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Mit master's degree admission. Free MIT Features

  • Technical universities attract everyone larger number students.
  • The popularity of the direction is due to the development of technology, the rapid development of robotics, information technologies.
  • MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology is rightfully considered one of the most popular among world-famous universities.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) got its name because of its location (Massachusetts in the USA).
  • It is famous for being an innovator in the development of artificial intelligence, information technology and robotics.

Technical universities are attracting an increasing number of students. The popularity of the direction is due to the development of technology, the rapid development of robotics, and information technology. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology is rightfully considered one of the most popular among world-famous universities. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) got its name because of its location (Massachusetts in the USA). It is famous for being an innovator in the development of artificial intelligence, information technology and robotics.

A brief excursion through the pages of MIT history

The founding date of the institute is only two days behind the start of the American Civil War, namely April 10, 1861. The first president of MIT, William Barton Rogers, was not only the person who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the institute, but also a famous professor of natural philosophy in his time. His idea was based on the introduction of new, more modern methods teaching students, citing the obsolescence of former principles, their discrepancy with the real economic situation and the development of technology. From the founding of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology until the start of classes, 4 years passed. The first location of the university was the Back Bay area of ​​Boston, after which, in 1916, it was decided to move the institute to Cambridge. From the very first years of its academic activity, MIT differed from its competitors in its practical orientation in terms of engineering. Hence the symbol of the institute - the beaver, whose talents in constructing structures from wood speak of natural leadership in engineering. The innovation of the institute over the course of a century and a half was manifested in such areas as:

  • Engineering;
  • High tech;
  • Artificial intelligence (merits of modern university representatives).

During the American Civil War, MIT became something of a military testing ground. Period Cold War did not go so smoothly for the university, because due to student strikes demanding a stop to military developments, the institute took an anti-defense position. It’s just that such a decision by the leadership of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology did not receive approval from the government, which was manifested in a sharp reduction in budget expenditures for the maintenance of the institution. But these events did not prevent MIT from becoming the world’s leading university in engineering.

Features of infrastructure and geographical location

As mentioned earlier, the institute has been located in Cambridge for more than 100 years, spread over 168 acres of land along the Charles River. This city is considered a student city, famous for its friendly population, many places for cultural recreation (parks, squares). An environmentally friendly form of transport - bicycles - is extremely popular among local residents. The city’s connection with nearby megacities is ensured by the presence of transport connections: Railway, bus routes.

The institute campus has undergone active development since the institute “moved” in 1916; it was at this time that most of the buildings that are still in operation were built. In the early 2000s, several new buildings were erected, thanks to the work of architects:

  1. Frank Gehry;
  2. Steven Hall;
  3. Fumihiko Maki.

These buildings were built on campus, not only updating it, but also adding a fresh perspective to design and architecture. Walking distance between laboratories, training centers, gyms and other venues educational process and extracurricular sections reduces time spent on movement. For living, students were given 11 residences to choose from in Cambridge or Boston. It is noteworthy that the campus residences and buildings on the campus are connected to each other through a network of underground tunnels.

Achievements of MIT in the field of science

In fact, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is considered the best in the field of engineering and high technology. He is followed by a number of achievements, including:

  1. Creating a rover equipped to be able to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is scheduled to launch in 2020.
  2. A special material was developed by scientists in 2014. Its composition included foam and wax, and the main feature is the ability to transition from one state to another and vice versa (from solid to liquid and back).
  3. Thanks to the work of MIT scientists, vision correction has become possible without wearing glasses, using a special stereo screen.
  4. Currently, scientists are developing a technique that allows transmitting electricity without the use of wires.
  5. Here they are also working on creating a so-called “smart” military uniform for the US Army, using microscopic fibers capable of detecting light, heat and sending signals.

This list is far from complete, and it can be continued for a long time. After all, this is where development takes place. dark matter and a number of other interesting technologies that can have a serious impact on the development of humanity as a whole.

The story of student Oliver Smoot, whose height was taken as a unit of measurement when calculating the length of the Harvard Bridge, is attractive for its unusualness. And it happened in the following way: a group of students began to move Oliver across the bridge, leaving notes (they went down in history as marks of confusion). As a result, they determined that the length of the bridge is 364.4 smoot and ear. The case is unusual, and yet it has borne fruit: albeit rarely, this unit of measurement (analogous to the usual 1.7 meters) is still used almost 70 years later. The above main character history soon headed the International Organization for Standardization.

