such a craftsman!

The singer has many songs. There is about a heron, about a marten, There is about a hare, about a ring, About a daring fellow.

    herons chicks Such daredevils!

Not lazy on one leg

They stand with the heron all day.

    The egg doesn't sit on the chicken. How can he free himself from the shackles of his prison? He tries to bend down, stretch, look around. Makes a window with its beak.

No dungeon! Here comes the sun!

Snowflake It curls, sweeps, falls, spreads, scatters with the wind, rolls around. It will be melted by the sun - it will accumulate as a droplet, the steam will rise, and will pretend to be a cloud.

    again the fluff flies to the ground - a white and pure snowflake.

Texts for retelling


Slava and Sonya stood at the bus stop. They ate Big Macs from McDonald's.

Then Sonya noticed a stray dog. She stood not far from the bus stop and looked carefully at Sonya and Slava. The dog whined from hunger. Slava broke off a piece of his Big Mac and gave it to the poor dog. The dog ate the meat and wagged its tail. Satisfied Sonya smiled at Slava.


Wild geese were sleeping in the clearing. There were little goslings with them.

When it became dark, a fox appeared near the herd. She grabbed one gosling and wanted to take it away

him into the forest. Then two geese attacked the fox. They began to beat the fox with their beaks.

The fox left the gosling and rushed as fast as he could towards the forest.


    Svety has his own room. There is a table and chair by the window. There are shelves with books on the wall. There is a shelf with mosaics, doll dishes and furniture. Sveta has a lot of dolls. There is also a doll stroller.

Sveta just doesn’t like to sit in her room alone. She calls her neighbor Lucy over. Children have so much more fun together!


    Sonya has her own home. Sonya has several pine trees in her garden. There is a gazebo under the pine trees. Sonya sits on a bench in the gazebo and calls her dog: “Silva, Silva, come here!” Sonya shows the dog the sausage and commands: “Silva, give me your paw!”

Silva, sitting, gives Sonya a paw. For this, Sonya gives the dog a small piece of sausage. Silva wags his tail and gives Sonya his paw again - without a command!


    There is a tall pine tree in Sonya's garden. The pine is completely dry. Sonya's dad is cutting down a dry pine tree. Without pine trees, the garden will be brighter. Sonya’s house will also become brighter.

Sonya's dad will cut several boards from pine. A new bench will come out of the boards.


Once Sonya and her dog Sultan were in the garden. Sonya walked around the garden without sandals and

barefoot stepped on a wasp.

From the wasp's sting, Sonya began to cry and began to jump on one leg. The Sultan licked Sonya's leg.

Sonya calmed down and laughed.


Lucy was always afraid of geese. One day, the neighbor’s gander Vaska grabbed Lucy by the skirt and began to pull. Lucy swung a branch at the gander, and he fell behind. And Lyusin’s dad sat on a bench near the house and saw everything.

“Lucy, you’ve become brave - you weren’t afraid of the gander!” - Dad said cheerfully.


Lucy had a cat Vaska and a favorite doll Cindy. Lucy worked with the doll all day. Vaska the cat was constantly watching his owner.

One day my mother called Lucy into the kitchen. The Cindy doll remained in the stroller. The cat grabbed the doll and took it under the sofa.

Lucy didn’t see the doll in the stroller and began to cry a lot. Then the cat Vaska took the doll out from under the sofa and gave it to Lyusa. Lucy laughed and treated the cat Vaska - she gave him Whiskas.


    We have a neighbor at the entrance. He's always late everywhere. He gets up in the morning and can’t find his suit. Then he runs around the room, collecting documents, money, and various notes into his bag. The neighbor is always late for his bus, and then stands at the bus stop and is sad.

What an absent-minded neighbor!


Senya was in class and was fidgeting while sitting in his chair. The back of the chair cracked and broke. No one in the class noticed this.

Senya placed the backrest against the seat and left the chair in place. Senya doesn’t tell anyone about Senya’s broken back.

said. “What fun it will be when someone sits on my chair! I'll have some fun!" - thought Senya. All day he looked askance at the dangerous chair. “I wonder: who will sit on it?” I looked and looked

Senya - no one sits on his chair. He felt strange...

The next day, Senya forgot about the broken chair and plopped down on it with all his might! The back of the chair fell apart, and Senya ended up on the floor.

Senya wanted to have fun - so he had fun!


All the fruit trees that grow in modern gardens were bred from wild plants. Gardeners have created many different varieties of plum and apple trees, peaches and apricots, currants and

raspberries People make juices, canned food, jam, and drinks from these fruits.

Beautiful trees and bushes grow in orchards all over the Earth. Naturalists and gardeners work in the gardens.


    Zoe eats a goat Fun. Zoya loves her goat. Zoya takes care of the goat Zabavka. One day a goat was grazing in a meadow, and Zoya was sitting on the grass and looking at her ABC book. Zoya began to show the goat her ABC: “Here, Fun, this is the letter A!”

And the goat responded: “Meh!”

Fun doesn't know the letters, but the goat doesn't even need to know them! But the goat knows for sure: where the food, the barn and her owner Zoya are.


Somehow several hares gathered in a green clearing in the forest. One hare, with a dark spot on its back, climbed onto a stump. He began to tell other hares about his exploits. "Friends! - said the hare. - I am the strongest animal in the forest. For me, dealing with a fox is nothing. I will defeat the wolf and eat the bear!” The ringing voice of a hare was heard in the forest for a long time.

Suddenly a pine branch crunched nearby. The “formidable” hare jumped off the stump, lay down on the ground and covered his head with his paws... Since then, everyone in the forest began to call him the Arrogant Bunny.


One hot summer, Zoya and Vasya went into the forest. They picked up a full basket of boletus and are buttering. The children were getting ready to go home, but then they were caught in a severe thunderstorm. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Zoya and Vasya sat down under a tall pine tree and covered themselves with a basket. Soon a teenager called out to them: “Children, it’s dangerous to sit under a tall tree in a thunderstorm!” - he said. - Go under the elderberry bush! Zoya and Vasya did just that*. Soon the storm subsided and a rainbow shone in the sky.


Mom began to toughen up little Lisa. In the mornings, Lisa and mom did exercises. In the summer they sunbathed outside the city and swam in the forest lake. In winter, Lisa and mom doused themselves with cold water from a basin. Somehow mom

    Lisa learned about the hardening club. The club they signed up for was called “Star”. Experienced trainers trained adults and children here.


There are many sea snakes in the world. Snakes live in warm seas and oceans. Sea snakes do not crawl ashore. They feed, sleep and reproduce in water. The body of the snake slides along the surface of the water, wriggling in zigzags. Sea snakes are dexterous hunters. Such snakes feed only on fish. The sea snake does not lay eggs. She gives birth to up to five small snakes. Sea snakes are dangerous to swimmers.


Today in many major cities there are zoos. There, children and adults watch animals and birds, snakes and fish. Visitors to the zoo can appreciate the beauty and diversity of animals. Children are interested in learning about the habits of bison and monkeys, parrots and gazelles. It is useful for adults to take a break from the bustle of the city at the zoo.


Zakhar and Zoya were in the forest. Zakhar was looking for mushrooms. His basket contained boletus and boletus. Zoya was looking for strawberries. Suddenly Zoya noticed a snake under a bush. She was very scared and froze in place. Then Zoya threw the basket and, without making out the road, rushed deep into the forest. Zakhar looked at the snake and called out to Zoya: “Zoya, come back! It's a runner! Snakes are not dangerous!”


The chickens were walking near the fence. Suddenly they noticed a caterpillar. The caterpillar was gray, long, and hairy. The chickens began to pull the caterpillar. They pull one end, but the other end of the caterpillar is not visible! The chickens began to worry*, began to look around*... Then the chickens noticed that they were not pulling a caterpillar, but the tail of a huge rat! The chickens got scared and started to run away, running to their mother chicken.


A sheep was walking in the meadow. There were many flowers: blue, white, pink, light blue. The sheep walked on the flowers and trampled them with its hooves. A moth flew over the flowers. “Dear sheep,” he said, “look at these flowers. They are extraordinary! They are priceless! They are like a colorful carpet! Looking at them, you have to be surprised*, have fun*, and dance!”

The sheep looked at the moth, then at the flowers and began to eat them... everything in a row: red, white, and blue...


The dog Tsybik and the cat Scratchy lived in the same yard. One day the cat was lapping milk on the porch, and the dog ran past. The dog Tsybik touched the cat's saucer. All the milk spilled over the porch.

The cat got angry and scratched the dog. The dog Tsybik barked and rushed at Scratchy. And the cat climbed onto the acacia tree and meowed from there: “You won’t be able to get me!” Dogs don’t know how to climb acacia trees!”

So Tsybik and Scratchy quarrel all day long. It's hard for a cat and a dog to be neighbors!


The duck took her ducklings to the lake to swim. The ducklings are walking, proud of themselves: “We’re so great! We’re not afraid of water!” A hen walks with her chicks by the water. The chickens are running along the shore, worried*. They can get drunk, but they don’t know how to swim! The duck said to his neighbor the hen: “If your children are not afraid*, let them sit* on my little ones and ride around the lake*!” The chickens were happy. One chicken stood on the back of one duckling. After them, the remaining five chickens climbed onto the backs of five ducklings and swam across the water. Since then, mother hen began calling her chicks “my brave swimmers.”


