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Development of a career guidance event “fun chefs”. Extracurricular activity by profession: cook, pastry chef "tournament - skillful cook" methodological development on the topic Extracurricular activity for Chef's Day script

Script competition - game program"Fun Chefs"

Target: Introducing children to the profession of a cook.


Educational: Give students an idea of professional qualities cook, about the content of his work.
Developmental: Promote the development of attention, memory, and intelligence in children. Developing the ability to work in a team.
Educational: Instill in students a love of labor activity. Foster respect for people in working professions.
Age and psychological characteristics children: The lesson is intended for students in grades 3-4 with insufficient development voluntary attention, fine motor skills hands
Equipment: music center, 2 tables for serving, serving items, sports equipment, children's equipment, vegetables, dishes, etc.


  1. Hey, I'm a quick cook!

    To the cellar for vegetables

    To the well for water

    Preparing the flour

    Bake pies


    Total event

Progress of the event

1. Presenter. Good afternoon, dear friends.

2. Presenter Hello guys!

1. Presenter We welcome you to the Central Distribution Center.

2. Presenter Today we have gathered here to talk and learn more about one of the professions, and guess which one:
1. Presenter We will wake up when you are sleeping,
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat the oven red hot,
To bake bread in the morning.
Who is this? (Bakers, cooks.)

2. Presenter Today, professions such as cook or pastry chef are in great demand. These specialists are needed in schools and kindergartens, in hospitals and sanatoriums, in hotels and on ships, on expeditions, in the army, and in the navy. In short, wherever there are people who want to eat.
1. Presenter Yes, meals have long been considered a real ritual. And you can get true pleasure from exquisitely prepared dishes only if they are prepared by a master. Knowing how to cook deliciously is a real art.
The first cook.
The boys are having a sweet dream,
The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook can't sleep -
The cook gets up before dark.
Second cook.
The porridge gurgles lightly
And the scrambled eggs sizzle.
And to the delicious noise and hubbub
Appetite enters the bedrooms.
The first cook.
We'll sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I'll be a cook in the dining room -
That's what I decided myself!

2. Presenter The chef profession is one of the oldest in the world. , but it is also relevant in our time, because a person cannot live without food. The work of a cook is not easy. You need to get up early and stand at the stove all day. But how nice it is to see that dishes made with your own hands delight others and your work is not in vain.

1. PresenterGuys, watch the scene “Do it yourself”

(Suddenly a girl comes out from behind the stage.)
Girl. Iron my dress, grandma!
Grandma. What about you yourself, dear?
Girl. I must prepare the poems!
Granny. Okay, learn quickly
After lunch, warm it up.
Girl. Let mom! Do I care?
Today we have a meeting at our school!
Grandma. What is the question before you?
Girl. Do everything yourself!
Grandma. So, then, not ours? Yourself?
With your own hands?
And what will you show at the training camp?
Girl. And I will sing in the choir.
Then perform poetry:
"Do everything with your own hands!"
Grandma. Ay-ay-ay! (Shakes his head.)
2. Presenter. Are there really such girls and boys among you? I want to believe that it is not! After all, you can’t have adults, grandmothers and mothers do everything for you.

Why are there clouds in the sky?
Why are hedgehogs prickly?
Why does a snowflake melt?
Reaching your palm?

Why do dunes crawl?
Why are there fogs?
Why land and sea
A whole century of arguing with each other?

Why did the star fall?
Why do I know little?
Apparently you shouldn't be lazy,
And study and study.
K. Murzaliev.

1. Presenter. Guys, success comes to those who love their work and put their soul into it. In any business, to become the best, be ready to constantly learn, improve yourself, and improve your cultural, educational and professional level.

2. Presenter Guys, soon you will grow up and you will not need the help of adults. But for this you need to learn, and no matter what difficulties stand in your way, you only need to hope for the best and you will succeed. This is what the song “Bird” performed by Eva is about.

Musical break – Bird (Eve)

1. Presenter And today we are opening a school of cheerful chefs, where you will learn what and how to cook, which vegetables are the healthiest, how to set the table, and how to behave.

2. Presenter. To make learning more interesting, let’s organize teams that will master the art of cooking in competition games.

1.Ved: So, we have two teams: “Cooks” and “Bakers”. Everyone knows that before starting work, a cook needs to put on overalls.

And the first competition is called “Oh yes, I am a smart little cook”!

The rules of this competition are that each of the team members must put on overalls, sit on a chair and say “Oh yes, I am a smart cook!”, then take off the overalls, hang them on a chair and pass the baton to another. Whichever team completes this task faster and without errors wins.

(Music sounds)

2. Presenter WITH next competition 2. "To the cellar for vegetables."
In order to cook something, you need to bring food. Where can I get them? You can, of course, buy it in a store, but a real chef should always have his own supplies. Where are they stored? That's right, in the cellar! So, go to the cellar for vegetables!
A hoop is placed between the tables and the starting benches - this is the entrance to the cellar. Participants are given bags with which they run at a signal, climb through hoops and take vegetables (balls) from the table. Back - in the same way. The winner is the team whose members are the first to carry all the vegetables.

Well done guys. Let's take a little break.
Musical break - Two steps from a dream (Lisa)
1. Presenter You can’t make soup from vegetables alone. We need water.
Put buckets on the rocker arms,
Hurry to the well - get water!
Then bring the buckets back to me
And everyone take their place.
2 .Leading.Competition 3 "To the well for water."
Participants with a children's bucket run along a chalk path to a bucket of water. They scoop up water and walk back at a walk. Then pour water into the pan. The team that brings the most water wins. At the end of the competition, the presenter pours water into a special container with a volume scale, determining who brought the most water.
1. Presenter.Competition 4 "Preparing flour".