John Forbes Nash Jr., a Nobel Prize laureate and famous mathematician, conducted his activities within the walls of the institute. His life story was reflected in the famous film “A Beautiful Mind” by Ron Howard.

Only two people in the history of the institute have received honorary degrees: Winston Churchill and Salaam Rushdie. MIT's policy is that they are proud of the opportunity to complete their studies at the university, which is considered a great honor.

The well-known term “hacker” was born within the walls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This term was applied to students who quickly found a way to solve problems, without grace or originality - in other words, completely.

It is possible to obtain knowledge for free thanks to the publicly available publication of lecture courses from MIT teachers on the pages of the official website.

Faculties Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT bachelor's programs provide the opportunity to study 46 major and 49 additional disciplines. The institute includes 32 departments, a college, and 5 schools, including:

  1. Architecture and Planning;
  2. Management;
  3. Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts;
  4. Scientific;
  5. Engineering.

The last school from the list proposed above has managed to become the most popular, and the numbers speak for themselves - 60% of the total number of students study here. 20% of students prefer a scientific school. As for the popular areas of study, physics, computer science, electronic engineering, biology and mathematics stand out.

What student support programs are there at MIT?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is proud to select students solely based on their personal qualities, such as: level of knowledge, desire to receive education and develop, and not based on the size of their bank account. Moreover, they offer assistance to students who are unable to pay for education, and the share of these is 58%, and the annual scholarship is $41,000. This amount is determined taking into account such factors as: the student’s financial situation, services to the institute, and academic success. Funds to support students are allocated not only by the university itself, but also by private and public organizations.

MIT students apply for both federal grants (up to $4,000 per year) and Pell Grants (up to $5,500 in total). Popular programs in which students and teachers compete for grants include:

  1. The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (student teaching assistants participate here);
  2. SEOG is federal student aid that ranges from $100 to $4,000 per year.

But not only students have the opportunity to receive financial support while studying at MIT. Graduate students who lead research activities or are engaged in teaching at an institute, they may qualify for a higher scholarship. Mostly alternative funds, IT corporations or research companies invest in promising graduate students, looking for employees. The amount of support for future academics varies, ranging from $15,000 to $65,000 per year. Some of the postgraduate students are supported by the university itself, paying salaries for the training of students receiving education within the framework of the curriculum with a bachelor's degree, as well as for conducting tutoring courses.

MBA from MIT

Despite the institute's specialty - engineering, economists receive no less attention here. It is no secret that the Sloan School (school of management) is annually ranked among the most prestigious business schools around the world. The diplomas that bachelors and masters receive here are extremely highly valued by employers, including large corporations around the world.

Getting into the Sloan School at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is quite difficult, since the priority here is not those applicants who barely managed to graduate from school, but those who have solid experience in business and management, and have positive recommendations from reputable employers or academics. In addition, confidence and a certain amount of experience and knowledge will be a bonus when conducting a personal interview - one of the most important stages of admission. The cost of training here is about $63,000 per year - within the framework of the classic MBA program.

Free training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Exactly as during admission, and in the right to apply for scholarships and grants, everyone is equal - both US citizens and foreign students. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is proud that its doors are open to all those applicants who have a talent for learning and have prospects for success in science. What is valued here is a person’s ability to think beyond standards, and at the same time be able to get out of difficult situations in an original way.

As a reason for a student to receive a scholarship, it can be low level income of his family members (less than $60,000 per year). If a student is truly talented, but does not have the opportunity to pay for his own education, the institute will do this for him, providing him with the opportunity to study for free and live in a dormitory (free of charge). In addition, those who are approved for financial assistance are given the opportunity to travel and eat free of charge. To be heard, the student must confirm his right to receive financial assistance by providing a package of documents: a certificate of parental income and a bank statement on the status of accounts.

Prospects for MIT Graduates

The authority of the university in the international arena opens up serious opportunities for its graduates. Large organizations, research centers and laboratories are happy to accept them among their employees, providing them with prestigious work and a serious level of income. According to statistics, about 25% of graduates are provided with a job without even graduating from an educational institution. This opportunity is realized thanks to the recruitment service operating at the institute, as well as offers received from sponsors. Another 20% of graduates get jobs through various networking sites and participation in professional conferences. About 15% of students who graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology obtain their desired positions through internships. During their passage, companies and organizations select promising employees, and immediately after they receive scientific degree are included in the staff. The job fair allows another 15% of graduates to get a job. The remaining 35% of graduates, having received bachelor's degrees, continue their studies, seeking to obtain a master's degree.

