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My Yugra competitions for children. Position


1. Organizers of the competition

Organizers of the First Regional Competition for Children and Teachers "My Yugra", are:

-LLC "Pedagogy" 21 century" OGRN 1168617059170

These Regulations of the First Regional Competition for Children and Teachers "My Yugra", its organizational support, procedure for participation and determination of winners.

2. Purpose of the competition

The main goals of the First Regional Competition for Children and Teachers "My Yugra" are the identification and development in children creativity and interest in research activities, promotion of knowledge, involvement of children and their parents in the process of expanding knowledge and horizons. For teachers and their students, it allows you to compare the results of their activities with the results of colleagues from other educational institutions. For educational institutions, participation in site events allows you to improve the quality educational process and rating of the educational institution.


In the first regional competition for children and teachers "My Yugra" can take part:

Teachers, educators, students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, kindergartens and other educational institutions Russian Federation and other states, regardless of place of study, place of residence and citizenship. Parents or supervisors can help preschoolers prepare competition materials.

Also, anyone can take part in the Competition, regardless of age, who consider it acceptable to participate in the age category specified for a specific event. Participation in the competition is individual.

4. Procedure for participation

To participate in the Competition, you must read these Regulations in full, select a nomination, pay the registration fee, fill out an application, upload your work and a copy of the receipt, or provide payment information (date, time of payment, amount, payment method). Applications are processed within one business day following the day the application is submitted. The status of your application can be tracked in personal account.

Each participant can take part in any number of nominations and submit any number of works in each nomination. Works are accepted constantly.

Diplomas are sent electronically to the participant’s email address and are also available in the personal account. Diplomas for participation in the competition are issued only in electronic form. Participants independently download award documents in their personal account after processing applications. Step-by-step instruction with illustrations “How to participate in the competition” is located on the “Regulations” page.

The Competition accepts original works made in accordance with the topic of the nomination specified in the relevant section of the site. Competition entries must not contain profanity, must not violate generally accepted moral values, must not infringe on the rights and dignity of citizens and must not contradict the Legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of these Regulations.

Competitions are held within the time limits specified on the website in the relevant thematic section.

5. Requirements for competition materials of participants

Electronic files (text, presentations, photos, videos, audio, etc.) are accepted for the competition in any format (maximum file size 5 MB). If the competition entry exceeds the maximum size, you must place it in any storage facility on the Internet and attach a link to download the material to the application. Text works may be accompanied by photo and video materials, presentations, drawings, etc. Crafts and examples of fine art must be photographed.

6. Evaluation criteria and awards.

Expert assessment is made on a scale from 0 to 3 points. Points are assigned for each of the parameters below. The winners are determined by the highest score of the competition work.

Criteria for evaluating drawings:

Compliance of the content of the work with the stated topic;

Artistic skill (technique and quality of work);

Correspondence creative level author's age;

Originality of concept;

Criteria for evaluating educational and research work:

Availability brief introduction to the research problem, a clear statement of the research topic;

Formulation of relevance, purpose, objectives, novelty, practical significance;

Theoretical elaboration of the topic, use of literature;

Description of specific research methods, formatted in accordance with the rules applicable to scientific texts;

Separate presentation of your own results of observations and experiments, their discussion and analysis;

Availability of illustrative material identifying the main stages and components of the research;

Generalization of results and formulation of conclusions.

Criteria for evaluating methodological developments:

Feasibility of the material;

Originality of the material;

Completeness and information content of the material;

Scientific and factual reliability of the material;

Style and clarity of presentation, logical structure of the material;

Quality of design and clarity of material;

Possibility of wide practical use material.

Criteria for evaluating creative works:

Content compliance creative work stated topic;

Relevance of the competition work;

Completeness and imagery of the topic;

Creative individuality;

Originality of idea, innovation, creativity;

Prospects for implementation into practice;

Expressiveness of civic position;

Expressiveness of the methods used;

Social significance.

Criteria for evaluating pedagogical projects:

Significance and necessity of implementation pedagogical project for the educational institution in general, and the educational process in particular;

Clarity, preciseness, achievability of goals and objectives, logical flow of tasks from problems; allocated in the project;

Correct selection of project activities, adherence to the sequence of actions, reasonableness of limiting the set of activities;

Adequacy of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the project;

Compliance with the logical concept of the project, the presence of a logical chain: problem-goal-objectives-method-result;

The significance of the project for other educational institutions, the possibility of introducing the results of the project into the activities of colleagues.