Everyone knows that before kneading the dough, the flour must be sifted.

Therefore, the next Competition is 4 “Preparing flour”.
On each table there is a bowl of flour, a spoon and a sieve. Each team must pour flour from a bowl into a spoon as quickly as possible and sift it into another bowl. The team that completes the task first wins.

2. Presenter.Competition 5 "Bake pies."
Now our chefs will show their culinary arts. They will bake pies. There is salt dough and a spatula on the tables. At the signal, the first team numbers run up to the table, take the dough, and form a pie. Then they take it with a spatula and put it on a plate. Whose team will bake pies faster?

Well done guys. And now a break.

Musical break Simple song ( Plashkevich Eva)
1. Presenter. Competition 6."Serving
It's time to set the table. Our next competition is called "Serving". Given: oilcloth, tablecloth, napkins, plates (deep and shallow), cups, glasses, forks, knives, spoons (table and tea spoons), flowers and flower vases.
Required: arrange everything so that it is beautiful, correct, convenient. And, of course, it whetted the appetite. Teams are required to have 2 people.
2. Presenter While team representatives are setting the table, riddles for fans , ready?
1. Presenter They came to us with melons

Striped balls. (Watermelons)

2. Presenter I grow in the soil in a garden bed,

Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

1. Presenter There was a child - he didn’t know diapers,

became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. (Cabbage)

2. Presenter Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain,

Large, round, sweet in taste,

Did you find out who I am? ... (Beet)

1. Presenter Before we ate it,

Everyone had time to cry. (Onion)

2. Presenter Round and smooth

Take a bite, it's sweet.

Stuck tight

In the garden... (Turnip)

1. Presenter I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

2. Presenter What kind of trotter is this

Did you fall over on your side?

He's well-fed and lettuce-y.

That's right, kids... (Zucchini)

1. Presenter At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes “sol” and “fa”. (Beans)

2. Presenter There is a yellow ball in the garden,

But he doesn't run at a gallop,

He's like full moon,

The seeds in it are delicious. (Pumpkin)

1. Presenter She's hiding from the sun

Under a bush in a deep hole,

Brown is not a bear,

In a hole - but not a mouse. (Potato)

2. Presenter Like in a garden bed under a leaf

The log rolled -

Remote greenery,

Delicious small vegetable. (Cucumber)

1. Presenter It happens, children, different -

Yellow, grass and red.

Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's sweet,

You need to know his habits.

And in the kitchen - the head of spices!

Did you guess it? This is... (Pepper)
1. Presenter Our table is set. The table is usually set on holidays and birthdays. And on holidays, songs are sung and wishes are made. And we wish that all your dreams come true and your wishes come true. Meet Elizabeth with the song Dream.

Musical break -Dream (Lisa)
2. Presenter: Our game is over. Let's summarize our competition. Both Teams completed the competition tasks, and we are giving you medals for graduating from the school of cheerful chefs.
1. Presenter. Did you guys like it? Today we introduced you to the profession of a chef. and if any of you want to learn how to cook deliciously, we invite you to join the associations “Guys-Cooks” and “Culture of Food”

2. Presenter: And there are so many other wonderful professions in the world. and if you already know how to cook, then our center additional education offers you more than 40 associations for every taste. All information is on our brochures.

1- 2. Presenter Goodbye! We wish you good luck and success!


State budgetary professional

Educational institution of the Krasnodar region

"Novokubansky Agrarian and Polytechnic College"

Extracurricular activity

Chef by profession, pastry chef

"Skilled Chef Tournament"

The development is presented by the master industrial training Khmara Lyubov Viktorovna.



Instilling interest and love for the chosen profession;

Develop creativity; spirit of competition, ingenuity, sense of rivalry;

Foster respect for working people, cultural and hygienic skills;



Generalize and expand knowledge on the subject of cooking.

Introduce students to a system of cultural values ​​that reflect the richness of universal human culture, including the culture of their people;

Equip students with a knowledge system.


To promote a sense of respect and belonging in the conduct of collective events at the technical school, awakening an emotional attitude to life;

To form in students a scientific worldview, moral personality traits, views, and beliefs.


To develop students' memory, attention, logical thinking, observation, stimulate creativity of students;

Contribute to the development of communication skills of senior and junior students, the ability to work in a team, and conduct public speaking;

Develop students' interest in learning, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - memory, speech, attention, imagination and perception.


Game; -contest; -quiz; -conversation.

Material, technical and didactic support of the event:

Posters, tables for competitions and games (3), three meat grinders (competition “build a meat grinder”, tray, set of products (vegetables and fruits), dishes, walnuts (competition “whole nut”), lotto cards “Tableware”, containers where rice and beans are mixed, tablecloths, and serving dishes.

Venue: GBPOU KK NAPT club

The hall is decorated with colorful posters and balloons. Phonograms of songs are played. Students meet and invite guests to the event. First, second and third year students sit in the hall. The music stops.

The presenter comes out:

Good afternoon to everyone present at our event. We have gathered here to hold a tournament - a skillful cook.

I want to start our event with a parable about a cook.

“Once upon a time, philosophers gathered and argued which profession was more important. One said:

The teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. “Art distinguishes man from animals,” exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, prepare dinner,” the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon scientists began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. Discussions were interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the owner said after dinner.

Popular wisdom says that any profession requires skill. And the profession of a cook is a special profession. If you love cooking and strive for mastery, the result is honor and honor.

Hippocrates also said that our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be our food. An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.” Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. After all, his health, mood, and labor productivity depend on how to feed a person. And this is also a profession that requires constant search and creative imagination, because you need to pleasantly surprise a visitor every time he enters a canteen, cafe, or restaurant.

Before we start our tournament, we need to select participants. We have three groups of cooks, so there will be three teams. We will select participants from each group using questions.

