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Losses in WWII new data. Another portion of the old lie - this time on behalf of the immortals

May 3rd, 2018 , 07:00 pm

The latest death toll of 41 million 979 thousand people, announced in the State Duma, causes consternation among an unprepared person, and wild joy among anti-Soviet activists, because they receive yet another confirmation of the mediocrity of the “cannibalistic Stalinist regime.” But if you turn on your brain and rely on the basic figures for the pre- and post-war population of the USSR, you can easily understand that these figures are a gigantic lie. Now I will illustrate this.

From my first topic, exposing the new figure of losses of 42 million people that came from nowhere, a continuation logically follows with a calculation of more real losses suffered by the peoples of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. But first I'll show you an updated graph of the demographic picture:

I made the following adjustments to it: I took the population of the USSR at the end of 1945 at 170.5 million people from Krivosheev. The previous one was equal to 172 million. This increased the total decline in the population of the USSR to 34.5-36.5 million people.

Based on this figure, it is now possible to calculate the irretrievable losses of military and civilians during the war years. To do this, it is enough to subtract from the total loss those who migrated (did not return from captivity and forced labor in Germany). According to Krivosheev, there were 180 thousand and 450 thousand people. Total 0.63 million

It remains to find out the natural population growth, which did not take place during the war years due to lower birth rates and increased mortality. To do this, I used the reference book of the Central Statistical Office of the USSR "Number, composition and movement of the population of the USSR" for 1965. There, on page 215, we learn that before the war, the annual population growth of the USSR ranged from 3 to 3.3 million people. Over 5 years, according to the minimum and maximum scenarios, this will give us a figure of 15 and 16.5 million people. We use the smaller number for the scenario of maximum losses, and the larger one for the minimum.

As a result, we get the result that I depicted in the diagram:

Maximum figure - 20,9 million dead and killed during the war. This figure is very close to the official figure of losses during the Brezhnev era, and the minimum figure is 17.4 million. close to Viktor Zemskov’s figure in 16 million. Human.

I dare to suggest that with my reasoning I have proven the complete nonsense of the new figure of 42 million people. By the way, just like the delirium of the perestroika figure of losses of 26.7 million people, invented by order of Alexander Yakovlev by the team of Andreev, Darsky and Kharkova, famous topics, that they sucked out 7 million allegedly murdered by Stalin in 1932-33.

They misinterpreted: instead of the original “declassified data from the State Planning Committee” (also stupidity) -> “The Ministry of Defense declassified the data” -> “The Ministry of Defense admitted the fact.”

As trolling, this may be good, but the sad thing here is that people are so easily fooled - and begin to either fervently believe, or just as fervently disbelieve, instead of simply checking the facts. Namely, it is worth paying attention to the sources in the article. They are not there:
(a) "According to declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee"
(b) “The information presented is confirmed by a huge number of original documents, authoritative publications and testimonies. All of them are a harsh embodiment of the deep pain of our people, who suffered incredible losses and achieved victory over a cruel enemy.”
You can check anything from these "source links". Me not. It’s even surprising to me that the State Planning Committee had anything to do with such statistics at all, since the State Planning Committee was not a source, but only a consumer of statistics. The source was Goskomstat.

And other “huge amounts of original documents, authoritative publications and evidence” - what is this? I know the most authoritative source - the work of Goskomstat demographers Andreev, Darsky Kharkov, 1990 and 1993, on compiling demography in the USSR (). This source relied on all available demographic data, original documents, etc. Here's the result from there:
(1, p. 77) “The total human losses of the population of the USSR as a result of the Great Patriotic War, estimated by the demographic balance method, amount to approximately 26.6 million people.”
Also in the “quote from the report” there is an operation with the following concepts:
* Total population loss 52.812 million
* irretrievable losses as a result of war factors (separately military personnel 19 million and separately population 23 million)
* Total natural mortality of military personnel and civilians 10.833 million
* Irreversible losses of the population of the USSR as a result of war factors 42 million
How one comes from the other is not explained, because it is not at all a fact that these sets are correctly calculated, that they are about the same thing, and that they can generally be subtracted and added. If from one work (Krivosheev) we take inflated civilian losses (my opinion: Krivosheev adjusted the army’s losses so that they did not look much higher than the German ones), and from another work inflated losses for the army (the maximum estimate, more adequately I came across ~14-16 million ) and add them up - it turns out that both original sources relied on 27 million total losses, and after such incorrect addition it turned out to be 42 million.

