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Presentation of creative works of junior schoolchildren. Presentation for the thesis "development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the process of literary education"

Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education Final qualifying (diploma) work Subject: “Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the process of literary education” Work completed by: 4th year student Serova Nadezhda Vasilievna Scientific supervisor: Ph.D., professor Sitko Rimma Mikhailovna Rostov-on-Don 2011

Research problem: “Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the process of literary education”

Object of study – literary education of junior schoolchildren.

Subject of study – a space for literary education that ensures the development of the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

Purpose of the study – determination of ways and conditions for the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the process of literary education.

Hypothesis This study is based on the assumption that the development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in the process of literary education will be more effective if:

  • indicators, criteria and levels of development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren have been identified;
  • in the process of literary education, a system of work will be developed and implemented to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren;
  • Primary school teachers will be interested leaders in the process of creative development of schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

  • - analyze approaches to understanding creative abilities in psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature;
  • - consider the experience of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in literary reading lessons;
  • - organize experimental pedagogical work on the problem of studying the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the classroom in the process of literary education and identify its effectiveness.

Relevance of topic selection

In recent years, the priorities of primary education have changed significantly. Today its main goals are the development of the student’s creative personality. This task is reflected in educational programs, in innovation processes, in government documents, and new generation standards.

Psychologists have established that the properties of a person’s personality, the properties of the intellect and the entire spiritual sphere arise and are formed mainly in preschool and primary school age.

Primary school is a world of childhood, of hope, where the soil for creative activity is most favorable and where the inspiring search for goodness and reason does not fade.

  • Creationthe highest form of mental activity, independence, the ability to create something new, original .

Creative skills- a set of properties and qualities of a person necessary for the successful implementation of creative activity, allowing in the process of transforming objects, phenomena, visual, sensory and mental images, discovering new things for oneself, searching for and making original, non-standard solutions.

«… children carry with them the charge of creating spiritual and material values, they are able to create them, and therefore they are born to create and create. We just need to help them open up, and we also need to prevent society and social phenomena from distorting their destiny.”

  • Sh.A.Amonashvili

According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, at the center of the structure of mental processes occurring in primary school age is the development of intelligence, which leads to high-quality processing - “intellectualization” of perception and memory

The most important mental processes for the literary and creative development of primary schoolchildren are associated with the following changes:

  • Active development of intelligence, intellectualization of perception and memory;
  • - the emergence of inner life, the development of the ability to record an emotional state, see shades of experiences, and trace the dynamics of emotions;
  • - the emergence of the opportunity to see and compare different points of view on a phenomenon;
  • - transition from visual-figurative to verbal-logical thinking, development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the emergence of a semantic orienting basis for an action

In the group of broad social motives of literary and creative activity identified by psychologists, they are characterized primarily by motives of self-development, namely, the development of thinking, imagination, emotions, memory, and speech.

The main criterion for the development of literary creativity is the level of speech development of a primary school student, manifested in the child’s independent creative work - oral and written composition.

Ascertaining experiment

Purpose of the ascertaining experiment – to determine the initial level of literary creative abilities of primary school students.

The diagnostics of literary creativity of a primary school student was used. Literary creativity involves the child’s creation of written and oral compositions of different genres.

Levels of literary creativity :

  • Level of lack of design
  • Level of formal reproduction of the plan

Level of lack of design

Children cannot build a plot, the characters are faceless, children’s work cannot be called a text, it is a set of sentences; speech is poor, inexpressive

Level of formal implementation of the plan

The inconsistency of the plan, the unclearness of the composition, the text is not divided into parts, children find it difficult to choose the means of creating a semantic image. Speech is poor, inexpressive

Level of partial implementation of the plan

The idea is formulated and can be followed in the work, but deviations may occur; the essay uses a conversational style, dialogue, phraseological units; the created images need further improvement.

Level of figurative embodiment of the plan

The harmonious unity of the three sides of the text, the creative implementation of the plan, and one’s own interpretation of the proposed plot. Speech is rich, emotional, figurative, expressive; there may be shortcomings.