And so, first, questions for group 27 P:

1). Sugar in pieces. ( refined sugar.)

2).Guess the riddle:

The whole family is dressed in silver scales: mother, grandmother and daughters, grandfather, father and sons. ( fish )

3). Guess the riddle:

White as snow, in honor of everyone, you like me, but it’s harmful to my teeth.(sugar ).

4). They don’t eat it raw, they throw it away when it’s cooked. ( bay leaf).

And so, the participants of group 27 P are:

Now we will select participants in group 26 P; students who answer questions become participants in the tournament.

So first question:

1). Soroka's signature dish is white-sided fish. ( porridge ).

2). A bewildered kitchen worker. ( cook ).

3). Guess the riddle:

He's so green... We'll pour water on him. How big the sweet little one will grow....( watermelon )

4). Guess the riddle:

This fruit tastes good and looks like a light bulb. ( pear )

And so, the participants of group 26 P are:


Selecting members of the 25 P group:

  1. Common name for beets, carrots, turnips...( root vegetables)
  2. Guess the riddle:

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,

who undresses him

he sheds tears. ( onion )

  1. There is a yellow ball in the garden,

only he doesn’t run at a gallop,

he's like the full moon

The seeds in it are delicious. ( pumpkin ).

4). What is the name of a drink made from milk, juice and sugar. ( cocktail).

The participants of group 25 P are:


Now we have three teams that will compete with each other.

And of course, not a single tournament can do without a jury. I present to you our esteemed jury:

Chairman of the jury: Our dear director Grigoryan Vazgen Khachaturovich.

And the jury members:

Morozova Tatyana Mikhailovna,

Ganakina Alexandra Vasilievna.

Let's welcome the jury and teams.

Teams dress in special clothes. clothes and a ribbon is tied to each team.

The first competition is called “Assemble a meat grinder.”

The cook must have a chef's acumen: he must be quick, dexterous, and his hands must be dexterous and quick.

One player per team is invited for the “Meat Grinder” competition.

For every correct answer or action, the team receives a star. The star is attached to a colored stand.

Summing up.

Second competition "Kitchen utensils".

Cards are laid out on the table.

Each player gets a card on which the name of one kitchen tool, fixture or utensil is written. The player must tell what it is used for so that the players on his team can guess what tool or utensil we are talking about. If their players find it difficult to answer, then the opportunity to answer passes to the other team. The team that defines the subject more correctly and quickly wins.

For example: A sieve is drawn on the card. The player, without naming the drawn object, gives it a definition. This is a hoop with a stretched mesh for straining and sifting. Flour is sifted through it. You can also wipe vegetables.

The appendix includes an envelope with cards showing: (Fork, frying pan, glass, mug, slotted spoon, colander, gravy boat, knife, thermos, saucepan, teapot, jug, plate).

Summing up. Teams earn stars.

The third competition is called "Die Hard"

Each team is given 5 walnuts. The team that cracks the nut faster and gets the nut grains more intact wins.

It is suggested to crack the nuts using a garlic press.

The fourth competition is called “Fast and Skillful”

One person from each team participates. The competition is who can peel the potatoes faster and better.

In order to start this competition, I suggest you remember the safety precautions when working with a knife. To do this, I draw your attention to the screen.

On the screen are the rules for working with a knife.

It is necessary to have gloves, knives and bowls of water for peeling potatoes and peelings.

Let's sum up the results of this competition.

Fifth competition "Guessing Game"

Now we'll see if you can guess by touch what vegetables and fruits are in these boxes.

Boxes containing a bag of product are brought out.

(vegetables and fruits: beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, apples, quinces, pears, etc.)

The team that names all the vegetables and fruits correctly and quickly wins. For each correctly guessed vegetable, a star is given.

The sixth competition is called “Separate the cereal”

It so happened that beans spilled into the rice cereal. And you need to put the rice in the pan. You need to quickly separate the beans from the rice grains.

Each team is given rice cereal mixed with beans.

The cleanliness and speed of the participants is taken into account.

For this competition you will need: bowls with cereals, serving bowls and bowls for separated cereals.

Let's sum up the results of this competition.

Well, the final seventh competition is “Serving”

A cook must not only cook well, but also know how to properly set the table. Now we’ll see how you cope with this “table setting” task.

The order of card selection is given to the team with the fewest stars.

First card: Table setting for tea.

Second card: Table setting for a romantic dinner for 2 people.

Third card: Setting the festive table.

In the meantime, our teams are setting their tables, we will solve riddles and answer questions - tasks.

1). In the middle of the century, knights wore this vegetable on their chests as a talisman.(Onion.).

2). What kind of fish are called “red”? (Pink salmon, Trout, salmon.)

3). This delicious yellow fruit

Sails straight from Africa

Monkeys at the zoo

Provides food for a whole year. ( Banana.)

4). It looks like an orange

Rough skinned, juicy.

There is one drawback -

It's very sour...( Lemon.)

5).This fruit is like a tumbler,

Dressed in a yellow shirt.

Disturbing the peace in the garden,

It fell from the tree….( Pear .)

6). She's so fragrant

The pulp is sweet!

From now on we fell in love

Queens of the field...(Melons)

7).Sits on a spoon, legs dangling. ( Noodles)

8).What is poured into a frying pan and folded into four. (pancakes)

9).They stuffed her mouth with meat,

And she chews it

Chews - chews and does not swallow,

Sends it to the plate. (meat grinder).

10).I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. ( spoon).

11).I am long and green, I am tasty when salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber).

12).This is not a toy at all - Fragrant... (Parsley).

13).It doesn’t upset anyone, but makes everyone cry. (Onion).

