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The concept of communication in social psychology is brief. Types, types and forms of communication in social psychology

Under communication in psychologist It refers to any process of social interaction between people. The need for communication is one of the basic human needs. Communication includes the exchange of information, the development of a common basis for joint actions, the perception and understanding of another person. The purpose of communication is also to achieve the desired change in the partner’s states and behavior.

Communication means- behavioral manifestations that are addressed to the partner during communication. There are three main categories of means of communication with the help of which it is carried out: expressive-facial, object-active and speech means of communication.

The first to arise expressive and facial means of communication: smile, laughter, expressive vocalizations, facial movements, etc. These means of communication appear at the end of the 1st, at the beginning of the 2nd month of the child’s life,

Subject-effective S. o. arise later in ontogenesis. These are no longer expressive, but figurative S. o. These include locomotion (approaching, posturing, turning, etc.), pointing gestures, reaching and passing objects, acting with objects, touching, etc.

The most effective are speech means of communication. All means of communication are formed during life in the process of real interaction between people. Types of communication

Mask contact is formal communication when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor. The usual masks are used (politeness, courtesy, indifference, modesty, compassion, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow one to hide true emotions and attitude towards the interlocutor.

Secular communication - its essence is pointlessness, that is, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because people’s points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communication. For example: formal politeness, ritual communication.

Formal-role communication is when both the content and means of communication are regulated and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

Business communication is a process of interaction in communication in which information is exchanged to achieve a certain result. That is, this communication is purposeful. It arises on the basis of and regarding a certain type of activity. During business communication, the personality, character, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences.

Spiritual interpersonal communication (intimate-personal) - the deep structures of the personality are revealed.

Manipulative communication is aimed at obtaining benefits from the interlocutor.

Sides of communication.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process that includes three components:

The communicative side of communication (exchange of information between people); interactive side (organization of interaction between individuals); the perceptual side (the process of communication partners perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding). The transmission of information is possible with the help of signs and sign systems.

In the communication process, verbal and non-verbal means of communication are usually distinguished. Verbal communication communication is carried out through speech. Speech refers to natural sound language, i.e. a system of phonetic signs that includes two principles - lexical and syntactic. Speech is a universal means of communication, since when transmitting information, it conveys the meaning of the message. Thanks to speech, information is encoded and decoded. Nonverbal communication: Visual types of communication are gestures (kinesics), facial expressions, postures (pantomimes), skin reactions (redness, paleness, sweating), spatio-temporal organization of communication (proxemics), eye contact. An acoustic system, which includes the following aspects: a paralinguistic system (voice timbre, range, tonality) and an extralinguistic system (this is the inclusion of pauses and other means in speech, such as coughing, laughter, crying, etc.). Tactile system (takeshika) ( touching, shaking hands, hugging, kissing).

Olfactory system (pleasant and unpleasant odors environment; artificial and natural human odors). The goals of communication reflect the needs of joint activities of people. Business communication almost always involves some result - a change in the behavior and activities of other people.

    Interactive side communication involves a psychological impact, a change in personality occurs under the influence of other people (changes in views, attitudes, motives, attitudes, states). Personality changes under the influence of other people can be temporary, transient, or permanent. The interactive side (interaction) is characterized by:

    the appropriateness of management decisions made;

    clear distribution of responsibilities among employees;

    skillful conflict resolution.

Perceptual side communication. Interaction is impossible without mutual understanding . Perception– a process of perception that promotes mutual understanding between participants in communication. A person becomes aware of himself through another person through certain mechanisms of interpersonal perception. These include: knowledge and understanding of each other by people (identification, empathy, attraction); knowledge of oneself in the process of communication (reflection); predicting the behavior of a communication partner (causal attribution). Identification – a way of knowing another person, in which an assumption about his internal state is built on the basis of attempts to put oneself in the place of a communication partner. Empathy- emotional empathy for another. Attraction(attraction) is a form of knowing another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling towards him. Reflection– a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by his communication partner. Causal attribution – a mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person (finding out the reasons for the object’s behavior).

Question 34Personality problems in social media psychology: socialization, social. Installation, problems of the individual and group. There are three main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of personality: 1) Anthropological. It is based on the idea of ​​personality as a bearer of universal human properties; personality is considered as a generic concept, denoting a representative of the human race, and is likened to the concept of an individual. 2) Sociological. Considers personality as an object and product of social relations. Personality is a person, an actor, wearing a certain mask and performing certain roles, i.e. personality is a system of role-playing behavior. Caused by the totality of social relations. 3) Personalistic. Considers personality as an absolutely independent and individually unique integrity.

Personality is a person in a system of psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifest themselves in social connections and relationships are stable, and determine the moral actions of a person that have significant relationships for himself and those around him. A person, taken in his social capacity, is a personality.