Annual salaries of MIT graduates:

  • Bachelors - 74,000 USD;
  • Masters - 85, 600 USD;
  • Masters of Engineering - 95,000 USD;
  • Masters of Business Administration - 125,000 USD;

Every year, depending on the state of the economy, salaries may change upward, or less often - downward. MIT graduates can be found among employees of such companies as Google, Apple, Oracle, Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon and many other serious corporations. Graduate students often receive job offers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard and Stanford.

Famous MIT Alumni

It is the graduates who have achieved serious success in the field of science, political and economic activity that universities are proud of. Among the graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are:

  1. Kofi Annan, a well-known figure in the public sphere and in the political arena. He received the Nobel Prize for his achievements and also became the seventh Secretary of the United Nations.
  2. David Scott, who, as an astronaut, led the Apollo 15 expedition to the Moon, going down in history as one of 12 people who visited this Earth satellite.
  3. The Nobel Prize in 1993 was awarded to another eminent MIT graduate, Philip Sharp, who became famous for his discovery of the discontinuous gene structure.
  4. Famed for his ability to apply practical engineering skills coupled with entrepreneurial abilities, Robert Noyce co-founded Intel, a world-famous IT company.
  5. In the world of cinema, MIT representative Dolph Lundgren has achieved considerable success, being not only an actor, but also a producer, director and screenwriter. For all his merits in the field of art, this man is a master of martial arts.

Quite a lot of famous scientists, honored figures and politicians have graduated from the walls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to glorify the university. Every year, about 4,000 foreign applicants apply with the hope of admission. But in reality, about 150 people are selected, who are subject to serious requirements in terms of knowledge in English on high level, not only oral, but also written.

A foreign applicant, like US citizens, must demonstrate high scores on the ACT or SAT. After reviewing the documents provided by the applicant (motivation letter, ESSAY), the admissions committee makes a decision to conduct an interview with the candidate.

Brief information about applying to MIT

If you are an international student, you may not be familiar with the application process to MIT, including. This short review to help you understand how to apply to an American university, and in particular how MIT works. Some of the information presented here is also true for other institutions, but you should check it directly with them before applying, as MIT cannot be held accountable for them!

International students

Students who are already enrolled at another university—both at home and abroad—should apply to MIT as a transfer student.

How does MIT consider international applicants?

MIT receives many applications from very smart and talented international citizens. From this large number candidates, MIT can only take a small portion. Each year, more than 4,000 international students apply to MIT, and fewer than 150 are admitted.

MIT limits the number of international students it can accept due to generous financial aid. MIT is one of the few that offers blind admission regardless of whether the student needs full financial aid or not. "Blind admission" means that you will not be disadvantaged in the admissions process because of your financial need. "Meeting your full financial need" means that MIT will give you enough financial support that you can afford to attend the university, no matter how much or how little your family can pay.

Even though the international application process is highly competitive, we still accept wonderful students from all over the world every year. MIT has students from 116 countries. About 9% of students in undergraduate programs are international, and in graduate programs 40% are citizens of other countries. MIT has a strong international community, so no matter how far you are from home, you can still feel at home here.

What do you need to do

To apply to MIT, you must pass some standardized tests and complete the MIT application process. Due to the high volume of applications in certain regions outside of the United States, only a limited number of interviews will be available. If you live outside of , and your interview was originally canceled or rescheduled, you will be notified if the interviewer becomes available. Requesting an interview does not guarantee that you will receive an interview. If it is not possible to conduct an interview for you, this will not be used against you in any way in the future.

Grades (points), courses completed

However, we do have minimum and recommended scores for the TOEFL. These minimums can be seen in the figure below to ensure that your English language proficiency is sufficient. Because MIT does not offer English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, and English is the language of MIT, all students must demonstrate that they will thrive in our society. Minimum scores TOEFL for MIT (MIT):

Your scores must be sent to MIT from the official testing agency; The scores you indicate on your application and the results shown on your school transcripts will not be considered official. We recommend that you designate MIT as the institution that should receive your results when you take the test. If you take the test in January, you must mark MIT as the receiving institution for your scores or they will not receive your results in time for review.

SAT and TOEFL code MIT (MIT) - 3514, ACT code MIT (MIT) - 1858.

