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The touch is translated. English-Russian dictionary

transcription, transcription: [tʌʧ]

a) touch, contact

delicate touch - gentle, careful touch

gentle, light, soft touch - soft, light touch

heavy touch - rough touch

b) rare grasping, grasping, squeezing tightly; embrace

hold I 1., grasp 1., embrace 1.

a) touch; contact, contact

sense of touch - sense of touch

contact 1., feel 2.

b) palpation, palpation

c) tag (children's game)

3) general meaning: a small amount of something.

a) a little, admixture, bloom, tint, reflection

a touch of household soda - a pinch of baking soda

The expression looked different. One would have said that there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth. — The facial expression changed. It seemed that there was some kind of cruelty in the line of the mouth and lips. (O. Wilde, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, ch. 7).

There was a touch of bitterness in what he said. “There was bitterness in his words.

b) mild attack (of illness); minor bruise, etc.

a touch of the sun - overheating

c) a small distance (from something, to something) (in time or space)

4) stroke; trans. characteristic, mark, seal; manner, techniques (of the artist, etc.)

personal touch - characteristic features (of a person)

quality 1., characteristic 2., trait

a) transfer communication, contact

Keep in close touch with me. - Don't lose contact with me.

I am out of touch with the present situation. - I have no idea about the real situation.

close touch - close contact

in touch with - in contact (with someone)

out of touch with - to have no idea about something.

to get in touch with - contact (with someone)

to lose touch with - lose connection, contact (with someone)

b) approach (to people); tact

He has a marvelous touch in dealing with children. - He gets along well with children.

c) sl. extortion; obtaining money by fraud

6) test, sample

to put / bring to the touch - to put to the test

7) music touche

8) sports. area behind the side lines of a football field, etc.

in touch - behind the side line

a) light blow

That was his best-known touch. - This was his signature blow.

hit 1., knock 1., stroke 1., blow I

b) transfer lunge, thrust, caustic remark

soft touch, easy touch - a weak-willed person; simpleton

a) (to) touch, touch, be touched; touch

b) honey palpate, palpate

c) transfer touch food, eat

He has not touched food for two days. “He hasn’t eaten anything for two days.”

I couldn't touch anything. - I couldn't eat anything. (I was fed up.)

2) about interaction of some. items

a) touch

Those spheres of knowledge often touch. — These areas of knowledge often interact with each other.

b) geom. touch, be tangent

3) border, be nearby, adjoin

A part of the road where it touched the river. — That part of the road that adjoined the river.

adjoin, border on, skirt 2.

a) touch upon, lightly touch on (topic, question)

to touch a topic upon which they disagree - touch on a topic on which they do not agree

b) touch, worry, touch a nerve (about feelings, emotions, etc.)

c) touch, relate to (smth.)

How does this touch me? - What does this have to do with me?

a) ordinary suffering to be slightly spoiled; spoil

Leaves are touched with frost. — The leaves are touched by frost.

He is slightly touched. - He doesn’t have everything at home.

infect, taint 2.

b) slightly colored; give some light shade

c) have an impact

Nothing will touch these stains. “Nothing can remove these stains.”

d) strike lightly

a) colloquial receive, obtain (money - for; esp. in debt or by fraud)

He touched me for a large sum of money. “He borrowed and begged me for a large sum (of money).

b) receive (salary)

He touches L2 6s a week. — He receives 2 pounds 6 shillings a week.

7) compare; reach the same high level

There is nothing to touch sea air for bracing you up. — There is nothing more useful than sea air for improving health.

reach I 2., attain

8) ring (smth.), make sound (smth.); play a musical instrument

Having touched the piano, he was requested to sing. (Burgon) - After he played the piano, he was asked to sing.

9) make a sketch, outline, technical drawing

mark II 2., draw 2., delineate

a) interfere, influence (smth.)

b) cause pain, injure (also translated)

The hand of violence must not touch them. (J. Gilbert) - The hand of violence must not reach them.

No officer was touched. — Not a single officer was injured.

injure, hurt 2.

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. 2005

English-Russian dictionaries English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

More meanings of the word and translation of TOUCH from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of TOUCH from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for TOUCH in dictionaries.