Personality, therefore, is formed in the process of ontogenesis in society.

Socialization occurs in childhood and adolescence, but it continues into middle and old age. His research allows us to identify a number of differences in socialization in children and adults:

1. Socialization of adults manifests itself mainly in changes in their external behavior, and in children - in the correction of basic value orientations.

2. Adults can evaluate norms; children - just assimilate them.

3. Socialization of adults often involves understanding that there are many “shades” of manifestation of various norms and rules of behavior. The socialization of children is based on submission to adults and compliance with certain rules. Adults are forced to adapt to the demands of different roles and set priorities in these situations using criteria such as “more good” or “less bad”.

4. Socialization of adults is focused on mastering certain skills; socialization of children - mainly on the motivation of their behavior.

Targetsocializationpersonalities as education is to form a person’s skills of self-regulation of personal processes, to maximally develop those abilities that create the dominant orientation of his personality and give meaning to his entire life activity.

Social settingpersonalities – one of the main categories of social. psychology in general and social personality psychology, in particular. Social setting gave a definition (G. Allport 1924) this is the state psychological readiness individuals to behave in a certain way in regarding the object determined by her past experience. Main installation function– regulation social behavior individual.

Social group- is a socially organized community of people united by common interests, goals and joint activities. This is a subject of socially organized and socially significant activity; social groups are distinguished by large, medium and small. The study of interaction between an individual and a small group is connected, on the one hand, with the study group pressure, those. a set of phenomena caused by the influences exerted by a small group on the course of mental processes, attitudes and behavior of the individual, and on the other hand, with the study of the patterns of the individual’s influence on group psychological phenomena and group behavior, i.e. with the study of the phenomenon of leadership.

Types of social installations are stereotypes And prejudices, representing stable and relatively closed forms of social existence from the influence of new experience. installations. They perform a protective function due to the tendency towards uniformity of attitudes among the nearest social network. environment. The social attitude protects the self-esteem of the subject in the group - he gains experience in thinking and acting in accordance with group norms and values ​​and refraining from unauthorized forms of behavior.

Stereotype- this is a social attitude with a frozen, often combined content of the cognitive component. When we talk about stereotypical thinking, we mean the limitation, simplicity and superficiality of a person’s ideas about certain objects of reality or about ways of interacting with them. Other reasons for the emergence of stereotypes are usually a lack of knowledge, dogmatic upbringing, underdevelopment of the individual, or a stop for some reason in the processes of its development.

Prejudice- this is a social attitude with a distortion in the content of its cognitive component, as a result of which the individual perceives some social objects in an inadequate form. The main reason for the formation of prejudices lies in the underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere of the individual, due to which the individual uncritically perceives the influences of the relevant environment. Therefore, most often prejudices arise in childhood, when the child still has no or almost no adequate knowledge about a particular social object, but under the influence of the parents of the immediate environment, a certain emotional and evaluative attitude towards it is already formed.

The dimension of social attitudes cannot be measured directly. Ideally, attitudes should be inferred from observation of an individual's behavioral responses in a variety of social situations. In practice this is not possible. Therefore, a more or less standard procedure for measuring attitudes is the procedure of considering mainly the individual's verbal (evaluative) reactions to symbolic (intended) representations of the attitude object.

The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication. This is what Antoine Saint-Exupery believed, philosophers have discussed this for centuries, and this topic remains relevant today. A person’s entire life takes place in constant communication. A person is always given in context with another - a partner in reality, imaginary, chosen, etc., therefore, from this point of view, it is difficult to overestimate the contribution of competent communication to the quality human life, into fate in general.

The psychology of communication is devoted to the works of the following scientists V.V. Boyko, L.A. Petrovskaya, A.V. Dobrovich, Kunitsyna V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. and etc

Communication - This is the process of developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, which includes the exchange of information, the development of a common interaction strategy, perception and understanding of the other person. Any forms of communication are specific forms of joint activity of people. People not only communicate while they are doing something, but they are always communicating in some activity.

With the help of communication, joint activities are organized and developed. In order to carry out some work together, people need to be clear about goals, objectives and a plan of action. Each person needs to coordinate his own activities with the activities of other people with whom he works. This becomes possible thanks to communication between people. Thus, activity through communication is not only organized, but also enriched, since everyone can propose to do something differently than what is envisaged in each specific situation.

Speaking about communication, we usually mean the process of transmitting and receiving messages using verbal and nonverbal means, including feedback, resulting in the exchange of information between participants in communication, its perception and cognition by them, as well as their influence on each other and interaction achieving changes in activities.