For participation in the First regional competition for children and teachers "My Yugra" personalized diplomas are issued Winner (I, II, III place) or Participant.

Last name, first name of the participant(s);

Team name (if any);

Educational institution of the participant (if indicated in the Application): type, number, name of the educational institution;

Location of educational institution or place of residence: region, region, locality;

Last name, first name, patronymic of the manager (if any);

Result of participation in the competition: winner (1st, 2nd, 3rd place), participant;

Name of the competition;

Competition nomination;

Job title;

Date of the competition;

Signature of the Chairman of the competition commission;

Seal (stamp) of the competition.

Participants independently download award documents in their personal account on the website. Award documents are issued only electronically. The results of the events are published publicly on the “Results” page. The number of winners and runners-up who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places is not limited, provided that they score the same number of points. The teachers who trained the winners and participants are indicated in the diplomas as leaders. Diplomas for managers free.

Award documents are stored in participants’ personal accounts 30 days, after which they are deleted into the archive. Restoration of award documents is free of charge, upon request of the participant.

7. Arrangement fee

Participation in the First regional competition for children and teachers "My Yugra" paid. The registration fee for 1 application is 100 rubles. The works of Participants who have not paid for participation will not be accepted for consideration. The fact of payment for participation in the site’s events constitutes agreement with the terms of these Regulations and consent to the processing of the Participant’s personal data, which will be indicated in the award documents. Participation fees are intended to pay the Organizer's costs for holding remote events and are not refundable, except in the event of cancellation of the event by the Organizer. Payment for participation in remote events constitutes acceptance of the Offer Agreement for each Participant. Please read the text of the Offer Agreement.


Dear teachers! A teacher is one of the most important and noble professions, and its purpose cannot be reduced to the transfer of knowledge. The task facing the teacher is much broader and more voluminous. In his hands are the minds and souls of children, into whom it is necessary to instill respect for the values ​​​​accepted in society, to instill love for the Motherland, its history and culture, in a word, to do everything so that the younger generation grows up as worthy citizens of their country.

Yugra, where today the economy and social sphere are intensively developing, especially needs educated people, competent specialists, without whom it is difficult to imagine a breakthrough in any field and the successful implementation of large-scale projects. In this sense, the future of the district and Russia as a whole largely depends on the work of teachers.

Let the work certainly bring joy, inspiration, and give students a reason for legitimate pride!

We invite teachers, educators, parents, schoolchildren, preschoolers to take part in our competitions, quizzes and online Olympiads. Works in the relevant categories can be performed by children, adults, or jointly - children and adults (individually or collectively).

To participate, you must select a nomination, register or log in to your personal account, fill out the registration form, upload your work and a copy of the receipt. Each participant can take part in any number of nominations and submit any number of works in each nomination.

Works are evaluated by a jury within 24 HOURS. After which the results can be seen on the "Results" page. Diplomas in electronic form will be available for downloading in your personal account immediately after the evaluation of the work.


Goals: Formation of older children preschool age knowledge about his hometown of Surgut and the region - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Objectives: 1. To introduce children to the concepts of “our region”, “city”, “taiga” and the names of cities and districts. 2. To form in children initial knowledge about the natural and cultural features of life in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Yurga. 3. Develop moral personality traits in children through familiarization with their native village and region. 4. Cultivate an interest in nature and a desire to care for the animals and plants of our region. 5. Stimulate the desire to listen to fairy tales and other folklore genres. 6. Through other activities, develop logical thinking, attention, memory, motor activity.

Read 03/30/20

Goals: Goal of the lesson: implementation of new forms of interaction in the “adult-child” system, aimed at the full development and adaptation of children early age to the conditions of children's educational institutions.

Objectives: 1 Teach children to act purposefully with objects and interact with adults, imitate new actions, improve walking skills. 2. Stimulate speech development and the motor side of speech, through development fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Develop active speech; 3. Continue to develop speech practice in play demonstrations, imitate sounds, syllables, and perform actions with a toy. Understanding passive vocabulary: names of body parts (paws, head, ears, tail) Understand the meaning of words: show, stroke, loud, etc.). 4. To promote positive emotions in the process of mastering the basic techniques of sculpting - pinching, finger painting, improving hand-eye coordination.

Read 03/30/20

Goals: Improving the conditions for self-expression, creativity, professional individuality of young specialists, implementation and testing in teaching practice innovative methods and technology, through the development of a professional mentoring environment.

