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Initial sh. Primary School

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator presents 12 examples on the designated topic.

Subject: Mathematics

This resource can be used at home and in mathematics lessons for the purpose of consolidation and self-control on the topic “Tabular multiplication and division.”

Purpose: to test students’ knowledge on the topic “Tabular multiplication and division.”

1) Systematize knowledge of the topic studied.

2) Develop self-control skills when working on a task on a personal computer.

3) Create conditions for increasing interest in the subject being studied.

Subject: Mathematics

Didactic material for the lesson "Numbers from 1 to 100. Addition and subtraction. Part 1" was created using the technological technique "Crossword with a keyboard" for 2nd grade students. Any educational complex.

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

This resource was created for 2nd grade students. Any educational complex. The presentation uses a template by A. N. Komarovsky. Macros must be enabled.

Select “Include this content” and “OK”.

Important: do not save changes after finishing work.

I use this resource not only to test students’ knowledge, but also as a simulator.

Goal: control of computing skills.

Objectives: test students’ knowledge on the topic “Addition and subtraction within 100”; develop self-control skills; cultivate interest in the subject.

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator presents 16 examples on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The assignment was created for the Russian language lesson in 3rd grade "Parts of Speech". The card can be used as a non-standard homework assignment or in class for individual and pair work.

Goal: developing the ability to distinguish parts of speech
- improve the ability to accurately identify parts of speech;
- develop oral and written speech;
- cultivate interest in learning the Russian language.
Expected results:
- students will learn to accurately identify parts of speech;
- work with information in a non-standard form.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Dictionary words are those words whose spelling does not correspond to pronunciation and does not obey any known rules of the Russian language, therefore, in order to write correctly, the spelling of these words has to be memorized. Spelling vocabulary words always causes a lot of difficulties for students.
Goal: monitoring the development of spelling skills.
Objectives: to increase the efficiency of learning the Russian language; develop mental operations; cultivate interest in the subject.

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The task was created for the Russian language lesson in 3rd grade "Spelling words with hard and soft separating signs." The card can be used as a non-standard homework assignment or in class for individual and pair work.

Target: developing the ability to distinguish between words with separating and soft signs


Improve the ability to accurately write words with learned spellings;

Develop oral and written speech;

Cultivate interest in learning the Russian language.

Expected results:

Students will learn to accurately write words with the studied spellings;

Work with information in a non-standard form.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator presents 24 examples on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

This presentation can be used in lessons about the surrounding world in 2nd grade. Goal: to form ideas about changes in plant life in winter and to become familiar with ways to identify tree species in winter by external distinctive features.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 2nd grade

"February 23" The intellectual game is intended for primary school children and can be used during class hours and extracurricular events dedicated to February 23. The presentation consists of 15 questions by February 23 and will “revive” any event and add interest to the topic.
Objectives: To form in children the image of a defender of their state. Instill love for the Fatherland and native land. To foster feelings of pride in the history of the country’s formation and the need to defend the Motherland.

Target audience: for 4th grade

Didactic material using the technological technique “Crossword with a keyboard” for students in grades 1-4. Any educational complex.

Goal: creating conditions for learning and consolidating vocabulary words

contribute to increasing the efficiency of learning the Russian language;

practice the skill of spelling vocabulary words;

to cultivate interest in the subject and the need for the use and application of computer programs in teaching.

This resource can be used for group and individual work.

Work with the presentation is carried out using control buttons.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 2nd grade

Literary reading generalization for the section “I love Russian nature. Spring". 2nd grade of educational complex "School of Russia".

Goal: expanding knowledge about spring

  • introduce the signs of spring;
  • develop interest in the surrounding world;
  • develop the ability to observe the signs of spring.

The resource can be used for individual, group and frontal work with the class.

