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Lack of article. Zero article in English

Articles are the main determiners of names nouns. Before using any noun, you need to decide whether it is definite or indefinite, i.e. you need to imagine what kind of subject we are talking about: a specific one or any one.

In English, an article is almost always used before nouns:
  • Articles a And an are called uncertain article (the Indefinite Article)
  • The is called certain the Definite Article

Let's consider three cases: when the indefinite article is used before the noun, when the definite article is used, and when the article is not used before the noun.

Indefinite article

There are two types of indefinite article:

a- used before words beginning with a consonant.
an- used before words starting with a vowel.

A noun with an indefinite article represents the name of an object in general, rather than the name of a specific object. For example, a student evokes the idea of ​​a student in general, that is, of a student of a higher educational institution, but not of a specific person.

The meaning of the indefinite article can be expressed in Russian with words such as one, one of, some, any, some, every, any, each.

The indefinite article is used with singular countable nouns. Not used in the plural, sometimes replaced by indefinite pronouns some (several) any (any, everyone).

Definite article

The definite article has a single form: the. Individualizing article the derived from the demonstrative pronoun that- That.

Absence of article: zero article

No indefinite article

The indefinite article is not used:

  • before plural nouns
    an article - articles
  • abstract nouns
    imagination - imagination
  • nouns we are real, uncountable(nouns that cannot be counted, for example, you cannot say: three waters).
    water (water), salt (salt), tea (tea)

If there is a definition before a noun, then the article is placed before this definition:
a story
an interesting story (interesting story)

Substitution rule

Use of the indefinite article

1. Indefinite article is used before a noun when it only names an object, classifies it as a representative of a certain type of object, but does not specifically highlight it.

  • a table - any table (namely a table, not a chair)
    a chair - chair

2. when mentioning an object or person for the first time

  • That"s a pretty girl. - Beautiful girl

3. in a general sense:
A noun with an indefinite article in this meaning means: any, everyone.

  • A cow gives milk.
    Any cow gives milk.

3. with professions:

  • My Dad is a Doctor. — My dad is a doctor.
    She "s an architect. - She is an architect.

4. with some quantity expressions:

  • a pair - a pair
    a little - a little
    a few - several

5. in exclamatory sentences: before a singular countable noun after the word what.

  • What a beautiful day! - What a wonderful day!
    What a pity! - What a pity!

Use of the definite article

Definite article is posed if the object or person in question is known to both the speaker and the listener (from the context, the environment, or as previously mentioned in this speech).

  • It is a chair
    The chair is at the table - the chair is near the table

Try putting the word this or that in front of the noun. If the meaning of what is being expressed does not change, then the definite article must be placed before the noun, and if it changes, then the indefinite article must be placed before the singular noun (if it is countable), and not at all before the plural noun.

1. Repeatedly mentioned when it is clear from the previous text what it is about:

  • The girl was beautiful. — (This) Girl was beautiful.

2. Clear in the situation, when it is clear what/who is meant:

  • The lesson is over. - The lesson is over.

3. Having an individuating definition, that is, a definition that distinguishes this person or object from a number of similar ones.

  • 3.1. Definition, naming the sign :
    This is the house that Jack built. - This is the house that Jack built
  • 3.2. Definition, expressed as an adjective in the superlative form e
    This is the shortest way to the river - This is the shortest way to the river
  • 3.3. Definition, expressed as an ordinal number
    He missed the first lecture. — He missed the first lecture
  • 3.4. Definition, expressed by proper noun
    the Bristol road - the road to Bristol.
  • 3.5. Definitions, expressed in words:
    The stop next is ours. - The next stop is ours.

4. Before singular nouns:

  • the sun - the sun
    the moon - moon
    the Earth - Earth
    the floor - floor (one in the room)
    the sea - sea (the only one in the area)

5. Before adjectives and participles that have turned into nouns, with a plural meaning:

  • the strong- strong, the old- old men, the young- the youth,

Absence of article (zero article)

1. If there is a pronoun before a noun or nouns in the possessive case.
My room is large - My room is large.

2. A noun is used without an article in the plural in the following cases:

  • 2.1. when in singular in front of him there would be an indefinite article:
    I saw a letter on the table. — I saw a letter on the table.
    I saw letters on the table. — I saw letters on the table.