TO communication structure relate:

  • Information and communication (communication is considered as a type of personal communication, during which information is exchanged);
  • Interactive (communication is analyzed as the interaction of individuals in the process of cooperation);
  • Epistemological (a person acts as a subject and object of social cognition);
  • Axiological (the study of communication as a process of exchange of values);
  • Normative (revealing the place and role of communication in the process of normative regulation of individual behavior, as well as the process of transferring and consolidating norms in ordinary consciousness, real functioning of behavioral stereotypes);
  • Semiotic (communication acts as a specific sign system, on the one hand, and an intermediary in the functioning of various sign systems, on the other);
  • The socio-practical aspect of communication, where the process is considered as an exchange of activity results. abilities, skills and abilities.

M.R. Bityanova identified the following functions of communication:

Function one. Communication is a form of existence and manifestation of human essence. Truly human is manifested in us precisely in the process of communication and thanks to it.

Function two. Communication plays a communicative and connecting role in the collective activities of people.

Function three. Communication is the most important vital need of a person, a condition for his prosperous individual existence.

Fourth function. Communication plays a psychotherapeutic, confirming role in the life of a person of any age.

The literature also identifies the following communication functions:

1) instrumental function – characterizes communication as a social control mechanism that allows you to receive and transmit information necessary to carry out some action, decision taken, communicative intention.

2) integrative function - used as a means of uniting communication partners, specialists and performers for a joint communication process: solving a problem, generating ideas, developing a joint agreement, etc.

3) the function of self-expression - allows you to express yourself and demonstrate your personal intellectual and psychological potential.

4) translational function – serves to convey specific methods of activity, assessments, opinions, judgments, etc.

5) the function of social control - to regulate the behavior and activities, and in some cases, the speech actions of interaction participants.

6) socialization function - development of business communication culture skills, business etiquette.

7) expressive function-using With this function, partners strive to express and understand each other’s emotional experiences, often expressed through nonverbal means

8) health-saving function - allows you to relieve tension by talking through the situation, get rid of negative emotional experiences, and become aware of the communication situation.

9) rehabilitation function

Communication can perform a spiritually developing function if in its process the skills of dialogical communication, authentic and situation-appropriate communication are formed, as well as the correction of spontaneously developed ineffective and inadequate methods and forms of communication.

Types of communication. Based on the type of relationship between partners, the following types of communication are distinguished:

1. “Mask contact” - - formal communication, in which there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, familiar masks are used (politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, compassion, etc.) - - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow one to hide true emotions and attitudes to the interlocutor.

2. Primitive communication involves assessing another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, then they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive, rude remarks will follow. If they get what they want from their interlocutor, they lose further interest in him and do not hide it.

3. Business conversation- it takes into account the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the Case are more significant than possible personal differences.

4. Spiritual, interpersonal communication of friends - during the process, you can touch on any topic and do not necessarily resort to words: your friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, and intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, and can anticipate his reactions, interests, beliefs, and attitudes.

5. Formal-role communication implies regulation of both the content and means of communication, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

6. Manipulative communication is aimed at the interlocutor, during which different techniques are used (flattery, intimidation, deception, demonstration of kindness, etc.) depending on the personality characteristics of the interlocutor.

7. Social communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, that is, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because people’s opinions on this or that issue have no meaning and do not determine the nature of communications.

There are also verbal9 verbal) and nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal means of communication are divided into three groups:

1. Visual:

Kinesics (movement of arms, legs, head, torso);

Direction of gaze and eye contact;

Eye expression;

Facial expression;

Pose (in particular, localization, change of poses relative to the verbal text);

Skin reactions (redness, sweating);

Distance (distance to the interlocutor, angle of rotation towards him,
personal space);

Assistive communication tools, including features
physiques (gender, age) and means of their transformation (clothing, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, tattoo, mustache, beard, cigarette, etc.).

2. Acoustic (sound):

- related to speech (intonation, volume, timbre, tone, rhythm,
pitch, speech pauses and their localization in the text);

Not related to speech (laughter, crying, coughing, sighing, gnashing of teeth, sniffling, etc.).

3.Tactile (related to touch):

Physical impact (leading a blind person by the hand, contact dancing, etc.);

Takevika (hand shake, pat on the shoulder).

Communication problems

1. Problems of personal relationships;

lack of mutual sympathy: constant dissatisfaction of a person with himself, in which, being dissatisfied with himself, this person is unlikely to treat other people with expressed sympathy. In turn, those people towards whom he, being in a state of chronic dissatisfaction with himself, will not show special sympathy, may perceive this as a sign of a bad personal attitude towards them. They will be inclined to believe that this person treats them poorly, and in return they will pay him the same. Many people have persistent negative traits character, such as distrust of people, suspicion, isolation, aggressiveness.

