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Presentation of uud elementary school fgos. Formation of universal educational activities in the educational space of primary schools in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education

Formation of personal universal educational actions in elementary school Olga Vladimirovna Morozova, Svetlana Gennadievna Antsiferova, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tretyakova primary school teachers of MAOU “Secondary School No. 112”

What is meant by personal universal actions? child, to LUUD is a system of actions that contributes to his development and self-improvement, this is: - a positive attitude towards learning, - readiness for school difficulties, - interest in subjects, - the desire to comply with moral and ethical standards, to understand other people, - awareness of responsibility for yourself and your actions, ethical feelings. overcome the studied

universal educational Personal actions provide students with a value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. three types of actions: In relation to educational activities, one should highlight

Personal universal educational actions Actions of self-determination Actions of meaning formation Actions of moral and ethical assessment 1. Positive moral qualities; 2. Adequate assessment of other people’s actions 1. Personal (self-knowledge, self-esteem, identity) 2. Professional 3. Life 1. Formed educational motivation 2. Awareness of learning and personal responsibility 3. Adequate response to difficulties

self-determination development of self-esteem, which is necessary as a basic component and must be formed upon entering school. Otherwise, he will not be able to correctly accept the adult’s assessment. An assessment of his educational achievements will not be the basis for reconsidering his attitude to learning, an action associated with the formation of personal identity. This is the idea of ​​what gender group you belong to, the family role, the social role and the acceptance of these roles. Awareness of ethnicity and cultural identity, the formation of the foundations of civic identity: a sense of involvement in the affairs of the country, pride in one’s homeland, one’s people, the history of one’s country, the student’s internal position (Self-concept), one of the manifestations of identity, acceptance of the role of a student, the concept of good and a bad student, a positive attitude towards school, towards his new status as a student

meaning formation Formation of value guidelines and meanings of educational activities based on the development of cognitive interests and educational motives; formation of motives for achievement and social recognition; a motive that fulfills the need for socially significant and socially valued activity.

internal determination of position For a schoolchild (UUD self-determination), you can use the “Conversation about School” technique (modified version of D.B. Elkonin, A.L. Wenger). definitions of self-esteem For (cognitive component), we can propose the “Who Am I?” technique. (regulatory component) “Good student” methodology. level To identify awareness of one’s capabilities in learning (self-determination), a causal method of attribution of success/failure is used.

To diagnose the motivation of educational activities (meaning formation), the following are used: 1) the “Unfinished Fairy Tale” technique; 2) “Conversation about school” (modified version of D.B. Elkonin); 3) motivation questionnaire.

Methodology “Conversation about school” Purpose: to identify the formation of the student’s internal position, his motivation for learning. Evaluated universal learning activities: actions aimed at determining one’s attitude towards entering school and school reality; actions that establish the meaning of the teaching. Age: 6.5-8 years. Assessment method: individual conversation with the child. Description of the task: the student must answer the questions: 1. Do you like it at school? 2. What do you like most about school, what is the most interesting for you? 3. Imagine that you met a child from kindergarten who still doesn’t know anything about school. He asks you: “Who is a good student?” What will you answer him? Etc

Methodology “Unfinished Fairy Tale” Purpose: identifying the development of the student’s cognitive interests and initiative. The universal educational actions assessed are: the action of meaning-making, which establishes the significance of cognitive activity for the child; communicative action - the ability to ask a question. Age: 6.5-8 years. Assessment method: reading an unfinished fairy tale in an individual examination. Description of the task: a child is read an unfamiliar fairy tale and stops reading at the climax. The psychologist pauses. If the child is silent and does not show interest in continuing to read the fairy tale, the psychologist asks him a question: “Do you want to ask me something?”

