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Negation in the structure of a simple sentence. All cases of placing a dash. Repetition

Difficulties in choosing the case form of a controlled word. Synonymy of phrases with prepositional and non-prepositional control. Choosing the case of the direct object for transitive verbs with negation. Grammar dictionaries that regulate norms with management.

Control is a type of subordinating connection when the main word requires a strictly defined case form from the dependent. When controlling, a semantic relationship is established between two words; However, the peculiarity of control is that for each semantic relationship with a given main word, a strictly defined form of the dependent word is assigned. This feature is brought to life by the fact that a verb can have several nouns that enter into different semantic relationships with it: control makes it possible to differentiate these relationships. Let's take the verb as an example exchange. Its meaning allows it to attach nouns denoting: 1) a given object; 2) an item received in exchange; 3) the person who organized the exchange; 4) the person who agreed to the exchange. The expression of one of these 4 meanings is taken by the subject, the other three go to dependent nouns - objects. It is clear that if any verb-dependent noun could have only one form, then we would not be able to distinguish which of them expresses the meaning (2) and which - (1) or (4). Management allows us to easily distinguish the given item from the item received in return, because we know that the first is denoted by the Vin. case form without a preposition, and the second by the Vin. case form with the preposition NA; meaning (4) is expressed by the gender form with the preposition U.

Choosing the case of a controlled noun can be difficult in cases where 2 forms seem possible to us. As a rule, one of them is the main one, while the second has either a colloquial, professional, or outdated character. Examples with controlled nouns:

To be afraid of mother (g.p.) to be afraid of mother (colloquial)

Listen to your sister (n.p.) obey your sister (colloquial)

Borrow a pencil (vin.p) borrow a pencil (colloquial)

Cruiser-type vessel (ro.p.) cruiser-type vessel (prof.)

In all difficult cases, you should consult explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, as well as combinability dictionaries, and the reference dictionary by D.E. Rosenthal “Management in the Russian language”, to the dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language.

Many words allow double control of dependent nouns, but the acceptable variants differ in shades of meaning.

The case of the direct object for transitive verbs with negation.

As you know, the main form of the direct object is the accusative case without a preposition: read a book, suggest a solution. By adding a negation, however, the genitive case form also becomes possible: do not read the book/books, do not offer a solution/solutions. The form of the genitive case strengthens the negation, emphasizes it, while the accusative case rather weakens it. However, there are cases when the choice of the form of the direct object for a verb with negation depends not only on the categorical nature of the negation, but also on other factors.

Genitive preferable in the following cases:

1) If available in offer particles neither or a negative pronoun (adverb) with prefix neither-: I haven't heard neither one story about this story; before us neither who hasn't visited this caves;

2) With verbs perceptions, thoughts, desires, expectations (see, hear, understand, think, know, want, desire, expect, etc.): But words You didn’t want to hear mine; I didn't expect this turning affairs;

3) With verbs of possession (have, receive, get, acquire, etc.): I didn't get it all semester scholarships, didn't get it tickets to the concert;

4) When expressing an object with a noun with an abstract meaning: does not give reasons; do not lose hope; didn't hide joy; not to do concessions; a pronoun replacing a noun: even this you can't do it; is it really you this Do not understand?; in stable expressions - not only with an abstract, but also with a concrete noun: doesn't experience desires, does not feed hope, does not accept participation, does not give peace (peace), his elbow you won't bite;

5) With participles or gerunds: without receiving answer without finding out everyone reasons;

6) In impersonal sentences with the main member being the infinitive form of the verb: Windows do not open to anyone; You won't see any great ones ratings.

In the following cases it is preferable accusative:

1) When indicating a specific object (not just any object, but this particular object), including, respectively, when we are talking about a specific person or geographical location: didn't move closet; premonitions were not deceived Marya Alexandrovna;

2) In incentive sentences (predicate in the form of the imperative mood): do not make me laugh people;

3) For double negatives: I can't help but praise this one play;

4) If case homonymous forms coincide, to avoid ambiguity: didn't read today newspaper (this means a specific newspaper, and the form R.p. singular. newspapers could also be perceived as a form of V.p. plural, the meaning would change).

The accusative case is required in cases where the negation does not refer to the predicate verb, but to another word: not quite understood task.

Errors are often made in such designs where the controlled word is in double dependence: I welcome and admire...( this artist or this artist?). Choosing the correct case form is impossible, because The 1st verb requires the accusative case, and the 2nd requires the instrumental case. The rule says: if 2 predicate verbs have a common object, then these must be verbs governing the same case (for example: I remember and reread this book Often). In cases where it is impossible to select verbs that have the same control, a common object should be avoided: I salute and admire this artist.

Also, control is distinguished between non-prepositional (see the picture) and prepositional (look AT Katina). Typically, prepositional constructions, in which the relationship between words is expressed not only by a case ending, but also by a preposition, are more specific in nature, the connection between words is clarified. Thus, comparing the combinations of a girl’s face and a girl’s face, we note in the first of them a clearer expression of belonging and a connection with the predicate in the context of the sentence.

We find the same difference in semantic shades (more specific meaning of prepositional constructions) in the pairs given below: interesting to everyone - interesting to everyone, necessary to many - necessary to many, useful to children - useful to children, understandable to everyone - understandable to everyone, pleasant to friends - pleasant for friends, views alien to us - views alien to us (in all these combinations the preposition for emphasizes the connection with a person - an indirect object).

In combinations such as return by train - return by train, go by tram - go by tram, prepositional constructions are characterized by a greater degree of compatibility with the names of means of mechanical transport; Wed usually came by car, but the uncommon word is “came by car.”
In other cases, an additional semantic difference is revealed. Thus, the combinations go through the field, go through the forest indicate movement in certain places of the named space, and the synonymous combinations go through the field, go through the forest indicate the continuity of linear movement. Wed: We walked through the field, through the forest. “We walked there through a field, and from there through a forest.”

