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Presentation on the topic of finding patterns for making patterns. Clothing manufacturing technology

Sections: Technology

Class: 9

Lesson objectives:

1. Shape communication skills through the use of fashion magazines.
2. Strengthen the ability to translate patterns from a magazine insert into full size.
3. Develop logical thinking, attention to independence when performing a practical task
4. Foster a positive attitude towards the profession and work in general, mutual assistance, connection with life.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: Fashion magazines, tables “Silhouettes”, “Types of figures”, “Layout of patterns on fabric”, “Size table”, collapsible pattern making plan, measurement cards, task cards for practical work, work boxes.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Teacher. Clothes are a person’s constant companion. She was not always the way we see her now.

We can easily distinguish costumes from past centuries and more modern ones by their characteristic silhouette. What is a silhouette?

Silhouette is the outer outline of clothing.

IN lately In fashion, what silhouettes can be distinguished?

Completing the task.

1. Determine the silhouette according to the diagram on the card.

2. Find the named silhouette on the stand, what letter is it under? ( Appendix 1)

Teacher. Each historical period is characterized by its own forms of clothing, its cut, finishing and fabrics.

All these features create a clothing style. What is style?

Style is the way you dress.

What styles are distinguished in modern clothing?

Classic - a strict dress shape with small collars, straight or semi-fitting. Jackets like a men's jacket, blouses like formal shirts, straight formal skirts.

Sports – jackets, trousers, blouses, products are comfortable and do not restrict movement. They are characterized by pockets, yokes, fasteners, buckles, lacing.

Folklore – elements of the style of peoples of various nationalities.

Romantic – distinguished by clarity. Wide skirts, soft collars

Trim – frill, lace.

Completing the task.

  1. Find models with different clothing styles (classic, romantic, sporty) from fashion magazines.
  2. Describe the style of the found models according to the table “Style Description Plan”.

Teacher. You can and do describe the style, but where can this be useful in life?

(Children's answers.)

- When buying clothes.

– When ordering from a cutter.

Teacher. You know that fashion arises from people's desire to improve their clothes. Make it more beautiful, more comfortable.

Fashion is changing, new fabrics, new materials are appearing, and therefore every girl needs to learn how to dress, navigate fashion magazines, and know the features of her figure.

You know that in various magazines, on TV, in catalogs, clothes are shown by fashion models with an ideal figure and standard sizes (measurements). In life, such figures are rare, and each person has his own physique.

What are some possible body features?

Table “Different types of figures”. (Appendix 3)

(Children's answers.)

– Wide or narrow hips.
– High or low hips.
– Shoulders wide or narrow.
– Posture can be stooped, kinked, normal.
– Height, arms, legs.

Teacher. You can’t take everything from fashion indiscriminately, but you can’t shy away from it either.

You need to know that fashion does not dictate, it only suggests and suggests how to emphasize your individuality.

You can shape your wardrobe according to your taste from clothes of various styles, but it is very important to dress in accordance with the purpose.

Questions for students:

1. Is it possible to wear an elegant dress made of shiny fabric in educational institution or to work?
2. What style of clothing should not be worn to a disco?
3. What style of clothing would you wear to the theater?

Teacher. Now let's think about where you can buy clothes?

(Children's answers.)

Teacher. Right.

– Buy in the store,
– buy at the market,
– order from the studio,
- sew it yourself.

In order to sew your own blouse, you can use fashion magazines, in particular the magazine “Burda”, we have already used this magazine.

Ready-made patterns given in the magazine are developed by fashion designers according to standard measurements. Knowing the rules for making patterns, you can sew any product for yourself using them.

But today our task is to make a blouse pattern.

III. Explanation of new material.

Teacher. The magazine has an instruction insert containing information on making patterns, cutting and even sewing items from the magazine. (Appendix 4)

Reviewing the instructions.

Teacher. When starting to work on a pattern, you need to determine your size using this magazine.