Motivation Questionnaire by N.G. Luskanova Instructions: “Now I will read out questions that describe your attitude towards school. Listen to them carefully. For each question there are three answer options. Select the option that suits you and write down the number of that option next to the number of the corresponding question.” 1. How do you feel at school? 1) I like school. 2) I don’t really like school. 3) I don’t like school. 2. What mood do you have when you go to school in the morning? 1) In a good mood. 2) It happens in different ways. 3) More often you want to stay at home. 3. If you were told that all students did not have to come to school tomorrow, what would you do? 1) I would go to school. 2) I don't know. 3) I would stay at home. 4. How do you feel about homework? 1) I would like to have homework. 2) I don’t know, it’s difficult to answer. 3) I would like there to be no homework. 5. Would you like there to be only breaks at school? 1) No, I would not like to. 2) I don't know. 3) Yes, I would like there to be only breaks at school. 6. Do you tell your parents or friends about school? 1) I tell you often. 2) I rarely talk. 3) I don’t tell you at all. 7. Do you have friends in class? 1) I have many friends in my class. 2) I have few friends in my class. 3) I have no friends in class. 8. How do you feel about your classmates? 1) I like my classmates. 2) I don’t really like my classmates. 3) I don't like my classmates.

LUUD of moral and ethical assessment ensures the development of such personality qualities as: - the ability to correlate one’s actions with generally accepted ethical and moral standards; - the ability to evaluate one’s behavior and actions; - understanding of basic moral norms: mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility; - moral and emotional responsiveness based on the ability to perceive the feelings of other people; - installations for a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Semantic accents of personal UUD Russian language Literary reading Mathematics The world around us Life self-determination moral and ethical orientation, self-knowledge, sense-definition sense formation moral and ethical orientation

Educational technologies used for the development of LUUD

Educational technologies used in the development of LUUD 1. Technology of problem dialogue. 2. Technology of project activities. 3. ICT technologies. 4. Situational technology 5. Productive learning technology. reading. 6. Technology of differentiation levels.

Techniques used for the formation of personal universal educational actions.  “We are building a warm sun from the rays of love over our city”  Mini-study “Flowers of Love” (- Conversation “What is love?” - Reading “Tales of the Wind” - Game “Fairy of Love” - Conversation about the heart - Practical work: Drawing “Flowers of Love” - Exhibition of works)  Magic Rainbow  Game “Red, Yellow, Blue”. Gifts of the Rainbow Game Write a story about yourself “I am a diligent student.”

The use of such techniques in the process of design and research activities is aimed at developing the individual’s individuality, revealing the intellectual and creative abilities of children, and forms such personal UUDs as:  adequate self-esteem; .  experiencing a feeling of joy in learning new things, a sense of pride in oneself, having presented a valuable idea, the younger student feels increased self-confidence, which, in turn, reinforces his positive attitude towards himself;  the motivational basis of educational activities is formed; the student’s internal position is developed at the level of a positive attitude towards school.

Thus, in the sphere of personal universal educational actions, a graduate of an elementary school will have formed: the internal position of a student; broad motivational basis of educational activities; educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem; focus on understanding the reasons for success in educational activities, including self-analysis and self-monitoring of results; the ability to self-assess based on criteria for the success of educational activities; basics of civic identity; knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation; development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior; empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathizing with them; installation on a healthy lifestyle; basics of ecological culture; sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings

Any actions must be meaningful. This applies primarily to those who demand action from others. The development of internal motivation is an upward movement. The tasks that we set for the child must not only be understandable, but also internally pleasant to him, that is, they must be significant for him.

Thank you for your attention!

Development of personal learning skills in elementary school lessons

LUUD is a system of actions of the child himself, which contributes to his development and self-improvement, this is:

Positive attitude towards learning

Willingness to overcome school difficulties

Interest in the subjects studied,

The desire to comply with moral and ethical standards, to understand other people,

Awareness of responsibility for yourself and your actions,

Ethical feelings.

What is meant by personal universal actions?