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  • English-Russian dictionary


    1. n (n)

    1. touch; touch

    compare; reach the same high level Synonyms: reach I 2., attain

    make a sketch, outline, technical drawing Synonyms: mark II 2., draw 2., delineate

    to cause pain, to injure directly. and trans. Synonyms: injure, hurt 2.

    rare grasping, grasping, squeezing tightly; embrace Synonyms: hold I 1., grasp 1., embrace 1.

    a small distance (from something, to something; in time or space) Synonyms: shave 1.

    hatch; characteristic feature, mark, seal Synonyms: quality 1., characteristic 2., trait

    palpation, palpation Synonyms: palpation

    tag (children's game) Synonyms: touch-and-run

    Synonyms: touch; touch|feel; feel|handle; touch/handle|finger; touch with finger|contact; touch
    Synonyms: touch v.
    1 put (one"s) hand on, feel, handle: She leant forward and touched my hand.
    2 bring into contact with, apply, put, set: He touched a match to the fuse and ran.
    3 Sometimes, touch (up) against. be in contact (with), border, adjoin, meet, come up or be (up) against, push or press or lean (up) against, brush or rub (up) against, come or be together, abut: The ladder is touching the freshly painted wall.
    4 lay a hand or finger on; meddle with, have to do with, interfere with, come near, approach: If you touch me, I"ll scream.
    5 drink, eat, consume, partake of, take, use, taste, have to do with: He swore that he would never touch alcohol again.
    6 affect, impress, influence, disturb, move, stir, arouse, excite, impassion, stimulate, strike, Colloq get to: We were touched by your sympathetic note.
    7 rival, match, equal, compare with, come up to, be on a par with, be a match for, be in the same league or class as or with, be on an equal footing with, reach, come or get near or close to, hold a candle to, measure up to or against, Colloq US stack up to or with or against: No other car can touch our new model for speed and safety.
    8 Usually, touch on or upon. refer to, have reference to, pertain to, relate to, have a bearing on, regard, mention, allude to, speak or write of, tell of, bring up or in, raise, deal with, cover: I must now touch upon a delicate matter.
    9 have access to, access, use, employ, make use of, put to use, avail (oneself) of, take, get, take advantage of: I do not touch the principal, but try to live off the interest.
    10 touch down. land, alight, come to earth: We touched down for fuel at Gander, Newfoundland.
    11 touch off. a detonate, spark (off), set alight, set off, ignite, light, fire, put a match to: We touched off the gunpowder and blew up the arsenal. b instigate, initiate, begin, start, set in motion, ignite, set off, trigger, provoke, foment, cause, give rise to: Her offhand remark touched off a family row that lasted for years.
    12 touch up. retouch, patch up; beautify, enhance, titivate, renovate, spruce up: She said that the painting had recently been touched up. Mandy is upstairs touching up her make-up.

    13 feeling, feel, texture: She wants nothing but the touch of silk next to her body.
    14 pat, tap, blow, hit, stroke, brush, caress: She hated him so much that she cringed at the touch of his hand.
    15 dash, hint, intimation, suggestion, soupon, bit, intimation, pinch, jot, spot, trace, tinge, taste, suspicion, smattering, colouring, smack, speck, drop, whiff, odour, scent, smell: Cynthia has a touch of hypocrisy about her. The salad dressing could use a touch more garlic.
    16 ability, deftness, expertise, dexterity, adroitness, facility, skill, skilfulness, knack, capability, genius, talent, gift, flair: Richard has a master"s touch in everything he does.
    17 response, feel, responsiveness, feeling, movement, operation, performance level: This piano action has an excellent touch.
    18 signature, trade mark, characteristic, influence, approach, style, manner, technique, execution, method: I thought I recognized your touch in the furniture selection. A woman's touch might have helped.

    Phrases, idioms, phrasal verbs, slang, example sentences

    Examples of phrases, thematic dictionaries



    This riffraff strongly believes in her personal touch. - This slut firmly believes in her originality

  • It was one January morning, very early-a pinching, frosty morning-the cove all gray with hoar-frost, the ripple lapping softly on the stones, the sun still low and only touching the hilltops and shining far to seaward.

    It was an early frosty January morning. The bay turned gray from frost. Small ripples gently licked the coastal stones. The sun had not yet risen and only touched the tops of the hills and the distance of the sea with its rays.

    Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 7
  • touch her.