What can we conclude from this? For example, I believe that the authors of the text are either not aware of the topic and do not know how to work with sets - adding and subtracting them (and therefore are honestly mistaken), or are in the know (and then they are deliberately lying).

I think too well of people and believe that they lie on purpose (at least the author of the article on the site) - in order to troll. But I'm afraid I'm wrong here, and the inability to compare, add and subtract is the main reason for such shocking content.

E.M.Andreev, L.E.Darsky, T.L. Kharkov
Population of the Soviet Union: 1922-1991
M., Nauka, 1993, 143 pages

(2) http://narodnyproekt.rf/news/201702-246/
People's project “Establishing the fate of missing defenders of the Fatherland”
February 15, 2017 (author not specified)
Parliamentary hearings “Patriotic education... “Immortal Regiment”

On February 14, parliamentary hearings “Patriotic education of Russian citizens: “Immortal Regiment” were held in the State Duma. Deputies of the State Duma, co-chairs of the All-Russian public movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia” and representatives of other public organizations discussed the importance of patriotic education for the citizens of the country.

(photo: Parliamentary hearings “Patriotic education... “Immortal Regiment” - see link)

The event was organized by the State Duma Committee on Education and Science together with the Defense Committee and the Labor Committee, social policy and Veterans Affairs.

Deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, representatives of legislative and supreme executive bodies took part in the parliamentary hearings state power subjects Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, public associations, organizations of foreign compatriots.
Formula: every fourth

At the hearing, the co-chairman of the “Immortal Regiment of Russia” movement presented a report “Documentary basis of the People’s Project “Establishing the fates of missing defenders of the Fatherland”, within the framework of which research was carried out on the population decline of the USSR in 1941-45. He changed the idea of ​​the scale of the USSR's losses in the Great Patriotic War.

According to declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amount to 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. This is almost one third modern population Russian Federation. Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers are hidden behind this terrible figure. Those who gave their lives for our future. And, perhaps, the biggest betrayal is to forget their names, their feats, their heroism, which have formed our common great Victory.

About losses in the Second World War and the Immortal Regiment

On February 14, parliamentary hearings “Patriotic education of Russian citizens: “Immortal Regiment” were held in the State Duma. Deputies of the State Duma, co-chairs of the All-Russian public movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia” and representatives of other public organizations discussed the importance of patriotic education for the citizens of the country!

At the hearing, the co-chairman of the “Immortal Regiment of Russia” movement presented a report “Documentary basis of the People’s Project “Establishing the fates of missing defenders of the Fatherland,” within the framework of which research was conducted on the decline in the population of the USSR in 1941-45. He changed the idea of ​​the scale of the USSR's losses in the Great Patriotic War.

According to declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amount to 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. This is almost one third of the modern population of the Russian Federation. Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers are hidden behind this terrible figure. Those who gave their lives for our future. (Pathos! Applause turning into ovation!)

First, declassified data from the Ministry of Defense appeared, then declassified data from the long-abolished State Planning Committee became declassified.

What was it?

Where does this nonsense come from?

What does it have to do with patriotic education?

I’ll tell you briefly what it is and what’s going on with the “Immortal Regiment” in general.
First, about losses.

The main thing is that there was no “declassified data on losses”. That is, it was not at all.

It’s just that someone Igor Ivanovich Ivlev, the creator and moderator of the website, decided to again raise the topic of “monstrous losses” and began juggling numbers, oh, calculations (!). He's not the first. There were many scoundrels who did the same thing. The most odious and ignorant is Boris Sokolov, who at one time counted 60 million.