    The circus has an arena. Trapezes and rings hang above it. Acrobats tumble on rings. Gymnasts ride on the trapeze. Rope walkers walk on a tightrope. The audience at the circus is excited and happy.

    Friday Vasya and dad went to the circus. At the end of the circus performance, two bears performed. They wore colorful skirts and danced in the center of the arena. Vasya likes going to the circus!

Many children experience minor difficulties with speech and articulation, but, as a rule, by the age of 5–7 years such problems disappear on their own. The child’s speech apparatus develops, sound production improves, and the baby begins to speak clearly. There are also problems that, without proper attention to them, persist throughout life. This may require a speech therapist or independent speech therapy and articulation exercises. The sooner you start correcting and overcoming speech disorders, the easier this process will be for the child. You can start sound production yourself - in most cases, speech therapy and speech therapy exercises are not difficult.

In speech therapy, the production of a sound is a special process that combines the development of pronunciation skills of a certain letter, as well as the formation of a connection between kinesthetics, vision and the nervous system. Thus, during the production, the child learns to pronounce the letter on demand in various combinations and in isolation.

Children often encounter problems with the pronunciation of whistling sounds - these can be sigmatisms (when, instead of the sound s or s, the child pronounces a distorted version of them), or parasigmatisms - in this case, the whistling sound is replaced by some other one (forelingual, hissing).

Sound production is very, very important. The fact is that any speech disorders affect the nervous system. Incorrect or impaired sound pronunciation can cause the following diseases:

  • dysgraphia - various disorders writing, automatic rearrangement of letters while writing, substitution of letters, etc.;
  • dyslexia - the inability to adequately read text and put letters into coherent text;
  • dyslalia - serious disturbances in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

How to say the sound S and soft S

The correct pronunciation of sibilants depends on the shape of the tongue muscle - you need to make sure that the tongue is in the correct position. Normal pronunciation occurs like this: a relaxed, flat tongue is pressed against the teeth with its lateral edges, and its tip rests against the base of the lower front incisors. The tongue takes the shape of a hill and has a hollow in the middle part.

If the baby did not part with the pacifier in childhood, then he probably has an even, flat tongue, and the cleavage and transition are poorly expressed. If there is no hollow, with the help of which a stream of air is formed when exhaling, then a stream that forms whistling sounds will not appear.

Correct articulation of S and S

The lips should be stretched in a slight smile so that the teeth are exposed. The gap between the teeth is no more than two millimeters. The relaxed tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower dentition. The anterior segment of the dorsum of the tongue forms a cleft with the upper incisors, while the middle of the dorsum of the tongue rises towards the hard part of the palate. The side edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, the soft part of the palate is raised and pressed against the pharynx, thereby blocking air from accessing the nasal cavity. The ligaments should be relaxed at this time, without vocal vibration.

Exercises for pronunciation of the sounds С and Сь

To develop the correct pronunciation of the sound Сь, you will need to perform phonemic awareness exercises. Before doing the exercises, make sure that the child knows how to pronounce the sounds S and S (there have already been classes of this kind), and is able to distinguish between the sounds D and T, as well as V and F.

The best exercises that help develop phonemic awareness and come close to the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and S are based on sound imitation. Offer your child several pictures that show:

  • ordinary pump;
  • a bicycle tire punctured by a nail;
  • a balloon with air coming out of it.

The set of pictures may differ depending on the age and interests of the child, the main thing is to clearly show, using examples accessible and understandable to the child, how the sounds S and S differ. Continue sound memorization exercises by guessing sounds, or developing skills phonemic hearing.

Correct articulation when pronouncing the sound C

The tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower teeth, the lips are very apart in a smile and do not overlap the teeth, the teeth are almost closed. The air should be released with force, feeling its movement along the groove. If you bring your palm to your mouth and pronounce the sound C, you will feel a cool air stream on your skin.

After the exercises with the sound Сь are completed, you can move on to the sound С. It is important to explain the difference to the child, show it clearly and let him feel kinesthetically and articulatory the difference between the sounds С and Сь. Emphasize that when pronouncing the sound S, the child smiles, while a hard, dull S causes a grimace, more like a grin.

Preparatory exercises

First of all, you need to identify the ability to release a stream of air with force. You need to take in air, blow with force through your lips, folded into a tube. You can control the stream of air with your hand (for adults), but it is better to let a child blow a piece of cotton wool, a feather or a small piece of paper from his hand.

To better feel the formation of the groove during the pronunciation of S or S, you need to perform exercises for flexibility and mobility of the tongue. You need to stretch out your tongue and calmly place it on your lip. You need to place a smooth stick, match or toothpick along the tongue (where the groove appears) and then press down to make a groove appear. The teeth are wide open, the lips are slightly rounded, in this position you need to blow out a strong stream of air several times. Exercises should be repeated until the results are consolidated.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise - repeat the same thing, but without a stick.

To correctly pronounce the sound C, you need to control the position of your tongue and lips, and also feel the stream of cool air that moves along the tongue during pronunciation. If for some reason you cannot pronounce the sound C correctly, you should return to the preparatory exercises and go through them again; only after this is it possible to automate the pronunciation.

Articulation exercises

  • Wide smile - you need to keep your lips in a smile (similar to pronouncing the sound and), while controlling the tension of your lips - your teeth should be open.
  • Whistling - with clenched teeth, you need to stretch your lips with a tube, as when whistling.
  • When both exercises are mastered, you need to alternate them with a slow count, rhythmically and measuredly.
  • Brushing your teeth is a good exercise for articulation; it is done like this: lips are open in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue strokes the teeth - first the upper ones, from bottom to top and from left to right, then the lower ones.
  • It is useful to perform the following exercises in turn.
  • The clock hand - the lips are open in a smile, the teeth are slightly open, the tip of the tongue alternately touches the corners of the mouth. It is necessary to control the immobility of the lower jaw (the chin should not move).
  • Swing - with this exercise you can achieve high tongue mobility. A relaxed, wide tongue rises as far as possible to the tip of the nose, then extends towards the chin. After this, the tongue rises to the upper lip and falls to the lower, then touches the space between the upper teeth and the lip, and then rests on the space between the lower teeth and the lower lip. You need to make sure that your tongue remains flat and wide at all times, and your lips do not hug the line of your teeth.

Automation Exercises

Sound production begins with identifying problems in pronunciation, then it is necessary to prepare the speech apparatus and oral cavity for correct pronunciation, learn to pronounce the sound correctly, set up easy pronunciation and automate it. To do this, the following method is used: you need to gradually introduce sound, first into syllables, then into simple and complex words, then into sentences and free speech.

Isolated pronunciation is achieved by repeatedly pronouncing an isolated sound while constantly monitoring the movement of the teeth, tongue and lips.

When the child begins to easily perform simple and complex articulation exercises, and will produce the sound correctly, you need to introduce the pronunciation of forward and backward syllables into the lesson. Straight syllables - Sa, Sy, Se, So, Su. Reverse - Ac, Ys, Es, Os, Us. Automation of soft X is also important - Xia, Xiu, Xi, Syo and in the reverse position.

Producing sound (automation) in independent speech is the most difficult stage; it’s hard to get used to speaking correctly, so in Everyday life and in everyday life you need to focus on erroneous pronunciation and strive for the correct one.

Sound production and automation in speech therapy are determined not only by the need to establish pronunciation, but also to overcome incorrect conditioned reflex connections and ligaments.

Not only the production of sounds is important, but also the automation of pronunciation; the lips and tongue must automatically take the desired position in order to pronounce the sound correctly. Automation live colloquial speech can be done by memorizing poems and songs - speech therapy pays great attention to nominal rhythmic exercises. If you have difficulty selecting suitable material, you can always watch a video that shows the correct automation of sound using songs, poems and tongue twisters.

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1

Breathing exercises

"Harmonic". I. p. - stand straight, lower your arms. Place your palms on your tummy and take a deep breath through your nose. Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
Development of exhalation force.

"Cold wind". Having drawn air into your lungs, blow forcefully through your lips extended forward with a tube. Bring the back of your hand to your mouth. You should feel a sharp, beating cold stream.

Game exercises

"Smile". “We are glad to meet a friend.” Stretch your lips in a smile to the limit and hold them in a tense position for some time. The teeth are closed. Repeat 3-4 times.
"Cranky monkeys." Movements with closed lips to the right and left. (If you have difficulty, help with your index fingers.)

Exercises to flatten and strengthen the lateral edges of the tongue

"Track". Place your wide, spread tongue on your lower lip and hold it in this position for a count of 5.

“The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence.” Extending the spread tongue between the teeth and biting it. (Teeth marks should remain on the tongue.)

“The tongue is sleeping on the crib.” Descent of the back of the tongue. Press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors and lower the back.

Note. In case of difficulty, ask the children to cough or yawn, while the soft palate involuntarily rises and the root of the tongue falls. You can interest children by offering to meet or say hello to the little tongue.