Personal universal educational activities provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. In relation to educational activities, three types of actions should be distinguished:



Sensemaking actions

Actions of moral and ethical assessment

1. Personal (self-knowledge, self-esteem, identity)



1.Positive moral qualities;

1. Formed educational motivation

2. Mindfulness of teaching and personal responsibility

Personal universal learning activities

Self-knowledge and self-determination

  • Formation of the foundations of a person’s civil identity
  • formation of a sense of belonging and pride in one’s homeland, people and history, awareness of a person’s responsibility for the well-being of society;
  • formation of the foundations of a person’s civil identity,
  • Awareness of ethnicity and cultural identity based on the awareness of “I” as a citizen of Russia;

    2. Formation of a picture of the world as a product of labor subject-transforming human activity

    Familiarization with the world of professions, their social significance and content;

    3. Development of self-concept and self-esteem of the individual

    Formation of adequate positive conscious self-esteem and self-acceptance.

To determine the internal position of a student (UUD-self-determination), you can use the “Conversation about School” method (modified version of D.B. Elkonin, A.L. Wenger).

To determine the level of self-esteem and identify the development of a student’s internal position (identifying motivation for learning), we can propose the “Ladder” technique.

To identify awareness of one’s capabilities in learning (self-determination), N. Luskanova’s technique is used.

Formation of value guidelines and meanings of educational activities based on

Development of cognitive interests, educational motives;

Formation of motives for achievement and social recognition;

A motive that fulfills the need for socially significant and socially valued activity.


To diagnose the motivation of educational activities (meaning formation), the following are used:

  • “Unfinished Fairy Tale” Methodology
  • “Conversation about school” (modified version by D.B. Elkonin)
  • Motivation Questionnaire.

Value and moral orientation

  • formation of an image of the world as united and holistic with a diversity of cultures, nationalities, religions, refusal to divide into “us” and “strangers”, respect for the history and culture of all peoples, development of tolerance;
  • orientation in the moral content and meaning of actions, both one’s own and those around them, the development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience - as regulators of moral behavior;
  • knowledge of basic moral standards (fair distribution, mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility)
  • highlighting the moral content of actions based on the distinction between conventional, personal and moral norms;
  • - formation of moral self-esteem;
  • - development of goodwill, trust and attentiveness to people, readiness for cooperation and friendship, providing assistance to those who need it;
  • - development of empathy and compassion, emotional and moral responsiveness based on the development of the ability to perceive the feelings of other people and express emotions;
  • - developing an attitude towards a healthy and safe lifestyle, intolerance and the ability to counteract actions and influences that pose a threat to life, health and safety of the individual and society within one’s capabilities;
  • formation of a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture.

Educational technologies used for the development of LUUD

  • Technology of problematic dialogue.
  • Technology of project activities.
  • ICT technologies.
  • Technology of situational learning.
  • Technology for productive reading.
  • Technology of differentiation levels.

Educational Technologies,

used in the development of LUUD

Formation of personal UUD

  • Emotional mood for the lesson
  • -I'm glad to see your faces and your eyes again. And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you! In what mood do you start the lesson? "Honk" me, please. (Children raise a card - “mood” in the form of a smiley face)
  • Short poems that give a positive attitude to the lesson.
  • The sun rose a long time ago and looked into our window. It hurries us to class, Mathematics is with us! Everyone stood up at their desks nicely, greeted each other politely, looked at each other, smiled, and sat down quietly.
  • development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.
  • - Why do you need to be able to solve motion problems? (Sample answers from children: to know which type of transport is faster to get to the city or how much time you will spend on the road to school if you ride a bicycle)
Formation of personal learning skills in mathematics lessons
  • Formation of personal identity - the role of a brother or sister. Development of a system of value orientations.
  • Problem: The sister found 27 mushrooms, and the brother found 27 mushrooms. Among these mushrooms there were 3 inedible ones. How many mushrooms did the children find? Fill in the blank and solve the problem in different ways. How do you think a brother and sister should treat each other?
  • The right to choose
  • respect for other people's opinions Complete the task, compare your work with the work of other guys.
Formation of personal learning skills in the lessons of the surrounding world
  • Personal (civil) self-determination
  • Topic: Our land.
  • What is the name of the part of Russia in which you live?
  • Does your region or village have its own coat of arms? What does he look like?
  • Representatives of what nations inhabit your region?
  • Forming love and a sense of pride for one’s homeland. Forming a sense of self-esteem, understanding the value of one’s own and others’ personality.
  • Topic: Steppe zone.
  • Draw how you imagine the steppe.
  • Compare your work with the work of other guys.
  • Would you like to live in the steppe zone and why?
  • Formation of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.
  • Topic: A.L. Barto “Separation” - How do you understand the title of the poem? Is this word happy or sad for you? (Of course, the word “separation” is sad. It means that someone has broken up with someone. In this poem, the son is breaking up with his mother.)- Do you sympathize with the boy? Why? (Children give examples from their lives about relationships with their mother.) - Discuss with a friend whether the boy really did all the actions for his mother. - Read the poem expressively. You will succeed if you imagine yourself in the boy’s place.
Formation of personal learning skills in literary reading lessons
  • Forming a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia.
  • Topic: Epic “Ilya’s Three Trips”
  • What is an epic? ( Bylina - Russian folk ethical song - a legend about heroes.)
  • Who are the heroes? How can you characterize Russian heroes? (A hero is a warrior, a defender of his Motherland, endowed with self-esteem and distinguished by extraordinary strength, courage and daring.)
  • Take a close look at the reproduction of the famous painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Knight at the Crossroads". Tell me what you see.
Formation of personal learning activities (summarizing the lesson, reflection) Formation of reflective self-esteem, the ability to analyze and manage one’s actions.