So, the main postulates of the calculations.

Population decline of the USSR in 1941-1945. He who has eyes, let him see. Let the one who takes the calculator do the math.
I. By 1941, there are only 2 categories of persons included in the calculations:

1. Civilians included in the document of the USSR State Planning Committee - 199.920.100 hours (scanned).
2. Military personnel of the USSR Armed Forces, included in the publication of M.V. Zakharov, document RGVA (NKVD troops) - 5,082,305 hours (scanned).
3. Total - 205,002,405 hours.

What can you immediately say here? The author is either a fool or a swindler. There are many reports from the State Planning Committee indicating the population in 1941. And all according to documents, scans of which are available on the internet. All data are estimates, because a census was not carried out, and the population changed greatly. Figures appear from 192 to 199 million.

But there are also calculation methods. There is a population census for 1939 - 170.5 million citizens. There is a population of the territories annexed before the war - 22.5 million people.

Total: 193 million + natural increase. It was in this way that the most reliable figure was obtained - 196 million.

Now – what is the stupidity of the author. The author, as befits an idiot, decided that the army is not part of the population, but above it. And he simply added it to the largest calculated figure, getting 205 million.
And at the same time, he “received” a fourfold (!) increase in natural growth in the pre-war years. Like, they started giving birth more often, and exclusively triplets!!!

II. According to 1945, there are 3 categories of persons included in the calculations:

3. The civilian population as of 07/01/45 is 151,165,200 hours, including surviving children under the age of 4 years: 11,859,776 hours (see paragraph 9 below and documents of the USSR State Planning Committee). By July 1, 1945, there were 139,305,424 hours of civilians without children born during the war.
4. The strength of the USSR Armed Forces on the same date is 12,839,800 hours (documents from TsAMO RF).
5. The number of displaced persons - people who were not part of the civilian population at the time of submission of calculations by the territorial departments of the State Planning Committee and who were not part of the USSR Armed Forces - 5,804,524 hours (GARF documents in the publication of V.N. Zemskov).
6. Total - 169,809,524 hours (151,165,200 + 12,839,800 + 5,804,524).

The population of the USSR at the end of the war was 170 million. If we add, according to the author’s method, the army, then, lo and behold, we will get 183 million and the losses will be much less than the official ones!!!

Profit! What miracles can be created by juggling initially correct numbers.

III. Born between 1941-1945 children and overall mortality:

7. Children were born in 4 years - 17,619,776 hours (scans 1 and 2).
8. Died - 5,760,000 hours (scans 1, 2, 3).
9. Children under 4 years of age left alive by 07/01/45 - 11,859,776 hours (17,619,776 - 5,760,000).
10. In total, USSR citizens died in 4 years (the level of “natural” mortality in 1941, multiplied by 4 years) - 10,833,240 hours, incl. children 5,760,000 hours (scans 1, 2, 3).
IV. The number of survivors of the war who were alive by 06/22/41:
11. By 07/01/45, those who were alive on 06/22/41 remained - 157,949,748 hours (169,809,524 – 17,619,776 + 5,760,000).

Whoever goes to the site and looks at the scans will suddenly discover that these are not documents, but Ivlev’s calculations! This is understandable, since it was extremely difficult to keep track of birth rates during the war, especially considering that up to a third of the population was under occupation.

About natural mortality. We look at its “scans” and see that these are again the author’s calculations. The author boldly extrapolates pre-war mortality to the war years and unoccupied territories to occupied ones! And even applying all this to an inflated population. This is so convenient - immediately the natural growth increases, and with it the losses the author needs so much. Here the author again wins back several million.

And, of course, the author does not take into account such nuances as the transfer of the Bialystok region with its population to Poland after the war.

Attention! We have already found 14-16 million people who suffered losses.

That is, there are no 42 million... Yes real losses 27 million and juggling with numbers in order to inflate these losses.

Now let's move on to the "Immortal Regiment". I have already informed the leadership of this organization that they are throwing in fraudulent, anti-Soviet figures, covering them up with the authority of their organization. But they prefer to believe the jugglers.