Classification of methods and techniques of primary literary education that contribute to the development of literary creative abilities


Creative reading


Creative work following the footsteps of read works: analysis of the work, continuation of the plot, verbal and graphic drawing.

Emotional-imaginative experience of the work

Staging; expressive reading from a book and by heart; role-playing, playing Directors


Preparation of a video clip, film script,

dramatization, playful interaction.

Project method

Literary creativity

Literary and musical compositions;

literary and artistic magazines (almanacs);

creating a baby book.


text editing


  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities
  • Conditions for the formation of creative abilities

Systematicity and


freedom of choice




in action


Control experiment

Purpose of the control experiment – identify changes in the level of development of creative abilities of students in the experimental class


  • The development of creative abilities is a complex and important matter, the successful implementation of which is facilitated by close cooperation between school and family. And the teacher himself must be tolerant of children’s manifestations of creativity, even if they are not at the right moment or simply seem silly to us. You need to be able to see them in time, encourage them and give them the opportunity to manifest themselves again.

  • Creativity does not arise out of nowhere. Conditions are needed for their development. We tried to create such conditions by carrying out
  • experiment.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Presentation topic: “Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren during and after school hours”

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Conditions for the formation of a teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education Studying literature on this topic Selection of methods and techniques for developing the creative abilities of students in my class Using the experience of other teachers. System of work on this topic

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The relevance of the teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education 1. The need to increase the lost interest in learning 2. Raising an active, successful creative personality in demand by modern society 3. Development of the creative abilities of children of different levels 4. Revival of Russian culture and the Russian word, lost due to the dominance of Western culture 5. Education of morality and good beginnings 6 Introduction of new Federal state educational standards

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Theoretical justification for the teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education “In every child there lies a bird dormant that needs to be awakened to fly. Creativity is the name of this bird" V.A. Sukhomlinsky "In the everyday life around us, creativity is a necessary condition for human existence" L.S. Vygotsky "Creativity must necessarily be a normal and constant companion of child development" B.V. Davydov Active approach in education (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, N.E. Shchurkova) Humane-personal technology (Sh.A. Amonoshvili, V.A. Sukhomlinsky) Game technologies (I.P. Ivanov) Technology of developmental education (D.B. Elkonin, B.V. Davydov, L.S. Vygotsky) Technology of collective creative education (I.P. Ivanov) Technology of conformity to nature (M. Montissori)

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Goal and objectives of pedagogical activity Goal: “Studying the problem of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren during class and extracurricular hours, namely those aspects of it, knowledge of which is necessary for practical activities.” Objectives: Study, analysis and synthesis of psychological and pedagogical sources on this topic. Determine the forms and content of work to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. The use of technologies in pedagogical activities aimed at developing children's creative abilities. Determining the effectiveness of using various methods that influence the development of children's creativity. Tracking indications for the use of educational technologies.

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The leading pedagogical idea of ​​my experience is contained in the words of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky: “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity.” Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, I was faced with the problem of the need to create a model of work that would be aimed at: - identifying and developing children's creative potential. -building lessons and activities of the GPA on an active basis -conducting classes with children that implement humane-personal, developmental and research technologies, observing the principles: from simple to complex, the principle of clarity, the principle of individuality

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The activity aspect of the teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education “The goal of educating a child is to make him able to develop further without the help of a teacher” Elbert Hubbart Technology of work in the education system Pedagogical methods used Role-playing, business play, research work, independent work, practical work, cooperative learning (pair and group work). Pedagogical technologies used: Problem-based learning, group technologies, collective creative work, cooperation pedagogy, health-saving technologies, ICT technologies, project technology, system-activity approach. Self-education Design of a modern lesson within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

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Types of creative tasks in Russian language lessons Games in the lessons: Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling norms (“Make up a text and voice it out”, “Speakers’ competition”, etc.) Lexico-phraseological games (“Make up a phraseological unit”, “Make up a proverb” , “guess”, etc.) Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling and punctuation norms (“The third odd one”, “help Petya Oshibkin”, etc.) Non-traditional homework: Tasks based on materials from newspapers and television Development of a visual aid Development of a crossword puzzle or cards with a grammar task on the topic Compilation of puzzles, charades, proverbs Essays on a linguistic topic