  • incompatible with the needs and interests of other people
  • People may accidentally find themselves in a situation that forces them to behave in a less than ideal way towards each other. Because of this, they will involuntarily make a not entirely favorable impression on each other and therefore will not be able to count on mutual sympathy.
  • In your personal life, someone has previously caused you a lot of trouble, and as a result of this, you have developed a stable negative attitude towards this person. Let us further assume that on your life path By chance you met another person who looked similar to the one who caused you a lot of unpleasant moments. He will not arouse your sympathy for the simple reason that he looks like a person who is unpleasant to you.
  • an involuntarily formed negative social attitude of one person towards the personality of another person.

Man's inability to be himself

§ Where, when and under what circumstances do you most often and most acutely
Total feel(experience) your inability to be yourself?

§ In what actions and deeds does your insecurity usually manifest itself?
the ability to be yourself?

§ What specifically prevents you from being yourself in relevant life situations?

A person's inability to be a leader

A person has never had to, but will have to act as a leader.

The man had already been in the role of a leader once, but it was not a completely successful life experience for him.

The person already has quite a lot of experience in playing the role of leader in various teams. When he was just beginning to play the role of leader, it seemed to him that everything would be fine.

A person's inability to obey others

How exactly can a person demonstrate his inability to obey others? Firstly, in the fact that he, wittingly or unwittingly, resists being led by anyone at all. Secondly, the fact that this person always strives to do everything in his own way, even if he does it worse than it could have happened if he had followed the advice of other people. Thirdly, a person almost always questions what other people say. Fourthly, in any matter where there is freedom of choice, he tries to take on the role of a leader, lead people, direct them, teach, command.

Inability of a person to warn and resolve interpersonal conflicts

In order to easily overcome communication barriers, it is necessary to have communicative competence.

Competence in communication presupposes the willingness and ability to build contact at different psychological distances - both distant and close. In general, competence in communication is usually associated with mastery not of any one position as the best, but with adequate inclusion in their spectrum. Flexibility in adequately changing psychological positions is one of the essential indicators of competent communication.

Competence in all types of communication lies in achieving three levels of adequacy of partners - communicative, interactive and perceptual. Therefore, we can talk about various types communication competence. The personality should be aimed at acquiring a rich, diverse palette of psychological positions, means that help the fullness of self-expression of partners, all facets of their adequacy

Communication competence- this is the possession of complex communication skills and abilities, the formation of adequate skills in new social structures, knowledge of cultural norms and restrictions in communication, knowledge of customs, traditions, etiquette in the field of communication, observance of decency, good manners, orientation in communicative means inherent in the national, class mentality and expressed within the framework of this profession

Communicative competence is a generalizing communicative property of a person, which includes communication abilities, knowledge, skills, sensory and social experience in the field of business communication.

  1. Give a socio-psychological forecast of the communicative situation in which you will communicate;
  2. Socially and psychologically program the communication process, based on the uniqueness of the communicative situation;
  3. Carry out socio-psychological management of communication processes in a communicative situation

Communicative competence consists of the following abilities:

1. Give a socio-psychological forecast of the communicative situation in which you will communicate;

2. Socially and psychologically program the communication process, based on the uniqueness of the communicative situation;

3. Carry out socio-psychological management of communication processes in a communicative situation.

The forecast is formed in the process of analyzing the communicative situation at the level of communicative attitudes.

The communicative attitude of a partner is a unique program of individual behavior in the process of communication. The level of attitude can be predicted in the course of identifying: the subject-thematic interests of the partner, emotional and evaluative attitudes towards various events, attitude towards the form of communication, inclusion of partners in the system of communicative interaction. This is determined by studying the frequency of communication contacts, the type of temperament of the partner, his subject-practical preferences, and emotional assessments of forms of communication.

With this approach to characterizing communicative competence, it is advisable to consider communication as a system-integrating process that has the following components.

Communicative-diagnostic (diagnosis of the socio-psychological situation in the context of future communicative activity, identification of possible social, socio-psychological and other contradictions that individuals may encounter in communication)

Communication-programming (preparing a communication program, developing texts for communication, choosing a style, position and distance of communication

Communicative and organizational (organizing the attention of communication partners, stimulating their communicative activity, etc.)

Communicative-executive (diagnosis of the communicative situation in which the individual’s communication takes place, forecast of the development of this situation, carried out according to a pre-conceived individual communication program).