It is important for all students - and very important for international students - to register for tests using the same name you provided on your application and in the MyMIT system. Your test scores will not be associated with the MIT system unless the names match.

You can learn more about and register for the SAT online at, the TOEFL at, and the ACT at

MIT Application Process

International students complete the same application as domestic students. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  • Creating a MyMIT Account: MIT uses its own system. Applications for 2018 will become available in August 2017. Anyone can register.
  • Part 1: Personal Information: Filling out your personal information means you're off to a good start! Application fee is $75. You will need to provide information about parents and about areas of interest to you. Be honest.
  • Part 2: Abstracts (Essays), theoretical issues, activities. Essay: MIT asks you to write not one long essay, but several short answers to questions to get to know you better, who you are, what motivates you, what is important to you. Be honest. Your answers should be thoughtful, but don't waste your time with stress and the desire to "be the best." Activity: Use a form that has enough space to write 4 things. Choose the best thing you did in school. You may submit additional resumes, but do not do so in lieu of completing the MIT form. Self-assessment on completed courses- This is required for applicants studying under the American system.
  • High School - Certificate.(usually including your transcript, school profile)
  • Letters - recommendations. MIT requires 2 letters of recommendation from math/science and humanities teachers). The MIT recommendation process is online; you will need to create a separate account in addition to your account MyMIT. When creating this account, you will need the ID number available in your MyMIT account. Next, you will need to choose how you will apply: early cycle or regular cycle. Go to the Evaluation section to request your recommendations. Click on the "Start New" button, fill out the request form with your appraiser's name and email address, and submit your request. The system will send a request with instructions to his/her email. Your checklist will automatically update when the appraiser completes the recommendations. The system synchronizes with the main MyMIT account usually 2 business days after receiving recommendations. Who should I ask for university recommendations? First teacher: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science of the planet Earth, Science of environment, Computer Science, Engineering, Technology, Scientific research. Second teacher: English, History, Foreign language, Economics, Politics and State, Psychology, Social Science, Geography.
  • Decoding. One of the school's evaluators must also provide a copy of your school grades and progress report.
  • Interview (Interview). MIT doesn't just want to see how you look on paper: they're interested in you as a whole person. That's why, whenever possible, an interview with a member of the MIT Academic Council is offered, or a one-on-one meeting with one of the more than 4,500 MIT alumni worldwide who volunteer to meet with applicants in their home field and conduct an interview.
    Interview is highly recommended. In fact, last year, of eligible applicants, MIT accepted 10.8% of those who were interviewed (or whose interview was rescheduled) and only 1% of those who declined an interview. How is the interview conducted? You will receive your academic advisor's name and contact information through your MyMIT account. Please note that, unlike many other institutions, at MIT you must contact your interviewer! If you are applying during the first cycle, you must contact your interviewer by October 20; Regular applicants must contact their interviewers by December 10th. Where is the interview held? Your interview will take place in your region. Most educational consultants will offer to meet at a mutually agreed upon location: a local coffee shop, restaurant, bookstore, or library. If there are no graduates available to volunteer for interviews in your field, MIT may try to arrange a SKYPE interview for you. If not, your MyMIT account will indicate that it is not possible to offer you an interview with a local volunteer. Please don't let this get you down. Remember that an interview is not mandatory component application and the Admissions Committee will know that MIT was unable to offer you an interview. What to expect from the interview? Typically, interviews last an hour, although they can vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Before you meet with your interviewer, try to anticipate some of the questions you might be asked. Talk to friends and family about their interview experiences or read MIT's interview blog. Think of stories and examples that will give your interviewer a vivid understanding of your passions and aspirations. Some students bring materials to illustrate their interests more clearly. Please feel free to do this if you wish. Although, MIT only requires that you show up yourself. There is no formal attire for an interview with an MIT representative. Clothing should be appropriate for the meeting location you have agreed upon. You don't have to be "dressed up," but you shouldn't be dressed in a way that might embarrass your grandma.
    And finally - as is true for all parts of the MIT application process - just beyourself!
    For more information contact [email protected]
  • February Updates and Notes
  • Submitting add-ons and portfolios While MIT is not required additional materials outside of the application, they know that many students are involved in many "interesting" activities outside of class, and MIT wants to hear about them! Researchers, artists, painters, and producers can submit portfolios for review by MIT staff through Slideroom.
    Portfolios must be submitted by November 1 (early entry) or January 1 (regular entry).
    Students who have worked on significant research project outside high school can submit part research work via Slideroom. If you have worked on more than one project, we recommend choosing one that is more important. You will also need to provide references from your project manager.
    Music and performing arts
    Artists (musicians, composers, dancers, designers, directors, writers and actors) with exceptional talent can submit contributions through Slideroom. We recommend submitting work that represents a range of styles or skills, if any.
    Musicians: Submit two entries representing contrasting styles of approximately 10 minutes total duration.
    Composers: Add one recent work in PDF format.
    Actors, dancers, directors and designers: Submit up to three videos or images. Total time video no more than 10 minutes.
    Screenwriters: You may submit one or two scripts, each about 10 pages long. If your work has been completed and recorded, you can submit up to 10 minutes of video.
    Fine arts and architecture
    Creative individuals with exceptional talent can present a portfolio using Slideroom. MIT recognizes all types of media arts, including design, drawing, painting, mixed media, digital media, photography, sculpture, and architectural work. You can submit a portfolio of up to 10 images of your work for review. Include a title short description, the date for each job when it was completed.
    Technical specialists
    A portfolio is an opportunity to showcase your projects that require creativity, technical skills, and a "hands-on" approach to learning by doing.
    For your portfolio, you can submit images, videos of no more than 120 seconds, and up to one PDF of technical documentation and/or specifications via Slideroom.
    If you are an experienced athlete and you plan to participate at the collegiate level, we recommend that you contact an MIT coach for your sport. All university coaches can be reached through. Because of NCAA rules, coaches may not always be able to respond.