  • contact, communication;
    in touch with smb. in contact with someone;
    to get in touch with smb. contact someone;
    to lose touch with smb. lose touch, contact with smb.
  • touch;
    soft to the touch
  • hatch;
    to put the finishing touches (to) make the finishing touches, finish; end
  • characteristic;
    the touch of a poet;
    personal touch characteristic features (of a person)

    Examples of using

  • approach (to people); tact;
    he has a marvelous touch in dealing with children
  • a little; admixture; shade, coating;
    a touch of salt
    there was a touch of bitterness in what he said

    Examples of using

    1. And because of all this, he carried himself more boldly, with a touch of defiance that was new in him.

      And this gave him courage, even enthusiasm appeared in him, which was not there before.

      White Fang. Jack London, page 67
    2. And even in conversations with people he liked, there was always a note of contemptuous paternal condescension in his voice - many in New Haven could not stand him for this.

      The Great Gatsby. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, page 6
    3. We had pulled up in front of a large villa which stood within its own grounds. A stable-boy had run out to the horse’s head, and springing down, I followed Holmes up the small, winding gravel-drive which led to the house. As we approached, the door flew open, and a little blonde woman stood in the opening, clad in some sort of light mousseline de soie, with a touch of fluffy pink chiffon at her neck and wrists. She stood with her figure outlined against the flood of light, one hand upon the door, one half-raised in her eagerness, her body slightly bent, her head and face protruded, with eager eyes and parted lips, a standing question.

      We stopped in front of a large villa surrounded by a garden. Handing the horse over to the groom who ran out to meet us, Holmes and I walked towards the house along a narrow gravel path. As we approached, the door swung open, and a small blond woman in a light silk dress trimmed with lush pink chiffon appeared at the threshold. She held the door with one hand and raised the other impatiently; bending forward, half-parting her lips, looking greedily at us, she seemed to be asking with her whole appearance what new we had brought her.

      The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A man with a cut lip. Arthur Conan Doyle, page 12
  • mild attack (of illness); minor bruise, etc.;
    a touch of the sun overheating
  • manner, techniques (of the artist, etc.)
  • sample, test;
    to put (or to bring) to the touch to put to the test
  • slang; jargon - extortion; obtaining money by fraud
  • tag (children's game; also touch and run)
  • music - touche
  • sports - the area behind the football sidelines, etc. fields;
    in touch behind the sideline;
    touch typist - a touch typist;
    common touch; feeling of elbow;
    in (or within) touch a> close, at hand; b> accessible, achievable;
    near touch danger that was barely avoided;
    no touch to smth. nothing compared to sth., does not stand up to criticism
  • verb
    1. touch, touch, touch; touch;
      to touch one's hat to smb. greet someone by raising your hat

      Examples of using

      1. An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her.

        The colossal shaggy puppy looked down at her with huge round eyes, hesitantly trying to touch her with his paw (or rather, paws).

        Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, page 23
      2. He has never worn a red tie in his life, and hopes he can go to his grave untouched by that particular virus.

        He has never worn a red tie in his life and hopes to go to his grave without succumbing to this virus.

        Blind Willie. Stephen KING, page 2
      3. “If I catch you flaming little twerps touching that doll again I’ll brand your shitty little arses!” Frank yelled after them.

        Just touch this doll again, I’ll rip your legs out! - Frank shouted after them.

        Singing in the thorn bushes. Colin McCollough, page 6
    2. touch food, eat;
      he has not touched food for two days;
      I couldn't touch anything I wasn't hungry
    3. touch upon, lightly touch on (topic, question)

      Examples of using

      1. The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story--that is to say, thirty or forty years ago.

        The wild superstitions described below were common among the children and Negroes of the West at that time, that is, thirty or forty years ago.

        Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain, page 1
    4. (common passive voice) slightly spoil;
      leaves are touched with frost;
      he is slightly touched he is not all at home
    5. have an impact;
      nothing will touch these stains nothing can remove these stains
    6. touch, excite, touch the heartstrings

      Examples of using

      1. Love touched the hearts of the Brahmans" young daughters when Siddhartha walked through the lanes of the town with the luminous forehead, with the eye of a king, with his slim hips.

        Love arose in the hearts of the young daughters of the Brahmins when Siddhartha walked through the streets of the city, with a radiant brow, with a regal gaze, with narrow hips.