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to create your presentations,

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Fokina Lidia Petrovna

primary school teacher

MCOU "Secondary school st. Evsino"

Iskitimsky district

Novosibirsk region


Slide 1

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Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

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The presentation on the topic “Formation of UUD in primary school” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Formation of universal learning skills in primary school

Deputy Director of Lyceum No. 180 Korsakova Irina Vitalievna

Slide 2

Department of Education and Social and Legal Protection of Children of the Administration of the Leninsky District of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 180

Slide 3

The main pedagogical task is to create and organize conditions that initiate children's action

How to teach? updating training tools

Why teach? values ​​of education

What to teach? content update

Vector of shifting accents of the new standard

The main result is the development of the child’s personality based on educational activities

formation of universal methods of action

Slide 4

Mastering the system of educational actions with the educational material being studied

Ability to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical problems

(in contrast to the previous installation on checking the mastery of the “mandatory minimum content of education”)

Slide 5

Portrait of an elementary school graduate

communication skills

self-organization and healthy lifestyle skills

research interest

self-regulation responsibility

respect for others and other points of view


friendly, able to listen and hear a partner

able to learn, capable of self-organization

Slide 6

Planned results: three main groups of results

PERSONAL: value-semantic orientation; in social roles and interpersonal relationships


Self-determination: personal, professional, life

Sense formation: the connection between the goal (result) of an activity and its motive

Moral and ethical orientation

Regulatory: organization of activities

Communication: verbal and collaboration skills

Cognitive: general educational, including sign-symbolic, logical, problem formulation and solution

Fundamentals of the scientific knowledge system

Experience of “subject” activities in obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge

RY Lit IY Mat E/n Muz IZO Tech Phys

Subject and meta-subject actions with educational material

Slide 7

These include Forecasting control Self-regulation correction

Regulatory Actions

assessment Planning

Slide 8

General educational - Independent goal setting - Search for information - Structuring knowledge - Selection of effective solutions - Reflection - Setting and formulating a problem - Sign-symbolic actions

Statement and solution of the problem Formulation of the problem Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature

Logical -Analysis -Synthesis -Comparison -Summarizing the concept -Establishing cause-and-effect relationships -Proof -Proposing hypotheses

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • UMK Harmony

    Formation of Universal educational activities in primary school

    Toropina E.V., primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Bolshoi Melik

    What are “Universal Learning Activities”?

    Universal learning activities - ability to learn, i.e. the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of ways of a student’s actions that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

    Types of universal learning activities

    Cognitive UUD - general educational, logical, symbolic

    Regulatory UUD goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation.

