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Work program "Entertaining logic" work program (senior group) on the topic. Program of paid services for the development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities “Little Experts Planning logic for preschoolers preparatory group

Lukicheva Tatyana Emilievna

additional teacher arr. according to FEMP

MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 162" Voronezh

Program Mug "Funny Logic"

general development group

for children 4 to 5 years old

Program content

(middle group no. 13)

Project passport

1. Explanatory note.

2. Features of the development of middle-aged children

3. Ways to check resultsmastering the “Fun Logic” program

4. Literature used

Long-term thematic planning

Program passport

Additional educational service program for childrenfrom 4 to 5 years"Fun Logic"

Basis for program development

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (as amended on February 20, 2011)

Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 22, 1989)

Charter, educational program of MBDOU

Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten “Childhood”, ed. T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva.

Customers of the program

MBDOU team.

Parents of secondary school students preschool age.

Organization executor

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 162

Target group

A group of pupils of secondary preschool age consisting of 12 people.

Compilers of the program

Lukicheva Tatyana Emilievna, additional teacher. arr. according to FEMP

Purpose of the program

Purpose of the program - mastery of logical thinking techniques for preschool children through a system of cognitively oriented activities in a circle"Fun Logic"

Program objectives

    To develop in children the ability to carry out sequential mental operations - analysis and comparison of groups of objects (figures), to identify and generalize features, to compare, to establish their differences in a graphical representation of the table.

    Develop the ability to notice not only the brightly presented properties in an object (object), but also less noticeable, hidden ones; establish connections between the qualities of an object and its purpose, identify the simplest dependencies of objects (by shape, size, quantity) and trace changes in objects according to one or two characteristics.

    Improve voluntary attention and memory.

    Develop the ability to express the simplest personal judgments and conclusions based on acquired knowledge.

    Foster a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.

    Expanding the range of additional services.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards mastering logic.

    Development of the intellectual, emotional, social and personal component

Expected results

Program implementation period

Explanatory note.

The program of additional educational services “Entertaining Mathematics” is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education and developed on the basis of the “Childhood” programs by the authors V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva; “By playing, I develop” A.N. Burova; “Little geniuses” V.V. Voskobovich. The program is implemented on the basis of preschool educational institution DS No. 162, which establishes the basic principles, goals and objectives.

Psychologists around the world have recognized that the most intensive intellectual development of children occurs in the period from 5 to 8 years. One of the most significant components of intelligence is the ability to think logically. Logical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking and is the highest stage of thinking development. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality.

Relevance of the project development cognitive abilities in preschool children is dictated by modern reality. We live in a rapidly changing world, in the era of information, computers, satellite television, mobile communications, and the Internet. Information Technology give us new opportunities. An interesting future awaits our current students. And in order for them to be successful and skillfully navigate the ever-growing flow of information, they need to be taught to easily and quickly perceive information, analyze it, apply it in learning new things, and find innovative solutions in various situations. In accordance with modern trends in the development of education, we must release from kindergarten a person who is inquisitive, active, takes a lively, interested part in the educational process, has the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems, and has also mastered universal prerequisites educational activities– the ability to work according to a rule, according to a model, according to instructions. The role of mathematical logic in this regard cannot be overestimated. Having analyzed the content of modern training programs primary school, we can say with confidence that the logical component is given the utmost importance. So that the student does not experience difficulties literally from the first lessons and does not have to learn from scratch, already now, in the preschool period, it is necessary to prepare the child accordingly.

Mathematical literacy and developed logical thinking are the key to successful education of a kindergarten graduate at school.

The content of the program is aimed at mastering for children 4-5 years old the most important skill of logical thinking - the ability to “act in the mind.” At each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, on which mental functions important for the transition to the next stage are formed.

Features of development of children of middle preschool age.

By the age of four, the main difficulties in the child’s behavior and communication with others, which were associated with the crisis of three years (stubbornness, obstinacy, conflict, etc.), gradually become a thing of the past, and the inquisitive child actively masters the world of objects and things around him, the world human relations. Children do this best when they play. Children of 5 years old continue to act out actions with objects, but now the external sequence of these actions already corresponds to reality: the child first cuts the bread and only then places it on the table in front of the dolls (in early and very early preschool age the sequence of actions did not have such significance for the game ). In the game, children name their roles and understand the conventions of the accepted roles. There is a separation between gaming and real relationships. At the age of 5, peers become more attractive and preferred play partners for the child than adults.

At the age of 4 to 5 years, children continue to assimilate generally accepted sensory standards, master ways of using them, and improve their examination of objects. By the age of five, children, as a rule, already have a good understanding of primary colors, geometric shapes and relationships of quantities. The child can already voluntarily observe, examine and search for objects in the space around him. Perception at this age gradually becomes meaningful, purposeful and analytical.

Attention becomes more and more stable, in contrast to the age of three years (if the child goes after the ball, he will no longer be distracted by other interesting objects). An important indicator of the development of attention is that by the age of five, action according to the rule appears - the first necessary element voluntary attention. It is at this age that children begin to actively play games with rules: board games (lotto, children's dominoes) and mobile games (hide and seek, tag).

In middle preschool age, the child’s memory develops intensively. At the age of 5, he can already remember 5-6 objects (out of 10-15) depicted in the pictures presented to him.

At the age of 5 years, reproductive imagination predominates, recreating images that are described in poems, adult stories, found in cartoons, etc. Elements of productive imagination begin to take shape in play, drawing, and design.

The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships is reflected in children's responses in the form of complex sentences. Children have a need for respect from adults and their praise, so a child of the fifth year of life reacts to the comments of adults with increased sensitivity.

Based on these features, the principle of personal oriented approach G. A. Tsukerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili, is very important when choosing and constructing material based on the individuality of each child, focusing on his needs and potential capabilities.

Many people think that developed logical thinking is natural gift, the presence or absence of which must be accepted. However, there are studies by famous psychologists (Piaget J., Tikhomirova L.F.) confirming that the development of logical thinking can and should be done (even in cases where the child’s natural inclinations in this area are very modest). For example, according to J. Piaget, the concept of number in a child arises as a synthesis of two logical structures - class and order, which are respectively associated with the logical operations of classification and seriation. It is known that human thinking is distinguished, first of all, by the ability to think generally about objects, phenomena and processes of the surrounding world, i.e. think in certain concepts. Moreover, knowledge of reality is realized through the formation of concepts and operating with them, i.e. the concept acts both as the initial element of cognition and as its result. And in order for a child to form conceptual thinking as early as possible, it is necessary to develop it logical structures(Tikhomirova L.F.)

