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Description of the nature of the native land monologue description. Essay on the topic “the nature of my land”

Essay on the topic: “The nature of the native land”

The nature of the native land.

Nature differs in different parts of the globe. Even within the territory of one country there may be differences if that country is large. Like, for example, Russia. In Russia, in different places, nature can be different, very different from the nature of other places. Therefore, native nature is different for each person. For example, for some people, the nature of their native land is mountains - beautiful steep cliffs, slopes covered with grass or forests, mysterious stones, plants characteristic only of these places. For others, the native land of nature is the cold northern sea, gray waves, schools of fish, for which fishing seiners are sent. And for others, it is the southern sea, warm, with sandy or pebble beaches, with the hot sun above them, with vineyards that grow along the entire coast.

There is native nature - a simple forest, an ordinary green lawn, familiar birds, simple familiar flowers. To those who live here, such nature will seem too simple. And for those who have never seen this before, on the contrary, it is very romantic and extraordinary.

It is very rare for any natural areas to occur on the territory of one country. For the inhabitants of Russia, rivers, steppes, mountains, seas, forests, tundra, and taiga - all this is native nature, the wealth of the country. Native nature is all the bodies of water, the bowels of the earth, minerals, all the animals that live here, all the plants that grow here. Our nature is very rich and deserves to be protected.

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Essay on the topic: “The nature of the native land”

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Tregubova Galina
Essay “On the nature of the native land”

My beauty is Central Russian,

My beauty is incomparable,

You are cheerful, you are also sad,

You are my home dear and universe.

From early childhood, as far as I can remember, I saw these, as if painted on canvas by a skilled artist, paintings: luxurious emerald greenery, curly malachite gardens and woodlands, chalk hills with a great variety of wildflowers and glades of fragrant strawberries coquettishly hiding from my eyes. My little land, my tiny Universe is concentrated in the outback, in the village of Sirotovka, Podgorensky district, Voronezh region. This is where my upbringing, my ideas about the vast world, my attitude towards nature, animals, people. From here I set off on my long journey through life, precisely thanks to everything that I absorbed while communicating with nature of the native land, I now teach little children not only to listen to the music of the wind, the voice of the sun and the cheerful hubbub of birds, but also to listen to the buzzing of bees and bumblebees, to the light whisper of petals, to the rustling of the wings of a butterfly or dragonfly. Together with my students, we learn not only to see what is in front of our eyes, but also to peer, for example, into the patterns on leaves and blades of grass, on the wings of a butterfly and on the back of a lizard scurrying between the stems of plants.

I love my region at any time of the year. But my favorite, like probably many of my children’s, is still summer. When you can take an old basket woven by your grandfather and slowly go to "journey"- walk along the soft cool grass to the protected places of strawberries blushing on the slopes of the chalk mountains. And sit down, stretching out your bare feet, right on a mound of earth, around which there are apparently invisibly delicious berries just begging to be eaten in your mouth. And eat to your heart's content, and pack a full basket for your mother and little sisters, and hit the road again - now choosing other, unexplored stitches. It seems to me that only here, precisely in our region, almost untouched by civilization, can you go outside the outskirts at sunset, lie down in the tall grass, warmed by the sun during the day, and watch in fascination as the star, which has already given up all its heat, slowly rolls over the mountain. Or you can go out into a spacious meadow and pick an armful of wildflowers. Then put them in a large glass vase in the hall, and then the whole house will be filled with the smells of fresh wind, wormwood, chamomile and mint. You can also run barefoot through the feather-soft road dust, hide behind a big old willow tree and watch a rural shepherd drive a herd of cows out of the pasture. And the whole village at such hours seemed to be saturated with the smell of fresh milk. And then skip and jump to a small river to splash around in the gentle silky water, dive from a rickety wooden bridge and admire the lilies and water lilies. You can catch a little frog, examine it very carefully and be sure to release it into the wild - that’s what she taught us Mother: every living creature created by God, Nature, wants to live no less than people.

I was born here, I studied here,

And the snow was replaced by blossoms,

Here the earth gave me a high spirit,

Both confidence and doubt.

Am I sitting alone by the river?

Or I look at the stars at night,

I won’t believe, no, evil prophecies,

I believe in you, my dear, I believe and love you.

About all this and many other encounters with the living world nature I tell my students. And then together we find an ant in the grass and look at it with interest; holding our breath, we watch the spider, intently weaving its "net"- a web to catch a careless midge or mosquito; We look with enthusiasm at the wings of the swallowtail butterfly, so that later we can transfer these patterns to paper.

As a child, I always liked the nasty summer rains. I then jumped out into the street, jumped barefoot in the puddles, screamed loudly with delight, and then, dirty, wet, but completely happy, returned to her yard. There was always a barrel with rainwater, which I climbed into right in my cotton dress, washed myself and entered the house already clean. Mom just smiled, she knew my passion - running through puddles in the rain.

Now a beautiful Orthodox church has been erected in our village. Which means the village lives! I often visit my parents’ house, and in the summer I still pick wildflowers and strawberries. And I love my tiny – within the framework of huge Russia – corner very much nature, my little one "paradise" who gave me "a start to life".

My beauty, my side,

My beauty is incomparable!

How small you are, my land, but you are the land

Where the entire Universe fits.

