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Children's day camp program "Sun" - Program. Summer health program of the Children's Day Care Center at the school "Aistenok" "International Olympic Day"

The day care center is one of the structures for helping adolescents with developmental disabilities in a supported living environment.

Goals of the day care center:

□ Optimal integration of young people into society with minimal external support.

□ Preparing young people for independent living (as far as possible) in the process of social, social and labor adaptation.

Objectives of the center:

1. Formation of practical skills that ensure the independence of adolescents in everyday life and their social adaptation.

2. Development of socially significant personality traits.

3. Involving teenagers in work activities.

4. Organization of leisure activities together with parents and independently. Development of communication skills.

Center contingent:

ABOUT young people aged 18 years and older;

□ graduates of special (correctional) schools living in families;

O orphans with developmental disabilities;

□ young people who were educated at home;

□ young people in need of adaptation and rehabilitation.

The contingent of young people in day care centers is, as a rule, heterogeneous: these are young people living in families, previously studied in educational institutions, in orphanages for social protection, as well as young people who have not studied anywhere, overprotected in the family, young people who have lost guardianship , etc. However, they all experience common difficulties (with varying degrees of severity), which are as follows:

□ they are used to living in a closed, isolated world according to the norms and rules accepted only in this community;

□ they are difficult to integrate into an open society;

□ they cannot change a negative or consumer position to a constructive or creative one;

□ they find it difficult to make contact with new people;

ABOUT a certain part of them have an unfavorable labor and household prognosis;

□ experience significant difficulties both in social-everyday and social-environmental orientation.

Based on the above, for the training of young people in supported living conditions, the most relevant areas of work are those related to social, everyday and social-environmental orientation, and they include a whole system of medical, psychological and pedagogical activities.

The choice of the optimal assistance strategy to prepare for life in conditions of both supported living and independent living is determined by an individually oriented development path for each young person. The development of such a route begins with psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Based on the data of the diagnostic study, a psychological and pedagogical profile (map) is compiled, reflecting the parameters of the personal characteristics of young people (Appendix 1.1).

Analysis of the data obtained, as well as qualitative comments and recommendations of various specialists (medics, psychologists, teachers, labor and industrial training instructors, parents, guardians, etc.) makes it possible to draw up conclusion, which reflects: the individual psychological characteristics of a young man; personality strengths; preserved mental mechanisms and compensatory capabilities; types and nature of violations identified; the effectiveness of using methods and techniques of working with young people, the expected potential for rehabilitation.

Based on the conclusion, psychological and pedagogical recommendations are drawn up for the employees of the day care center, as well as for the parents and family members of the young person, reflecting the positions listed above.

Based on diagnostic data, an individually oriented route program is drawn up for each young person. The debt program

It should be aimed at meeting the needs of everyone in the formation of vital practical skills, as well as achieving the highest possible level of independence. Particular attention is paid to independence in household chores in the family, all possible assistance in cleaning, purchasing food, the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, the ability to organize one’s leisure time, the ability to take care of oneself in the absence of adults, speech development (methods of verbal communication, forms of communication culture ).

Requirements for premises and equipment of a day care center. The center should create social living conditions that are close to living conditions in a family:

o kitchen with all the necessary furnishings and equipment, utensils for cooking, table setting;

□ a recreation room (leisure), where young people relax, develop their creative abilities (paint, play music, make applied products), discuss plans for the current day, for the future, share impressions after an excursion, visit to a museum, exhibition, create a menu for the day, cost estimate, etc.);

About workshops (their number is determined by the areas of professional training) and the necessary modern equipment according to the profile of the workshop;

About an apartment with all the necessary premises (bath, toilet, bedroom, living room), equipped with household appliances (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, refrigerator, iron, etc.). The apartment is used not only for practical training in the development of skills in using household appliances and organizing everyday life, but also as a “social hotel” in extreme situations in families, for resolving interpersonal conflicts with parents, training workshops for young people not living in families, and etc.;

About a school site with a sports ground.

□ The presence of the listed premises and equipment allows us to create a model of an independent living home under the patronage of specialists in the day care center. Even temporary accommodation in a social hotel provides an opportunity for young people to acquire the necessary skills for independent living. Specialist assistance is provided only in those issues that residents cannot cope with on their own.

Staffing schedule. The staffing table must ensure the implementation of the main areas of work stated in the Regulations on the day care center.

To ensure the operation of a day care center where young people with developmental disabilities are educated, a team of specialists is needed: special education teachers, a psychologist, a social worker, a labor training instructor, additional education teachers, the head of the center, as well as technical staff (in most centers at position

Young people themselves work as janitors, cleaners, and cloakroom attendants under the supervision of elders, they have work books and receive wages; As a rule, 2-3 people are registered for one position), a physical therapy instructor and a medical worker.

The number of specialists in the center is determined by educational authorities, social protection, public organizations (depending on who is the founder of the center), based on the number of students, the availability of existing workshops, areas of work on additional education in accordance with the standards provided for by the Model Regulations on Special (Correctional) ) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities No. 288 dated March 12, 1997.

Center operating hours. The operating hours of the center are developed by the teaching staff, agreed upon with parents and young people, and approved by the head of the institution. When developing the regime, the requirements set out in the resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 1996 No. 49 are taken into account.

An annex to the center's operating mode should be the Internal Regulations, which reflect the following positions: 1) general provisions; 2) relations between the center administration and young people, as well as parents of students; 3) rights and obligations of the parties.

Implementation of the regime is strict for all participants in the pedagogical process. As a rule, day care centers develop certain rituals of meeting and farewell, organizing meetings, and holding instructive meetings.

The center's operating mode should, as far as possible, simulate family life.

The main directions of work of the day care center.

1. Social and labor adaptation of young people, preparation for supported and independent living in a family in the process of instilling housekeeping skills:

□ washing;

About ironing clothes;

□ cooking simple dishes;

□ table setting; P washing dishes;

□ cleaning the premises;

□ use of household appliances (telephone, TV, vacuum cleaner, mixer, stove, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.);

□ independent visits to stores, pharmacies, repair shops, clinics, savings banks, post offices, etc.

About using public transport (knowledge of generally accepted signs, ability to use diagrams).

□ use of money (the ability to calculate expenses, pay for purchases, take precautions in crowded places when using money).

2. Organization of leisure time and positive communication in society (socio-environmental orientation) carried out by creating comfortable conditions for daytime stay, includes:

□ participation in the work of clubs;

□ sports and recreational activities;

□ collective visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions;

P excursions into nature, walks around the city (with friends, on pre-holiday and public holidays);

□ organization and holding of holidays, birthdays; meetings of friends, accommodation in a social hotel;

□ sports and integration work (together with various teenage and parent creative clubs);

□ participation in regional and city amateur performance shows and exhibitions of works.

It is advisable to involve teenagers you know, family members, neighbors, and volunteers in the work.

3. Vocational rehabilitation includes training in basic work techniques in selected areas, practical application of acquired professional knowledge, and acquisition of operational work skills. In a day center setting, young people should have the opportunity to gain specific skills in all the activities that the center can provide. The choice of the optimal type of professional activity for each young person is proposed by specialists and determined by the young person himself and his parents. In a day care center, young people can supplement their budget and their family’s budget by working in workshops, performing the duties of technical workers, and performing contract work.

Particular attention should be paid to the participation of young people in socially useful work: helping the elderly, the disabled, and their comrades in need of support.

Preparation for work of young people should be considered not only as preparation for a specific profession, but to a greater extent as the purposeful formation of a positive attitude, interest and readiness (motivational, goal-oriented) for work as an activity in general, as the formation of an active life position, self-realization and personal growth.

For young people studying in a day care center, work has a broader meaning and includes not only productive work (in production or specially organized conditions), but also unproductive work, sports, culture, self-care and housekeeping.