Communicative competence is an integral quality that synthesizes the general culture and its specific manifestations in professional activity. One of the conditions communicative competence is to comply with certain rules and requirements. The most significant of these rules are as follows:

  • Most general rule is a rule according to which one cannot begin to communicate a thought if it is incomprehensible or not fully understood by oneself.
  • The rule of “constant readiness to understand.” There are a large number of semantic and personality barriers that often lead to incomplete and inaccurate understanding of messages.
  • Rule of specificity. Vague, ambiguous, vague expressions and words should be avoided, and unfamiliar or highly specialized terms should not be used unnecessarily.
  • Rule for control of nonverbal signals. It is not enough to control only your speech and the content of your message. It is also necessary to control its form in that part that concerns its external “accompaniment” - facial expressions, gestures, intonation, posture.
  • The “own wrong” rule. When communicating, it is always necessary to accept that a personal point of view may be incorrect. This often warns against serious mistakes.
  • Rule of "place and time". The effectiveness of any message increases sharply if it is timely and the most appropriate situation in which it is implemented is selected.
  • The rule of openness means a willingness to revise one’s point of view under the influence of newly discovered circumstances, as well as the ability to accept and take into account the point of view of the interlocutor.
  • The rule of active and constructive listening is one of the main conditions for effective communications.
  • Rule feedback. It is this rule that ultimately ensures the achievement main goal communication process - mutual understanding

Communicative competence as knowledge of the norms and rules of communication, mastery of its technology, is integral part broader concept of “personal communicative potential”

Communication potential is a characteristic of a person’s capabilities, which determine the quality of his communication. It includes, along with competence in communication, two more components: communicative properties of a person, which characterize the development of the need for communication, attitude towards the method of communication and communicative abilities - the ability to take the initiative in communication, the ability to be active, to respond emotionally to the state of communication partners, to formulate and implement your own individual program communication, the ability for self-stimulation and mutual stimulation in communication.

The communicative culture of an individual, like communicative competence, does not arise out of nowhere, it is formed. But the basis of its formation is experience. human communication. The main sources of acquiring communicative competence are: socionormative experience of folk culture; knowledge of the languages ​​of communication used by folk culture; experience interpersonal communication in a non-holiday manner; experience of perceiving art.

Thus, the effectiveness of a social worker depends on his mastery of communicative competence.

Cheat sheet on social psychology Cheldyshova Nadezhda Borisovna

33. Functions and means of communication

Communication functions – These are the roles and tasks that communication performs in the process of human social existence:

1) information and communication function consists of the exchange of information between individuals. The components of communication are: the communicator (transmits information), the content of the message, the recipient (receives the message). The effectiveness of information transfer is manifested in the understanding of information, its acceptance or non-acceptance, assimilation. To carry out the information and communication function, it is necessary to have a unified or similar system of codification/decodification of messages. The transmission of any information is possible through various sign systems;

2) incentive function - stimulating the activity of partners to organize joint actions;

3) integrative function – function of uniting people;

4) socialization function– communication contributes to the development of skills for human interaction in society according to the norms and rules accepted in it;

5) coordination function – coordination of actions when implementing joint activities;

6) function of understanding – adequate perception and understanding of information;

7) regulatory-communicative (interactive) function communication is aimed at regulating and correcting behavior during the direct organization of joint activities of people in the process of their interaction;

8) affective-communicative function communication consists of an impact on the emotional sphere of a person, which can be purposeful or involuntary.

Means of communication are methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication. They are verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal means of communication are words with assigned meanings. Words can be spoken out loud ( oral speech), written ( written language), replaced by gestures for the blind or spoken silently.

Oral speech is a simpler and more economical form of verbal means. It is divided into:

1) dialogical speech, in which two interlocutors take part;

2) monologue speech - a speech delivered by one person.

Written speech is used when oral communication is impossible or when accuracy and precision of each word are necessary.

Nonverbal means of communication are a sign system that complements and enhances verbal communication, and sometimes replaces it. About 55–65% of information is transmitted through nonverbal means of communication. Nonverbal means of communication include:

1) visual aids:

a) kinesthetic means are visually perceived movements of another person that perform an expressive-regulatory function in communication. Kinesics includes expressive movements manifested in facial expressions, posture, gesture, gaze, gait;

b) direction of gaze and visual contact;

c) facial expression;

d) eye expression;

e) posture - the position of the body in space (“leg to leg”, crossed arms, crossed legs, etc.);

f) distance (distance to the interlocutor, angle of rotation towards him, personal space);

g) skin reactions (redness, sweating);

h) auxiliary means of communication (physique features (gender, age)) and means of their transformation (clothing, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, tattoo, mustache, beard, cigarette, etc.);

2) acoustic (sound):

a) related to speech (loudness, timbre, intonation, tone, pitch, rhythm, speech pauses and their localization in the text);

b) not related to speech (laughter, gnashing of teeth, crying, coughing, sighs, etc.);

3) tactile – associated with touch:

a) physical influence (leading a blind person by the hand, etc.);

b) takevika (hand shake, pat on the shoulder).