3. Uncountable real nouns.
water water, milk milk, chalk chalk, sugar sugar, tea tea, snow snow, grass grass, wool wool, meat meat and others.

4. Uncountable abstract nouns (abstract concepts).
weather weather, music music, power strength, knowledge knowledge, art art, history history, mathematics mathematics, light light, love love, life life, time time
I like music - I love music.
But at the same time, some abstract nouns that express a type of quality or state can be used with the indefinite article.
He got a good education. He received a good education.

In English, plural nouns may be preceded by a definite article, the pronoun some (any), or the determiner may be absent.

Rules for using the pronoun some

If one of the words can be placed in front of a Russian noun: several, a certain amount, some, some, the corresponding noun in an English sentence is preceded by the pronoun some (any).
If none of these words can be placed before a Russian noun, then there is no determiner before the corresponding noun in an English sentence.

I bought some apples yesterday - I bought apples yesterday (several, a certain number of apples)

The article in English is a service part of speech; it stands before a noun, adverb or adjective and helps to better understand the context of the statement. Articles are not typical for the Russian language: we characterize the objects being discussed in oral and written speech in other ways: through intonation, pronouns, particles, suffixes, etc.

Historically, the British, Americans, Germans, French, Spanish and some other peoples speaking languages ​​of the Romance and Germanic groups consider it important to clarify each noun in terms of meaning, emphasizing their variety with the help of special short words, which will be discussed in today's article.

Definite article "the"

The article “the” in English is definite because it gives the word the meaning of concreteness, in some cases it emphasizes the uniqueness of an object, object or phenomenon.

It is easy to notice that the article “the”, without distorting the meaning of the statement, can be replaced by demonstrative pronouns “that, this, these, those”.

Cases of using the definite article the

It’s a very complicated task to find out the truth while everyone is trying to make up a new lie. - It is very difficult to find the truth where everyone is trying to invent a new fable.

This example clearly reflects the functional specificity of the definite article “the”: the truth is unique and unique in the situation of the speaker, it is one, there cannot be another, so we say “the truth”.

The sun was shining brightly for the whole morning, so it was impossible to stay asleep. - This morning the sun was shining so brightly that it was impossible to sleep any longer.

The sun is unique, there is no other like it on earth, therefore “the sun”. The same applies to our planet: “the Earth” Earth. There is another definite article in the sentence that defines the word “morning”: the speaker means a specific morning of the day.

“Not last night, sir, I didn’t know.”

“Why do you know so positively?”

“Because the box was empty...” -

"Not last night sir, I know she couldn't do it."

“Why are you talking about this so confidently?”

"Because the box was empty..."

He placed himself as close as he could to the information booth. - He positioned himself as close as possible to the information stand.

At the described moment in time, the hero could rely on a single information stand, and the corresponding article before the word emphasizes this idea.

I have a plan. The plan is too easy to realize, that’s why few people will choose it and it will be just ours. - I have a plan. This plan is very easy to implement, so few people will choose it, which means it will be ours alone.

In the first sentence the listener learned about the presence "no one" plan for the first time. In the second sentence the same plan was again encountered. In Russian, demonstrative pronouns are “this, these, this, that, that, those”, etc. perform the same role as the article "the" in English.

They lived in a very small flat. The flat was located in a new house near the library. - They lived in a small apartment. This apartment was located in a new building not far from the library.

The first person she noticed on board was her cousin who knew nothing about her trip. “The first person she noticed on board was her cousin, who knew nothing about her journey.

These students are going to study Japanese as the second foreign language. - These students are going to study Japanese as a second foreign language.

I know exactly that the most difficult thing for my child is to concentrate: he has always been too active. - I know for sure that the most difficult thing for my child is to concentrate on something: he is too active.