Then they are surprised:

But imagine our surprise when we learned that now a number of opposition publications are beginning to use this information for their own purposes, as well as manipulate it, generalize it and thus try to harm our state, Nikolai Zemtsov said at a press conference.

What's going on with this promotion?

Everything seemed to be so great two years ago.

But now the prosecutor (now a deputy) Poklonskaya staged a vile prank, going to the rally with an icon of the Tsar the Rag, while telling some kind of fairy tale for the mentally grieving. And the leadership of the “Immortal Regiment” is silent.

An emblem is proposed where Soviet symbols are replaced by St. George the Victorious with a cross on a spear. How so? The victory in the Great Patriotic War was won not by the Orthodox army over the filthy Germans, but by the Soviet multinational and multi-confessional (and mostly atheistic) people. But the leadership of the “Immortal Regiment” accepts the emblem.

In Russian Orthodox Church suggested that the organizers of the “Immortal Regiment” movement allow participants in the procession to honor the memory of heroes not only of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), but also of other wars. For example, the First World War and the Patriotic War of 1812. The head of the department for work with Moscow told this to the Moscow city news agency. public organizations Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media Dmitry Roshchin. And the leadership of the Immortal Regiment agrees.

Initially, the “Immortal Regiment” was created by liberals as an act of oblivion. It was forbidden to use Soviet symbols, and they tried to make it not a holiday, but a day of mourning. I have already written about this.
Thanks to the position of our fellow citizens, it was possible to wrest the action from under the liberals and make it a day of celebration for the victorious people.

But the government immediately began to crush the action. Government officials diligently direct it in the “right” direction. Anti-Soviet. Our major government officials have such a quality as King Midas. But for him, everything he didn’t touch turned into gold, and for government officials - into shit.

And so they reached out to the “Immortal Regiment” and are diligently disfiguring this action, again turning it into an action of oblivion.

I am not urging you not to go to this rally. Comrades, just remember when going to it that it depends on you what this action will be. It will be a procession of the descendants of the victorious Soviet soldiers. Winners in Greatest War who broke the back of fascism and Nazism. And will descendants remember who fought, for what and under whose command.

Or will it be a jingoistic procession with icons in honor of all victories under the auspices of the rag tsar.

All in your hands. And you have the power to snatch the action from the clutches of officials and leave it to the people.

Recently, Russian President V.V. Putin at a meeting of the Pobeda organizing committee called for making available different kinds archives, including military ones. I am, of course, in favor. But this must be done with extreme caution and accuracy. But the facts can be interpreted in different ways. As it was, for example, with the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes.

Everyone remembers the words of the popular song: “We need one victory, one for all, we will not stand behind the price.” The cost of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was very high. Stalin spoke about 7 million dead, Khrushchev - about 20, Brezhnev - about 25, Gorbachev - about 27 million.
Which one of them was telling the truth?

Declassified documents from the archives force us to rethink the history of the Great Patriotic War. According to recently declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amount to 41 million 979 thousand (more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians).

According to the census, the population of the USSR by 1941 was 195 million people. That is, every fifth person died!

Co-chairman of the “Immortal Regiment of Russia” movement, State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov, presented a report “Documentary basis of the People’s Project “Establishing the fates of missing defenders of the Fatherland,” within the framework of which studies of population decline were conducted, which changed the understanding of the scale of losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

“The total decline in the population of the USSR in 1941–1945 was more than 52 million 812 thousand people,” Zemtsov said, citing declassified data from the USSR State Planning Committee. - ​Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of war factors are ​more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians. The total natural mortality of military personnel and civilians during this period could have amounted to more than 10 million 833 thousand people (including 5 million 760 thousand deaths of children under the age of four). Irreversible losses of the population of the USSR as a result of war factors amounted to almost 42 million people.”

In World War I, Russia lost 700 thousand people. This is 60 times less than the losses of the USSR in World War II.
In World War II, Great Britain lost 379 thousand people, the USA - 408 thousand people, France - 665 thousand people. Germany, the loser of all, lost 6 million 760 thousand people.