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Types of creative tasks in mathematics lessons Come up with a designation for a number or concept; Define the object or phenomenon being studied; Compose a problem according to the diagram, a mathematical fairy tale; Formulate a mathematical pattern; Create a cluster, a mathematical crossword, a game, a quiz, a collection of your problems; Make a model, a mathematical figure, a geometric garden; When working in groups or pairs, using the proposed equations, compose the text of the problem and invite other groups or pairs to solve them.

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Favorite creative tasks for children in the class: “Reincarnation,” where a story is told on behalf of an object, toy, animal, bird or other person, which helps, in addition to creativity, to develop reflection; “Crazy Hands”, where the goal is to select various and unexpected possibilities for using an item for other than its intended purpose; “Composition”, when the students’ story is made up of the titles of books, magazines, etc. The styles and genres of the works composed can be very different depending on the topic and goals; “Rhymes”, when the leader gives the first line and each child then composes one more; “Do you know...” when the presenter says, for example, “Do you know that cabbage is a vegetable...” and then the children are asked to write down as many categories of objects as possible to which the named object belongs. For example, cabbage is a vegetable, food product, ball, etc.; “Peeking games”, where students interpret what they see in a painting, a wall, snow, in a field, anywhere in the space around them; “Dreamers,” when students compose and write down various legends, fictions, and things that cannot happen; “Weirdos” - sculpting and drawing living creatures with hitherto unprecedented appearance, abilities, etc., writing and recording a story about them.

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Types of creative tasks in literary reading lessons, grade 3: 1. Come up with your own fairy tale. 2. Prepare a story about ancient things that correspond to the time described in I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood.” 3. Draw what sounds you hear when reading S. Yesenin’s poem “Powder”. 4. Draw an elegant binding for an old family album. 5. Come up with and write down a happy ending for a fairy tale. 6. Come up with a continuation to the poem. 7. After reading E. Schwartz’s fairy tale “The Tale of Lost Time,” come up with a story about how you save your time and the time of the people around you. 8. Make a homemade book of your favorite works about your mother (poems, proverbs), draw a portrait. 9. Come up with and write an essay on the topic “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for a good fellow.” 10. Answer the question: “What does I.A. Krylov’s fable mean to you?” 11. Compile a set of fairy tale laws. 12. Creative work for the lesson report “Hello, winter guest!” - Fill in the gaps with words that make sense and complete the little fairy tale. Give it a name. How ____ in the forest! ________ flash behind the trees. They scream in the night ___________. And little __________ is not afraid! Soon ______________! Here ___________ creaked. It goes _______________. He carries __________. With what joy _________ _________ _________.

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Essays with illustration elements It is interesting to go to the autumn forest. Some trees turned lemon yellow and some orange. There is also a dark red color. Brown is also present in the colors of autumn. Only evergreen spruces and pines remain as they were. The breeze blows and the leaves begin to fall in colorful rain. They fall onto the path and make a great rustling noise underfoot. You can hear a magpie chirping, a yellow titmouse fluttering, the rhythmic knock of a woodpecker is heard, and the last insects scurry about. Very soon the forest will plunge into winter sleep, and it will be enveloped in a ringing frosty silence.

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Creative project “Our Theater” Goal: staging a puppet drama performance based on independently composed fairy tales. Showing the performance to classmates, parents, at school level, and kindergarten students. The activity aspect of a teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education

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The range of a teacher’s personal contribution to the development of education and the degree of its novelty To develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to develop creative independence and interest in learning: creative tasks in each lesson, a system of non-traditional lessons, creative work during extracurricular hours. The novelty of the experience lies in a systematic approach to the formation of the child’s creative potential . The main method of my work is to demonstrate my pedagogical creativity and involve students in this activity