Purpose of the program mastering logical thinking techniques by preschool children through a system of cognitively oriented activities in a circle"Fun logic for kids." Leveling the starting conditions for future first-graders when they begin school.


    Show curiosity: ask searching questions (“Why?”, “Why?”, “Where?”), express opinions, share impressions, and strive to reflect them in productive activities.

    Happy to join in research activities, uses different search actions; on his own initiative, actively discusses the process and its results with children and adults.

    Shows observation, noticing new objects and changes in the immediate environment.

    Comparing objects by spatial location (left (right), in front (behind...), determining the location of an object in a row (second, third).

    Determining the sequence of events in time (what comes first, what comes next) using pictures and simple models. Mastering the ability to use schematic representations of actions, properties, and invent new signs and symbols; understanding the replacement of specific features by models.

    Mastering the practical division of a whole into parts, measuring quantities using substitute objects.

    Understanding and using number as an indicator of quantity, the total of counting, mastering ways of perceiving various sets (sounds, events, objects), comparing them by quantity, dividing them into subgroups, reproducing groups of objects by quantity and number, counting and naming numbers in order up to 5- 6.

    Development of arbitrariness of mental processes, abstract-logical and visual-figurative types of thinking and types of memory, basic mental operations, basic properties of attention, through a system of circle classes.

    Improvement dialogical speech children: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand questions, the meaning of tasks, be able to ask questions and answer them.

    Training in activities - the ability to set goals, organize one’s activities, and evaluate the results of one’s work.

    Develop the ability to notice not only the clearly visible properties in an object (object), but also less noticeable, hidden ones.

    Establish connections between the qualities of an object and its purpose, identify the simplest dependencies of objects (by shape, size, quantity) and trace changes in objects according to one or two characteristics.

    Formation of a positive attitude towards mastering logic; development of the intellectual, emotional, social and personal component.

Organizational and methodological support of the program (children’s age, implementation deadlines, class schedule, group size).

The “Fun Logic” circle program was developed for children of middle to school age.

To successfully master the content of the program, the number of children in a group should not exceed 12 people.

Additional educational service pupils visit middle group No. 13 based on parental requests.

Classes are held 4 times a month, on Tuesdays.

Lesson duration – 20 minutes

The number of classes is calculated taking into account the Christmas holidays

In Week

Per month

In year

Required condition The work of the circle is: the purposeful development of the thinking abilities of children of middle preschool age in games, in game situations in the classroom, when solving problem situations in intellectual games. Classes of the “Fun Logic” circle help children develop the ability for self-development. The role of technology in the development of logical thinking, intellectual and creativity person is great. It is thanks to them that the child learns to analyze, compare, generalize, classify, reason, prove, and refute.Why?

Firstly, abstract material is used here: natural objects are replaced by symbols.

Secondly, when solving logical problems and problem situations, children establish cause-and-effect relationships, without which they will not come to the correct answer or correct conclusions.

Thirdly, preschoolers independently find patterns and learn to deduce properties and laws.

In the process of completing tasks, children learn to observe, notice similarities and differences, notice changes, identify the reasons for these changes, their nature, and on this basis draw conclusions in the form of a proposal, that is, put forward hypotheses. To develop these abilities in the program we use educational games by V.V. Voskobovich, puzzles, entertaining games with cubes

All classes are based on game exercises and tasks. The program includes a wide range of mathematical entertainment: tasks - jokes, riddles, puzzles, labyrinths, games for the development of spatial concepts. They not only arouse interest with their content and entertaining form, but also encourage children to reason, think, and find the right answer. Particular attention is paid to the development of children's independence, observation, resourcefulness, and intelligence. This is facilitated by a variety of logic games, tasks, and exercises. To solve these tasks, it is necessary to analyze the conditions, rules, content of the game or task and, as a result, require the use of mathematical inference.

Great place During the classes, the circle is occupied with didactic games and exercises. They are a valuable means of cultivating the mental activity of children, activate mental processes (attention, thinking, memory, imagination, etc.), arouse interest in the process of cognition and, very importantly, facilitate the process of assimilation of knowledge. The program includes games and entertaining tasks on the development of spatial concepts, the development of mathematical design skills, size, shape, size.

The club's classes are based onbasic principles Andmethodological techniques, which solve modern educational problems taking into account the demands of the future.

Principles of conducting classes :



    cyclical structure of classes,



    developmental and educational nature of tasks.

Methodical techniques :

    statement of success;

    supporting a child in a situation of failure;

    approval of behavior;

    analysis of the game situation; broadening one’s horizons;

    creating a situation of success; gradually complicating the task;

    security, trust;

    demonstration of experience in order to understand the properties of objects and relationships;

    analysis of behavior patterns of fairy-tale characters.

    the technique of anthropomorphism (humanizing objects);

    listening to thematic audio recordings, fairy tales, sounds of nature;

    thematic viewing of videos;

    effect of surprise, unfamiliarity of a task, game, decision, encouragement

    movement towards discovery compliment gratitude;

Working with parents

Issues of the relationship between kindergarten and family in Lately more and more attention is being paid, since the child’s personality is formed primarily in the family and family relationships. The “Fun Logic” club is an additional component of the educational process, where parents can gain knowledge and develop their skills, as well as provide children with support for a more comfortable and effective learning of the material. First of all, parents’ attention is directed to realizing the need to increase their role in the comprehensive development of children, including intellectual. For this purpose, consultations “Let's Play Together” were developed( advice to parents on using educational games with Dienesh blocks at home), “Together with Mom” (andactivating and enriching the educational skills of parents, supporting their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities). Conversations on developing a unified style of communication with the child in the MBDOU and family,

Ways to check results.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of circle activities is carried out on the basis of:

    planned datapedagogical examinationlevel of mathematical development of children inMBDOU(September and May);

    conversations with students and their parents;

    conducting consultations for parents

Forms for summing up the program implementation:

Stage 1 - open lesson mug in the shape of a math holiday.

Stage 2 – presentation at a parent-teacher meeting, a joint lesson with parents, an exhibition of children’s works – applications based on visual geometry.

Expected results of mastering the circle program:

It is assumed that the organization of educational games taking into account the individual characteristics of the child is effective for the development of logical thinking in children of middle preschool age. And that is why the development of verbal and logical thinking in middle group preschoolers is a mandatory element of the preschool program, which helps children better master the school curriculum in the future.

