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Doesn't play a significant role. The number of the candidate list does not play a significant role - analysts

Although formally the drawing of list numbers for elections to the Seimas has great importance, the order of the ballots probably does not significantly affect the results. The fact that a certain number can bring good luck, or, conversely, “sink” a certain party, is ruled out by all the experts interviewed by LTV journalists.

“The fact that these lists have this or that figure, I don’t think it has any significance,” admitted the head of the Central Election Commission, Arnis Tsimdars.

Sociologist Arnis Kaktiņš noted that the numbers have no meaning that could influence the outcome of the elections.

Voters care primarily about personality, and the party or party program that these people represent is most often secondary.

“We know that many voters who come to the polls do not have one choice in mind. Many people make their choice at the polling station. But, as we know, in most cases they already have a fairly short list in their head. They know that they could vote for party A, for party B or C. And then these three are chosen from the stack of ballots, and these three are looked at - what kind of people are there,” added Kaktiņš.

“We enlarged the font, and if before it was gray, now we have made it black - for those people who have poor eyesight, so that they can take the ballot without the help of others and make their choice,” Tsimdars told LTV7 journalists.

The volume of work of the Central Election Commission will increase due to an increase in the lists and number of candidates for deputies - compared to the elections to the 10th, 11th and 12th Seimas. This means that many more ballots will have to be printed. According to the head of the Central Election Commission, this is an extra truckload of paper.

As already, on Friday, August 10, a meeting of the Central Election Commission (CEC) was held in the Red Hall of the Seimas, at which the numbers of candidate lists of parties for the parliamentary elections were drawn. They will take place on October 6.

Agglutination occurs in all interactions except: 2. A+b

Agglutinins α and β are found in the following components of the blood: 4 . plasma

Agglutinogens A and B are found in: 3. red blood cells

Agranulocytosis is characterized by: 4.absence or significant decrease in the absolute number of all types of granulocytes

The activity of the fibrinolytic system is assessed by: 5. determination of antithrombin III

Nutritional factor that increases the peptic activity of gastric juice: 5.frequent consumption of meat foods

Arrhythmias are a consequence of a violation of the following properties: 4) their combined disorders

Arterial hypotension can develop when: 3.heart failure

Arterial hypertension is divided depending on: 5)all of the above are true

Third degree atrioventricular block is characterized by: 5) complete separation of atrial and ventricular rhythms

Paleness and decreased skin temperature in patients with congestive heart failure are associated with: 3. increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system

Depending on the cardiac output, arterial hypertension can be: 2.hyper- and eukinetic

The following plays a role in protecting the gastric mucosa from acid-peptic aggression of gastric juice: 2.secretion of bicarbonates

Excess cAMP accumulates in cardiomyocytes as a result of: 5) decrease in plasma membrane K-ATPase

The blood of the second blood group contains: 3. A-agglutinogen and b-agglutinin

The blood of the third blood group contains: 2. agglutinogen B and agglutinin a

The blood of the fourth group contains: 2. agglutinogens A and B

In the mechanism of platelet-vascular hemostasis, the following is important: 1. adhesion, aggregation of platelets and their release of biologically active substances (thromboxane-A2, etc.)

The Frank-Starling compensatory mechanism is based on: 1.increase in cardiac tension in response to myocardial tension

In the pathogenesis of leukemia, the following is crucial for the formation of a malignant autonomous cell clone: formation of malignant genes or activation of oncogenes in stem cells of order 11-111

In the pathogenesis of edema in congestive heart failure, the following is important: 4.increased levels of aldosterone and vasopressin in the blood

The following mechanism does not play a significant role in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers: 2.reduction of parasympathetic influences on the gastric mucosa

In the pathogenesis of primary arterial hypotension it does not matter: 1.damage to the adrenal cortex, accompanied by a decrease in glucocorticoids

In the pathogenesis of sinus (respiratory) arrhythmia, it is important 1) formation of an ectopic focus of impulses 2) fluctuations in vagal tone