The prepositional construction makes it possible to eliminate ambiguity in constructions such as a letter to the mother (whose letter? or a letter to whom?): in the meaning of “a letter addressed to the mother,” the combination letter to the mother should be used. Despite the apparent synonymy of the constructions, they are equal in rights to each other - only the second is correct (cf.: women have equal rights with men). In other cases, the difference between non-prepositional and prepositional constructions is stylistic in nature.

With a subject expressed by a noun in a collective meaning ( number, majority, minority, part) in combination with a plural noun and the Genitive case, the predicate is usually placed in the plural if we are talking about animate objects, in the singular if the subject denotes objects of inanimate nature.

With nouns years, months, days, hours

At the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, How many the predicate is usually placed in the singular.

When the subject is expressed by a group of words (names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, etc.), among which there is a leading word or words in the Nominative case, the predicate agrees with this word or words. For example, "Hero of Our Time" written M.Yu. Lermontov; "Fathers and Sons" written It is impossible to say to I.S. Turgenev, since the generic name should be added; should be said like this: The novel “Fathers and Sons” was written by I.S. Turgenev.

With complex names consisting of two words of different grammatical genders, the predicate agrees with the one that expresses a broader concept or denotes a specific object. For example, the cafe car is located (not located) between the sixth and seventh cars; The cafe-dining room has been renovated.

With masculine nouns that name a profession, position, title, but denote a woman, the predicate in book styles is often put in the masculine form, and in colloquial styles it is often put in the feminine form: University rector regularly performed in front of employees.

Agreement with such nouns of definitions in the feminine gender ( Our referent...) is conversational in nature.

When the subject is expressed by a combination of a common noun and a proper name, the predicate agrees with the latter: Referent Ivanova helped make a report to the director.

When the subject is expressed by an invariable part of speech (adverb, conjunction, particle, interjection), the predicate is put in the singular form, and in the past tense - neuter: "Uh-uh" often is heard in the answers of the interviewees. “Why” sounded most often in his questions.

For interrogative, negative and indefinite pronouns like who (nobody, somebody) the predicate is put in the singular masculine form, even if we are talking about many persons or a female person: Who of them (women) the first raised question of equality? Someone in a black hat looked in to the office.

With a pronoun like what (nothing, something) the predicate in the past tense is put in the singular form of the neuter gender, even if we are talking about many objects or the name of a certain gender (masculine or feminine): « What It happened? – Something(cup or saucer) fell off the shelf.

If the subject is expressed by a collective noun like kids, old people, denoting many persons or objects as one whole, the predicate is used in the singular. There were old clothes hanging and lying around in the wardrobe.

For transitive verbs that are used with negation Not, (do not open letter, don't read telegram), (don't mind attention, do not be afraid threats).

didn't put forward any X arguments); Not Meeting did not accept the offer presiding officer.

Meeting couldn't accept such solution.

II. Difficult cases of nominal and verbal control.

There are variants of forms of control in the Russian language for transitive verbs.

It is possible to choose the case (genitive or accusative) of the direct object for transitive verbs with negation. Didn't read the letter(s). The accusative case is preferable in the following cases:

If the object is a proper name;

When the complement is inverted, i.e. when the object comes before the verb;

In case of double negative;

With the imperative form of the verb.

With prepositional control, difficulties are caused by the choice of case, as well as the choice of preposition with the controlled word.

Prepositions “thanks to”, “despite”, “according to” control the dative case (thanks to doctors).

Pretext "By" in meaning "after" controls the prepositional case (on arrival from a business trip).

2. Stringing of cases those. arrangement of several identical case forms in a chain. Such a cluster of cases makes it difficult to understand (a book by the niece of the husband of the teacher of my neighbor’s son). To correct this error, you need to replace some of these case forms with subordinate clauses, participial phrases, verbal nouns, infinitives, etc. It is also necessary to avoid the same case forms with the same prepositions.

3. With transitive verbs, which are used with negation Not, the direct object can be expressed not only in the accusative case, but also in the genitive case. In the accusative case, nouns denoting specific objects are more often used (do not open letter, don't read telegram), and in the genitive - nouns denoting abstract concepts (don't mind attention, do not be afraid threats).

However, in some cases only one or the other case is used. Thus, the genitive case is used in the following cases: 1) if the negation is not strengthened with the help of negative pronouns like no, no one, nothing (When deciding this issue, the presiding didn't put forward any X arguments); 2) if the role of the predicate is a verb with a particle Not, combined with an abstract noun: Meeting did not accept the offer presiding officer.

Only the accusative case is used if the negation does not precede the finite form of the verb, followed by the infinitive and then the direct object: Meeting couldn't accept such solution.

4. Use of participial phrases.

An action expressed by a gerund or participial phrase refers to the subject (As I drove through a birch grove, I remembered my native village). The main action, expressed by a verb, and the additional action, expressed by a gerund, are performed by one person (object).

A gerund can be used in an impersonal sentence if it contains an infinitive (when sitting down at the table, you need to wash your hands).

Some verbs do not form participles with the suffix –а(-я) in the present tense: write, run, take care, can, knit, sing, etc.

Errors that arise when using gerunds and participial phrases:

1. The action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the gerund refer to different persons (or objects). (After smoking, a conversation began between the soldiers.)

2. The use of gerunds in an impersonal sentence, where there is a logical subject expressed in the indirect case, and there is no infinitive. (Listening to this music, I imagine a picture of a hurricane).

3. The use of a gerund in a sentence that is a passive construction. In this case, the subject of the action does not coincide with the passive construction and does not coincide with the subject of the action indicated by the gerund. (Having run away from home, the boy was found by his parents).