As a result of the study group, children will be able to:

    highlight the properties of objects, find objects similar and different in external signs;

    divide the set into subsets characterized by a common property;

    compare parts and wholes for objects and actions;

    call main function(purpose) of objects;

    arrange events in the correct sequence;

    perform the sequence of actions listed or depicted;

    apply any action in relation to different objects;

    describe a simple procedure to achieve a given goal;

    find errors in the wrong sequence of simple actions;

    draw analogies between different objects;

    create an algorithm for solving logical tasks.

The level of children attending the “Fun Logic” club is expected to be higher in the following sections school curriculum: - mathematics.

Preschoolers who learn to think logically will have the following qualities:

    The ability to flexibly adapt to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying them in practice to solve various problems, so that throughout life to have the opportunity to find your place in it;

    independently think critically, be able to see difficulties arising in the real world and look for ways to rationally overcome them, using modern technologies; clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied in the surrounding reality; be able to generate new ideas and think creatively;

    work competently with information (be able to collect the facts necessary to study a specific problem, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, and make the necessary generalizations);

    be sociable, contactable in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, preventing conflict situations or skillfully, getting out of them;

    independently work on developing one’s own morality, intelligence, and cultural level.


Working on the problem of developing logical thinking in middle group preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that the most effective means are didactic games, Mind games and warm-ups, logic search tasks, game exercises entertaining in nature, the varied presentation of which has an emotional impact on children. They activate children, since they involve a change in activity: children listen, think, answer questions, count, find their meanings and identify results, learn Interesting Facts, which not only promotes the interconnection of various aspects of the surrounding world, but also broadens one’s horizons and encourages independent learning of new things.

Used Books:

    Project "Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education"

    Babaeva, T. I. Junior preschooler in kindergarten. How to work according to the “Childhood” program: educational method, manual / T. I. Babaeva, M. V. Krulekht, Z. A. Mikhailova. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2007.

    Boguslavskaya, 3. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age / 3. M. Boguslavskaya, E. O. Smirnova.-M.:Enlightenment, 1991.

    Educational games Voskobovich for preschoolers. Collection teaching materials/ V. Voskobovich - M.: Sfera, 2015. – 128 p.

    Educational and developmental games with your own hands: making it easy and fun / Poyda Oksana Vladimirovna M.: World of encyclopedias Avanta +, Astrel, Poligrafizdat, 2012. –112 p.

    Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina [etc.]; edited by T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva.: - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2014. - 352 p.

    Mathematics from three to seven: educational method. manual for kindergarten teachers. gardens / comp. 3. A. Mikhailova, E. N. Ioffe. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2001.

    Fairytale labyrinths games. Gaming technology intellectual and creative development of children 3-7 years old / Kharko T. G., Voskobovich V. V. S.110

    T.G. Kharko “Methodology of cognitive and creative development of preschool children “Tales of the Violet Forest”, CHILDHOOD-PRESS, St. Petersburg, 2013

Long-term thematic planning.


Lesson topic

Program content


"Journey to the Autumn Park"

Strengthen the ability to identify individual objects from a group, see many and one in the environment and describe observations using appropriate words.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes.


"The Adventures of Mishutka"

Strengthen the ability to compare groups of objects using the application method.

Improve the ability to group objects.

Improve the ability to work with your right hand from left to right when arranging objects.


"Comparison of Sets"

Strengthen the ability to compare sets.

Practice distinguishing colors and shades.


“Comparing items by length and quantity”

Strengthen the ability to compare objects by length, use words in speechlonger-shorter , long short.

Strengthen the ability to compare two groups of objects by the number of these objects.

Develop children's imagination.


"Let's get acquainted with numbers 1 and 2"

Teach children to distinguish between groups containing 1 and 2 objects; call the total number of items based on the count.

Introduce numbers 1 and 2.

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes Oh.


"Orientation in space"

Strengthen the ability to compose and select groups of one or two objects; indicate the number of items with the corresponding number.

Consolidate knowledge about spatial orientation:up, down, right, left, forward, back .


"Temporary Concepts"

Learn to distinguish parts of the day, determine their sequence: morning - afternoon - evening - night. Introduce the concepts: “yesterday Today Tomorrow". Form the idea that each person has two and one. Develop attention and creative imagination. Cultivate a love for learning activities


"Number 3"

Continue to develop children's imagination.


“The score is within three. Number 4"

Strengthen counting skills within 3 and knowledge of the corresponding numbers.

Strengthen the ability to compare objects by length, denoting the results of comparison in words.


“The score is within 4. Correlation between the number of objects and the number"

Exercise children in the ability to count to 4; reflect in speech the equality and inequality of groups of objects.

Strengthen the ability to indicate the number of objects using numbers.

Teach children to count the number of objects within 4.

Strengthen design skills.


"Introducing the Number 5"

Develop creative imagination.


“Count to five. Correlation between the number of objects and the number"

Exercise children in counting to five; learn to correctly name numerals - denote the number of objects with a number.

Continue to teach children to schematically depict various objects and geometric shapes using sticks.


"Visiting the forest dwellers"

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Research creative project “Fantasy World” for teaching non-traditional drawing techniques

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten “Beryozka”, Satinka village, Sampur district Tambov region

Adopted at the meeting I approve:

Pedagogical Council Head of MBDOU "D\S "Beryozka"

from "___" __________ 2016 Gontareva E. V. Protocol No. _____ “__” __________ 2016

Program paid services development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities

"Little Experts"

for preschool children

from 5 to 6 years

Leonova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, teacher

Explanatory note

Focus of the “Little Experts” program

By functional purpose: educational - cognitive;

By form of organization: group;

By implementation time: one year.

This program is designed taking into account: basic in general educational program preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva; manual “Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children” L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko; manual “Development of the intellectual abilities of a preschool child” by L.F. Tikhomirov.

The formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the basis for the intellectual development of children and contributes to the general mental education of a preschool child.

Organization of a circle"Little Experts"makes it possible to develop cognitive activity, interest in mathematics, and develop logical thinking.

The proposed “Little Experts” Program in its content issocio-pedagogical . The peculiarity of this work is that this activity represents a system of exciting games and exercises for children with numbers and geometric shapes, thereby allowing them to qualitatively prepare children for school. I organize activities based on the interests, needs and inclinations of children, thereby stimulating children’s desire to engage in mathematics.When conducting group work, I pay special attention to the development of logical forms of thinking.