There are “Size Charts” for this purpose. (Appendix 5). To use them you need to take measurements of your figure.

Even if you have forgotten how to take measurements, you can find it in the magazine

Complete the task:

  1. Name the measure by its designation.
  2. Find this measurement in the magazine's size chart.

(O g From Ob D s D p t)

Complete the task:

1. Take measurements (work in pairs).
2. Determine your size using this magazine.


1. Open the “Model Parade” table, (Appendix7) Here are sketches of all models of the magazine.

Questions for students:

– what does the number next to the sketch mean,
– letters near the sketch,
- black circles,
– how many sizes does this model have?

(Students' answers.)

2. Open the “Current Fashion” page (Appendix 8) The product name, dimensions and manufacturing instructions are listed here.

What does the title “You will need” mean? (Appendix 9)

Name and quantity of fabric for this model.

Some sewing magazines do not have this information, but you can calculate the amount of fabric per blouse yourself, taking into account the width of the fabric.

Calculation formula: Di + Dr + 20cm = 70+60+20=150cm=1m50cm

– with a fabric width of 80cm.

Calculation formula: 2Di+Dr+20cm=2*70+60+20=220cm=2m20cm

Questions for students:

What layout of the pattern on the fabric should I choose for the first and second cases?

Teacher. Before starting to work with patterns, you need to study the instructions for the model chosen for production:

Model information is in the frame (Appendix 11):

1. The letter of the German alphabet indicates the sheet on which the pattern of this model is located. (Appendix 12)

2. The color of the outline of the model’s pattern is indicated (red, blue, green or black)

3. Reduced details of the pattern and view are shown contour line for every size.

4. Pattern part numbers are indicated, the same numbers are located on a large sheet with patterns.

The name of the parts can be found in the column under the heading “Cutting”.

Teacher. I see that you know well how to work with a fashion magazine.

Complete the task:

1. Make a plan for making a blouse pattern. (Appendix 13)

– Translate the details with all symbols.
– What are symbols?

Teacher. The details of the pattern have symbols, for example, the direction of the grain, the fold of the part, its middle, and others.

Completing the task:

1. Find the table “Conventions” on page 1 of the instruction insert. (Appendix 14)

2. Determine its name from the sketch of the symbol.

Teacher. Before you start practical work.

Questions for students:

– How to find a pattern on a large sheet?
– How to translate it onto paper?

IV. Practical work.

Teacher. Before starting work, you need to carefully read the instructions using the “Memory Card” (Appendix15) and repeat the safety rules. Let's find out together what tools, devices and materials will be needed for the job.

– Once we have found out what is needed for the job, what actions need to be taken? (Children's answers.)

Yes, you should organize your workplace by removing all unnecessary things and arranging the necessary items rationally. Prepare your work area.

Organization of students' workplaces.

– We continue to get acquainted with the progress of practical work.

– What safety rules do you need to remember for work?

(Children's answers.) Repetition of safety rules.

– Do you have any questions about performing practical work? If there are no questions, proceed.

Work on individual task cards. (Appendix 16)

1. Make a blouse pattern.
2. Determine the amount of fabric for your size.
3.Place the names of the blouse parts and their quantity next to the numbers.

Completion of work by students.

Current teacher briefing:
– What is the most convenient way to lay out a sheet of patterns?
– How to use paper more economically?
– Sign the names of all the details of the blouse.

V. Summing up. Evaluation of student work.

Teacher. Today you have consolidated your knowledge of making patterns from a fashion magazine; this knowledge will be useful to you in your independent life.

Assessing students' work in class.

Uncover garment

  • Taking measurements is “the process of determining the size of a figure ?
  • Girth measurements are recorded in full size. ?
  • Design is the construction of a drawing of a product pattern ?
  • The lower section of the apron is located at the waist line ?
  • The apron is modeled based on the constructed drawing ?
  • A pattern is a cut out drawing of a sewing product ?
  • The main details of the apron pattern are called: scarf, meter, ruler ?
  • Before cutting, you need to prepare a pattern ?