The coldest month we’ve ever had is this November. - This November is the coldest month in our memory.

This way of having negotiations is the worst: if you speak so quickly, nobody will understand what you mean. - This is the worst way to negotiate: if you continue to jabber like this, no one will understand what you are talking about.

  • the group - group;
  • the crowd - the crowd;
  • the company - company;
  • the staff - staff;
  • the public - public, etc.

Lions, tigers and lynxes belong to the cat family. - Lions, tigers and lynxes belong to the cat family.

The Chinese tourist group is coming to our museum tomorrow. - A group of Chinese tourists will come to our museum tomorrow.

The generalization can also apply to surnames meaning “family”:

The Addams is the creepiest family of the previous century. - The Addams Family is the most frightening of the last century.

The Smith usually spent summer in the village. - The Smiths usually spend their summer in the village.

  • one of - one of;
  • each of - each of;
  • some of - some of;
  • many of - many;
  • most of - most;
  • all - everything;
  • both of - both.

Each of the scientists supposed that it’s going to be the last week spent in the expedition. - Every scientist thought that the last week of the expedition had come.

Even all the words you know cannot express the range of emotions you feel. - Even all the words you know cannot express the range of emotions you experience.

Some of the people were only waiting for the end while others were happily sinking in their own memories. “They happily drowned in their own memories while others were just waiting for the outcome.

Both of the twins prefer oil paintings to other kinds of art. - Both twins prefer oil painting to other forms of art.

  • the cinema - cinema;
  • the radio - radio;
  • the theater - theater;
  • the weather - weather;
  • the equator - the equator;
  • the world - the world;
  • the ground - earth;
  • the jungle - the jungle;
  • the seaside - coast;
  • the sky - the sky;
  • the piano - piano;
  • the park - park;
  • the tango - tango;
  • the waltz - waltz.

While going to the cinema, we heard a terrifying noise from the park. - On the way to the cinema, we heard a terrible noise coming from the park.

Beautiful birds were disappearing deep in the sky. - Beautiful birds disappeared deep into the sky.

I want to watch the last film from the very beginning. - I want to watch the last film from the very beginning.

The only reason for Jane to come there is her favorite musical band’s performance. - The only reason Jane would go there is for her favorite band to perform.

Indefinite article a/an - Indefinite article

There are two indefinite articles in English: “a” and “an”. They are equivalent and perform the same function: they indicate that there is only one subject, one of many, or is encountered in the text for the first time.

Article "a" used before a consonant sound "an"- before a vowel.

In most cases, the indefinite article can be replaced by the word "one" one.

Give me a one pen, please. - Give me one pen, please.

Cases of using the indefinite article a - an

We are staying in a large wooden house. The house is located far from noisy cities. - We settled down in a large wooden house. The house is located far from noisy cities.

In the first sentence, the house is only introduced into the narrative through the indefinite article.

She was trying to choose a big orange. The orange suddenly fell down, and I found it as a great opportunity to get acquainted. - She tried to choose a larger orange. He suddenly fell, and I considered this an excellent opportunity to meet.

It's such a lovely melody! - What a wonderful melody!

The reptile seems to be quite a strange creature. - This reptile seems like a rather strange creature.

It’s a rather chilly climate in Alaska. - Alaska has a fairly frosty climate.

She saw there rather a beautiful building. “There she came across a rather beautiful building.

My mother has a little milk in the refrigerator: we can cook pancakes. - Mom has enough milk in the refrigerator: we can fry pancakes.

There are a few cars near our house: I can't park here. - There are quite a few cars near our house: I can't park here.

There are a lot of toys in the room. - There are a lot of toys in this room.

There is a lot of sugar in the kitchen. - There is a lot of sugar in the kitchen.

Uncountable items in English are almost no different from their Russian equivalents: salt, water, milk, sand, tea, coffee, chocolate, jam, etc.