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Literature: Federal state educational standard of primary general education M. Education 2010 Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual citizen of Russia A.Ya. Danilyuk M. Education N.I. Derekleeva “Master class on the development of creative abilities of students” 2007 V.D. .Shadrikov “Development of abilities” Primary school” 2004 No. 4 N.K.Vinokurova “Development of creative abilities of students” Pedagogical search 2009 L.S.Vygotsky Imagination and creativity in childhood Academy 2011 Z.A.Zak Methods for developing abilities in children Pedagogy 2010. M.V. Ermolaeva Practical psychology of children's creativity 2011 Yu.V. Grigoriev “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren” Education of schoolchildren” 2012 D.B. Elkonin “On the problem of re-education of mental development in childhood” Questions of psychology Head of school 1974 No. 4 New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system, edited by E.S. Polat M. 2000 V.I. Kovalko “Junior schoolchildren after school” M 2000 A.V. Baranova “Modeling extracurricular activities” M. Prosveshchenie 2013

Development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren in extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

MBOU "Borodinskaya Secondary School" »

Primary school teacher Smirnova N.M.

Purpose of extracurricular activities:

WITH creating conditions for the child to express and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

Awakening the creative spirit inherent in every child and helping to take the first steps in creativity is not an easy task. The period of primary schooling contains enormous opportunities for developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. Therefore, the task of the school is to create an environment in which the maximum development of these qualities in the child is possible. .

“Children should grow up in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, creativity...” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

General cultural development and education involves extracurricular activities in the field of artistic and aesthetic creativity. In this way, the problems of introducing children to culture and art are solved.

The work of circles is envisaged in this direction

« Magic workshop"

arts and crafts

« Dance rhythm."

Club programs are aimed at developing artistic and aesthetic culture as an integral part of every person’s life.

Magic workshop

Arts and crafts

The club program is aimed at developing not only special skills, but also, above all, at students’ mastering spiritual and cultural values, introducing them to true humanity and the diversity of the world around them.

Program directions


Making dolls and toys

The main purpose of each block is:

mastering basic labor skills and abilities, experience in creating useful things for people and society.

The works for production were selected in order from simple to more complex.

Classes in the arts and crafts club play a significant role in the creative development of the child, in his aesthetic and labor education.

They meet the spiritual needs and interests of the child, satisfy his thirst for knowledge, artistic and technical creativity, and promote harmonious development.

Children should begin their creative journey naturally and at ease. The development of imagination, fantasy, creative intuition and, in general, the artistic consciousness of a child can and should begin with the development of artistic moods and emotions common to all types of art, with the formation of respect for folk traditions, national wealth, with the formation of the ability to enjoy communication with nature.

The main form of classes is group

Children’s communication with each other under the guidance of the teacher provides the opportunity for collective activity, as a result of which an interest in creativity appears.

The use of a combined type of classes allows you to better assimilate the proposed material, since involvement in the process helps to increase interest in the classes.

In the process of decorative and applied activities, students gain personal experience.

Children study

  • set a goal,
  • comply with the necessary safety regulations,
  • plan the course of action necessary to achieve it,
  • ability to see and correct mistakes,
  • ability to work in pairs and groups,
  • adequately evaluate the results of your work,
  • rejoice in the successes of peers, share your knowledge and skills.

All children, without exception, are talented!

Having picked up plasticine or scissors and made the first crafts, the child experiences joyful amazement, discovering that he can create things that previously seemed miraculous.

He becomes a participant in the exciting labor process of creating useful and beautiful things.

Success in arts and crafts gives children confidence in their abilities.

They overcome the barrier of indecision and timidity before a new type of activity. They develop a readiness to demonstrate creativity in any type of work.

The most visual representation of the results of work is provided by participation in school competitions and various thematic exhibitions.

Such exhibitions shape artistic taste, carry a cognitive and aesthetic load when discussing works.

Dance rhythm

The club program allows you to most fully realize the creative potential of the child, involves mastering the basics of rhythm and dance, performing children's ballroom and folk dances, instilling in students a sense of beauty (through choreographic plasticity), a sense of friendship and collectivism, development artistic taste.

