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Translation and meaning of EVER in English and Russian. EVER translation from English into other languages ​​Ever in English

] - adverb

  1. Always;
    ever after, ever since since (how);
    for ever (and ever), for ever and a day a> forever, forever; b> incessantly;
    ever yours always yours (signature in letter)

    Examples of use

    1. He rested his glance on the upper floors, where the glass dazzlingly reflected the broken-up sun which was for ever departing from Mikhail Alexandrovich, then shifted it lower down to where the windows were beginning to dark before evening, smiled condescendingly at something, narrowed his eves, put his hands on the knob and his chin on his hands.

      He fixed his gaze on the upper floors, dazzlingly reflecting in the glass the broken sun that was leaving Mikhail Alexandrovich forever, then he turned his gaze downwards, where the glass began to darken in the early evening, smiled condescendingly at something, squinted, put his hands on the knob, and his chin on his hands.

      The Master and Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov, p. 5
    2. Each picture told a story; mysterious often to my undeveloped understanding and imperfect feelings, yet ever profoundly interesting: as interesting as the tales Bessie sometimes narrated on winter evenings, when she chanced to be in good humour; and when, having brought her ironing-table to the nursery hearth, she allowed us to sit about it, and while she got up Mrs. Reed's lace frills, and crimped her nightcap borders, fed our eager attention with passages of love and adventure taken from old fairy tales and other ballads; or (as at a later period I discovered) from the pages of Pamela, and Henry, Earl of Moreland.

      Each picture contained a whole story, sometimes difficult for my inexperienced mind and vague perceptions, but full of deep interest - the same as the tales that Bessie told us on winter evenings on those rare occasions when she was in a good mood. Pushing the ironing table close to the fireplace in our nursery, she would allow us to sit around and, ironing the blondes on Mrs. Reed's skirts or flattening the frills of her nightcap with tongs, she would quench our greedy curiosity with tales of love and adventure borrowed from the ancient fairy tales and even more ancient ballads, or, as I discovered in later years, from Pamela and Henry, Duke of Morland.

      Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, page 3
    3. The clouds were building up now for the trade wind and he looked ahead and saw a flight of wild ducks etching themselves against the sky over the water, then blurring, then etching again and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.

      The clouds piled up, foreshadowing the trade wind, and, looking ahead, he noticed a flock of wild ducks over the water, sharply outlined in the sky; Now the flock blurred, then again became even clearer, and the old man realized that a man is never alone at sea.

      The old man and the sea. Ernest Hemingway, page 33
  2. ever;
    it is the best symphony I have ever heard heard;
    hardly ever hardly ever; almost never
  3. as ever;
    I shall do it as soon as ever I can
  4. colloquial - used for emphasis: why ever did you do it? why did you do it?;
    what ever do you mean? what do you mean by this?;
    ever so colloquial a> Very;
    thank you ever so much; b> no matter how;
    be the weather ever so bad, I must go no matter how bad the weather is, I must go

always, always, forever, before
(always, constantly, eternally, before)
ever happen - always happen
ever increasing demand - ever increasing demand
ever young - forever young
ever forget - never forget
ever increasing number - all larger number
all the time

the most genial letter that ever was written — the most heartfelt letter that has ever been written
ever varying — continuously changing
as ever — as soon as
ever since — since then, since that time
for ever and a day — joking. forever, forever
ever / now and anon — from time to time
thanks ever so — thank you very much
ever frost — permafrost
as honest a man as ever broke bread — a most honest man; the most honest person; most honest soul
be as quick as ever you can — hurry up as soon as you can

Have you ever heard about it?

Have you ever heard of this?

We are ever sinning.

We sin constantly.

She"s doing fine and is as pretty as ever.

She does well and is beautiful, as always.

Cry as loud as ever you can.

Scream as loud as you can.

Have you ever been to Paris?

Have you ever been to Paris?

Have you ever been to France?

Have you ever been to France?

I don't think I've ever been here before.

I don't think I've ever been here before.

