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The use of dashes in Russian. A dash is not placed if the predicate has a negation.

A dash, as a rule, is used in non-union complex sentences to indicate the nature of the semantic connection between its parts. However, there are other cases of using this punctuation mark.

The placement of dashes is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. T ire is placed in sentences with a compound nominal predicate, between the subjects and the predicate. In sentences of this kind, the predicate, as a rule, is a generic concept in relation to the subject. For example:

  • Tiger is a predator;
  • The cow is an artiodactyl;
  • Birch is a tree.

Note 1. However, if the subject and predicate have a negative particle “not”, then the dash is not placed.

Note 2. A dash is not placed between the subject and predicate if they are used in an interrogative sentence and the subject is expressed by a pronoun, for example:

2. E If in a sentence the subject is expressed by a noun, and the predicate by an indefinite form of the verb (infinitive), or they are both expressed by an infinitive, then a dash is placed between them.

3. T ire is placed before the words “this”, “means”, “this is”, “here”, etc. in sentences where the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or an infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to connect the predicate to the subject, and also indicate that a comparison or definition will now follow.

4. T ire is placed in sentences with enumerations before the generalizing word.

5. T ire is placed before the appendix at the end of the sentence in two cases:

  • If before the application it is possible to put the construction “namely” without distorting the meaning of the sentence, for example: I don't really like this animal - the cat.
  • If explanatory words are used in the application, and the author needs to further indicate the independence of this construction, for example: I had a cast iron kettle with me - my only joy in traveling around the Caucasus.

6. T ire is placed between two predicates or between parts of a complex sentence in the event that the author needs to unexpectedly attach or sharply contrast them in relation to each other.

Note 1. In order to enhance the connotation of surprise, a dash can also be placed after coordinating conjunctions that connect parts of one sentence.

Note 2. Additionally, for an even greater surprise effect, a dash can separate any part of a sentence.

According to the rules of the Russian language, there is no need to put a dash in these sentences. However, it is staged only to better convey the meaning and reflect what actually happened.

7. T ire is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if the second part contains a result or conclusion from what was said in the first.

8. T ire is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence if there is a type of connection between them “subordinate part - main part”.

9. T ire is put in order to indicate the boundary of the breakdown of a simple sentence into two verbal groups. This is done only if it is not possible to distinguish this breakdown by other means.

Very often, such a breakdown is observed when one of the members of the sentence is omitted

10. K In addition, using a dash, the following are distinguished:

  • Sentences and words used in the middle of a sentence and serving to explain what is being said, but only if the parentheses can weaken the connection between the insertion and what is being explained;
  • A common application if it comes after a qualifying noun and needs to emphasize its own independence;
  • Homogeneous members of a sentence, if they are in the middle of the sentence and need special emphasis.

11. T ire can be used as an additional punctuation mark after a comma in sentences where there are two repeated words, and this repetition is needed in order to connect one part of this sentence with another.

12. T ire is placed after a group of subordinate clauses before the main part of a complex sentence in order to emphasize the breakdown into two semantic parts.

13. T ire is placed in paired constructions, meaning any temporal, spatial or quantitative framework, and in this case it is synonymous with a pair of prepositions “”. That is, a dash is placed between two words to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits.

14. T ire is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called a doctrine, scientific institution, etc.

Also, a dash is placed as an additional decimal place to indicate the transition from increase to decrease in the period. The dash is placed as an additional sign after the comma, which separates the main sentence from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the splitting of a single whole into two parts.

A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma before a word, which is repeated in order to connect with it a new sentence (usually a subordinate clause, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two verbal groups, if this cannot be expressed by other punctuation marks or word order.

A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in first place) with the main clause (in second place), but there are no subordinating conjunctions. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains a result or conclusion from what is said in the first.

A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of conjunctions, to express a sharp contrast. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent clauses if the second of them contains an unexpected addition or sharp contrast to the first.

A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the predicate in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form.


Between the subject and the nominal predicate in place of the missing connective a dash is added, if the subject and predicate are expressed as nouns in the nominative case: The outbuilding near the house on Sadovaya, designed by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel, is the only building from the Mamontovs’ possessions that has almost preserved its appearance to this day(Keys); Pushkinsky region - the land of stones(Gaych.); This portrait is the only picturesque image of the daughter of Anna Petrovna Kern(Gaych.); ...My ability to keep the past to myself is a hereditary trait(Eb.); And the woman leaning over the fence is your second cousin(Shcherb.).