In the pathogenesis of sinus bradycardia it is important 1) slowing down spontaneous depolarization of the cardiomyocyte membrane

The first blood group contains: 4. a- and b-agglutinins, agglutinogens A and B are absent

In the first phase of coagulation hemostasis, the following occurs: 5. formation of prothrombinase

As a result of the second phase of coagulation hemostasis, the following occurs: 5 . thrombin formation

An active anticoagulant is produced in mast cells and basophils: 2. heparin

An important difference between hypertension and other arterial hypertension is: 5.occurs against the background of the absence of significant organic lesions of the internal organs involved in its regulation

Substances that block various phases of blood coagulation are called: 4.anticoagulants

Extraintestinal manifestations of enteritis: 2. significant reduction in body weight

Possible cause of arterial hypotension: 2)hypohydration of the body

Possible causes of intestinal autointoxication may be: 5. acholia

A possible cause of left ventricular failure is: 1.infarction of the lateral wall of the left ventricle

A possible reason for the development of right ventricular failure may be: 1.ventricular septal defect

Possible consequences of chronic arterial hypertension may be: 5.all listed

Possible reasons for decreased secretory activity of the pancreas are: 1.decreased production and secretion of secretin

The occurrence of steatorrhea is caused by the following digestive disorders: 3. insufficiency of intestinal lipase synthesis

Absorption of certain vitamins is significantly impaired in acholia: 2. vitamin B2

Is it always possible to detect blast forms in the peripheral blood of leukemia?? 2) no

Select the manifestations that characterize the erectile shock phase: 2) arterial hypotension

The release of leukocytes from the depot leads to distributive leukocytosis when: 1.excitation of the vagus nerve

The following types of pathological leukocytosis are distinguished: 2.traumatic

The following types of neutrophil shift to the right are distinguished: degenerative

The following forms of essential arterial hypertension are distinguished: 5)all of the above are true

Hematomas are typical for: 4. deficiency of plasma factors

Hemodynamics in heart failure is characterized by: 1.increased venous pressure

1.increasing the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to pressor factors

Hypernatremia contributes to the development of arterial hypertension through: 3.increasing the vasomotor component of vascular tone

A hyperregenerative shift to the left is manifested: 2.increase in the total number of leukocytes 20-25 x10/9

Hypersecretion in the small intestine occurs as a result of: 2.excess gastrin production

Hyposecretion (achilia) is the cause of insufficient absorption of ions: 2.iron

Hyposecretion and achylia in the stomach are most often observed with: 4.atrophic gastritis

Hypotension is characterized by: 2) decreased vascular tone

The hormonal mechanism that provides increased vascular tone in heart failure is: 1. release of mineralocorticoids

The hormonal mechanism that ensures an increase in vascular tone in heart failure is: 3. activation of the cortico-hypothalamic-pituitary system

Humoral factor inhibiting gastric motility: 4.serotonin

Humoral factors that enhance gastric motility include: 2.gastrin

ActionHelicobacterpylorion the mucous membrane is determined: 1.production of urease

dissociation with interference is: 4) a decrease in the resting frequency of generation of excitation impulses by the sinus-atrial node below normal with equal intervals between them

Esophageal dysfunction is characterized by: 4.difficulty in passing food through the esophagus into the stomach

Diffuse spasm of the esophagus is characterized by: 3.contraction of the smooth muscles of all parts of the wall of the esophagus with preserved tone of the lower sphincter

Which of the following diseases is characterized by pancytosis (increased levels of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets in the blood)? erythremia (Vaquez disease);

The following manifestations are characteristic of left ventricular failure: 4.decrease in cardiac output

The leukemoid reaction is characterized by: 1. significant increase in the number of mature forms of leukocytes

Acute leukemia in the advanced stage in the peripheral blood is characterized by: a sharp shift of the formula to the left and leukemoid failure

It is not typical for pancreatic achylia: 1.bulimia

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia is characterized by: 3. Heart rate exceeds 250/min