14).Even though he didn’t see the ink,

Suddenly turned purple

And shines with praise

Very important... (Eggplant).

15).At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes "G" and "F". (Beans).

16).What caused the princess's insomnia. (Pea).

17).The bird ended up in the soup for its thoughts. (Turkey).

18).Favorite food of the inhabitants of the island of Chunga-changa.(Cacoons, bananas).

19).What is served at the end of lunch. (Dessert).

20). Leafy vegetable or cold dish. (Salad).

21).Type of dry biscuits. (Cracker).

22).The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook).

23).Candied fruit slice. (Candied fruit).

24).Particle of liquid. (Drop).

25).Which product sometimes fails on the first try. (Pancakes).

26).Which vegetable used to be called “red salt”. (Pepper).

27).Diplomat and method of preparing herring. (Ambassador).

28).What you can’t keep in your mouth. (Boiling water).

29).He will be born in water, but is afraid of water.(Salt).

30).Without breaking the pot. You won't even eat porridge. (Nut).

Whichever member of the audience answers the most questions receives a small prize (candy).

Now let's return to our participants. Look how well they set the tables.

The next stage is the presentation of table settings. Anything else you might want to add from dishes or decor.

The jury determines correctness and aesthetics.

The results of the competition are summed up.


Presenter - But now our event is coming to an end. All that remains is to sum up the results of the “Skilled Chef” tournament.

And while the winning team is being determined. I would like to read you a poem about the profession of a chef:

White apron and cap,

The dawn itself is blushing.

It’s a trifle for us to guess,

Who is here in front of us?

He's at the stove all day

Both in winter and in summer.

So that you and I are full,

He fries cutlets for us.

Compote is boiling on the stove

And the broth is clear.

Feed the people as soon as possible -

This is his task.

The driver is full and the soldier is full -

So everything is fine.

The astronaut is fed up in the rocket,

Children in kindergarten...

Maybe they won't believe me

Someone will smile.

There is nothing more needed on earth

Cooks work!

So, we let the jury speak.

Prepare certificates.

We summarize the results and awards.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our tournament - Skilled Chef. The most skilled cooks are the members of the group ______

Thank you all for your attention. I hope everyone enjoyed our tournament.

General extracurricular activity for the profession “Cook, confectioner”.

"International Chef's Day"

Extracurricular entertainment and educational event.

Objectives of the event:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in her.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK 3. Analyze work situation, carry out current and final control, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

Objectives of the event:
- introduce students to the content of professional activities;
- form a positive attitude towards work;
- encourage students to correlate the requirements of the profession with individual qualities;

Progress of the event

Good afternoon.


Humanity and food - this connection cannot be broken. And food requires a chef. There is no way to do without it. It was the chefs, who spent centuries perfecting recipes and cooking skills, who turned the dull absorption of something edible into something refined and elegant, into an art. No wonder the tenth muse of the Romans is called Cooking. Kitchen wizards have their own professional holiday.

It is for this holiday that we have gathered.

It's International Chef's Day.

As you know, cooks are busy people. They are increasingly conjuring new dishes. Therefore, only in 2004, the World Association of Culinary Societies, which includes 8 million people, decided October 20th is designated as Chef's Day. And since then, this holiday has been celebrated with pleasure in many countries around the world.

Within the walls of our college there are 3 groups of pastry chefs, 1 group of technologists and, of course, our wonderful chefs.

We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday.

There is such a profession - to be a cook!
It’s very tasty to cook and gives happiness!
Chops, borscht and compote for the soul -
We are in a hurry to try your masterpieces!
And on the day of the cook we wish you well,
The brightest hopes of fulfillment!
After all, without your efforts the Earth is sad,
You give us moments of happiness!
There are always pies and comfort in your home,
And in my soul there are nightingale trills.
We wish you to walk our path,
May your eyes sparkle with happiness!

International Chef's Day is a great occasion to cook something delicious for family and friends, invite guests and treat them to an amazing lunch or dinner.

And don’t forget today to congratulate your beloved mothers and grandmothers, and many fathers, on International Chef’s Day, because they are the best cooks in the world.

How long ago do you think this profession appeared?

The profession of a cook developed along with civilization, so we can say that it is the oldest profession.

The first professionals who made a living from this craft are recorded from the Greek civilization on the island of Crete in 2600 BC. e.

Over the course of its history, world cuisine has created tens of thousands of dishes. Cooks were taken into account; the prestige of this or that noble house depended on them. In ancient Rome, there were even uprisings of cooks who subjugated some cities. Under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius (around 400 AD), the first schools of culinary arts were organized,

In Germany, from 1291, the chef was one of the four most important figures at court, and in France, only noble people became chefs of the highest ranks.

In Rus', cooking became a special specialty in the 11th century, and as a science, cooking arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. The first culinary school was opened in St. Petersburg on March 25, 1888.

Today, all over the world there are more than a thousand educational institutions that train chefs and technologists. Many of them achieve great success.

Please tell me, what famous chefs do you know?

(audience responses)

Alain Ducasse. The French chef runs three restaurants at once, each of which has three Michelin stars. His empire includes 11 themed concept restaurants, a couple of high-end bistro cafes and even the fast food chain B.E. Ducasse finds time to manage a culinary school, a chain of hotels, and heads a publishing house and consulting firm.

Gordon Ramsay. World fame came to him thanks to television - the chef hosts specialized and highly rated television shows. He has 9 restaurants, 6 of which have at least one Michelin star. He owns a couple of pubs and 12 restaurants outside England.

Nobuyuki Nobu Matsuhisa, a world-renowned chef who has gained popularity for his fusion cuisine, combining traditional Japanese dishes and South American (Peruvian and Argentinian) ingredients.