Objectives:  To promote the successful adaptation of young teachers to corporate culture, assimilation best traditions preschool team;  Improving the professional individuality of young specialists through the formation of young teachers’ need for continuous education and self-education;  Construction individual route development young specialist for advanced training and passing the certification procedure for 1 qualification category;  Providing information space and TSO tools for independent mastery of professional skills;  Improving the conditions for effective participation in professional skills competitions of various levels and the dissemination of experience.  Contribute to the formation of an individual style among young teachers creative activity;  Development of human resources, attraction and retention in educational organization young specialists, providing conditions aimed at increasing the prestige and significance of the teaching profession (Development Program of the Municipal Administrative Educational Institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 15 “Solnyshko” for 2015 – 2020).

Read 03/30/20

Goals: Unusuality of the space of visual activity; The specifics of sensory sensations in the process of drawing are sliding, blurring of liquid paints, transparency, etc.. During the drawing process, the glass can be wiped and a new drawing applied, all “distress” can be corrected this way. the child has the right to make mistakes and corrections, and can show his individuality. It is possible to draw in a subgroup. Availability of equipment and materials (water markers, gouache, plasticine) Copies can be saved (get a print by sprinkling the print with water)

Objectives: Development and correction of: Mental functions Attention (concentration, distribution) Sensory experience, perception (spatial representations, visual perception) Imagination, fantasy Creative thinking Speech Fine motor skills of the hands, eye-hand coordination Interhemispheric interaction

Read 03/29/20

Goals: To convey the idea of ​​expediency project activities in preschool educational institutions to the target audience.

Objectives: 1. To attract the attention of young teachers to project activities in organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions. 2. Familiarize educators with teaching experience. 3. Explain the advantages of this method compared to traditional ones

Read 03/29/20

Objectives: Development of the ability to use the Russian language grammatically and effectively in oral and written speech.

Read 03/29/20

Goals: To form a functionally literate personality - a person who navigates the world and acts in accordance with social values, expectations and interests.

Objectives: To teach grammatically correct and effective use of the Russian language in oral and written speech.

Read 03/28/20

Goals: to give all students the opportunity to have the most complete social life, the most active participation in the team, the local community, thereby ensuring the fullest interaction and care for each other as members of the community.

Objectives: creating a cozy, comfortable space for everyone; creating an environment conducive to the harmonious development of the individual; formation of a tolerant community of children, parents, staff and social environment.

Read 03/28/20

Goals: Development of the volunteer movement, formation of positive attitudes among students towards volunteering

Objectives: To foster high civic and social activity and patriotism among young people

Read 03/28/20

Goals: Organizing recreation and health improvement for children and adolescents of educational institutions in the city in the summer, creating conditions for strengthening their health.

Objectives: 1. Creation of a system for the physical health of children in a temporary group setting. 2. Involvement in systematic activities physical culture and sports for all children vacationing in the camp.

Read 03/27/20

Objectives: To consolidate in children of senior preschool age an understanding of quantities and their measurement.

Objectives: Educational: - consolidate the formation of spatial concepts: wide - narrow, long - short; - consolidate skills in selecting objects of equal length through application. - continue to practice measuring quantities using TSO. Developmental: - to develop the ability to reason; - continue to develop memory, logical thinking, hand motor skills, and eye. Educational: - promote active interaction with peers and adults; - develop a desire to help.

Read 03/26/20

Goals: Prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool educational institutions

Objectives: In every preschool educational institution for the purpose of promoting safety traffic and the prevention of child road traffic injuries, it is recommended to create an information corner. “Safety Corner” is an exhibition stand (one or two, three), on which the necessary information, reference, statistical, analytical, educational and visual materials for promoting road safety are located.

Read 03/26/20

Goals: Consolidating ideas and knowledge about traffic lights, its signals, traffic rules and promoting the basics safe behavior on road.

Objectives: 1. Bring to the awareness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to. 2. B game form consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs.

Read 03/26/20

Goals: to structure exercises that develop plasticity, flexibility, lightness of the body, relieve muscle tension, give the child a feeling of freedom and joy, promote play initiative, stimulate motor and emotional self-expression.