Actually negative sentences of this type in past forms. and will. vv. enter into relations with sentences like Eat Where go, Eat With by whom consult(see § ), which do not accept negation in the original form, but in other forms take an optional negation: Was (Not was) Where go; Will (Not will) With by whom consult. Compared to actual negative sentences, these forms are less common: Maybe, By this or more By Which reason V him started grow annoyance, even anger, Although get angry like And Not was on whom(Bull.;/ get angry was Not on whom); Ghibli from hunger And from frost, from Togo, What Not was Where get warm, translate spirit(M. Alexandrov;/ nowhere was get warm); Remained those, at whom Not was on how drive(I. Shamyakin; / at whom Not on how was drive).

§ . Particle neither is included in the structure of actually negative sentences: Neither souls; Neither one person; Neither single clouds; Neither the slightest hope(see § ). These sentences often include nouns with diminutive suffixes that have the meaning of singularity ( Neither light; Neither clouds; Neither stars), and with suf. - Inca(A), denoting a small particle: Neither gray hairs; Neither blood; Neither specks of dust; Neither specks. Here the presence of even one of the elements of this or that set or even the smallest part of something whole is denied. At the same time, the presence of not a specific single object, but similar objects in general is denied: in sentences On sky neither stars, Today neither clouds the absence (currently) of stars or clouds is reported; similar: Neither kopecks(about a complete lack of money); Neither minutes(about a complete lack of time); Neither gray hairs(about the complete absence of gray hair); Neither the slightest hope(about the complete lack of hope).

Such sentences come into relationship with actually negative sentences with No: Neither minutes - No neither minutes; Neither clouds - No neither clouds; Neither the slightest hope - No neither the slightest hope. The semantic structures of such sentences are the same.

§ . Pronouns nobody, nothing and pronominal adjective no in the form of birth п. are included in the elementary grammatical basis of such strictly negative sentences as Nothing new; Relatives - no one; None problems(see § ); pronouns here carry the meaning of complete negation.

These sentences, like sentences with the particle neither, come into relationship with proper negative sentences with the word No: Nothing interesting - No Nothing interesting; None problems - No no problems.


§ 2650. Negative word No as an equivalent of a sentence or its main member, it functions in dialogue or as part of an adversative construction.

In dialogical speech No used in response remarks; the question may either contain a negation or not contain it. If the question does not contain a negation, then the word No in the answer is negative: - Do you have whether You With by whom from their correspondence? - No(Sholokh.). The answer often repeats the corresponding part of the question as a negation: Knew whether Philip Petrovich, What threat death already looming above him? No, He Not knew And Not could know this(Fad.); - You scientist historian? - No, - said... his companion, - No, I Not scientist historian(Quiet); Isn't it Irochka suffered that's why, What lived V for a long time Not painted, Not Very light room? No, Not suffered(Weather.). The answer may also include something that is opposed to what is being denied: - You yesterday - was V theater? - No, V circus; - Married You? No, single; Should whether print box With books? No, his necessary send directly V Rome(A. Vinogradov); [Panova:] Scary under shells? [Love :] No, funny(Train.).

If the first replica contains a negation, then two types of answers are possible with No. a) Word No serves to confirm a denying (negative) answer: - You Not read this book? - No, Not read; - Commanding Not gave away orders O failure to surrender trophy weapons? - No, - said Klimovich(Simon.); - Lyubushka, You me Not fell out of love behind these three months? - No(Kettle.). It is also possible to repeat the relevant part of the question here:- A in possession estates Not entered? - asked Baburin. - No, Not entered, - answered I(Turg.); - What, you Not it's a pity What whether, What I I'm going? - No, Not it's a pity(Simon.). b) Word No serves to deny a negative response; to express disagreement, objection: - You Not read this book? - No, read. In this case, following No The following statement must be made: - So How same, You more And Not seen grandfather? - asked Anna Andreevna. - No, When mother became recover, Then I met again grandfather(Adv.); You can answer, What dead You're jealous myself You fate, What dead shamefully Not they have, - No, they have, I'll tell you I you(Simon.); - Natasha, You Not understand... - No, I All Understand, All! (Tendr.).

§ . As part of an adversative construction the word No concentrates in itself the entire content of negation opposed to affirmation: On street noise, A Here No; You funny, A to me No; Father Houses, A mother No; To many All at all epitaphs seem funny, But to me No, especially When I'll remember O volume, What under them rests(Lerm.); I Human free, wanderer from cities Tifliz, speaks Ashik-Kerib; Want I'll go, Want No(Lerm.); You do you think Vronsky aristocrat, But I No(L. Thick.); - What same, Mitya, girls you love? - Which love, A which And No(Sholokh.); On work with everyone I'm keeping up, A Houses - No(Kettle.).

In constructions with a dividing conjunction, the word No can act as an equivalent to the second part of the structure: Alive whether, No whether, God her knows(Fluff.); Right or No I I'm reasoning, Nastasya Efimovna? (Yu. Laptev).


§ . Most sentences can be used with or without negation. Yes, in a sentence Brother Not works V Sunday negation is included in the sentence, but its comparison with the sentence Brother works V Sunday shows that their minimal structural basis is the same and that negation is not an element of this basis; similar: Father teacher - Father Not teacher; Here Cold - Here Not Cold; Brother Houses - Brother Not Houses. The optional negation function is performed by the particle Not, acting in preposition to those members of the sentence that are negated.

In two-part sentences negation is possible with any of the main terms. However, it is usually used before the predicate, and in non-subject-predicate sentences - before the verb or predicate. Unlike actual negative sentences, only the predicative attribute is negated: Father already Not works; Her Brother Not doctor; His the best painting more Not written; Letter Not from Moscow; Director Not at myself; Main - Not make a mistake; Lie - This Not new; Call - Not problem; Teach capable children Not difficult; Not necessary sadden; Not I want to talk; Time Not enough; Seriousness Not increased.

Negation is also possible before an infinitive or before a nominal component (which is often a rheme in a sentence): Hello, tribe Mladoe, unfamiliar! Not I I'll see is yours mighty late age(Fluff.); One day It happened to me whole month Not take pistol(Fluff.); However, I With you speak Not will: V this stage Not You The main thing current face(Turg.); Us, Zhenya, necessary Not lose Friend friend from mind(Sholokh.); But drive there better With nights, during the day Can And Not pass(Simon.); Need to Not convert attention on her girlish craftiness(Ant.); What And speak, behind table examination audience sat Not angel(gas.).