    Communicative UUD planning, asking questions, resolving conflicts, managing a partner’s behavior, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

    Personal UUD - self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation.

    Academic subject "Russian language"

    Formation of the entire UUD complex occurs due to implementation the principle of a system-activity approach to the organization of the educational process.

    Thus, the acquisition of knowledge about language and speech, basic language and speech skills is directed by communicative, cognitive or educational motives; Most sections of the course contain material that allows you to set a learning task with children, ensure its acceptance and active actions to solve it.

    At the same time, various mental operations are carried out with the means of language: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification; inferences, conclusions, generalizations are made, which are presented in verbal, schematic, model form. All subject skills are formed on the basis of students’ awareness of the essence of the actions being performed and the sequence of necessary operations. Students develop the ability to control their actions - both after they are completed and during their execution (various types of reminders are used, tasks for correcting errors, systematic work is carried out on teaching self-checking of what has been written, etc.) .

    One example of the formation of self-control, in this case spelling, is the technique of writing with “windows” consistently implemented in the textbook - the student himself skips a questionable letter while writing. The use of this technique is guided by a social motive: “In your native language... it’s shameful to write with errors! A “window” is better than a mistake!”

    Formation cognitive educational activities, Teaching younger schoolchildren how to search for and use information and various types of working with it is carried out in three directions:

    a) training in reading educational texts, their full understanding and integration of information into the existing stock of knowledge, transformation, structuring, reproduction and application, taking into account the tasks being solved;

    b) learning to understand information presented in the form of tables, diagrams, models, etc.;

    c) training in use for

    solutions to various practical

    tasks of various dictionaries, reference books.

    Formation communicative universal learning activities in the Russian language course is ensured both by the general focus of work on teaching communication in oral and written form, including understanding the thoughts of the interlocutor and the desire to convey one’s own in the most clear way, and by specific methodological solutions of the authors of the textbook UMK “Harmony”. Among them: 1 . Learning to create texts of certain genres: notes, congratulations, letters, sketches, riddles, culinary recipes, diary entries, etc.; 2. Communication between the authors and the child through written text, 3. Systematic creation of situations for children to communicate with the characters in the textbook, with each other, in the family; 4. Organization of partnerships and business cooperation between children when performing various tasks.

    Formation of communication skills, tolerance in communication, the ability to focus on an interlocutor is facilitated not only by special tasks, but also by the nature of those introduced in the textbook characters: the youngest Anton and a foreign boy starting to learn Russian. “Communication” with such characters will help the child: 1) learn 2) understand the point of view of another person, his difficulties 3) relate them to his own 4) create statements that are understandable to the interlocutor 5) explain something, answer questions asked 6) control what is being done actions, etc.

    In addition, the textbook assumes live communication between children and each other. Children's cooperation can manifest itself: a) in distributed activity when performing various observations, language “experiments”, when searching for words in the dictionary; b) in a preliminary discussion of a particular issue before making a decision with the whole class; c) in combining efforts to complete a task, in a joint search for an answer that requires guesswork, “deciphering” a diagram or model; d) in telling each other what is to be documented in writing, in an organized educational dialogue; e) in mutual verification of the work performed.

    Academic subject "Mathematics" N.B. Istomina. Mathematics is the basis of development cognitive actions: logical, including sign-symbolic, planning (chains of actions on tasks), systematization and structuring of knowledge, translation from one language to another, modeling, differentiation of essential and non-essential conditions, formation of elements of systems thinking, development of computational skills. Mathematics is of particular importance for the formation of a general technique for solving problems as a universal educational activity.

    Academic subject “Literary reading” by O.V. Kubasov. Provides the formation of the following universal educational actions: meaning formation (l) through tracing the “fate of the hero” and the student’s orientation in the system of personal meanings; self-determination and self-knowledge(l) based on a comparison of “I” with the heroes of literary works; foundations of civic identity (l) by becoming acquainted with the heroic historical past of Russia; aesthetic values (l); ability to understand context(l) speech based on recreating a picture of events and actions of characters; the ability to freely and expressively construct contextual speech(s) taking into account the goals of communication, the characteristics of the listener; ability to establish a logical cause-and-effect relationship(p) events and actions of the heroes of the work; ability to make a plan (p) highlighting essential and additional information.