        Siddhartha. Hermann Hesse, page 1
    7. touch, relate (to smth.);
      how does this touch me? What does this have to do with me?
    8. colloquial - to receive, to obtain (money, especially in debt or by fraud - for);
      he touched me for a large sum of money
    9. receive (salary);
      he touches pounds 2 6 s a week
    10. compare; reach the same high level;
      there is nothing to touch sea air for bracing you up
    11. tint; give shade;
      clouds touched with rose pinkish clouds
    12. geometry - touch, be tangent;
      touch at nautical; nautical enter (at a port);
      touch down to land, touch the ground;
      touch off a> quickly sketch; convey similarities; b> shoot out (from a cannon); c> hang up (on the phone); r> cause (dispute, etc.);
      touch on a> touch on, touch briefly (on a question, etc.); b> border on smth. (eg, with impudence);
      touch up a> correct, finish, finish, put the finishing touches, strokes; b> spur (horse); c> remind, push; r> to excite;
      touch upon = touch on to touch shore
      to touch pitch deal with a dubious enterprise or entity;
      to touch the spot to hit the target; fit for purpose;
      to touch smb. on a sore (or tender) place to offend someone. for the living;
      he touches six feet;
      to touch wood try to appease fate, prevent a bad omen;
      touch wood! don't jinx it!

  • Translation:

    touch (tʌtʃ)


    1) touch;

    at a touch

    2) touch;

    soft to the touch

    3) a little; admixture; tint, bloom;

    a touch of salt

    there was a touch of bitterness in what he said

    4) manner, techniques ( artist and so on. )

    5) characteristic feature;

    the touch of a poet;

    personal touch characteristic features ( person)

    6) (often pl) stroke; smear;

    to put the finishing touches (to) make the final touches, finish; end"

    7) contact, communication;

    in touch with smb. in contact with someone;

    in touch with smth. aware of something;

    to get in touch with smb. contact someone;

    to lose touch with smb. lose touch, contact with someone.

    8) approach ( to people); tact;

    he has a marvelous touch in dealing with children

    9) mild attack ( illnesses); minor bruise, etc. ;

    a touch of the sun overheating

    10) sl. extortion; obtaining money by fraud; victim of deception

    11) trial, test;

    to put ( or to bring) to the touch

    12) salki ( child Game; etc. touch and run)

    13) music touch

    14) sports. the area behind the football side lines, etc. fields;

    in touch behind the sideline common touch feeling of the elbow;

    in( or within) touch

    a) close, at hand;"

    b) accessible, achievable;"

    near touch danger that was barely avoided

    2. v

    1) (to) touch, to touch, to touch, to touch; touch;"

    to touch one "s hat to smb. greet someone by raising your hat"

    2) touch, excite, touch a nerve"

    3) lightly touch, graze"

    4) (usual With neg. ) dig, rummage;

    don"t touch my things

    5) touch food, drink, eat, drink;

    he has not touched food for two days;

    I couldn't touch anything I couldn't put anything in my mouth

    6) touch, lightly touch ( topic, question)

    7) exert influence;

    nothing will touch these stains

    8) touch, have a relationship ( to smth.);

    how does this touch me? What does this have to do with me?

    9) compare; reach the same (high) level;

    there is nothing to touch sea air for bracing you up

    10) (usual pass.) slightly spoil;

    leaves are touched with frost;

    he is slightly touched ≅ he doesn’t have everything at home

    11) lightly color; give shade;

    clouds touched with rose

    12) produce sound ( on a musical instrument), touch the strings, keys"

    13) receive, obtain ( money, esp. in debt or fraud; for);"

    he touched me for a large sum of money money)

    14) receive ( salary);

    he touches £6 a week

    15) geom. touch, be tangent

    touch at mor. come in ( to the port);

    touch down land, touch the ground;

    touch off

    a) quickly sketch; convey similarity;

    b) blurt out ( from a cannon);

    c) call ( dispute and so on. );

    touch on

    a) touch upon, touch upon briefly ( question and so on. );"

    b) border on smth. (eg. , with impudence);

    touch up

    a) correct, finish, finish, put the finishing touches, strokes;

    b) excite; excite;

    c) spur ( horse);

    d) remind, push;

    touch upon = touch on to touch shore

    to touch pitch to deal with a dubious enterprise or subject;

    to touch the spot to hit the target; meet its purpose;

    to touch smb. on a sore ( or tender) place to hurt someone to the quick;

    he touches six feet;

    to touch wood try to appease fate;

    touch wood! don't jinx it!