Program sections:

  • Rhythmics
  • ABC of choreography
  • Dance moves
  • Acting development
  • Dance repertoire

Dance is a natural form of engaging students in creativity.

The great power of the emotional and moral impact of music when experienced in movement ensures the harmonious development of the child. Creative abilities are born in the friendly union of dance and music.

The wonderful world of dance will reveal the individuality of each child and show his talent

In dance rhythm classes, children master motor skills and abilities, gain experience in creative understanding of music, its emotional and bodily expression, develop attention, will, memory, mobility of thought processes, creative imagination, and the ability to improvise in movement to music.

By acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of dance, students begin to understand that each dance has its own content, character, and image.

In order to convey the expressiveness of dance images, children must remember not only the movements themselves and their sequence, but also activate their imagination, observation, and creative abilities, which, in turn, allows for the harmonious development of the individual.

Development of creative abilities

It forms initiative and independence in younger schoolchildren, contributes to the successful socialization of children and is one of the most important components of education in the interests of the individual, society, and state.

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Relevance and prospects of experience

“There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautiful.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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What is creativity?

Creative abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of a child, which do not depend on mental abilities and are manifested in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, and their point of view on the surrounding reality.

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The development of creative abilities is the most important task of primary education, because this process permeates all stages of the development of a child’s personality, awakens initiative and independence in decision-making, the habit of free self-expression, and self-confidence. If you look at the current state of education in Russia, you can see that it is characterized by qualitative changes in the field of content, which is aimed at developing the creative abilities of the child’s personality. The relevance and prospects of work in this direction are determined by the extent to which the educational process ensures the development of the creative abilities of each student, forms a creative personality, and prepares him for creative cognitive and social activities.

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The uniqueness of my experience lies in identifying the student as the main active figure in the educational process, implementing the problems of creative personal development, developing pedagogical technologies, the purpose of which is not the accumulation of knowledge and skills, but the constant enrichment of creative experience and the formation of a self-organization mechanism for each student.

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Human abilities can be represented as a tree:

Roots are the natural inclinations of a person; trunk - general abilities; branches - special abilities, including creative ones. The more branches, the more powerful, lush and branchy the tree’s crown!

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Conditions for the effective development of creative abilities of junior schoolchildren.

Situations of choice are created, the learning process includes tasks that are performed using imagination; Co-creation is organized in the children's team with the aim of demonstrating and developing everyone's creative abilities; Technologies for developing creative thinking are used.

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During the lessons we write essays-fairy tales about parts of speech and short stories using phraseological units and catchphrases, for example: “hang your ears” “cut it on your nose”

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Ways to stimulate creativity

providing a favorable atmosphere; goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to criticize the child; enriching the child’s environment with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli in order to develop his curiosity; encouraging the expression of original ideas; providing opportunities for practice; using a personal example of a creative approach to problem solving; providing children with opportunities to actively ask questions.

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Leading pedagogical idea

All children are capable - this is my leading pedagogical idea. In this regard, I pay special attention to creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of each student. I believe that it is necessary to take into account the child’s physiological characteristics, different levels of learning ability, and readiness to participate in creative activities. In this regard, I focus on selecting multi-level creative tasks for each student.

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Effectiveness of the experience:

Improving the quality of students' knowledge, - acquiring the skill to independently organize their educational activities, - intensifying the creative and cognitive activity of students, - developing positive personal qualities of the student, - developing a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle. I consider the teaching experience to be relevant and effective.

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The development of students' creative abilities depends on the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used by the teacher and how creatively he approaches the given problem. The use of various types and forms of creative tasks made it possible to achieve a certain level in the development of creative abilities, which turned out to be feasible for each student. Systematic work on the development of creative abilities gives the following results: children grow up to be inquisitive, active, able to learn, real dreamers and visionaries, people who are able to see miracles in ordinary things. Children’s own creativity helps them to better assimilate and remember theoretical information. The problem of motivation is easier to solve; children themselves show a desire to create. The important point is that creative works attract the attention of all children; here they open up from a positive side.

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