The formation of logical thinking is an important part of the pedagogical process.

It is solved mainly by means of entertainment in teaching mathematics. Mathematics provides real prerequisites for the development of logical thinking.

The teacher’s task is to help children fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, guide children’s mental activity, organize and direct it.

According to the functional purpose of the Program, as well as “Little Experts” educational and cognitive, because it allows you to find out the level of preparation of each child for learning mathematics, as well as identify areas of knowledge and skills in which the child has difficulties and provide him with appropriate assistance.

Novelty of the program in, that the child not only learns to count, but also masters the elements of logical actions of comparison, classification, and generalization.

The program offers exciting games and exercises for the development of logical thinking, allowing children to be well prepared for school.

Relevance of the program allows you to purposefully and quickly form perception in an accessible and interesting form. It traces a consistent transition from simple to more complex types perception. Children of senior preschool age in game form learn to identify and generalize the characteristics of objects and numbers; determine the sequence of events; Children develop mental operations of analysis and synthesis.

Pedagogical feasibility: effective development of intellectualabilities of preschool children is one of the current problemsmodernity.In preschool age, the foundations of the knowledge a child needs in school are laid. Mathematics is a complex science that can cause some difficulties during schooling. In addition, not all children have inclinations and have a mathematical mindset, therefore, when preparing for school, it is important to introduce the child to the basics of logical thinking, basic techniques: comparison, synthesis, analysis, classification, proof and others, which are used in all types of activities and are the basis of mathematical abilities.

The pedagogical feasibility of the program is also due to the fact that the “Little Experts” club classes strengthen interest in mathematics and improve physical development and emotional state of children. The development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers is a special area of ​​cognition in which, subject to consistent training, it is possible to purposefully form abstract thinking and increase the intellectual level of children.

Club work built on the principle of maximum use by the child of his own cognitive activity and sequential introduction of program material (from simple to complex). The organization of training is structured in such a way that it allows

ensure cognitive interest and stability of voluntary attention,

participate in the process of completing tasks for each child,

use individual and differentiated approaches to children,

children receive joy and pleasure as a reward for their work.

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for the development of elementary techniques of logical thinking as methods of cognitive activity in preschool children.



1. Consolidate counting within 10, practice solving simple addition and subtraction problems, and consolidate understanding of the relationships between numbers.

2.To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes and their properties.

3.Teach orientation in time, space, on a plane.


1. Foster cognitive activity.

2. Cultivating the need for mathematical studies.

3. Foster a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.


1. Development of logical thinking and basic mental operations.

2. Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

3. Development of independence, initiative, self-control and activity of the individual in activities in general.

Distinctive features: The content of the course provides for children to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities. The activity represents a system of entertaining games that introduce children to numbers, sizes, geometric shapes, and help them practice orientation in time and space. Games contribute to the formation mathematical thinking, stimulate creative imagination, cultivate perseverance, will, perseverance, and determination.

By using logic games children train attention, memory, perception.

The advantage of the program is that children are constantly in motion, help each other, feel the object being studied, and abstract one, two, three, four properties in objects.

Children's age participating in the program implementation for 5-6 years.

Implementation period: 1 year - 64 hours

Forms of classes: Classes include an organized, theoretical and practical part. The organized part ensures the availability of the necessary material for classes, the theoretical part includes the necessary information on the topic, the practical part allows children to learn the material, and the teacher to identify the degree of mastery of knowledge by children and plan individual work. Game activities which include different kinds children's activities: cognitive, productive, motor, communicative, constructive.

Lesson mode: For children aged 5-6 years, classes are held 2 times a week. The duration of one lesson is 25 minutes.

Expected results and methods for determining effectiveness

Mathematics classes will help children develop a certain reserve mathematical knowledge and skills. Children will learn to think, reason, and perform mental operations.

During classes, children gain stable knowledge, skills and abilities, so by the end school year children

will know:

distinctive features of geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle)

non-standard methods for solving various mathematical problems;

logical techniques used in solving problems;

will be able to:

distinguish, name geometric shapes, compose planar images according to diagrams and design;

use methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, establish a pattern;

navigate in space and on a plane;

Compare objects by length, height, thickness, color, shape

Distinguish primary colors and their shades

Orientate yourself in space (left, right, above, below, on, under, next to, on the side)

Make a whole from parts.

Follow instructions and work according to diagrams

In order to see the results of each child’s achievements, I use diagnostics of personal growth and advancement, a scale for assessing results.

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program are needed in order to show the reliability of the results obtained from mastering the program in order to conduct a timely analysis of one’s activities. I use an open lesson as a form of summarizing the results of the program.

Verification methods: To track performance educational process The following types of control are used:

1. initial control (October);

2. final control (May).

Educational and thematic plan for the additional educational program “Little Experts”

Title of section, topic

Number of hours


Modular block “Numbers and operations on them.

Color is a number, number is a color.

Numbers and digits of the first ten.

Types of account (direct, reverse)

Composition of numbers (from 2 to 10).

Addition and subtraction.

Modular block « Geometric shapes, size"

Comparison and compilation.

Classification and generalization

Modular block “Spatio-temporal representations”.

Orientation in space.

Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Modular block

"Orientation in time"

Morning. Day. Evening. Night.


Modular block

"Set and Aggregates"

The concept of set. Many and one.

Comparison of objects.

Puzzle games.

Logical tasks and exercises.

Final lesson.

Total hours

1. Modular block “Numbers and operations on them.”


Color is a number, number is a color. Introducing colored sticks - numbers within 10. Numbers and digits of the first ten by adding 1.

Types of counting (direct, reverse, ordinal) within 20.

Composition of numbers (from 2 to 10). Making a “rug”.

Numbers are neighbors. Previous and following number.

Composition of numbers (from 2 to 10). Making a “rug”.

Dividing objects into 2 and 4 equal and unequal parts, finding a part from a whole, composing a whole from parts.

Addition and subtraction. Formation of general ideas about addition, as combining groups of objects into one whole. Formation of general ideas about subtraction, as the removal of parts of objects from the whole. The relationship between the whole and the part. The concept of “whole - part”.

Drawing up and solving problems using diagrams and cards.

Solving problems on adding objects, figures, Cuisenaire rods using numbers in color. The concepts of “left, right, middle.”