Among one-component sentences freely accept the negation of sentences of the conjugated verb and adverbial classes: Litvinov took on behind book, But to him Not read(Turg.); Pigasov V life Not lucky(Turg.); Their Not pursued. By him Not shot following(Sholokh.); Maybe be, We we'll die, to me Not scary. Yes, to me at all Not scary(Fad.); To him Not slept. Not lived. Not read(Simon.); A He walked And cried. AND to him was Not ashamed(Shuksh.).

In infinitive sentences, negation can bring the meaning of prohibition: Not included!; Not talk!; Tired trot runs through Officer, shouts: - Not fall behind! (Tendr.); Before graduation blizzard With towers nowhere Not go out, You you answer behind of people(gas.).

In sentences of the nominal class, negation is associated with the expression of fear, undesirability (see § ): Only would Not telegram!; Only would Not He!; Though would Not flu!; I remember O war: If b Not war! (Yashin); Here If would only Not this second guard(Yu. Slepukhin).

Determination is characteristic of nominal sentences with negation: I live Want, And drink, And There is, Want heat And Sveta, AND affairs There is not to me, What Here at you winter, Not summer(Tward.); - On war He would under tribunal went - Here Where, said Tsaplin. - Now Not war, - answered Fedya(I. Zverev); - Set aside, Voronikhin, Here Not library, - angrily said Pastukhov(Chuck.); AND Not run So. To me already Not twenty years(Chuck.). Without determiners, the use of such sentences is usually determined by the context: A You Not you're kidding. Tell jokes Not time. Not first May(Ant.); What she dressed up So? Not holiday!; Why You without coat you're coming? Not summer!; Well, What she crying? Will serve two one year old And will come back. Not war(colloquial speech).

§ . In a common sentence, an optional negation can be found with any extending member (which often serves as a rheme): He read Not newspaper; They went Not V theater; They are engaged V library Not our district; Not from-behind them noise; Not at her flu; Not often meet such People; Hope Not catch his Houses appealed V dust(Czech.); Resentment only strengthened Sintsova V decision Not come back V editors without good combat material(Simon.); I'm starting read Not textbooks(School); Much depends Not from me(A. Vinogradov); But Michelangelo wrote Not books(G. Boyadzhiev); I Not entirely them believed(N. Mikhailov); Not one day residents farms Southern evicted V rear(Sheep); Not Always guilt behind bad projects lies on alone only designers(gas.).

A negation before a group of word forms can refer to this entire group as a whole. This relationship is indicated by context or contrast: I watched she on us boldly, V emphasis, as if We were Not new For her People, A animals zoological garden(Czech.); Near sofa stood girl With braids And joyful eyes watched on Potapova, But Not on his face, A on gold stripes on sleeve(Paust.); We Not remember V this minute everyone books, which We read, everyone truths, which us they said, We remember Not all land, A only scrap land, Not everyone of people, A woman on station(Simon.). In these sentences, negation refers to the entire group of word forms: Not - new For her People, Not - on his face, Not - all land, Not - everyone of people.

The attribution of negation to one separate word form is indicated by the opposition to this particular word form: Boss Borisovsky garrison, By rumors, was Where-That on Minsk highway, But Not By this side Borisova, A By that(Simon.); Judging By everything, war was walking Today on Russian, A Not on German earth(Chuck.); IN Italy Not one political the consignment And Not two, A near ten(gas.).

In order to emphasize that negation applies only to a specific word form (or group of word forms), the particle Not is placed between the preposition and the form that follows it. Yes, in a sentence Let's, Kostya, let's have a drink. Behind our youth. AND more behind Not our youth(D. Pavlova) contrasts word forms with and without negation: behind our youth And behind Not our youth. There may not be a contrast in such a sentence, but the placement of a negation between the preposition and the name attached to it already indicates that the negation is related only to the word or words that define this name: Through years And mountains are coming People To Not Always apparently future(School); Words O Not delayed V battalions battalion commanders Not spoiled to him mood(Simon.); But Not So-That easily wave away from Not giving peace thoughts(N. Pochivalin).

§ . A negation at the beginning of a sentence can refer either only to the word form that immediately follows it, or to the sentence as a whole. Yes, a proposal Not train buzzing could mean like Not train - buzzing, so Not - train buzzing. In the first case, it is not the action that is denied, but the fact that this action is performed by the train ((it is not the train that is buzzing, but something else)); similar: Not telephone calls, A alarm. In these cases, the position of the negative particle in any word order is always before the negated word form: Not train buzzing; Buzzing Not train; Not telephone calls; Calling Not telephone. In the second case ( Not - train buzzing) negation refers to the entire sentence, which can be opposed by another sentence: Not train buzzing, A thunder thunders; Not wind raging above boron, Not With mountains let's run streams, Freezing-voivode patrol Bypasses possessions their(Necr.); Not Port-Arthur Not needed, A all war this to the people our Not needed(Sart.). The position of the negation relating to the entire sentence, in any word order, is always at the absolute beginning of the sentence: Not train buzzing, A...; Not Port-Arthur Not needed, A...

Negation in a sentence as a whole is characterized by special constructions of negative comparison with an indicative word That, widely used in poetry and folklore. In these constructions, the situations being compared are contrasted and, through the negation of one, the other is strengthened and emphasized: That Not wind branch tends, Not oak forest makes noise - That my heart moans, How autumn sheet trembling(F. Stromilov); That Not martin chirping, Not frisky orca thin strong beak to myself V hard rock nest hollowed out... That With stranger cruel family You little by little got used to it Yes got used to it, my patient smart girl! (Turg.). Position That may not be busy: Not ice crackles, Not mosquito beeps, That godfather before godfathers Pike-perch drags(folk song); Not winds blow violent, Not mother-Earth sways - Noisy, sings, swears, swinging, lying around, Fights And kisses at holiday people(Necr.); Not wind buzzing By feather grass, Not wedding train thunders, - Native By Procles howled, By Procles family screams(Necr.); That Not dawn V jets lakes mine woven pattern, Is yours handkerchief, sewing decorated, flashed behind slope(Yesen.).