The structure and content of preparation for work of young people should be differentiated depending on the impairments they have, the severity of disability, rehabilitation potential and labor prognosis.

The main goal of preparation for work should be the comprehensive development of the individual, leading to independent and conscious choice of life

th path, self-determination. The implementation of the stated goal is achieved by the following areas of work with young people:

□ formation of a stable orientation of young people towards an active lifestyle, the formation of a socially active personality;

□ ensuring practical and psychological readiness for work;

□ creating conditions for the assimilation of social experience, self-expression, and labor self-determination;

□ inclusion in labor activity, the system of labor relations and universal human norms and values;

□ formation and satisfaction of cognitive and activity requests and needs;

□ involving the young man’s family in joint activities.

Particular attention is paid directly to the labor process itself, which must meet the following requirements:

1) the activity of a young person must correspond to his capabilities at the level of accessible difficulty, must be feasible in terms of skills mastered and in duration (not lead to overwork and exhaustion of physical and intellectual strength);

2) the activity should be collective (in pairs, groups of 2-3 people, teams), but with an individual approach. The proposed organizational forms provide an additional incentive for mutual assistance, communication, responsibility, and discipline;

3) in the process of activity, planning and self-control skills must be formed;

4) the activity of a young person must have a clear and specific goal, practical orientation and effectiveness. A young man must see the real result of his activities;

5) the selection of occupations and types of work activity should be carried out in accordance with the abilities and capabilities of young people, an indispensable condition is their desire;

6) in the process of activity, control and assistance from adults and specialists is necessary, but at the same time the young person should be given maximum independence.

Labor and vocational rehabilitation is a complex and multicomponent process. Young people with intellectual disabilities, who have severe disabilities, are not capable of independent life and independent activity, of independent labor self-determination. That is why the work on vocational rehabilitation in a temporary stay center carries a special burden of preparing and integrating young people into a full, normal life (as far as possible).

The practice of working in day care centers shows that well-organized, purposeful work allows one to achieve certain positive results in preparing for life and work (in a supported mode).

Young people master simple types of productive work: sorting, picking, packaging finished products, maintaining order, cleaning workplaces and production facilities, working as a courier, making minor repairs to clothes and shoes, working as a social worker’s assistant, working with a computer (at the user level), copier, printer.

Young people can successfully work in public catering establishments (dish cleaner, kitchen assistant, warehouse). Artistic work, both in workshops and at home, is available to a significant part of young people (wicker weaving, painting on porcelain, wood, making souvenirs, sewing dolls, knitting, etc.).

Preparation for independent living is ensured by mastering the skills and elements of independent housekeeping (washing, ironing, preparing simple meals, washing dishes, cleaning). Young people can independently use various types of household appliances.

Providing families with a certain set of products, medicines, the use of repair shops, communications, and transport allow young people to expand their social experience and integrate quite successfully into society.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

Secondary school No. 3 village. Inzer.

2. Explanatory note

3. Purpose of the program

4. Program objectives

5. Principles

6. Main forms of program implementation

7. Staffing

8. Expected results

9. Daily routine

10. Events

11. Menu

Explanatory note

Summer vacation is not just a cessation of a child’s educational activities. This is an active time for his socialization and continued education. That is why ensuring the employment of schoolchildren during the summer holidays is a priority direction of state policy in the field of education of children and adolescents.

And this year, on the basis of MOBU Secondary School No. 3. Inzer, a health-improving shift is held for students at the summer health-improving day care center “Solnyshko”. It accommodates students in grades 1-8.

In order to make your vacation complete, a program was developed.

The development of this program for organizing summer holidays, health improvement and employment for children was caused by:

– increasing demand from parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;

– modernization of old forms of work and introduction of new ones;

– the need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

The teaching staff of the school is working on the implementation of the summer health camp program with daytime stay.

The center of the educational work of the camp is the child and his desire for realization. Staying here for every child is a time to gain new knowledge, acquire skills and life experience. This is possible thanks to a well-thought-out organized system for planning camp shifts. Children are given freedom to determine the content of their recreation. Making a plan for yourself gives children the opportunity to make proposals, advocate for them, choose them, and then implement them.

A summer school camp with a day stay is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children of different ages, genders and levels of development, and on the other hand, a space for improving the health and development of a child’s artistic, technical, and social creativity.

Purpose of the program

To create favorable conditions for improving the health and organizing leisure time of students during the summer holidays, developing the creative and intellectual potential of the individual, his individual abilities and talents, creative activity, taking into account his own interests, inclinations and capabilities.

Program objectives

Carrying out work with children, combining the development and education of children with recreational activities;

Development of creative abilities;

Fostering a culture of behavior;

Formation of communication and tolerance skills in children;

Instilling healthy lifestyle skills.


The program of the day care center “Solnyshko” is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of humanizing relationships: building all relationships on the basis of respect and trust in a person, on the desire to lead him to success. Through the idea of ​​a humane approach to the child, parents, and camp staff, a psychological rethinking of all the main components of the pedagogical process is necessary.

2. The principle of matching the type of cooperation with the psychological age characteristics of the students and the type of leading activity: the result of educational activities in the “Solnyshko” day care center is the cooperation of a child and an adult, which allows the camp student to feel like a creative person.

3. The principle of democracy: participation of all children and adolescents in the program for the development of creative abilities.

4. The principle of differentiation of education: differentiation within the framework of a summer health camp involves:

Selection of content, forms and methods of education in relation to the individual psychological characteristics of children;

Creating the ability to switch from one type of activity to another within a shift (day);

The relationship of all events within the theme of the day;

Active participation of children in all types of activities.

5. The principle of creative individuality: creative individuality is a characteristic of a person who realizes and develops his creative potential to the fullest extent.

Main forms of program implementation

Summer day health center for children and adolescents “Solnyshko” is a pedagogical system that promotes the development of a child as a creative personality, his spiritual and physical self-development, the opportunity to cultivate hard work, activity, determination, and a healthy lifestyle.

The implementation of the program is based on various forms and methods.

Organizational and pedagogical activities

Staffing the center;

Participation in seminars on organizing summer holidays for camp directors;

Meeting with the director on organizing summer holidays for students;

Conducting briefings with teachers on safety precautions and protecting the health of children;

Conducting parent meetings “Student occupancy in the summer.”

Health work

The fundamental ideas in working with children in a school summer camp are to preserve and strengthen the health of children, therefore the following activities are included in the program:

Morning exercises;

Taking sun and air baths (during the entire stay in the camp during daylight hours);

Organization of walking tours;

Organization of healthy nutrition for children;

Organization of sports events:

Athletics competitions;

Sports relay races;

Outdoor sports games.

Work to unite the team of students

To increase the educational effect of the program and develop communication skills with children, the following is carried out:

Fire "Tell me about yourself"

Games to identify leaders “Rope”, “Fairytale Day”.

Team building games “Humorina-2011”, “Tournament of Experts”,

“We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “Don’t say “Yes” and “No”!”, “Strong. Brave. Deft", . Release of detachment posters “Hello, Sunshine”.

Preventive measures and measures to prevent emergency situations and protect the lives of children in the summer

Instructions for children:“Fire safety rules”, “Rules of behavior for children when walking and hiking”, “Rules when traveling in vehicles”, “Children’s safety during sporting events”;

Conversations conducted by educators: “How to take care of your teeth?”, “Travel to the country of Vitaminia,” “About the dangers of drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol,” “How to take care of your eyes?”; “How to care for your teeth”, “Green pharmacy”, “Proper nutrition”, etc.

Game-conversation “Fire Safety Lessons”;

Preventive conversation about delinquency of minors and adolescents.

Preventive conversation about the dangers of drugs, with the invitation of the school social educator.