For all phases of hemocoagulation to occur, the participation of ions is necessary: 4. calcium

For intestinal digestion disorders with insufficient or complete cessation of the flow of bile into the intestines, it is not typical: 2. acceleration of digestion and absorption of fats

A regenerative shift to the left is characterized by: 3.increase in segmented cells

The third stage of hypertension is characterized by: 2) damage to target organs and disruption of their function

The protective value of vomiting on the body is: 1.removal of toxic substances from the body

Excessive alkalization during hypersalivation leads to: 2.reducing the peptic activity of gastric juice

Perversion of appetite is called: 5.pararexia

Changes in gas composition and CBS indices in acute DN are as follows: hypoxemia, acute respiratory acidosis;

The nuclear shift index reflects: 1. the sum of all young forms of neutrophils

Intensity of functioning of hypertrophied cardiomyocytes in the phase of stable compensation: 1.reduces to normal

The use of cytostatics for the treatment of leukemia in insufficient dosages can accelerate the development of tumor progression, because: 3) selection of the most malignant clones from leukemia cells is possible

True leukopenia develops due to: 4.all of the above

True leukocytosis is characterized by: 4.qualitative changes in leukocytes

True leukocytosis: caused by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood of intestinal vessels after eating


“Symptomatic” arterial hypertension does not include: 3.essential

Nutritional factors that increase the peptic activity of gastric juice include: 5.frequent consumption of meat foods

Alorhythms include: 4)all of the above

The arrhythmogenic effects of increasing the extracellular content of K ions include: 3) lowering the excitability threshold of cardiomyocytes

TO biological factors, directly damaging the digestive organs include: 3.deficiency or excess of vitamins

Substances with vasoconstrictor effects do not include: 3.aldosterone

Possible complications of arterial hypertension include: 4.myocardial infarction


Possible consequences of chronic arterial hypertension include: 3.myocardial infarction

Secondary anticoagulants include: antithrombin IV

Patients at high risk of developing arterial hypertension include: 3) with proteinuria and creatinemia 1.2-2 mg/dl

Patients at very high risk of developing cardiovascular complications include: 2) associated diseases (angina pectoris, heart failure, etc.), regardless of the degree of blood pressure

Intrapulmonary causes of DN do not include: 3) Damage to the respiratory muscles;

Intrapulmonary causes of DN include: 1) disturbances in ventilation-perfusion ratios;

Clinical signs of malabsorption syndrome do not include: 3.weight loss

Combined arrhythmias include: 5)all of the above are true

The compensatory mechanism associated with cardiac dysfunction includes: 2.change in minute volume

Metabolites with a hypotensive effect include: 1)nitric oxide

The mechanism of development of hypertension does not include: 2.depletion of adrenal cortex function

The mechanism of urgent cardiac compensation of hemodynamic disturbances in heart failure does not include: 4. myocardial hypertrophy

The mechanism of urgent extracardial compensation of hemodynamic disturbances in heart failure includes: 2.increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system

The molecular cellular mechanism of the development of heart failure includes: 1.defects of genes and their expression

To the molecular cellular mechanism of the development of heart failure: 4.damage to the membrane apparatus

Conduction disorders in the heart include: 4) change in the speed of impulse conduction (slowdown, blockade)

Nomotopic arrhythmias resulting from a violation of cardiac automaticity do not include: 1) atrioventricular rhythm

Complications of arterial hypertension do not include: 1) decreased cardiac output

The main mechanism of decreased myocardial contractile function in heart failure does not include: 5. cell degranulation

The main manifestations of acute DN do not include: 1) bradypnea;

The main properties of the myocardium do not include: 5.glycolytic metabolism of carbohydrates

Features of membrane digestion include: 1. carried out by enzymes fixed on the membrane of the intestinal brush border

The causes of heart failure in the myocardial type do not include: 5.aortic stenosis

The causes of the development of essential hypertension include: 3.genetic defects of the centers of the autonomic nervous system