    English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Mueller

    translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

    + TOUCH translation - New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan




    1. (tʌtʃ) n

    1. touch; touch

    at a ~ - at (first) touch

    a ~ of /with/ a stick - touching with a stick

    a ~ to the cap - greeting by touching the cap

    to give a ~ - touch

    to give one "s horse a ~ of the spurs - lightly spur the horse

    he felt a cold ~ on his arm - he felt a cold touch on his hand

    momentary ~ (of the shoulders to the mat) - short-term contact of the shoulder blades with the carpet ( wrestling)

    2. 1) touch

    ~ is the fifth of our senses - touch is our fifth sense

    sort (rough, hard, slimy) to the ~ - soft (rough, hard, slippery) to the touch

    to know smth. by (the) ~ - find out sth. to the touch

    he has a delicate sense of ~ - he has very sensitive skin, he has a very developed sense of touch / sense of touch /

    2) sensitivity; sensitivity, tact

    she has a wonderful ~ with children - she is amazingly tactful with children

    3) tactile sensation

    the velvety ~ of fabric - velvety fabric

    the cold ~ of marble - the cold of marble

    3. 1) contact, communication; communication, contact

    in ~ with smb. - in contact with smb.

    I"ll be in ~ - I won’t go far, I’ll make myself known

    to get in /into/ ~ with smb. - contact smb.

    to keep in ~ with smb. - maintain contact / contact / with someone.

    I can't get in ~ with him - I just can’t catch him

    to put smb. in ~ with smb. - introduce/connect/ someone. with smb.

    to be out of ~ /to lose ~/ with smb. - lose touch/not communicate/ with someone.

    to lose ~ with the older generation - lose contacts with the older generation

    have you lost ~ with your friends back home? - have you lost contact with your friends back home?

    2) knowledge, understanding, control

    to be in ~ with the situation - to be aware of affairs; know how things are going

    to keep smb. in ~ with smth. - hold smb. up to date

    to be out of ~ with smth. - not being up to date; stop following smth.

    to be out of ~ with modern methods - not to know modern methods, not to own / not be able to use / modern methods

    to lose ~ with reality - lose the idea of ​​reality, live in a dream world

    4. 1) stroke; dash; detail

    vivid (poetic) ~es in the story - vivid (poetic) details in the story

    a few deft ~es - a few skillful touches

    to put /to give/ the finishing /the final/ ~es to smth., to add the final ~ to smth. - add the finishing touches to something, finish something; finish / finish / sth.

    2) characteristic feature

    the personal ~ - characteristic feature ( person)

    ~ of nature - character trait

    a characteristic ~ in speech - a characteristic note in speech

    a dress with individual ~ about it - dress with fiction

    a man with a ~ of good breeding - a well-bred man, a person with excellent manners

    3) (artistic) manner, style; reception; skill

    a sculptor with a bold ~ - sculptor with a bold chisel

    he writes with a light ~ - he writes simply /intelligibly/

    I know the ~es of his tools - I know his work

    one can easily recognize the ~ of the master - you can easily recognize the hand of a great artist

    a tennis player who has lost his ~ - a tennis player who has lost his style

    this room needs a woman"s ~ - this room lacks a woman’s hand; the presence of a woman is not felt in this room

    4) decomposition special style or manner

    the latest ~ - the latest cry of fashion

    5) music touche

    firm ~ - confident touch

    6) touche effect or blow

    a piano with a stiff ~ - piano with tight keys

    the typewriter has a light ~ - this (typewriter) has a light keyboard

    5. 1) a little; admixture; shade, bloom

    a ~ of garlic - the taste of garlic

    a ~ of perfume - faint smell / aroma / of perfume

    a ~ of irony (of bitterness, of mockery) - a shade of irony (bitterness, ridicule)

    an acid ~ in smb."s voice - sour note in the voice

    the first ~es of autumn - the first signs of autumn

    to have a ~ of color - to be slightly colored

    there"s a ~ of color in her cheeks - her cheeks turned slightly pink

    there was a ~ of frost in the air - a light frost was felt, it was slightly freezing

    there was a ~ of the Dane about him - there was something of the Dane in him

    his hope is a ~ too wild - his hopes are a little groundless

    ask me no more, for at a ~ I yield - don’t ask me more, one more word - and I’ll give in

    2) mild attack ( illnesses); slight bruise and so on.

    a ~ of the sun - slight sunstroke

    a ~ of rheumatism (of gout) - weak / small / attack of rheumatism (gout)