Instructions on the basics of life safety: “Home alone”, “Safety in a city apartment”, “Rules of behavior with strangers”, “Rules of behavior and human safety on the water”, “First aid measures”;

Work to develop children's creative abilities

Design of squad corners, wall newspapers;

Fair of ideas and proposals;

Asphalt drawing competitions: “Our generation chooses a healthy lifestyle”, “Magic chalks”;

Collective creative activities: “Sun Festival”, “multi-fireworks”, “Guinness Show”, “Big Difference”, “Goodbye, Camp!” , “Neptune's Holiday”, “Guess the Melody”, “Factor A”.

- Activities for the development of creative thinking: Riddles, crosswords, puzzles, quiz “Wits, erudition and laughter are an essential success!”, competition program “Tournament of Connoisseurs”, “Intellectual Show”, competition - game “Fun Minutes”, dance skill competition “Dancing” peoples of the world”, dedicated to the Year of the Commonwealth, the liar competition “How I was collected in the camp”, the intellectual game “Scrabble Show”, the competition - game “The Earth is our common home”;

The final exhibition of crafts on the theme “Sunny Bunny”, drawings on the themes “Characters of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales”, “I want to know everything”, friendly cartoons.

Work on the patriotic development of children

Conversation “Symbols of the Russian Federation”; "Symbols of the Republic of Bashkortostan."

Discussion “Nature of my land”;

Ecological relay race.

Work on instilling self-government skills

Identification of leaders, generators of ideas;

Reinforcement in each squad with 2 counselors;

Distribution of responsibilities in the squad;

Assigning responsibility for various types of assignments;

Canteen duty.


- teacher-organizers;

Head of the health camp;

Service staff.

Self-government bodies;

Expected results of program execution

camp activities:

General health improvement for children.

- promoting children's health through

  1. adherence to diet;
  2. vitaminization of the body;
  3. hardening of the body;
  4. organizing games and outdoor activities
  1. enriching children's lives with interesting socio-cultural events;

Strengthening friendship and cooperation between children of different ages;

  1. development of the child’s creative abilities, initiative and activity;
  2. instilling self-care skills;
  3. feeling of patriotism;
  4. respect for native nature.



RDK employees

Service staff

Senior counselor

Head of the camp

Shift participants

Gym teacher

Head teacher

Mon, 04/24/2017 - 22:04 | admincgmiideia

MBOU "Order of Friendship of Peoples Gymnasium 3 named after A.M. Gorky" urban district of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan

DAY CAMP program “CHIC” (School of Interesting Vacations)

Ermolaeva Natalya Anatolevna

primary school teacher

Program Information Card

Full program name

Day camp program "CHIK" (School of Interesting Vacations) at the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3" of the Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Purpose of the program

Organization of recreation and health improvement for students in the summer.

Area of ​​activity

Physical, spiritual, aesthetic, patriotic, environmental development of children.

The program contains: goals and objectives; mechanisms for program implementation; expected results and implementation conditions; plan of activities implementing the program; applications.

Address, telephone

Place of sale

Day camp at MBOU gymnasium No. 3 of the Kirov district of the Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Number, age of students

210 students from 7 to 14 years old

Dates, number of shifts

1. Introduction.

2. Target block.

4. Mechanisms for program implementation.

5. Expected results.

6. Educational and methodological equipment with the program.

7. Application.

1. Introduction

Vacation time is a change in the activities of schoolchildren, which allows mental work, characteristic of the educational process, to be replaced by a variety of leisure and recreational forms of work. During the holidays, accumulated tension is discharged, wasted energy is restored, health is restored, and creative potential is developed. Summer is a constant change of impressions, a time when children have the opportunity to carefully look around them and see what amazing things are nearby. These functions are performed by a school camp with daytime stay for children.

Holistic development of the individual is possible with the harmonious development of spiritual and physical health, which provides the basis for social health, adaptation of the individual in society and the formation of an active position. It is during childhood that the foundations of a person’s health and personality are laid; most of this period falls on school age. This means that education bears responsibility not only for the development and education of the individual, but also for the formation of a culture of health, a healthy lifestyle, and, ultimately, for the formation of a holistic personality with an active creative attitude towards the world.

Consequently, during the holiday period, the teaching staff faces the problem of the most rational and effective functioning of the school camp, as well as organizing healthy nutrition and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Currently, society has realized the need to implement the cultural goals of education, focused on the individual and his self-development in specific pedagogical systems, including in school camps. They perform a very important mission of improving the health and education of children. In addition, the camps contribute to the formation of communication skills in children rather than a personality-suppressive collectivism. Summer vacation today is not only social protection, it is also a testing ground for creative development, enrichment of the spiritual world and intellect of the child. In order to make your vacation complete, a program was developed.

The development of this program for organizing summer holidays, health improvement and employment for children was caused by:

  • increased demand from parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;
  • modernization of old forms of work and introduction of new ones;
  • the need to use the rich creative potential of children and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

Summer holidays make up a significant part of children's free time. This period could not be more favorable for the development of their creative potential, improvement of personal capabilities, familiarization with cultural values, entry into the system of social connections, implementation of their own plans, satisfaction of individual interests in personally significant areas of activity, and recovery. Camp is a new way of life for children, a new regime with its special romantic style and tone. This is life in a new team, this is, finally, a new nature-conforming activity. It’s not for nothing that O. Mityaev’s famous song says: “Summer is a little life!”, which means that you need to live it in such a way that everyone, both children and those who will organize the holiday, has a great time. This is a time of games, entertainment, freedom in choosing activities, and relieving the stress that has accumulated over the year. This is a period of free communication between children.

One of the main prerequisites for creating the program is to create conditions for the development of initiative and leadership abilities of children and their implementation through participation in organizing the life of a detachment or camp. Children's self-government in this case acts as the leading pedagogical means, and children's self-government bodies at the detachment and camp level act as a form of space specially created for the implementation of the pedagogical meaning.

Self-government is a way of life of a team that ensures active participation in solving important issues of life of each member of the team. This means revealing to the child the world of human relationships in all its complexity and inconsistency, highlighting those types of interaction that lead to success and self-affirmation.

The importance of the summer period for improving the health and education of children, satisfying children's interests and broadening their horizons cannot be overestimated. The problems of organizing summer recreational holidays arise from objective contradictions:

Between the need of the family and the state to have a healthy, strong younger generation and the unsatisfactory state of health of modern children;

Pedagogical care, control and the desire of children to have freedom, engage in self-development, and independent creativity.

The organization is based on health-saving technologies implemented in a playful way. The content of the camp's activities should be aimed at resolving these contradictions.

Why “School”? Summer holidays are an opportunity to relax, have fun, do what you love, and spend your leisure time interestingly and usefully. But not everyone knows and knows how to make their free time fun and useful. Unfortunately, the most popular leisure activities for modern children are: watching TV, playing computer games, or simply “doing nothing.”

That is why, when developing a program, it is important to proceed from the need to show children the forms and ways of organizing their own leisure time, to teach children how to organize their own leisure time and the leisure time of those around them. Translated from Russian into ancient Greek leisure –"skhan, schola, or school " Indeed, previously, a school was not considered an educational institution, but activities free from responsibilities. These classes helped a person to know himself, find his “I,” and gain experience.

“School of Interesting Vacations” allows children to gain experience in organizing cultural and leisure activities and determine the prospects for developing the experience gained at home. This result is achieved with different categories of children.

The camp is located on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of the Order of Peoples' Friendship, Gymnasium No. 3 named after A.M. Gorky, Kirov district, Ufa city district, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Participants in this program are children aged 6 to 14 years of various social groups. Conditions for participation in the program: voluntariness, mutual understanding, official subordination.

The main idea of ​​the LDP program is to present opportunities for the development of a child’s creative abilities, creating conditions for the self-realization of the potential of children and adolescents as a result of socially useful activities. The program is focused on working in a group of children of different ages and is one shift.