It’s raining cats and dogs, but we have no food in the refrigerator: let’s go and buy a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate and a kilo of fruit. - It’s raining so much that you can’t kick the dog out of the house, but we have absolutely nothing to eat: let’s go and buy a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate and a kilogram of fruit.

It's a quarter to eight. - It's 7.45 now.

It seems I’ve caught a cold while skating today. - It seems I caught a cold at the skating rink today.

We go to the theater twice a year. - We go to the theater twice a year.

To have a good health you should go in for sports three times a week at least. - To be healthy, you need to exercise at least three times a week.

A/the Snake is a reptile. - A snake is a reptile.

Man is a mammal. - Man is a mammal.

The / a spider is an insect. - A spider is an insect.

Zero article - Zero article

There is no need to put an article in cases where we are talking about indefinite nouns in the plural, or about people, naming their names. However, there are a number of additions and exceptions to the use of the zero article in English.

In English. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and in some situations we omit the article, even though it should be there.

In this article we will look at cases of the absence of an article in English.

Zero article in English

An article is a small label that is attached to every item. But in English there is such a thing as the zero article.

Zero article- absence of an article before the subject. According to the rules, we must put an article, but we don’t.

Let's look at the situations in which this happens.

Cases where there is no article in English

So, we don't need to put an article if:

1. We are talking about several things that are not familiar to us. According to the rules, when we talk about a subject that our interlocutor is not familiar with, we must put "a", but we also know that we can only put it when we talk about ONE subject ("a" means "one") , which means that when we talk about such (unfamiliar) objects and there are many of them, we simply do not put “a”.

We bought a car.
We bought a car. (We don’t know which car exactly, but we know that there is only one, so we put the article “a”.)

We bought_cars.
We bought cars. (Since we are talking about several machines, we can no longer supply article "a", so we omit it)

Give me a pen, please.
Give me a pen, please. (We are talking about any one handle, so we put the article “a”.)

Give me_pens, please.
Give me some pens, please. (We are talking about several unknown pens, so we don’t put the article)

2. When the subject is preceded by words:

  • Answering the question whose? (mine, yours, hers, theirs, mom’s, Tom’s, etc.)

I took Marys phone.
I took Mary's phone.

You broke my cup.
You broke my cup.

  • some(several, some), any(any, any, any amount), no(none, none, none, none), each(every), every(any, any).

I have some questions.
I have a few questions.

I cannot give you any fruits.
I can't give you any fruit.

  • Meaning the amount of something (one, ten, three, five, etc.)

She has two sisters.
She has two sisters.

Two dogs plays at the street.
Two dogs are playing on the street.

3. When generalizing, that is, when we talk about something in a general sense. For example: My sister loves milk. That is, she likes to drink milk in a general sense, and not any specific milk.

I prefer green tea to black tea.
I prefer green tea to black tea. (Generally tea, not any specific variety)

She doesn't eat sugar.
She doesn't eat sugar. (She doesn't eat sugar in general, not any specific one)

Words without an article before them

There are also groups of words in English that are not used with articles at all:

1. Before names of people, names of animals:

I spoke with Tom yesterday.
I talked to Tom yesterday.

She was playing with Matilda all morning.
She played with Matilda all morning.

2. Before the names of games, sports

He played football at school.
He played football at school.

They meet every month and play poker.
They get together every month and play poker.

3. Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

She had light breakfast today.
She had a light breakfast today.

He invited her to dinner.
He invited her to dinner.

4. Before the names of countries, cities, languages

He can speak English.
She can speak English.

They had a flight to New-York.
They flew to New York.

So, we've covered the rules, but, of course, it's a little difficult to remember it all. Let's try to draw a conclusion from all of them. We do not use the article if:

1. We don’t know what the interlocutor is talking about and it is in the plural.

2. There are indicating words (my, yours, Mary, sisters). In fact, if you don't know which article to use, you can always use these substitute words to avoid making a mistake.