§ . Comparison of such sentences as: 1)  Brother Not walked yesterday V library, 2) Not Brother walked yesterday V library, 3) Brother walked Not yesterday V library and 4) Brother walked yesterday Not V library shows that denial has a different character. The first sentence denies the predicative feature, and through it the entire situation that is being reported. Negation with a predicate or main member expressing a predicative feature gives a negative meaning to the entire sentence. Such a negation is called general, and sentences with such a negation are called generally negative. In the second sentence, the negation refers to the bearer of the attribute, but the action itself is not negated ((not the brother, but someone else went to the library)); in the third and fourth sentences, the time or place of action is denied, respectively, but the action itself is not denied ((the brother went to the library not yesterday, but at some other time) and (the brother went not to the library yesterday, but somewhere else)) . The negation in the second, third and fourth sentences does not refer to the situation as a whole, but only to some part of it, i.e. is of a private nature. Such proposals are called partial negatives. Partial negation is associated with the actual division of the sentence: a member of a sentence with partial negation is, as a rule, a rheme.

Negation can also have a private character with a predicate: He Not walked V library, A traveled. It is not the entire situation that is denied here, but only the nature of the action that took place. The verb predicate in this case performs the function of a rheme: Not is reading He, A writes; Not walked He, A was flying.

Different possibilities of opposition are associated with the general and particular nature of negation.

In partial negative sentences, the negated member can always be opposed to some other - affirmed one: Not Brother walked V library, A father; Brother walked Not yesterday V library, A Today in the morning; Brother walked yesterday Not V library, A V movie. In the text, private negation is often accompanied by the following opposition: Take action, But only neither V whom case Not close Gremyachego And Not V farm, A Where-someday V steppes(Sholokh.); From second trips on Arbatskaya arrow We With Nikolaev arrived back V Simferopol Not at night 23 September, How This said V diary, A V night on 23 September(Simon.); We Not forgot about dangers, But lived thoughts Not O war, A O world(N. Mikhailov); Golubov was dressed So, as if was driving Not on work, A V movie(Ant.); But on this once exam handed over Not musician, A tool - first violin, manufactured V Mongolia(gas.).

In general negative sentences there is no need for opposition: Brother Not walked V library; I Not asked at you this book; He for a long time Not was getting letters. Here only the following sentences can be contrasted: I Not asked at you this book, A You themselves to me her brought.

Note: Only contrasting sentences is possible in cases where actual negative and non-negative sentences of different grammatical structures are contrasted: Mermaids Not exists - Mermaids exist; Yesterday Not received letters - Yesterday received letters; U him No time - U him There is time; Them Not O how tell - Them There is O how tell; Nowhere go - Eat Where go; His Not understand - His Can understand; There Not pass - There Can pass.

§ . All actually negative sentences are generally negative. Sentences with a conjugated form of the verb and an optional negation are generally negative when the particle Not stands before the predicate verb or before the main member, and partial negatives when the particle Not stands with the subject or with the extending member of the sentence. In sentences with the main member - the conjugated form of the verb and members dependent on it, as well as in sentences without the conjugated form of the verb, the general or particular nature of the negation is determined by the position of the particle Not.

1) In sentences with the conjugated form of the verb and word forms (or word forms) depending on it, negation is general if the particle Not stands immediately before the conjugated form, and partial if the particle comes before the verb-dependent word form: He Not thinks drive on south - He thinks Not drive on south; He Not Maybe rest - He Maybe Not rest; This message Not Maybe turn out to be true - This message Maybe Not turn out to be true; He Not is listed V frontline workers - He is listed Not V frontline workers; To him Not managed fall asleep - To him managed Not fall asleep.

2) In sentences without a conjugated form of the verb, the general or particular nature of the negation can be determined only by non-original forms, i.e. where there is a special indicator of syntactic tense or mood. Yes, suggestions Father Not teacher, Brother Not Houses can be understood both as general negatives and as particular negatives: Father Not teacher- (is not a teacher) or (is not a teacher) (but an inspector); Brother Not Houses- (not at home) or (not at home). In present form. the private nature of negation in such sentences can be indicated by opposition in the immediate context: Kirovsk Not stone, A chopped(N. Mikhailov); I Not doctor, A paramedic royal time(Lipatov); So, Maybe Not V reform case, A V person(gas.). In non-original forms, the general or particular nature of the negation is indicated by the position of the particle Not: Brother Not was Houses - Brother was Not Houses(and somewhere else); Father Not was teacher - Father was Not teacher(and an inspector).

Negation before a service verb is of a general nature: Appearance his Not was deceptive(Fluff.); Lavretsky Not was young person(Turg.); On this once she Not was dressed V red (Czech.); A architect Not was Italian(Mandelsht.); From Total crew only one driver Not was injured(Fad.); No, He Not was V oblivion(Simon.); He Not was healthy almost all my life(Lyg.).

The negation before a name in such cases is private: Dress on him was Not new And narrowly, as if He from him increased(Turg.); She Not let's go mainly That's why, What dress, on which she counted, was Not ready(L. Thick.); Purity was Here Not V fashion(Gilyar.); He was Not coward, How it is seen(Simon.); After will do talk, Certainly, talk will Not easy(Bull.).

The private nature of negation in such sentences is also evidenced by the possibility of opposition: He was Not businessman, A political activist(Erenb.); No, This was Not Rodion, A another, unfamiliar, Volodya Ankudinov, liaison partisan squad(Leon.); She kissed lips To his temple, But temple was Not hot, A wet, V droplets sweat(Simon.).