Isolation of the sound [s] against the background of syllables and words among sounds that are distant in acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

Game "Catch the Sound". The child should clap his hands when he hears the sound [s]. First, the teacher pronounces the sounds [l], [s], [r] [s], [l], [m], [b], [s], then the syllables la, so, ro, su, pa, su, sy , ba.

If a child identifies a sound from a sound or syllabic series, the words poppy, cheese, souk, shelf, son, bun, lamp, catfish are given.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds with changes in the strength and pitch of the voice.

“Let’s sing a lullaby to the doll”: a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a.
“Toothache”: o-o-o
"Steamboat whistle": ooh-ooh.

Lesson 2

Breathing exercises

Development of exhalation force

Blowing through a tube. Blowing soap bubbles. Comparison of the duration of exhalation.
Pronouncing the sound [f] (long exhalation), pronouncing the sound [t] (short exhalation).
Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue
Blow a paper snowflake off your palm. Whose snowflake will fly farther?

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

"We are having fun". "Smile". The lips are in a smile, the teeth are brought together to 2 mm.
"Sponges are swinging on a swing." Teeth and lips are clenched. Alternately lift the corners of your mouth with the help of your fingers.
“Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one. The right eye sleeps - wakes up. The left eye sleeps - it wakes up.” Alternately opening and closing the eyes.

Tongue exercises

"The tongue is tanning." Place your tongue on the bottom of your mouth. “The tongue dived to the bottom of the river.” "Let's see where the little tongue lives." Lowering the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.
“The tongue fits through the crack of the door.” Biting the tongue with teeth from tip to middle and vice versa.
"Monkey Teasing" Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and pronounce the syllables five-five-five-five-five.

"Conversation between the dogs Barbosa and Pushka." Pronouncing syllable combinations pa-ba, py-by, po-bo, pu-bu in a whisper, quietly and loudly.

Development phonemic awareness

Isolating the sound [s] among sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Sounds: [s], [z], [s], [sh], [ts], [s]. Syllables: sa, for, so, sha, tso, su, zy, sy. The words dog, bunny, sun, fur coat, boots, garden, etc. The child raises his hand or claps his hands if he hears the sound [s].

Lesson 3

Breathing exercises

Development of exhalation force

"Put out the candle." Developing an intense intermittent exhalation while pronouncing fuuuuu.

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue

"The storm is howling." Bring a bottle with a narrow neck to your lower lip and blow. If noise appears at the same time, it means that the air stream is directed correctly.

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

“The monkey is smiling, and the baby elephant is ready to drink some water.”
Lips in a smile (hold for a count of 5-6). Alternating positions - lips in a smile and “tube”.
“The teeth on the right side hurt. The teeth on the left side hurt.” Alternately raising the corners of the mouth while simultaneously closing the corresponding eye.

Tongue exercises

"Raindrops are pattering on the roof." Bite your wide tongue with your teeth and pronounce the syllables ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.
"Shovel". Place a wide tongue on the lower lip so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. The language is calm, not tense. If the tongue does not relax, suggest squeezing your lips tightly, then stretch them into a smile and push your tongue between them.

Exercises to develop the ability to form a bow with the lateral edges of the tongue with the upper molars

“The baby learns to pronounce the sound [i].” Place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and pronounce the sound [i]. Make sure that the dimple in the tongue is exactly in the middle.
"Donkey's Song" Pronouncing the sound combination ia.

"Boat". Stick your tongue out of your mouth and fold it into a boat (“groove”). If the exercise does not work, you can place a thin stick or probe on the middle part of the tongue.
"Fungus". I will collect different mushrooms in a basket - russula, moss mushroom, etc.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue

Pronunciation vowels i-yu, yu-ya, ya-e, ee-ya; i-i-e; and-i-e-yu.

Development of phonemic awareness

Isolating the sound [s] from words. Find toys whose names contain the sound [s], from a number of others (owl, fox, bear, dog, baby elephant, car, giraffe, donkey).
Determining the position of the sound [s] in the words owl, baby elephant, forest, nose.

Lesson 4

Breathing exercises

Development of exhalation force
Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the center line
“The sled went down the hill.” Smile, lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, and raise your back up. Exhale.
Developing a long, strong exhalation while pronouncing the sound combinations iffffff, iffffff for a long time.

Lip exercises

Lips in a smile (count to 10).
"The boat rocks on the waves." Alternately lifting the corners of the mouth up (with and without the help of hands).

Tongue exercises

“The tongue is sick and lies in bed.” Open your mouth wide and cough (the tongue involuntarily drops to the bottom of the mouth). Place the tongue in a “path” on the bottom of the mouth so that a small tongue appears. (Hold in this position for as long as possible.)
"Teasers." Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and say: bya-bya-bya-bya-bya, five-five-five-five-five-five (with a change in intonation).
The tongue is “grooved” inside the mouth.
Note. If the exercise does not work, use a bottle with a narrow neck. When you blow into a bubble, a round gap involuntarily appears in your tongue.
"Funny Clowns" Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors. Pronouncing the sound combination i-hee-hee.

Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

“The tongue swings on a swing.” Pronouncing the syllables ya-la, ya-la, ya-la, gradually increasing their number in one exhalation.

Development of phonemic awareness

Distinguishing words that are similar in sound: bear - bowl, helmet - porridge, cheese - ball, salt - naughty (based on pictures).
Finding pictures with the sound [s] in their names on the topics “Vegetables” and “Fruits”.

Lesson 5

Development of exhalation force

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue. "The wind shakes the leaf." Lips in a smile, teeth open. Blowing on a protruding tongue lying on the lower lip.

Lip exercises

“The hippopotamus has his mouth open, the hippopotamus is asking for rolls.” Smile. On the count of “one,” clench your lips tightly, and on the count of “two,” open your mouth wide.

Tongue exercises

Pronounce i, hee, ee.
Raising and lowering the middle part of the tongue (the back of the tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered at the lower gums.
"Boat". Raise the side edges of the tongue until you have a depression in the middle of the tongue.
"Cheerful children." The starting position is the same. Pronounce the sound combinations ihi-hi, ihi-hi, ihi-hi.

"Alien Conversation" Pronouncing the syllables ti-ti-ti, cha-cha-cha, te-te-te (with a change in stress and intonation).
Development of phonemic perception and simple types of phonemic analysis
- Is there a sound [s] in the words cabbage, beets, radishes, beans, lettuce, garlic?
- Find vegetables whose names contain the sound [s]. Where is the sound [s] heard in the word salad? In the word garlic? In the word cabbage?

Development of logical thinking

Game "Fifth Odd". Cabbage, beets, potatoes, radishes, apricots. Set aside the extra picture.

Lesson 6

Development of exhalation force

Developing the correct direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue
Smile. Lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, raise your back in a “mound”, and exhale.

Lip exercises

Raising and lowering of the upper lip exposing the upper teeth.
Alternate raising and lowering of the corners of the mouth.

Tongue exercises

Keep your tongue motionless with the “groove” on the outside of the mouth, and then open your lips widely, then touch the “groove” with them.
Game "I am not me." The speech therapist pronounces phrases, and the children answer: “And I” or “Not me.” For example, a speech therapist says: “I love chocolate.” And the children answer: “And I, and I, and I.” “I love to chew a cup.” Children: “Not me, not me, not me.”
Development of switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and development of coordinated work of the lips and tongue
Pronouncing syllable combinations pti-pti-pti, pty-pty-pty; petit-pt, petit-pt; pt-pt-pt-pt-pt.

Development of phonemic awareness

“Pick it up and name it.” Place pictures in two piles depicting objects whose names contain the sounds [s] and [w].
Determine the position of the sound [s] in the words sled, boots, owl, bus.

Sound setting [s]

The position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing the sound correctly [s]
The teeth are brought together and are at a distance of 1 mm. The lips are stretched as if smiling. The tongue rests on the lower incisors; a “groove” is formed in the middle of the tongue, along which a stream of exhaled air flows. The sound [s] is dull, pronounced without the participation of the voice.

Techniques for sound production [s]

Auditory perception of sound. Creating an auditory image of sound
Gaming techniques. "Whistles." "Snowstorm".
Formation of a visual image of sound
Showing the articulatory position of a sound on a dummy or articulation diagram. Articulation profile display.
Formation of a kinesthetic image of sound (sensation of the position of the organs of articulation)
Showing the position of the organs of articulation using the fingers. Lower the clenched fingers of the right hand (imitation of the tongue) to the base of the fingers of the left hand (as if they were the lower teeth).

Description of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [s].

Open your mouth. Lower the tip of the tongue towards the lower incisors so that a gap forms in the middle of the tongue. Exhale forcefully and evenly. The sound should be [s].
Note. If a “groove” does not form along the midline of the child’s tongue, place a stick along the tongue. Close your teeth as far as the stick allows and pronounce the sound [s]. Do the same exercise with slowly removing the stick from your mouth to your teeth and out, then repeat several times without using the stick.