3. Everyone knows what we are talking about (New York, Moscow, English, French).

Now let's put this into practice.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. She bought several dresses.
2. Can I take two chocolates?
3. She put the books on the table.
4. We are going to go for lunch.
5. Children play football.
6. Stitch loves to play with the ball.
7. Her favorite drink is coffee.
8. Two people entered the room.

Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

There are times when an article before a noun is not needed at all. Such a missing article in English is called zero. In this article we will talk about cases of its use.

We use the zero article:

  1. With uncountable nouns denoting substances, liquids, gases and abstract concepts.

    Water is necessary for life. – Water necessary for life.

    Compassion is one of his brightest features. – Compassion- one of his most striking features.

    If we are talking about a specific object or substance, the definite article should be used the.

    The rice we ate yesterday was delicious. – The rice we ate yesterday was amazing.

    The weather this autumn is wonderful! – This autumn beautiful weather!

  2. With countable nouns in the plural, if we are talking about a group of people, objects, or all representatives of a certain class in a general sense.

    Trees produce oxygen. – Trees produce oxygen. (the word is used in a general sense: not some specific trees, but all trees)

    I like the trees outside my house. - I like trees near my house. (referring to specific trees)

  3. With words meaning meals.

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. – Breakfast– the most important meal of the day.

    But if such a noun is preceded by an adjective, then the indefinite article should be used a/an.

    Mr. Simpson had a tasty supper. - Mr. Simpson had delicious dinner.

  4. With words school, church, bed, hospital, college, university, court, prison, home when it comes to their intended purpose.

    Jack was in prison. - Jack was in prison. (as a prisoner)

    Jack's mother went to the prison to see him. – Jack’s mom went to prison to see him. (she went to the prison building as a visitor)

    Teacher Stewart explains this rule in detail in the following video.

  5. Before phrases:
    • Noun + numeral.

      Open your book on page 13. – Open your book to page 13.

    • Pretext by+ vehicle.

      She travels by bus all the time. - She travels all the time by bus.

    • Title, rank or position + proper name.

      President Reagan was born in 1911. – President Reagan born in 1911.

      If a title is mentioned without a name, then the article should be used the.

      Yesterday the Minister of Education attended the biggest university in the country. - Yesterday Minister of education visited the largest university in the country.

      Also, the zero or definite article is used when we are talking about a unique position or profession, and the indefinite article - if the position is non-unique.

      He's been appointed (the) top manager of this department. - He was appointed top manager this department (there is only one top manager in this department).

      He is a sales manager in this department. - He works sales manager in this department (he is one of several sales managers in the department).

  6. Before the names:
    • Types of sports, games.

      Football is a popular game. – Football is a popular game.

    • Drinks, dishes.

      She cooks lasagna every Friday. - She cooks lasagna Every Friday.

    • Languages.

      I speak French. - I speak French.

      But if the name of the language is used with the word “language”, then the definite article is necessary.

      The French language is spoken in some parts of Canada. – In some parts of Canada they speak French.

    • Colors.

      Blue is my favorite color. – Blue- my favorite color is.

    • Illnesses.

      This boy is sick with asthma. - This boy is sick asthma.

      Exceptions that can be used with both the zero and definite articles: flu / the flu(flu), meats / the meats(measles), mumps / the mumps(piggy).

      She caught (the) flu. - She picked it up flu.

    • Cities and what is in them: streets, parks, public gardens, railway stations, bridges.

      Wall Street is famous all over the world. – Wall Street known all over the world.

      Times Square is located in the central part of Manhattan. – Times Square located in central Manhattan

    • Establishments, shops, banks and hotels named after their founders.

      The prices in Johnson's Pharmacy are cheap. - IN Johnson's Pharmacy prices are lower.

    • Important public buildings that consist of two words.

      Cambridge University is one of the oldest in the world. – Cambridge university- one of the oldest in the world.

      My dream is to see Buckingham Palace. - My dream is to see Buckingham Palace.

      Exception: the White House(The White house).

    • Countries consisting of one word:

      I'm from England. - I'm from England.

      Country names in the plural or consisting of more than one word are used with the definite article the: the Philippines(Philippines), the United States of America(USA).