The manifestation of malabsorption syndrome includes the following factors: 5.all of the above factors

Can lead to the development of cardiac asthma next type heart failure: 4.left ventricular and total

Distributive leukocytosis leads to: 2.anaphylactic shock

The reflex adaptive mechanism of the heart in heart failure includes: 2.increased heart contractions (Starling’s law)

Symptomatic arterial hypertension does not include: 1.essential

Sick sinus syndrome includes: 5 - all of the above

The vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin 2 does not include: 1.stimulation of glucocorticoid secretion

The stage of compensatory myocardial hyperfunction does not include: 5.complete myosclerosis

Typical changes in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood include: leukocytosis

Increased intestinal peristalsis leads to: 5.achilya

Risk factors for developing hypertension do not include: 5.cachexia

Factors not involved in the pathogenesis of belching include: 3.cardiospasm

Factors that determine the strength of heart contractions in heart failure include: 5.sympathetic reflexes

Cardiac overload factors that increase afterload include: 3.arterial hypertension

Risk factors for developing hypertension do not include: 5.spicy food

Physiological leukocytosis includes: 3.traumatic

The functional characteristics of lymphocytes include: 3.produce histamine

Endogenous substances that help lower blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance do not include: 1. catecholamines

Extrapulmonary causes of DN development do not include: myasthenia gravis;

Emergency compensation mechanisms for heart failure include: 2.tachycardia

How does bleeding and protein synthesis change in liver failure? 3 decreased protein synthesis, procoagulants and increased bleeding

How does the evacuation of food masses from the stomach change with increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice: 1.slows down

How does the amplitude change during gasping breathing: decreases;

How does the amplitude change during hasting breathing? increases, then decreases.

What is the value of blood pressure in mm Hg. indicates the presence of hypertension in people aged 20 to 60 years: 4.170/110

What types of arrhythmias are heterotopic: (6) 5) idioventricular rhythm

What types of arrhythmias are nomotopic: 2) AV rhythm

What changes in external respiration parameters are characteristic of severe DN (3 stages): increasing MOD;

Which cells are descendants of B lymphocytes: 4.plasma cells

What medical and social factors do not influence the increase in the incidence of DN development: 3)decrease in birth rate;

Which breathing is not terminal: gasping breath.

Which breathing is terminal? Biota;

Which of the following medical and social conditions does not affect the increase in the incidence of respiratory failure (RF): widespread diseases of the cardiovascular system;

What pathological condition is accompanied by inspiratory dyspnea: diphtheria;

What condition leads to increased intestinal peristalsis: 5.achilya

What phenomenon underlies the compensatory pause after ventricular extrasystole? 1) decreased excitability of cells of the sinoatrial refractory node 4) positive dromotropic effect of extrasystole

What type of hypoxia develops during acute arterial hypotension: 2.circulatory

Which of the following options is most typical for the typical course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia? pronounced leukocytosis with absolute lymphocytosis.

Which of the indicators most likely characterizes a violation of the systolic function of the left ventricle of the heart? 2) decrease in cardiac stroke volume (SV)

Which ECG sign reflects the presence of a necrosis focus in the myocardium? 5) shift of the ST segment upward from the isoline

Which ECG sign reflects the presence of a focus of subendocardial ischemia in the myocardium? 3) positive “coronary” T wave

What process is a unique form of infiltrative growth in leukemia? displacement of other germs of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;

What type of breathing develops with laryngeal stenosis? infrequent deep breathing with difficulty inhaling.