    “The world around us” (authors O. T. Poglazova, V. D. Shilin) ​​The course content implements the ideas of an integrated approach to learning: knowledge about nature, man, society, and the history of the Fatherland is integrated. The local history principle of teaching has been implemented. The proposed system of tasks allows the teacher to develop not only subject skills, but and universal learning activities. U educational and cognitive activities of students: work in pairs, in a group, individually. Topics for design and creative work are offered. Educational activities are organized in such a way that it allows students to develop ability to work with different sources of information: drawing, model, observations, experience, encyclopedia, Internet, etc.

    A sufficient number of creative tasks of varying levels of complexity allows implement the ideas of developmental education. Educational information is presented in such a way that allows you to implement an activity-based approach to learning - knowledge is acquired, not reproduced. Sufficient attention is paid to the formation of knowledge and skills y, which are necessary for the student not only for learning, but also for his daily life. Particular attention is paid to the formation of logical operations: analysis, comparison, generalization, classification. Widely presented tasks on observation and further modeling natural objects and phenomena, social phenomena, coding and decoding of received information, according to acquiring knowledge through experimental activities, etc.

    Academic subject “Technology” by N.M. Konysheva, primarily aimed at developing the child’s self-awareness as a creative personalities, individuality, the formation of a sustainable desire for creative self-realization

    Formation of cognitive educational activities . Schoolchildren learn to find the necessary information in textbooks and workbooks; analyze the information offered (samples of products, simple drawings, sketches, drawings, diagrams, models), compare, characterize and evaluate the possibility of using it in one’s own activities; analyze the structure of the product: identify and name the parts and parts of the product, their shape, relative position, determine methods of connecting parts; perform educational and cognitive actions, find the appropriate speech form to explain them; use sign-symbolic means; perform symbolic modeling and model transformation actions, work with models.

    Formation regulatory universal educational activities : planning upcoming practical work, correlating your actions with the goal, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the actions performed and their results. Self-monitoring of practical actions performed, adjustment of work progress. Tasks that require you to follow the teacher’s instructions or those presented in other information sources (textbook, didactic material, etc.) when performing work, and follow the rules when performing work. Organization of the workplace, maintaining order in the workplace. Formation communicative UUD: performing tasks in a pair or group: distributing roles, carrying out business cooperation and mutual assistance, developing the ability to formulate one’s own opinion and solution options, present them with reasoning, listen to the opinions and ideas of comrades, take them into account when organizing one’s own activities and teamwork. All this gradually teaches children to comment and evaluate the achievements of their comrades in a friendly manner, express their suggestions and wishes to them, and also show an interested attitude towards the activities of their comrades and the results of their work.

    Project: “Houseplants are our friends”

    It's difficult to teach children today It wasn't easy before. The XXI century is the century of discoveries, The age of innovation, novelty, But it depends on the teacher What children should be like. I wish you that the children in your class Glowing with smiles and love, Patience and creative success to you In such difficult times these days!

    Thank you for your attention !

    Bibliography: 1.How to design universal learning activities in primary school. From action to thought:/ ed. A.G. Asmolova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 152 p.: ill. – (Second generation standards). 2. Federal state standard of primary general education. – M.: Education, 2010. – 31 p. – (Second generation standards). 3. Planned results of primary general education / ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 120 p. – (Second generation standards). 4. Systematized description of educational tasks and situations that provide the possibility of implementing an internal assessment system; didactic and handout materials. – appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard. 5. Literary reading “Favorite Pages” textbook for 3rd grade, O.V. Kubasova. 6. Literary reading, workbook, 3rd grade by O.V. Kubasova. 7. Mathematics, textbook for 3rd grade N.B. Istomina. 8. Notebook on mathematics grade 3 No. 1, No. 2 N.B. Istomina 9. The world around us, textbook for grade 3, O.T. Poglazova. 10. Russian language “To the secrets of our language”, textbook for grade 3, part 1, part 2, M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko. 11. Problem book “To the secrets of our language” No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, 3rd grade M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko.

