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Ways to improve enterprise labor resource management. External and internal environment of the company, their dependence

A study of the personnel remuneration system is being conducted. Key words: labor resources personnel management personnel management system labor motivation. Study of the personnel remuneration system. The personnel management system is a set of goals, objectives and main areas of activity aimed at ensuring a constant increase in the competitiveness of the organization in market conditions, increasing labor productivity and quality of work, ensuring high social efficiency of functioning...

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Carrying out its activities, an enterprise must evaluate the resources available to them, select the highest priority areas for spending resources and analyze the possibilities of attracting resources from outside.

The economic aspect of the choice problem is to find out which option for using limited resources will provide maximum profitability.

After we have analyzed the efficiency of using labor resources and identified growth reserves, we can choose the direction in which resources will be used.

Improvement of labor organization is carried out at enterprises in the following main areas:

Optimization of forms of division and cooperation of labor;

Improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;

Streamlining best practices;

Changes in the volume and structure of production;

Use of more advanced techniques and technologies.

All these intersectoral areas of improving labor organization are universal for enterprises of any level and form of ownership, for workers of any category. Therefore, it is advisable to hold these events at the Kazan National University. These activities must be carried out in close connection and continuously.

Also, when developing measures, it is necessary to pay attention to internal production reserves. First of all, it is necessary to rationalize the average number of personnel, since overexpenditure indicates its effective use, but at the same time, unnecessary costs arise. Mainly, these are excess wage costs. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it.

To further increase labor productivity, it is necessary to increase the following factors:

Degree of mechanization and automation;

Strengthening labor discipline;

Worker qualifications;

Application of progressive methods of labor standardization;

The current bonus system, material and moral incentives for work;

Psychological climate and others.

It is also necessary to increase the working hours of workers and the number of days worked. That is, take measures to implement the working time reserve. It is also necessary to change the personnel structure in order to increase the share of workers in the total number of personnel.

In order to increase the working time reserve and make changes in the personnel structure, it is necessary to reconsider the existing balance of working time at the enterprise and the balance of jobs and the number of employees.

It is the balance of working time that allows you to get an idea of ​​the efficiency of using working time at the enterprise. The basic unit for its compilation is standard hours. The working time balance consists of two parts. The first part reflects labor resources, and the second part shows the use of labor resources.

The balance of jobs and the number of workers is compiled to establish the presence of excess or unoccupied jobs, which affect the ratio of labor and fixed capital and, accordingly, the level of efficiency in the use of these factors of production.

The purpose of using industry and intra-production reserves is a more efficient use of labor resources and, as a consequence, a reduction in labor costs for the production of a unit of product, work, or service.

Factors in the growth of labor productivity are not only changes in material, technical, organizational and socio-economic working conditions, that is, they can act not only as specific measures, but also as the reversal of underlying processes and phenomena. For example, changing the form of ownership, deepening economic accounting, comprehensive restructuring of the enterprise, etc. It is also possible to analyze the relationship between the growth rate of labor productivity and average wages to rationalize them.

The structure and organization of production and labor include such measures to increase the reserves of efficient use of labor resources, such as increasing the level of concentration, specialization and cooperation, reducing the duration of the production cycle, ensuring the rhythm of production and other principles of scientific organization of production; reduction and complete elimination of manufacturing defects; ensuring the principles of scientific organization of labor.

In the system of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and improving its financial condition, issues of rational management and use of labor resources occupy an important place.

Under the conditions existing in the organization, the implementation of these measures is possible due to an increase in labor productivity, as well as attracting workers from other industries by increasing the attractiveness of jobs.

Labor productivity in an organization can be achieved through the implementation of:

Innovations aimed at reducing labor costs, increasing the degree;

Automation, staff training, as well as creating flexible;

Systems of material and non-material incentives taking into account specific features.

In general, the level of average monthly wages of employees of organizations transporting oil and petroleum products through pipelines remains lower than the level of wages in structures that are the main competitors in the labor market:

For crude oil and natural gas production by 12%;

For petroleum (associated) gas production by 32%.

In this regard, as well as in order to maintain the organization’s supply of qualified personnel, it is necessary to ensure that the wages of employees of the Kazan RNU of the Transneft system correspond to the level of companies operating in the same territories in the oil and gas industries.

The main objectives of the development of the social security system for workers are the provision of housing, the development of a voluntary health insurance system, social payments and benefits, the development of a non-state pension system, the development and support of sports, and the implementation of social projects.

The problem of improving the use of labor resources, selection and placement of personnel has become even more urgent in the conditions of the formation of market relations. The correct placement of workers, the skillful use of their production experience and qualifications make it possible to improve the performance of the enterprise and successfully solve social problems. The interests of the enterprise require full responsibility for the results of its production and economic activities.

In addition, the enterprise is rapidly expanding and updating production, and new technologies are also being introduced that require appropriate skills and knowledge in their use. And therefore there is a need for compulsory vocational training.

According to a study conducted at the Kazan National University, the total number of personnel in 2012 decreased by 7 people compared to 2011. This happened due to the dismissal of workers at their own request, new technologies and the introduction of related work were introduced (for example: an automated pump control system, a reduction in boiler room maintenance staff and their work being carried out by electricians in the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment). And in 2013 there was an increase in the number of personnel compared to 2012 by 11 people. This was due to the hiring of younger staff and the introduction of new services.

The number of specialists, workers and employees has also changed. Specialists increased by 43 people in 2012 compared to 2011. Decreased by 2 people in 2013 due to retirement. The increase was observed due to the introduction of new services for the efficient operation of the enterprise and for the management of new automation systems, as well as the transition from workers to specialists.

In 2012, the number of workers decreased by 47 people compared to 2011, due to the dismissal of workers and the combination of positions. In 2013, the number increased by 13 people due to the hiring of personnel.

For better and more efficient operation of the enterprise, combining positions is the best option. Because the company incurs lower financial costs and labor costs.

Since the enterprise is freed from the staff of workers whom it does not need constantly, the enterprise only needs their work periodically, i.e. service nature of the work.

By replacing the staff of workers performing periodic maintenance work, the company reduces costs:

1. to pay employees;

2. retraining and advanced training;

3. carrying out certification, etc.

If you combine certain positions, you can reduce the cost of remuneration for individual staff, while increasing the salary of an employee working in multiple positions. Costs for training and retraining of personnel are also reduced, and in connection with this, the training of employees performing multi-job work is reduced.

Examples of positions that can be combined.

At each pumping station and LPDS that are part of the Kazan RNU there are automated foam fire extinguishing systems that require periodic maintenance. There is no need to maintain a full staff of workers for maintenance. Therefore, the enterprise only needs a fire brigade chief and fire truck drivers. Drivers of the company can work to combine their main job and work on firefighting vehicles.

If the same work will be performed by the company's drivers who combine positions. Then 20% of the salary of the driver of fire trucks is added to the driver’s salary, according to the salary regulations of SZMN OJSC. Then the company will spend 190,632 rubles on drivers working multiple positions.

Additional payment at the enterprise is carried out in two forms: as a percentage of the salary of a part-time position, and by adding days to the employee’s vacation.

The position of a cable technician is needed by an enterprise only for repair and restoration work of high-voltage cable lines, since the types of this work are not permanent. Therefore, an enterprise can combine the work of a cable technician with the work of an electrician to repair equipment, relay protection and automation. Include the work of a cableman in the job description of an electrician.

Based on the analysis of working time use, the following data was obtained . The available working time has increased in the current period compared to 2011 from 192 to 194 man-days per worker. The available working time has decreased in the current period compared to 2012 from 202 to 194 man-days per worker. The working day decreased by 0.07 hours in 2011 compared to 2013 and by 0.08 in 2010.

The working time balance shows that the average number of exits increased by 5% compared to 2011, and by 3% per worker compared to 2012. The share of time not used for valid reasons (annual leave, study leave, illness, absences permitted by law) in the structure of the nominal working time fund increased by 2.08% in 2013 compared to 2011 and by 6.79 in 2012 mainly due to absences due to illness.

Thus, the main directions for increasing the efficiency of using labor resources are: increasing labor productivity; reduction of lost working time; rational organization of labor and production; material interest of employees; personnel training at the enterprise; social development of the workforce.

To reduce the loss of working time due to absence due to illness, the enterprise has a number of measures:

Payment by the enterprise for holidays in health resorts (80% of the cost of the voucher);

Provision of medical services paid for by the enterprise;

Annual medical examination;

Departure of medical personnel to the enterprise to provide services (massage, acupuncture, etc.)

Thoroughly study (using certificates of incapacity for work) the nature of morbidity in certain groups of workers and develop preventive measures on this basis (for example, improving occupational health and safety, organizing dietary nutrition, etc.) to reduce morbidity.

To improve the skills of employees, it is necessary to conduct training and retraining. For this purpose, the company created special training centers (for example: in Leninogorsk, Tomsk, Perm).

Since one of the forms of advanced training is the development of related professions, the system of advanced training at the Kazan National University should include industrial and technical training, training in second and combined professions, the study of new technologies, equipment, and schools for the study of advanced work methods. Training can be carried out both off-the-job and on-the-job. The most convenient and beneficial for an enterprise is on-the-job training.

If we proceed from the essence of advanced training, when the worker’s rank (or professional skill within the rank) increases in the profession (specialty) that the worker already has, then mastering other professions does not seem to have anything to do with advanced training. But it all depends on what kind of professions they are and for what purpose they are mastered. If a worker masters related professions, i.e. being in close connection with the main one, relating to a complex of interrelated works in which the worker begins to specialize, this can be considered as an increase in his qualifications, universalism, a condition for the use of more rational forms of labor organization when working in his previous profession.

If professions that are far from each other are mastered (second, third, etc.), as a condition for maneuverability in the worker’s employment, as a prerequisite for the intra-production movement of workers, such training is closer to retraining.

It is also worth considering the staff turnover rate, which increased from 0.009 in 2012 to 0.001 compared to 2013 and by 0.004 compared to 2011 to 0.01 in the reporting year.

Also, one of the measures is to optimize the rate of staff turnover, which can significantly reduce the costs of the enterprise’s economic activities and has a positive impact on the effective operation of the enterprise as a whole.

In order to effectively manage the processes of personnel movement, you can conduct a survey of those employees who are going to quit completely or transfer to another place of work at the same enterprise. Analysis of materials obtained as a result of a survey of employees will allow us to draw conclusions regarding the structure of motives influencing staff turnover.

Then, first of all, the management personnel of the enterprise should pay attention to the dissatisfaction of employees with wages, since this motive is the dominant one. In addition to material motives, moral motives for fluidity are possible. They can be solved by introducing moral encouragement:

Gratitude and recognition of the employee’s services to the enterprise;

Use of certificates, letters of gratitude, etc.

Carrying out all these activities in combination will reduce staff turnover, increase the moral and psychological climate in the team and thereby influence the stability of personnel.


Labor resources are that part of the population that has the physical development and intellectual (mental) abilities necessary for work. The labor force includes both employed and potential workers.

Labor is a purposeful human activity, during which he modifies and adapts natural objects to satisfy his needs. Along with nature, labor is the source of all wealth. The labor process, considered in general terms, is inherent in all social formations. But this is not only the impact of people on nature.

The focus on human resource management changes the management tasks, functions and structure of the relevant services in the enterprise. Thus, one of the most important functions of personnel management in connection with the increased role of the human factor in modern production is the development of personnel, and not just bringing its number in line with the availability of jobs.

The main thing that constitutes the essence of personnel management is a systematic, systematically organized influence, with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures, on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for the use of the labor qualities of the employee (labor force) in in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and the comprehensive development of its employees.

The use of labor resources includes: determining the number and composition of workers at the enterprise, analyzing the personnel structure, analyzing the movement of labor, assessing the use of working time, establishing the facts and reasons for its unproductive use, measuring and studying the dynamics of labor productivity, its factor analysis, determining the influence technical and economic factors on labor productivity, identifying reserves for its further increase and more efficient use of labor resources.

The main characteristic of labor processes at an enterprise involves the analysis of indicators to determine the composition and number of personnel, the movement of personnel during the analyzed period of time, the use of working time, labor productivity and labor costs.

The personnel of the enterprise is divided into two groups: industrial-production (IPP) and non-industrial (NPP).

Analysis of the composition of employees at the enterprise allows us to determine the size of the enterprise, its divisions, their status and development potential in the field of growth of professionalism and qualifications.

The personnel policy at the enterprise provides for the long-term growth of workers' qualifications through training, retraining and advanced training, both at the expense of its own potential and through payment for other activities carried out outside the economic entity. To do this, an analysis is carried out of the capacity of the system for training workers in the workplace through apprenticeship, mentoring and courses in the system of technical training of personnel with the assignment of qualification categories.

The analysis of labor resources should begin with a study of their structure and staffing of the organization with the necessary personnel of workers of the relevant specialty and qualifications.

Research has shown that the number of personnel in 2012 decreased by 7 people compared to 2011. This happened due to the dismissal of workers at their own request, new technologies and the introduction of related work were introduced (for example: an automated pump control system, a reduction in boiler room maintenance staff and their work being carried out by electricians in the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment). And in 2013 there was an increase in the number of personnel compared to 2012 by 11 people. This was due to the hiring of younger staff and the introduction of new services.

The Kazan Regional Oil Pipeline Department has a high level of acceptance turnover. In terms of retirement it was 0.004 in the reporting year, and in terms of turnover - 0.01. A comparison with 2011 shows that the turnover rate for admissions increased by 0.003, and for departures decreased by 0.003. The recruitment rate in the reporting period is higher than the previous period - 0.013. This indicates a favorable situation at the enterprise, although in general the staff turnover rate increased from 0.009 in the previous year to 0.01 in the reporting year. The staff retention rate is high - 0.859, which indicates high efficiency in the use of labor.

Galaktika's capabilities for comprehensively solving problems at the Kazan RNU help them not only to effectively keep records of workers at the enterprise, but also to manage the enterprise's employees, control the number of employees in accordance with emerging problems at the enterprise and effectively eliminate them.

Transportation of oil from the place of production to the consumer is one of the main sources of revenue for the Russian budget. At the same time, main oil pipelines are objects of increased danger and have specific operating conditions due to their large length and, as a consequence, distance from the control center.


1. Abryutina M.S. Analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise / M.S. Abryutina, A.V. Grachev – M.: “Business and Service” - 2009. – 255s.

2. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities / V.Ya. Pozdnyakov - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 616s.

3. Bazarova T.Yu. Personnel management / T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina - M.: Unity – Dana, 2008. – 560s.

4. Balzhinov A.V. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise / A.V. Balzhinov, E.V. Mikheeva. Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the All-Russian State Technical University, 2008. - 119 p.

5. Blumin S.L. Economic factor analysis / Blyumin S.L., V.F. Sukhanov, S.V. Chebotarev - Lipetsk: LEGI, 2008. - 148 p.

6. Bogdanova L.S., Lyashko E.F., Makhitko V.P. Financial and economic analysis - Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2008. - 188 p.

7. Galchina O.N. Theory of economic analysis / O.N. Galchina, Pozhidaeva T.A. - Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2008. - 67 s.

8. Gerasimov B.I. Economics: Introduction to economic analysis / B.I. Gerasimov, N.V. Chetvergova, S.P. Spiridonov, O.V. Dyakova - Tambov: TSTU Publishing House, 2008. - 136 s.

9. Gerasimov B.I. Introduction to Economics: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis / B.I. Gerasimov, Yu.V. Ioda - Tambov: TSTU Publishing House, 2009. - 140 s.

10. Ershova S.A. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise / S.A. Ershova - St. Petersburg: SPbGASU, 2008. - 155 s.

11. Zaitsev N.L. Economics, organization and enterprise management / N.L. Zaitsev - M.: Infra-M, 2008. - 455 s.

12. Kibanov A.Ya. Organizational personnel management / A.Ya. Kibanov - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 695s.

13. Complex economic analysis of economic activity / A.I. Alekseev, Yu.V. Vasiliev, A.V. Maleeva - M.: KNORUS, 2009. – 687s.

14. Complex economic analysis of the enterprise / N.V. Voitolovsky, A.P. Kalinsky, I.I. Mazurova - St. Petersburg: PETER, 2010. – 569s.

15. Kustova T.N. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise / T.N. Kustova-Rybinsk: RGATA, 2008. - 200 s.

16. Pozhidaeva T.A. Economic analysis: Workshop / T.A. Pozhidaeva, L.S. Korobeynikova, O.M. Kupryushina. - Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2008. - 67 p.

17. Kuznetsova N.V. Complex economic analysis of economic activity / N.V. Kuznetsova. - Vladivostok: TIDOT FEGU, 2009. - 50 s.

18. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management / E.V. Maslov - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 312s.

19. Pyastolov S.M. Analysis of economic activity / S.M. Pyastolov - M.: Publishing house "Academy", 2008. – 616s.

20. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise / G.V. Savitskaya - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 512s.

21. Sannikova I.N. Complex economic analysis / I.N. Sannikova, V.N. Stas, O.I. Erhardt. - Barnaul: Alt Publishing House. state University, 2009 - 168 p.

22. Sklyarenko V.K. Enterprise Economics / V.K. Sklyarenko, V.M. Prudnikov - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 528 p.

23. Titov V.I. Economics of enterprise / V.I. Titov. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 416 s.

24. Chetyrkin E. N. Financial analysis / E. N. Chetyrkin - M.: Delo, 2008. – 255 s.

25. Chechevitsyna L.N. Economic analysis / L.N. Chechevitsina - M.: Phoenix, 2008. - 475 p.

26. Economic analysis of economic activity / V.K. Bushuev, G.G. Bubnov. - M.: MIEMP, 2009. - 72 s.




Topic: Human resource management (using the example of Euro LLC)

Specialty 08050765 “Organization Management”

Project Manager ________________________________________________ M.V. Kangro

Consultants by sections:

Economic part _______________________________________ M.V. Kangro

Environmental and legal part _______________________________ A.N. Chekin

Allow for protection:

Head department .


"____" _____________2006

Ulyanovsk 2006


Human resource management is recognized as one of the most important areas of life of any organization, capable of greatly increasing its efficiency, and the very concept of “labor resource management” is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic-statistical to philosophical-psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relationships are based on the principles, methods and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Managing people is important for all organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service industries. Without people there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve its goals and survive. There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice.

Specific responsibility for the overall management of human resources in large organizations is usually assigned to professionally trained personnel department employees, usually within the headquarters services. In order for such professionals to actively contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, they need not only knowledge and competence in their specific field, but also awareness of the needs of lower-level managers. At the same time, if lower-level managers do not understand the specifics of human resource management, its mechanism, capabilities and shortcomings, then they cannot fully take advantage of the services of HR specialists. Therefore, it is important that all managers know and understand the ways and methods of managing people.

The purpose of this diploma project is to study the labor resources management system and develop practical recommendations for improving labor resource management processes and motivation as one of the areas of labor resources in the enterprise.

The following tasks follow from the purpose of the diploma project:

Consideration of the theoretical foundations of labor resources management at an enterprise, in particular the content of the labor resources management process;

Studying the motivation process as one of the areas of labor resource management in an enterprise;

Familiarization with a brief organizational and economic characteristics of a specific enterprise, Euro LLC;

Studying the motivation process at a specific enterprise;

The object of study in this diploma project is the trading enterprise Euro LLC.

The subject of the study is the process of enterprise labor resource management, including the process of personnel motivation.

The theoretical basis of the diploma project is the works of scientists on the issues under consideration, materials from economic magazines and newspapers on stimulating labor processes, teaching aids, reference books, regulations developed at the enterprise and current methods.

The practical basis is data from statistical observations on labor, data from reports on the implementation of bonus indicators, regulations on training of employees of the organization, and primary documents.



at the enterprise

One of the key tasks facing the HR manager is developing a strategy for human resource development.

First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that personnel or labor resources are one of the key resources of an enterprise. Moreover, the global trends that are taking shape in the global business environment place the emphasis not even on human resources, but on human capital. In that case, if we consider personnel as human capital, and not just personnel costs from the level of costs to the level of investments, but consider them as an integrated system in which there is a marketing approach to personnel as a resource, and the general laws of capital management apply.

Approaches to considering an enterprise’s employees as a human resource or human capital depend on a number of factors, including:

Stage of business development or stage of development of the organization;

Development strategy of the enterprise as a whole;

Position of HR manager at the enterprise;

Management level or level of management in an organization;

Technology of work, including a system of interaction with clients.