Subtraction problems. Working with objects and figures. Making a “subtraction mat” from Cuisenaire sticks.” Relationships between groups of objects (more, less, same amount).

Mathematical signs: +, -, =, =,<, >. Use of these symbols in composing and solving arithmetic problems and inequalities.

Creative problem solving.


Didactic games:“Train”, “Build a ladder”, “ Computing machines"", "Algorithm", "Jolly Train", "Wonderful Bag", "Fence", "Broken Ladder", "For the Curious", "Magic Houses", "The Houses Scattered", "Mathematical Circle", "Find the Hidden Figure by cells”, “Mosaic of numbers”.

2. Modular block “Geometric shapes, magnitude”

Identifying and abstracting properties.


Development of the ability to identify from one to four different properties in objects (color, shape, size, thickness), abstract some properties from others, and name them.

Mastering the ability to strictly follow the rules when performing actions, understanding that breaking the rules does not allow you to get the right result.


Games: “Find the treasure”, “Guess it”, “Highway”, “Where is whose garage?”, “Growing a tree”.

Comparison and compilation.


Developing in children the ability to compare objects according to one, two and three properties, to see what is common and different in them.

Forming the ability to compare objects and master this skill in different situations: when in their field of vision there are not only the objects being compared, but also others.


Games: “Tracks”, “Find a pair”, “Two paths”.

Classification and generalization.


Formation in children of the ability to classify and generalize objects according to one, two, three and four properties: first, according to given properties, then - according to the independently selected ones.

The transition from classification and generalization of objects according to individual properties to the identification of patterns.


Games: “Where is whose garage?”, “Settled in the house”, “Who is visiting Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.”

Logical operations and operations “not”, “and”, “or”.


Developing in children the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties.

Development of skills to perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”, skills to construct correct statements using these operations, encode and decode information about the properties of objects.


Games: “Guess the figure”, “Build a house”, “Divide the blocks - 1”, “Divide the blocks - 2”, “Algorithm”, “Architects”, “Children’s playground”, “Let’s treat the bear cubs”, “On your own branch”, "Who's the boss?"

3. Modular block “Spatio-temporal representations”

Orientation in space.


Concepts: above, below, left, right.

Prepositions: above, under, in, on, behind, before, between.

Orientation on a sheet of paper with a checkered line: cell, line, cell column, page, sheet.


Didactic games: “Far - close”, “High - low”, “Name - where...”, “Guess the time of year?”, “Week”. Graphic dictations.

4. Modular block “Orientation in time”


The names of the days of the week and months, with time intervals: morning, afternoon, evening, night. Seasons. Measure of time: second, minute, hour.


Far - close", "High - low", "Name - where...", "Guess the time of year?", "Week".

5. Modular block “Sets and aggregates”


General concepts of set. Basic operations on a set.

The concept of "Multiple". Many and one. Relationships “greater than”, “less than”, “equal”.

Properties of objects (color, shape, size, thickness, material). Combining objects into groups based on similar characteristics (two, three, four). Comparing objects by color, shape, size, thickness, etc.

Comparison of objects and aggregates.

A collection (group) of objects or figures that have a common characteristic. Drawing up a population according to a given characteristic. Selecting part of the population.

Comparison of two sets (groups) of objects.

Designation of relations of equality and inequality.

Establishing the equivalence of two sets (groups) of objects by making pairs (equal - unequal, more by... - less by...).

Logic games. Games - puzzles.

Exercises for attention and memory. Interesting questions, games, competitions.


Didactic games: “Lay it out correctly”, “Help the ants”, “Two hoops”, “Tracks”, “Find a pair”, “Who lives where?”, “Find the odd one out”, “Combine by 2, 3, 4 features” , “Equal - unequal”, “Two hoops”.

Puzzle games: “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Columbus Egg”

6. Final lesson.

Games - competitions.

Games are competitions.

Methodological support

Methods used in the implementation of the program: classes with children are carried out on the basis of the activity method, which makes it possible to correlate theoretical material with practical lessons, the cyclical method, i.e. return to previously covered material, games as the main activity of a preschooler.

The program follows the main trends in the development of modern methods of teaching logic and mathematics:

communicative orientation;

activation of children’s mental activity in the process of mastering logical operations;

increasing learning motivation;

individual approach to children;

technical equipment educational process.

To provide methodological support for the educational program of additional education “Entertaining Mathematics”, the preschool educational institution has: didactic material(tables, flashcards, sufficient handouts for each child, diagrams, algorithms, pictures for composing problems, visual aids, puzzles), puzzles (“Tangram”, “Columbus Egg”, “Pythagoras”), logic - math games(“Logic mosaic”, “Playing mathematics”, Logic and Numbers”), educational games (“Fold the pattern”, “Chameleon”).

Materially - technical support: computer, multimedia projector, multimedia materials, presentations.


1. Bondarenko T.M. Educational games in preschool educational institutions. Lesson notes on educational games by Voskobovich. - Voronezh: Methoda LLC, 2013.

2. Wenger A.A., Dyachenko O.M., Govorova R.I., Tsekhanskaya L.I. Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in preschool children. - M., 1999

3. Volina V.V., Holiday of numbers. Moscow, “Knowledge”, 1993

4. Mikhailova Z.A., Entertaining game tasks for preschoolers, M., 1990.

5. Novikova V.P., Mathematics in kindergarten. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

6. Stolyar A.A., Let's play. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1991

7. Magazine "Educator". Development of mental abilities with the help of Voskobovich games. No. 7/2014.

1. Explanatory note
1.1 Relevance
1.2 Purpose of the program
1.3 Program objectives
1.4 Timing of the program, age of children, forms of classes
1.5 Stages of program implementation
1.6 Contents of the program
1.7 Expected results