    Abstract to the material

    Presentations on the world around us will allow the primary school teacher to make this subject a favorite among the majority of primary school students. With a competent selection of visuals and an accessible explanation of new material, students awaken interest in studying each subsequent topic and a desire to learn more than was given in the lesson. After watching a presentation on the topic of the world around us, little discoverers of secrets will try to independently find interesting information about plants and animals, stars and natural phenomena in order to tell these facts to their teacher and classmates in class.

    The presentation on the lesson about the world around us is easy to use at any stage of the lesson. Its use is not limited solely to explaining new material. Can download a presentation on the world around us for grades 1, 2, 3 or 4 for carrying out practical work and for checking homework, for consolidating the material just learned in class and for showing samples of project design.

    Using a presentation on the lesson about the world around us helps students become motivated to learn. They are pleased that they understand the material that the teacher explains. If not everyone can solve a problem in mathematics, and writing in a Russian language lesson without mistakes is also not easy, then in a lesson about the world around you, you can reveal your abilities and become a real star. It is not without reason that Ushinsky noted that children’s nature requires clarity in order to develop interest in a subject. These words are still relevant and true today. Using presentation by environment the world is irrefutable proof of this. What is important in them is not so much the text as pictures, photos, inserted video fragments, tables, various diagrams that will remain in the memory of a primary school student.

    This section contains lesson developments from teachers working in various educational systems. From the sections you can download free lessons with a presentation on the world around you for grades 1, 2, 3, 4 according to the teaching materials of School 2100, School of Russia, PNS (textbooks by Pleshakov, Vakhrushev) and use them in your work.

    Do you like to create presentations for lessons about the world around you and do you already have a collection of your own designs? Send them to us, and we will definitely, preserving the authorship, place them in the appropriate section. To create your own works and children's projects, on our portal you can download free presentation templates, backgrounds and pictures of the world around you. Let's collaborate and share best practices that shouldn't become unnecessary after the bell rings from class.

    The world around us - 1st grade

    Presentations at the lesson of the surrounding world in 1st grade are becoming an urgent need. A child who is so different from his peers studying at school even just ten years ago does not accept old approaches to working in the classroom. His interest can only be supported by modern teaching tools - bright, dynamic, intriguing. It is to them that...

    The world around us - 2nd grade

    A presentation on the world around us for grade 2 is the best material for conducting a modern lesson in elementary school. Kids love to listen, but it is unlikely that they will be able to explain the essence of a complex problem with words alone. And then she comes to the rescue, the almighty presentation of a lesson on the world around us in grade 2 - a unique multimedia product...

    The world around us - 3rd grade

    A presentation on the environment in 3rd grade allows a creative teacher to turn an ordinary, ordinary lesson into a kind of holiday for children, from which they will not want to leave even after the bell rings. They have a desire to endlessly travel through forests and fields, discover previously unknown minerals, get acquainted with the economy and comprehend laws...

    The world around us - 4th grade

    Presentations “The world around us, grade 4” introduce the modern child, who lives in close proximity to a computer, to the world of electronic culture. It becomes easier for the teacher to explain the topics of the lessons, since he does it in a language understandable to the generation of today's students. Using electronic developments, it is possible to form the basic competencies of students, increase their motivation to learn in...

    Presentation The work of Yuri Vladimirov The presentation first introduces the second grade children to the work and biography of Vladimirov, who is the author of the poem “Weirdos”. This children's poet. like his work, it is not known...Presentation Chukovsky Fedorino grief The presentation will be used in 2nd grade when getting acquainted with the work of Korney Chukovsky. At the same reading lesson, students will become acquainted with his fairy tale “Fedorino's Grief”...Presentation Nikolai Nosov The Living Hat Presentation for a lesson in 2nd grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard based on the story of Nikolai Nosov “The Living Hat” contains material about the author’s work, about his life, about works written...