Principles for organizing the pedagogical process within the program:

  1. Relying on children's interests and their desire to act allows you to make the activity meaningful for the children, for their personal development, to fully turn it into a factor of self-development. At the same time, “an attitude towards constant good work, the habit of caring for close and distant people and being satisfied with this care” ensures the social orientation of activities, teaches children to combine the interests of their development with common interests, promotes the development of social self-determination, social activity, and the formation of value-based principles in students. semantic position.
  2. Self-organization, independence, self-education, self-analysis, which contribute to the development of certain aspects of the child’s personality. Self-analysis of your own and your friends’ activities; qualities manifested in this activity; changes that have occurred in yourself and others; changing one’s place in the team develops self-awareness and expands the horizons of self-knowledge of students. Purposeful, conscious self-education leads to personal self-improvement, and improving self-organization skills and demonstrating independence contributes to self-realization.
  3. The principle “Every business is creative, otherwise why?” The implementation of this principle contributes to the manifestation and development of the creative potential of each person involved in the preparation and conduct of the case. In the process, experience of a humane attitude towards others is gained, personal qualities are developed that contribute to the progressive development of the communicative potential of the pupils’ personality.
  4. Collaborative relationships with adults. Relationships with adults, built on this principle, help the child most painlessly and correctly find his place in the adult world, maximally combining his interests and the interests of others and society. Uniting adults and children in social activities makes it possible for the former to organize effective cooperation with their pupils, which is an indispensable condition for influencing the self-determination of pupils, and for the latter - to assert themselves in activities on an equal basis with adults, to receive examples of activities to achieve their goals.
  5. Self management with the further expansion of his rights and powers, he encourages the child to take a responsible approach to choosing his position, to feel the full measure of responsibility for the decision made, the choice made, and to assert himself in a personally significant environment.
  6. Collective creative activity, which provides the most favorable opportunities for social creativity, self-knowledge, personal self-realization, and for making independent moral choice. In addition, it is a means of:

Children’s awareness of their “I”;

Awareness of one's “I” as different from other “I”;

Awareness of how their self is perceived by others;

Awareness of oneself in a collective matter;

Acquiring skills to express one's opinion, understand and

accept someone else's point of view and defend your own.

  1. The principle of pedagogical interaction by creating a special environment in which children feel safe and comfortable. This is achieved by the fact that educators use positive stimulation methods (approval, praise, gratitude, etc.) and believe in the possibility of growth of the child’s personality. In such an environment, the distance of age and position disappears, what remains is human communication, which creates a special way of life: a world of humanity, mutual respect and trust.

2. Target block


creating favorable conditions for improving the health and organizing leisure time of students during the summer holidays, developing the creative and intellectual potential of the individual, his individual abilities and talents, creative activity taking into account his own interests, inclinations and capabilities, nurturing the best traits of a citizen.


1. Creating conditions for organized recreation for children.

2. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, creating favorable conditions for improving children's health.

3. Formation of interest in various types of activities.

4. Development of cognitive activity and creative potential of each child.

5. Organization of an environment that provides the child with the opportunity for self-realization.

  1. Formation of cultural behavior, sanitary and hygienic culture.
  2. Formation of communication and tolerance skills in children.

The change in value orientations is currently noticeable in all spheres of society. The solution to a number of problems in the life of the country largely depends on the level of formation of civil responsibility, the civic position of the younger generation, the need for spiritual and moral improvement, and respect for the historical and cultural heritage of their people and the people of Russia. Spirituality lies in a loving attitude towards another, in the priority of the other’s interests over one’s own, in affirming through one’s attitude the incomparable value of another. Spirituality is a highly complex set of universal human norms and values. Spiritual values ​​are developed by each person independently, and are not acquired in a ready-made form by “extracting” from books or other people’s experience.

The summer camp activity program is focused on creating a socially significant psychological environment that complements and corrects the child’s family upbringing. The program is universal, as it can be used to work with children from different social groups, different ages, levels of development and health status.

The main activities of the day camp are aimed at developing the child’s personality and including him in a variety of human relationships and interpersonal communication with peers. A children's camp, taking into account its specific activities, can give children a certain holistic system of moral values ​​and cultural traditions by immersing the child in the atmosphere of play and cognitive activity of a friendly microsociety. By immersing a child in the atmosphere of the camp, we give him the opportunity to discover the positive qualities of his personality, to feel the significance of his own “I”; realize oneself as a person who evokes a positive assessment in the eyes of other people; increase self-esteem; reach a new level of communication, where there is no place for aggression and rudeness.

Effective management in a modern camp is the main basis of its existence and an indispensable condition for development.

To ensure continuity in the work of the camp from vacation to vacation, constant management activities are necessary. The LDP management system includes three levels: strategic management, organizational and methodological management, practical management.

The program includes diverse activities and combines various areas of health improvement, education, and upbringing in a camp setting.

While in a day camp, children are daily involved in the healing process, which is characterized by: an orderly rhythm of life, diet, hardening, support for muscle and emotional tone. The result of the implementation of the wellness direction is the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Leisure activities during the shift are aimed at involving children in activities with the subsequent identification of their inclinations and abilities.

Individual and collective forms of work in the camp are carried out using traditional methods: conversation, observation, assignments, drawing competitions, posters, matinees, holidays, excursions, circle work. In addition, interactive teaching methods are used: socio-psychological trainings, role-playing games, discussions in which children do not easily “go through” something, but live through certain specific situations. One of the most important means and methods of organizing the educational space is the creation of children's self-government bodies - independence in taking initiative, making decisions and its self-realization. The following methods of organizing activities are used: theatricalization; competitions; collective creative activity (CTA).

Educational and preventive work is carried out with children in order to prevent or eliminate negative psychological factors that worsen their mental health; conversations with children on establishing and maintaining their interpersonal relationships.

So, we highlight the main directions of the program:

1. psychological and pedagogical;

2. physical education and recreation;

3. spiritual and moral;

4. aesthetic;

5. environmental;

6. patriotic;

7. leisure.

Psychological and pedagogical direction focused on creating comfortable conditions during children's stay in a children's health camp; formation of psychological culture of participants in the healing process.

Forms of work: adaptive games; educational games; trainings; conversations; relaxation exercises.

Physical education and health direction is focused on increasing the assessment of the importance of one’s own health for success in life, forming firm beliefs in the need for a healthy lifestyle, involving children in various forms of physical education and health activities, developing and strengthening hygiene skills, and expanding knowledge about health care.

Forms of work: morning exercises, physical education minutes, sports games, competitions, relay races, outdoor games, visiting the pool.

Spiritual and moral direction is focused on revealing creative potential and self-realization, developing in children skills to work in a team, the ability to take responsibility, respect for the opinions of others, the ability to show concern for the environment, and the development of creativity.

Forms of work: organization of creative workshops; competitions of drawings, newspapers, presentations; exhibitions of arts and crafts; festivals; quizzes; holidays, visits to theaters, museums, excursions.

Aesthetic direction focused on developing the ability to see, feel and understand beauty in nature, in society, and in relationships between people; formation of cultural behavior and communication skills, instilling aesthetic taste in children.

Forms of work: visiting theaters, cinemas, museums; conversations; talent festival; creative competitions; design of squad corners, drawing and presentation competitions.

Ecological direction focused on fostering respect for the environment; increasing the level of environmental culture of children.

Forms of work: conversations; poster competitions; environmental landing; participation in environmental actions.

Patriotic direction focused on instilling in children a sense of love and respect for their homeland and family; the formation of a respectful attitude towards historical monuments and the development of interest in studying the native land; formation of national and religious tolerance, development of friendly relations; revival of moral, spiritual values ​​of the family and search for effective ways of social partnership between children and adults.