Andrey Makhov, chef of the restaurant "Cafe Pushkin" - a famous restaurant of Russian cuisine in Moscow.

Vladimir Mukhin. The chef's gastronomic style combines the traditions of Russian cuisine with ultra-modern food processing technologies.

Akhmetzyanov, Yunus Akhmetzyanovich - famous cook, author of numerous books on cooking.

On this day, professional skills competitions are held, master classes and shows are organized. And we will not break this tradition. Attention to the screen.

(video show)

Have you noticed that among the famous chefs there are no representatives of the fair sex?

For some reason, there is a widespread opinion all over the world that the best chefs are men. Some experts explain this by the fact that the stronger sex delves into the matter more thoroughly. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that women's hand temperature is two degrees higher than men's. For this reason, representatives of the fair half of humanity in Japan are not allowed to prepare sushi and desserts. But there are a lot of women chefs. Among them there are those who achieve great success.

They make films, TV series, cartoons, programs, talk shows about chefs, and there are even TV channels dedicated to cooking.

Please name them.

(audience calls)

There really are a lot of them. In 1997, an unusual television program was released, which won the absolute love of television viewers. Simple recipes and serving, culinary tips, product stories, a good fairy tale - all this is “Tasty Stories”. We want to show one of the episodes of this TV program

(video show)

Please tell me what qualities a chef should have?

(viewer options)

The cook must have

· good sense of smell;

· sensitive taste buds;

· taste memory;

· excellent color perception;

· developed imagination;

· limitless imagination;

· creativity;

· artistic taste;

· curiosity;

· ability to perform several actions at once;

· energy;

· pedantry;

· good coordination of movements.

· and of course - kindness.

It’s not for nothing that the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote:

The earth is also generous

That there are chefs in the world.

Blessed are their simple destinies,

And your hands, like your thoughts, are pure.

Their profession is good, in fact:

an evil person will not stand at the stove

A good cook is like an artist

with a palette of fruits, cream, roses

creates a luxury of cakes,

connoisseur of recipes, tastes, doses

crispy crust sculptor,

juggler, artist, sorcerer, sniffer,

Master of Science,

great magician, trickster.

A cook is a person who can make a real masterpiece from simple products.

We want to invite 3 people to join us.

There are fruits in front of you and we want you to make fruit slices. And you can call someone for help.

(participants begin to create)

In the meantime, our artists are creating, let us answer the questions:

· Cook on a ship? (Cook)

· Mini bagel? (Baranka)

· Mirror fish? (Carp)

· What is served at the end of lunch? (Dessert)

· Cabbage soup? (Shchi)

· “Clothing” of boiled potatoes? (Uniform)

· Tall cylindrical bread, usually Easter? (Kulich)

· Sugar in lumps? (Refined sugar)

· Daytime meal? (Dinner)

· Ceramic dishes? (Porcelain)

· Net weight of the product? (Net)

· The art of cooking? (Cooking)

· Large confectionery product? (Cake)

· List of dishes in the cafe? (Menu)

· A particle of liquid? (Drop)

· Product made from mare's milk? (Koumiss)

· Common name for beets, carrots, turnips? (Root vegetable)

· Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)

· A caustic but very healthy vegetable? (Onion)

· What is the product that they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water”? (Salt)

· Sweet potatoes? (Sweet potato)

· What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potato)

· Red hot vegetable? (Pepper)

· What is the name of a set of tableware or teaware? (Service)

· Which product never succeeds on the first try? (Crap)

· Baked surface of a loaf of bread? (Crust)

· Small sausage, eaten boiled? (Sausage, sausage)

· Barbecue roaster? (Grill)

· Jelly in the cake? (Jelly)

· Boiled fruit drink? (Compote)

· Emperor cake? (“Napoleon”)

Now let's look at the creation of our participants

Well done

Our students actively participate in professional skills competitions and in preparing baked goods for fairs at various levels. Today we have our own emblem and motto.

A cook is not only a person who prepares a dish technologically correctly and in strict accordance with the recipe, but one who loves his work, receives sincere pleasure from it and is glad when the results of his work delight clients.

The profession of a cook is one of the oldest in the world, one of the most in demand now and one of the few that humanity will always need!

- We want to once again congratulate you on the holiday.

This holiday was invented once,

To honor chefs from the heart!

So that every cook twice

Wish you very generous gifts!

To say thank you to them from the heart!

And wish you success in your work!

So that there is enough salt and pepper

In order to create masterpieces!

We congratulate you on Chef's Day!

We bow to you from us to the ground!

We wish you great happiness,

May you bring us some goodies!

Methodological development of an extracurricular activity dedicated to " International Day cook"

Topic: “Introduction to the profession”


training:introduce students to the history of the “Cook” profession, teach them to analyze their work;

education:cultivate interest in your profession, organization,

discipline in work, ability to work in a team, team cohesion, communication.

development:develop interest in the profession, professional thinking.

Type of lesson:combined

Type of lesson:activity-competition

Equipment and didactic material: multimedia projector, technological maps for preparing sandwiches, necessary products: bread, boiled sausage, hard cheese, butter, mayonnaise, sprats, St. cucumber. pickled cucumber, crab sticks, salted herring, greens), labeled equipment and utensils.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating students' knowledge

3. Goal setting.

4. Competitions:

4.1. “From the history of the profession.”

4.2. “And we’ll sing and tell.”


5. Summing up.

6. Reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating students' knowledge.

The song by Yuri Antonov “Under the roof of your house” sounds. (Appendix 1.) The song gradually fades away, and the presenters enter.

Presenter 1.

We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than to meet you here again
Under the roof of your house...

Presenter 2.

Dear friends! It was no coincidence that we began our festive meeting with these very words! “Under the roof of your house...”

Presenter 1.