A dash is placed before the predicate, attached to the subject by words here it is: “Respect for the past -that's the line “that distinguishes education from savagery,” Pushkin once said(Spread); Pushkinogorye -this is not only a monument historical and literary,This and a peculiar botanical and zoologicalgarden , a wonderful natural monument(Gaych.). As a link, a combination is also possible it is: Hypotenuse -this is the side right triangle, opposite the right angle(from the textbook).


A dash is placed when expressing both the subject and the predicate (or only the subject, or only the predicate) with an infinitive: In this cityknow three languages ​​are an unnecessary luxury(Ch.); An incomparable feeling -hear their[rooks] for the first time after six months of winter death!(Boon.). The presence of negation does not remove the sign: Tea drink - not firewoodchop (last); Lifelive - not a fieldgo (last). The same if the predicate contains words this means: Wait for permission -Means waste time(gas.); Leave the institute now -this means lose everything(gas.); And to understand a person -Means already sympathize with him(Shuksh.).


A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, if they are expressed by numerals (or a phrase with a numeral), and also if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by a numeral: So, nine forty -three hundred sixty , So?(Peace); The depth there from the boat isfour flywheels , that is six meters(Shol.).

If the particle is used not before the predicate-numeral (cf. the same when expressing the predicate as a noun, § 15, paragraph 3), the dash is not placed: A man can, for example, say that twice is twonot four , and five or three and a half; and the woman will say that twice is two - a stearin candle(T.).


A dash is placed with a predicate expressed by a phraseological turn: Pie -real jam ; He has talent -God bless everyone ; The mother shed tears of joy, and the father -at least something! (Cool.); Hut -so-so , barn(Shuksh.); Efim himself -don't put your finger in your mouth (Shuksh.); And Victor -neither father nor mother (Cool.); Night -at least poke out your eyes! (A. Color.).

The presence of the particle not, as well as introductory words in stable combinations in the role of a predicate, prevents the placement of a dash (but does not prohibit): This officerno match for you , Mister Gendarme(Fed.); We have him as a scientist, and plays the violin, and cuts out various things,in a word, a jack of all trades (Ch.).


Dash between subject and nominal predicate not placed:

1. If the subject is expressed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun: She his daughter. He wants to understand her(Shcherb.); This cabinet? This bedroom?(Ch.)

2. If one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun or personal pronoun: Who your defender?What is studying?Who she?

3. If the predicate noun has a negation: Scenery not an appendage to prose and not a decoration (Paust.); Russianot St. Petersburg , she's huge(Priv.); Old agenot joy (last). However, when contrasting a predicate with a negation, it requires a dash (not... a): And at the same time he noticed that he was not the master in his house, but only an integral part of it(M. G.) (cf. without contrast: He is not the master of his house).

4. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle: And your roomso good for a child(Ch.); I have a lot of good people, almost all of themgood (Sim.); He had two wounds. Woundseasy , but the man lost a lot of blood(Paust.); Log housepink, peeling, small, rustic, covered with a green iron roof (Kav.); harsh autumnsad late view(Sick.); There's a feast in the dining room hot Andardent (Sick.).

However, with a predicate-adjective, a dash is placed when there is structural parallelism of parts of the sentence, accompanied in oral speech by intonation emphasis (emphasis) on both members of the sentence: Everything in her appearance attracted attention: sight -spicy , hairstyle -boyish , cloth -modern, fashionable ; Wed with emphasis on only the predicate: Weatherobnoxious , roadnasty , coachmanstubborn , the horses don't carry, and the caretaker is to blame(P.). A dash is also possible in the presence of several (homogeneous) predicates: Her son isyellow, long and with glasses (M.G.).

5. If the predicate is expressed in a phrase with comparative particles like, as if, what, exactly, sort of like and etc.: Lifelike a legend ; Skylike a pitched tent ; Broochkind of like a bee (Ch.); Forestexactly a fairy tale ; A weekthat one day . Passes quickly; Pondlike shiny steel (Fet). A dash is also not placed when introducing a predicate that lexically coincides with the subject: Ice like ice, desertlike deserts (Kav.); Villagelike a village ; Houselike a house - old, dark(Shuksh.).

6. If between the subject and the predicate noun there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a conjunction or particle: Rook,Certainly , the bird is smart and independent, but he has no voice(Paust.); My fatherfor me friend and mentor; MoscowNow port of five seas; My brotherSame engineer; This stream only beginning of the river.

Dash in an incomplete sentence


In incomplete sentences, in place of missing sentence members or parts thereof a dash is added.