Forms of work: military-patriotic game; conversations; quizzes; drawing competitions; excursions to memorable places of the city.

Leisure direction focused on involving children in various forms of leisure activities; organizing the activities of creative workshops; creating conditions for spiritual and moral communication; consolidation of norms of behavior and rules of etiquette, tolerance.

Forms of work: attending concerts, cinemas, participation in sports competitions, performances; walks; competitive programs.

Career guidance direction is focused on attracting attention to pedagogical work, involving children 14 years old in the process of organizing and conducting children's leisure time in the role of organizers and volunteers.

4. Mechanisms for program implementation.

Program implementation period: summer 2016.

Stages of program implementation:

1. Preparatory (May)

One of the main tasks of the preparatory period, ensuring the activities of the program, is the professional training of specialists.

In May, an internship site “Organizing summer recreation for children in a day camp” is held for teachers and counselors:

· recruitment;

· conducting an internship for teachers, counselors, and camp workers;

· preparation of teaching materials;

· preparation of material and technical base.

2. Organizational (2-3 days)

This period is short in number of days, only 2-3 days. The main goal of this period is the child’s adaptation to the conditions and characteristics of the camp. Children get to know each other. Teachers and educators learn about their interests.

· formation of squads;

· familiarization with the camp's operating hours and rules of conduct; meeting teachers, counselors, children at the “Dating Lights”;

· coming up with a squad name, motto, choosing a squad song;

· design of detachment corners;

· opening of the shift.

3. Main (17-18 days)

The main activities of this stage are:

  • implementation of the main idea of ​​the change;
  • involving program participants in various types of collective and creative activities;
  • adjustment of interpersonal and collective relationships;
  • work of creative workshops.

4. Final (1 day)

· closing the shift (last day of the shift);

· collection of reporting material;

· analysis of program implementation and development of recommendations.

To implement the program, a mechanism has been developed, which is presented in the form of modules:

· educational activities;

· recreational activities;

· cultural and leisure activities;

· methodological work with teachers and counselors.

Educational activities provides educational activities related to the history of Russia, the study of spiritual and moral traditions and the history of the native land. In addition, acquaintance with the world of movement, sounds, colors, sensations. Based on the development of modeling skills, making crafts from various materials, in the process of productive creative activity, children become acquainted with a unified picture of the world.

Health activities promotes the formation of a culture of physical health, interest in sports, motivates children to take care of their health and active recreation. To successfully implement this block, it is necessary to equip a playground and invite a physical education teacher. Physical activity, fresh air, acquaintance with beautiful corners of nature, recreational and various sports and entertainment activities help create a positive physiological and psychological background.

Cultural and leisure activities consists of general camp and squad events (creative competitions of drawings, poetry; making posters; theatrical play programs, etc.), as well as visits to theaters and museums.

Obtaining new knowledge in preparation for events of various types (quizzes, competitions, etc.) leads to an enrichment of the child’s worldview, which, in turn, affects the change in the personal behavior of each member of the team.

To organize work to implement the shift program:

· daily planning meetings for teachers and counselors are held;

· work plans for squad leaders are drawn up, where the events and problems of the day are reflected and analyzed;

· surveys and testing of pupils are carried out at various stages of the shift (“Mood Screen”);

· provides methodological and advisory assistance to teachers;

· employees are provided with methodological literature;

· tools for conducting training events, thematic events, etc.;

· briefings are conducted with teachers and children on traffic rules, life and health protection; measures to prevent childhood injuries.

The educational system is based on an active approach to the implementation of children's self-government in the form of a council of commanders (ensures order and vital activity of the camp) and initiative groups (temporary associations for preparing and conducting individual activities, thematic days). The most important thing in the camp is the council of commanders. Responsibilities of the squad leader:

· attend the meeting of the council of commanders and convey to the detachment all the information received at the council;

· Plan the work of your squad together with the counselors;

· Monitor compliance with routine requirements;

· be responsible for one of the areas of work.

Conditions for the program

Regulatory conditions:

  • Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN, 1991.
  • Charter of MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 of the Kirov district of the Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  • Regulations on school day camps.
  • Internal regulations of the day camp.
  • Safety regulations, fire safety.
  • Orders of the Education Department.
  • Job descriptions of employees.
  • Sanitary rules for undergoing a medical examination.
  • Statements from parents.
  • Camp acceptance certificate.
  • Work plans.

Material and technical conditions provide:


Source of financing and material resources


Recreation room, game rooms.

Material resources of the school.

Parental funds for the purchase of stationery for creative workshops, squad affairs, preparation of stands and materials for competitions


Sports, competitions, ruler

(in case of bad weather)

School facilities


Squad affairs, travel games

School facilities

Festive events and concerts, performances, children's creative workshop

School facilities


Medical control of camp shift activities

School facilities

School library

Literature for camp teachers and children

School facilities

School canteen

Breakfast lunch.

City budget

Methodical office

Creative workshop for counselors, educators, and circle leaders

School facilities

Hygiene rooms

Toilets, hand washing stations.

School facilities

Financial support of the program.

Financial support for the activities of the camp is carried out from budget funds (food) and parental funds (payment for prizes, drinking water, visits to the swimming pool, theaters, cinemas)

Personnel conditions.

The teaching staff is represented by teachers from MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 - like-minded people who have experience working with children in summer health day camps, who have undergone SanPin instruction and a medical examination for access to work in the LDP.

A physical education teacher is hired to conduct sporting events and monitor health status, a doctor is hired to provide medical supervision, a cook staff is hired to provide food in the school canteen, and technical staff is hired to maintain cleanliness in the premises.

Methodological conditions provide:

  • availability of the necessary documentation, program, plan;
  • conducting instructional and methodological training sessions with teachers before the start of the camp shift;
  • collective creative activities;
  • creative workshops.

According to the program, work plan approved by the director of MBOU Gymnasium No. 3.

For several years, graduate students of BSPU have been actively involved in working at the preschool educational institution “Chic”. Teaching practice is organized at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 3”. Based on the results of the practice, the effective work of each student is monitored according to the project work.

Expected results of the camp

During the implementation of this program it is expected:

· strengthening children's health through adherence to diet and diet; organizing games and outdoor activities;

· development of creative abilities, initiative, activity of each child;

· developing schoolchildren's interest in physical education and sports;

· expansion of social experience;

· formation of communication skills, the basis of correct behavior, communication, culture, leisure;

· development of manual and socially useful labor skills;

· formation of a conscious attitude towards oneself as part of the surrounding world;

· instilling self-service skills;

· fostering a sense of patriotism; formation of national self-determination;

· fostering a caring attitude towards the environment;

· career guidance

· Formation of habits of effective leisure time

Educational and methodological equipment of the program

  1. Zhirenko O. E. The world of holidays, shows, quizzes, - M.: “5” for knowledge, 2008.
  2. What to do with children in a country camp, - M.: 2009.
  3. Lobacheva S.I., Velikorodnaya V.A. Country summer camp.-M.: VAKO, 2008.
  4. Rotkina T. S., Kurzova O. A., Nesterenko A. V. Lessons of kindness and mercy, - O.: “Childhood”, 2007.
  5. Sokolova N.V. Summer, vacation - the path to success: a collection of programs and games for children and adolescents in a children's health camp, - O.: “Childhood”, 2009.
  6. Titov S.V. Hello summer! - Volgograd, Teacher, 2007
  7. Shmakov S.A. Joke games, minute games. M., 2009


Squad affairs:


“We are so different, but we are together”

Opening of the camp. Getting to know the daily routine. Decorating a corner of the camp. Division into squads. Squad lights "Let's get acquainted." Induction training. Children Protection Day.