The fact is that in terms of the amount of time spent here, and for many other reasons, the technical school can safely claim to be a home for each of us.

Presenter 2.

So, in our house...

Presenter 1.

Today is a holiday in our home!


International Chef's Day!

Presenter 2.

Congratulations, redheads and blondes.

Presenter 1.

Brunettes and Compositae.

Presenter 2.

Curly and combed.

Presenter 1.

Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very...

Presenter 2.

Excellent and, to put it mildly, not very good...

Together 1.

But those who chose this profession.

Presenter 2.

Behind the veil of everyday life.
Behind the bustle of flashing minutes,
Behind the change of all our moods
There is the most important thing in the world -
This is work.

3. Goal setting.

Presenter 1.

The goal of our lesson today is to get acquainted with the history of the “Cook” profession, learn to analyze your work, and the ability to work in a team. Make sure you choose the right profession. Find out about the rating of the profession “Cook”.

The technical school trains 3 groups in the profession “Cook, confectioner” (1st, 2nd and 3rd courses), 2 groups in the profession “Cook” (1st and 2nd courses). Our event will be held in three stages, but first, let's get acquainted with the jury that will evaluate the competitions.

Jury: Fomin Yu. N., Yakovleva F. M., Kamaletdinova N. G., Samylina M.V., Dubinina N. I., Vlaskina K. N., Zuikova N. A., Smetannikova V.I.

Participants of the event are two teams. The guys divided into teams in advance and chose a name. This is a team called "Peppers" and "Cupcakes".

Presenter 2.


4.1. “From the history of the profession.”

First stage: “From the history of the profession.”

What do we really know about our profession?

I suggest you watch the presentation and get acquainted with the profession of “Cook”. (Presentation No. 1, Appendix 2)

Presenter 2.

1. Guys, we have announced a competition: “Advertising the profession “Cook”. Which of you has prepared, please submit your drawings to the jury. At the end of our event, the results will be summed up and, of course, awards will be given.

Presenter 1.

4.2. “And we’ll sing and tell.”

And, now, second stage- “We’ll sing and tell you.”

2. The next task consists of giving a congratulatory speech about your profession.

The French consider cooking to be creative, and skilled chefs to be poets in their craft.

In our culinary team, among the groups of cooks, we also have our own creative people.

Presenter 2.

We welcome today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.

Presenter 1.

Congratulations from the “Peppers” team: (Appendix 3.) “A smile will make everyone brighter”

Chefs are called craftsmen,
With such a title

We're all proud
And where is it needed?

We are all right here!
We will not repeat ourselves in our work


Future chefs

We will greet you with a bang

We'll teach you everything in no time.

What we can do ourselves.

Cook different porridges 2 times

And be craftsmen of all

And victory in competitions -

All behind us!

Presenter 1.

Congratulations from the “Cupcakes” team: (Appendix 4.) music “Don’t hang your nose, midshipmen.”

By the will of fate it happened
This one got us into the techie world.
And this is how it happened in our lives,
That we are all very lucky.
And you shouldn’t sulk at fate,
Your worries are not easy.
Declaration of love today
Students of masters.


Thank you for the lessons.

Dignity and courage of the soul.

For all weeks, days, hours 2 r.

That we walk together with you.

Presenter 2.

That's how well our chefs sing, but their poems tell even better stories.

(Scene. The guys read poetry)

1. A good cook is like an artist
With a palette of fruits, cream, roses
Creates a luxury of cakes,
A connoisseur of recipes, tastes, doses.

2. He is a musician - good cook!
Create from a range of flavors
Concert - that's it, my word,
Only a great cook is capable.

3. Crispy crust sculptor,
Juggler, artist, sorcerer, sniffer,
Master of Science,
Great magician, trickster...

4. In poetry, the magician of words
The shortest one knows the way to the Muse.
And as a poet, a good cook
He will reveal to us what the salt and the essence are.

5. How Couturier dictates fashion,
So the cook, having blown up the fog,
The weather makes the difference in tastes,
And in the kitchen, a true gourmet.

6. And for the hungry people
In hot white clouds
Gluttony to please
Creates abundance and scope.

Presenter 1.

The art of cooking is one of the most ancient. A real cook is a talent that not every person is endowed with. In fact, a chef must have a special culinary taste and dexterity in his hands, because throughout the day he constantly cleans, cuts, and mixes something.

3. The next competition is called “Guess what?”

The whole team is invited to the stage. They are asked to try it blindfolded and guess what kind of product it is?

Products: sugar, apple, cucumber, jam, salt, cottage cheese, sour cream, raisins, kefir.

Presenter 1.

It would seem that the profession of a cook is familiar to everyone. It’s easy to cook two or three bowls of soup and fry some potatoes. But making 100 servings of soup cooked in a huge saucepan taste delicious, or preparing a truly delicious lunch for several hundred people - this is already an art that should be studied long and hard.

Presenter 2.

Guys, many of you are thinking: “Why study to be a chef? I opened the book, read the recipe and let’s cook.” Of course, there are cookery books that describe how to cook, fry, bake, indicate the exact dosage of products, and tens and hundreds of times tested and thoughtful recipes. And yet, in the work of a cook there is always a place for invention, imagination, and ingenuity.

It would seem that the dishes that surround us are so familiar from childhood, but what do we know about them?

Presenter 2.

3.3. “About the profession both jokingly and seriously.”

Yes, a cook is a creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real chef: a little bit of an artist, a little bit of a musician, with aesthetic taste, a sense of color, and harmony.

Presenter 1.

Now, let's see what the guys are capable of here and now.

4. Our competition is called Crazy hands.”

Task: make sandwiches. Here you have a basket with a set of products. In 10 minutes, create a miracle for us!