Subject: Literary reading

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator presents 20 examples on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Primary School I Elementary School

a general education educational institution for children, providing primary education (elementary knowledge in the field of the native language, mathematics, as well as about nature and society); in modern systems of public education (See Public education) of most countries N. sh. (primary classes) is the first stage of compulsory universal education (See Universal education). The age of children entering the N.S. school and the duration of their studies in it are not the same in different countries. In Great Britain, for example, children's education begins at the age of 5 in so-called infant schools, from which, after two years of education, children move to N.S. - classes (4 years). In France, education begins at the age of 6 and is carried out in N.S. under a single program for 5 years. Children from the age of 6 are admitted to elementary schools in the United States; they undergo a 6- or 8-year (in schools in small towns) course of study. In most countries of Latin America, the N.S. course is usually 6-year, in some countries (Colombia, Peru, Dominican Republic, Brazil) - 5-year, in N.S. (classes) accept children from 6 years old. In Italy, 3-year schools (first cycle of N.S.) are compulsory for children 6 years of age; the full course of education is carried out over 4-5 years. In N. sh. (classes) in socialist countries, children’s education begins at the age of 6 (for example, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany) or at the age of 7 (USSR, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria). The course of primary education in most socialist countries is 3-4 years.

First N. sh. on the territory that is now part of the USSR, arose in the 4th century. in Georgia and Armenia, in Russia - in the 9th-11th centuries. Schools for teaching children to read and write, read church books and chant were created at churches and monasteries; A major role in the spread of literacy (especially in the 14th-16th centuries) was played by masters of literacy, who taught children in families or created small schools in their own homes.

In 1701, the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences was founded in Moscow. . The primary grades of the school consisted of two successive stages: the “Russian school” (reading and writing) and the “numerical school” (counting and basic arithmetic and geometry). Since 1714, digital schools began to be established for children of all classes, except peasants. In these schools, children received basic mathematical knowledge and learned reading and writing. By the middle of the 18th century. digital schools fell into disrepair, some of them were merged with garrison schools (See Garrison schools) , where the children of soldiers were trained. Representatives of the progressive part of society (I.T. Pososhkov, V.N. Tatishchev and others) advocated the need for primary education for peasant children. In 1782, the “Commission on the Establishment of Schools” was organized, which, under the leadership of F. I. Yankovic de Mirievo, developed the “Charter of Public Schools” (1786). According to the charter, Main Public Schools with a 5-year period of study were opened in provincial cities, and Small Public Schools (2 years) were opened in district cities. A class-lesson education system was introduced, first used in fraternal schools (See Fraternal schools) Western Ukraine and Belarus in the 16th century. New textbooks and visual aids have appeared. The charter, adopted in 1804, provided for the creation of a unified, classless system of secondary schools. The system was based on parochial schools , established in cities and much less often in villages, as well as district schools (See district school). The Charter of 1828 preserved these types of educational institutions, but they no longer represented a single system and acquired a class character (parish schools were intended for the lower classes, district schools for the middle classes). The charter directed all the activities of the school to strengthen the foundations of “Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality.” The progressive public expressed dissatisfaction with the people's education system and demanded its reform. The government in the early 60s. 19th century was forced to begin developing a school reform project (as an integral part of the bourgeois reforms of the 60-70s). In 1864, the “Regulations on Primary Public Schools” were approved. N. Sh., as before, was tasked with establishing religious concepts among the people and disseminating basic knowledge. A unified curriculum was introduced, which included the law of God, reading church and civil books, counting (4 arithmetic operations), and church singing. Instruction in schools was allowed only in Russian N. Sh. was declared classless, it was allowed to open schools for local governments, societies and individuals, and to appoint not only men but also women as teachers. All N. sh. according to the new Regulations, they came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education, with the exception of parochial schools (See Parochial schools) , which remained under the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod. For the management of N. sh. District and provincial school councils were established locally. N. sh. constituted a special system of education for the masses, not associated with secondary school.

The social pedagogical movement of the 60s made a great contribution to the development of primary education. The number of parish schools and so-called Sunday schools has increased significantly (See Sunday schools). This time marks the publication of K. D. Ushinsky’s books “Native Word” and “Children’s World,” which played a huge role in the formation of Russian literature. N. sh. Development of N. highway in the 60-70s. is closely connected with the activities of zemstvos (See Zemstvo). During 1865-74, in 34 provinces where zemstvos were established, a network of N. sh. has increased significantly. Zemstvo schools were considered the best in terms of educational work. They not only taught reading, writing and arithmetic, but also provided information on natural science, geography and history. Zemstvos supplied schools with visual aids and textbooks, books for reading written by K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy and other progressive teachers, and showed concern for improving the qualifications of teachers. However, this activity of the zemstvos caused discontent in government circles. In 1874, a new “Regulation on Primary Public Schools” was approved, which was in force until 1917. Zemstvos were not allowed to interfere in the educational work of schools; their activities in the field of public education were limited to resolving economic issues. Since the 80s The government and the church began to intensively establish parochial schools as the most reliable.