The private nature of negation in these sentences is also confirmed by the peculiarities of the use of pronominal words with pref. neither, particles neither and union neither... neither. In general negative sentences, these words can occupy any position: Nobody Not was V school; Never Brother Not was V this school; Brother Not was neither V that, neither V this school; Neither yesterday, neither Today Brother Not was V school; Never He Not was engineer. In partial negative sentences, words with pref. neither- and word forms with particles neither and union neither... neither can only occupy the position of word forms that directly extend that member of the sentence that has a negation: He was no Not engineer(colloquial speech); He was more not at all Not old(gas.); This were Just confused People, none Not criminals(Simon.) (see § ). Therefore it is impossible to say * Nobody was Not V school; *Never He was Not engineer; *Neither yesterday, neither Today Brother was Not V school.

A special case is represented by adverbial sentences, in which the opposition between general and particular negation is weakened. In such sentences it is possible to place the particle Not both before the auxiliary verb and before the predicative, and both forms tend to express a general negation: Them Not was destined meet - Them not destined was meet; No, us Not was sad, us Not was it's a pity(Block); AND, to to him V himself in fact Not was ashamed, hurried lie, What to her Same I want to sleep(Simon.); Aniskin... knew how determine By to the stars time And weather, So What to him Not boring was alone With like this spaciousness And such majesty, from which was spinning head(Lipatov); To the feuilletonist feelings humor Same Not occupy, But to him Not was funny, When He listened this history(gas.). The general nature of negation in such sentences is confirmed by the possibility of using pronominal words with pref. neither-, not directly dependent on the word form with negation: Nowhere them Not was boring - Nowhere them Not boring was; Never them Not was destined meet - Never them Not destined was meet; They built plans, which never Not was given come true - They built plans, which never Not given was come true. The general nature of negation in sentences where the particle Not placed immediately before the predicate, supported by the postposition of the verb form be.

Note: With the preposition of the verb form, the private nature of the negation is preserved: A He walked And cried. AND to him was Not ashamed(Shuksh.). Wrong: * Never to him was Not ashamed; *Nowhere them was Not boring. The private nature of negation in the preposition of the verb in such sentences is confirmed by the tendency to merge negation with the predicate: Them was is not boring.

Negation is also of a general nature in sentences with predicates. necessary, need to, where in non-original forms the position of the particle is normal Not before the predicate in postposition of the verb be: To her Not necessary was worry; To him Not need to will more study this business; Them Not need to will neither O how take care; Nobody Not necessary was ask; Neither O how, absolutely neither O how Not necessary was think, except How O story, which I wrote(Paust.).


§ . Several negatives can be used simultaneously in a sentence. This is due to the possibility of using both general and particular negations, as well as several particular negations, in one sentence.

In general negative sentences, it is possible to use one or more negatives, the effect of which is not related to the general negation and is of a particular nature. Such a negation can appear with any member of the sentence, except for the one that already carries the meaning of a general negation: On this once Not wanted she Not contain given words(Fluff.); Already Not one night Not sleeping I(Gonch.); Although I again acquired family, But This not at all Not interferes to me Not forget old comrades(Gilyar.); Already dead you Not will offend IN letter for a long time Not necessary in a word(Simon.); Not should at all neither in What Not believe(Hermann); Myself read arshin letters on pink wall Passionate monastery: "Not worker Yes Not eating"(N. Mikhailov); Not from-behind remorse conscience Glukharev Not answered on offensive reproach(Tendr.); Not my squadron Not went V attack(I. Shamyakin); Lazarus Baukin to me Not relatives, And no promises Not run away He no one Not gave(Nilin); He Not came in at all Not from-behind time(V. Orlov).

Note: In strictly negative sentences, along with the obligatory one, it is possible to use an optional negation, which in this case has a private character: Not fall in love his Not was possibilities(Turg.); A if So, So And meddle Not necessary was; nothing Not behind yours case undertake(Adv.); Now V body was already so many "civilian", What Not was reasons Not take more(N. Chuk.); Her need to send, need to For affairs, need to For her most, No no reasons Not send(Simon.); His Not behind What Not be in love(Lyg.).

It is also possible to use several negatives in sentences with isolated phrases: one - with a predicate, the other - as part of a separate phrase with a participle or gerund. Negations in these cases are independent: they do not depend on each other: Young women... no one Not will let you in, Not hooked Yes Not laughing(Lesk.); Bakhirev Not could understand this softness, Not characteristic Volgan(Nikol.); Basil Not understood of people, Not loving demonstration(D. Pavlova); Reports, Not visited V his hands, Not can be considered reliable(A. Vinogradov).

§ . In one private negative sentence there can be several negatives that are of a private nature. So, if there are homogeneous members in a sentence, negation is possible before each of them: I came here Not cry And Not complain(Turg.); On any happening given mutual oath Not run, Not roar at form most horned dangers(Leon.); Around center... wide ring settled down Not central, Not front door, Not industrial And non-trading Ensk(Panova); Klimovich said Not O drama, Not O divorce And Not about treason, A O of death (Simon.); Them Not less enemy Not V Moscow And Not V Leningrad(Chuck.).

Note: It is also possible to place one negation before the entire series of word forms: I first saw this night Not above Neva And palaces Leningrad, A among northern wooded spaces And lakes(Paust.); Us made friends fraternal power Not compote And pies - Our passions And addictions, our eternal enemies(Bold.); Case was Not V courage one or cowardice another(Simon.).

Negations of a private nature can also be used with several different spreading terms; Each negation acts independently: Not from desires obey, A Just from excess amazement Sanin Not immediately followed behind girl(Turg.); He thought Baranova Not deprived capabilities careerist, interested Not benefit army, A only own promotion By service(Simon.); They Not All And Not Always were driving V one And that same side(School).