There are two groups of principles for constructing a personnel management system in an organization: principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of a management system, and principles that determine the directions for the development of a personnel management system. All principles of constructing a personnel management system are implemented in interaction according to the data in the table in Appendix A, and their combination depends on the specific operating conditions of the organization’s personnel management system. Science and practice have developed tools for studying the state of the current personnel management system of an organization's management, constructing, justifying and implementing a new system, the methods of which are given in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Classification of methods of analysis and system construction

organization personnel management

Survey methods (data collection)

Analysis methods

Formation methods


System analysis

Economic analysis

Systems approach

Interviewing, conversation



Active monitoring of the working day








Structuring goals


Functional cost analysis


Structuring goals




Creative meetings


regression analysis

The classification of methods for implementing an organization's personnel management system is given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 - Classification of methods for implementing personnel management


The essence of these methods is as follows:

System analysis serves as a methodological tool for a systematic approach to solving problems of improving the personnel management system. The systematic approach guides the researcher to reveal the personnel management system as a whole and its components: goals, functions, organizational structure, personnel, technical management tools, information, methods of managing people, technology for managing people, management technology, management decisions; to identify diverse types of connections between these components and the external environment;

The decomposition method allows you to break complex phenomena into simpler ones. For example, a personnel management system can be divided into subsystems, and subsystems into operations. After division, it is necessary to recreate the personnel management system as a single whole, that is, synthesize it. In this case, the decomposition modeling method is used, where models can be logical, graphic and digital;

The method of sequential substitution allows us to study the influence on the formation of the personnel management system of each factor separately, under the influence of which its state has developed, excluding the actions of other factors. Factors are ranked and the most significant are selected;

The comparison method allows you to compare the existing personnel management system with a similar system of an advanced organization, with the standard state or the state in the past period. It should be taken into account that comparison gives a positive result provided that the systems under study are comparable and homogeneous;

The dynamic method involves the arrangement of data in a dynamic series and the exclusion of random deviations from it. Then the series reflects stable trends. This method is used in the study of quantitative indicators characterizing the personnel management system;

The method of structuring goals provides quantitative and qualitative justification for the goals of the organization as a whole, and the goals of the personnel management system in terms of their compliance with the goals of the organization. Analysis of goals, deployment of them into a hierarchical system, establishment of responsibility of departments for the final results of work, determination of their place in the production and management system, elimination of duplication in their work are an important prerequisite for building a rational personnel management system;

The expert-analytical method of improving personnel management is based on the involvement of highly qualified personnel management specialists and management personnel of the enterprise in the improvement process;

The normative method gives an exceptional effect in the practice of improving personnel management. The method involves the use of a system of standards that determine the composition and content of personnel management functions, the number of employees by function, the type of organizational structure, the criterion for constructing the structure of the organization’s management apparatus as a whole, and the personnel management system (controllability standard, degree of centralization of functions, number of management levels, number of units, size of units, order of subordination and interrelations of units), division and cooperation of labor of managers and personnel management specialists of the organization;

The parametric method is used to establish functional dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the production system and the personnel management system to identify the degree of their compliance;

Functional cost analysis is a method that allows you to choose an option for constructing a personnel management system or performing a particular personnel management function that requires the least cost and is the most effective in terms of final results;

The principal component method allows you to reflect the properties of dozens of indicators in one indicator (component). This makes it possible to compare not many indicators of one personnel management system with many indicators of another similar system, but only one;

The balance sheet method allows for balance sheet comparisons and linkages. For example, compare the results of processing photographs of the working day and technological maps of execution, management operations and procedures with the actual working time fund for their implementation;

The experimental method is based on the experience of the previous period of this personnel management system and the experience of another similar system;

The method of analogies has received the greatest development in improving personnel management. It consists in the use of organizational forms that have proven themselves in functioning personnel management systems with similar economic and organizational characteristics in relation to the system in question;

The block method of typing subsystems of linear-functional and program-target structures is an effective method of using standard solutions to improve personnel management. Standard block solutions are linked together with original organizational solutions in a unified organizational personnel management system. The block method speeds up the process of forming a new personnel management system and increases the efficiency of the system at the lowest cost;

The method of creative meetings involves a collective discussion of the direction of development of the personnel management system by a group of specialists and managers;

The control question method consists of activating a creative search for solving problems by improving the personnel management system using a pre-prepared list of leading questions;

Morphological analysis is a means of studying all possible combinations of organizational solutions proposed for the implementation of individual personnel management functions. If we write down all the functions in a column, and then next to each function we indicate, line by line, all possible options for its implementation, we will obtain a morphological matrix. The idea of ​​this method is to break a complex problem into small subtasks that are easier to solve individually. It is assumed that the solution to a complex problem consists of solutions to subproblems.

The greatest effect and quality of the personnel management system is achieved when the system of methods is used in a complex. The use of a system of methods allows you to look at the object of improvement from all sides, which helps to avoid miscalculations.

The concept of a long-term, future-oriented personnel policy that takes into account all these aspects of enterprise personnel management can be realized through personnel planning. Personnel planning should create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. One of the tasks of personnel planning is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization. It should be remembered that personnel planning is effective when it is integrated into the overall planning process in the organization. The essence of personnel planning is that its main task is to provide people with jobs at the right time and in the required quantity in accordance with their abilities, inclinations and production requirements. From the point of view of productivity and motivation, workplaces should allow workers to optimally develop their abilities, increase labor efficiency, and meet the requirements of creating decent working conditions and ensuring employment. Appendix B shows the place of personnel planning in the organization's personnel management system.

Personnel planning is implemented through the implementation of a whole complex of interrelated activities, combined in the operational plan for working with personnel. To develop an operational plan for working with personnel, it is necessary to collect the following information using specially designed questionnaires:

Information about the permanent staff (first name, patronymic, last name, place of residence, time of entry to work, etc.);

Data on the structure of personnel (qualification, gender, age, national structure; proportion of disabled people, proportion of workers, employees, skilled workers, etc.);

Staff turnover;

Lost time due to downtime or illness;

Data on the length of the working day (full-time or part-time, working one, several or night shifts, duration of vacations);

Wages of workers and employees (its structure, additional wages, allowances, payment at the tariff and above the tariff);

Data on social services provided by the state and legal organizations (expenses for social needs allocated in accordance with laws, tariff agreements, voluntarily).

Questionnaires should be designed in such a way that, along with production goals, they can also serve personnel planning. Personnel information is a collection of all operational information, as well as processes for processing it for personnel planning. Personnel information must meet the following requirements:

Simplicity means that the information should contain as much data and only to the extent that is necessary in this particular case;

Visualization - information should be presented in such a way that you can quickly determine the main thing and avoid verbosity. To do this, you need to use tables, graphs, color design of the material;

Unambiguousness – information must be clear; in their interpretation, one should ensure the semantic, syntactic and logical unambiguity of the material;

Comparability - information must be presented in comparable units and relate to comparable objects both within the organization and outside;

Continuity - information about personnel submitted for different periods of time must have the same calculation method and the same presentation forms;

Relevance - information must be fresh, prompt and timely, that is, presented without delay.

Personnel requirements planning is the initial stage of the personnel planning process and is based on data on existing and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical activities, a staffing table and a plan for filling vacant positions. The task of planning to attract personnel is to satisfy the future need for personnel through internal and external sources. The advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of attracting personnel are given in Appendices C, D. Thus, the main task of the stage of attracting employees is the desire to create the largest reserve of people who want to work in a particular organization. The selection process is intended to select and eliminate those who are found to be unable to perform the professional activities appropriate to a particular vacant position.

Primary selection begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization's requirements for a future employee. The main purpose of the primary selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics required to fill a vacant position. Naturally, this minimum set is different for different specialties and organizations. Initial selection methods depend on budget, strategy, company culture and the relative importance of the position to the organization. The most common methods currently used are personal data analysis, testing, and handwriting examination.

Analysis of personal data (or analysis of biographical data) assumes that a person's biography is a fairly reliable indicator of his potential to successfully perform certain production functions. Using this method, the human resources department analyzes the information contained in the questionnaires filled out by candidates, comparing the actual data with its own model. Analysis of personal data is a simple, cheap and quite effective method of primary selection when an organization has an extensive list of candidates and when it comes to specialized positions. At the same time, this method is quite approximate in assessing potential, since it is focused exclusively on facts from the candidate’s past, and not on his current state and ability for professional development. Therefore, when selecting candidates for leadership positions, especially those involving further development and professional growth, you need to be extremely careful using the method of analyzing questionnaires. A sample questionnaire is presented in Appendix D.

It is possible to more accurately determine the current state of a candidate in terms of his compliance with the requirements for a vacant position, as well as his development potential, using special tests. As testing methods improve and companies increase their focus on the selection and, especially, development of managers, tests are used to determine the potential of managers and specialists. Today there are a sufficient number of companies specializing exclusively in the field of testing for diagnosing a wide variety of personality traits and characteristics.

Handwriting examination is a unique type of testing that requires significantly lower costs. This method is based on the theory that a person’s handwriting is a fairly objective reflection of his personality and, therefore, with the help of handwriting analysis, various characteristics of a person can be assessed, including the ability to perform certain production functions. This method can be used as one of the primary selection methods, which is not critical.

The primary selection stage, regardless of the methods adopted, ends with the creation of a limited list of candidates who best meet the organization's requirements. The remaining candidates are informed of the decision to terminate consideration of their candidacies for this position.

In the next step, the HR department or recruiters conduct individual interviews with the selected candidates.

Interviews are still the most widely used method of personnel selection. Selecting a high-ranking manager may require several interviews with different specialists in the organization. The purpose of these interviews is to assess the degree to which the candidate matches the portrait of an ideal employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, potential for professional growth and development, ability to adapt to the organization, familiarity with the candidate’s expectations regarding the organization, working conditions, its payment, etc. The interview is a two-way process - not only the organization evaluates the candidate, but the candidate also evaluates the organization in terms of its suitability to his own interests and needs. The interviewer must provide the most objective information about the organization in order to interest the candidate and, at the same time, avoid hiring those whose expectations differ from the capabilities of the organization.

There are several types of interviews with candidates, the choice of which depends on the traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the candidate, and the vacant position. The results of the interview must be documented and contain an assessment of the candidate and a proposal to continue or stop working with him. The conclusion of the employee who conducted the interview is transmitted to the head of the department with the vacancy, who makes a decision on further actions in relation to this candidate.

Information about the candidate. In order to better assess the professional and personal qualities of a candidate, organizations can seek information from people and organizations who know him through joint studies, work, sports, etc. You can invite the candidate himself to name the names of people who could characterize him, and then talk to these people. But in this case, there is a problem in obtaining objective information, since the people chosen by the candidate usually emphasize only his positive aspects. You can also obtain information about the candidate by contacting directly the organizations in which he previously worked or studied.

Candidate selection and offer. Based on an analysis of the interview results, the head of the department (with the participation of a human resources specialist) selects the candidate who is most suitable for the position.

The successful functioning of any organization largely depends on its ability to select the necessary employees. The process of selecting personnel to fill vacant positions consists of several stages, each of which involves the use of special methods. The success of selection equally depends on the effectiveness of the organization in implementing each stage separately and the ability to manage it as one process.

1. 2 Motivation as one of the areas of labor management

resources at the enterprise

One of the most important aspects affecting the efficiency of personnel is motivation, a certain model of which exists in every enterprise or firm. It represents the interrelated principles and factors that encourage employees to perform highly productive work activities, thereby ensuring the productive operation of the entire system. The methods used in certain models of motivation can be figuratively described as carrots and sticks.

Encouragement, or carrots (positive motivation), include expressions of gratitude, cash bonuses, rewards, promotions, etc.

Punishment, or whip (negative motivation), consists of a reprimand, deduction from wages, deprivation of bonuses, demotion, dismissal.

Thus, motivation is the process of encouraging each employee and all members of his team to actively work to satisfy their needs and achieve the goals of the organization. The true motivations that force you to give maximum effort to work are not so easy to determine. They are extremely complex. Having mastered modern motivation opportunities, a manager is able to significantly expand his capabilities in attracting an educated, wealthy employee of today to perform tasks aimed at achieving the company's goals.

In a market economy in our country, issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel management, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production, acquire particular importance. In the system of measures for implementing economic reform, special importance is attached to increasing the level of work with personnel, placing this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the domestic and foreign experience accumulated over many years. One of the most important problems at the present stage of economic development is the problem in the field of working with personnel. With all the diversity of existing approaches to this problem in various industrialized countries, the main most common trends are the following:

Formalization of methods and procedures for personnel selection;

Promotion of young and promising employees.

These general trends must be taken into account in domestic production management practices during the development of a market economy.

Managing people is important for all organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service industries. Without people there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve its goals and survive. There is no doubt that human resource management is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice.

The main structural unit for personnel management in an organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing personnel, as well as organizing training, advanced training and retraining of personnel. To perform the latter functions, personnel training departments or technical training departments are often created. HR departments are neither a methodological, nor an information, nor a coordinating center for personnel work. They are structurally separated from labor management and wages departments, occupational health and safety departments, legal departments and other departments that perform human resource management functions. To solve social problems, social research and service services are created in organizations. Human resources management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are professionally weak. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks to manage personnel and ensure normal working conditions. The most important among them are:

Social psychological diagnostics;

Analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, management relationships;

Management of industrial and social conflicts and stress;

Information support for the personnel management system;

Employment management;

Assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions;

Analysis of human resources and personnel needs;

Business career planning and control;

Professional and socio-psychological adaptation of workers;

Work motivation management;

Legal issues of labor relations.

If under the conditions of a command-administrative system these tasks were considered as secondary, then during the transition to the market they came to the fore, and every organization is interested in solving them. The basis of the concept of personnel management of an organization is currently the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Motivation is the motivation of a person to act to achieve his personal goals and the goals of the organization.

Effective activity is possible only if employees have appropriate motivation, i.e., the desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person’s abilities and releases his potential, while negative motivation inhibits the manifestation of abilities and prevents the achievement of activity goals. Motivation includes an internal state of a person, called a need, and something outside his state, defined as a stimulus or task.

Depending on what factors influence a person, internal and external motivation are distinguished.

Intrinsic motivation is motivation that occurs through open interaction between a person and a task, without outside interference. When faced with a task, a person himself generates motives.

External motivation is caused by the subject from the outside. This kind of motivation is the reasons for motivation. For example, payment for work, orders, rules of conduct.

It is very important for management to know about the presence of these two types of motivation, since effective management can rely on the external type of motivation, while trying to take into account and predict the occurrence of certain internal motivation.

The forms of the motivation system are constantly being modified and supplemented with more modern ones; it is difficult for a manager to choose ones that would meet all the needs of the organization.

The forms of the motivation system are divided into 4 groups:

Coercion: reprimand, reprimand, transfer to another position, severe reprimand, postponement of vacation, dismissal from work;

Material incentives: wages, tariff rates, rewards for results, bonuses from the fund and profits, compensation, vouchers, a loan for the purchase of a car or furniture, a loan for construction;

Moral encouragement: gratitude, certificate of honor, honor board, honorary title, academic degree, diplomas, publications in the press, government awards and others;

Self-affirmation: writing a dissertation, publishing a book, authoring an invention, obtaining a second economic education. This is the most powerful incentive, but it manifests itself only in the most developed members of society.

Research shows that rewards improve performance in 39% of cases, while punishment worsens performance in 11% of cases; threats are 99% ignored and, in addition, they themselves are humiliating for both sides.

Considering the forms of motivation, the following features can be noted.

Reward is positive and negative reinforcement. The essence of the positive is that those actions that have a positive orientation are encouraged. In addition, it is aimed at attracting personnel to the organization, maintaining the composition of employees, and managing labor costs. Negative reinforcement encourages the absence of negative behavior, such as absenteeism.

Punishment is a direct influence with the aim of applying behavior aimed at suppressing negative actions, preventing them from happening in the future and achieving positive results. It can take the form of material penalties (fines, sanctions) or coercion (reduction of social status in the team, severe reprimand, etc.). Forms of motivation are usually used in combination and interconnection.

In addition, the HR manager should consider the following points:

Moral encouragement must be supported financially;

If there has been a reward in the past, people try to repeat the situation;

If the reward is high, people are willing to expend more effort;

When needs are satisfied, activity decreases.

The amount of reinforcement should be kept to a minimum in order to continually maintain motivation to continue the desired activity without draining the organization's resources. Effective reinforcement should always be timely and specific, so that the person knows what it is connected with and what to do next. The effectiveness of motivation depends on the extent to which the strategic goals of the organization are realized through the motivation of personnel, since the motivation of employees is determined by how fully the organization ensures the satisfaction of their basic needs. Therefore, the main meaning of motivation is to connect the interests of the employee with the strategic objectives of the organization.

The effectiveness of motivation includes two main concepts: economic motivation and social motivation.

The economic efficiency of motivation includes solving problems facing the organization. It will depend on the correct and effective use of human resources. Motivation should direct employees to those actions that are necessary for the organization. Motivation can solve the following organizational problems:

Attracting personnel to the organization;

Retention of employees in it;

Stimulating productive behavior of employees;

Reducing cost indicators.

These and other economic indicators of an organization's performance depend on effective motivation. To solve the problems facing the organization, the manager needs to select from existing systems and methods those that orient employees towards the implementation of the company’s strategic goals and correspond to its organizational structure.

Thus, creating an effective motivation system is a very complex and specific process. An ineffective motivation system can cause dissatisfaction among employees, which always entails a decrease in labor productivity, a drop in quality, and a violation of discipline. On the other hand, socially effective motivation helps to satisfy the needs of employees, directing their activities in the direction necessary for the organization. An effective motivation system must meet the strategic goals of the company and correspond to the market situation. Management needs to adapt this system to changing conditions, understand its shortcomings and prepare to neutralize them.

There are several theories of motivation. The theory of motivation began to be actively developed in the twentieth century, although many motives, incentives and needs have been known since ancient times. Currently, there are several theories of motivation: initial; meaningful; procedural.

Initial theories of motivation are formed based on the analysis of the historical record of people and the use of simple incentives of coercion, material and moral encouragement. In relation to the management of economic activities, the problem of motives and incentives was first posed by Adam Smith, who believed that people are controlled by selfish motives, the constant and ineradicable desire of people to improve their financial situation. But A. Smith meant, first of all, the motivation of the entrepreneur; as for the motivation of workers, participants in the production process, A. Smith was not interested in it at all.

This gap was filled by the American theorist F.W. Taylor. He argued: “The coercive power of the administrator is the main engine of production and the main motivation for work. Everyone strives to work less and get more, to which the entrepreneur must respond with the policy of “pay less and demand more.”

Although the development of social consciousness has shown the inconsistency of this method, some of its provisions are reflected in the motivational model “X”, “Y”, “Z”. Theory "X" was originally developed by F. Taylor, and then developed and supplemented by D. McGregor, who added the theory "Y" to it. Theory "Z" was proposed much later, in the 80s. V. Ouchi (model of human behavior and motivation). Each theory describes certain groups of workers in an enterprise. Theory X describes poor employees who dislike work. Therefore, it is natural to use coercion as the main incentive, and material incentives as an auxiliary incentive. The theory “U” model reflects the advanced, creatively active part of society. Incentives to work are reflected in the following order: recognition, moral, material encouragement, coercion. It is obvious that the proportion of these workers is small. Theory Z describes a good worker who prefers to work in a group and has long-term performance goals. Incentives to motivate such workers to work are effective in the following sequence: material incentives, moral incentives, recognition, coercion.

Thus, workers described by theories “X”, “Y”, “Z” form different groups of people who are guided by different motives of behavior. All types of people are represented in the enterprise, and the application of one or another motivation concept is determined by the proportion of workers of a particular type in the group.

The initial theories of motivation determined the direction of further development of theories of motivation. Currently, economists divide them into 2 types:

Process theories of motivation.

Content theories analyze the factors that influence motivation. They describe the structure of needs, their content and how these needs are related to a person’s motivation. The most famous motivation theories of this group are: Maslow's pyramid, McClelland's theory of acquired needs, Alderfer's ERG theory, Herzberg's factor theory.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, people constantly experience different needs that can be grouped into groups that are hierarchically related to each other. Maslow presented these needs groups in the form of a pyramid. Physiological needs are fundamental for humans; they require their satisfaction first. After satisfying physiological needs, the need for safety comes to the fore, when a person seeks to protect himself from possible bodily harm, as well as from unfavorable economic conditions or threatening behavior of other people. The next need is the need for spiritual intimacy and love. Satisfying it requires a person to establish companionship and determine his place in the group. Satisfaction of these needs brings forward the needs for esteem and self-esteem. Often these are the needs that are important for a person; he needs to feel his own importance, confirmed by the recognition of others. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ends with the needs of a person to realize oneself, to translate into activity the reserve of one’s strengths and abilities, and to fulfill one’s destiny.

If earlier managers used only economic incentives for motivation purposes, since the behavior of employees was determined mainly by their needs at lower levels, then as earnings increase and social security of people is ensured, the role of relatively high levels of the hierarchy of needs in Maslow’s pyramid increases.

A manager who has studied the theory of motivation has the opportunity, by observing his subordinates, to determine the needs that drive them and to use incentives that are adequate to these needs. For example, it is a very common opinion that the main factor in effective work is money: the more a person receives, the better he works. This belief is not true, because if a person is dominated by, for example, the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need to money. Based on the above classifier of needs, a motivational model can be built, which can be considered in table 1.3.

Table 1.3 - Motivational model

Fulfilling the needs of your personality

Realizing your potential, increasing your knowledge

Self-respect and recognition from others.

Competence in your profession. The right to make decisions independently.

Social contacts

To be recognized in a like-minded group. Contacts with people. Be pleasant.

Confidence in the future

Long-term provision of cash income in order to satisfy physiological needs. Long-term job guarantee.

Physiological needs

Nutrition. Apartment. Cloth.

Research shows that active creative work is currently, to one degree or another, included in the content of the activities of the majority of the working population, primarily specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, administrative and managerial personnel, highly qualified workers, and service workers.

The need for respect can be realized by providing subordinates with more meaningful work, rewarding them for the positive results they have achieved, involving employees in setting goals and making decisions, delegating additional rights and powers to them, promoting them in their careers, creating conditions for training and retraining in order to improve the level of competence, etc.

The need for self-expression is realized through entrusting subordinates with complex work that requires their full effort, by encouraging the creative abilities of workers, as well as by improving their qualifications.

The emphasis on the needs of higher levels is also placed in the theory of motivation of David McClelland, who believed that people have three needs: power, success and involvement.

The need for power manifests itself as a desire to influence other people. This need is usually experienced by frank and energetic people who strive to defend their positions.