1. ever; whenever

the best film we ever saw - the best film we have ever seen

have we ever met before? -Have we ever met before?

hardly /scarcely/ ever - almost never, very rarely

he is rarely if ever a visitor - he rarely happens, one might say, almost never happens

not then or ever - neither then nor after

foxes are rarely if ever tamed - foxes, if they become tame, it is very rarely

more than ever before - more than ever (before)

as good as ever - no worse than before

the argument is as convincing as ever - the argument has not lost its persuasiveness

2. always, forever

for ever - forever, forever

for ever and ever - a) for eternity; b) church forever and ever

pedants will ever be carpring - pedants always find fault / never stop carping /

3. emots.-amplification. 1> in interrogative and exclamatory sentences:

who ever can it be? - who is this (maybe)?

who ever would have thought it! - who would have thought (this)!, who would have thought of this?!

did you ever? - colloquial really?, have you heard anything like this?

where ever did I put my glasses? - Where did I put my glasses?

why didn't you ever ask them? - so why didn't you ask them?

as if he would ever do such a thing! - (as) as if he is capable of this! 2> in comparative turns:

I shall do it as soon as I ever can - I will do it as soon as I can /at the first opportunity/

run as fast as ever you can - run as fast as possible

she is as good a girl as ever was - you won’t find a girl better than her in the world

he works as well as ever a man could - it’s simply impossible to work better than him 3> in negative sentences never

did you love him? - Not ever - did you love him? - No, never

no man can ever understand you - no one can ever understand you

nobody has ever done this before - no one has ever done this before

I do not think we have ever met - it seems we have never met

nothing ever happens in our village - nothing ever happens in our village

4. emots.-amplification. very, extremely

he is ever such a rich man - he is a very rich man, he is fabulously rich

ever so - very, extremely; much, much

this road is ever so much shorter - this road is much shorter

he is ever so strong - he is a real strongman

he has ever so many friends - he has a lot of friends

I like him ever so much - I really like him / really like him /

be the weather ever so bad... - no matter how bad the weather is...

I waited ever so long - I waited forever / an eternity /

thank you ever so much - thank you very much, very grateful to you

5. in combinations:

ever after - since then (and until the end)

they married and lived happily ever after - they got married and were happy all their lives

ever since - ever since, since that time

I "ve known him ever since he was a boy - I have known him since childhood

ever and again, ever and anon - a) from time to time; b) every now and then, every minute

yours ever, ever yours - always yours, devoted to you (before the signature at the end of the letter)

for ever and a day - joke. forever, forever

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More meanings of the word and translation of EVER from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and translation of EVER from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for EVER in dictionaries.

  • EVER - I. ˈevə(r) adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣfre; probably akin to Old English ā always – more at …
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  • EVER - /ev"euhr/, adv. 1. at all times; always: an ever-present danger; He is ever ready to find fault. 2. continuously: ...
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  • EVER — adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣfre Date: before 12th century 1. : always ever striving to improve the …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • EVER - / ˈevə(r); NAmE / adverb 1. used in negative sentences and questions, or sentences with if to mean "at any …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • EVER - ev ‧ er S1 W1 /ˈevə $ ˈevər/ BrE AmE adverb [Language: Old English; Origin: æfre ] 1 …
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  • EVER
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  • EVER - adv. 1 at all times; always (ever hopeful; ever after). 2 at any time (have you ever been to Paris?; …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • EVER — adv.1 at all times; always (ever hopeful; ever after). 2 at any time (have you ever been to Paris?; nothing …
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  • EVER — Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: "Ever" is an adverb which you …
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  • EVER — adverb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES ever since (= all the time since) ▪ We’ve been friends ever since we …
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  • EVER — (EMPHASIS) - used for emphasizing an adjectiveThe orchestra is to perform its last ever concert/last concert ever …
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  • EVER — INDEX: 1. at any time in the past or future RELATED WORDS see also ALWAYS NEVER PAST …
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  • EVER
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  • EVER - adv. 1 at all, (at) any time, at any point or period, on any occasion, in any case, by any ...
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • EVER — adverb 1 BAD: He has ever been my hero. GOOD: He has always been my hero. ◆◆◆ever…
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  • EVER - adv 1. ever; ever the best film we ever saw - the best film we have ever...
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  • EVER - adv. 1) always, forever; constantly; invariably; at any time Longitude is ever measured from the intersection of the equator and …
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  • EVER - adv. 1) always, forever; constantly; invariably; at any time Longitude is ever measured from the intersection of the equator and ecliptic. -...
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  • EVER - _adv. 1> always; ever after, ever since - since then (how); for ever (and ever), for ever and a ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • EVER - adv. 1. always; ever after, ever since - since then (how); for ever (and ever), for ever and a ...
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  • EVER - _adv. 1> always; ever after, ever since since (how); for ever (and ever), for ever and a day...
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  • EVER - adv. 1) always, forever; constantly; invariably; at any time Longitude is ever measured from the intersection of the equator and …
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  • EVER - sempre; (to show emphasis) -cunc. WHATEVER: quocunc; (at any time) alquande, jamá. FOR ~: por sempre
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  • EVER — adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣfre Date: before 12th century always, 2. at any time, in …
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  • EVER
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  • EVER - (adv.) Without cessation; continually.
  • EVER - (adv.) At any time; at any period or point of time.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • EVER - (adv.) At all times; through all time; always; forever.
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • EVER - adv. at any time; always; continually, constantly
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    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • EVER — ■ adverb 1》 at any time. ↘used in comparisons for emphasis. 2》at…
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  • EVER — adv (bef. 12c) 1: always "~ striving to improve" "the ever-increasing population" 2. a: at …
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ever (ˊevə) adv