“We all come from childhood”

Health diagnostics. Sports competitions. Decorating a corner of the camp. Guinness show "Who's at it". Instruction on labor protection during exercises on water in the pool.

"Good Manners Day"

Culture of behavior in public places. Conversation about the rules of etiquette. Preparation for the presentation competition “Team Passport”. Instruction on labor protection during sports competitions.

"We and the road"

Conversation on traffic rules “Safety School”. Drawing competition “Safe Road”. Road alphabet in riddles. Outdoor games. Instruction on the rules of conduct for students on the roads and in transport.

"Among my friends"

One day of excursions. Excursion to Aksakov Park. Competition “I draw on the asphalt.” Instructions on the prevention of negative situations in the yard and on the streets.

"Pushkin Day"

Dedicated to the Year of Literature. Pushkin Day in Russia. Literary cafe “Russia’s heart will not forget you, like its first love.” Instruction on the rules of behavior in the theater, museum, cinema.

"Day of WWII Heroes"

To the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory. Conversation “No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten.” Excursion to Matrosov Park.

"Country of Healthy Guys"

Drawing competition “Healthy eating – healthy children”. Team building games. Squad Olympic Games “Faster, Higher, Stronger”

"Fair of Miracles"

Festival "Light up your star". Playground "Friendship Cup". Instruction on labor protection during public events.

“Oh, sport, you are life!”

Chess and checkers tournament. Preparation of the presentation “Our Records”. Instruction on the rules of safe behavior on reservoirs in the summer.

"Wonderful World"

Game "Adventure Festival". Drawing competition “Inhabitants of the Earth”. Instructions on labor protection during walks, hikes, and excursions.

"Ufa City Day"

Day of Russia, day of the city of Ufa, Salavat Yulaev. Conversation. Walk to the monument to S. Yulaev. Visit to the National Museum. Fantasy drawing competition “My favorite city”, “Salavat Yulaev - hero of the Bashkir people”. Instruction on traffic rules.

"Do you know yourself?"

Questionnaire “Me and We”. Squad rehearsals “Songs of Artek”. Team game “Here’s my hand for you.” Electrical safety instructions.

"Turning through the pages of the past"

National games of the Bashkir people. In the world of dances and songs. History of my city. Competition game "Sea Battle". Instruction on rules of conduct in case of fire.

"Fire Safety Day"

Conversation about fire safety rules. Excursion to the fire station. Fire safety instruction for students.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Dramatization of excerpts from folk tales. Quiz “Favorite fairy-tale characters”

"Birthday Day"

Festive program “Birthday Day”. Collective creative work.

“We are in the lens!”

Photo session “How good we are together.” Preparation for the competition of presentations and videos “From the life of my squad.”

"Green Pharmacy"

Introduction to medicinal herbs. Competition-exhibition “Gifts of Summer”. Role-playing game “In Search of Treasure”.

"Fulfillment of desires"

Travel game “Summer gave us everything!”

Competition "Weak". Flash mob "Dance of Friendship". Preparing to close the shift.

"Day of the Sun"

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. Lighting of a memorial candle. Poster competition “We are for peace!” Squad light "Sunbeams". Closing of the camp shift.

Review of the Program summer school health camp with daytime stay for children “CHIK (School of Interesting Vacations)” MBOU Order of Peoples' Friendship Gymnasium No. 3 named after A.M. Gorky Urban District of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan

N.A. Ermolaeva – primary school teacher, teacher of the highest category at MBOU Gymnasium No. 3, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Vacation time is a change in students’ activities, which allows them to organize a variety of leisure and recreational forms of work. The teaching staff developed and implemented a program whose goal was: development of the child’s personality, strengthening the physical and mental health of children, nurturing the best traits of a citizen. The program was implemented in the following areas: psychological and pedagogical, physical education and health, spiritual and moral. The teaching staff created comfortable conditions during the stay of children in the health camp, the formation of a culture of communication, behavior, broadening the horizons of children, emancipation, the development of creative abilities, the development of each student, his ability to fill leisure space with socially useful, musical activities, the formation of a taste for active rest. The teachers ensured full employment of children in order to develop the child’s personality, his spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical qualities, fill leisure space, active creative recreation in combination with sports activities, and also ensured the safe stay of children in the school camp.

The summer day camp “CHIK” at the MBOU “Gymnasium No. 3” operated for 21 days. The camp was attended by 210 children aged 7 to 12 years. During the shift, the head of the camp was Natalya Anatolyevna Ermolaeva, 18 teachers whose teaching experience exceeds 15 years. In the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3", a material and technical base has been created for the implementation of the program: a recreation room, game rooms, a gym, a sports ground, a library, a medical office, a dining room, rooms for creative workshops, and hygiene rooms.

There were 7 squads in the camp, all squads were of different ages, each squad had its own name, motto and presentation. A games room was equipped for each squad, with a large number of board games, handicraft and drawing kits.

The uniqueness of the camp program lies in the fact that students from the Bashkir State Pedagogical University actively took part in the day camp. Their teaching practice was aimed at implementing individual pedagogical projects; experienced counselors organized master classes for students.

The following events were organized: the projects “Rules don’t have holidays”, “Our cultural heritage”, “What is your street name?”, “We are in the lens!”, the environmental project “My Green City”.

During the work in the camp, a competition was organized between the units, the units were awarded certificates and prizes, and certificates and prizes were awarded for personal superiority. Each of the children was involved in theatrical productions that were demonstrated on the stage of the gymnasium.

Throughout the shift, much attention was paid to healthy spending time for children. A medical examination was conducted at the beginning and end of the shift. Every morning the children did health-improving physical exercises, alternating them with dance exercises. The children's personal hygiene was constantly monitored before and after meals. Not a single day passed without outdoor games. Both team games and individual championship games were held: “Fun Starts”, “Oh, Sports, You Are Life!”, “Chess Tournament”, “Test Path”, and the sports game “Country of Healthy People”.

Regular visits to the Dynamo pool have benefited my health and mood. Professional yoga classes aroused great interest among campers.

Every day the children played team sports: “Football”, “Pioneerball”, “Sniper”, etc. Walks in the park area of ​​our city were unforgettable. The outdoor games organized by the teachers became a real discovery for the children and aroused genuine interest and a desire to organize games on their own.

For the memorable date of June 22, a joint event was organized and held with the Committee of Veterans of the Republic of Bashkortostan “I Remember, I am Proud.”

Much attention was paid to developing a healthy lifestyle in children and consolidating knowledge of traffic rules and life safety: watching the play “Hide and Seek”, the sports and recreational game “Traffic Experts”, a drawing competition on asphalt “Cross the road at a pedestrian crossing”, a conversation with a traffic inspector juvenile affairs.

During the camp, 5 hours of music were held, during which the vacationing children learned funny children's songs and chants.

The information stand was updated daily. It displayed the work plan for the day, photographs of the past day, the game of the day, congratulations to the birthday people, winners of competitions and projects.

During the shift, the children attended theater performances, the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater, the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after Mazhit Gafuri, and the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Belarus State Conservatory "Bashkortostan".

We watched films in the film “Motherland. We took part in a citywide celebration at the monument to Salavat Yulaev, dedicated to Children's Day. A veteran of the teaching work of the gymnasium, a famous local historian, a professional in her field, Nina Iosifovna Barysheva, prepared a number of excursions for children under the general title “My Native Land,” with visits to the Geology Museum and the National Museum of Local Lore. During their stay at the school camp, everyone learned to play national Bashkir games, made crafts with their own hands in circles: “Origami”, “Scrapbooking”, “Entertainers”, “Wonderful Palms”, “Magic Paper”, “Underwater World”. All children took an active part in the events. During their stay at the camp, the guys became friends, got to know each other better, and many made new friends. Every day spent together will remain in the memory of boys and girls for a long time. As a memory of the days spent, each child will have photographs, crafts and, most importantly, acquired knowledge, skills and the right attitude towards organizing recreation - activity and creativity! During the period of operation of the city health camp, teachers created a group on social media. networks for parents. Every day, photos of children during events and games were posted on the page, and there was an opportunity to post comments. Many words of gratitude were received from parents for organizing children's leisure time; the professionalism of the teachers and the administration of the Gymnasium was highly appreciated. The team of counselors and the team of educators were awarded certificates of honor from the Administration of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 3” for their active life position and professionalism. The most successful individual projects of counselors, the absence of injuries and complaints were noted.