After the victory of the October Revolution of 1917, management of schools was transferred to the People's Commissariat of Education, and locally to the departments of public education of the Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies. In 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on the separation of church from state and school from church. The state covered all expenses for maintaining schools.

In the early 30s. Universal compulsory primary education was introduced. Initially N. sh. had a 5-year training period established by the “Regulations on the Unified Labor School” (1918). In connection with the creation of a 7-year school in the public education system (1923), the period of study in N.S. reduced to 4 years; since the late 60s (after extensive experimental testing) - up to 3 years.

N. sh. in the USSR and the corresponding classes of 8-year and secondary schools - an organic part of a single comprehensive labor polytechnic school. The continuity of all levels of the school is ensured by the complete consistency of curricula and programs and the unity of the principles of organizing educational work based on the general tasks of communist education (See Communist education) of the younger generation. N. sh. are created mainly in small settlements where there are no 8-year or secondary schools. Radius of the served N. highway. area does not exceed 3 km. Children who are 7 years old at the beginning of the school year are accepted into 1st grade. An experiment is being conducted to organize education from the age of 6. In a number of union and autonomous republics, preparatory classes are being created for children 6 years old (especially those who do not speak Russian) to prepare them for studying in N.S. with parallel study of the native and Russian languages. In N. sh. and in primary grades of 8-year and secondary schools, all subjects are taught by one teacher. Mandatory classes per week are 24 hours; in national schools (with instruction in the native language and voluntary study of Russian or another national language), an increase in the teaching load by 2-3 hours is allowed. Homework is designed to be completed within the following limits: in 1st grade - up to 1 hour, in 2nd grade - up to 1.5 hours, in 3rd grade - up to 2 hours. The curriculum provides for the study of Russian (native - in national schools) language, mathematics, natural history, labor classes, fine arts, music, and physical education. The Russian (native) language program includes initial information on grammar and spelling, the formation of coherent oral and written speech, conscious, expressive reading skills with a gradual increase in fluency (up to 80-90 words per minute by the end of the 3rd year of study). Class reading is supplemented by extracurricular reading (special lessons are held). In reading and grammar lessons, much attention is paid to logical exercises and the development of independent judgments in the student. The mathematics program includes numbering and arithmetic operations from the first ten to multi-digit numbers within the class of millions, the concept of fractions, the metric system of lengths and weights, time and its measurement. Geometric material (geometric figures on a plane) is studied in close connection with arithmetic operations. Particular attention is paid to the development of mathematical thinking. The natural history program provides an introduction to natural phenomena, agricultural sciences. labor, basic information on human anatomy and physiology, the protection of human health, and environmental protection. The study of theoretical material is combined with experiments, practical work, and excursions. During labor lessons, work is done with different materials, household items, toys, etc. are made, and technical modeling tasks gradually become more complex. Fine arts classes include drawing from life, based on ideas, on given topics, decorative drawing, familiarization with individual works of fine art, etc. Lessons in singing and listening to music (using sound recordings) contribute to the formation of children's vocal and choral skills, artistic taste, and the development of musical abilities. Physical education classes (gymnastic exercises, games, ski training, etc.) are an important means of strengthening children's health. Training and education in N. sh. are organized taking into account the mental characteristics of children, their interests and requests.

Lit.: Konstantinov N. A., Struminsky V. Ya., Essays on the history of primary education in Russia, 2nd ed., M., 1953; Problems of training and education in primary school. Ed. B. G. Ananyev and A. I. Sorokina, M., 1960; Questions of psychology of educational activity of junior schoolchildren. Ed. D. B. Elkonina and V. V. Davydov, M., 1962; Zankov L.V., On primary education, M., 1963; Basic issues of primary education. Sat. Ed. A. S. Pchelko, M., 1963; Eight-year school programs. Primary classes (I-III), M., 1972; Essays on the history of school and pedagogical thought of the peoples of the USSR. XVIII century - per. floor. XIX century, M., 1973.