The need for success lies not in proclaiming it, but in the process of bringing the work to a successful conclusion. People with this need usually take moderate risks and want their results to be rewarded in a concrete manner. Therefore, to motivate employees with the need for success, they must be given tasks with a moderate degree of risk, delegate sufficient authority to them so that they can take initiative, and regularly and specifically reward them for the results achieved.

The need for involvement lies in the fact that people who experience these needs are usually interested in establishing friendly relations and willingly come to help. Therefore, they can be attracted to work that provides extensive opportunities for social interaction, and their interpersonal contacts should not be limited.

Another concept within the content approach is Herzberg's two-factor theory. Based on his model, Herzberg proposed two “schools” that showed a change in the state of need:

1 school – from satisfaction to lack of satisfaction;

School 2 – from no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction.

Herzberg divided the needs themselves into 2 groups:

Motivational factors (or satisfaction factors) are achievement, recognition, responsibility, promotion, work itself, opportunity for growth;

Hygienic factors (or working conditions factors) are wages, safety at work, status, rules, routine and work schedule, quality of management control, relationship with colleagues and subordinates.

According to Herzberg's theory, improving working conditions will not motivate workers. Herzberg explains that if we want to truly motivate people, it is necessary to think about rewards related to recognition, achievement and personal professional growth, because providing only hygiene factors will simply eliminate dissatisfaction and do nothing to stimulate employees in a positive way.

As you can see, there is no single approach to explaining human motivation. Although the theories of McClelland and Herzberg consider motivation from different points of view, they are all, as a rule, based on Maslow's theory, which gives a general idea of ​​​​the content of motivation. The main disadvantage of all theories of the substantive concept is that they pay attention to the analysis of factors that explain motivation, but do not consider the mechanism of its activity. This drawback has been overcome by the authors of the process approach.

Process theories of motivation, which consider the dynamics of the interaction of various motives, i.e. how human behavior is initiated and directed. These theories allow us to learn how the motivation process is built and how people can be motivated to achieve the desired results. There are three main procedural theories of motivation: V. Vroom, Adams and E. Lock, as well as the Porter-Lawler model that unites all concepts.

A unique approach to the problems of motivation is proposed by process theories of motivation. In particular, V. Vroom's theory of motivation suggests that motivation depends on three factors: the expected result of an activity, the expected reward from this result and the expected value of the reward. This model of motivation is called expectancy theory. It can be represented in the form of a diagram, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – V. Vroom’s model of motivation

Another concept within the process approach is J. Adams' theory of justice. The author argues that a person’s motivation is largely influenced by the fairness of the assessment of his current activities and its results, both in comparison with previous periods and, most importantly, with the achievements of other people. A person subjectively determines the ratio of the result or reward obtained to the effort expended, and then correlates it with the reward of other people performing similar work. According to Adams, each subject always mentally evaluates the attitude:

Individual income Income of other persons

____________________________________ = ____________________________

Individual costs Costs of others

Equity theory provides several important implications for the practice of people management. This belief is not true, because if a person is dominated by, for example, the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need to money. Thus, each person manifests himself in a certain activity. Typically this activity is labor.

The theory of goal setting by E. Locke also belongs to the process approach. The theory proceeds from the fact that people subjectively, to one degree or another, perceive the goal of the organization as their own and strive to achieve it, receiving satisfaction from doing the work required for this. Moreover, its effectiveness is largely determined by such characteristics of goals as commitment to them, their acceptability, complexity, etc. If the goals are real, then the higher they are, the greater the results a person achieves in the process of achieving them; otherwise, goals cease to be means of motivation. Clarity and definiteness of goals, precision and specificity in setting them lead to high results.

L. Porter and E. Lawler developed a model of motivation that combined expectancy theory and equity theory. According to their model, the level of effort exerted is determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a given level of effort will entail a certain level of reward. Studying the motivation of employee behavior and stimulating work activity allows us to create a specific motivational complex for each employee, group and personnel as a whole.

Having determined the motivational complex of each employee and the staff as a whole, the company administration and each manager can, using special tests, measure the strength of each group of motives and influence one or another group of motives or simultaneously the entire motivational complex, thereby encouraging personnel to intensify their work activity.

Thus, each person manifests himself in a certain activity. Typically this activity is labor. Labor is the purposeful activity of people to create material and spiritual goods necessary to meet the needs of each individual and society as a whole.

Western studies show that management's opinion on staff motivation, as a rule, does not coincide with the opinion of employees. Therefore, special techniques should be used to determine the optimal strategy.

Improving the motivation system is one of the most important areas of personnel work. If we take into account the ratio of costs to results obtained, the return on investment in projects to improve motivation is one of the highest. Studying motivation helps you save significant money. Methods for studying motivation have been used in the West for decades. According to experts, with the advent of the computer and the Internet, the cost of their development has decreased, and it has become easy and fast. However, fundamentally new technologies have not appeared for a long time.

Despite all the advantages of studying personnel motivation, in Russia it is mainly foreign companies that do this on a regular basis. Recently, large Russian organizations have joined them, adopting the Western style of work.

In medium and small enterprises, staff motivation research is usually not carried out. The incentive systems themselves at such enterprises are often formed chaotically. Small companies are interested not so much in a comprehensive program for studying the motivation system as in its implementation.

All relevant methods can be grouped into several categories. First of all, these are surveys and questionnaires that are used to assess the degree of staff satisfaction. As a rule, they ask direct questions about how much the employee likes the work itself, its conditions, relationships in the team, leadership style, etc. Questions in questionnaires must be correctly formulated and understandable. If the conditions of anonymity during the survey are not met, then management will most likely receive an inflated assessment of their performance.

In large companies with tens of thousands of employees, a series of focus groups are conducted in addition to the survey. To do this, groups are formed of several people representing different levels of management of the organization (top management, management, ordinary employees, etc.) and different professional interests. They are asked the same topics for discussion as in the questionnaires. When used skillfully, this method allows you to clarify all the subtleties of staff motivation.

Another method, a diagnostic interview, requires a significant investment of time and effort, and is therefore used to assess the level of motivation of managers. Also in this case, assessment centers are used.

To assess the overall level of employee motivation, experts are selected who are able to draw up a generalized description of the situation for their departments. Also, to study motivation, you can resort to organizational diagnostics, when conclusions about the degree of staff interest are made based on such indicators as staff turnover, average length of service in the company, attendance at corporate events, tardiness, etc.

Currently, many experts prefer innovative projective techniques, which are implemented through interviews with employees at all levels.

Projective techniques have proven themselves to be the most effective tool for obtaining reliable results, competent systematization and adaptation of changes in the company. High reliability is achieved through a combination of various interview methods - case situations, specific tasks and questions that at first glance are not related to the respondent (for example, “Why, in your opinion, do people work well in one company, but not in another? trying too hard?"). A person involuntarily gives answers with key indicators for him, so “fake” is practically excluded. In addition, such techniques are simple from the point of view of development and application; even the head of a department can use them.

According to the head of the “Management and HR Consulting” department S. Lvov, the use of methods often depends on the goals set by management and is largely determined by the price-quality ratio.

If it is necessary to develop motivation for top managers, then it is better not to rely on a questionnaire or survey, but to conduct a diagnostic interview or an individual assessment to understand what motivates these employees.

If it is necessary to develop motivation for a wider group of employees, then surveys or focus groups, which provide less accurate information, but in a shorter period of time, will be more effective.

Experts believe that heads of HR departments can independently conduct a study of motivation in their company. But the participation of third-party consultants in this process increases the chances of obtaining a reliable result, since they have the necessary technologies and have experience in conducting similar events in other companies. In addition, employees are more sincere in communicating with specialists from the invited organization, since they are less afraid of “sanctions” from management.

After conducting a survey and obtaining a more or less reliable picture of staff satisfaction, it is necessary to correctly analyze the data obtained. This requires knowledge of survey results from other companies.

Surveys are more helpful in assessing employee satisfaction, and research shows that there is no clear linear relationship between employee satisfaction and productivity. That is, questioning makes it possible to solve the problem of retaining an employee, but not increasing his ability to work. Experts recognize that training programs that contain information on methods of assessing and motivating personnel are in greatest demand today. This suggests that HR managers want to be more competent in these issues and independently use existing techniques. The main thing is that the use of these methods is competent and timely.



2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Euro LLC

Limited Liability Company "Euro" is an economic company and belongs to commercial organizations. The company was created and established on the basis of decision No. 1 of the sole founder dated June 20, 2003. (Appendix E). The company's charter was approved and brought in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies” and current legislation. The company is a legal entity, has separate property, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, performs duties, and can be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The Company has an independent balance sheet and opens current and other accounts in any financial and credit institutions, both in rubles and in foreign currency. The Company has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location, and other means of individualization. The Company carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent documents. Location and postal address of the company: Russian Federation 432035 Ulyanovsk, Gaya Avenue, 100.

Full name: Limited Liability Company "Euro", abbreviated name: LLC "Euro".

The subject of activity of Euro LLC is to saturate the consumer market with goods and services in order to make a profit. Euro LLC carries out the following activities in accordance with the procedure established by law:

Wholesale and retail trade activities;

Motor transport services, transportation and transportation of goods;

Foreign economic and investment activities;

Any type of activity not prohibited by law.

Foreign economic activity of Euro LLC is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is determined by the export and import of products (work, services) both for its own production and social needs, and for saturating the market with goods and services. Euro LLC organizes and participates in the organization of all types of foreign economic activities of Russian and foreign enterprises, firms and organizations, including commercial, agency, consulting and marketing activities.

A member of the company is a citizen of the Russian Federation: Batrakov Alexey Nikolaevich. Euro LLC has an authorized capital of 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles. The authorized capital is made up of the nominal value of the participants' shares presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Authorized capital of Euro LLC

The property of Euro LLC is formed from the contributions of participants, income received and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The property of Euro LLC consists of fixed assets, working capital, as well as other tangible and intangible assets and financial resources.

The governing body of Euro LLC is the general meeting of participants. The supreme body of Euro LLC is the general meeting of its participants, which consists of participants or representatives appointed by them. For the period while there is only a single participant in the company, he alone makes decisions on all issues within the competence of the general meeting and formalizes it in writing. The general meeting of the company's participants is chaired by the director of Euro LLC. The organizational structure of Euro LLC is presented in the appendix.

An important role in ensuring increased efficiency of a trading enterprise is played by an economic analysis of its financial and economic activities, which is an integral part of economic management methods. The content of the analysis of technical and economic indicators is a comprehensive study of the production and economic activities of the enterprise in order to objectively assess the results achieved and develop measures to further improve business efficiency.

The sources of analysis of financial and economic results are: Profit and loss report for 2004, 2005. (f. No. 2); Balance sheet for 2005 (f. No. 1); Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) and other forms of financial statements.

Dynamics of products sold by Euro LLC for 2003-2005. is given in table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Dynamics of sales of Euro LLC products for 2003-2005.

The name of indicators

2003, rub.

2004, rub.

2005, rub.

Growth rate, %

Sales of goods including:


Milk products


Other products

The data in Table 2.2 shows that for 2003-2005. Sales of Euro LLC products are constantly increasing. In 2004 compared to the level of 2003 sales increased by 20.9%, and in 2005. compared to the level of 2004 1.5% more products were sold. In Euro LLC, the main share of product sales is occupied by gastronomic products; were sold in the amount of 2,915,067 rubles, which amounted to 137.3% compared to 2003. Also in 2005 gastronomic products were sold in the amount of 3,115,375 rubles, which amounted to 106.9% compared to 2004. Sales of dairy and grocery products also tend to grow as in 2004. so in 2005. Only sales of the group of other goods decreased – by 16.1% in 2004. compared to the level of 2003 and by 9.9% in 2005. compared to the level of 2004 This can be explained by an increase in the share of main product groups in the total sales amount.

The assessment of profit or loss is carried out on the basis of data from f. No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement.” The profit of the reporting year is the amount of profit from the sale of marketable products, goods, services, the sale of fixed assets of the enterprise, other non-operating income minus non-operating expenses. An analysis of the composition and dynamics of profit is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 - Analysis of the composition and dynamics of profit of Euro LLC for 2003-2005.

Indicator name

2004, rub.

2005, rub.

Deviation (+,-)

Dynamics, %

2005 to 2004

2004 to 2003

2005 to 2004

Revenue from the sale of goods

Cost of goods sold

Gross profit

Profit (loss) from sales

Non-operating expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Net profit (loss) of the reporting period

The data in Table 2.3 shows that for the period 2003-2005. Euro LLC received the bulk of its profit from the sale of products. In 2004 the total revenue from product sales amounted to 7,164,181 rubles, which is 20.9% more than in 2003. In 2005 total revenue amounted to 7,268,955 rubles, which is 1.5% more than in 2004. This value consists of revenues from the sale of food products, in particular gastronomic, dairy grocery products and other goods. During the year, the trading company did a lot of work to introduce progressive sales methods, equipment and technology, expand and update the assortment. As a result, in 2005 Euro LLC has reached a new level of sales, as the quality of products sold has noticeably improved due to updating and expanding the range. An important role in increasing the volume of product sales was played by Euro LLC's active advertising campaign, organization and holding of exhibitions, fairs, presentations and advertising.

The cost of products sold increased annually. In 2004 compared to 2003 it increased by 21.2% and amounted to 6,714,943 rubles. In 2005 compared to 2004 the increase in cost of products sold was only 3.3% or 6,939,714 rubles.

In 2004 Euro LLC received a gross profit of 449,238 rubles, which is 65,694 rubles. or 17.1% more than in 2003. In 2005 The gross profit plan was not fulfilled and amounted to 329,241 thousand rubles. or 73.3% of the 2004 amount. This is due to an increase in costs for changing and updating the range of products sold, an increase in prices for fuel, energy, as well as for advertising of products sold.

Since LLC "Euro" based on the results of work for 2004. did not incur any costs for selling and administrative expenses, the profit from sales remained at the level of gross profit. In 2005 profit from sales also remained at the level of gross profit - 329,241 rubles, which is less by 119,997 rubles. and amounted to 73.3% of sales profit for the previous year. This happened as a result of the fact that in 2003. commercial expenses increased sharply (advertising expenses, presentations, expenses for the introduction of modern equipment and technologies), and in 2004. these costs were significantly lower.

In Euro LLC for 2004. profit before tax was received and the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise amounted to 449,088 rubles, which is 65,544 rubles. or 17.0% more than in 2003

Based on the results of the work of Euro LLC in 2005. a profit before tax was received and a profit remaining at the disposal of the trading enterprise in the amount of 319,716 rubles, this is 129,372 rubles. or 28.8% less than in 2004. In 2005 compared to 2004 line, non-operating expenses increased sharply and amounted to 9,525 rubles, which is 9,375 rubles. more than in 2004 The reasons for the increase in costs vary. Expenses for renting fixed assets almost doubled. In 2005 Euro LLC wrote off losses from accounts receivable. Accounting and control over settlements with suppliers and creditors was weakened.

The main objectives of analyzing the use of labor resources of an enterprise are:

Study of the enterprise's provision with the necessary labor resources;

Determination and study of indicators of movement and constancy of personnel;

Study and assessment of the level of labor productivity at the enterprise;

Study of the use of working time;

Studying the organization of remuneration of the company’s personnel;

Studying the use of material and moral incentives;

Studying the dynamics of average wage growth and considering its correspondence to the growth of labor productivity, etc.

The main sources of analysis are f. No. P-4 “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers”, relevant sections of the enterprise’s economic and social development plan, current accounting and operational-technical records and other materials, as well as materials from the personnel department, etc.

In conditions of automated and highly mechanized production, the efficiency of using OPF, raw materials, improving the quality and structure of manufactured products depends both on the number of workers and on their level of qualifications, labor and production discipline, etc. In accordance with current legislation, enterprises themselves determine the total number of employees, their professional and qualification composition, states state.

The staffing schedule of the trading enterprise Euro LLC is presented in Appendix G.

The total number of personnel employed in the trading process of Euro LLC is 71 people. Table 2.4 provides an analysis of the state and movement of labor resources of all categories of workers at the Euro LLC enterprise for 2003-2005.

Table 2.4 – Analysis of the personnel structure of Euro LLC in 2003-2005.

It follows that in 2004. the enterprise increased its average headcount by 4 people, and this figure remained the same in 2005. In this regard, there was an increase in the number of employees, in particular specialists.

The largest share in the total number of the enterprise is occupied by sales workers, workers (packers, etc.), since understaffing of this type of personnel can often have a negative impact on the dynamics of product volume and its quality, and affect the course of the trading process.

Personnel selection must be carried out, as is done in an enterprise, on the basis of hiring; the enterprise creates a certain reserve of candidates for positions and specialties, from which the enterprise then selects those most necessary for it. This takes into account factors such as retirement, dismissal over the course of the employment contract, and expansion of the scope of activity of the enterprise itself.

Personnel planning occurs by selecting personnel who are best qualified to perform a given job in a position. Thus, effective selection or selection of personnel is one of the forms of preliminary control over the labor resources of an enterprise, and affects the economic performance of the entire enterprise.

2.2 Study of the labor management system at Euro LLC

This trading enterprise has a linear-functional organizational structure, which is presented in Appendix G.

In the linear-functional type of structure, the line manager has management units (departments, groups, services, individual specialists) that specialize in performing one type of management activity (management functions).

The linear-functional type of structure has the advantages of both linear and functional structures. But it also has disadvantages: it is possible to artificially expand the management apparatus, bureaucracy and red tape in decision-making due to the high workload of the line manager in coordinating various kinds of decisions.

Linear-functional structures are currently the main basic type of structures. There are no functional structures that are not supplemented by linear connections. It is also rare to use a linear structure in its pure form.

The linear-functional type of structure is especially effective when solving repetitive problems that have not changed for a long time. It ensures maximum stability of the organization and creates the most favorable basis for the formal regulation of powers and responsibilities. However, it does not always have the necessary flexibility and adaptability when new tasks arise, and does not ensure coordination of activities to implement new programs.

In the functional type of structure, the functional form of connections predominates, which is characterized by the allocation of specialists and departments who are well aware of specific areas of management and make informed decisions in these areas.

Advantages of the functional type of structure:

Increasing the competence of management due to the involvement of qualified specialists in certain areas of management;

Increasing the flexibility of the structure, which easily responds to the needs of the practice by creating new functional services.

Speaking about the disadvantages of the functional structure, it should be noted that it is effectively used in organizations where there is a fairly clear delineation of the rights and responsibilities of managers. In these organizations, the functional type structure is supplemented at the highest level of linear relationship management.

The essence of the linear type of management structure is that each team is headed by one manager who is accountable to a superior manager. Subordinates carry out orders only from their immediate superior. A superior manager does not have the right to give orders to employees without bypassing their immediate superior.

The advantages of the linear type of management structure are:

Establishing clear and simple relationships between divisions of the organizational structure;

Receipt by subordinates of consistent and interconnected tasks and orders;

Full responsibility of each manager for work results;

Ensuring unity of management from top to bottom.

The disadvantage of a linear organizational management structure is that to lead an organization, the manager must be competent in all areas of management, which in complex organizations leads to an overload of incompetence and untimely decision-making, bureaucracy and inflexibility.

To carry out its activities, Euro LLC has the right to form a workforce (personnel). The staffing table of Euro LLC is presented in Appendix I. The relations of employees with Euro LLC, arising on the basis of an employment contract, are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Euro LLC provides the legally guaranteed minimum wage, working conditions, and social protection measures. Social security and social insurance of employees of a trading enterprise are regulated by the norms of current legislation. The forms, system and amount of remuneration for employees of Euro LLC, as well as other types of their income, are established by the management of the trading enterprise independently.

Euro LLC does not have a specialized HR department. The work of providing, placing and selecting personnel for Euro LLC, the required professions, specialties and qualifications, is carried out by a personnel inspector approved by the staffing schedule of this enterprise.

Its functions include the preparation of established documentation for personnel records related to the hiring, transfer, employment and dismissal of employees, participation in organizing the work of qualification, certification, and competition commissions and in formalizing their decisions.

The HR inspector analyzes the movement of personnel and takes part in the development of measures to eliminate their turnover, organizes professional training for workers and advanced training for managers and specialists, participates in vocational guidance work, as well as in the development of educational and methodological documentation (curricula and programs, manuals and recommendations, training group schedules). Also, the HR inspector at Euro LLC keeps records of work on training and advanced training of personnel, analyzes the quality indicators of training results and its effectiveness (changes in the professional qualifications and job composition of employees), and maintains established reporting. Takes measures to comply with labor discipline and labor regulations in the organization, the procedure for establishing benefits and assigning pensions, and preparing documents required for submission to the relevant authorities.

To properly perform job duties, the HR inspector must know:

Guiding and regulatory documents relating to work with personnel, issues of training and advanced training of employees;

Prospects for the development of the organization; regulations on the work of qualification and certification commissions; procedure for election (appointment) to positions;

Forms, types and methods of vocational guidance and vocational training;

Methods for planning training and advanced training of personnel, developing curricula, programs and other educational and methodological documentation;

Conditions of material support for employees sent for training;

The procedure for maintaining reports on personnel, training and advanced training of employees;

Fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Employment at Euro LLC is carried out on the basis of a concluded employment agreement (contract), presented in Appendix K. When applying for a job at a trade enterprise, the following documents must be provided:

Providing a work book completed in accordance with the established procedure;

Presentation of a passport proving identity;

A diploma or other document confirming the education received or a document confirming a specialty or qualification.

Employment without the specified documents will not be accepted. Employment at Euro LLC is usually carried out with a probationary period lasting from one to three months. Hiring is formalized by an order, which is announced to the employee against signature.