Submission form;

Taste qualities;

Time has passed. (Instructional and technological cards No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Presenter 2.

While the guys are creating, shall we open our box with questions? For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

5. Quiz “Magic Box” (questions rolled into a tube).

1. Continue the word and explain what it is: kulina...? (Cooking)

2. What other name can we call a person who prepares food other than cook? (Culinary)

3. The most main man in the kitchen? (Chef)

4. About which seasoning, which has been valued very highly since ancient times, the following can be said: helps retain water in the body, serves as a material for the formation of hydrochloric acid, due to which food is better digested and harmful microbes die. And since it often turned out to be inaccessible to the people, popular riots arose. What kind of seasoning is this? (Common salt)

5. The king of salads, the first dish on the hostess’s list, the master of the table – whatever they call him. One thing is clear, not a single celebration can take place without it. The Moscow chef is a Frenchman, whose name a popular salad still bears. (Olivier)

6. The drink that the author of “The Three Musketeers” consumed in huge quantities. (Coffee)

7. Pleasure received while eating. (Gusto)

8. The cry of “Finger lickin’ good!” in one word. (Gluttony)

9. A dish in which the pork feet come separately from the pig. (Jellied meat or jelly)

10. Smoked pork, the most important component of scrambled eggs in English. (Bacon)

11. A culinary product that paints a hut. (Pies)

12. Pig meat is called pork, ram meat is called lamb. Why is cow meat called beef and not cow meat? (Dahl's dictionary says that "beef" is Latin for cow. Hence beef)

13. What soup was called Kalya in the old days? (Rassolnik)

14. The fruit that poisoned the fairy princess? (Apple)

15. A vegetable that has two names. (Tomato, tomato)

16. Food that came down from heaven. (Manna)

17. Both fruit and trousers. (Bananas)

18. Milk scrambled eggs. (Omelette)

19. Vegetable bouquet. (Cauliflower)

20. What vegetable is called blue? (Eggplant)

21. The cook's Bible is (Collection of recipes)

Presenter 1.

Let's see what the guys have prepared, evaluate and taste.

The difficult, but at the same time fascinating profession of a cook brings great satisfaction to a person: it gives him the opportunity to be convinced every day of the necessity and importance of his work.

Presenter 2.

The chef's talent lies in establishing his “secret”; relationships to products unknown to others. In the mysterious country called Cooking, there are hundreds of thousands of recipes for dishes, the preparation of which has always been considered a high art. Learning to feel the ratio of ingredients in a dish means learning the secrets of cooking. And the more skill a cook achieves, the more deep knowledge required from him. A true master spends his entire life learning something new in preparing dishes, preparing them before serving, mastering and developing new cooking technologies...

Appendix 6.(to the tune of the song “Where does summer go?” by A. Pugacheva)

The whole group performs

Where does the time go?
We can't get him back.
And everyone has ahead
Your own unusual way.
We all need to keep learning,
You continue to teach us,
Complementing each other
We will live together.


Both in winter and in summer -
Every day from year to year
The teacher teaches us something,
So that in our lives
We managed and were able
Survive any difficulties.

Let time pass
He can't be held back.
And we will all be the same
Complete tasks.
What if we can't do something?
We ask you to help.
And with you that task
We will decide at the same time.

Presenter 1.

How important it can be to find your place,
And live thinking about
What does someone need, what makes life interesting,
That there is both work and home.

Presenter 2.

A happy place is not a point on the map,
Not a destination in fate,
And where all life flies by in excitement,
Where you are welcome... and you...!

Thanks everyone.

5. Summing up

The jury's word .

The jury announces the results of the competitions and awards the winners.

6. Reflection.

“Plus or minus, interesting.”

Originality of creative concept - 10 points;

Colorful design - 10 points.

2. Congratulations on your profession.

Representatives from teams take part.

Preparation for this competition involves students working with fiction and reference literature, working with the Internet, and song collections.


Originality - 10 points,

Artistry - 10 points,

3. Contest “Guess what?”

The whole team participates.

The competition is judged on the accuracy of the answer. For the correct answer 1 point.

4. Competition “Crazy Hands”.

The competition is assessed according to the following criteria:

Accuracy - 5 points;

Design - 5 points;

Submission form - 5 points;

Taste - 5 points.

5. Quiz “Magic Box”.(questions rolled up into a tube).

Only correct answers are counted. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

The methodology for conducting the quiz involves additional preparation of students: selection of material about the profession, work with educational literature, and an Internet resource.


“Plus-minus-interesting " This exercise can be done either orally or in writing, depending on time availability. For written completion, it is proposed to fill out a table of three columns.

Column “P” - “plus” - records everything that you liked during the lesson, information and forms of work that aroused positive emotions, or, in the student’s opinion, may be useful to him in achieving some goals.

Column “M” - “minus” - records everything that was not liked during the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that, in the student’s opinion, turned out to be unnecessary or useless for him.

Natalya Yurasova
Entertainment script “School for Cheerful Cooks”

Entertainment script V middle-senior group « Cheerful Chefs School» (together with parents)

Target: Expand children’s ideas about the profession cooks.

Tasks: Promote the ability to work in a team, develop dexterity, speed, to cultivate respect for people of this profession. To help parents master the skills of interaction with their child when conducting entertainment, leisure, using as a method of play.

Preliminary work

Conversation about profession cooks, learning poems. A selection of riddles. Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.

Equipment: caps, baskets, dummies of vegetables and fruits, pots, chairs, buckets of water, disposable cups, products for making sandwiches (pre-cut, containers with sand, molds for sand, scoops, spoons, lids, graters, etc. (for orchestra , certificates.


Instructor physical culture Educator

Progress of the event:

Instructor: Hello, guys and dear adults! We invited you to fun competitions, at the end of which...