Correction of hissing sigmatism according to M.E. Khvatsev (1959)

1. Raising and lowering the middle part of the back of the tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered at the lower gums.
2. Blowing on the tongue when it is in a low position.
3. The tongue is set with a deep “groove” and the sound [s] is pronounced. Then gradually the depth of the “groove” decreases.
4. The sound [s] is pronounced.
Sound setting [s] according to R.E. Levina (1965)
1. Interdental pronunciation of the sound [s]. Consolidation in syllables, words, and then transition to normal articulation.
2. The child pronounces the sound [r] in a drawn-out manner, and then, doing the same, push the tongue as far forward as possible, it is necessary to rest its tip against the lower teeth.
3. Reliance on the sound [x]. Pronounce the sound combination ihi in a whisper, and then repeat it with clenched teeth.
4. Pronouncing the combination ie with tension.

Correction of labiodental sigmatism

Show that when pronouncing the sound [s], the lip should not come into contact with the upper incisors or come close to them.
Alternating movements of the lips with a sequential change in their closing and opening, associated with baring of the teeth and exposure of the lower incisors.
If necessary, mechanical assistance is used in the form of pressing the lower lip downwards with a spatula. Long pronunciation of [s], and then syllables and words that begin with it.

Correction of interdental sigmatism

Clench your teeth and, without unclenching them, pronounce [s] in a drawn-out manner. (At first, the sound is pronounced with clenched teeth.)
Pronouncing syllables and words with clenched teeth. Gradually they move to normal pronunciation of the phoneme.
Correction of dental sigmatism
Demonstration of correct phoneme articulation. Using a profile picture. Reliance on kinesthetic sensations (feel a cold stream on the back of your hand when correctly pronouncing the sound [s]).
Articulation exercises
Inserting a flat tongue between the teeth.
Sticking out the tongue in a “groove” manner with the mouth open.
Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip of the tongue rests on the gums of the lower incisors.

Correction of hissing sigmatism
Distinguishing between the correct and incorrect sounds of the sound [s] (whistle - hiss).
Showing in front of a mirror the differences between correct and defective articulation.
Additionally, use kinesthetic sensations, depicting articulation with the hands.
Having achieved correct articulation, turn on the exhalation, let you feel the cold stream of exhaled air.
You can temporarily use interdental articulation of the sound [s]. In the future, move on to normal pronunciation with clenched teeth, as is done when correcting interdental sigmatism.
Correction of lateral sigmatism
Achieve the formation of a “groove” along the midline of the tongue.
Use the sound [t] as a base. Pronounce [t] with some aspiration. The presence of aspiration is controlled by feeling a stream of air on the hand.
At the next stage of work, the child is asked to lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Clench your teeth and pronounce a sound close to [ts], which contains the sounds [t] and [s].
Gradually, during the exercises, the sound [s] lengthens and then separates. After which you can explain to the child that this is the correctly pronounced sound [s].
Use of mechanical assistance.
The child is asked to pronounce the sound [f], pushing the tongue forward as much as possible and resting its tip on the lower teeth. The noise characteristic of the sound [w] should be accompanied by a whistling noise.
Rely on the sound [x].
Pronounce the combination ihi in a whisper, and then pronounce the same sound combination with clenched teeth. In this case, a sound close to [s"] is heard.
As a result of the exercises, the sound is fixed, and then you can pay attention to the difference in the sound of the sounds [s] and [s"].

Correction of nasal sigmatism

Work out the correct direction of the air stream, closing the passage into the nasal cavity by raising the palate. Developing correct articulation of the tongue.

Correction of sound replacement [s] to [t], [d]

1. Inserting a flat tongue between the teeth.
2. “Grove” with the mouth open.
3. Bending the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors.
Correction of lateral sigmatism according to E.Ya. Sizova (1992)
Massage of facial muscles and lips
The massage is performed with hypercorrection of the affected side:
- patting the smoothed nasolabial fold;
- circular movements at the junction of the masticatory muscles;
- stroking lips;
- slight tingling of closed lips (usually on the affected side);
- circular stroking movements in the corners of the mouth (more on the side of the smoothed nasolabial fold);
- slight tingling of the lowered corner of the mouth;
- pinching of the edge of the lower jaw (more on the affected side).
Tongue massage
- light stroking of the tongue;
- tapping the tongue with a spatula or fingers;
- very lightly tapping the affected side edge of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

Exercises for lips and facial muscles

Teeth and lips are clenched. Alternately raise the corners of your mouth. If the corner of the mouth does not rise, help with your fingers. At the same time, keep the other corner of your mouth calm. Lift the corner of the mouth affected by paresis two or three times, and the healthy one - once.

Tongue exercises

1. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, then move your tongue to the right side and bite the left edge of your tongue with your teeth. Return to starting position.
2. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, slightly move your tongue to the left and bite the right edge of your tongue with your teeth. Return to starting position.
3. Smile, put your tongue on your lower lip, move your tongue to the right side and slide your teeth along your tongue.
4. Smile, place your tongue on your lower lip, move your tongue to the left side and slide your teeth along your tongue.
5. Biting the side edges of the tongue.
For the affected side, the number of exercises is doubled.
Consolidation of the auditory image of sound

Teaching the correct pronunciation of the sound [s] in isolated sound

Game exercises

"Blowing cold wind", "Song of water flowing from a tap", "Water flows over pebbles", "The wind whistles in the pipe", "Air comes out of the wheel", "Punctured tire", "Pump", "Pump air into the wheel", "Punctured ball”, “Steam comes out of the pan”, “Kettle with a whistle”.
Automation of the sound [s] in syllables

Lesson 1

Automation of the sound [s] in straight syllables

Repeat the exercises above:
1) inserting a spread tongue between the teeth;
2) the tongue lies on the “bottom”;
3) tongue “groove”;
4) lips in a smile.
Development of memory and attention
Memorization and reproduction of syllabic sequences in combination with finger movements.
Game tasks
“Snowflakes are falling”, “Making snowballs”, “Rolling a snow woman”.
Isolation of stressed syllable.
Sa-sa; sa-sa; sa-sa-sa; sa-sa-sa; sa-sa-sa.
Sy-sy; sy-sy; sy-sy-sy; sy-sy-sy; sy-sy-sy.
Sa-sy-so-su; sy-sa-so-su.
Which syllable is missing? Sa-sa-sa-sy.
Repeat the syllables: sa-sy-so. Listen again. Sa-so. Which syllable disappeared from the series? (So.) So-su-sy-sa. So-su-sy? (Sa.)
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
- What is the first sound in the syllable sa? What's the second sound? How many sounds are there in the syllable sa?
- The sound [s] “made friends” with the sound [e]. What syllable did you get?
- Is there a sound [s] in the words juice, son, bag, dump truck?
Tapping a rhythmic pattern of the words juice, bag, dump truck.
Familiarization with the letter c

Lesson 2

Automation of the sound [s] in reverse syllables
Development of articulatory motor skills
Lips in a smile.
The tongue “groove” outside the mouth is motionless, and the lips either open wide or touch the “groove”.
Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors.
Note. In further work, articulation exercises are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s motor skills and the nature of the speech disorder.
Working on your voice
Pronouncing the syllables is-is-is, ys-ys-ys, as-as-as, os-os-os, us-us-us on behalf of the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok” with different intonation.
Memorization and reproduction of syllable series: is-ys-as, ys-is-as, is-ys-as-us, ys-is-as-us.
- Which syllable is extra? Is-is-as; ys-ys-is.
- What syllable appeared? Is-is-as; ys-ys-as.
Analysis and synthesis of reverse syllables
- What syllable will happen if I “give” you the sound [a], and then - [s]. Indicate the syllable with color symbols (red and blue circles).
- What is the first sound in the syllable ys? What's the second sound?
- Name the second sound in the syllable os?
Composing the syllables is, ys, as from the letters of the split alphabet.
Development of phonemic awareness
Selection of pictures whose word names contain the sounds [z], [sh], [t], [ts], [h].
Game "Botanical Lotto". Find only vegetables. Find some fruit. Place vegetables and fruits in the basket that have the sound [s] in their names.
Name the missing syllable in words like...(tus), ana...(us).

Lesson 3

Automation of the sound [s] in syllables (intervocalic position)
Development of articulatory motor skills
Lips in a smile.
The tongue is “grooved” inside the mouth.
Arching of the back of the tongue upward while the tip rests on the gums of the lower incisors.
Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation
"The fox teaches the fox cubs to speak." Pronouncing the syllable combinations ysy-ysy-ysy, asa-asa-asa, usa-usa-usa, isy-isy-isy, oso-oso-oso, asu-asu-asu, osy-isy-asy on behalf of the Fox and fox cubs ( high and low voice with changing intonation).
Development of phonemic awareness
- Name the place of the sound in the syllable. The syllables are called sa, as, asa. Where is the sound [s] heard in the words fox, elephant, Barbos!
Reading the syllables sa, so, sy
Development of auditory memory and attention
Execution of orders. Get up from your chair, go to the table and take the fox.
Follow instructions in 2-3 steps.
- Take the donkey, put it on a chair and sit at the table. Take a fox, put him between the elephant and the dog; go to the chair and then sit down.