Termination of an employment contract can only take place on the grounds provided for by labor legislation. An employee has the right to terminate an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period by notifying the administration two weeks in advance. Upon expiration of the specified period of notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to stop working, and the administration is obliged to issue him a work book and make payments to him.

Entries about the reasons for dismissal in the work book must be made in strict accordance with the wording of the current legislation and with reference to the relevant article, paragraph of the law. The day of dismissal is considered the last day of work.

The administration of the trading enterprise Euro LLC is obliged to:

Comply with labor laws;

Properly organize the work of workers at their assigned workplaces, providing them with the necessary supplies and office equipment, creating healthy and safe working conditions that comply with labor protection rules (safety regulations, sanitary standards, fire regulations);

Ensure strict adherence to labor discipline, apply enforcement measures to violators of labor discipline;

Comply with the terms of remuneration stipulated in the employment contract,

Issue wages on time;

To assist employees in improving their qualifications and improving their professional skills.

The administration, in carrying out its duties, strives to create a highly professional, efficient team, develop corporate relations among employees and their interest in the development and strengthening of the activities of Euro LLC.

The culture of an enterprise is a habitual, traditional way of thinking and a way of acting that is shared to a greater or lesser extent by all employees of the enterprise and which must be learned and at least partially accepted by newcomers so that new members of the team become “one of their own.”

The culture of an organization should be understood as a unique set of norms, values, beliefs, behaviors, etc., which determine the way groups and individuals unite in an organization to achieve its goals.

Culture is the set of beliefs and expectations shared by members of an organization. These beliefs and expectations form the norms that largely determine the organizational behavior of individuals and groups.

Corporate culture is the unique characteristics of the perceived characteristics of an organization, what sets it apart from all others in the industry.

Organizational culture is not just one part of the problem, it is the problem itself as a whole. In our view, culture is not what an organization has, but what it is.

Culture is a set of important attitudes (often not formed) shared by members of a particular society.

Organizational culture is a set of basic assumptions invented, discovered, or developed by a group in order to learn to cope with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration. It is necessary for this complex to function for a long time, to confirm its validity, and therefore it must be passed on to new members of the organization as the “correct” way of thinking and feeling regarding the mentioned problems.

Culture in a metaphorical sense is one of the ways of carrying out organizational activities through the use of the language of folklore, traditions and other means of transmitting basic values, beliefs, ideologies, which directs the activities of enterprises in the right direction.

The organizational culture of Euro LLC combines both formal and informal structure of relationships between management and subordinates, i.e. presupposes friendly relations with them, but taking into account subordination. The work of the entire team is based on mutual support and mutual assistance. Employees of Euro LLC are promptly and fully informed about changes in the company and the results of their work, for which weekly general meetings are held at which successes and failures are analyzed, proposals for improving product quality and increasing sales are discussed.

Euro LLC has been operating at the enterprise since 2004. standard “Corporate Code of Euro LLC” (Appendix L), which reflects the following aspects: my working day, my workplace, my appearance, my mood, my behavior in the workplace.

This Euro LLC standard is set out and explained in detail in a brochure that introduces the new employee to the company, its history, products, organizational structure and the policies of each division. Having become fully acquainted with the company, employees are expected to behave in the best possible way to achieve the company's goals and perform their duties on their own initiative, even if there is no detailed job description.

It takes about eight months to equip new Euro LLC employees with technical or trade qualifications that meet the requirements of this standard, and to inspire them with the company's philosophy, goals and policies.

Every morning of the working day at Euro LLC begins with the company anthem.

The organizational culture of Euro LLC is closely related to staff motivation: healthy atmosphere; high moral and ethical principles.

The leaders of this company believe that if a person does not have goals and values, then there is no need to hire him. The company "Euro" LLC has its own leaders - this is the value and asset of this company, these are bright personalities who direct all their energy to achieving their goals or career growth.

The managers of Euro LLC believe that a thriving company should always be dynamic. One of the most important principles of the organizational culture of Euro LLC is constant change while maintaining the best.

The life credo of the company "Euro" LLC is - where there is unity, there is company.

2.3 Study of the motivation process at Euro LLC

The Euro LLC company uses motivating and stimulating methods. In addition to wages and bonuses, recently another type of monetary remuneration has become increasingly common for employees of Euro LLC - profit sharing. First of all, this applies to additional profits, up to 75% of which can go to sales personnel. Such payments are usually made monthly so that people can clearly see the concrete results of their efforts. The profit sharing system is limited by the fact that not all profit growth factors depend on the employee; It is difficult for company employees to compare their contribution to results, and, in addition, there is a risk of losing income. So at the same time there can be “sharing in losses”.

The company Euro LLC is characterized by such payments as bonuses - large one-time payments from profits 1-2 times a year, which interest them in making every effort to grow it. Bonuses are paid to sales employees for specific performance achievements. A sales representative receives a bonus for each order he develops that exceeds, for example, 10 thousand rubles. in accordance with the extensive payment matrix of bonuses developed at the trading enterprise, which is presented in table 2.5. The matrix is ​​built in such a way that the maximum possible bonus is difficult to achieve.

Table 2.5 – Payment matrix of bonuses at the company Euro LLC

A good effect is achieved by combining the payment matrix of bonuses with a percentage of revenue. Combining a bonus pay matrix with interest can be beneficial to both employer and employee. The dependence of wages on monthly output is shown in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 – Dependence of wages on monthly output

Also, the company Euro LLC applies a bonus using interest, as shown in table 2.7. In general, percentage, as the basis for calculating bonuses, provides a variety of opportunities for motivating various types of labor behavior of personnel.

Table 2.7 - Bonus payments using interest on LLC Euro"


Sales administrator

Sales Representative

Sales Manager

Sales manager

Head of regional network

A long service bonus is also a fairly common way to motivate employees of Euro LLC. Table 2.8 shows a bonus scheme designed in such a way that in the first years of work the employee quickly increases the percentage of the bonus.

Table 2.8 – Dependence of the bonus on length of service

A well-thought-out system of motivation for stimulating the work of Euro LLC employees allows you to control and effectively manage labor costs, while ensuring timely personnel training and, accordingly, the availability of the required qualified specialists, thereby increasing the competitiveness of your company. Since company personnel costs are a major expense for most modern organizations, their effective management is of fundamental importance to the overall success of the company.

The second requirement for an effective system is its transparency and objectivity: if the staff do not understand or know why they are being rewarded and how they can influence the size of their wages; if the criteria for assessing their activities are not objective or the assessment occurs voluntarily, and the criteria are constantly changing, the motivational effect will not be achieved.

The optimal motivation system is multi-motivating: its various components are designed for relevant aspects of the employee’s activities.

The motivation system always consists of two main blocks: material and non-material incentives. The types of material incentives used at a trading enterprise are presented in Appendix M.

Non-material incentives are aimed at increasing employee loyalty to the company while reducing the costs of compensating employees for their labor costs. Intangible incentives are understood as such incentives that are not given to the employee in the form of cash or non-cash funds, but may require investment from the company. The main effect achieved through non-material incentives is increasing the level of loyalty and interest of employees in the company. Traditionally, there are three groups of non-material incentives: those that do not require investment from the company; requiring investment and distributed without address, as well as companies requiring investment and distributed directly. Below is a list of the most commonly used non-financial incentives for these three groups.

Incentives that require investment from the company:

Happy birthday greetings (list of birthday people on the information stand, “warm” words, congratulations, a gift from all employees (“combined”). It is important that the birthday person is congratulated on behalf of the company by one of the company’s top managers;

- “showcase of success” or “honor board”. You can also post newspaper clippings that commend the work of company employees. Especially
it’s good if achievements are associated with the company’s goals and plan for the current

- a “sheet of shame” with the names of those who caused disruptions in work, grossly or maliciously violated the standards adopted by the company. In the latter case, you can post a table: “Situation - how employee “N” acted.” - what should have been done." Thus, the “sheet of shame” provides formalized feedback and allows others to learn from other people’s mistakes. It is better to encrypt the names and surnames on the “sheet of shame” so as not to cause too strong a blow to one’s pride

Pennants and cups for the best salesperson, best sales unit, best manager-sales representative team, best mentor, etc.
It is effective when the criteria for awarding a pennant or cup are objective,
accessible and known to everyone;

- “company legends” - employees who have been working in the company for a long time and have made a significant contribution to its formation and development or are the “face”

Prescribed criteria and stages of horizontal and vertical career growth (career ladder, chain of ranks within one position). Assigning an experienced employee to mentor a newcomer can also be considered as a career development option;

Personnel adaptation system - gives the new employee an idea of ​​the company, the criteria for successfully completing the probationary period and
his program of action for this period. A mentor helps a newbie get used to the
new place. All this increases the employee’s sense of security and helps
build employee loyalty starting from the first days of work in the company;

Including employees in the decision-making process. Surveys, questionnaires, discussions with employees of strategic plans or informing about their essence, consideration of their proposals;

Praise. Oral speech at general meetings and holidays, presentation of certificates, “set as an example.”

Incentives requiring investment, distributed without targeting.

Mainly, such incentives “work” to improve the quality of working life. This also includes the company’s efforts to organize in-house training and corporate events, arranging meals at the company’s expense, providing workers with travel tickets, providing uniforms, work clothes for specific workplaces (but not specific people), organizing high-quality medical care (health insurance), providing subscriptions to fitness centers.

Improving organizational and technical conditions in the workplace. Here
include: modernization of fixed assets (computer, car, etc.),
improvement of working conditions (air conditioning, heating, lighting,
sound insulation, etc., workplace ergonomics), design improvement, etc.
aesthetic aspects (office design, workplace, furniture).

Organization of training (both inside and outside the company). Corporate holidays. Foundation Day of the organization, New Year, professional and other holidays that are usually celebrated in the company. It is important that in addition to the entertainment program, there is also an official part dedicated to the successes of the company and employees. The entertainment part will be much more beneficial if it includes elements of developing corporate spirit.

Incentives requiring investment, distributed targeted:

When building this part of the motivation system, you should first conduct a survey or survey of staff about their preferences, about what would personally motivate each of them to work even better. The system in this part can have two subsections: this can be used by anyone who finds themselves in a certain situation or fulfills certain requirements and individual incentives;

Free financial assistance (birth of a child, wedding, serious illness of close relatives or their death);

Training at company expense. 100% tuition payment is ineffective -
the employee may not sufficiently appreciate the opportunity provided, negligently
attitude towards studying. The optimal ratio, in our opinion, is: 50% -
company, 50% - employee (naturally, in the case when the company
interested in the employee undergoing this training);

Full or partial payment for travel to a vacation spot or vacation itself;

Payment for vouchers for employees and members of their families for treatment, recreation, excursions, travel;

Assistance in placing employees’ children in holiday camps and educational institutions (kindergartens, schools);

Provision of official vehicles.

Thus, the main manifestations of personnel, the results of the motivation system that are important for increasing labor efficiency, and the ways in which this can be achieved were reviewed and compared.

To study the job satisfaction of the personnel of Euro LLC and the main motivational factors at the trading enterprise, an annual survey is carried out using the questionnaire presented in Appendix N.

The questionnaire consists of the following sections:

2. Questions that determine the degree of satisfaction with the specialty and work.

3. A group of questions identifying labor factors (position, salary, training and other motivational factors); working conditions in the broad sense at the enterprise, etc.

4. Questions; elucidating the general factors of socialization of the individual (education, social origin, marital status, conditions of upbringing, etc.)

5. A group of questions clarifying the attitude towards work as a social value.

Of all the personnel working at Euro LLC, 30 employees were interviewed. The survey results revealed that not everyone is satisfied with their salaries. 80% of respondents want to improve their professional level on the job. This will allow them to advance in their careers, which will lead to higher salaries.

In addition, the questionnaire includes questions that are not included in the named semantic sections, but have independent significance in the study of motives for work activity and indirectly influence attitudes towards work.

In general, the information obtained allows us to characterize the attitude of employees to work, as well as to determine the most significant factors that shape one or another of their attitudes to work.

IMPROVING labor management

resources and motivation process at LLC "EURO"

One of the criteria for motivating labor resources is advanced training and training of the organization’s personnel.

Organizations must constantly take care of improving the qualifications of their company's personnel. One way to achieve this goal is to recruit and select the most qualified and capable new employees. However, this is not enough. Management must also conduct systematic education and training programs for employees to help them realize their full potential in the organization to enhance its future competitiveness.

Due to the fact that Euro LLC was organized in 2003, i.e. three years ago, and the period for advanced training is expiring, there is an urgent need for staff training.

The company's personnel strategy, which involves personnel training, makes it possible to strengthen the company's competitiveness and improve its financial results by increasing labor productivity and improving employee qualifications. The ultimate goal of training is to ensure that your organization has enough people with the skills and abilities needed to achieve the organization's goals.

I propose that the Euro LLC enterprise carry out systematic work with personnel, with a reserve for nomination, which should be based on such organizational forms as preparing candidates for nomination according to individual plans, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions. After all, the share of young workers in management positions is more than 80%.

Professional training should cover both newly hired employees to speed up the process of their adaptation, and employees who must have new responsibilities; in this case we are talking about improving the qualifications of personnel.

The need for training can be clarified during the selection process of candidates, during induction, during certification, and from ongoing conversations. I offer the main areas of professional training and staff development:

Primary training in accordance with the objectives of the enterprise and the specifics of the work;

Training to bridge the gap between job requirements and personal qualities;

Training to improve general qualifications;

Training to work in new areas of organizational development;

Training to master new techniques and methods of performing labor operations.

Training of employees within the organization at Euro LLC begins from the first day of work and is carried out in several stages.

The first stage of training a new employee of the company begins directly at the workplace in the human resources department, in this case, as a personnel inspector, merchandiser and security chief according to the following scheme.

Introductory training is carried out with the supermarket merchandiser, section managers, salespeople, technical staff, and HR inspector.

The mentoring method involves assigning the trainee to experienced and qualified employees in accordance with their workplace. Induction training includes familiarization with job responsibilities, the workplace, the company’s corporate code, as well as the standard of appearance for Euro LLC employees. Newly hired employees of the Euro LLC office are familiarized with the rules of communication between an employee and a manager, and then receive reminders.

Next, the employee is given a safety briefing by the head of the security service of the trading enterprise, which includes familiarization with the general security system of Euro LLC, the security alarm system, rules of conduct in emergency and extreme situations, and liability for violation of safety regulations.

Employees whose work is directly related to computer and office equipment (computers, scanners, printers, faxes, etc.) are instructed by the system administrator who oversees the operation of Euro LLC information systems.

The second stage of training for an employee being hired is an interview, which includes intellectual testing and a conversation about the employee’s goals, plans, credo, leisure time and other general issues. The interview, depending on the employee’s position, can also be conducted by a human resources inspector or a supermarket director.

The third stage of training for a potential company employee is an on-the-job internship. Internships at Euro LLC should be used for the purpose of training specialists and managers in new skills and knowledge necessary to perform the job, in order to broaden their understanding of the work to be performed. An employee on an internship observes how experienced specialists of a trading company work and performs certain tasks under their guidance. The purpose of the internship is to more quickly and completely master work skills and the employee’s readiness to solve a wide range of professional tasks, which ultimately helps to increase the competitiveness of the Euro LLC company.

The HR inspector determines the date and time of the start of the internship and appoints a responsible person to carry out the training. The internship period lasts from three to five days.

Euro LLC also uses such a method of personnel training as work rotation of personnel within a trading enterprise. The rotation method consists of moving an ordinary employee, specialist or manager from one area (department, warehouse, etc.) of work to another within the supermarket in order to become familiar with new areas of work and with different departments. The length of stay in each department is also determined by the personnel inspector on a case-by-case basis.

For professional training of trade personnel (salespeople, section managers, etc.) external instructors are invited to Euro LLC stores to give lectures on-the-job. The training program for salespeople at Euro LLC is presented in Appendix P.

Independent learning is more typical for the management team of the trading enterprise Euro LLC. This training method involves the use by the manager of special methodological and periodical literature to train personnel. In self-training of management personnel, magazines such as “Human Resources Management”, “Training and Career”, “Business Sphere”, etc. should be used.

Thus, on-the-job training allows a company employee to quickly adapt to the team, to the profession, to feel connected to the company’s values, to identify his strengths and weaknesses in his professional activities and, as a result, to build plans for his own development in the profession, which, in turn, is positive. affects the image of a trading company.

The need for off-the-job training at Euro LLC is associated primarily with the great opportunities for such categories of employees as store director, chief accountant, merchandise experts and other specialists that this form of training represents. From the standpoint of increasing the competitiveness of a trading enterprise, the form of personnel training outside the workplace is not beneficial for all categories of employees of Euro LLC, for example, for employees of a retail trade network, in particular section managers, salespeople, cashiers and other employees. The disadvantages of this form of training come down to the fact that it lacks immersion in the specifics of the activities of a trading enterprise and all the methods of a general theoretical nature that cannot be worked out in practice. Also, training by external companies implies a long separation from work, the impossibility of on-the-job training, and the impossibility of subsequent monitoring of the company’s trained personnel.

For the personnel of a trading enterprise sent for training, the main tasks are:


Obtaining additional knowledge and skills not directly related to the main professional activity;

Development of communication abilities and self-organization skills.

When choosing a form of training, the HR inspector at Euro LLC diagnoses the need for training and determines the request for training. During diagnostics, it determines the following parameters:

Number of employees requiring training;

- “type” of employees (managers, specialists, employees or sales personnel);

Depth (fundamentality, level of special knowledge, etc.) of training;

Duration of the educational program, etc.

Euro LLC places high demands on the quality of personnel training to maintain the image of the trading enterprise and enhance its competitiveness.

When recruiting new personnel or, if necessary, improving the qualifications of employees of the Euro LLC supermarket, they should be sent to training on the product or production processes at corporate training centers or business schools, away from work. In the latter case, general training is added to the technical training - on sales, communication with clients.

To improve the image of the trading enterprise Euro LLC from the standpoint of its competitiveness, it is necessary to constantly improve the training system for labor reserves.

In order to take into account both short-term and long-term needs of employees for professional training, a strategic goal in the field of personnel training for the trading enterprise Euro LLC was proposed, such as the creation of a training and analytical center for distance learning in real time, responsible for professional training. The work of the analytical center for personnel training will be aimed at increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of work of sales personnel.

Work on training and advanced training of Euro LLC personnel must be structured in accordance with the subsequently approved regulations, which indicate the main areas of training and the procedure for training and advanced training.

I also suggest using employee training within the organization. Internal training can be carried out on-site or off-site.

The center responsible for personnel training should be equivalent to an auxiliary department and have a low status. The analytical center must be part of the personnel service of Euro LLC, and its head must be a personnel inspector and report directly to the director of the supermarket. This center (department) may consist of two or three staff members (a manager, one or two consultants), and consultants can also be invited from outside during a seminar, training, business or role-playing game, etc.

Thus, on the basis of the in-house personnel training system of the trading enterprise Euro LLC, a subject-oriented learning environment should be created that will allow us to quickly, taking into account changes occurring in the global market, improve the process of training specialists of any profile.
For the Euro LLC company, the creation of an intensive training system should begin with the formation of a system of teaching methods, ensuring its compliance with the content of educational material based on the use of the capabilities of modern educational technologies.

As one of the most effective forms of intensive training of personnel of the trading enterprise Euro LLC, it is necessary to consider a distance learning form based on the active use of the capabilities of computer technology and telecommunication networks.

It should be noted that in domestic practice the term “distance learning” is usually identified with one of the forms of correspondence education. In this case, the form of distance learning is a more advanced form of training for company personnel. This form of training is based on the possibilities of on-line communication and training with personnel in the characteristic processes of trade and production activities without distracting them from their official duties for a long time.

Distance learning is based on the use of the capabilities of new information technologies - ISDN and the Internet, since at present it is necessary to move away from traditional forms of stationary learning to telelearning directly from the workplaces of company employees equipped with personal computers - telelearning, which is one of the forms of distance communication along with with such as television business, television publishing, teleconsulting. This will significantly raise the company’s rating in a competitive environment, and will further strengthen its competitiveness by enhancing the company’s image.

A trading company has a telecommunications network that can allow training with the involvement of external consultants from any city to conduct seminars and trainings using the latest techniques and technologies via the Internet. The form of distance learning is reasonable, since training of company personnel will take place without interruption from work, but only an hour or two a day.

In general, the distance learning form for personnel will allow:

Significantly reduce financial expenses (no travel expenses, transportation expenses, expenses for food, accommodation for students, etc.);

Save the working time of trade enterprise personnel for training and solving production issues;

Increase the quality of education.

Distance learning should be conducted in an interactive mode to enable a teacher or consultant conducting one or another form of remote communication (teleconference, teleconsulting, etc.) to remotely analyze the quality of students, decisions made, promptly give the necessary advice and recommendations, request the required answers and reports, perform in training mode the functions of a higher or interacting organization.

In addition, when choosing a distance learning form, employees of a trading company working online have the opportunity to conduct prompt consultations with each other.

Thus, distance learning, as one of the most effective components of the system of intensive personnel training, allows you to simulate the functioning of the company’s activities with maximum approximation and reliability, while simultaneously exercising constant monitoring and management of the training actions used. In addition, the use of the technology discussed above makes it possible to form a unified information space in the field of vocational training not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also within the framework of foreign cooperation.

To increase the level of staff satisfaction, the organization’s administration needs to:

Combine the correct organization of labor of workers at their assigned workplaces;

To assist employees in improving their qualifications and improving professional skills;

Strive to create a highly professional team, develop corporate culture and employee interest in the development and strengthening of the company in market conditions.