Lesson Plan

1.Preparing fabric for cutting.

2.Laying the pattern onto the fabric.

Objective of the lesson: organize the activities of students to acquire the skills of cutting a garment.

Learn the sequence of actions to prepare fabric for cutting;

Be able to carry out economical and technologically correct layout of apron pattern parts on fabric;

Be able to perform cutting in a certain sequence .

Uncover is the process of producing fabric pieces by cutting them from a piece of fabric according to the pattern details and taking into account seam allowances.


Master in the atelier for repairing and sewing clothes for individual orders.

The cutter works directly with the customer of the garment, identifies his needs, gives recommendations on the choice of fabric and style of the product, draws up an order passport, takes measurements of the client’s figure, draws a sketch of the model, builds a drawing of the product, makes patterns, cuts the fabric into cut details, and also reshaping clothing parts during repair. The parts are sewn into the finished product by a tailor .

Preparing fabric for cutting

1. Alignment of cuts.

2. Elimination of distortion.

3. Cutting edges.

4. Identification of defects.

5.Determine the front and back sides.

6. Determine the direction of the grain thread on the fabric, the direction of the pattern.

8. Fold the fabric along the grain thread in the middle with the right side inward and pin.

Cutting detailsthese are the parts that make up the apron, cut from fabric with seam allowances.

Objective of the lesson:Introduction to the principles of making a sewing pattern, development creative project .

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new things, consolidating theoretical knowledge and applying it in practical work.



A modern lesson in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education

Topic: Making a sewing pattern for the kitchen

Technology lesson 5th grade (research and design)

Makova Svetlana Artemyevna

technology teacher GBOU secondary school No. 867


Target: Acquaintance with the principles of making a sewing pattern, development of a creative project.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new things, consolidating theoretical knowledge and applying it in practical work.

Lesson objectives:


  • study of models of the material world as a way of cognition and knowledge acquisition
  • application of theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • organizing student activities to study and consolidate methods of action.
  • development of creative thinking and management skills


  • helping students to understand social and practical significance educational material;
  • ensuring the development of schoolchildren’s skills to compare and classify cognitive objects;
  • creating conditions for schoolchildren to develop the ability to work in collaboration and over time.


  • implementation of aesthetic education;
  • contribute to enriching the inner world of schoolchildren.


  • informational (verbal);
  • visual;
  • illustrative;
  • research,
  • design
  • reproductive.

Forms of organization educational activities: frontal, group, practical work, design

Software and teaching software:PC, Power Point programs, author's presentation on this topic (used as accompanying material for learning new things, repeating and setting lesson objectives, finding solutions to problems)(Appendix 1),author's development control mini-test Excel table (Appendix 2), projector, hanging screen, web camera. laptops for working in a group to develop ideas for a creative project, searching and organizing information on the Internet, working in the information space,

For practical project work:

Graph paper, colored markers, scissors, drawing supplies.

Features:the topic is designed for 2 academic hours, the lesson is accompanied by an electronic manual projected on a large screen, summing up takes place in the form of presentation and defense of the completed 1st stage of the project and electronic testing of the consolidation of the main concepts of the lesson, designed for 5 minutes, with the help of an information personal space, lesson reflection is carried out ..


Slide captions:

Launch of creative project No. 3 “Outfit for Breakfast” Lesson topic: Making a sewing pattern for the kitchen. Technology lesson 5th grade Teacher Makova S.A.