Lesson 4

Development of articulatory motor skills
Pronouncing syllable combinations with hand movements: stoo-stu-stu (walking up the steps); sta-sta-sta (put the glasses on the table).
Coordination of facial gymnastics with breathing, articulation and phonation: one hundred, one hundred, one hundred (angrily); shame-shame-shame (good-naturedly). Why are you so angry? Hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred (affectionately). Let's make it up.
Development of phonemic awareness
- Find pictures whose names contain the sound [s], and put them next to the letter s.
Pictures are laid out in front of the child, the names of which contain the sounds [s] and [z]. The teacher names the words, and the child finds the desired picture. Determination of sound position in 2-3 words.
Reading the syllables us, su, os, so

Lesson 5

Automation of the sound [s] in syllables with a confluence of consonants
Development of articulatory motor skills
Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation.

Game exercise

"Jugglers". We toss the balls and pronounce the syllables:
sma-sma-sma-sma; smoo-sma-smoo;
smy-smy-smy-smy; sleep-sleep;
smo-smo-smo-smo; sleep-dreams;
smoo-smoo-smoo-smoo; sleep-sleep-sleep;
sma-smo-smo; swa-swo-swo-swa.
(Children draw waves with their fingers.)

Development of phonemic awareness

Ball game.
- Catch the ball if you hear the sound [s] in the word.
- Find pictures whose names contain the sound [s]; put them to the letter c. Pictures are laid out in front of the child, the names of which contain the sounds [s] and [ts]. Is there a [s] sound in the word heron? Is there a [s] sound in the word owl?
The teacher names the words, and the child finds the desired picture. Determination of sound position in 2-3 words.
Composing syllables from a split alphabet. Reading syllables

Lesson 6

Automation of the sound [s] in syllables with a confluence of consonants
Development of articulatory motor skills
Working on voice and facial expressions
Game task “Conversation between Rhinoceros and Elephant”:
- Sfa-sfo; sfu-sfu. (surprised)
- Sla-slo; rumors (with apprehension)
- Sla-slo-slu; sba-sbo-sbu-sby. (sadly)
- Spa-spo; spa-spa-spa! (joyfully)
- Asma-asta; aspa-asfa. (disappointed)
Development of phonemic awareness
- Is there a sound [s] in the word cap? Is there a [s] sound in the word socks? Arrange the pictures in two piles. For the letter w put pictures with the sound [w], for the letter s - pictures with the sound [s].
The teacher pronounces the words, and the child selects the necessary pictures. Determining the position of the sound [s] in the words elephant, rhinoceros, weasel.
Reading syllables
Tasks used at the stages of automation of sound [s] in words, phrases, sentences and coherent speech

Automation of the sound [s] in words with the syllables sa-sy-so-su

Say the words correctly

Garden, myself, myself, myself, sleigh, saber, net, sugar, fireworks, carp, saiga, boots, salad, salad bowl, salad bowl, napkin, samovar, sundress, sardine, sausage, plane, gardener, gardener, sandals, seedling, travel bag, saxaul, braids, scales, watch.
Son, cheese, cheese.
Catfish, dream, Dormouse, owl, magpie, nightingale.
Soup, bag, cracker, dryer.

Find the word in the word.
Dump truck (self, shaft, catfish, little, lard), killer whale (scythe, wasp), guillemot (chist, whale, teak).

What sound disappeared from the word? Sleigh, sleigh. Add the word juice to the syllables.
ku juice yoyo115

Automation of the sound [s] in words with sound combinations as-os-us-ys-is

Say the words correctly
Kvass, stork, coconut, ficus, focus, cactus, class, apricot, pineapple, dust-sucker, cosmos, crocus, kumiss.

Change the sound in a word.
Juice - litter - catfish; cart - nose; dew - braid - braids - dew.

Find identical objects (contour and color images). Figure 1. (See color insert.) Stork, vacuum cleaner, leaf, coconut.

Automation of the sound [s] in words with the sound combination st and syllables st-sto-stu-sty

Say the words correctly
Bridge, post, crust, pole, leaf, tail, brushwood, platform, perch.
Flock, statue, figurine, glass, chisel, machine tool, shutters.
Stupa, foot, cold, icy, steps.
Shame, junction, junction, skirmish.

Come up with seven words that begin with the syllable hundred-.
One hundred...(l), one hundred...(th), one hundred...(p), one hundred...(g), one hundred...(n), one hundred...(forehead), one hundred. ..(leshnitsa).
Replace one sound (one letter).
One hundred - table - stop - stop - stack - groan - table - pillar.
Knock - chair - table - steel - steel.
Knock - knock - knock - drain.
Squeak - search.

What do the words pine, pump, vacuum cleaner, whistle, whistle, whistle have in common? (They have two sounds [s].)
Choose inverted words. Pine is a pump.
Match the word with a couple.
Hay is a stack, a fox is a tail, a ladder is steps, a leg is a foot, a puff pastry is a dough, cabbage is a leaf.
Rebus. Leopard, stork, lynx, skunk, platypus, cat. (Badger.)
Name the birds and animals. Highlight the first sound in their names. Make up a word from these sounds.

Automation of the sound [s] in words with syllables ska-sku-sko

Say the words correctly
Rock, fairy tale, rolling pin, bench, jump rope, tablecloth, spacesuit, scanner, bathyscaphe.
Scorpio, bracket, splinter, speed.
Find rhyming words. A rolling pin is a skipping rope.
What do the words boredom and miser mean?
What words make up the word skorokhod?
The name of which flower is hidden in the word scorpion?

Automation of sound [s] in phrases

Pick a pair.
Pine... (forest), empty... (glass), sweet... (sugar), tall... (snowdrift), thick... (sour cream), sour... (plum), delicious. .. (apricot), brave... (soldier), clear... (sun), meat... (soup), wonderful... (voice), crackling... (frost), thick... (hair), funny... (mask), clean... (glass), clean... (dishes), clean... (socks), dry... (sand), dry... (frying pan) ), dry... (boots), juicy... (foliage).
Automation of sound [s] in sentences and coherent speech

Two word sentences
Make sentences from two words.
The table is standing
Boots are worth
The owl is sleeping
Cabbage crunches
The dog bites
Pussy is sleeping
The soup has cooled down

Three word sentences
The sun is shining clear. Sonya heard a knock. The plane is flying high. The dump truck spilled sand. The wasp bit Sonya.
Come up with sentences with the words dog, elephant, magpie, sleigh.
If you were an artist, what could you draw with the sound [s]?

Four to five word sentences
Complete the sentences with.
They poured... (juice) into the glass. There is... (bench) near the bush. It's getting cold on the table... (soup). A plane is flying over the forest. Quietly going down the steps... (old woman). Sitting on a branch... (owl). ... (Apricots, plums and peaches) have pits. The plane flies over a dense pine... (forest). The plane flies over... (desert). The plane flies over... (savannah).
Sentences with conjunctions a, and
Sanya caught catfish, and Slava only caught algae. Cabbage is not only tasty, but also healthy. Sonya sat down on a bench and began to look at the sky. Slava got up from the bench and walked along the path.
"Learning to think"