2. Methodological support
2.1 Perspective-thematic plan for the “Entertaining Logic” circle

3. Diagnostic program for logical thinking of children of senior preschool age.

5. Information resources

1. Explanatory note.
Why does a little preschooler need logic?
According to L.A. Wenger, “for five-year-old children, the external properties of things alone are clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually become acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relationships that underlie scientific knowledge about the world... All this will benefit the mental development of the child only if training is aimed at developing mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of the external properties of things and their varieties ... "
The skills and abilities acquired by a child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to “act in the mind.” A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to solve problems; completing the exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child’s health may suffer, and interest in learning may weaken or disappear altogether.
Having mastered logical operations, the child will be more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, and be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right moment. It will become easier to study, which means both the learning process and the school life will bring joy and satisfaction.
This program shows how, through special games and exercises, you can develop children’s ability to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality.
Working with preschoolers on development cognitive processes, you come to the conclusion that one of necessary conditions their successful development and training is systematic, i.e. a system of special games and exercises with consistently developing and increasingly complex content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Individual games and exercises can be very interesting, but using them outside the system cannot achieve the desired educational and developmental result.
1.1 Relevance
To successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and convincingly, guess, show mental effort, and think logically.
Teaching the development of logical thinking is of no small importance for the future student and is very relevant today.
Mastering any method of memorization, the child learns to identify a goal and carry out certain work with the material to realize it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, and group material for the purpose of memorization.
Teaching children classification contributes to the successful mastery of a more complex method of memorization - semantic grouping, which children encounter at school.
Using the opportunities for developing logical thinking and memory in preschoolers, we can more successfully prepare children to solve the problems that schooling poses to us.
The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths and is of great interest to children. In this activity, children develop important personality traits: independence, resourcefulness, intelligence, perseverance, and constructive skills. Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of a result, while showing creativity.
While working with children, you may notice that many children cannot cope with tasks that seem simple at first glance. logical problems. For example, most children of senior preschool age cannot correctly answer the question of what is more: fruits or apples, even if they have a picture in their hands of fruits - a lot of apples and a few pears. Children will answer that there are more pears. In such cases, they base their answers on what they see with their own eyes. They are “let down” by imaginative thinking, and children by the age of 5 do not yet master logical reasoning. In older preschool age, they begin to show elements of logical thinking, characteristic of schoolchildren and adults, which need to be developed in identifying the most optimal methods for developing logical thinking.
Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, promote research and creative search, the desire and ability to learn. Didactic games are one of the most natural activities for children and contribute to the formation and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence. The development of logical thinking in children through didactic games is important for the success of subsequent schooling, for the correct formation of the student’s personality and in further education will help to successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.
1.2 Purpose of the program: creating conditions for the maximum development of logical thinking of preschoolers in preparation for successful schooling.
1.3 Program objectives:

  • teach children basic logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, negation, classification, systematization, limitation, generalization, inference
  • teach children to navigate in space
  • develop in children higher mental functions, the ability to reason, prove
  • cultivate the desire to overcome difficulties, self-confidence, and the desire to come to the aid of a peer

1.4 Timing of the program, age of children, forms of classes
Program implementation period: 1-2 years
The program is designed for children 5-7 years old
The program provides for conducting circle classes in various forms:

  • Individual independent work children.
  • Work in pairs.
  • Group forms of work.
  • Differentiated.
  • Frontal inspection and control.
  • Self-assessment of completed work.
  • Didactic game.
  • Competition.
  • Competitions.

1.5 Stages of program implementation
The technology of activity is built in stages:

  1. Diagnosis of the initial level of development of cognitive processes and monitoring their development.
  2. Planning the means by which one or another quality can be developed (attention, memory, imagination, thinking), taking into account the individuality of each child and existing knowledge
  3. Construction of an interdisciplinary (integral) basis for training in a developmental course.
  4. Gradual complication of the material, gradual increase in the amount of work, increasing the level of independence of children.
  5. Familiarization with the elements of theory, training in methods of reasoning, self-argumentation of choice.
  6. Integration of knowledge and methods of cognitive activity, mastery of its generalized techniques.
  7. Evaluation of the results of the developmental course according to developed criteria, which should include the child (self-esteem, self-control, mutual control).

1. 6 Program content
Short description sections and topics of classes (sections correspond to a specific logical operation that children will learn in class):

1. Analysis - synthesis.
The goal is to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish connections between them; learn to mentally connect parts of an object into a single whole.
Games and exercises: finding a logical pair (cat - kitten, dog - ? (puppy)). Adding to the picture (pick up a patch, add a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites (light - heavy, cold - hot). Working with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

2. Comparison.
The goal is to teach one to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential characteristics; develop children's attention and perception. Improve spatial orientation.
Games and exercises: consolidation of concepts: big - small, long - short, low - high, narrow - wide, higher - lower, further - closer, etc. Operating with the concepts “same”, “most”. Search for similarities and differences in 2 similar pictures.

3. Limitation.
The goal is to learn to identify one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics. Develop children's observation skills.
Games and exercises: “circle only the red flags with one line”, “find all non-round objects”, etc. Eliminating the fourth wheel.

4. Generalization.
The goal is to teach how to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Help enrich vocabulary and expand children’s everyday knowledge.
Games and exercises for operating with general concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc.

5. Systematization.
The goal is to learn to identify patterns; expand children's vocabulary; learn to tell from a picture, retell.
Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Compiling a story based on a series of pictures, arranging the pictures in a logical sequence.

6. Classification.
The goal is to teach how to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of general concepts, free handling of them.

7. Conclusions.
The goal is to teach using judgments to draw conclusions. Help expand children's everyday knowledge. Develop imagination.
Games and exercises: looking for positive and negative things in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes the plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Assessing the correctness of certain judgments (“the wind blows because the trees sway.” Right?). Solving logical problems.

1.7 Expected results
Planned results:
Children should know:

  • principles of constructing patterns, properties of numbers, objects, phenomena, words;
  • principles of the structure of puzzles, crosswords, chainwords, labyrinths;
  • antonyms and synonyms;
  • names of geometric figures and their properties;
  • the principle of programming and drawing up an algorithm of actions.

Children should be able to:

  • identify patterns and perform tasks according to this pattern, classify and group objects, compare, find general and specific properties, generalize and abstract, analyze and evaluate their activities;
  • solve logical problems by reasoning, non-standard tasks, perform creative-search, verbal-didactic, numerical tasks, find the answer to mathematical riddles;
  • answer questions quickly and correctly during warm-up;
  • perform tasks to train attention, perception, memory
  • perform graphic dictations, be able to navigate the schematic representation of graphic tasks;
  • be able to set a goal, plan stages of work, and achieve results through one’s own efforts.

Method for checking work results : generalizing classes after each section and 2 diagnostics (initial (September) and final (May)) of the level of mastery of logical thinking operations.

« Logics»

Head of the circle: I.V. Pozhidaeva

Program type developing


Methods used :

- practical(gaming);

- development;

- research;

- experimentation;

- modeling;

- recreation;

- transformation;

- design.

Program implementation form : regulated educational activities within the circle« Logics».

Developmental environment :

Modeling sticks. Educational tabletop- printed games.