P. V. Zimin.

II Primary school ("Primary school")

monthly magazine, organ of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Published in Moscow since 1933. Designed for teachers of grades 1-3 in secondary schools. The magazine publishes materials on the organization of teaching in primary grades and educational work with children (including in small primary schools), on the use of visual aids and technical teaching aids in the educational process, and promotes advanced pedagogical experience. "N. sh." publishes materials to help teachers self-educate, holds discussions on current pedagogical issues, and covers the experience of primary schools abroad; there is a section “Criticism and Bibliography”. Famous scientists, methodologists, teachers, school leaders, and public education workers speak in the magazine. Circulation (1974) over 600 thousand copies.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    In the Russian Federation, a type of comprehensive school for children from 7 (6) years of age consisting of 1 3 (4) grades. Primary schools are opened in small settlements that do not have 8(9) summer and secondary schools. Graduated... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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The first three years in an educational institution are an important stage in the independent life of any child. The first is the period when the child rejoices at success and gets the opportunity to become an energetic participant in the educational process. He begins to realize his actions, evaluate his actions, predict, make decisions, express an opinion. And with the help of teachers, every child moves towards the truth with small but confident steps.

Primary school is of great importance in a person’s life. 1st grade is the time when it is important to observe the psychological rise of the child as an individual in order to direct his development to the main areas of life, such as aesthetics, emotionality, physical fitness, and much more. Teachers guide children whenever possible and instill in them the idea of ​​doing something better than others. This encourages the child to study to the best of his ability.

Rating system

Primary grades, namely first and second, have a non-grading system. This allows the baby to gain self-confidence and become self-critical. In the future, the student can go through life more boldly, avoid mistakes, but even if he makes them, thanks to self-criticism, he will not lose heart and try to correct them. Teachers are confident that such an assessment system is more effective, since the formation and development of a little person’s personality is impossible without recognition of his successes, achievements and good results.

In order to accurately understand and recognize the special abilities of each child, the teacher must thoroughly study his abilities, interests, and inclinations. Therefore, teachers in primary school closely monitor the systematic development and formation of the child in order to develop his individual abilities. The main principle is the development of independence in the student.

Adaptation work

At the present stage, almost all schools are implementing the “Program for preventing maladaptation of future first-graders.” At this stage, the child begins to meet with future teachers, communicates with a psychologist, speech therapist, doctor, and so on. It is possible to find out how developed the future student is. Specialists identify his individual abilities and adapt him to school. This subsequently makes the learning process at school painless. Training begins in May and by the beginning of the school year the students are already familiar with teachers, doctors and each other.

Federal State Educational Standard at the present stage of development

The goal is to direct the child to personal development, identify his abilities, and develop his personality in the learning process. There are three main requirements for the educational process:

  • educational outcome;
  • organization of the educational process by the school;
  • personnel, finance, government support.

The Federal State Educational Standard for primary grades puts the following conditions at the forefront:

  • requirements for the results of studying the main educational program of primary education;
  • requirements for the structure of the main educational program of primary general education;
  • requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main curriculum

The new Federal State Educational Standard differs from the old one in that previously the emphasis was on the development of the child’s qualities, instilling in him love for the Motherland, respect for family, society, etc., but the modern Federal State Educational Standard allows one to focus on the development of the individual. The system abandons traditional outcomes such as knowledge and skills. Now the main requirement is focused on personal qualities.

The new standard addresses the shortcomings of the old one. And when it comes to first-grade schoolchildren, a number of shortcomings in the old educational process are visible. A six-year-old child (and this is the level when the child goes to school) is prone to strong physical activity, so the school should have equipment that helps the teacher organize his work in such a way that he can work with all children at the same time, so that each child participates in educational activities. process.

Educational process of 2nd grade in Russia

Since there is no uniform educational standard in Russia, each school, even each class, has its own study plan. Some work with educational kits, others with textbooks. Each of the selected systems has its pros and cons.

Primary school (2nd grade) involves a comprehensive consolidation of first-grade material; subjects such as fine arts, labor, physical education, and basic life safety appear in the educational process.