1. In parts of a complex sentence with a parallel structure, as well as in a simple sentence with homogeneous repeating members of the sentence, where the missing member is restored from the first part of the sentence: It was getting dark, and the clouds were either parting or setting in from three sides: on the left - almost black, with blue gaps, on the right - gray, rumbling with a continuous roar, and from the west, from behind the Khvoshchina estate, from behind the slopes above the river valley , - dull blue, in dusty streaks of rain(Boon.); For him, one story inevitably evokes another, and that one - a third, and a third - a fourth, and therefore there is no end to his stories(Paust.); Some consider the portrait to be the work of Van Dyck, others - Rembrandt(Paust.); So she lives alone. Walks around the garden during the day, around the house at night(Shcherb.).

2. In a simple sentence with a missing predicate indicating the direction of movement: Tatyana - into the forest, the bear follows her(P.).

3. If the missing member of a sentence is restored from previous sentences: - Do you like green onion pies? I am like passion!(M.G.); In another room, a jeweler's workshop has been recreated. In the third there is a shepherd's hut, with all the shepherd's utensils. In the fourth there is an ordinary water mill. In the fifth - the setting of a hut where shepherds make cheese(Sol.).


A dash is placed in sentences consisting of two components with the meaning of subject, object, circumstance (in different combinations) and constructed according to the following schemes: “who - to whom”, “who - where”, “what - to whom”, “what - where”, “what - how”, “what - where”, “what - for what” and etc.: Teachers to schoolchildren; Journalists are in hot spots; Literary awards - to veterans; Textbooks - for children; All wells are operational; Grades are for knowledge. The dash is preserved even when the parts are rearranged: You have the key to the university.

Such proposals are common in newspaper headlines.


In independently used sentences with a missing predicate that cannot be restored from the context, it can be put dash. Such sentences are divided by a pause into two components - adverbial and subject: Behind bars - a fabulous bird(Sick.); In the village lanes there is knee-deep mud(Shuksh.); Above the yellow straw fields, above the stubble - blue sky and white clouds(Sol.); Behind the highway there is a birch forest(Boon.); There are clouds all over the sky(Pan.); There is low hanging dust over the square(Shol.); Behind the screen is a door leading to the stairs(Eb.).

However, in the absence of a pause and logical emphasis on the adverbial part of the sentence, a dash not placed: There, on unknown paths, are traces of unprecedented animals.(P.). The same when expressing subjective-adverbial meaning: There is excitement in the audience; There is sadness in my soul.

Dash in join function


A dash is placed between two (or more) words that, when combined with each other, mean limits (meaning "from to") - spatial, temporal, quantitative: Trains with signs “Moscow - Kara-Bugaz , throughTashkent - Krasnovodsk » (Paust.); Mistakenly believing that horse chestnut culture in northwestern parks is not a phenomenonXVIII-XIX centuries, and later, all chestnuts were removed from the Trigorsk and from the burial hill of the Svyatogorsk monastery(Gaych.); Oil reserves at Cheleken are very small and should be exhausted within the firstten fifteen years of production(Paust.). The same when denoting quantities with numbers: Manuscript of 10-15 author's sheets(see also the spelling of combinations indicating an approximate quantity: Spelling, § 118, paragraph 5 and § 154, paragraph 4.)


A dash is placed between two (or more) proper names, the totality of which is called a doctrine, phenomenon, etc.: lawBoyle - Mariotta ; matchKasparov - Karpov .

A dash is also placed between common nouns, the combination of which performs a defining function for a noun: Systemman - machine ; Relationshipteacher - student ; Problemmarket relations - social justice . The number of combined names can be more than two: Problemproduction - man - nature ; Article by V. A. Sukhomlinsky“Teacher - team - personality” .

Dash in highlight function


A dash is placed before the members of the sentence to emphasize them, accentuate them (for stylistic purposes). Such members of a sentence are called connecting members.

1. A dash is placed to emphasize, accentuate explanatory parts of the sentence located at the end of the sentence. Most often this circumstance: This is very bad, as I had to write -for a piece of bread (Boon.); ...And again the rickshaw wandered down the street -this time to the hotel (Boon.); The next day the seminarians again clashed with the cadets -open, near the Summer Garden (Kav.); Throughout the spring, Nikolai met with Ovrazhny only once -by chance, on the street (Shol.). Such a dash can be replaced by a dot (see § 9).

2. A dash can be placed for stylistic purposes after coordinating conjunctions or combining them with particles: Death took off his worn-out bast shoes, lay down on a stone and fell asleep(M.G.); And here is the river(Cool.); I have papers... but they are no good(G.).