Tasks: no

Read 03/26/20

Goals: Fostering love and respect for the native land and nature based on the poetry of KhMAO writers

Objectives: - To introduce to the rich literary heritage of the poets of Ugra, to the oral folk art of the Khanty and Mansi peoples. - Enrich lexicon children with national names of the region, household items, clothing, crafts, symbols. - Cultivate emotional responsiveness, patriotic and moral feelings

Read 03/25/20

Goals: Development in children cognitive activity, curiosity, desire to independently complete the application.

Objectives: 1. Expand children's knowledge about ice cream. 2. Fix the colors (white, yellow, red, geometric figures(circle, square, triangle). 3. Develop children's cognitive interest and horizons. 4. Strengthen children’s ability to stick prepared parts: spread with glue reverse side shape, press the image onto the paper with your entire palm, place the circles at the top ready-made template popsicle. 5. Foster the ability to enjoy the result.

Gaisina Elmira Minigulovna,
teacher of MADOU DS No. 6 "Fairy Tale", Raduzhny Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Quiz script “My land is Ugra”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about their native land - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.


  • expand and consolidate children's knowledge about nature native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North;
  • develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, ability to reason, draw conclusions; cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land;
  • cultivate respect and interest in the life and traditions of the Khanty and Mansi, a desire to learn more about their life;
  • cultivate love for one's native land.

Preliminary work:

observations on a walk, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Northern Territory”, reading Khanty and Mansi fairy tales, stories, getting acquainted with riddles, proverbs of the peoples of the north, composing stories on the topics: “Where do we live?”, “Our city”, didactic games: “What grows in the forest?”, “Which tree is the branch from?”, “What’s superfluous?”, outdoor games “Heiro” (sun), etc., excursion to the ecological and ethnographic museum of the kindergarten.

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.

Health-saving technologies: outdoor game "Heiro"


layout of the plague, illustrations depicting the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi, animals and plants of the North, images of the crafts of the Khanty and Mansi: fishing, reindeer husbandry, folk applied art of the Khanty and Mansi, subject pictures of coniferous and deciduous trees, sectional pictures “Animals of the North”, laptop, music center, multimedia device, screen.

Progress of the quiz.


introduction. Russia is our Motherland, consisting of various subjects and territories. Every resident of Russia has his own region, a corner in which he was born. In other words, this region is called a small homeland. For us, such a maternal corner is our small homeland- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Yugra. December 10 is a holiday in our region - his birthday, the day of his formation.

We, residents of Ugra, love our region, are proud of it and know a lot about it. In honor of this holiday, guys, I invite you to take part in our quiz “My region is Ugra”, dedicated to the Day of Education of the district - Ugra.

Our quiz involves two teams. Team "Hares" Team "Foxes"

First competition. Team presentation. Teams announce their name and motto.

“Hares” - motto: “We are a top class team, win, try us”

“Little Foxes” - the motto is “We are not afraid of anything, we will see who wins”

Second competition. “My land is Ugra.” You have to answer the questions correctly.

  1. Name the capital of our district (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  2. Name familiar cities in our district (Raduzhny, Megion, Langepas, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Nefteyugansk)
  3. What is our region rich in? What are the riches of Ugra? (oil, fish, berries, nuts)
  4. Name the indigenous people of the north (Khanty and Mansi)
  5. What do the Khanty and Mansi do? (reindeer husbandry, fishing, berry and mushroom picking)
  6. Name the vehicle of the Khanty (deer)
  7. What is the name of the place where deer graze (pasture) among the Khanty peoples?
  8. What buildings do the Khanty and Mansi live in? (in tents)
  9. What are chums made of? (poles, deer skins)
  10. What is the name of the place where the indigenous people live? (camp)
  11. What material do Khanty women make clothes from? (deer skins)
  12. How do they decorate their clothes? (beads)
  13. What are the Khanty sleighs called? (sled)
  14. Name the birds of our district (grouse, partridge, wagtail, bullfinch, tit)
  15. Name the wild animals of our district (bear, fox, hare, deer, elk, wolverine, marten, beaver)
  16. Name the longest season of the year in our region (winter)
  17. Name the trees that grow in our district (pine, spruce, cedar, fir, birch, aspen, rowan)
  18. What berry grows in a swamp? (cranberry).

Educator: there are a lot of animals in our forests. Let's try to assemble them from cut pictures.

Third competition “Collect and guess the animal” (children collect an image of an animal from cut-out pictures and name it)

Fourth competition. "Guess a riddle"

Educator: Well done! We completed the task! And now I invite you to guess the riddles. Slide show with animals.

1. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring, and in winter sleeps in a snowy hut under the howling of snow (a bear)

He has huge horns, nature is dear to him.

There wasn’t a larger animal in the forest, since it’s elky, that means... (elk)

3.What kind of animal walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf)

He beats his hooves “clack-clack”, snow flies, groats, sand. Everyone knows that this is a northern... (deer)

4. A nimble little animal jumps from a branch and hops onto the branch (squirrel)

5. He looks a lot like a pig
But definitely in the bristles in the wool.
Two fangs protrude from the mouth,
And besides, he is an omnivore. (boar)

6. From small cats from spotted ones.
And on the ears, imagine, there are brushes.
Short tail, you can’t say “Scram!”
She is a formidable predator. (lynx)

7. A predatory animal, a little larger than a ferret,
The animal has light brown fur,
Mischievous during the day, not lazy in the taiga,
Jumping from branch to branch......(marten)

8.Working animals are building a house in the middle of the river.
If anyone comes to visit, know that the entrance is from the river (beavers)

9. Long tail, but she is cunning (fox)

10. The forest handsome man is a coward. Guessed it... (hare)


Our region - Ugra - is ancient and harsh, amazingly beautiful and generous, known for a long time for many northern wonders: berries, mushrooms, plants, animals. Thanks to the district, Russia is first in the world in gas production, second in oil production. By its name Khanty-Mansiysk District owes to the indigenous inhabitants - the Khanty and Mansi, these people have lived since ancient times on the land, which they called Ugra or Yugoria. Therefore, our next tasks will be related to your knowledge about the indigenous inhabitants of Ugra. What do the Khanty and Mansi do? (fishing, reindeer herding, picking berries, mushrooms and nuts).


Guys, now we will try to imagine how the Khanty and Mansi collect cones.

Game "Collect cones"

Fifth competition “Find the odd one out”

Team 1 - Find the odd one out

Bear, deer, swan, squirrel

Team 2 - Find the odd one out

Pigeon, elk, magpie, eagle owl

Sixth competition “Name the migratory and wintering birds”

1 team - pigeon, bullfinch, tit, duck

Team 2 - crow, goose, sparrow, swan

Educator. Guys, our region is very harsh, but beautiful and rich. That's why people have written a lot beautiful poems about him. The melody of the Khanty-Mansi song sounds.

The teacher reads a poem:

In the taiga, spruce trees creak, resin flows down like honey.
Suddenly a cone, blown off by the wind, flutters into the palm of your hand like a chick.
The rain will come running from the distant hills, and St. John's wort will turn yellow.
And how many animal trails there are - let’s wander through the taiga with you!
And let's see who's in the hollows, holes, who's building nests on the tops,
Who hides in blue lakes and lives in slow rivers.

Seventh competition "Reciters' Competition"


Now it is not a snowy desert -

You will surely love our region.

We are waiting, friends! And it’s not a problem at all

If an unkind blizzard greets you,

Go to any chum - they are always waiting for you

Hospitality and care of a friend.

My North is harsh only at first glance:

Let the winds howl behind the wall,

Everyone here will be happy to see you

And warm you with warmth!


Khanty-Mansiysk land!

You are the land of lakes, swamps and rivers,

Explore your spaces

A man has arrived here!

Everyone writes poems about you,

They fly to all lands.

You are now known throughout the country,

Khanty-Mansiysk land!

People discovered oil and gas here,

Roads are being built, cities!

We love you, Yugra region,

You are in our hearts forever!

Educator: Well done boys! And you completed this task . And our quiz continues.

Eighth competition "Fishing".

Players take turns approaching the hoop and using a magnetic fishing rod to catch fish.

Ninth competition. « What is juice and jam made from?

In the forests of our district, not only are there a lot of different animals and birds, but also a lot of berries grow. And our next task is called “What is the juice and jam made from?” I will give you pictures of berries, and you must say what kind of juice and what kind of jam is obtained from this berry. For example: fruit - apple, juice - apple, jam - apple.

  • Cranberry - cranberry
  • Lingonberry - lingonberry
  • Blueberry - blueberry
  • Blueberry - blueberry
  • Cloudberry - cloudberry
  • Raspberry - raspberry

Educator: This concludes our quiz. All teams answered questions correctly and competently, participated in competitions, read poetry, and completed all tasks correctly. Did you like it? And now the floor is given to our distinguished jury.