In the second grade, it is necessary to develop the child psychologically. It is necessary to approach each student individually, inform him about the diversity of the world, conduct educational conversations, involve him in in-class and extracurricular games, reading, in various clubs, where they develop and develop their activities. In the second grade, the child begins to develop interests in certain activities. Some children show a penchant for mathematics and physics. Some of the children are drawn to humanities subjects. The attention of loved ones, relatives and the enormous work of the teacher help to identify these directions.

Educational process of 4th grade in Russia

Primary school makes a huge contribution to personal development. Grade 4 is a summary of the first three years of education. We can also talk about the initial perception of life and society as a whole. Here, through observation, the intellectual and personal sphere, the level of readiness for the transition to secondary school are revealed. In addition to the formed system of relationships and social behavior, a characteristic is also given to the parents, who have a certain responsibility for the child, and a psychological characteristic is given to the student, his readiness to transition to a more independent and adult life.

Primary classes - the foundation of education

Primary grades, 4th grade in particular, are the foundation of education. On this path, a little person begins to understand himself, the world, and his environment. For full development, his relationships with peers play an important role. A child’s attitude towards the world and towards people largely depends on the well-being around him, self-esteem, and the positivity emanating from those around him.

The topic of relationships with classmates and friends during this period comes to the fore. To make it easier for a child to adapt to society, he must be able to find common ground with others. This implies the development of skills and abilities to adapt to one’s environment.

Disadvantages of the modern approach to education

Children are all different. Accordingly, you cannot expect the same results from them either. However, they have to learn to listen to the same teachers one by one. Often at the same time the phrase is uttered that this student is capable, this one is not. Which, in its essence, is wrong, since the school at the initial stage must develop the child’s unique abilities to the maximum.

It is worth remembering that every child has an inclination towards a certain area. One child will be interested in history, another - physics and mathematics. The task of teachers is to discern the talents of every little student. Children should not be deprived of attention from their parents either. The future life of a member of society depends on how productive the years in primary school are.


Primary school is the most important stage in the life of every child. A child will be able to easily adapt to modern society if he is not deprived of the attention of teachers in primary school, as well as family and friends. It is worth noticing the gaps in each child’s education in a timely manner. It will be much easier to solve the problem at an early stage.

Primary school is from 1st to 4th grade inclusive. This is the basis for further education of children and, don’t argue, competition for parents. After all, the child himself will not be able to remember everything in class, and the way you explain the material to him at home will remain in his head. If the mother herself speaks illiterately, there is no point in hoping that the child will not have problems with the Russian language! If you don’t teach your child at home, even the best teacher won’t help! The lessons and instructions of the teacher are a small grain in the education of primary school children.

Although homework has long been abolished in first grade, it is still necessary to study at home. Even if the teacher didn’t ask anything, ask your child what they studied at school today. The child will tell you, and this will be a repetition of the material covered. Ask him a couple of problems on this topic, as if you yourself are interested in how to solve them correctly. You don’t need to force your child, find the motivation to make him want to study. In the first grade, in a playful way, and then you can play on ambition, because everyone loves to be praised.

And we will help you a little with your child. Visual aids, summaries of material on various topics, rules and exceptions, problem solving, independent work and tests that you can give your child to do additionally - all this is in this section of our website.

We call the whole world that surrounds us nature. This world is amazing, it contains living and nonliving things, both are beautiful and can tell us about the secrets of the world around us. The lesson The world around us is one of the most beloved by students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4. And all because on it the teacher tells what such interesting things are happening around us, how nature works, what animals inhabit the Earth and what benefits they provide to humans. The inanimate world also attracts, only precious stones can captivate you into their extraordinary world of beauty, and space excites even the most spoiled imagination. We offer you ready-made reports and presentations on all topics of the surrounding world for elementary school.

Let's not ignore reports and presentations about our smaller brothers - animals, so popular in modern schools. Lessons from "The World around us" cannot do without them. Such methods of presenting material as presentations are very visual and therefore are loved by teachers. Moreover, now many classrooms have a projector, and everything can not only be told, but also shown. And it’s easier for the teacher - you don’t need to prepare a lot of didactic materials for the lesson, the children and their parents will do everything for him. Wild and domestic, big and small, inhabitants of forests, African savannah, wild jungle and ice, the child can easily learn a lot about all these animals, and parents only need to copy the presentation to the desired file and save it on the student’s flash drive.