Name the extra word in the sentence.
They grew up in the garden and planted tall trees. The train is moving along the rails. Beans and garlic grow and are collected in the garden.
How are the items different?
Clocks with and without hands. Bus with wheels and without wheels. Boots with and without socks. Chair with and without backrest. Catfish with and without mustaches. Fox with and without a tail. Owl with and without eyes.
"Sport. Competitions. Athletes. Athlete." Figure 4. (See color insert.)
Who will you be? Hockey player, tennis player, football player, basketball player, slalom player. Sportswear. T-shirt, sneakers, baseball cap. Sports equipment.
Which athletes wear the same T-shirts and sneakers?
"Vegetables". Cabbage, squash, garlic, beans, sunflower, beets, parsnips, lettuce, pear.
Find the extra item.
"Locomotive with carriages." Figure 6. (See color insert.) Indicate the color of the locomotive and carriages, as well as the color of the cargo. Choose a load of the same color for each carriage.
"Unprecedented." Figure 7. (See color insert.) Icicles in the sun. There is a fox on a pine tree. Stork on the plane. Cactus in the sandbox. A dog is flying on a jump rope. An elephant rides a sled. An owl rides a scooter. Catfish with a whistle.
Come up with fable sentences.
"Bag. Suitcase". Figure 8. (See color insert.) Products and things (meat, sour cream, sugar, sausages, butter, lard, crackers, dried fruits, apricots, scarf, sundress, socks, blouse, sweater, dress). What will you put in your bag? What things will you put in your suitcase? What object does not have the sound [s] in its name?
Topics for writing descriptions, stories and fairy tales
"A toy shop". You are the seller, and I am the buyer. I want to buy a toy whose name has the first sound [s] and the last sound [n]. Who is this? (Elephant.)
You are the buyer and I am the seller. The toy will be considered yours if you name the first and last sound in its name.
Admire the toy. Tell us why you liked the toy. Look what a beautiful plane! Tell me about how you and your mother bought a toy in the store.
"In the garden". Key words: currant, apricot, bushes, bench, stork, sun, daffodil, gladiolus, pansy, phlox, starling, birdhouse.
"In the pine forest." Figure 9. (See color insert.) Key words: owl, owlets, boletus, russula, fox.
Praise what you liked.
Describe the place. Choose one object in the picture. Ask where he is. Use words next to each other, between. Where are the owlets hiding? Ask me questions.
"Forest School". Key words: owl, badger, fox, baby elephant, magpie, owlets, weasel.
Write a fairy tale about how a teacher owl taught the animals. What lessons did she teach?
"In the courtyard". Key words: sandbox, sand, scoop, dump truck, bench, stroller, dog, scooter, pump, wheel.
"Room". Key words: table, chair, chandelier, curtain, armchair.
Describe the objects in the room.
Lesson notes
Automation of sound [s] based on plot
"Excursion to Moscow"
Material: pictures, postcards with images of Moscow; a toy or image of an airplane; subject and plot pictures; colored symbols; images of animals (elephant, fox, badger, sable, etc.).
Progress of the lesson:
Organizational moment
Preparing the aircraft for flight.
Lesson topic message
- Today we will go on an excursion to the most Big city our country. What is it called? (Moscow.) What is another name for Moscow? (Capital.) While making this excursion, we will repeat the familiar sound [s]. What sound is this? (Firm, agreeable.)
Development of phonemic representations. Determining the position of the sound
- How will we get to Moscow? Name the fastest type of transport. (Airplane.) Where do we put food and things? (Into the bag.) What things will we take with us? First, name the clothes. (Children name words, determine the position of the sound [s] in words.) Put toys in the suitcase and food in the bag.
Children making up words. Children list the names of objects with the sound [s].
Pronunciation of words with complex sound syllables. Sound [s] in sentences
-Who meets us at the plane's steps? (Flight attendant.) What will the flight attendant tell us? (Hello, dear passengers. Come into the cabin. Take your seats.) (Repetition of these phrases by children.) Where have we gone? (Into the salon.) Where did you sit down? (Into the chairs.) In which of the words is the sound [s] heard at the beginning, in which - in the middle, and in which - at the end of the word?
Airplane TU-104. The plane is ready to fly.
Come in, passengers! He has been waiting for you for a long time.
Case management. Practical mastery of the instrumental case of nouns
- Look out the window. (Pictures are displayed.) What is our plane flying over? (Over the forest. Over the forests. Over the bridge. Over the bridges. Over the bushes, gardens, pine trees.) Are we flying high or low? Far from Moscow or close? (Children’s answers. Physical pause.)
We fly high, we fly low
We fly far, we fly close.
The recitation is accompanied by hand movements.
Making proposals based on story pictures
- To avoid getting bored, let's watch TV. Scene pictures are displayed. Children come up with suggestions.
Sound analysis of the words juice, sleep, Sonya
- What does the flight attendant offer us? (Juice.)
Determine the sequence and number of sounds in the word juice. Designation of sounds by color symbols.
- Replace the sound [k] with the sound [n] in this word. What new word did you get? (Dream.) How do these words differ? The flight attendant's name is Sonya. Mark the word Sonya with circles. What are the same sounds in the words sleep and Sonya? How are these words different?
Circular rotations with your hands, like a propeller.
Development of imagination and coherence of expression
- Come up with fable dreams. (Children's answers.) Our plane is about to... (land). How can you say it differently? (Descends, lands, descends) Where did the plane land? (In Moscow.) (A picture is displayed depicting a bus stop and a bus.) Where have we arrived? (To the bus stop.) Where should we go? (Let's get on the bus.) What did you see from the window? (Trolleybus.) We arrived at Red Square and saw... (the Kremlin wall, the Spasskaya Tower, the Spassky Gate, a beautiful cathedral). We entered the royal chambers. (The pictures are put on the board.) Now let’s go down to the subway. What did you use to go down? (On the escalator.) We arrived at the pier. This is the Moscow River. Where have you arrived? What boat did we see? (A sailing boat.) Why was it called that? (Children's answers.) Now let's go to the zoo.
Dividing words into syllables. Composing the word catfish from letters
-Who did you see at the zoo? The word has one syllable, there is a vowel sound [o], who is this? (Elephant.) I will name the first syllable, you will name the second: li... (su). We saw... (a fox). How many syllables are in the word fox? How did you guess? And here is a large aquarium. Fish swim in it. What is it called? I'll give you a hint. Take the letters s, m, o. Make up a word. What happened? (Som.)
Development of phonemic representations
- We will buy gifts for family and friends. The name of gifts should contain the sound [s]. (Children's answers.) Now let's return home. On what?
Lesson summary

Currently, the number of children with speech pathology, including speech disorders such as dysarthria, is growing.

The most common problems in preschoolers with erased dysarthria are violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds. In this work, the author tried to collect various techniques production of whistling sounds. Using this collection of techniques for producing sounds, a speech therapist can choose the method most suitable for a given child, taking into account his typological and individual characteristics.

Techniques for producing whistling sounds [З, Зь, Ц]

Characteristics of a group of whistling sounds.

The group of whistling sounds includes the sounds S, S', Z, Z' and Ts (in transcription: [s], [s"], [z], [z"], [ts]). They are classified in the same group because they have similar articulation. For example, the sounds [s] and [z] differ only in the presence or absence of voice, the sounds [s] and [s"] - in the additional rise of the middle part of the tongue.

[C]: consonant, oral, voiceless, fricative, anterior lingual, hard;

[Z]: consonant, oral, voiced, fricative, anterior lingual, hard;

[S’], [Z’]: soft;

[C]: consonant, oral, voiceless, occlusive fricative, anterior lingual, hard.

In the group of whistling sounds, the basis is the articulation of the sound [s]. This sound is the basis for the entire group.

How to pronounce the sound [z] normally.

Sound [z] - consonant, sonorous, hard. Paired with it in softness is the sound [z"] ("z"), Paired in deafness is the sound [s].

When pronouncing the sound [z], the organs of articulation occupy the following position:

- lips

- teeth

- Tip of the tongue

- lateral edges of tongue

- dorsum of tongue in itsfront

- air jet

- soft sky

- vocal cords

Methods stop sound [ h]


Method of setting


The sound [z] is placed similarly to the sound [s], characterized by additional phonation vocal cords.

By imitation:

a) Discrimination by ear of sounds [s-z] in words that are similar in sound composition, in syllables, among phonemes (see “Development of phonemic hearing”).

b) Tactile and vibration sensations from the work of the vocal cords. The child puts one hand (the back side) to the speech therapist’s neck, the other hand touches the child’s neck, “sss” - the voice is asleep, “zzz” - the voice is awake. "Mosquito" is ringing.

[h]- a mosquito, a fly, a wasp rings

By imitation:

The child is offered a sample pronunciation of the sound in combination with game images(a mosquito rings, a bell rings, etc.); At the same time, visual control of correct articulation and tactile (tactile) sensations are used.

From reference sound:

Perform exercises “Fence” - “Mosquito”. By imitation, say “iiiiii-zzzzzz.”

Note: when performing the sound [z], the child is not called, but is replaced with the name of the exercise “Mosquito”.

The sound [z] is easily differentiated from the sound [c], since these sounds have the same articulatory structure, that is, when pronouncing these sounds, the organs of articulation occupy the same position. The difference between the sounds is that [s] is voiceless, pronounced without a voice, and [z] is voiced, pronounced with a voice. Thus, to cause the sound [z], it is enough to add, “turn on” the voice when pronouncing the sound with.

The presence or absence of voice can be controlled by ear, as well as by tactile-vibration control. To do this, apply the back of the hand to the front surface of the neck in the larynx area. When you “turn on” your voice, your hand feels a slight vibration transmitted from the vocal folds. When you turn off the voice, the vibration disappears.

Having received the correct sound [z], you should practice pronouncing it for some time in isolation from other sounds: z-z-z. Children can be asked to ring like a mosquito or a bell.

With this sound, the position of the lips, teeth and tongue is the same as with the sound “C”. But this sound “3” is voiced: the folds are closed and vibrate, that is, it is pronounced with a voice. Ego needs to be explained to the child both by ear and by tactile sensation, that is, put the child’s hand on the larynx and pronounce the sounds “C” and “3” alternately. When the sound “3” is heard, the child will feel a vibration in the larynx.
We learn to imitate a mosquito. The mosquito flew and rang protractedly - “33333”.
For correct imitation you need to: expose all the teeth in a “smile”, the distance between the teeth is approximately 2 mm, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper part of the lower teeth, the exhaled stream goes exactly in the middle of the front incisors to the tip of the tongue, while the voice is involved. You can first start from “I” plus “S”, and then turn on the voice - “ISZZ”. First, the vowel “I” is taken, because with the sound “I” the tip of the tongue reflexively takes its original position, as with “C” or “3”, and at the same time a channel appears at the tip of the tongue through which an air stream moves to the front teeth. It is also possible from the combination “PIS”. The explosive sound “P” creates additional pressure and this helps the child feel the air stream more strongly. The child controls it with the back of his hand. In this combination, replace the sound “C” with “3”. Alternately portray and imitate either a “bird” or a “mosquito”. When the child learns to correctly pronounce the sound “3” in isolation, then you can begin to reinforce it.