At the trading enterprise Euro LLC, much attention is paid to methods for improving labor resource management.

Since the enterprise began operating in 2003, mandatory personnel certification has been introduced. When certifying personnel, a system of state standards is used - GOST R 51000.1-95, TOST R 51000.2-95, GOST R 51000.9-97, state, professional standards and the main provisions of the personnel certification system. In the process of personnel certification, the compliance of professional training and production experience with the requirements for a specific category of personnel is verified. This compliance is determined on the basis of regulatory documents for this category of personnel. Certification is carried out by experts from the employee certification system. The widespread development of the personnel certification system at the Euro LLC enterprise is intended to help improve the quality of service to the population.

To improve the labor resource management system, for their training and education, the introduction of new technology, the sale of modern goods, and the growth of communication capabilities also play a very important role. In this regard, the necessary results of improving management cannot be achieved only against the background of basic education.

The trading company Euro LLC pays great attention to motivational and stimulating factors that help increase the efficiency of commercial activities, reduce staff turnover and improve the psychological climate in the team.

The effectiveness of motivation depends on the extent to which the strategic goals of the organization are realized through the motivation of personnel. In turn, the motivation of employees is determined by how fully the trading enterprise ensures the satisfaction of their basic needs. Therefore, the main meaning of motivation is to connect the interests of the employee with the strategic objectives of the organization. The economic efficiency of motivation includes solving the problems facing the organization. It depends on the correct and efficient use of labor resources. Motivation orients employees towards those actions that are necessary for the organization.

Motivation solves the following tasks of the trading enterprise Euro LLC:

a) attracting personnel to the organization;

b) retention of employees in it;

c) stimulating the behavior of sales employees (productivity, creativity, dedication to the organization, etc.);

d) reduction of cost indicators.

Motivational management is certainly one of the most effective types of modern labor resource management. It represents management in which key priorities are given to motivating creative, productive, proactive and professional human activity.

With all the breadth of methods with which you can motivate employees, the manager must choose how to stimulate each employee to fulfill the main task - the survival of the company in fierce competition. If this choice is made successfully, then the leader gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many people and jointly realize the potential capabilities of the team for the benefit of the prosperity of his organization, and society as a whole.

At the trading enterprise Euro LLC, great attention is paid to training sales personnel as one of the main factors in increasing the efficiency of labor management, since in modern conditions highly qualified personnel are the main indicator of the image and, accordingly, the high rating of any company, firm and enterprise.

Comparing the effectiveness of training in external educational institutions and inside the trading enterprise Euro LLC, one can note greater effectiveness when training within the organization - “integrated training”. In addition, the intensity of training can be significantly increased by combining training and organizational development programs.

That is why a modern form of on-the-job training of labor resources was proposed - a distance learning form based on the active use of the capabilities of computer technology and telecommunication networks.

A trading company has a telecommunications network that can allow training with the involvement of external consultants from any city to conduct seminars and trainings using the latest techniques and technologies via the Internet. The form of distance learning is reasonable, since training of company personnel will take place without interruption from work, but only an hour or two a day.

We will calculate the costs of creating a training and analytical center using distance learning. Table 4.1 identifies the cost items for the month of operation of the training and analytical center of the trading enterprise Euro LLC.

Table 4.1 – Determination of monthly expense items


Amount, rub.

1. Fixed expenses, including:

2. Renovation of the vacant premises

3. Salaries of department employees

4. Payroll accruals

5. Telephone and Internet charges

6. Electricity costs

7. Depreciation charges:

8. 1) equipment

9. 2) building

10. 3) transport

11. 8. Variable expenses (for the first month), including:

12. 9. Costs for distance learning (Internet, computer software, etc.)

Continuation of Table 4.1


Amount, rub.

11. Other unaccounted expenses

1. Fixed expenses.

Salaries for employees of the training and analytical center of Euro LLC.

Head of the training and analytical center - 8000.0 rubles.

Consultant of the training and analytical center 2 people. (6,000.0 rub.) – 12,000 rubles.

Total: The total salary of employees of the training and analytical department is 20,000 rubles.

Deductions from wages for 2006 contributions will be:

To the pension fund - 28%;

To the social insurance fund - 5.4%;

To the compulsory health insurance fund - 3.6%:

To the employment fund - 1.5%;

For the needs of educational institutions - 1%;

Transport tax – 1%.

Total: Deductions from wages will be 40.5% - 8100 rubles

(40.5% of RUB 20,000).

Depreciation deductions:

Depreciation of equipment (inventory, room furniture) is 10% of the book value of the equipment per year - 7780.00 rubles, and per month - 648.3 rubles;

Depreciation of the building in which the educational and analytical department is located is 3.5% of the book value per year, i.e. 3.5% from 630,000.00 rub. - 22050.00 rubles, and per month - 1837.5 rubles;

Depreciation of transport is 8% of the book value per year, since the company department has at its disposal one Oka car worth 80,000 rubles, then 8% of 80,000 rubles. - 6400 rubles, and per month - 533.3 rubles.

Total: depreciation charges per month will be 3019.0 rubles.

(648,3 + 1 837,5 + 533,3)

2. Variable expenses (calculated per month of department activity).

Costs for distance learning:

Expenses for the purchase of additional computers and use

Internet network - 173,300.0 rubles;

Computer equipment repair - 7819.0 rubles;

Stationery - 2250.0 rubles;

Auxiliary equipment - 5530.0 rubles;

Total: costs for consumables amounted to 188,899.0 rubles.

Value added tax (VAT) is 20%, and the tax base is the increase in value, i.e. wages + depreciation + net profit (but since the first month of activity of the training and analytical department is calculated, it should be noted that net profit from the activities of this department is not expected in the first month) Therefore:

20,000.0 + 3,019.0 = 23,019.0 rubles;

20% of 23019.0 = 4603.8 rubles.

The total amount of fixed expenses was 53,259.3 rubles.

The total amount of variable expenses amounted to 216,502.8 rubles

Having analyzed this material, we can conclude that in today’s rapidly changing market environment, companies or other enterprises can only achieve success if they manage to raise labor management methods to a qualitatively new level.

Thus, the trading enterprise Euro LLC is forced to work flexibly, creating new systems of relationships both with business partners and with its employees, developing strategies that are adequate to the changes taking place, revising priorities in human resources management and the use of modern forms of personnel training.

Since the important characteristics of human resource management of an enterprise are the level of education of personnel, their professionalism and ability to work in a team, professional training and retraining of personnel, from a competitive standpoint, acquires strategic importance. Personnel training in such conditions becomes one of the main keys to success, as it allows the transition to professional technologies, including in the field of management.

Thus, human resources management at the trading enterprise Euro LLC can be characterized by high responsibility, good quality of personnel work with each employee of the enterprise, which allows achieving increased financial results.

As a result of a personnel policy that involves personnel training, the company’s financial performance will improve and the organization’s competitiveness will increase.

As a result of professional training for newly hired employees, the period of adaptation to the new workplace will be reduced.

Control over personnel records management, compliance with labor discipline, internal regulations and labor legislation will be strengthened.

Knowledge of job descriptions and rules of behavior in extreme situations will be strengthened, which leads to the preservation of the health and life of the employee.

Familiarity and increased productivity due to employees' possession of computer equipment (PCs, printers, scanners, faxes...) increases the intellectual level of employees, resulting in improved communication with customers and increased sales levels.

Internship at the workplace expands the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, their readiness to solve a wide range of professional tasks, which ultimately helps to increase the competitiveness of the organization.

As a result of personnel rotation within the organization, i.e. By moving ordinary employees, specialists or managers from one site to another within the company, the organization receives economic benefits, since it does not spend money on searching and selecting employees from external sources.

Thus, the process of modernizing knowledge and skills must be constant, which is why the management of the trading enterprise Euro LLC was faced with the task of forming a training and analytical center that could organize and use more advanced forms of training using new methods and technologies in order to improve management labor resources.


Limited Liability Company "Euro" is an economic company and belongs to commercial organizations. The company was created and established on the basis of decision No. 1 of the sole founder dated June 20, 2003. The charter of the company was approved and brought in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Limited Liability Companies” and current legislation. The company is a legal entity, has separate property, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, performs duties, and can be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The Company has an independent balance sheet and opens current and other accounts in any financial and credit institutions, both in rubles and in foreign currency. The company has a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of its location, and also has stamps and forms with its company name, its own emblem. The Company carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and constituent documents. Location and postal address of the company: Russian Federation 432035 Ulyanovsk, Gaya Avenue, 100.

Legal regulation of enterprises’ activities is characterized by the following prerequisites:

Conclusion of a collective agreement at the request of a trade union (its authorized body), another representative body authorized by employees, or directly a general meeting (conference) of the labor collective.

Work collectives of enterprises have different scope of competence, depending on whether it is a state (municipal) or private enterprise. The workforce of the enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form:

Resolves the issue of the need to conclude a collective agreement with the administration. Reviews and approves its project;

Considers and resolves issues of self-government of the labor collective in accordance with the charter of the enterprise;

Determines the list and procedure for providing employees of enterprises with social benefits from labor funds;

Determines and regulates the forms and conditions of activity at the enterprise for political parties, religious and other public organizations.

The requirement to take into account the interests of labor collectives and hired workers during the implementation of business activities means, in the context of the implementation of various forms of ownership, the need to respect the interests of workers and entrepreneurs. Already at the very beginning of the economic reforms for the transition to the market, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1991 raised the question of a system of social partnership in the field of social and labor relations and the resolution of labor conflicts. This system includes the conclusion of agreements at three levels: the Government, national trade unions and entrepreneurs; sectoral government bodies, trade unions and employers (sectoral tariff agreements); collective agreements of labor collectives and enterprises.

Legal regulation of business activities is characterized by the following prerequisites:

Registration of relations with each hired employee in accordance with labor legislation and compliance with the established guarantees in the contract;

Conclusion of a collective agreement at the request of an authorized body, another representative body authorized by employees, or directly a general meeting of the labor collective.

The need to draw up an employment agreement with each employee on the basis of labor legislation means that the employment contract must comply with the law and, in any case, not reduce the level of employee guarantees below those established by law. These are, in particular, the requirements for the minimum wage, occupational safety and health, and compliance with working hours. Annual paid leave, weekends and holidays in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The most important task and responsibility of any enterprise is to ensure the safety of workers during production activities. The main requirements are listed in Article 9. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection.

The enterprise's labor protection fund is determined by the collective agreement. It is stipulated that the labor protection fund formed by the enterprise should be spent exclusively on improving the health of workers and improving their working conditions. Enterprises that use the funds of these funds for other purposes are required to fully reimburse the funds spent to the specified enterprise fund and pay a fine to the Federal Labor Protection Fund in the amount of up to 100 percent of the funds spent for other purposes.

The principles of labor protection also provide for the creation of state and public bodies for supervision and control of labor protection, for which competence is established to freely visit enterprises, obtain the necessary information, investigate accidents, and issue mandatory instructions.

Norms that require enterprises to ensure compliance with the terms of the collective agreement are also aimed at protecting the rights of labor collectives and their employees.

Art. 25 of the Law “On Collective Bargains and Agreements” establishes the employer’s liability for evading participation in negotiations to conclude, amend or supplement a collective agreement.

Collective agreements formalize the interaction between workers and employers on social issues. It may include mutual obligations of the employer and employees to:

The form, system and amount of remuneration, monetary rewards, benefits, compensation, additional payments;

The mechanism for regulating wages taking into account inflation, fulfillment of indicators determined by the collective agreement;

Duration of working time and rest time, vacations;

Improving working conditions and labor protection for workers, including women and youth;

Voluntary medical and social insurance;

Monitoring the implementation of the collective agreement, the responsibility of the parties to social partnership.

The employment contract may also contain other conditions, including more preferential labor and socio-economic conditions compared to the level of guarantees enshrined in the law.

In conclusion, it can be noted that relations between the state and trading enterprises are built today on the basis of economic measures that ensure optimal efficiency of economic relations.


A qualitatively new level of economic development cannot be achieved without the effective use of personnel of enterprises and firms of all forms of ownership. In modern conditions, enterprises and organizations have the right to independently form personnel and manage labor resources. This places high demands on the development of personnel policies and the use of human resources in each organization. From the point of view of modern management, improving the use of human resources is usually considered as the main reserve for increasing the efficiency of economic activity.

This diploma project was completed at the trading enterprise Euro LLC. The main purpose of the study is to familiarize yourself with the organization of the enterprise's personnel management system, its strengths and weaknesses, and ways of further improvement. Numerous examples can be given of the correct improvement of personnel management at a given enterprise and, consequently, the effective use of “human resources”. From the presented material the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Personnel management at Euro LLC is becoming one of the most important factors for the survival of enterprises in market conditions.

2. A personnel management center is necessary at this enterprise, and the role of the head of this service is increasing.

3. Personnel planning as a tool for targeted and effective work with personnel is an integral part of the strategy and tactics for the survival and development of an enterprise in market relations. The development of production increasingly requires planning for its staffing.

4. The effective use of “human resources” is preceded by the selection and selection of enterprise personnel. This issue is given greater attention in the organization of Euro LLC. An error in personnel selection entails a chain of unforeseen complications in the operation of the enterprise associated with the possible relocation and sometimes dismissal of an employee.

The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of teams and ensuring high quality personnel potential are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness. Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, will be constantly in the focus of attention of management in the near future. In the future, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the content and working conditions will become more important than material interest.

At the Euro LLC enterprise, great importance is attached to the efficiency of human resources management, since effective personnel management is not a matter of simple manipulation of people. It means understanding the importance of human resources and treating people with respect. Personnel management is an area of ​​knowledge and practical activity aimed at ensuring the timely organization of personnel work and the correct placement of personnel. Increasing efficiency means getting better results with less cost.

Thus, the effectiveness of labor management at the trading enterprise Euro LLC can be characterized by responsibility, good quality, personnel work with each employee of the enterprise, which allows achieving increased financial results in the company’s commercial activities.

I would like to make some proposals for further improvement of labor management of the trading enterprise Euro LLC:

1. Constantly work on the goals and objectives of personnel planning.

2. Continuously increase labor productivity and staff wages.

3. Improve the methods and criteria for selecting labor resources of the trading enterprise Euro LLC

4. Strengthen the services in the management structure that work for the market and, therefore, improve the research work of the labor resource management system.

5. To further improve the labor resource management system at the Euro LLC enterprise through professional training and the use of progressive forms and methods of motivation and stimulation.

6. Use a systematic approach to human resources management at the trading enterprise Euro LLC.

7. Constantly improve the efficiency of labor resource management at the trading enterprise Euro LLC.

8. Pay close attention to planning and profit forecasting, with the help of which you can achieve a high level of profitability and efficiency of the enterprise.


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Labor is the process of transforming natural resources into material, intellectual and spiritual benefits, carried out and (or) controlled by a person either under coercion (administrative, economic), or through internal motivation, or both.

Labor resources (labor) are the totality of the physical and mental abilities of people used by them in the process of creating economic benefits.

If we consider the management of human (labor) resources at the micro level (of the organization), then labor resources themselves are the asset of a production organization, as a resource that (like other resources) must be effectively used to achieve goals. With this approach, employees are viewed as a source of unused reserves.

All these socio-economic categories are reflected in the concept of labor management.

Human resources are a concept that reflects the main wealth of any society, the prosperity of which is possible by creating conditions for the reproduction, development, and use of this resource, taking into account the interests of each person.

The concept of “human resources” is more capacious than “labor resources” and “personnel”, since it contains a set of sociocultural characteristics and personal and psychological properties of people. The main task in the labor sphere is the more efficient use of labor resources. At the same time, an increase in the volume of working time, its uniform use throughout the year and all-round labor savings must be ensured.

If we consider the management of human (labor) resources at the micro level (of the organization), then labor resources themselves are the asset of a production organization, as a resource that (like other resources) must be effectively used to achieve goals. With this approach, employees are viewed as a source of unused reserves. Most often, human resource management is interpreted as the mobilization of employees through the active work of managers. The following approaches are used for this:

Attitude towards labor as a source of income for the organization;

Creating space for each employee to work so that he can make his personal contribution to the common cause;

Active social policy.

The practical policy of many enterprises in the field of labor resources is based on the theory of human capital, i.e. a person is considered as the most important type of capital of a company, and the costs of remuneration, creation of favorable operating conditions, training and retraining, and advanced training are considered as a special type of investment. According to this theory, differences in wages are determined by unequal investments in human capital across categories of workers. As a result of an increase in such investments, the income of workers increases, and the economic performance of the company improves.

There are potential and actually used labor resources. The latter characterize the real functioning of the labor potential of the working population. Labor resources as an economic category express the economic relations that develop in society at a certain stage of its development

Despite the generally recognized relevance of the issue of labor management and the frequent use of this term in the literature, its very content is interpreted differently.

According to K. Marx, “any directly social or joint labor carried out on a relatively large scale needs management that establishes consistency between individual works and performs general functions arising from the movement of the entire production organism as opposed to its independent organs.”

Essentially, no distinction is made here between production management and labor management, since the latter is considered extremely broadly.

1. Relations between people regarding participation in social work.

2. Development of people and work collectives, expanded reproduction of the workforce.

3. The process of labor as a purposeful activity.

The subsystems of labor management are:

1. Formation, preparation and distribution of labor resources.

2. Labor productivity.

3. Nature of work.

5. Cooperation, division and change of labor.

6. Remuneration for labor according to its quantity, quality, measure of labor

The concept of “labor management” cannot be reduced to the management of labor resources and labor force due to the following fundamental objections:

1. In addition to labor power, the labor process also presupposes the presence of other elements - the subject of labor and the means of labor. In this sense, labor management should be broader than the management of labor and labor resources.

2. The labor process is carried out only by combining labor power with the means of production, and, therefore, the management of labor in this sense of the concepts already discussed above.

Thus, the concepts of “labor management” and “labor resource management” are not identical, although they overlap in terms of the use of labor. Such a limitation of the scope of labor management by labor activity itself is justified both logically and practically, since the effectiveness of the interaction of elements of a simple labor process and the functional dependencies that describe this interaction are not given enough attention in the economic literature. Thus, the category “labor management” receives its own content, different from the previously discussed categories.

A detailed description of the subject of labor management involves the study of the elements of the structure of a simple labor process - the subject of labor, means of labor and labor power, which, when combined, form the labor process itself, the result of which is the creation of value and use value. Labor management, like any complex system, is characterized by the presence of emergent properties, i.e. properties that appear only in the interrelation of elements, while being absent in each individual of them. Therefore, it is necessary, in addition to the elements of the labor process, to identify the connections generated by their interaction. In addition, it is important to take into account external influences on the system (the situation on the regional labor market, legislative acts, etc.), which can lead to significant shifts in the functioning of the system.

Labor management is influenced by a number of factors. Firstly, this is a change in the technical and technological conditions of the labor process, this includes: automation of production, integration of science with production, the formation of deep information connections, the transition from mass production to individualized.

Next are changes in the human factor of production, such as increasing the role of qualified personnel, increasing the general educational level, increasing the cost of labor and the quality of “human resources”, the complication and crisis of labor motivation, and the increasing role of intelligence in work.

Changing economic and socio-political conditions also leave an imprint on labor management. This is expressed in the expansion of the variety of forms of entrepreneurship, in closer contact with consumers, in the internationalization of economic business, in the regulation of labor relations by the state, in the development of forms of cooperation between entrepreneurs.

The development of market relations also influences the development of theoretical thought in the labor management system. A new management paradigm is now emerging. A person is considered as the main resource of an enterprise, which primarily determines the success of the entire enterprise.

Labor potential, i.e. that which is directly related to the quality of performance of labor functions and labor efficiency is formed on the basis of specialized investments in human capital both from the organization and the employee himself. Awareness of the necessary need for highly qualified specialists suggests that the investment nature aimed at improving the labor potential of the organization is determined primarily by the implementation of strategic goals and objectives. Consequently, such labor relations are complementary in nature, reflecting the interdependence of income and losses.

The labor resources of organizations are the object of constant attention from management. The role of labor resources increases significantly in market conditions. The investment nature of production, its high knowledge intensity, and the priority of product quality issues have changed the requirements for employees and increased the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This led to significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of personnel management in the enterprise.

The labor resources of enterprises, both in terms of their numbers, structure, and professional and qualification composition, are formed under the influence of technical, technological, organizational, economic, social and demographic factors. The qualitative composition of labor resources is determined by general education, special and scientific training, qualifications of workers, their age composition, work experience, creative attitude to work, etc. Taking into account the influence of each group of factors on the formation of the number and composition of the labor resources of enterprises seems to be very important for improving the mechanism for the formation of these resources.

Since labor resource management is a specific mechanism that allows regulating basic social and labor relations in the process of their formation and use, as well as in a variety of ways for selected goals and tasks to be solved, the most significant, most significant connections and relationships are identified and find proper justification in the underlying its basis is the principles (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Principles of labor resource management in the context of sustainable development of a market economy

Control principle



Shifting management decisions from central government labor management bodies to local authorities. Limits the use of labor resources and is differentiated depending on the labor needs of a particular region


The ability of the labor resource management system to flexibly respond to ongoing changes in the external environment, which is directly related to the ability of market economic entities to form the necessary qualitative and quantitative composition at a specific point in time


Redistribution of financial resources for the most rational and efficient formation and use of labor resources within the framework of the region’s labor supply


Redistribution of functions of subjects of federal, regional and municipal government, as well as the provision of resources to each function

Indicative planning

Orients society and the state to achieve real goals in the formation of a quality workforce, using economic, political, legal, administrative and other levers for this purpose


The ability to self-preserve and restore balance sheet stability, conditioned by the impact of external (world) and internal labor markets on the system of formation of labor resources in accordance with given parameters

Structural and organizational

Unity of the system of state management of labor resources with horizontal (legislative, executive, judicial) and vertical division (federal, regional). Ensures integrity, consistency and consistency of workforce management processes

A person’s ability to work is reflected in the concept of labor power. It is defined as the totality of the physical and spiritual abilities of the human body and personality used in the production of goods and services. A more detailed idea of ​​the capabilities and abilities of the workforce is given by the concept of labor potential as a generalizing characteristic of the personal factor of production.