A dash is placed to emphasize opposing members of a sentence: It’s scary, sweet, inevitable, / I need to throw myself into the foamy shaft, / You, a green-eyed naiad, / Sing and splash around the Irish rocks(Bl.).

1. When both the subject and the predicate are nouns in the nominative case.

For example, let’s take the famous dialogue between Lyudmila Prokofievna and Verochka from “Office Romance”:

— Blazer is a club jacket.
— For a cultural center, perhaps?
- You can go there too.

Blazer is the subject, jacket is the predicate. Both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case. So, a dash is needed.

A similar example from the movie “Formula of Love”:

“The head is a dark object and cannot be examined.”

But if the predicate and subject are swapped, the dash will not be needed. Example: “What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is!” Disgusting is the predicate, fish is the subject.

2. When the subject and predicate are verbs in the indefinite form.

This is best illustrated by a famous quote from the movie Garage:

“To betray in time is not to betray, but to foresee.”

3. When both main members of the sentence are numerals.

Two by two is four.

4. When different variations in the connection of these parts of speech arise.

Noun + verb in indefinite form.

Or: infinitive verb + noun.

Or: noun + numeral.

5. When there are words This, Here And Means.

“Truth is what is currently believed to be true."("The Same Munchausen").

6. When the predicate is a stable turnover.

The pie is finger licking good.

When a dash is not needed

1. When the subject is expressed by a pronoun.

For example, in these quotes there is no need for a dash between the subject and the predicate:

- Not only are you a liar, a coward and an impudent person, you are also a fighter!
- Yes, I'm a tough nut to crack!

“I’m Aunt Charlie from Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys living in the forests!”

“The man destroyed his family, kicked his wife and child out of the house!”

- What a child! I am an officer!

- Kicked out his wife and the officer!

2. When there is a particle Not and it comes before a noun, numeral or phraseological unit.

Let’s remember “Only old men go into battle”:

“150 tanks are not a box of matches, where can you put them?”

3. When there are comparative unions How, as if, as if.

“A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.”"("Prisoner of the Caucasus").

4. When between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, circumstance, addition, conjunction or particle.

“The professor, of course, is a mug, but the equipment is with him, mmm, with him, mmm! How can you hear?(“Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik”)

But the main thing to remember is that not putting a dash where it’s needed is a mistake, but putting it where the rules don’t seem to require it is acceptable. It all depends on the intonation and the author's idea. (You can read more about author and intonation punctuation marks.)

There is no dash between the subject and the nominal predicate:

1. If the subject is expressed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun: She his daughter. He wants to understand her(Shcherb.); Is this an office? Is this a bedroom? (Ch.)

Note. A dash is possible: a) if the entire sentence contains a question accompanied by surprise: Is she his daughter?!(both members of the sentence are stressed); b) when underlining the indication of a given item: This is an office (And this is the office); c) when contrasted: I am a teacher and you are an engineer.

2. If one of the main members is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun or personal pronoun: Who is your protector? What is study? Who is she?

3. If the predicate-noun has a negation: Landscape not an add-on to prose and not a decoration(Paust.); Russia is not St. Petersburg, it is huge (Prishv.); Old age is not joy (last). However, when contrasting a predicate with a negation, a dash is required (not... a): And at the same time he noticed that he was not the master in his house, but only an integral part of it(M. G.) (cf. without contrast: He is not the master of his house).

4. If the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle: And your room is so good for a child (Ch.); I have a lot of good ones people, almost all good(Sim.); He had two wounds. Wounds easy , but the man lost a lot of blood(Paust.); Log house pink, peeling, small, rustic, covered with a green iron roof(Kav.); In the harsh autumn the late appearance is sad (Sick); In the dining room the feast is hot and ardent (Sick).

However, with a predicate-adjective, a dash is placed when there is structural parallelism of parts of the sentence, accompanied in oral speech by intonation (emphasis) of both members of the sentence: Everything in her appearance attracted attention: the look - sharp, hairstyle - boyish, clothes - modern, fashionable; Wed with emphasis on only the predicate: The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn , the horses don't carry, and the caretaker is to blame(P.). A dash is also possible in the presence of several (homogeneous) predicates: Her son is yellow, long and with glasses(M.G.).