Dates and deadlines

MIT has two application cycles: Early Applications (EA) and Regular Applications (RA).

Who cares? Deadline dates only!

There is nothing positive or negative associated with the chosen cycle. MIT has no preference and no strategic benefit. Two loops exist for two reasons: 1) It helps divide the work admissions committee MIT and spend more time on each application and 2) It gives applicants more options to choose what works best for them.

Rules and restrictions:

Early filing is an option for all applicants, local and international. But keep in mind that there are establishments where early check-in is only possible there and nowhere else. This means that if you choose this establishment for early entry, it should be your only choice.

(see picture below). Registration will allow you to work with your application, check your application, control financial questions, use interviewer contacts and much more.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT, is one of the most prestigious technical universities in the world.

The university is a constant leader in many academic rankings, and a diploma obtained here is considered a badge of honor in itself young specialist in any country.

View of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Today, more than 11,000 students study at the institute, while the number of foreigners is regularly increasing - students are attracted by innovative learning programs universities at various levels.

MIT student Dinara Yussupova

History of University

MIT is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The university was founded back in 1861 to provide education relevant to the rapidly developing field of science and technology.

Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has gone through a difficult path of changes and reforms. Civil War, Great Depression and Second World War made their own adjustments to the work of the university and its welfare. However, donors and the US government have always supported the institute, which has increased its academic and research growth.

Today, MIT is experiencing one of the most prosperous and peaceful periods in its history. Many students study here, and modern research, having global significance.

Award ceremony at MIT

University structure

The university occupies an area of ​​168 acres in the city of Cambridge, on the banks of the Charles River. The university campus consists of buildings from the early 20th century and modern buildings, which were created by famous American architects.

MIT has an amazing atmosphere

The campus includes classrooms, laboratories and research facilities, as well as gyms and outdoor areas. There are also student residences, cafes and lounges. In addition, the university has 13 libraries and an exhibition gallery.

MIT's undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs are offered through five schools: the School of Architecture and Planning, the School of Management, the School of Applied Sciences, and the natural sciences and School of Humanities and social sciences and arts.

Typical student?

Reputation and achievements

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a unique global reputation as a true forge of young talent in all fields of science and technology. Throughout its history, the university has attracted the best minds from around the world as students and professors.

Suffice it to say that among the university’s graduates and teachers there are 80 Nobel Prize laureates! Graduates of the university at different times were: Kofi Annan, 7th Secretary General of the UN, David Scott, commander of the Apollo 15 spacecraft, Robert Noyce, founder of Intel, geneticist Philip Sharp, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, co-founder of Hewlett- Packard William Hewlett, CIA Director John Deitch and many others.

MIT Library

By the way, it was at MIT that mathematician and Nobel laureate John Forbes Nash worked, whose life story is shown in the famous film “A Beautiful Mind.”