At the same time, the concepts of labor resources, labor force and labor potential, in essence, are not aimed at studying the individual qualities of a person as a worker and an individual. Therefore, a more natural concept is a working person as an individualized element of labor resources, the owner of the workforce, the owner of labor potential.

Labor management in an enterprise means managing an employee in the labor process. The mechanism of labor management comes down to managing the labor process. The result of labor will be a criterion for the effectiveness of labor management, that is, the product of labor is, first of all, the result of labor management. The criteria for the effectiveness of personnel management can be the growth of labor productivity, production profitability, and the competitiveness of the enterprise. The connection between labor management and the result of labor is direct, and the connection between personnel management and the result of labor is mediated by labor.

Based on the foregoing, it seems possible to define as the goal of labor management the achievement of the most effective use of the labor potential of both the organization as a whole and the individual employee.

Thus, there is a close positive relationship between labor management and personnel management. In order for the labor process to be carried out effectively, qualified personnel and an increase in the labor potential of the organization are necessary. There is, in turn, a positive feedback between achieving the effectiveness of the personnel management system and the development of labor potential. The labor potential of enterprises depends on the economic growth of the organization, since there are more opportunities for investment in human capital in a successful organization.

The subject of relations in the labor management system is the organization's personnel. He enters into relationships regarding standardization, incentives, planning, motivation of work, its evaluation, etc. Only comprehensive management of this system provides the ability to manage the work of the organization’s personnel. It follows that the content of labor management includes the management of subjects and objects - all types of labor relations: economic, legal, technological, etc. Through these types of relationships, the labor behavior of social and professional groups of personnel, personnel of the entire organization and its structural divisions is formed.

Thus, the object is the labor relations of employees in the organization, and the subjects of labor relations are the management and personnel of the organization. The immediate goal of labor management at an enterprise is to manage the labor behavior of personnel, the ultimate goal is to achieve the goals of the organization. Structurally, the labor management system in an organization is represented by a managing (managerial corps of the organization) and managed (staff) subsystems. These managerial relations develop between them. Consequently, the labor management system in an organization expresses the relationship between the organization's managers and its staff regarding the regulation and functioning of the labor relations system.

Stages of human resources management in an enterprise

The process of human resource management in an enterprise will be effective only if there is a strategy, as well as the relationship between strategy, policy and management system. At the same time, it is important that the goals are set correctly and the human resource management system is built in such a way as to work towards achieving this goal.

The most important means of increasing the efficiency of an enterprise’s functioning is a scientifically based system of personnel selection and labor resource management, which includes the following stages:

Resource Planning: Developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

Selection: assessing candidates for jobs and selecting the best from the pool created during recruitment.

Recruitment: creating a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

Determining Salaries and Benefits: Developing salary and benefit structures to attract, recruit, and retain employees.

Career guidance and adaptation: introducing hired workers into the organization and its divisions, developing an understanding among employees of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

Training: Developing a program to teach the job skills required to perform a job effectively.

Assessment of work activity: development of methods for assessing work activity and bringing it to the employee.

Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal.

Training of management personnel, management of career advancement.

Fig. 1.1 Stages of human resource management in an enterprise

1) Resource planning

Resource planning is a purposeful, scientifically based activity of an organization aimed at providing jobs at the right time and in the required quantity in accordance with the abilities, inclinations of employees and the requirements.

Workforce planning is a complex task involving a large number of independent variables - new inventions, population changes, resistance to change, consumer demand, government intervention in business, foreign competition and, above all, competition in the domestic market.

HR planning must include feedback because if the plan cannot be implemented, there is often a need to adjust the company's objectives to make them feasible from a human resource perspective.

HR planning goals

HR planning goals should be formulated systematically. This includes the goals of the organization and the goals of its people. When planning goals, it is necessary to take into account legal regulations as well as the underlying principles of the organization's policies. The goals and objectives of personnel planning are schematically presented in Figure 1.2

Rice. 1.2. Goals and objectives of personnel planning of the organization

The stages of the goal planning process are: search for goals, analysis of goals and their ranking, assessment of implementation opportunities, selection and implementation of goals, control and revision (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Human Resource Planning Process

According to the timing, personnel planning is divided into:

Long-term (forecast 3 years or more)

Short-term (no more than 1 year)

Long-term personnel planning

A tool for long-term workforce planning is the human resource plan, which typically involves an attempt to forecast 3-5 years in advance.

The company must assess the demand for labor, the potential supply and the state of the external environment of activity. Through the interaction of all these factors, a human resource plan is drawn up, indicating how many and what kind of workers may be required in the future.

Short-term personnel planning

Short-term workforce planning is usually carried out on the basis of a short-term workforce plan or operational plan, which covers a period of no more than one year and is more common in practice than a human resource plan.

The operational plan for working with personnel is detailed by time (year, quarter, month, decade, working day, shift), object (organization, functional unit, workshop, site, workplace) and structural (need, hiring, adaptation, use, training, retraining and advanced training, business career, personnel costs, release) is indicated by a plan with a detailed study of operational actions, supported by the necessary calculations and justifications.

2) Selection of labor resources

Search and selection of labor resources is one of the key elements of the enterprise management system and should be closely connected with all main areas of work in this area.

High efficiency and technology for searching and selecting personnel for an enterprise (organization) must be ensured by both the correct selected criteria and methods, and well-developed procedures, clear regulations and instructions regulating the work of the personnel service in this area.

However, the successful work of the personnel service in building a personnel search and selection system is possible if this is done by professional workers with the necessary knowledge and practical experience.

It should be noted that in modern conditions there is a tendency to increase the role of analytical functions of personnel services. A characteristic feature in the organization of work with personnel is the desire of personnel services to integrate all aspects of work with human resources, all stages of their life cycle from the moment of selection and hiring to the payment of pension benefits. The tasks of modern personnel services are to implement personnel policies and coordinate labor resource management activities.

At the present stage of enterprise management, the basic principles for building a personnel selection system are as follows:

The search and selection of personnel must be linked to programs implemented in the field of personnel management, designed to ensure the achievement of the enterprise's goals and success in implementing the strategy developed by management;

When searching and selecting, one should take into account both the level of professional competence of candidates and their ability to fit into the cultural and social structure of the enterprise;

HR employees need to take into account not only all the requirements of labor legislation, but also ensure a fair approach to all candidates and applicants for a vacant position.

It should also be noted that the search for personnel to fill vacant positions can be carried out both through the internal resources of the enterprise and external sources; accordingly, the methods used in internal and external selection differ.

Internal sources of attracting personnel make it possible to better use existing personnel as a result of the emergence of additional work, redistribution of tasks or relocation, promotion of employees, etc. External sources of attracting personnel are the hiring of new employees.

The relationship between the breadth of use of internal and external personnel selection should be determined by the personnel policy that has been developed at the enterprise (organization)

At the present stage, an integrated approach to personnel search and selection involves solving the following main tasks:

1) Determination of quantitative and qualitative personnel needs, taking into account the goals and capabilities of the enterprise.

2) Search for possible sources, selection of means and methods used to attract candidates for vacant positions.

3) Development of criteria for selecting candidates most suitable for occupying available vacancies based on: establishing qualification requirements, determining personal and business qualities, for the effective performance of this work and compliance with the requirements of the organization.

4) Development or use of personnel selection methods that allow assessing the degree to which candidates comply with the developed criteria.

5) Providing optimal conditions for the adaptation of new personnel to work at the enterprise.

Selection technology to determine the degree to which candidates meet the requirements can use a whole range of different methods aimed at comprehensively assessing candidates for a vacant position.

In this case, the complex of selection methods used may include,

Pre-selection (analysis of information about the candidate using a standard resume form or based on the results of a preliminary interview);

Collection of information about the candidate;

Personal questionnaires and tests (including tests of professional abilities - qualification testing);

Group selection methods;

Expert assessments;

Problem solving (business games);

Interview (interview).

It should be noted that none of the listed methods provides completely comprehensive information on the basis of which you can make the right decision about hiring a candidate. Only by supplementing the results obtained using one method with data collected using other methods can one expect that the selected employees will best meet the established criteria and will completely satisfy the enterprise (organization).

3) Recruitment of labor resources

Recruitment consists of assembling the necessary pool of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization selects suitable employees.

Recruitment is carried out in accordance with future labor requirements, taking into account the amount of available labor, turnover, layoffs, retirement, etc. Recruitment is carried out through advertisements, or with the participation of employment agencies. Recruitment can also be carried out within the organization through the promotion of its employees up the career ladder (career planning).

Stages of personnel selection:

Identification of vacant positions. The need for personnel is determined in accordance with the strategic plans and goals of the Company. The initial basis for determining personnel needs and personnel selection goals is the organizational structure and staffing schedule.

Personnel selection planning occurs strictly in accordance with the vacancies reflected in the staffing table, on the basis of which a schedule for filling vacancies is drawn up. And their closure, i.e. Direct selection of personnel is carried out in accordance with the Standards for filling vacancies.

Detailing the requirements for a vacant job and for a candidate to occupy it - traditionally, this process is based on the preparation of a job description, i.e. a document describing the main functions of the employee occupying this workplace. However, in order to facilitate the recruitment process, it is advisable to create documents describing the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in a given position - Professional portrait of the position (portraits or profiles of ideal employees).

A professional portrait of a position is a document that is prepared jointly by the head of the department and human resource specialists in order to improve the quality of personnel selection based on the job description, and is a set of:

Qualification characteristics (general education, special education, special skills - knowledge of a foreign language, computer skills, etc.) that an “ideal” employee holding this position should have;

The personal characteristics of a person reflect his ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, such as focus on the interests of the client, the ability to work in a group, assertiveness, and originality of thinking.

An equally important document, which is quite widespread in personnel selection practice, is the Application for a vacant position. Particular attention in this document is paid to a detailed description of the personal qualities and competencies of the “ideal” applicant for a certain position

4) Determination of wages and various benefits.

The remuneration offered for his work is important for the employee.

Remuneration is a regularly received remuneration for products produced or services provided or for time worked, including payment for annual vacations, holidays and other unworked time, which is paid in accordance with labor legislation and a collective labor agreement.

Wages (worker's remuneration) is an element of the employee's income, a form of economic realization of the right of ownership to the labor resource that belongs to him. At the same time, for an employer who purchases a labor resource to use it as one of the factors of production, payment of wages to employees is one of the elements of production costs.

In a market economy, wages are influenced by a number of market and non-market factors, resulting in a certain level of wages. Before considering these factors and the nature of their impact on wages, it is necessary to clearly determine which elements can be distinguished in an employee’s earnings and which of them are more or less susceptible to the influence of market conditions.

With the transition to a market, new relations regarding wages arise, and a labor market is formed, which is a resource market. Its subjects are: the employer (individual entrepreneur; an association of entrepreneurs - for example, a joint-stock company; the state), presenting a demand for a certain amount of a labor resource that has certain qualitative characteristics, and employees - the owners of the labor resource, the quantity and professional qualification characteristics of which form the supply in the job market.

In market conditions, wages as a form of labor cost can be defined as the main part of the volume of subsistence that a worker should receive in exchange for his labor. This volume of means of subsistence must be acceptable both for the efficient functioning of production and for ensuring the expanded reproduction of the labor force. It (the volume) should be distributed among employees in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor expended by them, the real labor contribution and depend on the final results of the organization.

5) Career guidance and adaptation

Adaptation is the process of active mutual adaptation of the person hired and the organization in order to most effectively realize the physical and creative labor potential of the employee.

There are several aspects of employee adaptation to a new environment:

Organizational – the employee’s assimilation of the role of his workplace in the overall organizational structure and the features of the enterprise management mechanism;

Psychophysiological – adaptation to physical and psychological stress, physiological working conditions;

Professional – gradually bringing labor indicators to the required level (skills, additional knowledge, etc.);

Socio-psychological – adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a new team.

An indicator of successful adaptation is the high social status of the employee in a given environment, as well as his satisfaction with this environment as a whole (for example, satisfaction with work and its conditions, recognition, acceptable remuneration for work, satisfaction with the organization of work, etc.). Indicators of low adaptation are deviant employee behavior, staff turnover, etc. The adaptation process is extremely important.

In practice, when hiring, a number of methods are used to successfully socialize an employee:

Comprehensive information about the job is provided so that the employee's expectations become more realistic;

A personal interview is conducted with an explanation of what kind of work in this organization is considered effective;

An interview is conducted about the priorities adopted in this organization;

Instructions are provided on safety precautions, workplace organization, effective work practices, etc.

This system also includes the information that the employee receives directly from the team. This information, as a result of which the employee learns the unwritten rules of the organization (who holds the real power, what are the chances of salary growth, promotion, etc.) also needs to be managed. It is known that the norms and values ​​adopted in informal groups must correspond to the official goals and guidelines of the organization, and this is one of the important areas of activity of the personnel management service.

Completion of the adaptation process must coincide with the expiration of the probationary period. By this time, the personnel management service is obliged, having assessed the work of the subject, to draw a conclusion about whether the new employee is suitable for the organization

The human resource development program includes increasing the potential of employees, developing personnel with higher abilities to perform the tasks facing them. This leads to an increase in labor productivity in the organization, and, consequently, to an increase in income. Professional orientation and adaptation of personnel is the first stage in increasing labor efficiency. The adaptation process involves a person's adaptation to the organization, awareness of what is important in this organization. The career guidance process involves learning specific skills to work more effectively in a particular organization.

6) Labor skills training.

Concerned about high labor productivity, the organization must pay attention to improving the competence of its workforce. This stage includes the development of special training programs, training and retraining of workers. Training is carried out when a new employee joins the organization, when promoted, or when the necessary skills are not available to perform the job.

To organize the learning process, specialists use the so-called training model (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Systematic training model

Following the model of systematic training, the training scheme will be expressed as follows: the individual cannot perform the task at the proper level and therefore needs training.

Identification of training needs can be undertaken at various levels. The needs of the organization as a whole must be analyzed by the human resources specialist or training department in accordance with overall production goals and the organization's workforce planning policies. At the same time, the need to train specific groups of workers in all departments is determined after consultation with line managers. This work should also include an analysis of the expected effect of training on the organization's performance of production tasks.

Personnel training ensures that the employee’s professional knowledge and skills correspond to the modern level of production and management

7) Assessment of work activity.

Evaluation of work results determines how effectively duties are performed and the degree of labor efficiency. This stage allows you to identify the most promising employees. Performance evaluation is necessary to implement the following functions: administrative, informational and motivational.

Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the employee’s suitability for a vacant or occupied workplace (position) and is carried out in various ways (assessment of the employee’s potential, assessment of individual contribution or certification as a comprehensive assessment). Currently, there are several systems for assessing specialists:

Analytical assessment method: the certification commission reviews a written characteristic - a review of the employee and conducts an interview with him;

A rating system where the total number of points scored, percentages, points (rating, rating scale) is calculated;

Ranking ("arranging" personnel according to ranking): as a result of ranking, the manager (certification commission) can compare employees with each other with subsequent conclusions;

Situational assessment - a description of the demonstrated behavior of an employee in a specific situation is used as a scale for assessment, for which a description of effective and ineffective examples of behavior is developed during, for example, receiving visitors, concluding contracts with partners, etc.;

Assessment based on achieving goals is an effective method for management personnel. Distinctive features: orientation towards achieving a specific goal; concentration on specific goals; setting common goals to ensure that staff perceive mistakes as personal problems

In practice, the most common method is the method of analytical assessment, and increasingly popular (especially abroad) is the method of assessment for achieving goals, which essentially becomes an integral part of the organization’s management system by goals.

8) Promotion or demotion, transfer or dismissal.

This stage is determined by the administrative function. It includes the promotion of those who can effectively perform their duties in a new position; transfer to another position or demotion when an employee fails to cope with the responsibilities of his position, and termination of the employment contract. The information function provides employees with information about the effectiveness of their work. The motivational function is to motivate a person to perform well through rewards or promotion.

9) Training of management personnel.

At this stage, management training programs are developed. The organization must find out which managers have the right skills for a particular position. Preparation is carried out through various lectures, seminars, and business games.

Labor resource utilization indicators

The implementation of the production program and the financial condition of the enterprise are directly dependent on the availability and effective use of labor resources. When studying and managing the labor resources of an enterprise, it is necessary to master the methodology for determining and analyzing the state and efficiency of the use of labor. In turn, to study and effectively manage an enterprise’s labor resources, it is necessary to know what indicators characterize their condition, availability and efficiency of use, master the methodology for determining them and be able to use them to make management decisions. Management decisions by the management of enterprises are made during intra-company budgeting, when it is necessary to make decisions in the process of economic activity, when drawing up current, long-term and strategic plans.

Increasing the efficiency of human resources management is an important condition for increasing the efficiency of management of the business structure as a whole. At the same time, the effectiveness of labor resources management should be fully characterized by a system of interrelated indicators, the calculation of which is based on uniform methodological principles and takes into account their comparability and proportionality in relation to various production conditions. Increasing the efficiency of labor resource management as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of business structures requires them to understand and need to analyze economic activities. The main objectives of analyzing the effective use of labor resources are:

Study and assessment of the provision of the enterprise and its structural divisions with labor resources in general, as well as by categories and professions;

Determination and study of staff turnover indicators;

Identification of labor resource reserves and their more complete and effective use.

When conducting a comprehensive analysis of the use of labor resources, the following indicators are considered:

Provision of the enterprise with labor resources;

Characteristics of labor movement;

Social security of members of the workforce;

Use of working time fund;

Labor productivity;

Personnel profitability;

Labor intensity of products;

Payroll analysis;

Analysis of the efficiency of using the wage fund.

The necessary information to determine these indicators is contained in the financial statements: Form No. 5 “Appendix to the Balance Sheet”, sections “Expenses for ordinary activities” and “Social indicators”. In statistical reporting: "Labor Report" with appendices, "Report on the costs of an enterprise (organization) for the production and sale of products", materials from the labor and wages department, the personnel department, information on the implementation of production standards by workshop and profession, etc. .

The main indicators characterizing the state of labor resources include: the number of employees on a certain date; average annual number of employees; structure of the enterprise's employees; turnover ratios for hiring, dismissal and staff turnover; absolute and relative deviation of the number of employees by their categories; savings or overexpenditure on labor costs.

The efficiency of using labor resources is determined by the following indicators: labor productivity of workers; level of labor costs; the ratio of the growth rate of wages with the growth rate of the volume of output and with the growth rate of labor productivity.

The average amount of remuneration per employee, the level of qualifications of employees, the level of provision of housing stock, healthcare, hostels, sanatoriums, etc. for the enterprise’s employees. relate to indicators of socio-economic development and effect at the enterprise, which relate to factors influencing indicators of the condition and efficiency of the use of labor resources.

Let us consider the methodology for determining and the economic characteristics of each of these indicators.

The number of employees on a certain date characterizes the payroll of the enterprise. Based on the main activity, the payroll includes employees hired for a period of more than one year. Information on the payroll number of employees as of a certain date is taken from the statistical reporting “Labor Report”, line “The payroll number of employees (without part-time workers) at the beginning of the reporting period.” Based on these indicators, a description of the absolute size and rate of change in the number of employees is given. To calculate qualitative indicators of the use of workers (labor productivity, average wages, etc.), it is necessary to calculate indicators of the average number of employees, which is determined for the month, quarter and year.

The average number of employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the list for all working days of the month and dividing the resulting amount by the number of working days in a given month.

The average number of employees for a quarter is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of the quarter and dividing the resulting amount by the number of months: in a quarter - 3, for a half-year - 6 months.

The average number of employees for the year is determined by summing the average number of employees for each month and dividing the resulting amount by 12.

The average number of employees is shown in the statistical reporting "Labor Report".

The structure of an enterprise's employees characterizes the share of various categories in the total number of employees on the payroll, which is calculated depending on the purposes of the study. For example, the share of production workers in the total number of employees, the share of women, the share of workers with higher or secondary specialized education, the structure of workers by length of service, etc.

Based on the indicators of the employee structure, conclusions are drawn about the social changes taking place in the enterprise. Thus, an increase in the share of workers with higher specialized education characterizes an increase in the level of qualifications of workers; an increase in the proportion of workers with extensive experience in this specialty characterizes an increase in the level of experienced workers, etc. In turn, all these qualitative changes affect the quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic activity, i.e. volume of products produced and sold, production cost, employee productivity, product quality, wage fund, etc.

Important indicators characterizing the state of labor resources and influencing the efficiency of their use are turnover rates for hiring, dismissal and staff turnover.

The hiring turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of people hired during the reporting period to the average number of employees using the formula: = Cho, (1)

where: – acceptance turnover ratio; – the number of employees hired during the reporting period;

Cho – average number of employees.

The hiring turnover ratio characterizes the level of newly hired employees in the reporting period. An increase in this indicator should be considered positive if the enterprise expands its production volume. In addition, it is necessary to determine the qualification level of those hired in the reporting year and the level of their selection, whether competitive selection for the job of specialists was organized.