This text is an introductory fragment. author Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

CHAPTER 2 Means of communication All means of communication are divided into two groups: speech and non-speech (Fig. 2.1). Rice. 2.1. Classification of funds

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2.1. Speech, or verbal means of communication Speech is the process of using language for the purpose of communication between people, this is speaking. Language is a set of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means of expressing thoughts. In different languages ​​(English, German, Russian, etc.) these

From the book Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relationships author Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

2.2. Nonverbal means of communication Nonverbal means of communication are gestures, postures, facial expressions and other motor actions. Nonverbal means of communication were given great importance also in Ancient Greece. For example, great importance was attached to posture. To a man

From the book Psychology of Communication and Interpersonal Relationships author Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

Other non-verbal means of communication Communication by actions includes: 1) showing motor actions during learning; 2) movements expressing attitude towards the interlocutor (for example, applause); 3) touching: patting the interlocutor on the shoulder or back as a sign of his approval

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Means of communication The main types of means of communication. Since a child’s communication with people around him is an activity, it takes place in the form of actions that constitute the unit of this process. An action is characterized by the goal it is aimed at achieving and the task

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2. Stages of the genesis of speech as a means of communication Analysis of the psychological literature allowed us to conclude that the process of formation of the first function of speech in children, that is, mastery of speech as a means of communication, during the first 7 years of life (from birth to entry into

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7. Communication tools Lesson objectives: to continue developing skills effective communication. Demonstrate that the means of communication are not only words, but also intonation, gestures, context of communication, etc. Warm-up exercise “Typewriter” Description of the exercise.


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NON-VERBAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION The effectiveness of communication is determined not only by the degree of understanding of the words of the interlocutor, but also by the ability to correctly assess the behavior of the participants in communication, their facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture, gaze, i.e. to understand the language of non-verbal (verbal -

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VERBAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION No matter how important the feelings, emotions, and relationships of people are, communication involves not only and not so much the transfer of emotional states, but the transfer of information. The content of information is transmitted using language, i.e. it receives

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Topic: Communication

The success of a person in his financial affairs

15 percent depend on his professional knowledge

and 85 percent - from his ability to communicate with people.

Dale Carnegie [Doroshenko, p. 221]

The pragmatic J. Rockefeller said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar or coffee. And I’m ready to pay more for this skill than for any product in this world” [Dorosh., p. 94].

Special timing of managerial time showed that more than 80% is spent on talking, that is, on communication.

Communication- information exchange; the process of establishing, developing and maintaining contacts between people.

To set up a contact- means to attract attention, arouse interest, win over the interlocutor, that is, make him want to communicate with us. Decisive for forming an impression of a person are first four minutes communication with him. The first impression, although not always correct, is quite stable. It changes with great difficulty and takes a long time.

Qualities that help and hinder communication

The qualities of a person that help and hinder communication are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Qualities that help and hinder communication




Goodwill(desire for good, willingness to promote the well-being of others, benevolence)


Rudeness(shamelessness and swagger, impoliteness)

Friendliness(disposition towards someone, sympathy)


Straightforwardness(frankness, directness, lack of flexibility)

Friendliness(benevolence, cordiality, affection)


Inflexibility(inability to change your opinion and behavior, to adapt to your partner)

Sincerity(expression of genuine feelings, truthfulness, frankness)

Insincerity, deceit

Vanity(arrogant desire for fame, for veneration)

Empathy(the ability to put oneself in the place of the interlocutor, to feel his feelings, to understand them)

Lack of empathy

Demonstrativeness(committing actions that emphatically express protest, disagreement, hostility)

Courtesy(willingness to provide a service and providing it, attentive, kind)

Lack of courtesy

Sociability(propensity to communicate)



Politeness(compliance with the rules of decency, good manners, courtesy)


Rudeness, rudeness(lack of culture, indelicacy, insensitivity, lack of subtlety)

Respectfulness(respect, consideration and respect for the interests of the interlocutor)


Sharpness(directness and rigidity, lack of softness, impartiality)

Tact(the ability to behave decently, respecting others, observing a sense of proportion in behavior)


Hot temper(tendency to be hot-tempered, mild irritability)

Ability to speak

Inability to speak

Arrogance(arrogance, swagger,)

Listening skills

Inability to listen

Aggressiveness(desire to cause harm, damage)

Communication skills(ability to communicate)

Lack of communication

tediousness(boringness, tediousness - monotony and tediousness)


Lack of initiative


Ease(lightness, lack of tension, freedom)

Difficulty in starting communication

Immodesty, boastfulness

Openness(availability for communication; frankness, lack of secrets)



Avoiding eye contact



Demonstration of superiority

Mandatory(true to your word)

Optional(my word - wanted - gave, wanted - took back)






Energy, activity

Lethargy, passivity

Sense of humor

Lack of sense of humor


Lack of culture


Assignment to students: Continue lists of qualities.

They say about a person who has the qualities from the first column of the table: he has an easy character, he is a pleasant person.

A person with qualities from the second and third columns of the table is said to have a difficult character, he provokes conflicts, and it is better to avoid him. Ahead of him is either difficult work on himself, or loneliness.