Simple pencils.

Set of colored pencils. .

Conditions for the program natural living environment for a child in kindergarten mode.

Verbal-logical thinking is the highest stage of development of children's thinking. Reaching this stage is a long and complex process, because the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. Mathematical literacy and developed logical thinking are the key to successful education of a kindergarten graduate at school.

The skills and abilities acquired by a child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to “act in the mind.” A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to solve problems; completing the exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child’s health may suffer, and interest in learning may weaken or disappear altogether. The program includes playful and entertaining tasks to develop spatial concepts, develop mathematical design skills, and expand knowledge about the size, shape, and size of objects.

Goals and objectives

Target: mastery of logical thinking techniques by preschool children at an elementary level through a system of cognitive classes in the “Logic” circle.


1. The child must be able to find differences and similarities between two pictures (or between two toys).

2. The child must be able to build according to the model of a building from a construction set.

3. The child must be able to put together a cut picture from 2-4 parts.

4. The child must be able to complete a task within 5 minutes without being distracted.

5. The child must be able to fold a pyramid (cups, placing them inside each other) without outside help.

6. The child should be able to put missing fragments of pictures into the holes.

7. The child must be able to name a group of objects with a generalizing word

(cow, horse, goat - domestic animals; winter, summer, spring - seasons). Find the extra item in each group. Find a pair for each item.

8. The child should be able to answer questions such as: Is it possible to sled in the summer? Why? Why do people wear warm jackets in winter? Why are windows and doors needed in a house? Etc.

9. The child must be able to pick up opposite words: glass full

The glass is empty, the tree is high - the tree is low, go slowly - go fast, narrow belt - wide belt, hungry child - well-fed child, cold tea - hot tea, etc.

10. The child should be able to remember pairs of words after reading them to an adult: glass-water, girl-boy, dog-cat, etc.

The child must be able to see incorrectly depicted objects in the picture and explain what is wrong and why.

The club program is built on the basis of basic principles that solve modern educational problems while taking into account the needs of the future:

1. The principle of activity includes the child in the cognitive process.

2. The principle of a holistic view of the world in active approach is closely related to the didactic principle of scientificity. Children develop a personal attitude towards the acquired knowledge and the ability to apply it in their practical activities

3. The principle of creativity (creativity) presupposes a maximum focus on creativity in children’s activities, their acquisition own experience creative activity.

The effectiveness of the study group is achieved through the use of modern educational technologies.

The following teaching technologies are used in the work:

health-saving technologies (physical training minutes during classes to strengthen the muscles of the eyes, neck, spine);

problem-based learning (use of exercises that allow you to find an independent solution);

technologies of a personality-oriented approach (children receive tasks according to their individual development);

Expected results

IN :

highlight the properties of objects, find objects that are similar and different in appearance;

compare, classify, generalize, systematize objects of the surrounding reality (highlight the properties of objects, find objects similar and different in external characteristics); navigate in space, distinguish objects located on the right, left, above, below;

divide the set into subsets characterized by a common property;

compare parts and wholes for objects and actions; name the main function (purpose) of objects; arrange events in the correct sequence;

perform the sequence of actions listed or depicted;

apply any action in relation to different objects; describe a simple procedure to achieve a given goal;

find errors in the wrong sequence of simple ones


draw analogies between different objects;

remember, reproduce learned material, prove, reason.

work in pairs, subgroups; show goodwill

to a peer, to listen, to help as needed.

Educational thematic curriculum .

Name of program topic

Number of hours

P\ P

Kolobok's birthday

Rubik's Cube

Visiting the Gnome.

Magic wands.

Mysteries of autumn.

We learn to reason.

Search for patterns.

Fairytale labyrinth.

Puss in Boots.

Forest animals.

Let's learn to compare.

Fun account.

Collecting pictures.

Orientation in space.

Geometric design.

Miraculous transformations (geometric

Vitaminka travels.

We are inventors.

Logical chains.

Up or down.

Scientist cat.

Train travel.

Dunno's assistants.

Vegetables and fruits.

Maya the bee.

Animals from Africa.

Riddles are jokes.

Fairytale labyrinth.

Colors of rainbow.

One daisy, two daisy (fun counting).

Let's help Cinderella get dressed.

We build from colored figures.


Riddles and puzzles.

Final lesson “We can do everything.”

Total: 35 hours.

1. Counting books .


2. Math riddles .


3. Graphic drawing .

Development fine motor skills hands, working with stencils. Objects of nature; Houseware; buildings and cars.

4. Numbers and numbers .

Numbers in poems and fairy tales. Numbers within5. Comparing numbers within5.

5. 5. 5. Mathematical poems - jokes .

jokes. 6. Rebuses . Puzzles .

Rebusesnumbers, addition of pictures, finding a logical pair. , , putting together puzzles.

7. Geometric figures .

Colors of rainbow. Their order. Straight line.

. 8. Comparison of values .

Concepts« less», « more», « heavier», « easier», « longer», « Briefly speaking», « higher», « below». Search for opposites, search for similarities and differences in pictures.

9. Tasks with sticks .

, mosaic. Addition tasks, removal of chopsticks. .

10. Problems in verse .

Addition problems, increase, 5.

11. Solving topological problems . Labyrinth .

Construction of labyrinths, exit from the labyrinths. Actions with numbers.

Comparison of numbers. Problem solving. Magic square.

12. .

Triangle. Conditions for its construction. . . . Working with stencils.

13. .

Orientation on a plane. . Concepts: « follows», « preceded», « higher», « below», « stands between» etc. d.

14. Mathematics in fairy tales .

15. .

Physical education minutes, finger gymnastics, lacing games.

16. .

: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. P.

17. Exercises for speech development

, logical chains.

18. Final lesson .




Additional education club program"Logic"

Head of the circle: I.V. Pozhidaeva

Information part of the program

Type of program – developmental

Composition of students studying- constant

Methods used:

  • practical (game);
  • development ;
  • research;
  • experimentation;
  • modeling;
  • re-creation;
  • transform ;
  • design.

Program implementation form: regulatededucational activities within the circle"Logic".

Developmental environment:

Modeling sticks. Educational tabletop- printed games.

Small constructors and construction material with a set of samples.

Geometric mosaics and puzzles.

Printed notebook assignments for independent and group work.

Simple pencils.

Set of colored pencils. Pattern with geometric shapes.

Conditions for the program– natural for a childliving environment in kindergarten mode.