5. If the predicate is expressed in a phrase with comparative particles like, as if, what, exactly, sort of like and etc.: Life like a legend; Sky like a pitched tent; Brooch kind of like a bee(Ch.); The forest is definitely a fairy tale; A week is like one day . Passes quickly; Pondlike shiny steel(Fet). A dash is also not placed when introducing a predicate that lexically coincides with the subject: Ice like ice, deserts like deserts (Kav.); A village is like a village; A house is like a house - old, dark(Shuksh.).

Note. When emphasizing the predicate (usually for stylistic purposes), a dash is possible: This lonely and perhaps completely random shot -like a signal(Furm.); His mouth is bitter from tobacco-samosad, his head islike a weight(Shol.); Blackening glades -like black islands in a white snowy sea(Boon.); Milky Way -like a big society(B. Past.); Moon in the sky -like Central Asian melon(Current.).

6. If between the subject and the predicate noun there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a conjunction or particle: Rook, of course , the bird is smart and independent, but he has no voice(Paust.); My father for me friend and mentor; Moscow Now port of five seas; My brother Same engineer; This stream just the beginning of the river.

They play a big role in the Russian language. This was noted by F. Buslaev, pointing out that they contribute to the clarity of presentation of thoughts. Everyone knows the phrase from the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”: “Execution cannot be pardoned.” This is a clear example of how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence.

Punctuation of text is always difficult. And placing a dash in sentences, both simple and complex, is especially difficult. This is explained by the polysemy and various functions of the punctuation mark. In addition, in some cases it is identified with a comma.

The role of dashes in sentences

The grammar of the Russian language divides all punctuation marks into highlighting, separating and separating. In addition, they can be single or paired.

The separating dash is located between the subject and the predicate, homogeneous members and the generalizing word in simple sentences and between parts of complex ones: non-union, less often with a conjunction. The emphasizing is used as a paired sign in applications, introductory and insertive constructions. Another (additional) function of the dash is to design sentences with direct speech and dialogue in writing. Thus, we can outline the algorithm of actions when placing this punctuation mark: remember the rule and determine the role of the dash in the sentence. This approach will help you write consciously and avoid

Dash between subject and predicate

The most well-known rule for placing the punctuation mark in question is inside the grammatical stem. Its role in this case comes down to replacing the missing part of a compound predicate, usually a nominal one. Hence the conditions for setting a dash in such a case. The sentence “predicate subject to a dash” will correspond to one of the schemes:

  • noun - noun (both in the nominative case): “Siberia is the vast and rich region of Russia”;
  • infinitive - infinitive: “To study is to work constantly”;
  • noun - infinitive or infinitive - noun: “Doing good is the law of life for moral people”;
  • numeral - numeral: "Five six is ​​thirty."

The words THIS, MEANS THIS IS, are always preceded by a dash: “Helping older people is a sign of good manners.” Another possible case: an infinitive is an adverb with the meaning (or category word) of a state, but only if there is a logical pause between the subject and the predicate: “Not knowing the rules for crossing the road is life-threatening.”

Dash is superfluous

You also need to know well when punctuation is not placed between the subject and the predicate. In such cases, a punctuation error is often made, which is not always explained by simple carelessness. Here are the rules fixed by Russian grammar:

  • subject - personal pronoun, predicate - noun;
  • between the main members, expressed by the nominal part of speech, the negative particle NOT or conjunctions are used: AS AS WHAT, LIKE, AS WHAT;
  • predicate - an adjective, usually in short form.

Here are possible sentences with a dash - examples of their use in speech: “You are a person with irrepressible energy”, “The young rake is not a role model”, “Her eyes are like fire”, “The boy is timid and overly fearful”.

The following options should also be noted (they do not occur so often): “The Countess is already an elderly person” - before the predicate-noun there is a minor member related to it; “This fisherman is a wonderful man” - inversion (i.e., reverse word order).

Although it should be noted that placing a dash in sentences of this type is allowed in works of art. The author’s task in this case is to focus the reader’s attention on the meaning expressed by the subject or predicate.

Dash in a simple sentence that is syntactically or semantically incomplete

Quite often, especially in colloquial speech that needs to be recorded in writing, you can encounter cases of missing a predicate (or a minor member). The meaning does not suffer, but the design causes difficulties. This is an example in which the missing term (usually the predicate) is redundant. The reasons may be as follows:

  • it is easily reconstructed from the context (“The first wanted meat, the second wanted fish, so they decided to limit themselves to a salad”);
  • with syntactic parallelism (“Here is everything is mine, behind the forest is mine, behind that field is also mine”);
  • in constructions where there are two nouns - the first in the dative case, the second in the accusative case (“For my sister - a doll, for my brother - a car”).