In practice, communication and relationships are often confused. But they don't match. Communication is a means, a process of building and implementing relationships.

The ability to communicate is the ability to build relationships. This skill is also called communicative competence.

In recent years, along with communication, the concept has been used communications. But communication a broader concept than communication; it was originally understood as message, communication; communication routes[foreign dictionary words]. Mass media - radio, television, newspapers.

The process of communication occurs between two active parties, and in this process there is not only a message, but also feedback, i.e. a response message, a reaction.

Communication begins with the perception of another person ( perceptions). This is followed by an exchange of information ( communication) and/or exchange of actions ( interactions).

Social psychologists distinguish three sides in the structure of communication.

1. Perceptual– is expressed in the communication partners’ perception of each other.

2. Communicative– expressed in the exchange of information.

3. Interactive is expressed in the interaction of partners in the process of organizing and performing joint activities.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

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Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

1) Definition communication.

Communication - a complex process of interaction between people, consisting of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. Subjects communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level is the process communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient.

A number of aspects can be distinguished in communication (Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Fundamentals general psychology. - M., Education, 1994.) : content, purpose And facilities. Let's take a closer look at them.

Content communication - information that is transmitted in interindividual contacts from one living being to another gomu. This may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in the external environment. The content of information is most diverse if the subjects communication are people.

Target communication - answers the question “For what purpose does a creature enter into an act? communication?". The same principle applies here as was already mentioned in the paragraph on content communication. Animals have goals communication usually do not go beyond the biological needs that are relevant to them. For a person, these goals can be very, very diverse and represent a means of satisfying social, cultural, creative, cognitive, aesthetic and many other needs.

Facilities communication - methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information that is transmitted in the process communication from one creature to another gomu. Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the boundaries of feelings, speech and other sign systems, writing, and technical means of recording and storing information.

2) Process communication(communications).

Firstly, it consists directly of the act itself communication,communications, in which the communicants themselves participate. Moreover, in the normal case there should be at least two.

Secondly, communicants must perform the action itself, which we call communication, i.e. do something (speak, gesture, allow a certain expression to be “read” from their faces, indicating, for example, the emotions experienced in connection with what is being communicated).

Thirdly, it is necessary to further determine the communication channel in each specific communicative act. When talking on the phone, such a channel is the organs of speech and hearing; in this case, they talk about the audio-verbal (auditory-verbal) channel, more simply - about the auditory channel. The form and content of the letter are perceived through the visual (visual-verbal) channel.

Handshake- a method of conveying a friendly greeting through the kinesico-tactile (motor-tactile) channel. If we learn from the suit that our interlocutor, say, is Uzbek, then the message about his nationality came to us through the visual channel (visual), but not through the visual-verbal channel, since no one communicated anything verbally (verbally).

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

3) Structure communication.

Towards structure communication can be approached in different ways, in this case the structure will be characterized by highlighting three interconnected sides in communication: communicative, interactive and perceptual ( Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996.)

So schematically the structure communication we will present it like this:

Communication sidecommunication(or communication in the narrow sense of the word) consists of the exchange of information between communicating individuals.

Interactive side consists in organizing interaction between communicating individuals (exchange of actions).

Perceptual sidecommunication means the process of perception and knowledge of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

The use of these terms is conditional, sometimes others use them in a more or less similar sense: in communication there are three functions - information-communicative, regulatory-communicative, affective-communicative (Lomov B.F. Communication and social regulation of individual behavior// Psychological problems social regulation of behavior, - M., 1976.). Let's look at these three sides communication in more detail.

3 - a) Communication side communication . During the act communication there is not just a movement of information, but a mutual transfer of encoded information between two individuals - subjects communication. Therefore, communication can be schematically depicted as follows: S S. Consequently, there is an exchange of information. But people do not just exchange meanings, they strive to develop a common meaning (Leontyev A.N. Problems of mental development. - M., 1972.). And this is only possible if the information is not only accepted, but also comprehended.

Communicative interaction is possible only when the person sending information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a similar system of codification and decodification of information. Those. "Everyone should speak the same language." In the context of human communication, communication barriers may arise. They are social or psychological in nature.

The information itself emanating from the communicator can be motivating (order, advice, request - designed to stimulate some action) and stating (message - takes place in various educational systems).

3 - b) Means of communication.