Sewing items for the kitchen For serving For decoration For work Fabric napkins Runners Tablecloth Chair cushions Pot holders, towels. Aprons for culinary work

What do you need to know to make a sewing product? Select product. Explore ideas for developing this product Determine its dimensions - take measurements? Make a product drawing and pattern? Model a pattern (development of creativity and individuality of the product)

Determine the size of the product. Taking measurements Fabric napkins Cushions for chairs Apron Purpose of the napkin (for under-plates, for the tea table, for table decoration) The shape and size of the chair seat Constructive lines of the human figure (waist, hip lines) Di – length of the product Shi-width product Ds - seat length, Shs - seat width Di - product length From - waist circumference - hip circumference

Symmetry of garments. Symmetrical products The pattern is made of halves of the product Asymmetric products The pattern is made of the complete product

Let's repeat the basic concepts: A drawing is an image of objects made on paper using drawing tools, indicating their sizes. Pattern - cut out drawing with the necessary inscriptions (middle line, fold of fabric, bottom line, name of the pattern, number of parts)

Practical work Task: Develop a group project “Making a sewing pattern for the kitchen” We will do it in the WS Power Point editor. We will need to work with text, with pictures, with a web camera, and the Internet.

How we will work: Stage 1: distribution of roles in the group (who is at the keyboard, presentation at the end of the work) Stage 2: creating a presentation, studying instruction cards Stage 3: taking measurements, making a drawing and pattern of the product Stage 4: presentation to the entire audience

1 slide

Open lesson: “Technology for making clothes” Technology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1, Stroitel” Selifanova A.I. Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

2 slide

Lesson topic: Clothing and requirements for it. Skirt in Russian folk costume. Taking measurements to draw a skirt drawing. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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4 slide

Goals Learn to determine the type of clothing Learn to take measurements from a person’s figure Learn to correctly record measurement results * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

5 slide

Definition Clothing is a product (or several products) worn by a person and carrying utilitarian, aesthetic functions. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Classification of clothing Casual Formal Home Sports National Types of clothing * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Requirements for clothing: Aesthetic Hygienic Operational * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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By method of use Shoulder - dresses, blouses, vests, dressing gowns and more. Waistbands - skirt, trousers, shorts, breeches, capri pants, trouser skirt. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 9

Types of trousers * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Types of shorts * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Types of skirts * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 13

Types of skirts * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 14

From the history of the skirt Since the 18th century, blind skirts have appeared, which had a plain towel sewn into the front - stitching. Poneva had a good idea of ​​her owner, where she was from, whether she was married or a widow, and why she had put on Poneva. Village dressmakers were very inventive in finishing poneva. They even came up with the idea of ​​“pleated” poneva: the sewn poneva was folded into cells (“eyelets”) into “weasels”, “galleys”, and, tied with a string, they were placed under a hot village loaf. The result was a “plisse”, the folds of which did not diverge for a long time. Russian peasant women came up with something like a bustle, which was then fashionable in the city. They tucked the poneva into the side of the belt to form a bag at the back. When going to church or to the city, they dissolved their clothes - this was required by village decency. After the crown, the young woman put on a poneva with a “tail” made of red cloth with multi-colored silk ribbons, braid, velvet and a row of buttons. This kind of poneva was worn until the time came to become a mother-in-law or mother-in-law. Or until the old lady's time came. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Symbolism of the ornament Color in clothing has always been a symbol through which a person expressed his feelings and thoughts. The following colors are characteristic of the southern Russian ornament: Red – fire, dawn, life. Green – beauty, love, the color of Nature. White – spirituality, purity, snow. Black – earth, peace, mourning. Yellow – sun, warmth, light. Blue – sky, water, spirituality, mind. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Ponevny complex Aprons and cuffs (“curtains”, “veils”) have an amazing originality in the South Russian costume. The curtains were worn over a shirt with a blanket, leaving the patterned sleeves of the shirt open. Among the items of clothing especially revered in Rus' is the belt. In the Belgorod region it is called “podpoyaska”. The circle is a talisman; it was believed that the belt increases a person’s strength and protects him from misfortunes. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 17