    • Some geographical objects: continents, mountains, lakes, single islands.

      Africa is a large continent. – Africa- big continent.

      Mount Etna is a volcano. – Mount Etna– volcano.

      Lake Baikal is situated in Russia. – Lake Baikal is located in Russia.

      Madagascar is known for its nature. – Madagascar famous for its nature.

We have presented the main uses of the zero article. In order to repeat them, we suggest watching a training video.

Now you know the rules for using the zero article in English and can use them in practice. We invite you to take our test to check how well you understand the material.


Zero article in English

In English, in addition to the definite and indefinite articles, there is also such a thing as the zero article. In this case, the article is not used or is simply omitted.

We omit the article if:

1. This is the plural of them. noun.

Yesterday I saw lions in the zoo.
Yesterday I saw lions at the zoo.

Wolves are dangerous animals.
Wolves are very dangerous animals.

2. These are nouns in the form of address.

Good morning, captain!
Good morning, captain!

3. These are uncountable nouns in the general sense.

For example:

Abstract nouns: knowledge, love, music, history, time, beauty and etc.

Knowledge is the key.
Knowledge is the key.

Real nouns: meat, grass, sugar, wood, milk.

My sister eats a lot of sugar.
My sister eats a lot of sugar.

But if we specify an object, then the definite article the is used.

The grass is too long.
This grass is too long.

The music of Beethoven is better than any other kind of music.
Beethoven's music is better than any other music.

4. There are such determiners as indefinite pronouns, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative pronouns, nouns in the possessive case.

My cat is very clever.
My cat is very smart.

I love her stories.
I love her stories.

5. These are unique proper names that do not require clarification.

I saw Lucky was fighting at the ring.
I saw Lucky boxing in the ring.

6. The cardinal noun comes before the noun.

Three workers entered the factory.
Three workers entered the factory.

7. In the context, two closely related objects or objects are observed.

They look like mother and son.
They look like mother and child.

8. There is an indication of one single appointment to a post or position.

Theodore Roosevelt was elected as President in 1933.
Theodore Roosevelt was elected president in 1933.

9. These are titles, addresses and titles, if they are followed by a surname:

Mister Johnson
Minister Brown

10. This is a certain group of words, which we conventionally call “Family and School” “Family and School”

Home and school: college, church, home
Family members: mother, father, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, grandmother, grandfather
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Any sport: football, basketball, hockey, baseball
Any disease: flu, angina, pneumonia (pneumonia), etc.
Holidays: Christmas, Easter

I play basketball.
I play basketball.

Why go to church?
Why go to church?

11. A noun in its meaning refers more to a quality rather than an object.

You are not even man enough to admit your fault.
You are not man enough to admit your guilt.

12. With some geographical names.

Bengal bay
Bay of Bengal

lakes, if they are preceded by the word “lake”:

Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe


Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls





Croatia, Brazil
Croatia, Brazil

individual mountains (as opposed to chains):



Europe, Asia
Europe Asia

Paris, Moscow
Paris, Moscow

Absence of an article in set expressions:

at breakfast/dinner/lunchat breakfast/lunch/dinner
at home- Houses
in case of- when
by mistake- by mistake
at night- at night
at sunset/sunriseat sunset/sunrise
in sight- in sight
in secret- in secret
by accident- occasionally
by air/water/sea/landby air/water/sea/land
by chance- accidentally
by heart- by heart
by train/ship/busby train/boat/bus
in time- during
from time to timeoccasionally
in fact- in fact
at war/peacein a state of war/peace
on demand- on request
and etc.

Stylistic omission of articles in English.

- In the newspaper headlines.

Young man was caught in the city center.
The young man was caught in the city center.

— In scripts and telegrams.

Daily rate was given to poor children in Africa.
The daily allowance was given to poor children in Africa.

Lamps on the stage stand near cupboard.
The stage lamps should be moved towards the cabinet.

— In dictionary entries, notes and footnotes:

See page 18
See page 18
Table 7
Table 7