Educator: Stop, stop, stop. First, the children must guess our riddle. Listen carefully.

We are in the dining room early in the morning

Cook, fry, boil.

People have long known

That our work is invaluable.

Children: Cook.

Educator: That's right guys.

Instructor: Yes guys, you are right. The cook is a person, whose profession is cooking.

Educator: Where can I meet cooks? What kind of clothes does he wear?

(Children's answers)

Your mothers, grandmothers and even fathers become real cooks in the kitchen. The best food is the one that is prepared with love. From generation to generation, people passed on the secrets of preparing various dishes. Each nation has its own national cuisine.

Instructor: Today we will organize a competition in our makeshift kitchen. You can feel real cooks. And your parents will help you with this. The fight will be monitored by a competent jury, consisting of the head of the kindergarten and parents.

First we need to split into 2 teams.

The presenters divide the children into 2 teams and help them decide on a name and motto.

1 team "Gluttons"

Motto: “We are a team, the highest class, we will quickly eat everything from you”

2nd team "Vatrushki"

Motto: “You won’t be able to pull our funny cheesecakes by the ears”

Educator: To begin our competition you must take an oath cooks.

Oath cooks

1. Wash your hands with soap before each food preparation.

Children: We swear!

2. Before use, rinse vegetables and fruits with water.

Children: We swear!

3. Do not use piercing or cutting objects without permission.

Children: We swear!

4. After cooking, wash and put away used utensils.

Children: We swear!

5. We will cook borscht and cabbage soup so as not to poison anyone.

Children: We swear!

1 child:

Want I'll be the cook.

Cabbage soup, potatoes, soup.

Make delicious cookies

And a glorious treat,

So that our mother said

What a miracle, your porridge!

2 child:

Give food for the cook:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Instructor: Guys, in order to prepare any dish for us, the first thing we have to do is go to the store.

Adults and children know:

There are shops in the world.

They sell bread and salt,

Bay leaf and beans,

Tomato, carrot and tea

Whatever you want, choose.

1 competition "To the store"

Each team is given a basket. The first participant runs to "shop", takes one of the products and goes back. Passes the basket to the next participant. Whose team "will buy" more products.

Summing up.

Instructor: We have purchased the necessary products, and now you have to separate the vegetables from the fruits.

2 competition "Vegetables - fruits"

There are 2 pots on the chairs. Between them there is a basket with vegetables and fruits. One by one, participants run up to the basket and put a vegetable or fruit into the pan. They come back and pass the baton to the next one.

The presenters check whether the task was completed correctly and sum up the results.

Educator: And now I propose to check how you can solve riddles. Do you know the utensils?

3 competition for children "Riddles"

The presenter reads a riddle for each team in turn, and the children guess it. If one of the teams finds it difficult, then the other answers.

I'm puffing, puffing,

I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rang loudly:

“Drink tea, the water has boiled! (Kettle)

Carrying water

To please the owner;

Lives with him

Until it falls. (Cup)

Unapproachable in appearance

Standing with his arms akimbo,

And look inside, look

Treat inside! (Sugar Bowl)

I keep it hot

I keep it cold

I have both the oven and the refrigerator.

I’ll replace it for you on your trip. (Thermos)

If I'm empty,

I don’t forget about myself,

But when I bring food,

I will not pass by your mouth. (Spoon)

It can be deep.

It can be small.

However, this is not a river. (Plate)

Teapot girlfriend

Has two ears

He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.

And her name is... (Pan)

Hard, full of holes,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

Among spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is... (Ladle)

I make thin dishes,

Delicate white and sonorous

They have been burning since ancient times.

I call myself... (Porcelain)

Summing up.

Instructor: We went to the store, sorted through the vegetables and fruits, and now we’ll test your dexterity.

4 competition "Water Carriers"

For this competition you will need two pans, which are placed on the chairs opposite each team. Buckets of water and disposable cups are located next to each team.

At the signal from the presenters, the first member of each team takes a disposable cup and scoops up water from the bucket. Carefully, so as not to spill, carries the water and pours it into the pan. He returns and passes the glass to the next participant. The team that fills the pan the fastest wins.

Summing up.

Instructor: Oh, what vegetables should I choose?

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I figure it out and understand

What should I choose for lunch?

5 competition "Cooking borscht"

Each team is asked to choose the vegetables needed to prepare borscht (beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, onions). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Summing up.

Instructor: You guys are great! All tasks are within your power. Now let's move on to the most interesting task.

6 competition "Vegetable Sandwich"

From the offered products (pieces of vegetables and slices of bread) Participants must make a sandwich and give it a name.

Summing up.


But to become excellent cook,

Girls need to cook smartly.

Here is a place for those who want it and the dough is right there.

Here are the molds - get them right away.

7 competition “Let’s bake a cake”

On the tables, in containers, there are wet sand, scoops and molds. You need to run to the table, put sand in the mold and "bake" cookie. Return to the team.


We managed to win thousands of the sweetest victories

You are on the food front, preparing everyone's lunch.

And, working with my soul all day long here,

You will agree with me that the soul is now singing.

While the jury is summing up its results, I propose organizing an orchestra cook and sing a funny song.

Orchestra « Cheerful cooks»

(children to music. Accompanied by playing on objects dishes: spoons, ladles, graters, lids, etc.)

Competition 8 – exam for parents "Presentation of a healthy dish"

Participants talk about their dish and share recipes.

Educator: Here we come to the end fun competitions. Both teams worked hard and achieved good results.


How many craftsmen are there in our school!

You showed the highest class in cooking!

Let's welcome the winners of the competition,

The best players are honored with applause and prizes.

We begin the presentation of graduation diplomas schools« Cheerful cooks» .

Tasting of dishes.