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Registration for the personal tournament "absolute power". Warface

15.02.2018 20:12

Don't miss the opportunity to fight in the individual tournament "", which will take place in the "Royal Battle" mode and end with the LAN final in Moscow!

Any holder of “Absolute Power” over 14 years old can apply. If you don't already have access to this event, you can get it on our website.

Upd. The registration form may be under increased load at the moment. Please try submitting your application a little later.


The total prize fund of "Absolute Power" is already more than 10 million rubles and continues to grow. Since three eSports competitions are planned as part of the game event (two of them in the “Demolition” mode), the reward for winning this individual tournament will be a third of this amount.

The prize fund of the competition is formed by the participants of the game event "Absolute Power". 20% of each purchase of access to it is sent to the general treasury. The final amount of AP: Battle Royale will be known immediately before the start of the LAN final, but it is already more than 3,000,000 rubles. The money will be distributed among the winners as follows:

LAN final participants

  • 1st place - 12.96% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 435,000 rubles.
  • 2nd place - 11.76% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 395,000 rubles.
  • 3rd place - 10.56% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 355,000 rubles.
  • 4th place - 9.36% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 315,000 rubles.
  • 5th place - 8.16% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 275,000 rubles.
  • 6th place - 6% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 200,000 rubles.
  • 7th place - 4.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 160,000 rubles.
  • 8th place - 1% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 33,000 rubles.
  • 9th place - 0.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 27,000 rubles.
  • 10th place - 0.6% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 20,000 rubles.

The strongest players of the Russian-language server

  • 11th-20th places - 0.5% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 16,000 rubles.
  • 21st-40th places - 0.4% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 13,000 rubles.

Don't forget that the prize pool continues to grow and increase! In addition to cash prizes, the tournament fund includes credits:

  • 41st-80th places - 1000 credits each.
  • 81st-100th place - 500 credits each.

All competition participants without exception will receive a unique token!

Another 13.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool will be divided between tournament participants from Europe and the United States, and among the ten contenders for LAN final prizes there will be three players from these territories.


Matches will be held in " " mode. Participants will fight in matches of 15 fighters. The top five players from each battle will move up the tournament bracket, participating in new battles. Millions of viewers will be able to watch the battles broadcast live!

To register for the tournament, go to the "Tournaments" section and select Warface Fast Cup.

After reading the description of the competition, click the “Registration” button. The service will display the name of your team. If everything is correct, click "Register Team". The team status will change to "Application sent".

Important! After registration is completed, the team's application will be sent for review and changes will not be possible. To change player data after this step, the captain will have to remove the team from the tournament and re-enter after making all the changes.

After applications are closed, all captains will be sent a request for confirmation of participation by email. You must follow the link provided in the letter and wait for the registration to be completed successfully. The command status will change to " Participation confirmed".

Please note that if at least one of the players does not meet the requirements of the tournament (age under 12 years old, rank below 25, game ban), the entire team may be removed from the competition.

After verification by the tournament organizers, the teams selected for participation will have their status changed to " Participates in the tournament". For teams whose players provided incorrect information or do not meet the requirements, the status will change to " Participation denied".

Age restrictions and additional conditions

Players over 12 years old can take part in the tournament.

You also need to have a character with a rank higher than 25 on any Warface server.


Is it possible to participate if I do not live in Moscow?

Can I participate if I am under 12 years old?
It is forbidden.

How do we know that our team has been selected to participate in the tournament?
After checking all the data entered by the players, a list of teams will be generated. Such teams will change their status on the service to “Participating in the tournament.”

Is it possible to enter the tournament as a team with a reduced roster/without a team?
Only fully equipped teams will be allowed to participate in the tournament (minimum 5 people, maximum 7 including substitutions).

Can players be from different clans?
Yes. They may even be from different servers.

Will tournament players be given gaming equipment?
Player accounts will be copied to the tournament server. All weapons the character has, except for prohibited ones, will be available for use. All allowed weapon credits will also be credited.

Will all players on my team receive prizes if they win? Even spare ones?
Yes, prizes are given to all team members.

If my account is blocked, can I participate in the qualifying rounds?
You can not.

Will there be an opportunity to appeal the match result?
The possibility will be provided that the protest is submitted through a special form immediately after the end of the game and good reasons for it are provided.

How to get to the tournament server?
Players whose participation in the tournament is confirmed have access. If they have downloaded , in Game Center they can select "Open Cup" from the list of servers. The server will be open on competition days.

Filing a protest against the match result

Please note that you can only appeal the result of the current round before it ends. Only the team captain has the right to appeal. You cannot submit more than one complaint about the same tour.

To file a complaint, go to the service in the "Tournaments" section.

Select from the list the tournament in which you are currently participating.

Go to the "Grid" section and click the "Protest" button.

Fill out the complaint form. The “Subject” and “Comment” columns are required.

You can upload a graphic to support your complaint. When uploading an image, pay attention to the requirements for it.

The protest will be considered within 3 hours. The result will be reported in a letter to the email address specified by the team captain when registering on

If your account is linked to mail not in the domain, you need to follow this link and relink the mail to the desired one.

Warface. REGISTRATION FOR THE PERSONAL TOURNAMENT “ABSOLUTE POWER”. Don't miss the opportunity to fight in the individual tournament "Absolute Power", which will take place in the "Battle Royale" mode and end with the LAN final in Moscow!
Any holder of “Absolute Power” over 14 years old can apply. If you do not yet have access to this event, it can be obtained in a special section of our website.

Upd. The registration form may be under increased load at the moment. Please try submitting your application a little later.

The total prize fund of “Absolute Power” is already more than 10 million rubles and continues to grow. Since three eSports competitions are planned as part of the game event (two of them in the “Demolition” mode), the reward for winning this individual tournament will be a third of this amount.

The prize fund of the competition is formed by the participants of the “Absolute Power” game event. 20% of each purchase of access to it is sent to the general treasury. The final amount of AP: Battle Royale will be known immediately before the start of the LAN final, but it is already more than 3,000,000 rubles. The money will be distributed among the winners as follows:

LAN final participants

1st place - 12.96% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 435,000 rubles.
2nd place - 11.76% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 395,000 rubles.
3rd place - 10.56% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 355,000 rubles.
4th place - 9.36% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 315,000 rubles.
5th place - 8.16% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 275,000 rubles.
6th place - 6% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 200,000 rubles.
7th place - 4.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 160,000 rubles.
8th place - 1% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 33,000 rubles.
9th place - 0.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is almost 27,000 rubles.
10th place - 0.6% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 20,000 rubles.
The strongest players of the Russian-language server

11th–20th places - 0.5% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 16,000 rubles.
21st–40th places - 0.4% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool. At the moment it is more than 13,000 rubles.
Don't forget that the prize pool continues to grow and increase! In addition to cash prizes, the tournament fund includes credits:

41st–80th places - 1000 credits each.
81st–100th place - 500 credits each.
All competition participants without exception will receive a unique token!

Another 13.8% of the AP: Battle Royale prize pool will be divided between tournament participants from Europe and the United States, and among the ten contenders for LAN final prizes there will be three players from these territories.

The matches will be held in the “Battle Royale” mode. Participants will fight on the tournament server in matches of 15 fighters. The top five players from each battle will move up the tournament bracket, participating in new battles. Millions of viewers will be able to watch the battles broadcast live!
The schedule of fights will be published on the website

Registration for the tournament is now available. You are required.