Punctuation of homogeneous members

There is another case of placing a dash in a simple sentence. This concerns the formulation with homogeneous terms, where several points can also be highlighted.

  1. Homogeneous members - a generalizing word (“Daisies, cornflowers, bluebells - wildflowers looked good in the vase”).
  2. Generalizing word: homogeneous members - ... (“Classmates: Vitaly, Yura, Sergey - immediately came to the rescue”).
  3. In place of the omission of the second part of the double union connecting homogeneous members (“The owner not only warmly welcomed the guest - he also gave him a whole basket of food for the journey”).
  4. When relations of opposition or surprise are established between homogeneous members (“Contrary to expectations, she was not afraid - she was even happy about the news”).

Highlighting sign when applied

A dash can be used in a simple sentence and as a paired sign. This is the isolation of an application or the selection of introductory and plug-in structures. Sometimes in such situations it is allowed to replace it with commas. But there are cases when a dash is the only possible punctuation mark. In order not to make a mistake in setting it up, you should remember the proposed rules.

Here are the most common sentences with dashes: examples of highlighting applications.

  1. Before it you can put the word NAMELY: “The hostess prepared a delicious lunch - fish soup from caught fish and a salad from fresh vegetables.”
  2. It is explanatory in nature: “The owner, who came out onto the porch - still a rather cheerful old man - peered for a long time into the faces of the unexpected guests.”
  3. The application stands before the word being defined: “A delicious sweet berry - strawberries for dessert, caused delight among everyone who sat at the table.”
  4. One of the homogeneous members spreads: “In the evening everyone arrived: an elderly aunt, a cousin - the son of a recently deceased uncle, three cousins ​​on his mother’s side.”
  5. A dash separates several homogeneous applications from the defined word: “An excellent student from the first grade, an active participant in all school events, support and head of the team - Marina could not help but take part in the upcoming holiday.”

Emphasizing sign for introductory and inserted structures

Sentences of this type may contain commas, parentheses, and dashes. How not to make a mistake in choosing the right punctuation mark? What are the characteristics of sentences with a dash?

Examples that well illustrate this punctuation rule indicate that the introductory construction:

  • widespread: “Little visitors to the workshop, or - as they are affectionately called by both the friendly owners and the authors of the works - the inspirers of new ideas, have always been welcome guests”;
  • conveys the author’s feelings (in this case there is also an exclamation or question mark before the dash): “The whole program - how do you like it? - was, as a result, prepared to please one person.”

When highlighting inserted structures, dashes and parentheses are used equally.

Complex sentences with coordinating and subordinating connections

In such cases, the dash, as a rule, is not the main punctuation mark and can be used instead of a comma. This replacement is explained by the fact that attention is focused on key words or their combination in a sentence, the special intonation of the phrase.

Here are examples of appropriate placement of a dash in a conjunction.

  1. Relationships of opposition or surprise in the SSP (compound): “You drop a long straw on the water - and it will easily float along the waves of the river.”
  2. One or both parts of the SSP is a nominative sentence: “Instantly - and the robber was right in front of her.”
  3. In the SPP (compound), if the main clause is preceded by an explanatory, concessive or conditional clause: “If someone knocks during our absence, do not open the door!”
  4. A repeated predicate-verb is omitted in one or more parts of a complex sentence: “Some believed that such a donation would be enough, others that the amount still needed to be increased.”
  5. In the SPP with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses located at the beginning: “What happened after he left, why did the sister open the door to a stranger - he never found answers to these questions.”

Dash in a complex sentence with a non-conjunction connection

Russian grammar quite clearly defines the production. The main thing you need to pay attention to is to correctly establish the semantic relationships contained in it. A dash between sentences (predicative parts) of the BSP is placed in several cases.

In the first part there is an indication of the time or condition of the action being performed: “If you read the book to the end, you will go on the rides.” Such a proposal can easily be reconstructed into an IPS.

Second part:

  • denotes a rapid change of events or an unexpected result: “The door opened slightly - there was a strong bang”;
  • contrasted with the first (= A): “A lot of time has passed - the melancholy has not passed”;
  • indicates a consequence or result (= THEN, THEREFORE): “I will not return here again - soon everything will be forgotten”;
  • contains a comparison (= AS WELL as): “If he looks from under his brows, he will burn with fire”;
  • joins with the words SO, THIS, SUCH: “In ten days everything will fall into place - such a thought calmed and inspired hope.”

Thus, sentences with a dash (we gave examples in the article) will not cause much difficulty if you know the rules.