The turnover rate for admission should be compared with the turnover rate for dismissal.

The turnover ratio for dismissal (Kob.uv.) is defined as the ratio of the number of people dismissed for various reasons (Chr.uv.) for the reporting period to the average number of employees (Chr.uv.) according to the formula:

Cob.uv. = Chr.inv.: Chr.. (2)

The dismissal turnover ratio characterizes the level of employees dismissed for various reasons during the reporting period. An increase in this indicator may be the result of a reduction in production, poor organization of labor, low wages, etc. This coefficient should be compared with the turnover coefficient for admission. A high turnover ratio for admissions compared to the turnover ratio for dismissals indicates an increase in employees for the reporting year and, conversely, a high turnover ratio for dismissals indicates a decrease in the number of employees.

The staff turnover rate is defined as the ratio of the number of people dismissed at their own request, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline (this dismissal is called staff turnover) to the average number of employees according to the formula:

Ktek. = Current frame: Hw, (3)

where: Ktek. – staff turnover rate;

Current cad. – the number of employees dismissed at their own request, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, i.e. staff turnover.

An increase in turnover rates for hiring, dismissal and staff turnover negatively affects the efficiency of labor use, reduces labor productivity, product quality, and increases training costs.

Labor productivity of workers characterizes the amount of products produced per unit of working time and is defined as the ratio of output (in value or physical terms) to the average number of employees. This indicator is one of the most important indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of labor resources and the economic activity of the enterprise. It is necessary to distinguish between average hourly, average daily, average monthly, average quarterly and average annual production (labor productivity).

Average hourly production is determined by dividing the amount of products produced for any period (month, quarter, year) by the number of man-hours worked by workers during this period. The remaining indicators of average output are also determined by dividing the amount of products produced by the average number of employees for each of these periods.

Labor productivity is one of the main indicators of enterprise performance, affecting all quantitative and qualitative indicators of the enterprise: the volume of products produced and sold, the number of employees, the wage fund, the cost of production, the amount of profit and the level of profitability.

As a rule, an increase in labor productivity leads to savings in the wage fund and a reduction in production costs.

The growth rate of labor productivity, according to the objective economic law of labor efficiency, must be higher than the growth of the wage fund, the number of employees and the growth of production costs.

Payroll fund - the total amount of money intended or accrued for payment to employees for a certain time (month, quarter, year).

It is necessary to distinguish between the wage fund of industrial production personnel and personnel employed in the non-productive sphere of the enterprise (in housing, utilities, kindergartens, etc.).

When studying the wage fund for industrial personnel, the wages of workers, engineers, employees, students, junior service personnel and security workers are distinguished. For the same categories of workers, their structure is determined and studied, i.e., the share of remuneration of workers by category in the total amount of the wage fund.

The data is taken from the statistical reporting "Labor Report".

In the wage structure, the share and growth rate of wages for production workers should exceed. The growth rate of wages also needs to be compared with the growth rate of production volume, product sales and production costs. Thus, exceeding the volume of production and sales of products is the main factor in saving wages and reducing production costs.

The average amount of wages per employee is determined by dividing the amount of the wage fund for a certain period by the average number of employees. This calculation is made both for all employees and for individual categories. Based on this indicator, conclusions are drawn, for example, about changes in the socio-economic level of workers, etc.

The average amount of wages and the rate of change should be compared with the average amount of wages for the national economy as a whole, for a given industry, other enterprises in a given region, as well as with the average level of the living wage established at the moment.

In addition, the average wage is one of the factors stimulating the growth of labor productivity, improving product quality, attracting highly qualified workers into production and their stability.

The management of the enterprise needs to carry out work to train highly qualified personnel, improve their qualification level, achieve personnel stability, and have a long-term plan for the training and promotion of young capable specialists. These costs are an investment in labor resources, i.e., intellectual property, which will later pay off by increasing production efficiency.

Analysis of the number of employees of the enterprise. The number of employees is an important indicator of the state of the enterprise’s labor resources. It characterizes the enterprise's supply of labor resources.

Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the condition, provision and efficiency of the use of workers should occupy one of the central places in the system of management analysis of the enterprise.

The main sources of information for analyzing the state and efficiency of labor include:

Management accounting and reporting materials

Information from the company's HR department

Labor manager information

Statistical reporting – form No. 1-t “Information on the number and wages of workers by type of activity”, form No. 4-p “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers”, section 2 “Use of working time”.

With the help of analysis, the validity of business plans for the number and composition of employees, savings or surplus of labor compared to the plan and base year, and the rationality of personnel placement are determined.

During the analysis process it is necessary:

Determine indicators characterizing the efficiency of using the enterprise’s labor resources for the reporting, base period and the business plan included in the business plan: labor productivity by their types in current and comparable prices.

Calculate and determine the dynamics of changes in labor efficiency indicators over a number of years, in current and comparable prices. Determine the compliance of these changes with the requirements of objective economic laws and patterns.

Study and analyze each factor separately.

In the economy, as in nature, processes and phenomena occur that are both random and natural. Between these processes and phenomena, as a rule, there is a stable or random, long-term or short-term cause-and-effect relationship. Understanding them allows us to scientifically substantiate the development of processes in the economy, predict and determine future development paths. The main objective economic laws that entrepreneurs and managers need to know and be able to use in management, and economists-analysts when analyzing the state and efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise, include:

Systematic training of employees.

The growth rate of labor productivity must systematically outpace the growth in the number of employees and the wage fund

An increase in labor productivity should contribute to savings on the wage fund and reduce production costs.

When planning, it is necessary to achieve not a reduction in the cost of maintaining labor resources, but to achieve cost savings.

For analysis, the entire number of workers is classified (grouped) depending on the forms of division of labor existing at the enterprise.

It should be taken into account that an important condition for increasing production output is an increase in the total number of workers directly involved in production. The higher the proportion of workers in the total number of personnel, the more efficiently the enterprise’s labor resources are used.

The number of engineering and technical workers (E&T), employees, and junior service personnel should not (as a rule) be higher than that provided for in the business plan.

During the analysis process, the ratio of main and auxiliary workers should be established. If the proportion of core production workers increases, labor productivity also increases. Then the level of mechanization, automation and computerization of basic, auxiliary and repair work, and their labor intensity should be established.

A high level of support workers indicates the presence of manual labor and poor organization of repair work.

One of the requirements of scientific and technological progress and modernization of production is the constant improvement of personnel qualifications. Therefore, simultaneously with determining the influence of the number of employees on the implementation of the production program, it is necessary to establish the enterprise’s need for workers of certain professions and qualification categories, and for engineering and technical workers and employees - compliance with the positions held. When analyzing the qualification composition of the workforce, it is necessary to compare the available and required labor force for each specialty. It is also necessary to analyze labor turnover, since this factor has a significant impact on the use of working time, the organization of work and its productivity. It is necessary to establish the main reasons for staff turnover in the enterprise and outline measures to eliminate them.

To improve the qualifications of personnel, increase productivity and remuneration, and further retain them, an important role is played by the organization of training of workers at various courses, in technical schools and higher educational institutions. In this regard, each enterprise must develop a long-term plan for continuous training and advanced training of employees.

As is known, production development can be carried out extensively and intensively. Thus, increasing production by increasing the number of workers refers to the extensive path of production development. Such development is inefficient and increases production costs.

Increasing production by increasing labor productivity, achieved by introducing scientific and technological progress and improving the organization of production, belongs to the intensive path of development and is progressive, increasing production efficiency.

However, not every increase in the number of workers is negative, reducing production efficiency. It can be caused by the expansion of production, the introduction of new enterprises and capacities. In this regard, it is necessary to calculate the absolute and relative deviation of the number of employees.

To calculate the absolute deviation, you should compare the actual availability of employees by category with the indicators of the plan or base period. Based on this indicator, one cannot yet draw conclusions about the quality of the enterprise’s work. If the increase in the number of workers was accompanied by an increase in labor productivity and the volume of production at a higher rate than the increase in the number of workers, then it should be considered that it was fully justified. However, if the growth in production volume occurs mainly due to an increase in the number of workers, then this leads to a decrease in labor productivity and an increase in costs. This increase in numbers is not justified and leads to extensive development of production.

The relative deviation is calculated taking into account the actual change in production volume. To determine the relative deviation, it is necessary to recalculate the planned (basic) number of production workers taking into account the actual implementation of the production plan, and then compare the actual number with the recalculated indicator. The calculation is made using the formula:

∆Chot = Ch1 – (Ch0 * ∆PP), (4)

where: ∆Chot – relative deviation in the number of production workers;

Ch0 and Ch1 – the average number of production workers, respectively, for the base and reporting periods;

∆PP – percentage of fulfillment of the production plan.

The absolute increase in the number of workers with its simultaneous relative decrease is the result of an increase in labor productivity.

Analysis of the efficiency of labor use at the enterprise. One of the important issues in the analysis of labor resources is their effective use. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the effective use of working time and the workers themselves. The source of information for analyzing the use of working time is statistical reporting: form No. 1-t “Information on the number and wages of workers by type of activity” and form No. 4-p “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers”, section 2 “Use of workers time". In addition, the analysis involves data from management reporting, i.e. internal reporting developed and approved by the management of the enterprise for internal use.

Depending on the purpose of the economic analysis, the enterprise determines annual, monthly and hourly labor productivity indicators, which are calculated per employee and per main worker. Each of them has different economic content. Hourly productivity is labor productivity during pure work during the working day, without taking into account the influence of intra-shift downtime. Labor productivity, calculated per 1 man-day, depends on intra-shift losses and downtime, which affect the duration of net work during the working day. Monthly and annual labor productivity is influenced by a number of factors, such as the degree of use of working time during the month, year, absenteeism for various reasons (illness, vacation, performance of various public duties, etc.).

Historical development of labor. The essence of the organization’s personnel, components of the employee’s labor potential. Analysis of the state of the enterprise's labor resources. Optimization of the process of selection and adaptation of personnel. Creation of a system of motivation and stimulation of work.

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on the topic of: “Improving human resources managementorganizations (using the example of JSC "Precision Mechanics")"


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of labor management

1.1 Historical development of labor

1.2 The concept and essence of the enterprise’s labor resources

1.3 Labor potential and quality of labor resources

Chapter 2. Technical and economic analysis of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics"

2.1 Main activities of JSC “Precision Mechanics”

2.2 Financial and production analysis of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”

2.3 Analysis of the state of labor resources

Chapter 3. Measures to improve human resources management at the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics"

3.1 Optimization of the process of personnel selection and adaptation

3.2 Creation of a system of motivation and stimulation of work

3.3 Calculation of economic efficiency of project implementation





People are the main wealth of any country, the main resource and factor of production. Therefore, it is so important to ensure their high-quality reproduction, create conditions for their comprehensive development and provide opportunities for the fullest realization of their capabilities.

These problems are especially relevant for our country, which strives to take its rightful place among the developed countries of the world. The current stage of development of productive forces, the introduction of new technologies determine the increasing role of man, his initiative, creativity and intelligence in the economic progress of the country.

Russia's labor resources are still distinguished by fairly high quality characteristics, level of education, qualifications, and work skills. Therefore, in modern conditions, the task is to preserve, reveal and use the creative potential of our labor resources, direct it to creation and economic growth.

At the same time, at present there are still very few works in which the methodology of technical and economic analysis of the efficiency of the use of labor resources would be fully outlined. In most cases, we are talking about an economic analysis of labor indicators or simply an analysis of the use of labor, as well as its payment.

It should also be noted that in the methodological recommendations for the analysis of labor indicators, due attention is not paid to which of the indicators characterizing the results of the work of the workforce is most appropriate to use to assess labor productivity and efficiency, especially when the question of productivity and efficiency the use of labor resources must be considered in conjunction with the costs of paying for it.

The labor resource management process includes such main areas of activity in the labor market as personnel planning, search and selection of personnel, adaptation of new employees, training and development of the intellectual potential of employees, performance assessment, comparison of labor results with the standards and goals of the organization, labor motivation and labor stimulation . The great scientific and practical significance of these problems determined the relevance of the topic of the thesis.

Purpose Thesis work is the development of measures to improve the labor resources of the enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the following were identified tasks:

1. Study of the theoretical foundations of labor management.

2. Description of the activities of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”.

3. Conducting a financial and production analysis of the activities of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”.

4. Identification of problems in the use of labor resources of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics"

5. Development of measures to improve human resources management of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”.

6. Conducting an assessment of the economic efficiency of project implementation.

Object of study is the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics".

Subject of research is a mechanism for implementing improved management of the enterprise's labor resources.

Practical significance The research is that its results can be used at enterprises to identify priorities for measures to improve the labor management process.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of labor management

1.1 Historical development of labor

Labor as a conscious, purposeful activity and entrepreneurship as a property of labor are initially inherent in man. Their formation and improvement took place over many millennia along with the development of man and society. This process continues to this day.

In the primitive era, when a person of the modern physical type appeared in the Paleolithic, a tribal community. The joint activity of people at that time practically coincided with the labor process and was aimed primarily at obtaining food. Such an existence was probably typical for the clan community at the initial stage of its development. At the second stage of the clan system, which flourished in the Neolithic, a transition was made to agriculture and cattle breeding. This radically changed the nature of the primitive economy - it became productive.

The change in the nature of the economy and the content of work entailed new opportunities for the development of labor. In the clan community, the simplest cooperation (collective work) developed as the historically first form of social labor. The ability to produce more than was necessary for survival, the emergence of a surplus product and the increase in the value of human labor power led to the disintegration of tribal relations and predetermined a large social division of labor. Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations / Ed. G.G. Melikyana, R.P. Kolosova. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2000. P.34-37.

So the clan system was replaced slavery - historically the first form of forced labor and exploitation. Slavery acquired its classical forms in the ancient world. However, the use of slaves as labor in agriculture, craft production, and construction had its limits. With the increasing complexity of tools and the improvement of agronomy and crafts, it was no longer possible to count on high returns even from specially trained slaves. Attempts to interest slaves financially led, ultimately, to a refusal to directly withdraw the surplus product.

In the III - V centuries. AD slavery was replaced by the feudal system. Feudal mode of production rested on the so-called “right” of large landowners to dispose of the means of production (primarily land) and the labor of independently managed producers, who were in land and often personal dependence on the feudal landowners. The mechanism of production relations in those conditions could not operate otherwise than through non-economic coercion to work, direct violence, class inequality of peasants and artisans. Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations / Ed. G.G. Melikyana, R.P. Kolosova. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2000. P.42-45.

The most important period in the development of labor was the New Age, calculated from the middle of the 17th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Then humanity rose to a level capitalism which replaced feudalism. The emergence of capitalism was characterized by the so-called primitive accumulation of capital, which in Western Europe dates back to the 15th century. The new mode of production came into existence thanks to the same factors that determined the fall of feudalism: the growth of commodity production, an increase in trade exchange, and the formation of a market for hired labor.

In Russia, where serfdom lasted longer, the process of the emergence of socio-economic relations inherent in capitalism became apparent only in the 17th century. It was manifested in such facts as the transformation of urban crafts and rural crafts into the production of goods for the expanding market, the establishment of patrimonial manufactories and the growth of merchant entrepreneurship, attempts to replace the labor of forced serfs with hired labor. Bachurin A. Increasing the role of economic management methods. // Economist. 2002. No. 4. pp. 28-31.

At that time, it was not simple cooperation in its special form that constituted the distinctive feature of the emerging mode of production. This role was more suitable manufactory . It ensured a technical division of labor among many workers within a single enterprise and made it possible to achieve a noticeable increase in labor productivity, primarily due to the specialization of the craftsmen involved in production and their transformation into “partial”, “detailed” workers.

The technical division of labor was necessarily accompanied by the improvement of working tools. The union of a large number of working people facilitated the comparison of individual labor results and, as a result, increased competition.

The spread of manufacturing production prepared the entry of capitalism into the next stage of its development - large factory . The machine industry led to a narrowing of the functions of the direct worker, making him dependent on technology, in the position of a living appendage to the mechanisms, which ultimately strengthened the power of capital over labor, the subordination of the hired worker to the owner of capital. As industrial production expanded and strengthened, previously disparate small and medium-sized capitals were united, joint-stock companies arose, and banking capital persistently asserted itself.

Over time, other trends emerged. The most significant among them is the association of large capitals into cartels, syndicates, trusts, and concerns. Monopolies captured a significant part of the production and marketing of certain goods, which also changed the forms of competition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, industrial development as the leading direction of economic growth was personified by huge enterprises of a universal type with diversified subject specialization, with a complete production cycle of certain types of marketable products. This circumstance stimulated development of problems of scientific organization of labor (NOT) and rational management of large-scale production. Genkin B.M. Introduction to the theory of labor efficiency. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg GIEA, 2002. 33-36.

The crisis state of capitalism became obvious already as a result of the First World War of 1914 - 1918. and the October Revolution in Russia, which turned a huge country onto a non-capitalist path. A slowdown in the pace of economic development of the United States and other industrial powers followed. The Great Depression struck - the global economic crisis of 1929 - 1933. In Russia, from the autumn of 1917, events developed according to their own scenario. Already the initial steps towards socialism - workers' control over production and distribution, the transfer of all cultivated land for the use of peasants, the nationalization of banks and large industrial enterprises - were accompanied by changes in methods for solving economic and social problems, organizing and stimulating labor.

Subsequently, when we decided first results of the scientific and technological revolution (STR), equipment and technology of production, content, conditions and forms of labor organization, the functioning of capital again underwent significant changes. The deployment of scientific and technological revolution has led to qualitative changes in the productive forces, in the entire socio-economic structure of industrialized countries, and with them the world community.

IN modern times a view has been established on work as a conscious, purposefully directed activity, the application of mental and physical efforts by people to create useful products, produce things, provide services, accumulate and transmit information, used to satisfy their material and spiritual needs, as the main form of life activity of an individual and society as a whole, the initial condition of social existence, the development of all aspects of social life. Gutgarts R.D. Evolution of approaches to the problem of enterprise personnel management. // Management in Russia and abroad. 2001. No. 5. P.27-32.

At the same time, work is a means of self-expression and self-affirmation of the individual, the realization of his experience, intellectual and creative potential, and moral dignity. There is no doubt that every genuine achievement of civilization is the success of labor.

Human factor determines scientific, technical and social progress. The simple formula “productivity comes from people” accurately expresses the main condition for the effective operation of successful enterprises. Thus, in the United States, examples are taken of those companies that are known not only for high technology and good management, but also for a clear focus on people, their needs and interests. In Japan, when working with personnel, priority is given to the hard work of employees and the satisfaction of their diverse needs, the interests of the business and the selection of complex production and technical tasks. Blam I.Yu. Sustainable development: main theoretical problems // Region: economics, sociology. 2000. pp. 11-12.

Attempts were also made in the Soviet Union reform the economy in order to increase its effectiveness. At the same time, incentives to work were not ignored. Since the mid-1950s. Along with the condemnation of the cult ideology of intimidation and arbitrariness, steps were taken towards restoring the interest of the bulk of workers in the results of management and strengthening material incentives to work. It was considered necessary to increase pay, streamline the organization and rationing of labor, support inventors and innovators in their desire to promote scientific and technological progress, and introduce elements of social planning. But as before, the main hopes were placed on enthusiasm and socialist competition. Efforts were made to give a mass character to the movement for a communist attitude to work.

In the second half of the 1960s. another reform of management, organization and remuneration was launched. However, the plan was not completed; the targeted programs were not implemented. Stimulation of production and labor was focused, as before, primarily not on intensive, but on extensive economic development. The country, which was unable to fully use scientific and technological achievements to improve people's lives, crawled into a dead end of stagnation.

In the spring of 1985, a course was once again set for reforms, in order to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country, achieve a new qualitative state of Soviet society and improve people's living conditions on this basis. But this time again the forecasts were not destined to come true. Very soon the illusory nature of the goals of perestroika was revealed, and the situation in the economy and social sphere continued to deteriorate. People's interest in work fell sharply. In addition, the Soviet Union collapsed into 15 independent states in 1991. Personnel management of organizations: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M.: Infra-M, 2006. P.26-27.

The Russian Federation, moving after the collapse of the USSR along the path to a market, a socially oriented market economy, is implementing its reform program. A significant place in it is occupied by the affirmation of free enterprise and a viable model of labor relations. Historical experience teaches that this can only be achieved by increasing diligence and business entrepreneurship, everyone’s interest in the results of work and management, and by finding and using irresistible incentives for creative work by teams, society, and the state.

1.2 The concept and essence of the enterprise’s labor resources

Labor resources represent the working-age part of the country's population, which, due to psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. Personnel management of organizations: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M.: Infra-M, 2006. P.53. It is necessary to distinguish real labor resources - those people who are already working, as well as potential - those that in due time can be involved in specific work.

The labor force includes the population of working age (for men aged 16 to 59 years, for women - from 16 to 54 years inclusive); with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids of groups I and II and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms, as well as persons of disabled age (teenagers and the population over working age) employed in the economy. Also, the labor resources of an enterprise in a market economy must be understood as the entire set of employees, both employees and owners, who invest their labor, physical and mental abilities, knowledge and skills, as well as monetary savings in the economic and financial activities of the enterprise.

The concept of “labor resources” is used to characterize the working population throughout the country, region, sector of the economy, or within any professional group. Along with it, such concepts as “labor force”, “human resources”, “human factor”, “personnel”, “workers”, “personnel”, “labor potential”, “human capital” are also used in economic science and practice. , having different content and semantic load. They complement each other, revealing one of the sides of the bearer of these concepts - man.