What type of leukemia is most often characteristic of childhood: acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Which factor is usually more important in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer: 1.acid-peptic aggression

The clinical manifestation of damage to the respiratory center is: apnestic breathing;

Coagulation hemostasis includes the following stages: 5. formation of thromboplastin, thrombin, fibrin

Combined rhythm disturbances are caused by: 4) a combination of changes in the properties of excitability, conductivity and automaticity

The compensatory mechanism that ensures normal blood gas composition during DN is: hyperventilation;

Bleeding in the early stages of acute leukemia is associated with: inhibition of megakaryocyte lineage

Laboratory indicators for DIC syndrome in the hypocoagulation stage have the following values: 3. blood clotting time and prothrombin time are increased


Leukemoid reaction can develop when: 3.liver dystrophy

Leukemoid reaction can develop when: 3.acute infectious process

Leukopenia manifests itself: 3.activation of myelopoiesis

Leukopenia is characterized by: 1. a condition characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood above 9x10 9/l

Medicines that contribute to the development of leukopenia: 1.sulfonamides

The mechanism of absolute erythrocytosis is associated with: activation of the sympathoadrenal system

The mechanism of DIC syndrome in the hypercoagulation stage is associated with: 3. activation of both coagulation cascades

The mechanism of white thrombus formation is associated with:

The mechanism of white thrombus formation is associated with: 2. Adhesion, aggregation and agglutination of platelets.

The mechanism of red blood clot formation is associated with: 4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of red blood clot formation is associated with: 4. Activation of procoagulants.

The mechanism of relative erythrocytosis is associated with:

The mechanism of primary erythrocytosis is associated with: stem cell mutation (CFUe type)

The mechanism of development of the leukemoid reaction is: 3. focal hyperplasia of normal sprouts of erythropoietic tissue

The mechanism of development of the leukemoid reaction is due to: 1.hypovolemia

The mechanism of intracardiac compensation during blood volume (pressure) overload is: 2. homeometric compensation mechanism

The mechanism of damage to the membranes and enzymes of myocardial cells in heart failure is: 5.excessive intensification of SPOL

Multiple myeloma (plasmocytoma) is associated with the appearance of a mutant clone from: B lymphocytes

Myocardial heart failure develops when: 2.intoxication

Can neutropenia be combined with leukemoid reaction? 1) yes

Name the extrapulmonary etiological factor in the development of DN: damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

Name which cells are present in the leukocyte formula in chronic myeloid leukemia: a large number of myeloblasts;

Name the cell that exocytes TNF (tumor necrosis factor): Tissue macrofvg

Name a cell that does not take part in the process of metastasis: Macrophage

Name laboratory diagnostic methods that allow you to detect clusters of blast cell differentiation: immunophenotyping using monoclonal antibodies;

Name the main method for diagnosing forms of acute leukemia: cytochemical study;

What are examples of diseases in which the likelihood of developing leukemia is increased: Klinefelter syndrome;

Name the cause of secondary emphysema: 4) bronchial asthma.

Name the extrapulmonary etiological factors of DN: strokes;

Name what causes graft versus host reaction: develops as a result of transplantation of T-lymphocytes from donors;

Name what is the morphological substrate of chronic leukemia: relatively differentiated cells of hematopoietic tissue;

What is the result of changes in the cell genome? transformation of normal hematopoietic cells into tumor cells;

Name the etiological factors leading to the development of leukemia: carcinogens;

The most common cause of the development of centrogenic arterial hypertension due to organic damage to brain structures is: 5) brain tumors

The presence of which cells in the peripheral blood is characteristic of acute myeloblastic leukemia? 2) myeloblasts, promyelocytes, band neutrophils, segmented neutrophils

The presence of which cells in the peripheral blood is characteristic of chronic myeloid leukemia? 1) myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, band neutrophils, segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils

Violation of the diffuse properties of alveolo-capillary membranes plays a major role in the development of respiratory failure with: interstitial pulmonary edema;

Impaired gastric motility does not lead to the development of: 4.constipation

Violations of what properties of the heart lead to the development of arrhythmias? 2) automaticity

The initial and leading link in the pathogenesis of adult respiratory distress syndrome is: pulmonary edema;

The initial and leading link in the pathogenesis of respiratory distress syndrome in newborns is: reducing the amount of surfactant;

Not a risk factor for the development of circulatory failure: 4.lack of fat in the diet

Heart failure from overload with increased volume (preload) develops in the following cases: 2.hypervolemia

1. prothrombin time (Quicke time)

The activity of anticoagulants is judged by: 5. determination of antithrombin III

One of the reasons for the development of obstructive respiratory failure is: collapse of bronchioles when the lungs lose their elastic properties;

One of the mechanisms for the development of leukocytosis is: hemodelution

One of the typical changes in the number of leukocytes per unit volume of blood is: 1.leukemia

One of the possible causes of leukopenia is: 1.tumor activation of leukopoiesis

The main cause of alveolar hypoventilation is: violation of the centrogenic mechanisms of regulation of external respiration.