From articulatory structure:

How to pronounce the soft sound [z"] normally.

The sound [z"] ("z") is consonant, sonorous, soft. Paired with it in hardness is the sound [z]. Paired with deafness is the sound [s"] ("s").

When pronouncing the sound [z"], the organs of articulation occupy the following position:

- lips slightly stretched in a smile, so that the upper and lower incisors are exposed;

- teeth brought closer together, forming a gap of 1-2 mm;

- Tip of the tongue wide, located in the lower part of the lower front teeth;

- lateral edges of tongue raised and tightly connected with the upper lateral teeth;

- dorsum of tongue in itsaverage parts form a narrow gap with the upper alveoli for the exit of a stream of air;

- air jet strong, runs down the middle of the tongue and feels cold when you bring the back of your hand to your mouth;

- soft sky pressed tightly to the back wall of the throat, preventing air from escaping into the nose;

- vocal cords closed and trembling, forming a voice.

Methods stop sound [z"]


Method of setting


With this sound, the teeth are exposed in a “smile”, almost closed. The tongue rests on the necks of the lower teeth (lower gums) and is tense. The air stream is directed at the front teeth through the tip of the tongue. The folds are closed and vibrate: there is a voice.

When imitating, we make sure that the child correctly maintains the position of the teeth, lips, tongue, and air stream when making the sound “Z”.

DENTAL Sigmaticism

Prizubny sigmatism is corrected mechanically. Lightly press the spatula (probe) on the tip of the tongue and lower it behind the lower incisors.

Pronunciations soft sounds characterized by the participation of part of the back of the tongue in articulation. In addition, hard and soft sounds often differ in the degree of tension in the lips. So, when softening the sounds of lower articulation, the lower lip is activated (tensed), and for the upper, the upper lip is activated. Particular attention is paid to retracting the corners of the mouth. The child needs to demonstrate the pronunciation of soft sounds with a slightly exaggerated abduction of the corners of the mouth.

Softness is achieved mechanically by moving the tip of the tongue back, deeper into the mouth. The back of the tongue rises.

How to pronounce the sound Ts normally.

The sound Ts (in Russian transcription [ts]) is a consonant, deaf, hard. It is formed by merging the sounds [t] and [s] into a single sound. There are no sounds equivalent to it in terms of sonority and softness in the Russian language.

When pronouncing the sound [ts], the organs of articulation occupy the following position:

- lips slightly stretched in a smile, so that the upper and lower incisors are exposed;

- teeth brought closer together, forming a gap of 1-2 mm;

- Tip of the tongue wide, located in the lower part of the lower front teeth;

- lateral edges of tongue raised and tightly connected with the upper lateral teeth;

- dorsum of tongue in itsfront parts tightly close with the upper alveoli for a split second, as when pronouncing [t], after which it forms a narrow gap with them (v. alveoli) for the exit of a stream of air, as when pronouncing [s];

- air jet strong, jerky, runs through the middle of the tongue and feels cold when you bring the back of your hand to your mouth;

- soft sky pressed tightly to the back wall of the throat, preventing air from escaping into the nose;

- vocal cords open, do not form a voice.

Methods stop sound [ts]


Method of setting


By imitation:

a) Tactile sensation: bring the back of the child’s hand to the speech therapist’s mouth, so that when the sound [ts] is quickly pronounced, he feels the blow of an air stream.

b) Complete the exercises: “Fence” - “Window” “Bridge”. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower front teeth. The back of the tongue is arched and touches the upper front teeth. In order for the back of the tongue to better contact the palate, the lateral edges of the tongue are clamped with the teeth and remain clamped at the moment of inhalation and at the moment of exhalation, the tip of the tongue is free. After inhaling, exhale the air with a short strong push while simultaneously lifting the tip of the tongue from the lower front teeth. A stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, the position of the teeth does not change, the lips are tense and stretched in a smile, i.e. the “Fence” position. A short sound [ts] is heard - “Grasshopper”.

c) The same, but without pinching the lateral edges of the tongue.

[ts] - titmouse song, “Quiet, the children are noisy”

Let's try to make the sound [C] by imitation. Sit in front of the mirror. Take your baby's hand and bring it to your mouth. Say exaggeratedly with a strong exhalation: “Ts-ts-ts - …”. The child should feel the blows of cold air on his palm. Pay attention to the baby's correct position of the tongue and lips (they are slightly open in a smile). Let him copy all your actions and repeat: “Tsk-tsk-tsk -...”. It may take several repetitions or classes to get it right. Strengthen the result by repeating the syllables: tsa-tsa-tsa, tso-tso-tso, tsu-tsu-tsu, tsy-tsy-tsy, tset-tse-tse. When pronouncing these straight syllables, the lips must take the position of the following vowel sound. At the first stage, the pronunciation is still exaggerated and tense. But gradually everything will fall into place, and articulation will become effortless.

The child is offered a sample of sound pronunciation in combination with play images (a horse clicks its hooves, a girl asks not to make noise, etc.); At the same time, visual control of correct articulation and tactile (tactile) sensations are used.

From reference sound:

a) From the “Bridge” position, say in a row: “tss”, “tss”, “tss”, speeding up the tempo: “tss”, “tss”, “ts”.

b) From the “Shovel” position, bite the front part of the tongue in the syllable: “at” and blow, you get “at-s = ats”.

Mixed method:

Complete the exercises: “Fence” - “Window” “Bridge”. In the “Bridge” - “Fence” position, hold your tongue with a spatula, pronounce the sound [t] - biting the front part of the tongue with your teeth, and then pronounce [s]. At first these sounds are pronounced separately, and then together.

Note: when performing the sound [ts], the child is not called, but is replaced with the name of the exercise “Grasshopper”.

Since the position of the organs of articulation of the sounds “S” and “Ts” is very similar, the sound “Ts” is quite easily placed on the basis of the correctly pronounced sound “S”, but requires extra work with the tip of the tongue, since its movements when pronouncing all the mentioned sounds are very similar. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child the principle of operation of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing each individual letter, for greater clarity, resorting to comparing them.

As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the isolated sound “C”, it is necessary to immediately begin to automate it.

Staging [ts] is possible only after the sound [s] is corrected and enters the child’s speech. Place [ts] from [t] with the tip of the tongue lowered to the lower incisors and the front part of the back of the tongue pressed against the upper incisors. The child is asked to pronounce [t] with a strong exhalation. At the same time, they pronounce [t] and [s] sequentially. To get a merged sound with a shortened whistling element, the child is asked to pronounce the reverse syllable with the vowel [a] (ats).
When it is difficult to hold the tongue against the lower incisors, mechanical assistance is provided. Using probe No. 2, the speech therapist holds the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors and asks to pronounce [ta] with a strong exhalation (at the moment of exhalation, lightly press the tongue = [ts]).

With this sound, the teeth are exposed in a “smile”, brought together or closed. A stream of air goes simultaneously to the tip of the tongue and the front teeth. The tip of the tongue, resting against the lower teeth, rises sharply with its back to the sky and also sharply descends. The air stream is interrupted: a bow occurs. The air stream is jerkily applied to the front teeth. This can be felt on the back of your hand. The air stream is cold and rubs against the front teeth.

Now we try with the child to imitate the “burst” balloon: “T-ssss.” The sound “Ts” consists of two: “T” plus “S”. If the child pronounces these sounds correctly and easily, then this will not cause any difficulties. It is imperative to watch your “smile” - expose both the upper and lower teeth. The tip rests on the lower teeth. We teach the child to bow quickly. You can use the term “shoot”-ts-ts. The “S” sound does not last in this case. Like “T,” it is pronounced abruptly. But when our ball “bursts”, in this case we can pull “C”. This is done so that the child can better feel the flow of air and the sound itself.

It must be remembered that sometimes you can get the sound “S” from “C” when pronouncing it for a long time: C = T + Sssssss and we fix it separately.

When the child pronounces the sound “C” clearly and in isolation, we begin to automate it. If it doesn’t work out, then continue to imitate while playing.

When the child correctly pronounces the sound “C” in isolation, we begin to automate it.

It is better to automate this sound in words in which it is at the end.

We come up with sentences with these words.

We teach proverbs, riddles, and poems with the child.

From articulatory structure:

The child is asked to reproduce the articulatory pattern of sound, apply the correct air stream, and determine the presence/absence of a voice; the result should be a normalized sound.

Setting the sound [Ts] from art. "Reel" style

Invite the child to open his mouth, rest the tip of his tongue against the lower front incisors, and lift and bend the tongue so that the front part is pressed against the palate. The tongue touches the upper incisors with the back. Without turning on the voice, pronounce a sound that imitates the sound [T]. The sound is pronounced at the moment of opening, when the tip of the tongue bounces off the lower front teeth under the pressure of a strong air stream of exhaled air. The lips are tense and stretched into a smile. Definitely control with the palm of your hand.

Setting the sound [Ts] from the telephone exchange

The sound [C] is better placed in reverse syllables. The child is asked to pronounce the sound [T] with maximum exhalation. At the same time, the sounds [T] and [S] are pronounced sequentially. In this case, the sound [S] must be pronounced drawn out. Then the sound [A] is turned on, and the child is asked to pronounce the combination [ATS] with a strong exhalation at the moment of transition from [A] to [TS].