Historians still argue about the exact number of casualties during the war, both among the military and among the civilian population. The ratio of losses of the Red Army and the Eastern Front of the Wehrmacht is estimated at approximately 5:1.
According to our historians, 14 million Red Army soldiers died.
Wehrmacht losses (according to German data) in killed amount to over 4 million, including Eastern Front- 2.8 million
3.8 million Soviet troops died in German captivity.

Stalin's reluctance to surrender Kyiv led to the fact that the troops were not withdrawn in time and were surrounded. Near Kiev and Bryansk-Vyazma, 1.3 million of our soldiers were captured.

Stalin expressed himself clearly: “to complete the task without regard for the victims.”
In all major European wars, Russia lost three of its own for every enemy soldier killed. The losses of the Red Army near Moscow were three times higher than those of Army Group Center.

After the 1945 Victory Parade on Red Square, Alexander Dovzhenko noted with bitterness in his diary that when Zhukov mentioned the fallen in Zhukov’s “solemn and menacing speech,” there was “no pause, no funeral march, no silence. It was as if these millions of victims and heroes had never lived at all. Before their great memory, before the blood and torment, the square did not kneel, did not think, did not sigh, did not take off its hat.”

“The duty of current generations is to remember at what cost the Victory was won,” said V.V. Putin.

In order to find out whether people remember at what cost the Victory was won, I went to the “Immortal Regiment” march in our area on May 5, 2017. The results of the answers stunned me! My survey public opinion you can see it in my

Suddenly, the number of losses in the Great Patriotic War rose to 41,978,000 people. As you know, the “Brezhnev figure” is 20 million, the current one is 26-27.

At the hearing, the co-chairman of the “Immortal Regiment of Russia” movement presented a report “Documentary basis of the People’s Project “Establishing the fates of missing defenders of the Fatherland,” within the framework of which research was conducted on the decline in the population of the USSR in 1941-45. He changed the idea of ​​the scale of the USSR's losses in the Great Patriotic War.

According to declassified data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the State Planning Committee of the USSR , losses Soviet Union in World War II are 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. This is almost one third of the modern population of the Russian Federation. Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers are hidden behind this terrible figure. Those who gave their lives for our future. And, perhaps, the biggest betrayal is to forget their names, their feat, their heroism, which formed our common great Victory.

— General population decline in the USSR 1941-45. - more than 52 million 812 thousand people. Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of war factors are more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians. The total natural mortality of military personnel and civilians during this period could have amounted to more than 10 million 833 thousand people (including 5 million 760 thousand deaths of children under the age of four). The irretrievable losses of the population of the USSR as a result of war factors amounted to almost 42 million people, says the presentation report.

The information provided is confirmed by a huge number of original documents, authoritative publications and testimonies. All of them are a harsh embodiment of the deep pain of our people, who suffered incredible losses and achieved victory over a cruel enemy.

The presentation itself could not be found, but some assumptions can be made.
19 million military personnel. Most likely we are talking about the number of records in the Memorial OBD or other similar databases. It is known that information about the same person can appear 2-3, or even 5 times. According to some estimates, in reality we can talk about 8-9 million registered military personnel. At the same time, of course, there are those who are not taken into account, there are those who are listed as missing in action but have returned to duty.
23 million civilian population. The origin of this figure cannot be determined. Previously, losses were estimated at 18-19 million, but in this case they coincided with front-line losses. It is possible that the figure was adjusted by taking population losses to be 20% greater than military losses.

Why is this necessary? It seems to me that the title of the report, “Establishing the fate of missing defenders of the Fatherland,” contains the answer - the website “narodnyproekt.rf” has been launched, which obviously requires significant funding. The larger the numbers, the greater the requests and the less achievable the goals. It turns out that out of 19 million, the fate of 9 million is more or less known, but work remains to be done on 10 million...

1. In the original version there was a reference to the Ministry of Defense, but later the now defunct State Planning Committee of the USSR appeared.