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Graph y x 3 4. Graphing functions in Excel

Unfortunately, not all students and schoolchildren know and love algebra, but everyone has to prepare homework, solve tests and take exams. Many people find it especially difficult to construct graphs of functions: if somewhere you don’t understand something, don’t finish learning it, or miss it, mistakes are inevitable. But who wants to get bad grades?

Would you like to join the cohort of tail-enders and losers? To do this, you have 2 ways: sit down with textbooks and fill in knowledge gaps, or use a virtual assistant - a service for automatically plotting function graphs given conditions. With or without a solution. Today we will introduce you to several of them.

The best thing about is its highly customizable interface, interactivity, the ability to organize results into tables and store your work in the resource database for free without time limits. The drawback is that the service is not fully translated into Russian. is another Russian-language graphing calculator worthy of attention. Moreover, he builds them not only in two dimensions, but also in three-dimensional space.

Here is an incomplete list of tasks that this service successfully copes with:

  • Drawing 2D graphs simple functions: straight lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, trigonometric, logarithmic, etc.
  • Drawing 2D graphs of parametric functions: circles, spirals, Lissajous figures and others.
  • Drawing 2D graphs in polar coordinates.
  • Construction of 3D surfaces of simple functions.
  • Construction of 3D surfaces of parametric functions.

The finished result opens in a separate window. The user has the options of downloading, printing and copying a link to it. For the latter, you will have to log in to the service through the social network buttons.

The coordinate plane supports changing the boundaries of axes, their labels, grid spacing, as well as the width and height of the plane itself and font size.

The most strong point - the ability to create 3D graphics. Otherwise, it works no worse or better than analogue resources.

The online assistant builds not graphs, but diagrams of almost all existing types. Including:

  • Linear.
  • Columnar.
  • Circular.
  • With regions.
  • Radial.
  • XY-graphs.
  • Bubble.
  • Spot.
  • Polar bubbles.
  • Pyramids.
  • Speedometers.
  • Columnar-linear.

Using the resource is very simple. Appearance diagrams (background color, grid, lines, pointers, corner shapes, fonts, transparency, special effects, etc.) are completely user defined. Data for construction can be entered either manually or imported from a table in a CSV file stored on a computer. The finished result is available for downloading to a PC in the form of an image, PDF, CSV or SVG file, as well as for saving online on the ImageShack.Us photo hosting site or in personal account The first option can be used by everyone, the second - only registered ones.

Into the golden age information technology few people will buy graph paper and spend hours drawing a function or an arbitrary set of data, and why bother with such tedious work when you can plot a function graph online. In addition, counting millions of expression values ​​for correct display is almost unrealistic and difficult, and despite all efforts, the result will be a broken line, not a curve. Therefore, in this case, the computer is an indispensable assistant.

What is a function graph

A function is a rule according to which each element of one set is associated with some element of another set, for example, the expression y = 2x + 1 establishes a connection between the sets of all values ​​of x and all values ​​of y, therefore, it is a function. Accordingly, the graph of a function will be the set of points whose coordinates satisfy the given expression.

In the figure we see the graph of the function y = x. This is a straight line and each of its points has its own coordinates on the axis X and on the axis Y. Based on the definition, if we substitute the coordinate X some point in given equation, then we get the coordinate of this point on the axis Y.

Online services for plotting function graphs

Let's look at several popular and best services that allow you to quickly draw a graph of a function.

The list opens with the most common service that allows you to plot a function graph using an equation online. Umath contains only the necessary tools, such as scaling, moving along the coordinate plane and viewing the coordinates of the point at which the mouse is pointing.


  1. Enter your equation in the field after the "=" sign.
  2. Click the button "Build a graph".

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and accessible, the syntax for writing complex mathematical functions: with module, trigonometric, exponential - given directly below the graph. Also, if necessary, you can set the equation using the parametric method or build graphs in the polar coordinate system.

Yotx has all the functions of the previous service, but at the same time it contains such interesting innovations as creating a function display interval, the ability to build a graph using tabular data, and also display a table with entire solutions.


  1. Select the desired method for setting the schedule.
  2. Enter your equation.
  3. Set the interval.
  4. Click the button "Build".

For those who are too lazy to figure out how to write down certain functions, this position offers a service with the ability to select the one you need from a list with one click of the mouse.


  1. Find the function you need from the list.
  2. Left click on it
  3. If necessary, enter coefficients in the field "Function:".
  4. Click the button "Build".

In terms of visualization, it is possible to change the color of the graph, as well as hide it or delete it altogether.

Desmos is by far the most sophisticated service for constructing equations online. By moving the cursor with the left mouse button held down along the graph, you can view in detail all the solutions to the equation with an accuracy of 0.001. The built-in keyboard allows you to quickly write powers and fractions. The most important advantage is the ability to write the equation in any state without reducing it to the form: y = f(x).


  1. In the left column, right-click on an empty line.
  2. In the lower left corner, click on the keyboard icon.
  3. In the panel that appears, enter the required equation (to write the names of functions, go to the “A B C” section).
  4. The schedule is built in real time.

The visualization is simply perfect, adaptive, it’s clear that designers worked on the application. On the plus side, we can note the huge abundance of possibilities, for mastering which you can see examples in the menu in the upper left corner.

There are a great many sites for constructing function graphs, but everyone is free to choose for themselves based on the required functionality and personal preferences. The list of the best was compiled so as to satisfy the requirements of any mathematician, young and old. Good luck to you in comprehending the “queen of sciences”!

“Natural logarithm” - 0.1. Natural logarithms. 4. Logarithmic darts. 0.04. 7.121.

“Power function grade 9” - U. Cubic parabola. Y = x3. 9th grade teacher Ladoshkina I.A. Y = x2. Hyperbola. 0. Y = xn, y = x-n where n is the given natural number. X. The exponent is an even natural number (2n).

"Quadratic Function" - 1 Definition quadratic function 2 Properties of a function 3 Graphs of a function 4 Quadratic inequalities 5 Conclusion. Properties: Inequalities: Prepared by 8A class student Andrey Gerlitz. Plan: Graph: -Intervals of monotonicity for a > 0 for a< 0. Квадратичная функция. Квадратичные функции используются уже много лет.

“Quadratic function and its graph” - Solution.y=4x A(0.5:1) 1=1 A-belongs. When a=1, the formula y=ax takes the form.

“8th grade quadratic function” - 1) Construct the vertex of a parabola. Plotting a graph of a quadratic function. x. -7. Construct a graph of the function. Algebra 8th grade Teacher 496 Bovina school T.V. -1. Construction plan. 2) Construct the axis of symmetry x=-1. y.

Build function

We offer to your attention a service for constructing graphs of functions online, all rights to which belong to the company Desmos. Use the left column to enter functions. You can enter it manually or using virtual keyboard at the bottom of the window. To enlarge the window with the graph, you can hide both the left column and the virtual keyboard.

Benefits of online charting

  • Visual display of entered functions
  • Building very complex graphs
  • Construction of graphs specified implicitly (for example, ellipse x^2/9+y^2/16=1)
  • The ability to save charts and receive a link to them, which becomes available to everyone on the Internet
  • Control of scale, line color
  • Possibility of plotting graphs by points, using constants
  • Plotting several function graphs simultaneously
  • Plotting in polar coordinates (use r and θ(\theta))

With us it’s easy to build charts of varying complexity online. Construction is done instantly. The service is in demand for finding intersection points of functions, for depicting graphs for further moving them into a Word document as illustrations when solving problems, and for analyzing the behavioral features of function graphs. The optimal browser for working with graphs on this website page is Google Chrome. Correct operation is not guaranteed when using other browsers.