This time it is the lower lip that is showing disobedience. It is necessary to remove the labial articulation. This may be possible using your index finger. Use it to press the baby's lower lip to the base of the lower teeth (the finger should be placed horizontally). Hold your whim while the child pronounces forward and backward syllables with the sound [C]. After some time, your help will no longer be needed.

There is another way to combat this sigmatism. The baby shows a dazzling smile (the upper and lower teeth are visible). You fix the corners of your mouth with your thumb and forefinger: you need to keep that Hollywood glow for as long as possible! Without changing the position of his lips, the child, following you, pronounces the syllables: tsa-tsa-tsa, tsy-tsy-tsy, tset-tse-tse, ats-ats-ats, its-its-its, ts-ts-ts. As soon as the lower lip learns to behave decently, and the sound [Ts] sounds clearly, the “supports” are removed.


  1. Arkhipova, E.F.Correctional and speech therapy work to overcome erased dysarthria in children: a textbook[Text]:/ E.F. ArkhipovaM.: AST: Astrel, 2007.p. 114-123.

    Fomicheva, M.F. Education of children's correct sound pronunciation: Workshop on speech therapy: Textbook. manual for students of pedagogy. special education school No. 03.08 “Doshk. education" [Text]: / M.F. Fomicheva. –– M.: Education, 1989, - 239 p.

    Karelina, I.B " Speech therapy work with children with minimal dysarthric disorders" [Text]:/I.B.Karelina//Author's abstract…. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M., 2000.

    Lopatina L.V., Serebryakova N.V. Overcoming speech disorders in preschoolers (correction of erased dysarthria): textbook. [Text]: / L.V. Lopatina, N.V. Serebryakova –– St. Petersburg: Publishing house “SOYUZ”, 2000. – 192 p.

    Polyakova, M. A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal Guide[Text]:/ Marina Po Lyakova - 4th ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2009. - 208 p.

    Shablyko, E.I. Correction of violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds in preschool children and junior schoolchildren[Text]:/ E.I. Shablyko / Manual for speech therapists of preschool educational institutions and schools, educators and parents. - M.: TC Sfera, 2013. - 64 p.

First complex (for whistling sounds [s], [z], [ts])

To pronounce whistling sounds, complex and precise movements of the tongue are required, which involve the tip of the tongue (it is located behind the lower teeth), the lateral edges of the tongue (they are tightly adjacent to the upper molars), the back of the tongue (the front part of it rises to the alveoli and forms with them slit, and when learning, first the bow, then the slit); movements of the lips (in a smile), lower jaw (barely lowered) and the presence of an air stream (quite strong and directed in the middle of the tongue). The following exercises help develop the necessary movements of the tongue and air stream.

Put the ball into the goal

Target: produce a long, directed air stream.
Short description: stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time onto a cotton ball (lying on the table in front of the child), driving it between two cubes.


  • Make sure that your cheeks do not puff out; to do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers.
  • Push the ball in with one exhalation, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent.

Punish a naughty tongue

Target: develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue and hold it wide and spread out.
Short description: open your mouth slightly, calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds five-five-five... Keep your wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from one to five to ten.

Methodical instructions.

  • The lower lip should not be tucked in or pulled over the lower teeth.
  • The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.
  • You need to pat your tongue with your lips several times in one exhalation. Make sure that the child does not hold back the exhaled air. You can check the implementation like this: bring the cotton wool to the child’s mouth! if he does the exercise correctly, she will deviate. At the same time, this exercise promotes the development of a directed air stream.

Make the tongue wide

Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.
Short description: smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of one to five to ten.

Methodical instructions.

  • Do not stretch your lips into a strong smile so that there is no tension.
  • Make sure that your lower lip does not curl up.
  • Do not stick your tongue out too far: it should only cover your lower lip.
  • The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.
  • If this exercise does not work, you need to return to the exercise “Punish a naughty tongue.”

Target: produce a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running down the middle of the tongue.
Short description: smile, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound [f] for a long time, blow the cotton wool onto the opposite edge of the table.

Methodical instructions.

  • The lower lip should not be pulled over the lower teeth.
  • You can't puff out your cheeks.
  • Make sure that children pronounce the sound [f] and not the sound [x], that is, that the air stream is narrow and not scattered.

Let's brush our teeth

Target: teach children to hold the tip of their tongue behind their lower teeth.
Short description: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top.

Methodical instructions.

  • The lips are motionless and in a smiling position.
  • Moving the tip of your tongue from side to side, make sure that it is at the gums and does not slide along the upper edge of the teeth.
  • Moving your tongue from bottom to top, make sure that the tip of the tongue is wide and begins to move along the roots of the lower teeth.

Glue some candy

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue and practice lifting the tongue upward.
Short description: place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Place a thin piece of toffee on the very edge of your tongue and glue a piece of candy to the roof of your mouth behind your upper teeth.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that only the tongue works - the lower jaw must be motionless.
  • Open your mouth no wider than 1.5–2 cm.
  • If the lower jaw is involved in the movement, you can place the child's clean index finger on the side between the molars (then it will not close the mouth).
  • The exercise must be performed at a slow pace.


Target: develop an upward lift of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).
Short description: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate, open your mouth wide. (The tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble its stem.)

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure your lips are in a smiling position.
  • The side edges of the tongue should be pressed equally tightly - neither half should droop.
  • When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

Delicious jam

Target: develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue and a position of the tongue close to the shape of a cup, which it takes when pronouncing the sound [w].
Short description: open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it should be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).
  • The tongue should be wide, its side edges touching the corners of the mouth.
  • If the exercise does not work, you need to return to the exercise “Punish a naughty tongue.” As soon as the tongue becomes spread out, you need to lift it up with a spatula and wrap it over your upper lip.


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).
Short description: smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, without letting go of your tongue, close and open your mouth (just as the bellows of an accordion stretch, so does the hyoid frenulum stretch). The lips are in a smiling position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and wider and keep your tongue in the upper position longer.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that your lips remain motionless when opening your mouth.
  • Open and close your mouth, holding it in each position for a count of three to ten.
  • Make sure that when you open your mouth, one side of the tongue does not sag.


Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue, the ability to shape the tongue into a ladle and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.
Short description: smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its side edges are pressed and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of the nose. The air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.
  • The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which an air stream flows. If this doesn't work, you can hold your tongue slightly.
  • The lower lip should not curl up or be pulled over the lower teeth.

The steamboat is humming

Target: develop an upward lift of the back of the tongue.
Short description: open your mouth slightly and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time (like the hum of a steamship).

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and located in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised towards the palate.


Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue and the mobility of its front part.
Short description: open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add your voice until you hear bl-bl (like a turkey babbling).

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.
  • So that the tongue moves back and forth, and not from side to side.
  • The tongue should “lick” the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.


Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, which is necessary when combining the sound [l] with the vowels a, ы, o, u.
Short description: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue behind your lower teeth (from the inside) and hold in this position for a count of one to five. Then lift your wide tongue by the upper teeth (also from the inside) and hold it for a count of one to five. So, alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

Click the tip of your tongue

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the upward movement of the tongue.
Short description: smile" show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse clicking its hooves).

Methodical instructions.

  • The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.
  • The lower jaw should not move; Only the language works.
  • If the child is unable to click, you need to invite him to do the “Glue the Candy” exercise and then return to this exercise.
  • Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, that is, that the child clicks his tongue and does not smack.

Silently click the tip of your tongue

Target: develop an upward movement of the tongue and help the child determine the place of the tongue when pronouncing the sound [l].
Short description: the child should make the same movements with his tongue as in the previous exercise, only silently.

Methodical instructions.

  • Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless: only the tongue performs the exercise.
  • The tip of the tongue should not bend inward.
  • The tip of the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth behind the upper teeth, rather than protruding from the mouth.

Whose teeth are cleaner?

Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue and the ability to speak the language.
Short description: open your mouth slightly and use the tip of your tongue to “brush” the inside of your upper teeth, moving your tongue from side to side.

Methodical instructions.

  • Lips in a smile, upper and lower teeth visible.
  • Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not protrude or bend inward, but is located at the roots of the upper teeth.
  • The lower jaw is motionless; Only the language works.


Target: practice upward movements of the tongue and its mobility.
Short description: smile, open your mouth and “stroke” the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth.

Methodical instructions.

  • The lips and lower jaw should be motionless.
  • Make sure that the tip of the tongue reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth as it moves forward and does not protrude from the mouth.


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, develop the upward movement of the tongue and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense.
Short description: smile, open your mouth and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound [d]: d-d-d. At first, pronounce the sound d slowly. Gradually speed up the pace.

Methodical instructions.

  • The mouth should be open all the time, lips in a smile, lower jaw motionless; Only the language works.
  • Make sure that the sound d has the character of a clear blow - not squelching.
  • The tip of the tongue should not curl up.
  • The sound d must be pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt. To do this, you need to bring a strip of paper to your mouth. If the exercise is performed correctly, it will deviate.

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