Verbally - logical thinking is the highest stage of development of children's thinking. Reaching this stagelong and complex process, T . To . full development of logical thinking requires not only high mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. Mathematical literacy, developed logical thinkingthis is the key to successful education of a kindergarten graduate at school.

Skills, abilities, acquired by a child during preschool period, will serve as a foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age- At school . And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking., ability " act in your mind" To kid , who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking, it will be more difficult to solve problems, doing the exercises will require a lot of time and effort. The child's health may suffer as a result., interest in learning will weaken or disappear altogether. The program includes game and entertaining tasks for the development of spatial concepts, development of mathematical design skills, to expand knowledge about the size, form , size of items.

Goals and objectives

Target : mastery of preschool children in elementarylevel of logical thinking techniques through a system of cognitively oriented activities of the circle"Logic".

Tasks :

1. The child must be able to find differences and similarities between two pictures ( or between two toys).

  1. The child must be able to build according to the model of a building from a construction set.
  1. The child should be able to put together a cut picture from 2-4 parts.
  1. The child must be able to without distractions for 5 minutes to complete the task.
  1. The child must be able to fold a pyramid(cups, putting them inside each other) without outside help.
  1. The child should be able to put missing pieces of pictures into the holes..
  1. The child must be able to name a group of objects with a general word

(cow, horse, goat - Pets; winter, summer, spring - seasons). Find the extra item in each group. Find a pair for each item.

  1. The child should be able to answer questions such as: Is it possible to sled in the summer?? Why ? Why do people wear warm jackets in winter?? Why are windows and doors needed in a house?? Etc. d.
  1. The child must be able to select opposite words: glass full
  • the glass is empty, the tree is high - the tree is low, go slow - go fast, narrow belt - wide belt, the child is hungry- the child is well-fed, the tea is cold - the tea is hot, etc. d.
  1. The child must be able to remember pairs of words, after reading to an adult: glass - water, girl - boy, dog - cat, etc. d.

The child must be able to see incorrectly depicted objects, explain, what's wrong and why.

The club program is built on the basic principles, that solve modern educational problems taking into account the demands of the future:

  1. The principle of activity includes the child in the cognitive process.
  1. The principle of a holistic view of the world in the active approach is closely related to the didactic principle of scientificity. Children develop a personal attitude towards the acquired knowledge and the ability to apply it in their practical activities
  1. The principle of creativity(creativity) assumes maximum focus on creativity in children’s activities, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

The effectiveness of the study group is achieved through the use of modern educational technologies.

  • The following training technologies are used in the work:

health-saving technologies(physical training sessions during classes to strengthen the eye muscles, neck, spine);

problem-based learning(use of exercises, allowing you to find an independent solution);

technology personally– oriented approach(children receive tasks according to their individual development);


Expected results

  • As a result of the club classes, children will be able to:

highlight the properties of objects, ;

compare , classify, generalize , systematize the subject ety surrounding reality(highlight the properties of objects, find objects that are similar and different in appearance); navigate in space, distinguish objects, on the right, left , above , below ;

break a set into subsets, characterized by a common property;

compare parts and wholes for objects and actions; call the main function(purpose) of objects; put events in the correct sequence;

perform a listed or illustrated sequence of actions;

apply what - or action in relation to different objects; describe a simple procedure to achieve a given goal;

find errors in the wrong sequence of simple ones


draw analogies between different objects;

remember, reproduce learned material, prove, reason.

work in pairs, subgroups ; show goodwill

  • peer, listen, help as needed.

Educational – thematic curriculum.

Name of program topic

Number of hours


Kolobok's birthday

Rubik's Cube

Visiting the Gnome.

Magic wands.

Mysteries of autumn.

Learning to reason.

Search for patterns.

Fairytale labyrinth.

Puss in Boots .

Forest animals .

Learning to compare.

Fun account.

Collecting pictures.

Orientation in space.

Geometric design.

Miraculous transformations(geometric


Vitaminka travels.

We are inventors.

Logic chains.

Up or down.

Scientist cat.

Train travel.

Dunno's assistants.

Vegetables and fruits .

Maya the bee .

Animals from Africa.

Riddles are jokes.

Fairytale labyrinth.

Colors of rainbow .

One daisy, two daisy (fun counting).

Let's help Cinderella get dressed.

We build from colored figures.


Riddles and puzzles.

Final lesson"We can do everything."

Total: 35 hours.

1. Counting books.

Counting books with mathematical content.

2. Math riddles.

Math riddles with numbers within 5.

3. Graphic drawing.

Development of fine motor skills of hands, working with stencils. Objects of nature; Houseware ; buildings and cars.

4. Numbers and figures.

Numbers in poems and fairy tales. Numbers within 5. Comparing numbers within 5.

Actions with numbers within 5. Solving problems with numbers within 5. 5. Mathematical poems- jokes.

Ways to solve mathematical poems- joke. 6. Puzzles. Puzzles.

Rebuses - numbers, addition of pictures, finding a logical pair. Puzzles with different objects, games to eliminate the fourth wheel, putting together puzzles.

7. Geometric figures.

Colors of rainbow . Their order. Straight line .

Closed and open curved lines. 8. Comparison of values.

The concepts of “less”, “more”, “heavier”, “lighter”, “longer”, “shorter”, “higher”, “lower”. Search for opposites, search for similarities and differences in pictures.

9. Tasks with sticks.

Drawing up geometric shapes, mosaic. Addition tasks, removal of chopsticks. Constructing figures based on a model and verbal description.

10. Problems in verse.

Addition problems, increase , decrease in number is not several units within 5.

11. Solving topological problems. Labyrinth.

Construction of labyrinths, exit from the labyrinths. Actions with numbers.

Comparison of numbers. Problem solving. Magic square.

12. Geometric design.

Triangle . Conditions for its construction. The simplest design based on a sample. Design based on a contour object. Design by Representation. Working with stencils.

13. Solving problems on the development of spatial concepts.

Orientation on a plane. Orientation in space. Concepts: “follows”, “precedes”, “above”, “below”, “stands between”, etc. d.

14. Mathematics in fairy tales.

15. Exercises for relaxation and development of fine motor skills.

Physical education minutes, finger gymnastics, lacing games.

16. Tasks to expand children's horizons and vocabulary.

Games and exercises for operating with general concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. P.

17. Exercises for speech development

Making up stories from pictures, logical chains.

18. Final lesson.

Dramatized performance with math characters.