    ~ of fever - slight fever, temperature

    he has a ~ of flu - he has a little cold

    6. 1) decomposition sum

    the dinner was a guinea ~ - lunch cost a guinea

    2) sl. money borrowed or begged; money obtained fraudulently

    to come for a ~ - come with the aim of profiting

    to make a ~, to put the ~ (on smb.) - to borrow money (from someone); beg/beg/ money (from someone)

    3) sl. fraud, deception, swindle

    it "s a ~ - I was cheated, I was cheated

    7. 1) quality sample ( gold, silver and other metals)

    2) mark, stamp, sample ( on gold, silver and other metals)

    3) test for the degree of syrup thickness ( in sugar production)

    4) mouth touchstone

    8. honey. palpation; palpation

    9. magnetization ( touching an object to a magnet)

    10. sport.

    1) the area lying behind the side lines of the football field

    to kick the ball into ~ - kick the ball over the sideline

    2) lateral line

    out of ~ - behind the sideline

    easy /soft/ ~ - a) a person who lends money easily; he"s an easy /soft/ ~ - it’s easy to borrow money from him; it’s easy to deceive him; b) a weak point, a weak link; he thinks you"re a soft ~ in the family - he thinks that you are in our family - the weak place

    common ~, ~ of elbows - feeling of an elbow

    a near ~ - dangerous / risky / position; danger that was narrowly avoided

    rum ~ - a) strange / eccentric / person; b) strange thing

    in /within/ ~ - a) close, at hand; b) accessible, achievable

    to put to the ~ - put to the test

    2. (tʌtʃ) adv

    a little bit

    to aim a ~ too low - aim a little lower than necessary

    3. (tʌtʃ) v

    1. 1) touch, touch, touch, touch

    to ~ slightly - lightly touch

    to ~ the ball - sport. touch the ball, touch the ball

    to ~ a thing with the hand (with a stick) - touch a thing with a hand (with a stick)

    to ~ land - to land

    to ~ the horse with the spur, to ~ one "s spurs to the horse - lightly spur the horse

    to ~ a person on the arm (on the shoulder) - attract someone. attention by touching your hand (shoulder)

    he ~ed his lute /the strings of his lute/ delicately - he gently touched the strings of the lute

    2) touch, touch

    the two ships ~ed - two ships touched

    our palms ~ed - our palms touched each other

    3) to be something. to the touch

    the rock ~es rough - the rock seems rough to the touch

    2. (usually negative. or question)

    1) touch ( fingers, hands)

    visitors are requested not to ~ the exhibits - visitors are asked not to touch the exhibits with their hands

    nothing must be ~ed until the police have come - you cannot touch anything until the police arrive

    2) touch ( to food, wine, etc.); eat, drink

    he has not ~ed food for two days - he didn’t eat anything for two days

    I couldn't ~ anything - I couldn't eat anything

    he never ~es a drop - he doesn’t drink a drop

    3) touch, hit

    don"t ~ her! - just dare to touch her!

    he swears he never ~ed the child - he swears that he never touched the child

    4) engage ( smb.), do ( smb.); pick up; touch

    we have not been able to ~ our work all day - for the whole day we could not touch the work

    I haven"t ~ed the piano for a long time - I haven’t played the piano for a long time

    he had never ~ed a card before then - before that he didn’t pick up cards at all

    5) touch, have sexual relations

    I doubt if he had ever ~ed a woman before his marriage - I doubt that he had anything to do with women before his marriage

    3. touch, adjoin, border

    his garden ~es mine - his garden borders mine

    the country ~es mountains on the north - from the north the country is closed /adjacent to the country/ mountains

    4. 1) achieve; get

    can you ~ the ceiling? - can you reach the ceiling?

    to ~ bottom - touch the bottom ( see also}

    2) reach, reach, equal

    the thermometer ~ed 30u00B0 yesterday - yesterday the thermometer rose to 30u00B0

    he ~es 6 feet - he is six feet tall

    5. equal, compare with

    there is nothing to ~ sea air for bracing you up - there is nothing more useful than sea air for improving health

    is there one of you that could ~ him? - Can any of you compare with him?

    my cooking can"t ~ yours - my culinary art cannot be compared with yours

    6. have an attitude ( to smth.)

    the question ~es you nearly - the question concerns you closely

    the new law doesn"t ~ the case at all - the new law does not apply to this case; this case does not fit the new law at all

    how does this ~ me? - What does this have to do with me?