MIT is famous for its numerous research projects. Here they invented a rover that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen, and a stereo screen for rapid vision correction. University scientists are developing “smart” uniforms for US troops and working on wireless power transmission technology. Moreover, the university has its own nuclear reactor.

Leaping Cheetah - Invention of MIT Students

Despite its active and successful activities in the field of technology and engineering, the university also trains first-class specialists in the humanities, linguistics, law, philosophy and other disciplines.

Employers of university graduates include: Google, Apple, Microsoft, US Navy, Amazon, Oracle, etc.

Affordable training inMIT

In 2011, a new department of online education, MITx, was created at the university.

The department offers students open and free access to materials from 2,260 undergraduate and graduate courses in various areas, including business, science, engineering, education, fine arts, health care, etc. Materials are offered in the form of audio and video lectures, text textbooks in electronic format, and presentations.

Most Popular MIT Open Course Ware Lectures – Walter Lewin's Physics Lectures

While learning using free university materials, students have the opportunity to communicate with teachers and each other. Through MITx's unique online learning platform, students become part of a multimillion-strong community of students from around the world.

It is important to note that free training of this type does not lead to any MIT degree. However, your efforts will not be in vain. After completing the course, interested students can take the exam for little money and receive an MITx certificate. This certificate will be an excellent addition to the resume of any young professional or student.

Student life and leisure

MIT students have always been known for their community and witty antics.

It was they who measured the Harvard Bridge back in the 1950s with one of their fellow students. Carrying it along the bridge, they determined the length of the bridge to be “364.4 smoots” (named after the student Oliver Smoot) and derived a new unit of measurement for “smoots” equal to approximately 170 cm.

In 1994, university students placed the iron frame of a police car on the dome of the MIT building, and in 2011, students staged a real light festival by installing powerful LEDs in each window of the 90-meter university building. They took it off famous parody video"Gangnam Style" featuring university professors.

Also, the term “hacker” itself and most of the hacker culture comes from MIT. Judge for yourself…

In a word, life at the university is in full swing. The university has more than 40 “engineer” sports teams, whose symbol is the beaver, a natural engineer. There are 380 student communities, a university radio and a newspaper, and all kinds of events are constantly held, including sports, theater and music.

Spring at the University

The university has 18 residences, accommodation in which is guaranteed to each student for 4 years. Those interested can also find university housing in Cambridge and neighboring Boston, or rent housing on their own. Students have access to a center for assistance to foreigners, medical and psychological centers.

Hello everyone, my name is Oleg, I am 17 years old, and today I will tell you about the admission process to MIT.
In order to maintain the integrity of the narrative, it should be noted that the article was written on March 15, 2013, the day the verdicts on student enrollment were announced.

Picture to attract attention
When I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I was surprised to discover that in RuNet there was not just a more or less edible “success story” associated with admission to MIT, but in general at least some kind of guide to entering top American universities on your own . Especially for undergraduate studies. I thought, “Well, I guess I’ll have to write to me.” I will try to convey the information in the most understandable way.


I wanted to enter MIT about a year and a half ago at the beginning of the tenth grade, but for the time being this intention seemed just an unattainable dream, an ideal. Then I knew only approximate requirements, in the spirit of “you need to pass, there, SAT, TOEFL, uh... what else?” At one point I really asked the question - what else?

TOEFL- a test for knowledge of the English language, in this case we take only the Internet-Based Test. Consists of four parts, for each you can get up to 30 points: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. The maximum, respectively, is 120 points. There is a lot of information about TOEFL on the Internet that you can find yourself. Taking the TOEFL costs 250 USD.

ACT- some kind of esoteric alternative to the SAT. Don't give him up, guys.

In addition to the exams, you must submit two letters of recommendation: one from a humanities teacher, one from a math or science teacher. You should also have your head teacher or principal fill out the Secondary School Report - this is yours GPA(GPA), and a questionnaire that evaluates you according to various criteria. Also in your application for admission, you must write two essays (100 words) and three essays (250 words) about yourself on specific topics.

Deadline- January 1, 23:59 EST. In general, there are two deadlines: November 1 and January 1, but take your time, my little applicants: the November 1 deadline is only available to US citizens. Well, Canada, sort of.

It must be said that in most top American universities deadlines range from December 1 to January 3. At mid-level universities, deadlines are much more democratic.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Interview and registration for exams

6 September. Panic. I thought at the time that the deadline was November 1st, and registration for the last available SAT date was October 7th, but it seems that registration closes on September 7th. I was afraid that I would have to take exams in a month, but then I read everything and my heart was relieved.