§ . In some cases, it is possible to state two negatives with the same member of a sentence. At the same time, the already negated is denied: This do Not impossible; He, Maybe be, will be late, But Not Not will come. The negation of the negation is created by placing a particle Not before a negative pronominal word or adverb, before a negative predicate it is forbidden, impossible or before a word form that already has a negative particle Not. In such cases, one negation refers to the word form that it immediately precedes, and the second - to the word form that already has a negation: New familiar to him Not - Not liked it. This Not - impossible. The negation of the negation is closely related to the context and is usually used to express objections and opposition: General, How it is seen, Not Not liked it such attack(Gogol); To me more nothing do. - Nothing do, nothing do... - spoke she with tears on eyes. - No, Not nothing do! (L. Thick.); U lilac Not Not enough what-That on face, A, vice versa, quicker was superfluous - hanging cheeks And running eyes(Bulg.); Write, Not seeing written, difficult, But Not impossible(N. Ostr.); - I on front asked, A You me V cleaners. - Not want to? - I Not Not Want, But funny: war, A I cleaning woman! (V. Kozhevnikov); But Bye initiative at champion, tiger jumping He commit Not loves. Not Not Maybe, A Not loves(gas.).

§ . Two negations can be present as part of the predicate or with both main members of a generally negative sentence. As a result, the negation is lifted and a categorical statement appears with shades of obligation, inevitability, necessity, and obligation. This phenomenon called double negative. The cases of double negative formation are as follows.

1) In sentences with negative predicates it is forbidden, impossible and negation before the infinitive: It is forbidden Not say- (must, must be said) Impossible Not do- (must be done) . Understand impossible her, But Not be in love impossible(Lerm.); Young person, to a lover, impossible Not spill the beans(Turg.); I Think, What it is forbidden will Not drive(L. Thick.); It is forbidden Not be in love such person(Czech.); After all They say same, What be V Rome And Not see cathedral Petra impossible(Adv.); Admired them rarely, But Not respect his was impossible(Simon.).

2) When using negation before the conjugated form of the verb be able and before the infinitive adjacent to this verb: AND heart again lit And loves that's why, What Not be in love it Not Maybe(Fluff.); He Not could Not miss V village(Turg.); They Not could Not explain yourself(Fad.); He, you know, everywhere, Always will write, By that simple reason, What Not write He Not Maybe(Hermann); Not think about this Zvyagintsev Not could. (Chuck.); He worked hard And Not could Not work, How Not could Not There is, Not breathe, Not drink, Not sleep(Alex.); Not every pilot Maybe become astronaut, But astronaut Not Maybe Not fly(gas.).

3) With combinations Not It has rights, Not It has grounds, Not V forces(cannot), occupying the position of the conjugated form, and the following infinitive: He Not had rights Not say((should have said)). Nobody Not It has rights Not know life(Gonch.); I Not I have rights Not contain given words(Turg.); Malinin Not had reasons to him Not believe(Simon.); Touched Nikolai Grigorievich promised stay - He Not V forces Not stay(A. Altaev); We must win And Not we have rights Not win(V. Kozhevnikov).

10. Between the subject and the nominal predicate in place of the missing connective a dash is added, if the subject and predicate are expressed as nouns in the nominative case: The outbuilding near the house on Sadovaya, designed by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel, is the only building from the Mamontovs’ possessions that has almost preserved its appearance to this day(Keys); Pushkinsky region - the land of stones(Gaych.); This portrait is the only picturesque image of the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern(Gaych.); ...My ability to keep the past to myself is a hereditary trait(Eb.); And the woman leaning over the fence is your second cousin(Shcherb.).

Note. A dash may not be placed if the written speech reflects pronunciation with logical emphasis on the predicate: My sister teacher (cf.: My sister is a teacher - emphasis on the word sister, and in word teacher). The dash is required: 1) if there is a comparison: My sister is a teacher and my brother is a livestock specialist; 2) if syntactic or semantic ambiguity is possible; compare: Brother is my teacher And My brother is a teacher .

11. A dash is placed before the predicate, attached to the subject by words here it is: “Respect for the past - that's the line“that distinguishes education from savagery,” Pushkin once said(Spread); Pushkinogorye – this is not only a monument historical-literary, This and a peculiar botanical and zoological garden, a wonderful natural monument(Gaych.). As a link, a combination is also possible it is: Hypotenuse – this is the side right triangle, opposite the right angle(from the textbook).

12. A dash is placed when expressing both the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) with an infinitive: In this city know three languages ​​are an unnecessary luxury(Ch.); An incomparable feeling - hear their[rooks] for the first time after six months of winter death!(Boon.). The presence of negation does not remove the sign: Tea drink - not firewood chop (last); Life live- not a field go (last). The same if the predicate contains words this means: Wait for permission - Means waste time(gas.); Leave the institute now - this means lose everything(gas.); And to understand a person - Means already sympathize with him(Shuksh.).

13. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, if they are expressed by numerals (or a phrase with a numeral), and also if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by a numeral: So, nine forty - three hundred sixty, So?(Peace); The depth there from the boat is four flywheels, that is six meters(Shol.).

Note. In specialized literature, it is not customary to use a dash when denoting a numeral: The mass of such a rangefinder 23 kg; Maximum range of the laser locator in question 10 km .

In the case of using the particle not before the predicate-numeral (compare the same when expressing the predicate with a noun,

15, paragraph 3) there is no dash: A man can, for example, say that twice is two not four, and five or three and a half; and the woman will say that twice is two - a stearin candle(T.).

14. A dash is placed with a predicate expressed by a phraseological turn: Pie - real jam; He has talent - God bless everyone; The mother shed tears of joy, and the father at least something! (Cool.); Hut – so-so, barn(Shuksh.); Efim himself - don't put your finger in your mouth (Shuksh.); And Victor - neither father nor mother (Cool.); Night - at least poke out your eyes! (A. Color.).

The presence of the particle not, as well as introductory words in stable combinations in the role of a predicate, prevents the placement of a dash (but does not prohibit): This officer no match for you, Mister Gendarme(Fed.); We have him as a scientist, and plays the violin, and cuts out various things, in a word, a jack of all trades (Ch.).