Ponevny complex B women's clothing In the Belgorod region, two sets of clothing predominated: sarafan and casual. Poneva is the main part of the South Russian complex, the loin shirt, worn on a shirt, was sewn mainly from woolen checkered homespun; the more ancient, swinging poneva was made of three panels and secured on the belt with a gashnik. The ponevny complex consisted of: 1. shirt, 2. poneva-skirt, 3. cuff - apron, 4. jewelry, belt, 5. tunic and magpie, scarf, 6. bast shoes. Home distinguishing feature The cut of the Russian shirt is a bias stitch, sewn with sharp angles into the lobar seams or into vertical slits on the shoulder at the front or back. The shirt is the first underwear garment. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice, spread his arms to the sides, and went, went, went! Physical education lesson * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 19

Measurements are the basic dimensions of a person’s figure, obtained by measuring it. Definition * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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Taking measurements Dst St Sat Di Half waist circumference - St Half hip circumference - Sat Back length to waist - Dts Product length - Di * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

21 slides

Increases for freedom of fit Increases when designing a skirt: + along the waist line – Pt = 1 cm + along the hips – Pb = 3 cm * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

22 slide

1.Types of waist clothing? 2. What is fixed with a cord before taking measurements? 3. What was the name of the skirt in Rus'? 4. Who could wear a long skirt in Rus'? 5. What measurements are recorded in full size? 6. What measurements are recorded in half size? 7.What measurements are recorded in full size? 8. What increases are there? 9. Accessory for taking measurements. Questions for review * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 23

I thought, figured, decided, I’ll sew a wonderful skirt for my sister! And for my friend, Anyuta, she laughs. I took the girls’ measurements, divided the volumes, took into account the length of the skirts, and put my hand in! I solved the problem simpler: I didn’t bother tucking in the belt, I didn’t bother sewing in a zipper, I inserted an elastic band, stitched the frills, and invited Masha. And at the same time - a girlfriend, Anyutka - a laugh. Well, are you satisfied? That's great! Now wear them properly. But I think I’ll make myself a strict skirt. I will go to school in it and tease all the girls. After all, she sits on me like a toy! It's true! I wanted a vent in the back, I sewed in a zipper, friends. And why not a craftswoman * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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I’ll add it to my skirt here, to the cut. It’s easy to sew, and right for dinner. Soon I’ll sew my new thing, And I’ll surprise my mother in the evening. The tie belt is always convenient. It’s easy to work on it, yes! I’m stitching the sides, stitching the bottom - the skirt is ready, and I’m already silent! And I'll make the cuts, It's so logical. And I will place them everywhere, not just symmetrically! I need a short skirt, It’s comfortable and simple – Reliefs on the front half, I’ll sew the slits on a typewriter. I'll do it a little differently, I'll make the cuts differently, I'll add an allowance to the sides, I'll add some beautiful stitching along the edges! And my cut was asymmetrical, and, believe me, it looks great! * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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My suit is a little simpler, you can wear it to the beach, or for a walk in the forest. I’ll sunbathe, dance a little, and pick a basket of strawberries in the forest. I looked through all the magazines and kept looking for a model for myself. One is simple, but that one is complicated. The other is simply not needed! And for myself I decided this: I have a jacket. I’ll sew a skirt for it, a good one, in which I won’t freeze, no matter the weather. Even if the fabric was not new, I took it from my grandmother. I squinted my eye a little bit, And it turned out just cool1 Plaid, stripe, silk and lavsan, I’ll show you the suit for summer now. Long skirt, slit for movement And of course the vest is a sight to behold. * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

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My outfit is different from everyone else, it is comfortable and practical. Here are the shorts, here is the skirt. This is not a joke at all! You can play tennis, dance at a disco. In hot weather it is irreplaceable. I will not part with it for the whole summer. We sewed fun and together! They brought everything you needed! Fabric, needle, chalk, pattern, So that everything is in the bag, Otherwise it’s impossible, I’m studying for straight A’s! * Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"

Slide 27

* Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel" Selifanova A.I. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1, Stroitel"