I decided not to pull the cat by the tail and immediately wrote to my interviewer. He responded by saying that he was busy with other things for now, and it would be possible to sign up for an interview in October. In the meantime, I decided to deal with the exams. I decided to take TOEFL and SAT Math II/Physics.

A very important digression for those entering the States

One very important point should be noted here: I only applied to MIT, ignoring other universities. Only later did I understand the recklessness of my action. If you intend to enroll in several top universities at once, then you should take into account that MIT has a fairly logical policy for choosing tests for foreigners. Many other universities don't have it. Caltech, for example, requires both the SAT and TOEFL, and so do most universities. On the other hand, you can get into Princeton without the SAT at all (though if you do that, I will erect a monument to you, but this possibility still exists).

Despite the fact that my English was pretty good, I had to go to a TOEFL tutor for the first time in my life. Surprisingly, since then my English has become significantly better. My confidence has especially increased. I would recommend that you find a specialist one way or another.

September and October passed quite quickly, I went to a tutor once a week, completed a large number of TOEFL assignments, and scored on the subject SATs, considering them to be elementary. This is also my mistake, the consequences of which I will discuss below. I decided that I would take the SAT Subject Tests on December 1 in Moscow, and the TOEFL on December 22 in Ufa.

I contacted the interviewer and we agreed on November 11th. The interview was via Skype and lasted an hour and a half. The interview is conducted by MIT graduate students, so it consists of two parts: the first half of the time you answer questions about yourself, the second half of the time you answer questions about MIT. The interview went smoothly and I was told the report would be good. I was happy as an elephant.

Meanwhile, December approached.


I spent two months preparing for the TOEFL, and only on November 27 did I turn my attention to the SAT. And I got desperate because it wasn't easy at all. Yes, the questions were tolerable, but there were too much a lot of. I found a wonderful site that I recommend to you - SparkNotes - on this site you can immediately take several SAT, GRE, GMAT samples, see your results and their in-depth analysis. I was unlucky enough to get sick then, and for the remaining three days I tormented this site, squeezing everything I could out of it.
I must say that the first attempts at mathematics and physics were not particularly great - 670 points in each subject. On the second attempt, I wrote mathematics at 780 points, but I could not get physics above 710. I started a special notebook in which I analyzed each of my mistakes and looked for solutions.

Test day. You had to take with you a printed Admission Ticket, a passport and, just in case, a foreign passport, and come at 7:45 in the morning to the MUM (a sharaga for majors on Leningradsky Prospekt, where the dean of the Faculty of Management major cities is Luzhkov, lol). The problem is that I had to get there from the Minsk highway, and besides, I didn’t even know where it was. When I arrived at the Belorussky railway station, I realized what a terrible pile of buildings Moscow is, I “fell out of love” with it that day.

We arrived, there were probably thirty or forty people there. Everyone was pretty knowledgeable, which made me feel depressed in my sleep, but then it turned out that almost all the people there were Muscovites who were taking the SAT more than once because they had already screwed up. And it was a pretty cool feeling, but it only came to me after the test, and during the exam I wasn’t myself.

How the exam works

You are seated in classrooms, given books with tests in all subjects and forms in which you can write up to three tests. You can change the list of subjects on the day of the test, unlike the Unified State Exam. You listen to the instructions, fill out the forms, then one by one you mark the subjects you are passing, the timer starts, you open the book in the right place and write the test. The book is a draft. They will give you pencils there. The calculator can only be used for mathematics, but it can be the most sophisticated, you can even use graphical ones like TI-86.
The hour is over - you leave the classroom for a break. If you are afraid to fill out the form during the test, leave five minutes to spare. I was already burned so badly: I didn’t have time to fill in the circles in mathematics, and they barely, with begging, allowed me to fill out the form in physics.

I went out and was shaking all over, although I am usually calm. I thought I had failed physics and was hoping for math. The results were due on December 20th and it was a very nerve-wracking three weeks. In the end, the results came.

I was the happiest person on Earth.

Some statistics: most MIT students score between 760 and 800 in math and between 740 and 800 in scientific discipline. I fit into these indicators more than perfectly. It's up to TOEFL.

I took the TOEFL on December 22 in Ufa. After an hour of waiting in a cold auditorium, I again became terribly nervous. I was very worried about Speaking because I don't know how to answer these questions quickly - this is a problem for me. I won’t go into detail, but I’ll just say that I also thought I failed the TOEFL and scored 60 on it.