1) always;

ever after, ever since (as);"

for ever (and ever), for ever and a day"

a) forever, forever;

b) incessantly;

ever yours always yours ( signature in the letter)

2) ever;

it is the best symphony I have ever heard

hardly ever hardly ever; almost never

3) decomposition used to enhance:

why ever did you do it? why did you do this?;

what ever do you mean? What do you mean by this?

as ever;

I shall do it as soon as ever I can ever so colloquial

a) very;

thank you ever so much;

b) no matter how;

even if the weather is ever so bad, I must go

English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Mueller

translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

+ EVER translation - New big English-Russian dictionary under the general leadership of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan




(ʹevə) adv

1. ever; whenever

the best film we ~ saw - the best film we have ever seen

have we ~ met before? -Have we ever met before?

hardly /scarcely/ ~ - almost never, very rarely

he is rarely if ~ a visitor - he rarely happens, one might say, almost never happens

not then or ~ - neither then nor after

foxes are rarely if ~ tamed - foxes, if they become tame, it is very rarely

more than ~ before - more than ever (before)

as good as ~ - no worse than before

the argument is as convincing as ~ - the argument has not lost its persuasiveness

2. always, forever

for ~ - forever, forever

for ~ and ~ - a) for eternal times; b) church forever and ever

pedants will ~ be carpring - pedants always find fault / never stop finding fault /

3. emots.-amplification

1) in interrogative and exclamatory sentences:

who ~ can it be? - who is this (maybe)?

who ~ would have thought it! - who would have thought (this)!, who would have thought of this?!

did you ~? - decomposition really?, have you heard anything like this?

where ~ did I put my glasses? - Where did I put my glasses?

why ~ didn't you ask them? - so why didn’t you ask them?

as if he would ~ do such a thing! - (as) as if he is capable of this!

2) in comparative turnover:

I shall do it as soon as I ~ can - I will do it as soon as I can /at the first opportunity/

run as fast as ~ you can - run as fast as possible

she is as good a girl as ~ was - you won’t find a girl better than her in the world

he works as well as ~ a man could - it’s simply impossible to work better than him

3) in negative sentences never

did you love him? - Not ~ - did you love him? - No, never

no man can ~ understand you - no one will ever be able to understand you

nobody has ~ done this before - no one has ever done this before

I do not think we have ~ met - it seems we have never met

nothing ~ happens in our village - nothing ever happens in our village

4. emots.-amplification very, extremely

he is ~ such a rich man - he is a very rich man, he is fabulously rich

~ so - very, extremely; much, much

this road is ~ so much shorter - this road is much shorter

he is ~ so strong - he is a real strongman

he has ~ so many friends - he has a lot of friends

I like him ~ so much - I really like him / really like him /

be the weather ~ so bad... - no matter how bad the weather is...

I waited ~ so long - I waited for an infinitely long time / an eternity /

thank you ~ so much - thank you very much, very grateful to you

5. in combinations:

~ after - from then on (until the end)

they married and lived happily ~ after - they got married and were happy all their lives

~ since - since then, since that time

I "ve known him ~ since he was a boy - I have known him since childhood as ever - as only I shall do it as soon as ever I can - I will earn it, as only I can4) gives an additional meaning to the words why, where and etc. why ever did you do it? - What did you earn? What ever do you mean? - What are you saying?, what do you want to say? 5) ever so - thank you ever so much - thank you so much