For transmission, any information must be appropriately encoded, i.e. it is possible only through the use of sign systems. The simplest division of communication is into verbal and non-verbal, using different sign systems. Verbal uses human speech as such. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information through speech, the least meaning is lost. communication. We can identify the psychological components of verbal communication - “speaking” and “listening” (Zimnyaya I.A. Psychology of learning foreign language At school. - M., 1991.) The “speaker” first has a certain plan regarding the communication, then he embodies it into a system of signs. For the “listener” the meaning is received from communication is revealed simultaneously with decoding.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

Lasswell's model of the communicative process (Communication and optimization of joint activities. Edited by Andreeva G.M. and Yanoushek Ya.M., Moscow State University, 1987). includes five elements:

WHO?(transmits message) - Communicator

WHAT?(transmitted) - Message (text)

HOW?(transfer in progress) - Channel

TO WHOM?(message sent) - Audience

WITH WHAT EFFECT?- Efficiency.

It is possible to distinguish three positions of the communicator during the communicative process: open (openly declares himself a supporter of the published point of view), detached (keeps himself emphatically neutral, compares contradictory points of view) and closed (keeps silent about his point of view, hides it).

Nonverbal communication.

There are four groups of nonverbal means communication:

1) Extra- and paralinguistic (various near-speech additives that give communication a certain semantic coloring - type of speech, intonation, pauses, laughter, coughing, etc.)

2) Optical - kinetic (this is what a person “reads” at a distance - gestures, facial expressions, pantomime)

Gesture- this is the movement of the arms or hands, they are classified on the basis of the functions that they perform: - communicative (replacing speech) - descriptive (their meaning is understandable only in words) - gestures expressing the attitude towards people, the state of a person.

Facial expressions- This is the movement of the facial muscles.

Pantomime- a set of gestures, facial expressions and body position in space.

Proxemics (organization of space and time of the communication process)

In psychology there are four distances communication: - intimate (from 0 to 0.5 meters). People who, as a rule, have close, trusting relationships communicate on it. Information is transmitted in a quiet and calm voice. Much is conveyed through gestures, glances, and facial expressions.

Interpersonal (from 0.5 to 1.2 meters). It is used for communication between friends.

Official business or social (from 1.2 to 3.7 meters). Used for business communication, and the greater the distance between the partners, the more formal their relationship is.

Public (more than 3.7 meters). Characterized by speaking in front of an audience. With such communication, a person must monitor his speech and the correct construction of phrases.

4) Visual contact.

Visual, or eye contact. It has been established that people usually look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds. (Labunskaya V.A. Nonverbal behavior. - Rostov-on-Don, 1979.)

3 - c) Interactive side communication .

This is a characteristic of those components communication, which are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition ( Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996.). Cooperative interaction means Coordination of forces of participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity and is generated by its very nature.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

Competition- one of its most striking forms is conflict.

3 - d) Perceptual side communication is the process of people perceiving and understanding each other. All three sides communication closely intertwined with each other, organically complement each other and make up the process communication generally.

4) Communication performs a number of functions in human life:

1. Social features communication

a) Organization of joint activities

b) Behavior and activity management

c) Control

2. Psychological functions communication

a) Support function psychological comfort personalities

b) Satisfying the need for communication

c) Self-affirmation function

5) Levels communication.

Communication can occur at various levels:

1. The manipulative level consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, tries to evoke sympathy and pity from the partner.

2. Primitive level, when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a constant communicator, and the other is a constant recipient).

3. Highest level- this is the social level when, regardless of social role and status, partners treat each other as equal individuals.

6) Types communication (Nemov R.S. Psychology. Volume 1. General Basics psychology. - M., Education, 1994.). Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types.

1.1 Material (exchange of objects and products of activity)

1.2 Cognitive (knowledge sharing)

1.3 Conditional (exchange of mental or physiological states)

1.4 Motivational (exchange of motivations, goals, interests, motives, needs)

1.5 Activity (exchange of actions, operations, abilities, skills)

2. According to goals, communication is divided into:

2.1 Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism)

2.2 Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual)

3. By means of communication can be:

3.1 Direct (Carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords etc.)

3.2 Indirect (related to the use of special means and tools)

3.3 Direct (involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other homo communicating people in the act itself communication)

3.4 Indirect (carried out through intermediaries, who may be other people). Communication as interaction presupposes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities and cooperation.

For communication as interaction to occur smoothly, it must consist of the following stages:

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

1. Establishing contact (acquaintance). Involves understanding another person, introducing oneself to another gomu to a person.

2. Orientation in the situation communication, understanding what is happening, taking a pause.

3. Discussion of the problem of interest.

4. Solving the problem.

5. Ending the contact (exiting it).

List of used literature:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996.

2. Zimnyaya I.A. Psychology of teaching a foreign language at school. - M., 1991.

3. Leontyev A.N. Problems of mental development. - M., 1972.

4. Lomov B.F. Communication and social regulation of individual behavior // Psychological problems of social regulation of behavior, - M., 1976.

5. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Fundamentals of general psychology. - M., Education, 1994.

6. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Ed. Andreeva G.M. and Yanoushek Ya. M., Moscow State University, 1987.