To enter MIT, you must write a TOEFL score of at least 90 points, the recommended score is more than a hundred. On January 4, my results arrived, and I was dumbfounded again:

My chances of admission were growing rapidly.

Inexorably approaching New Year, and, therefore, a deadline, and I had neither the essay nor the recommendations ready. I had a very awkward situation with recommendations: I asked for them at the beginning of December, they agreed to give them to me, then they sharply refused at the behest of the left heel, and then, already in the twenties, they took back their words. In general, by the end of December I had no recommendations. To be honest, I had to write it myself. However, the problem was that they had to be sent on official letterhead educational institution, but I didn’t have time to do them before the building of my lyceum was sealed. Thus, I was left without a recommendation, but, fortunately for me, the deadline for documents was extended until the first of February! I immediately ran to the lyceum when it opened and did everything. They did write one recommendation to me, and the second was approved by its “author.”

At the same time, it was necessary to fill out an application for admission. I'll tell you a little about the essays that were required to be written; the art of writing essays for MIT is best described in the article by Chris S. Show, Don't Tell!

For MIT, you must write two extended answers to two 100-word questions and three 250-word essays.
The first essay is essentially about something you do for fun. I wrote about drawing epic pictures and the desire to become like Toshihiro Egawa, but there were absolutely enchanting essays, for example, one person wrote about how he tries methods for treating myopia.
In the second essay, you should write which major at MIT is closest to your heart and why. Hello Electrical Engineering And Computer Science!

The first essay is the feature of your personality that most appeals to you. Here I was simply in a stupor, I will not say what I wrote about.
The second essay requires you to describe your environment, your everyday life, and how they influenced your aspirations and dreams.
The last essay is the biggest test of your life. You can also describe some situation in life when something did not go according to plan, but you took it and somehow corrected everything.

I started writing the essay on December thirtieth and finished at five o’clock in the morning on January second, so the most important advice is:

Never leave everything to the last minute!
At this point, all I needed to do was submit my half-year grades. I did this and thus my application for admission was complete:

I only kept the list of requirements in this form, don’t be angry.

Financial issue

Probably, those who have not yet fallen asleep at this point are concerned precisely with the issue of paying for training.

The cost of tuition with on-campus accommodation for the current academic year is 57,010 USD, 42,000 of which goes towards tuition, and the remaining fifteen goes towards campus, textbooks and meals. I must say that I come from an ordinary family, so I don’t have that kind of money. In truth, MIT was a relevant issue for me only with 100% financial aid, which could be obtained - difficult, but possible.

To qualify for financial aid at MIT, you need to do a few things:

  1. Complete your CSS Profile at It costs 25 USD.
  2. Send a letter from parents' employers with information about income. With a notarized translation, of course.
  3. If your parents are divorced, complete the form for the parent who does not live with you.

I filled out the CSS Profile, but didn't meet the deadline for the rest. I decided that if I entered, they would allow me to send the rest.

And a month of waiting came...


On the night of March 8th, I received a rather interesting letter in the mail:

Hello 12sd

And then day X came - everything was to become known on March 15 at 3:28 Ufa time, everyone wished me good luck, but I was in a slightly apathetic state, they say, I did everything I could, come what may.

Today, March 15th, I accidentally woke up at 4:50, immediately went to the website and...

I hope this won't be a big disappointment to you, but I didn't.
That's all the return for my efforts. I think I had a good chance, but it didn't work out. However, to my own surprise, I am not too upset. After all, this is a great experience, besides, now I have the opportunity to tell you about admission and, perhaps, encourage you to new achievements.
I sincerely congratulate you, those five to ten lucky students from the CIS who entered MIT! I am sure that some of you are definitely sitting on the hub or just stumbled upon this article, I am waiting for your response, I think it will be interesting not only to me.

Finally, I want to leave a small list of tips for those applying to top American universities:

  1. Always apply to several universities. A backup option in this case is simply necessary.
  2. If possible, take both the TOEFL and SAT.
  3. Be careful and don't worry.
  4. Never, never Don’t put off sending documents until the last minute.
  5. To avoid problems, do not spoil your relationship with your teachers. They can ruin your whole picture.
  6. Please fill out all forms carefully and correctly. This is especially true for Finnish people. help.
  7. Believe and you will succeed.

That's all for this. If anyone wants to chat with me and learn more, you are welcome.