    I won't ~ that business - I don't want to have anything to do with this business

    7. influence, influence

    his war experiences seem not to have ~ed him at all - war experiences did not leave any trace on his soul

    alert to everything that ~ed his personal honor - sensitive to everything that affected his honor

    8. exert physical influence

    nothing will ~ these stains - nothing can remove these stains

    this acid will not ~ silver - this acid does not affect silver

    this metal is so hard that a file cannot ~ it - the metal is so hard that a file cannot take it

    9. ordinary p. p.

    1) cause harm, damage; touch

    the leaves are ~ed with frost - the leaves are touched by frost

    the paintings were not ~ed by the fire - the fire did not touch the paintings

    this horse is slightly ~ed in the wind - this horse’s breathing is a little out of order / not everything is ok with breathing /

    2) act on the psyche

    he is slightly ~ed - he’s a little crazy, he’s not all at home

    the fright has ~ed his wits - he went crazy with fright

    3) easy to injure, touch

    no soldiers were ~ed in the skirmish - not a single soldier was injured in the skirmish

    10. 1) touch, worry

    the sad story ~ed her heart - this sad story excited her

    he was ~ed by her kindness - he was touched by her kindness

    no memory of the past ~ed him - pictures of the past did not bother him

    he was ~ed to tears - he was moved to tears

    his repentance ~ed me to the heart - his repentance touched me to the depths of my soul

    2) touch a nerve; make you angry, irritate

    his vanity was ~ed no less than his sense of duty - his vanity was hurt no less than his sense of duty

    to ~ smb. to the quick, to ~ smb. home, to ~ smb. on a raw /on a sore, on a tender/ place, to ~ smb. on the raw - to offend someone. to touch a nerve, to hurt someone's feelings. sore spot; hurt someone to the core

    11. ordinary p. p.

    1) lightly color; tint

    clouds ~ed with pink - pinkish clouds

    2) mix, mix

    admiration ~ed with envy - admiration, to which envy is mixed, admiration with a tinge of envy

    12. put a sample, stamp, mark ( on metal)

    13. rare mention, hint

    14. honey. feel, palpate

    15. mat. touch, be tangent

    16. sport. strike ( fencing)

    to ~ one's opponent - touch the opponent ( rapier)

    17. mouth magnetize ( touching a magnet)

    1. affect ( topic, question)

    we ~ed many topics in our talk - in the conversation we touched on many topics

    he merely ~ed the subject - he only raised the question

    2. 1) apply ( lines, strokes)

    2) change, correct, repaint ( strokes, strokes)

    3. give a signal ( bell, bugle)

    to ~ the bell - press the bell button

    4. receive ( salary, stipend)

    he ~es £2 a week - he receives two pounds a week

    5. to be next to smth. ( about the suits of cards, etc.)

    diamonds ~ hearts - diamonds follow the hearts /go immediately after the hearts/

    6. mor. sail steeply into the wind ( about sailboats)

    1. to ~ at a port enter the port ( about courts)

    what ports did your boat ~ at on your trip? - what ports did your ship visit during the voyage?

    2. to ~ smb. for smth.decomposition

    1) beg, beg, borrow, lure smth. from smb.

    he ~ed John for a dollar - he made John fork out a dollar

    he ~ed me for a large sum of money - he borrowed/begged/ from me for a large sum of money

    2) Amer. steal, steal, take something out of your pocket. from smb.

    to ~ smb. for his watch - take it out from someone. (from pocket) watch, cut off someone's watch.

    3. to ~(up)on smth.

    1) touch upon, concern, mention smth.

    I have already ~ed on these questions - I have already talked about this

    2) influence, influence what

    the revolution ~ed on almost all aspects of human activity - the revolution affected almost all aspects of human activity

    3) to relate to smth.

    4) come close, border on smth.

    his actions ~ on treason - his actions border on betrayal, his actions are almost betrayal

    5) reach, reach ( about temperature, etc.)