The final major chord was a joint concert of students and counselors - students who became true friends and like-minded people.

Thanks to an integrated approach to the development and upbringing of children, educational work in the camp opened up enormous scope for creative initiative and initiative of the entire children's team, and contributed to the comprehensive development of a modern personality, taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of each child.

During the implementation of this program, the expectations of all participants in the city health camp “CHIK” were met:

  • strengthening children's health through adherence to diet and diet; organizing games and outdoor activities;
  • development of creative abilities, initiative, activity of each child;
  • developing schoolchildren's interest in physical education and sports;
  • expansion of social experience;
  • formation of communication skills, the basis of correct behavior, communication, culture, leisure;
  • developing manual and socially useful skills;
  • formation of a conscious attitude towards oneself as part of the surrounding world;
  • instilling self-care skills;
  • fostering a sense of patriotism; formation of national self-determination;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards the environment;
  • career guidance
  • formation of habits of effective leisure time
  • using social networks to promote a healthy lifestyle for children, involving parents in raising children.

Institution implementing the program:

MBOU Order of Peoples' Friendship Gymnasium No. 3 named after A.M. Gorky Urban District of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan

General characteristics of the program:

Direction, within the framework of which the program is implemented: educational and developmental.
Type of children's association, within the framework of which this program is being implemented: age play groups of 25 people.
Children's age: 7-17 years old, students of gymnasium No. 3

Program implementation period: 21 day.

The “School of Interesting Vacations” program is distinguished by a variety of activities, thereby taking into account the age characteristics and needs of children for self-realization, which contribute to the development of personal, leadership, creative, intellectual potential, and also help to show their hidden talents.

The program teaches children to choose the right forms and ways of organizing their own leisure time.

The principles of organizing the pedagogical process within the framework of the program: reliance on the interests of children and their desire to act, self-organization, independence, self-education, self-analysis, relationships with adults based on cooperation, self-government, collective creative activity, the principle of pedagogical interaction.

The program contains a target block, content, and mechanisms for implementing the program. The target block describes the goals and objectives of the program. The content block describes the following areas: psychological and pedagogical; physical education and health; spiritual and moral; aesthetic; environmental; patriotic; leisure The mechanisms for implementing the program are presented according to the stages: preparatory, organizational, main, final. To implement the program, a mechanism has been developed, which is presented in the form of modules: educational activities; health activities; cultural and leisure activities; methodological work with teachers and counselors. The program defines the following expected results of the camp: strengthening the health of children through adherence to the regime and diet; organizing games and outdoor activities; development of creative abilities, initiative, activity of each child; developing schoolchildren's interest in physical education and sports; expansion of social experience; formation of communication skills, the basis of correct behavior, communication, culture, leisure; developing manual and socially useful skills; formation of a conscious attitude towards oneself as part of the surrounding world; instilling self-care skills; fostering a sense of patriotism; nurturing a caring attitude towards the environment.

A unique feature of this program is the collaboration of the teaching staff of primary school teachers at MBOU Gymnasium No. 3 with the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. BSPU students from various faculties are involved in the work at the camp, the creative potential of students and teachers is used, and it allows organizing work in small groups. The program is distinguished by the modernization of old forms of work and the introduction of new ones; the need to use the rich creative potential of children and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

The program materials summarize work experience over the past 3 years.

A children's day care center at a school is an area of ​​active recreation, a variety of socially significant leisure activities that differ from typical edifying, didactic, and verbal school activities.This form allows any child to open up and approach high levels of self-esteem and self-rehabilitation.Activities of the centeris part of the social environment in which children realize their capabilities and needs for individual, physical and social compensation in their free time.This form, on the one hand -organization of free time for children of different ages, genders and levels of development, on the other hand, a space for healing, development of artistic, technical, and social creativity.Every year, a health session is held for students at the centerday-time stay on the basis of the municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school in the village of Krasny Klyuch, MR Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Belarus.Students relax there6 - 16 years old. It is mandatory to involve children from large and low-income families in the camp.During the summer holidays, the tension accumulated over the year is released, expended energy and health are restored, and creative potential is developed. These functions are performed by a summer center with day care for children. \ All activities of the CDP are carried out in accordance with SANPIN download >>>

Production control download >>>


day care center

MBOU secondary school in the village of Krasny Klyuch municipal district

Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

8.30 - 9.00 - reception of children.

9.00 - 9.15 - line, exercises.

9.15 - 10.00 - breakfast

10.00 - 12.00 - outdoor games, music hour, classes in clubs and sections, socially useful work

12.00 - 13.00 - organizing and conducting collective creative activities, walks, health activities and procedures.

13.00 - 14.00 - lunch.

14.00 - 14.30 - free time, outdoor games.

14.30 - children go home.


Central Children's Education Center "Zvezdny" MBOU secondary school of the village of Krasny Klyuch MR Nurimanovsky district of the Republic of Belarus

1 day

"Dating Day"

1. General camp lineup.

2. Squad "Sparks" of dating. Elections of self-government bodies

3. “The rules are different...” familiarization with the rules of the camp.

4. Participation in the “Children’s Day” holiday - camp-wide

Day 2

"Camp Day"

1. Ceremonial line “Opening of the camp shift.” Holiday "Together - a friendly family."

2. Action together with traffic police officers “I am a pedestrian.”

3. Fun starts. Monitoring.

Day 3

"Magic Tales"

1. Journey into a fairy tale. (squad)

2. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".

3. Drawing competition “Heroes of fairy tales”

4 day

"Talent Day"

1. Competition "Minute of Fame" - general camp

2. Master class “Skilled hands know no boredom!”

3. Outdoor sports games.

5 day

"Ecology Day"

1. Game "Ecological trail". (squad)

2. Competition for unusual products made from recycled materials.

3. Queen of Sports - Athletics. Competition

Day 6

"Etiquette Day"

1.Game. Topic “Etiquette” (squad). 3 squad - Long jump.

2. “A champion is hidden in every person” - sports competitions.

3. “Funny Starts” - squad 1,2

Day 7

« Day of music»

1. Excursion to the library. (1st - 2nd squad). Detachments 3 - 4 took part in an environmental action at the Krasny Klyuch spring.

2. Festival of songs - general camp

3. “My cheerful ringing ball...” Games with balls. Sprinting - 3rd squad

Day 8

"My little homeland"

1. Quiz “Experts of the native land (squad) 3rd squad - Throwing.

2. Excursion to the stables.

Day 9

"Health and Sports Day"

1. Spartakiad (football)

2.. “Life without bad habits” (squad)

3. Campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” - station game

10 day

"Traffic Day"

1. Tournament “Experts of Road Literacy” - squad

2. Competition “New Road Signs” - general camp

3. National games. Lapta

Day 11

"Nature Day"

1. Event “We are friends of nature!” - detachment

2. Outdoor and 2. Outdoor games. 3rd detachment "Cossacks-robbers"

12 day

"Russia Day"


1. Ceremonial line “How it was.”

2. Sports event “Great Army of the Common Soldier”

3. “Walking into History” - excursions to the school museum. (a trip to the museums of the area).