The main cause of disorders of the digestive function of the intestine: 4. bile secretion disorders

The main reason for the development of leukopenia as a result of disruption of the process of formation of leukocytes is: 4. release of a large number of leukocytes from the vascular bed

The main reason for the development of gastric hypersecretion is: 1.increase in the mass of secretory cells

The main mechanisms of disorders of coagulation hemostasis: deficiency of one or more plasma factors

The main properties of a malignant autonomous clone of leukemia cells: release of growth inhibitors, migration of malignant cells,

The main link in the pathogenesis of overload heart failure with heart defects is: 1.imbalance between the increased mass of actomyosin and the mass of mitochondria resulting in relative energy deficiency

The main mechanism for the development of “true” lymphocytic leukocytosis is: 4. increased proliferation of agranulocyte cells

The main mechanism for the development of hypertension according to the hypothesis of E. Gelhorn is: 1.hypersecretion of renin in the JGA of the kidneys

The main mechanism for the development of leukemoid reaction is: entry into the vascular bed of excess blood elements

The main mechanism for the development of leukopenia is: 3.hemoconcentration

The main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of dumping syndrome is: 2.decrease in gastric reservoir function

The main factor determining the level of blood pressure is: 4) cardiac output and general peripheral vascular resistance

The main ECG sign of the Wolff-Parkinson-White phenomenon is Yes: 2 – presence of “delta wave”

Features of the pathogenesis of chronic leukemia: most of the mutant blast cells differentiate, there is no “leukemoid” failure

Relative lymphocytosis is accompanied by: 3.tuberculosis

Describe the concept of “leukemoid reaction”: changes in hematopoietic tissue and peripheral blood, similar to leukemia;

Describe the concept of “Leukemoid reaction”: conditions characterized by changes in hematopoietic organs, in peripheral blood and in the body as a whole, similar to leukemia.

Midterm control for sections 1 and 2.


in the discipline "Social science (including economics and law")

1st year, 1st semester

Option 1.


With the development of science and technology, the advent of machines in industrial production,mental ( physical) labor was increasingly replacedphysical ( mental) .

2. Complete the missing concept.

There are two types of communication:

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

Mythological worldviewproclaims ( denies) the ability to comprehend and explain the world.

There are several functions of culture:

    regulatory function;

    ……………………… ...; ( educational function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… ...; ( unifying function)

    …………………………… . ( relay function)

    Fill the table.

Student Rights

Student Responsibilities

1. The right to receive knowledge.

2. The right to transfer from one educational institution to another.

3. The right to enter a university.

4. The right to receive scholarships and financial assistance.

5. The right to stay in a hostel, preferential travel.

6. The right to a deferment from military service.

1. Obligation to comply academic discipline, performance educational assignments

2. The obligation to comply with educational norms and standards.

3. The obligation to take care of the property of the educational institution, maintain cleanliness and order in the premises.

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

The scienceNot ( no – superfluous) associated with practical activities, therefore (no – add) unimportant are the relations of science in general and the scientist in particular with society.

Option 2.

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

Satisfying needs ismeans ( purpose) labor activity.

    Complete the missing concepts.

There are several forms of communication:

    ………………………… .; ( household)

    business conversation;

    ………………………… .; ( persuasive)

    ………………………… ..; ( educational)

    cultural communication;

    …………………………… ; ( intercultural)

    …………………………… ; ( scientific)

    ritual communication, etc.