    4. to ~ one's hat to smb. touch your hat, raise your hat in greeting

    5. to ~ smth. to smth. bring sth. to smth.

    he ~ed a lighted match to the candle - he brought a lit match to the candle

    to ~ and go - a) touch the bottom; b) ≅ to win one chance in a thousand; barely succeed

    to ~ shore - swim to the shore

    to ~ bottom - a) reach to the limit low level (about prices); b) go down; our hopes ~ed bottom - hope barely glimmered in us; c) get to the heart of the matter; G) Av. slang to break; ( see also I 4, 1))

    to ~ pitch - to deal with a dubious enterprise or subject

    to ~ the spot - a) hit the target, meet its purpose; a glass of iced beer ~es the spot on a hot day - a glass of cold beer is an irreplaceable thing on a hot day; b) understand the essence of the matter; find the root of evil

    to ~ wood - try to appease fate, knock on wood so as not to cause trouble

    ~wood! - don’t jinx it!; knock on wood!

    I (she, etc} would not ~ him with a barge-pole /with a pair of tongs, Amer. with a ten foot pole/ - he told me (her etc.} disgusting / disgusting /

    to ~ the wind - mor. rinse ( about sails)

    Translation of words containing
    from English into Russian in other dictionaries

    New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

    + touch off translation

    touch off

    touch off


    (ʹtʌtʃʹɒf) phrv

    1. blurt out ( from a cannon, etc.)

    2. call ( dispute, etc.)

    her remarks touched off a violent argument - her remarks caused a heated argument

    3. quickly sketch; convey resemblance

    4. hang up ( by phone)

    5. pass the baton ( running)

    + touch up translation

    touch up

    touch up


    (ʹtʌtʃʹʌp) phrv

    1. to correct, finish, finish, put the finishing touches, strokes

    to ~ the overall masterpiece - add the finishing touch to the finished masterpiece

    the last act needs to be touched up - the last act is still damp / requires finishing /

    2. spur ( horse)

    3. remind, push

    to ~ smb."s memory - refresh someone's memory

    4. sl.

    1) caress; excite with touches

    2) pester ( to a woman)

    + touch-and-go translation




    1. (͵tʌtʃən(d)ʹgəʋ) n

    1. 1) quickly touching an object and instantly moving away from it

    2) sth. done very quickly, hastily

    3) quick transition from one to another; quick change of topics ( in conversation, etc.)

    2. risky, dangerous business or position; a position where you are on a hair's breadth ( from something); deadly situation

    I felt it was ~ - I understood that everything was hanging by a thread

    it was ~ with him - he was on the verge of death; he miraculously escaped death

    it was ~ whether we should catch the train - we were very afraid that we wouldn’t catch the train; we risked missing the train

    2. (͵tʌtʃən(d)ʹgəʋ) v 1) (to) stick around; stick around slightly; stick - touch bottom to touch one "s hat to smb. - blow someone, lightly raising droplets 2) reach the hedgehog, it has not touch-ed food for two days - for two days nothing їв3) stick, lightly (topic, food) 4) be a little pussy ( zvich. pass.) leaves are touched with frost - the leaves are frozen he is slightly touched - this stave is defective (chogos) how does this touch me? - what does this mean to me?8) size take over, take over (pennies, esp. in Borg and shakhraystvo - for) he touched me for a large sum of money - he is positive (vicantious) I have a large sum (pennies) 9) to hold (payment) he touches I 2 6 s a week - he holds 2 pounds 6 shillings for the day 10) to be equal; to achieve the same high level there is nothing to touch sea air for bracing you up - there is nothing brown from the sea wind for the appreciation of health "I11) lightly bark; put on the clouds touched with rose - erysipelas12) 2. n 1) dotik2) contact, spіlkuvannya, zvozkin touch with smb. - spend a sound on the tongue 3) touch the touch soft to the touch - soft on the touch 4) stroke; rice to put the finishing touches - work on the remaining touches; finish personal touch - characteristic rice (people) 5) krichta; house; there was a touch of bitterness in what he said - in his words bitterness was felt6) a slight attack (illness); slight blow too bad a touch of the sun - overheating7) manner, accept (artist) 8) sample, sample to put ( or else to bring) to the touch - give a try 9) obtaining pennies in an unfair way 10) kvach (child gra)tj touch and run 11) music touch12) sport. area behind the side lines of a football fieldin touch - behind the side linetouch typist - a friend who works behind the blind methodcommon touch - trans. there's a lot of light ( or else within) touch - a) nearby; under the hand; b) approachable, accessiblenear touch - concern, which the lady was blessed with uniquenessno touch to smth. - does not show any criticism; there's nothing in common