15. Dash between subject and nominal predicate not placed :

1. If the subject is expressed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun: She his daughter. He wants to understand her(Shcherb.); This cabinet? This bedroom?(Ch.)

Note. A dash is possible: a) if the entire sentence contains a question accompanied by surprise: Is she his daughter?!(both members of the sentence are stressed); b) when underlining the indication of a given item: This is an office (And this is the office); c) when contrasted: I am a teacher and you are an engineer .

2. If one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun or personal pronoun: Who your defender? What is studying? Who she?

3. If the predicate noun has a negation: Scenery not an appendage to prose and not a decoration (Paust.); Russia not St. Petersburg, she's huge(Priv.); Old age not joy (last). However, when contrasting a predicate with a negation, it requires a dash (not... a): And at the same time he noticed that he was not the master in his house, but only an integral part of it(M. G.) (cf. without contrast: He is not the master of his house).

4. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle: And your room so good for a child(Ch.); I have a lot of good people, almost all of them good (Sim.); He had two wounds. Wounds easy, but the man lost a lot of blood(Paust.); Log house pink, peeling, small, rustic, covered with a green iron roof (Kav.); harsh autumn sad late view(Sick.); There's a feast in the dining room hot And ardent (Sick.).

However, with a predicate-adjective, a dash is placed when there is structural parallelism of parts of the sentence, accompanied in oral speech by intonation emphasis (emphasis) on both members of the sentence: Everything in her appearance attracted attention: sight - spicy, hairstyle – boyish, cloth - modern, fashionable ; Wed with emphasis on only the predicate: Weather obnoxious, road nasty, coachman stubborn, the horses don't carry, and the caretaker is to blame(P.). A dash is also possible in the presence of several (homogeneous) predicates: Her son is yellow, long and with glasses (M.G.).

5. If the predicate is expressed in a phrase with comparative particles like, as if, what, exactly, sort of like and etc.: Life like a legend; Sky like a pitched tent; Brooch kind of like a bee (Ch.); Forest exactly a fairy tale; A week that one day. Passes quickly; Pond like shiny steel (Fet). A dash is also not placed when introducing a predicate that lexically coincides with the subject: Ice z015_01, deserts like deserts (Kav.); Village like a village; House like a house- old, dark(Shuksh.).

Note. When emphasizing the predicate (usually for stylistic purposes), a dash is possible: This lonely and perhaps completely random shot - like a signal (Furm.); His mouth is bitter from tobacco-samosad, his head is like a weight(Shol.); Blackening glades - like black islands in a white snowy sea (Boon.); Milky Way - like a big society (B. Past.); Moon in the sky - like Central Asian melon (Current.).

6. If between the subject and the predicate noun there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a conjunction or particle: Rook, Certainly, the bird is smart and independent, but he has no voice(Paust.); My father for me friend and mentor; Moscow Now port of five seas; My brother Same engineer; This stream only beginning of the river .

1. Addition- this is a minor member of the sentence, which means item:

  • the object to which the action applies;

    I'm writing a letter ; I listen to music .

  • object - the addressee of the action;

    I am writing to a friend.

  • object - an instrument or means of action;

    I write with a pen.

  • the object to which the state applies;

    I'm upset.

  • object of comparison, etc.

    Faster than me.

2. The supplement answers questions indirect cases:

  • genitive case - whom? what?

    Choice of profession .

  • dative case - to whom? what?

    I am writing to a friend.

  • accusative case - whom? What?

    I'm writing a letter .

  • instrumental case - by whom? how?

    I write with a pen.

  • prepositional case - about whom? about what?

    I'm thinking about a friend.

3. The addition may refer to:

  • predicate verb;

    I'm writing a letter .

  • the main or minor member expressed by a noun;

    Loss of a horse; hope for happiness.

  • the main or minor member, expressed by an adjective or participle;

    Strict towards children; thinking about children.

  • the main or minor member expressed by an adverb.

    Unnoticed by others.

Ways to express complement


1) Combinations are a single member of a sentence - an addition in the same cases in which combinations - subjects are a single member (see paragraph 1.2).

2) The infinitive of a conjugated verb is an addition, and not the main part of the predicate, if its action refers to a secondary member ( I asked him to leave), and not to the subject ( I decided to leave). For a detailed analysis of such cases, see paragraph 1.4.

3) Since questions and forms of the nominative and accusative cases, accusative and genitive cases can coincide, to distinguish between the subject and the object, use the technique discussed in paragraph 1.2: replace the form being checked with the word book(Nominative case - book; Genitive - books; accusative - book. For example: A good snowball will reap the harvest(cf.: A good book will make a book). Hence, snowball- Nominative case; harvest- accusative).

4. Based on the form of expression, there are two types of additions:

    direct addition - accusative case form without preposition;

    Writing(What?) letter; I wash(What?) linen; I'm listening(What?) music.

    indirect addition - all other forms, including the accusative case with a preposition.

    Struggle(for what?) for freedom ; gave(to whom?) to me .


1) In negative sentences, the accusative case form of the direct object can change to the genitive case form (cf.: I wrote(What?) letter . - I didn't write (what?) letters). If the genitive case form of a complement is preserved both in affirmation and in negation, then such a complement is indirect (cf.: To me lacks (what?) money . - I have enough(what?) money).

2) The object expressed by the infinitive does not have a case form ( I asked him to leave). Therefore, such additions are not characterized as either direct or indirect.

Addition analysis plan

  1. Specify the type of addition (direct - indirect).
  2. Indicate what morphological form the addition is expressed in.

Sample parsing

I ask you to speak to the point(M. Gorky).

You- direct object expressed by a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition. Speak- an addition expressed by an infinitive. Affairs- an indirect object expressed by a noun in the genitive case.

The night did not bring coolness(A.N. Tolstoy).

Coolness- direct object expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition (if negated - didn't bring it ). Wed: The night brought(What?) coolness(V.p.).