Day 13

"Day of the Intellectual"

1. “What, where, when” intellectual competition. (squad)

2. Checkers and chess tournaments. Volleyball - 3rd squad.

3. Comic football

Day 14

"Day of Remembrance"

1. The event “This fragile peace on Earth” is a squad event. 3rd squad - Running long jump. 2..Watching videos.

Day 15

"Day of Miracles and Fables"

1.Competitive dance program “SPORT - START - DANCE” - general camp. 2. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".- detachment

Day 16

"Ecology and We"

1. Environmental action. “Man and Nature” 2. “Rescuers are rushing to the rescue.” (Excursions to the fire department) 3. Game “My funny ringing ball!”

Day 17

"Knight's Day"

1. Sports and entertainment program “Pathfinders” 2. Ecological landing

Day 18

"Day of the Princess"

1. Competition program “Oh, these girls!” - squad 2. Poster competition “Good manners”.

Day 19

"Day of Miracles"

1. Festive program “Birthday!” Hooray!"

2. Ecological kaleidoscope (watching videos about the Motherland)

3. Fairytale relay races "Movement is life".

Day 20

"Artist's Day"

1. Landscape competition “Forest motive”

2. Preparing for the closure of the camp.

21 day

"Goodbye, camp!"


1. Identical shift closing line

2. Farewell concert “See you again!”

Hey, couch potatoes! Come on, get up! Run out to exercise!

Holiday of Childhood

Fairy tale day


Ecological raid on the spring "Red Key"

Job descriptions for CDP employees

senior teacher download>>>

teacher download>>>

head of physical education

Municipal educational budgetary institution

secondary school No. 2 of Baymak

municipal district Baymaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

“Agreed” “I approve”

Deputy director for water management: School director:

Nasyrova A.Sh. _____________Ivanov V.N.

"___" May 2015 "___" May 2015


summer health


Goals: create favorable conditions for promoting health, intellectual development, additional education and organizing educational activities for students during the summer holidays.

Tasks: Carrying out work with children and adolescents that combines development and education with recreational recreation:

Instilling healthy lifestyle skills;

Formation of skills of humane cooperation and tolerance;

Patriotic education;

Aesthetic education;

Moral and ethical education;

Labor education;

Physical education;

Fostering respect for nature;

Development of creative abilities;

Development of intellectual abilities

Expected results:

Preserving and strengthening the health of children and adolescents;

Awakening interest in school subjects through additional education;

Strengthening friendly relationships and cooperation between students of different age groups and nationalities;

Developing interest in physical education and sports


Theme of the day. Planned events and design documentation

Direction of KTD

UNESCO Club Destination


The first day

Opening of a shift center at the school.

1. Reception of pupils. Distribution by squads

2.Instruction on safety rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements

3. Ceremonial line dedicated to International Children's Day.

4. Dedication of 1st grade graduates to “Aistyat”

Promotion of tolerance

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Second day

2.Operation “Comfort” - arrangement of offices for squads


4.Self-training of squads and presentation (name, motto, squad song, planning squad technical activities)

5. Presentation of units



Promotion of tolerance

Revealing creative and leadership abilities

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day three

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. Conversation “Towards health through physical education and sports”

4. Anthropomeptria

5. Sports hour


Healthy lifestyle

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.

Sports instructors


Day four

Reverse day

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. Squad activities


5.Competitions “on the contrary”: recitation of poetry, demonstration of costumes

6. Sports competition “Comic football”



Development of creative and leadership qualities

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day five

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. Model competition “Miss and Mister Summer” - outfit made from waste material

4.Quizzes, riddles

5. Conversations by groups “Take care of your health - the best gift of nature”



Environmental studies and protection

World Cultural Heritage

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day six

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3.Theatrical performance, mini-performances based on Pushkin’s fairy tales

4. “Palette” - drawing competition “Favorite fairy tale characters”

5. Wellness treatments



Identification and development of creative qualities

Support for young talents

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day seven

Day of Physical Education and Sports

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. "Sports relay"

4. “Palette” - drawing competition “Sports symbols”

5. Wellness treatments


Healthy lifestyle

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day eight

Safety Day

1. Reception of pupils. Charger

2. Thematic line “Matches are not toys for children!”

3. Lecture by the traffic police inspector “Danger on the roads”

4.Competitive and game program “Rules of behavior on the roads, on reservoirs, in emergency situations”

5. Action outside the territory of the Central Children's Center "Attention - children!"

6.Workshop “First aid”

7.Excursion to the fire station



Life safety

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Traffic police inspector


Day nine

Friends Day

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3.Trainings for psychological relief (organized by a psychologist)

4. Squad activities “Kindness will save the world”

5. Competition “Writing a letter to a friend”



Development of tolerance

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.



Day ten

Indian Day

1. Reception of pupils. Charger



4. Wellness treatments

5.Presentation of “Indian tribes”


Healthy lifestyle

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day eleven

"In Search of Treasure"

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. Squad activities

4. Intellectual and sports game “In Search of Treasure”


Development of tolerance

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day twelve

Russia Day

1. Reception of pupils. Charger

2. Ceremonial line.

3.Excursion. Activity:

Quiz “Symbols of Russia”

- “Palette” - drawing competition “Russia - My Motherland”

Flash mob "Russian flag"



Building a culture of peace

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day thirteen

1. Reception of pupils. Charger

2. Thematic line

3. Squad activities:

A set of physical exercises (learning in pairs between groups)

Reminders on a healthy lifestyle for children and adults (address, advice)

4. Sports competitions “Health is fine - thanks to exercise”


Healthy lifestyle

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Sports instructors

Day fourteen

Day of Sports and Health

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. Sports relay race - “Physical education-hurray!”

4.Sports game by stations


Healthy lifestyle

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.

Sports instructors


Day fifteen

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3.Checkers and chess competitions

4. Quiz “Fun Math”

5. Competition “Connoisseurs”

6. Wellness treatments


Support for young talents

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day sixteen

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3.Self-training by squads

4.Festival of creativity



Support for young talents

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day seventeen

Day of Folk Traditions



3. Quiz “Traditional Bashkir and Russian holidays”

4. Master class “Folk games and folk toys”

5. Folklore program in different languages ​​(Bashkir, Russian, Tatar)



Development of the linguistic culture of multinational Bashkortostan

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day eighteen

English Language Day

« The day of English language»

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3. “Fun Olympics” in English

4.English song competition



Support for young talents

Building a culture of peace

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Uzyanbaeva A.Kh.

Day nineteen

Talent Day “Minute of Fame”

1. Reception of pupils. Charger


3.Self-training of units

4. “Minute of Fame” in nominations:





Support for young talents

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day twentieth

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

1. Reception of pupils. Charger

2. Thematic line

3. Drawing competition “War through the eyes of children”

4.War Song Festival



Building a culture of peace

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Day twenty one

Closing the Sabantuy shift

1. Reception of pupils. Charger

2. Line “Goodbye, see you again!”

3. Children's Sabantuy “We honor folk traditions”



Development of tolerance

Senior counselor-

Gatin R.F.

Organizer of leisure KTD - Milikeeva G.M.


Compiled by: Baymurzina E.P.

Thematic plan of events

summer health

Day care center for children at school



Theme of the day

"International Children's Day"

"Squad Presentation: Tell us about yourself"

Day of Sports and Health “Sport, sport, sport!”

Reverse day

Environment Day “Take care of the world!”

Pushkin Day “Fairytale Journey”

“The squad and I are a sports family!”

Safety Day

Friends Day

Indian Day

"In Search of Treasure"

Russia Day

Health Day “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Day of Sports and Health

Day of Great Discovery “Intellectual Labyrinth”

Day of Theatre, Dance and Variety "Festival of Creativity of the Peoples of the World"

Day of Folk Traditions

Day English language"The day of English language"

Talent Day “Minute of Fame”

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

Closing the Sabantuy shift