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You can write an essay-reasoning “On the nature of your native land” in any class. Therefore, students must be prepared for such work. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to turn on your imagination, remember the beautiful landscapes and transfer all your thoughts to a piece of paper in a notebook.

What to write about in an essay?

The essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land” should be written competently and with mood. It would be great if the content would tell you what species of trees and shrubs predominate in your native land. If you wish, you can describe a specific corner of nature that you especially like, for example a park, a forest.

Essay plan

To make it easier to write an essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”, it is worth writing a plan for it, on the basis of which the work will be carried out. As an example, you can take the following writing sequence:

An essay-reasoning “Nature of the native land” for grade 9, written in this sequence, will help you get a good grade. In addition, this plan will help the child not to lose important information during the task.

Short essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”

How the task will be completed depends on the wishes of the child. Some boys and girls like to write long, detailed essays, while others, on the contrary, prefer to express their thoughts briefly, without unnecessary turns. If your son or daughter believes that brevity is the sister of talent, then you can offer them this option as an example:

All my life I have lived in my small town, where every corner is familiar. The main thing is to understand how important this is. Not everyone thinks about how important nature is in our lives. But I am sure that the planet was built on it, and it is thanks to it that we live in this world.

My mother began to teach me to love the nature of my native land from early childhood. She constantly walked with me in the most picturesque corners of our small city. In our country you can admire nature endlessly.

Thanks to the instilled love for my native country and the city in particular, many memories live in me. The wide variety of natural resources of our town and suburbs was left in memory. Endless streams of rivers, crystal lakes, mesmerizing with their mirroriness, and also majestic mountains that create the illusion of infinity.

I love coming to the country forest. There I know a clearing, which is located on a hill. I climb on it and admire everything that surrounds me. Soft, green grass, like a carpet, covers the ground. Trees, like brothers, measure their height. One tree is tall, the second is slightly smaller. But together they create beautiful landscape. It is not surprising that in this clearing you can often see artists painting their works. After all, different types of trees, both deciduous and coniferous, allow you to paint an excellent picture, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off.

Maybe someday I’ll take an album and convey on a sheet of paper all the beauty of Mother Nature. After all, she is so good that even words are not enough to describe her. The most important thing is that love for nature is passed on from generation to generation. This is the only way it will be preserved and become even better and more beautiful.

That's why you need to love nature. After all, it is she who conveys all the most vivid memories of life and decorates our native land.

Such an essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land” for grade 9 has a right to exist. But, of course, it would be ideal if the child independently describes the surrounding green spaces, pouring a piece of soul into his work.

Extended essay-reasoning “On the nature of the native land”

Creative children will probably want to express their thoughts in detail, describing everything down to the smallest detail. Such students can use the following argument as an example:

The surrounding nature makes our life beautiful. Not everyone believes that we are one with nature. But I hope that my arguments will help you understand that this is so.

Every person, finding himself alone with a picturesque landscape, the ringing, barely audible singing of a stream, the melodic singing of birds, understands how miserable and insignificant all the problems in this life are. Plunging into the natural world, we return to the best times of our lives. Especially if you have lived in the same city all your life.

We can talk endlessly about the nature of our region. I believe that this is one of the main advantages in our country. Arriving at the dacha, I peer into every tree and immerse myself in the bright, unique moments of my childhood. I planted one of these trees with my mom and dad. And then I watched with fascination as it gained power, firmly clinging to the fertile soil with its roots.

Not far from our house there is a park and a forest. That's why it's never boring here. The nature in these corners is beautiful and enchants with its beauty at any time of the year. The park has many oaks, chestnuts and maples, as well as spruce trees, which delight with their greenery both in summer and winter. If you close your eyes for a moment, you can hear the “voices of nature.” They are so diverse that it takes your breath away. Somewhere high, the wind plays with the leaves, and they rustle in response. The birds start their trills, surprising you with their extraordinary, sonorous voices.

The forest is also beautiful, mainly pine and spruce trees grow here, so even the branches covered with a blanket of snow show their green crowns. In addition to trees, both in the park and in the forest there are many beautiful shrubs. Anyone who is familiar with our forest is sure to go on a nature journey. Mighty pine trunks hide a thin, barely noticeable stream. But you can hear him well, it seems that he plays cheerful rhythms for the local birds.

Our nature is so beautiful that you can walk around with a camera and take a million pictures of the beautiful surroundings a day. And from our mother you can paint pictures and decorate your house or apartment with them. I am very grateful to my mom and my dad for teaching me to see and hear this beauty. After all, if it weren’t for them, I might not have noticed all the beauty of the nature of my native land.

Go on a hike through the picturesque places of our region, and you will see for yourself that I am telling the truth.

This type of essay is suitable for children who like to describe in detail the beauty of the area.

How to write to get a good grade?

You don't have to be a writer to get praise from your teacher. It is enough to simply express your thoughts without leaving out important details. You also need to write such work with your soul, putting a piece of yourself into every line. The teacher will evaluate such an essay, and the student will receive a good mark.

There are no exact standards for what an essay should be. After all, each person sees the same thing differently. Therefore, you can safely turn on your imagination and write down in a notebook the thoughts that come to your head. A reasoning written sincerely and with understanding of the matter will be noticed, and the student will receive praise, and this is so important for boys and girls who go to school.