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

Spiritual productionno way ( directly) associated with material production.

    Complete the missing concepts.

There are several types of values:

    …………………… .; ( values ​​of society as a whole)

    values ​​of individual social communities, classes, groups.

5. Fill out the table.

Student Rights

Student Responsibilities


Science arose historicallyearlier ( Later) other types of human activity.

Option 3.

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

IN modern society the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities is essentialis decreasing (increases) .

    Complete the missing concepts.

Depending on the methods of interaction, communication is distinguished:

* …………………….; ( perceptual)

* verbal;

* ……………………. . (interactive)

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

The level of education and general culture of an individual directly affects the consumption of spiritual values. The higher a person’s culture, the higher his level of education, theless ( more) he strives to allocate funds and time to satisfy spiritual needs.

    Complete the missing concepts.

There are several forms of culture:

    ……………………… .; ( folk)

    ……………………… .; ( elitist)

    Mass culture.

5. Fill out the table.

Student Rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct errors in the sentence .

The question of the social responsibility of a scientistNot ( no – superfluous) plays a significant roleOuch ( essential) rollAnd ( role) in none ( In some) from the fields of science.

Option 4.

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

During the period of formation and development of industrial production, the worker began to be considered, along with machines, asactive subject production ( appendage of the machine) ; This approach excluded initiative in the performance of work duties.

    Complete the missing concepts.

Communication performs several important functions:

    information function;

    …………………………… ..; ( teaching function)

    educational function;

    ………………………… . ( function of maintaining joint activities of people)

    Correct the errors in the sentence .

Spiritual production is aimed at satisfactionmaterial ( spiritual) human needs.

    Complete the missing concepts.

The main elements of culture are:

    ……………………… ; ( colloquial)


    ……………………… . ( norms)

5. Fill out the table.

Student Rights

Student Responsibilities

6. Correct errors in the sentence .

Science activitiesNot ( no – superfluous) require special training, the presence of basic knowledge and skills in using special research tools, special education.

One type of social role, a set of expected behavior patterns (or norms) for men and women. Role in social psychology defined as a set of norms that determine how people in a given social position should behave. First... ... Gender Studies Terms

Nonna Mordyukova: best roles- Nonna Mordyukova died in Moscow on Sunday evening at the age of 83. The funeral of the People's Artist of the USSR will take place on Wednesday at the Kuntsevo cemetery. During her career, Nonna Mordyukova starred in about 60 films. Her film debut took place in 1948... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

MAIN ROLES, Russia, film studio "Agat", 2003. TV series (12 episodes). The main characters of the television series are two friends Ira and Zhenya, who came to Moscow from Voronezh. They dream of conquering the capital, Ira dreams of becoming an actress, Zhenya’s passion is cars. In Moscow they... Encyclopedia of Cinema

GENDER ROLES- – differentiation of activities, statuses, rights and responsibilities of individuals depending on their gender. Differentiation of P. r. manifests itself in the gender and age division of labor, the system of sexual stratification, the distribution of power and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

Contents 1 Episodes of the show 1.1 On the BBC 1.2 On Thames Television ... Wikipedia

Administrative divisions of the state of Rajasthan The population of the state of Rajasthan is characterized by the presence large number ethnic, ethnic... Wikipedia

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t matter, that’s the tenth thing; Badly; all the same, unimportant, rather bad, very nasty, bad, lousy, all the same, champ, don’t care, insignificant, disgusting, disastrous, worthless, indifferent, well... ... Synonym dictionary

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Market- (Market) A market is a system of relations between a seller (producer of services/goods) and a buyer (consumer of services/goods). The history of the market, market functions, market laws, types of markets, free market, government regulation... ... Investor Encyclopedia

ALCOHOLISM- a term first established by the largest Swedish fighter for sobriety Magnus Huss om (1852), who understood by it all stalemate. changes in the body that develop under the influence of alcohol consumption. Over time, this term has been used in the works... ... Big medical encyclopedia


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