This study examined characteristics of the most important concepts, related to the sphere of labor resources. The most commonly used concept is "staff" , i.e. personnel of organizations, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners. The main characteristics of the personnel are: Marr R., Schmidt G. Human resources management in a social market economy. M.: MSU, 2000. 212 p.

1. The presence of his labor relationship with the employer, which is formalized by an employment agreement (contract). However, in practice, in some cases, there is no formal legal registration of employment, which leads personnel to deprivation of guarantees of compliance with labor legislation in relation to them. Working owners and co-owners of an organization are included in the staff if, in addition to the share of income due to them, they receive appropriate payment for participating with their personal labor in the activities of the organization.

2. Possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, qualifications, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the employee’s activity in a specific position or workplace, and, therefore, his classification into one of the categories of personnel: managers, specialists, other employees ( technical performers), workers.

3. Target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. ensuring the achievement of the organization’s goals by establishing the goals of the individual employee that are adequate to them and creating conditions for their effective implementation.

The main characteristics of the organization's personnel are: number and structure. Genkin B.M. Introduction to the theory of labor efficiency. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg GIEA, 2002. P.56-59.

Number of personnel of the organization depends on the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity of production (or other) and management processes, the degree of their mechanization, automation, and computerization. These factors determine its standard (planned) value. More objectively, the personnel is characterized by the list (actual) number, i.e. the number of employees who officially work in the organization at the moment.

Organization personnel structure - is a collection of separate groups of workers united according to some characteristic. It can be statistical and analytical.

Statistical structure reflects the distribution of personnel and their movement in terms of employment by type of activity, as well as categories and groups of positions.

Yes, it stands out core business personnel (persons working in the main and auxiliary, research and development departments, management personnel, engaged in the production of products, services or providing maintenance to these processes) and non-core activities (workers of housing and communal services, social sphere). In turn, they are all divided into categories: managers, specialists, other employees (technical performers), workers.

Analytical framework divided into general And private In the context general structure personnel are considered based on characteristics such as profession, qualifications, education, gender, age, and length of service. Private structure reflects the ratio of individual groups of workers, for example, “those engaged in hard work with the help of simple devices and without them,” “employed in processing centers,” etc. Samukina N.V. Personnel management: Russian experience. SPb.: Peter. 2003. pp. 13-15.

The criterion for the optimality of the personnel structure is the correspondence of the number of employees of various job groups to the volume of work required to perform each job group, expressed in time expenditure.

This study examined main features of structuring organization personnel. Based on participation in the production or management process, i.e. According to the nature of labor functions, and, consequently, the position held, personnel are divided into the following categories: Gutgarts R.D. Evolution of approaches to the problem of enterprise personnel management. // Management in Russia and abroad. 2001. No. 5. P.27-32.

1. Managers performing general management functions. They are conventionally divided into three levels:

1) highest (of the organization as a whole - director, general director, manager and their deputies),

2) middle (heads of main structural units - departments, departments, workshops, as well as chief specialists),

3) grassroots (working with performers - heads of bureaus, sectors; foremen).

Managers include persons holding managerial positions, including HR managers;

2. Specialists - persons performing economic, engineering, technical, legal and other functions. These include economists, lawyers, process engineers, mechanical engineers, accountants, dispatchers, auditors, personnel training engineers, personnel inspectors, etc.

3. Other employees (technical performers) involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, and housekeeping services: purchasing agent, cashier, secretary-stenographer, timekeepers, etc.

4. Workers who directly create wealth or provide production services. There are main and auxiliary workers.

A separate category includes social infrastructure workers, i.e. persons engaged in non-core activities (cultural, everyday, housing and communal services for the organization’s personnel). These include housing and communal services workers; persons serving kindergartens, recreation centers, etc., who are on the balance sheet of the organization.

In industry, managers, specialists, other employees (technical performers), workers form industrial production personnel, and social infrastructure workers form non-industrial personnel.

The division of the organization’s personnel into categories is carried out in accordance with the regulatory document - Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees, developed by the Institute of Labor and approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37. Problems of labor resource management at the present stage. Tutorial. St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, 2005. P.37.

Professional structure of the organization's personnel - this is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.) who have a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in a particular field.

Personnel qualification structure - this is the ratio of workers of different skill levels (i.e., degree of professional training) necessary to perform certain job functions.

In our country, the skill level of workers is characterized by a category or class (for example, for drivers), and for specialists - by category, category or class. For example, according to their level of qualification, design engineers can occupy the positions of “chief”, “leading”, “senior” designer of categories I, II and III.

Gender and age structure of the organization’s personnel - this is the ratio of personnel groups by gender (men, women) and age. The age structure is characterized by the proportion of persons of corresponding ages in the total number of personnel. When studying the age composition, the following groupings are recommended: 16, 17,18,19,20-24,25-29, 30-34, 35-39,40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60- 64.65 years and older.

Personnel structure by length of service can be considered in two ways: by overall length of service and length of service in a given organization. The total length of service is grouped into the following periods: up to 16 years, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-40 years and more. The length of service in a given organization characterizes the stability of the workforce. Statistics highlight the following periods: up to 1 year, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30 years and more.

Personnel structure by education level (general and special) characterizes the identification of persons with higher education, including by level of training - bachelor, specialist, master; incomplete higher education (more than half of the study period); specialized secondary; average general; lower secondary; initial.

1.3 Labor potential and quality of labor resources

As noted above, in addition to the terms “labor resources” and “personnel” in the science and practice of economics, sociology, and management since the 1980s. The term “labor potential” of society and the individual worker began to be used. This concept is more voluminous and versatile; its basis is the term “potential” - a source of opportunities, funds, reserves.

Employee labor potential - this is a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in work, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, as well as improve in the labor process. Personnel management of organizations: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M.: Infra-M, 2006. P.61.

The main components of an employee’s labor potential are: Ibid. P.63-64.

1) psychophysiological component: state of health, performance, endurance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type of nervous system, etc.;

2) socio-demographic component: age, gender, marital status, etc.;

3) qualification component: level of education, volume of special knowledge, work skills, ability to innovate, intelligence, creativity, professionalism;

4) personal component: attitude to work, discipline, activity, value orientations, motivation, morality, etc.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value; it can change both upward and downward. The creative abilities of an employee accumulated in the course of work increase as new knowledge and skills are acquired, health is strengthened, and working conditions are improved, but they can decrease when the work regime becomes more stringent, health deteriorates, etc.

According to many researchers, at present there is no unambiguous characteristic of Russia’s labor resources. On the one hand, a certain part of the highly qualified workforce finds worthy employment in developed countries, making a significant contribution to the development of their economies. On the other hand, the workforce of our country is given the most unflattering characteristics in terms of labor discipline and attitude towards work. Labor market in Russia and the CIS countries - development prospects. “Round table”: Popova G.V., Kryakova O.A., Belonogova E.M. took part. etc. // Personnel management. 2005. No. 6(71). pp. 40-43.

Every year the Swiss Bary Institute conducts a comparative assessment of the quality of the labor force of 49 countries. The integral indicator of labor force quality is a weighted average of four components: Denisov N.A., Malginova E.G. Distribution relations: modern models // Society and Economics. 2005. No. 3. P.51.

1) labor legislation and tariff agreements;

2) the relationship between wage levels and labor productivity;

3) labor discipline and attitude to work;

4) level of qualifications of workers.

Based on expert assessments, countries receive scores that characterize the degree of favorability for the location of production:

1) 66-100 points - countries favorable for locating production;

2) 51-65 points - countries acceptable for production location;

3) 36-50 points - countries that are not very favorable for production;

4) less than 35 points - countries that are not suitable for locating production.

Singapore topped the list with 82 points. Japan - 74 points. USA - 69 points. Germany - 64 points. China - 41 points. Russia's score was 36 points - that borderline figure that lies between conditions that are not very favorable and that are not suitable for locating production. Right there. P. 53.

At the same time, the most favorable assessment was given to the level of qualifications of the workforce - 53 points - 15th place after Switzerland, Japan, the USA, etc. According to labor legislation and tariff agreements - 45 points. But in terms of labor discipline and attitude towards work, Russia received only 33 points. In China it is 1.5 times higher than ours. It is little consolation that no country received 100 points. Our lowest score for the relationship between wages and labor productivity was 20 points. Still, it seems that these low indicators characterize not so much the workforce itself, but the level of management and organization of production in our country. Denisov N.A., Malginova E.G. Distribution relations: modern models // Society and Economics. 2005. No. 3. P.55.

The qualitative characteristics of labor resources, people’s ability to work, their skills and level of education are considered as human capital. The components are a person’s natural abilities and acquired professional knowledge, experience, and skills. The expenditure of time and money on acquiring knowledge is considered to be an investment in human capital. These investments are considered appropriate only if they provide a higher level of income for investors, which can be individual households, enterprises, and society as a whole.

Human capital theory has proposed a unified analytical framework to explain such phenomena as the contribution of education to economic growth, the demand for educational and health services, age-related dynamics of earnings, differences in wages between men and women, the transmission of economic inequality from generation to generation, etc.

At the same time, the analogy between human capital and traditional investments cannot be considered complete. Firstly, a person, unlike a machine or shares, cannot be an object of purchase and sale. Therefore, the market sets prices only for the “rent” of human capital (in the form of wage rates), while there are no prices for its assets. Human capital can improve the efficiency of activities in both the market and non-market sectors, and income from it can take both monetary and non-monetary forms.

However, in the main human capital is similar to physical capital:

1) it is a durable good;

2) requires costs for updating and maintenance;

3) may have obsolescence before physical wear and tear.

The central place in the theory of human capital belongs to the concept of internal rates of return. They are constructed by analogy with profit rates and allow one to evaluate the effectiveness of investments in people, primarily in education and professional training.

Human capital theorists assume that when investing in training and education, investors behave rationally, weighing the associated benefits and costs. Depending on what is more economically feasible, decisions are made either to continue studying or to discontinue it. Thus, rates of return act as a regulator of the distribution of investments between different types and levels of education, as well as between the education system as a whole and the rest of the economy. Allimarina E.A., Bryazgin Yu.V. Economic foundations of labor relations. M.: Economics, 2004. P.102.

Another area where the contribution of human capital theory has been particularly significant is the analysis of problems of economic inequality. Using the developed apparatus of demand and supply curves for investments in human capital, G. Becker formulated a universal model for the distribution of personal income.

The unequal location of demand curves for investment in human capital reflects inequality in the natural abilities of students, while the unequal location of supply curves reflects inequality in their families’ access to financial resources.

The ideas embedded in the theory of human capital have had a serious impact on the socio-economic policy of the state. Thanks to this theory, society's attitude towards investing in people has changed. They have learned to see investments that provide a production effect that is long-term in nature. Under the influence of the theory of human capital, in which education is assigned the role of the “great equalizer,” a certain reorientation of social policy has occurred. Staffelbach B. Theoretical foundations and functions of personnel economics // Problems of theory and practice of management. 2006. No. 5. P.10-17.

In the 1970s, human capital theory came under attack from the so-called filter theory. Among its authors are famous economists and sociologists - A. Berg, M. Spence. J. Stiglitz, K. Arrow. According to this theory, education is a mechanism that sorts people according to their level of ability. Higher productivity, however, is not due to workers receiving education, but to their personal abilities that exist before and beyond it and which education simply makes explicit. Contrary to the assertions of the filter theory, enterprises do not rely only on educational certificates when selecting personnel, but spend considerable money on testing their holders. Schumpeter J. History of economic analysis. St. Petersburg: Economic School, 2001. P.77. At the same time, the filter theory forced us to pay great attention to the conclusions and recommendations developed by the theory of human capital. Most researchers agree that both of these theories should be viewed not so much as opposing approaches, but rather as complementary approaches.


Human resources management in Russia in a situation of changes in political and economic systems acquires special significance, since it allows us to generalize a whole range of issues of human adaptation to external conditions, as well as taking into account the personal factor in the process of managing the labor resources of an enterprise.

In general, three factors can be identified that impact the workforce at an enterprise:

1. The hierarchical structure of an enterprise, where the main means of influence are relations of power and subordination, pressure on a person from above, through coercion, control over the distribution of material goods.

2. Culture, i.e. joint values, social norms, behavioral guidelines developed by a society, an enterprise, or a group of people that regulate the actions of an individual, force the individual to behave one way and not another without visible coercion.

3. The market, which is a network of equal relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, property relations, and the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These influencing factors are quite complex concepts, and in practice they are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is given priority, which determines the appearance of the economic situation of the enterprise.

Chapter 2. Technical and economic analysis of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics"

2.1 Main activities of JSC “Precision Mechanics”

The company JSC "Precise Mechanics" was founded in 1992. Has licenses: FSB of the Russian Federation to work with information constituting state secrets, FSB to distribute encryption tools, FSTEC to create information security tools, GOSSTROYA to design buildings and structures, GOSSTROYA to construct buildings and structures, Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out work to ensure fire safety of buildings , Ministry of Emergency Situations for activities to prevent and extinguish fires, Certificate of Conformity GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (ISO 9001:2000).

“Computer Mechanics” is a registered trademark of Tochnaya Mekhanika JSC.

Enterprise address: 117418, Moscow, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 58. tel. 540-30-40, fax: 540-30-41. website:

The company JSC "Precise Mechanics" is part of the Association for system integration and development of information and control systems "SIRIUS", created with the support of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation in 1999.

Currently, with the support of the Russian Ministry of Communications and Information, SIRIUS unites companies participating in joint work to implement national federal and regional programs in the field of information technology. The company JSC "Precise Mechanics" has been a member of the association since 2002. In addition, the organization is a member of the commission of electronic and information technology companies at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI).

For the past eleven years, the head of the enterprise ZAO Precision Mechanics has been General Director Gutara Konstantin Yurievich.

Mission enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics" - providing highly professional services in the field of information technology in order to increase the efficiency of the Customer's business.

Recently, there has been an increased need among business managers to ensure that investments in the company’s information and technical base not only provide business support, but also contribute to generating additional profit. Today, to succeed in a dynamic market, it is necessary to combine business strategy with information technology.

Since its creation, the company JSC "Precision Mechanics" has specialized in the implementation of complex network and telecommunications projects for large industrial enterprises, banks, foreign representative offices, and government agencies. As part of these projects, the company JSC "Precision Mechanics" provides the customer with full range of system integration services:

1. Organization of a unified information space based on cable systems, active network and telecommunications equipment, modern digital telephone exchanges, computers and corporate servers.

2. Design and commissioning of private automatic telephone exchanges with a capacity of 50 to 20,000 subscribers, followed by maintenance.

3. Providing high-quality communication channels (joint projects with telecom operators).

4. Design and installation of structured cabling systems for telephony, computer and electrical networks with further maintenance and support.

5. Design, installation and maintenance of Integrated Building Management Systems BMS (Building Management Systems), which automate the operation of all engineering systems of a modern building: lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, access control.

6. Supply of computer and network equipment from the world's leading manufacturers with subsequent after-sales service.

7. Design and installation of fire and security alarm systems.

8. Design and installation of access control and video surveillance systems using equipment from leading foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Receiving all the listed services “from one source” the customer has the opportunity:

1) minimize costs at the design and implementation stages of the project by eliminating duplication of work for different systems;

2) obtain a more in-depth study of the project as a whole, taking into account all the heterogeneous components included in it;

3) obtain a guarantee for the system as a whole, and not for its individual components;

4) minimize the effort spent on coordinating work between several suppliers;

5) simplify the solution of financial, managerial and service issues during the implementation of the project (leasing, credit, installment payment).

Thus, the company ZAO Precise Mechanics, first of all, offers clients the development of an IT strategy that will align investments in information technology with the goals and objectives of the company, and will also allow for planning changes related to the development of information technology. Formalization of the enterprise development strategy, together with the analysis of the main business processes, which is carried out by specialists of the Precision Mechanics JSC enterprise, allows us to solve many different problems. With the help of an IT strategy, you can increase business efficiency and competitiveness, ensure maximum service to company departments, and increase the level of production, financial and personnel management.

The company JSC "Precise Mechanics" has implemented more than two hundred large and medium-sized projects, among them:

1) carrying out work on installation and connection of PBX MD 110 equipment in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

2) development and implementation of a software and technological complex for the exchange of operational information on geological exploration and subsoil use (Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation);

3) carrying out research work “Information Environment Management System” within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

4) work on diagnosing, routine repairs and setting up the telecommunication system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, creating an information technical communication infrastructure that provides an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate (Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Goszemkadastrsemka”);

5) design and commissioning of a data storage system (Russia TV channel);

6) comprehensive maintenance of the telecommunications system (“Goznak”);

7) consulting on the creation of IT infrastructure to ensure museum automation in terms of accounting and stock work;

8) design of a LAN as part of a SCS and a TVD connection network, design of network logic and active network equipment, installation and installation of a network in an architectural monument building (GIM), etc.

Today, the company JSC "Precision Mechanics" also represents products the following leading manufacturers of software, computer, network and telecommunications equipment: 3Com (Official Partner in the CIS), Andover Controls, APC (Solution Partner), AMP, Avaya, Cisco (Authorized Reseller), Computer Associates, Depo, Ericsson (Official Distributor) , GreenWood (Authorized Dealer), Hewlett-Packard (Business Partner; HP Support Pack Gold Reseller), IBM (Authorized Partner), ITT Cannon, Krone, Lexmark, Legrand, Lotus, MOD-TAP, MB, Microsoft, Nortel Networks, Novell , Oracle, Rittal, SCO, Sun (Authorized Partner), Siemens, Samsung, Toshiba, Quintela.

As part of the study of the characteristics of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics", an analysis was also carried out organizational structure.

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Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”

According to A.Ya. Kibanova, “the organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of interrelated units of the personnel management system and officials.” Personnel management of organizations: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. M.: Infra-M, 2006. P.142.

The analysis allows us to conclude that the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics" has a linear-functional management structure, which retains the advantage of the linear structure of the principle of unity of command, as well as the advantage of the functional structure in the form of management specialization. Thus, this structure combines the advantages of linear and functional structures, but vertical (command) relationships of the “manager-subordinate” type remain dominant. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a single manager, vested with all powers, exercising sole management of the employees subordinate to him and concentrating in his hands all management functions. This management structure is logically more harmonious and formally defined, but at the same time less flexible.

For the organization to operate effectively, it is important to clearly and clearly define the functional responsibilities and powers of employees, as well as their relationships. Each employee of the company must understand what is expected of him, what powers he has, and what his relationships with other employees should be. This is achieved through an organization chart, supplemented by appropriate instructions and assignment of responsibilities.

The executive body of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics" is the general director. His competence includes the development and implementation of goals, policies and strategies for achieving them, as well as the organization and management of the company’s current activities and the management of property. Therefore, the role of the general director is so important, who would use his power to prevent possible disorganization and coordinate the work in the most effective way. Deputy Director manages the current activities of the company. There is an HR manager in the HR department.

The activities of the services of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics" are regulated by the regulations on the division, which outline the following aspects:

1) the main tasks, functions and responsibilities of each structural unit;

2) rules and standards for documentation support;

3) other regulatory, legal and normative-methodological documents regulating a specific type of activity;

4) the material and technical basis of the activities of each department, comprising the premises assigned to it, furniture, office equipment, software, documents necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the department, etc.

Analyzing the organizational structure of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics", it should be noted that in general it corresponds to the current situation and existing goals. Rights and responsibilities are assigned to employees responsible for a specific job.

2.2 Financial and production analysis of the enterprise JSC “Precision Mechanics”

One of the main performance indicators of any commercial organization is volume of products sold (works, services). According to financial statements, during previous years, the enterprise in question experienced an increase in the total volume of sales of services. Thus, in 2009, the total revenue amounted to 31,284.51 thousand rubles, in 2010 - 54,324.97 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the growth rate of trade turnover in 2010 amounted to 73.6% ((54324.97 - 31284.51) / 31284.51 * 100).

When conducting an analysis, it is necessary to take into account the impact of inflation, therefore the study of changes in indicators should be carried out in comparable prices. This will eliminate the influence of prices in order to determine changes in net sales volume due to an increase in output and physical sales volume.

According to internal accounting data, the price index for the enterprise ZAO Precision Mechanics for 2011 was 1.186. To determine the sales volume at comparable prices, it is necessary to divide its volume from the moment the new sales prices are in effect by the price index. The revenue of the enterprise in question includes the provision of certain types of work and services. Therefore, it is best to analyze this indicator both by the total sales volume and by its composition.

Table 1. Composition and volume of sales of services of JSC "Precision Mechanics"


2011 (for 9 months)

Changes in comparable prices

amount, thousand rubles

beat weight., %

amount, thousand rubles

beat weight., %

in comparison prices, thousand rubles

amount, thousand rubles

Volume of sales of services, including:

Services for organizing a unified information space

BMS design, installation and maintenance services

Services for the supply of computer and system equipment

Services for design and installation of access control and video surveillance systems

Rice. 2. Volume of sales of services at comparable prices

Conclusions: The volume of services sold in 2011 (according to the balance for 9 months) of the enterprise JSC "Precision Mechanics" in comparable prices increased by 14520.69 thousand rubles. or by 31.7%. As in the previous period, the largest share in the total volume of revenue received comes from revenues from the sale of services for organizing a unified information space. In addition, the growth of this indicator in the reporting year was 36.7%. In addition, there is a significant increase in the share of services for design, installation and maintenance of BMS - 44.8%. The share of services for the supply of computer and system equipment increased by 29.5%. In terms of services for the design and installation of access control and video surveillance systems, there is a decline in both the share of total sales and revenue in value terms.

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