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Solving school problems. Advice from a neuropsychologist: Alexandra Soboleva read book online, read for free

Part I Problems of poor performance and “wrong” grades.

At the beginning of May, a mother and her son Seryozha, who will turn six in four months, came to see a neuropsychologist. Seryozha is puny and short in stature. In a month, the family is expecting a new addition, Serezha will have a little sister, and his mother can’t decide whether to send the boy to first grade on September 1: on the one hand, the situation is favorable, because she won’t work and will be able to combine caring for the baby and helping her son -first grader. On the other hand, a kindergarten psychologist does not advise rushing to school. What should I do? My closest friend gave her son away at seven full years, and he walked around for two weeks and said that he had known all this for a long time and would come to class again when they started learning something new. Will Seryozha be bored at school in a year?

I don't want to go to school! (Why don’t first-graders strive for first grade)

It’s hard to imagine that such a phrase could be heard from a first grader. And yet…
Children are not always able to calmly move from one environment to another. Everything changes: the people around, their attitude towards the child, his attitude towards others. If earlier he was the “center of the Universe”, the whole family admired him, but now he is an equal among equals. After all, they are still very small, our first graders. Look how they walk from school. Behind his back is a huge backpack, in his hands is a bag with “change”, which most often stretches along the ground. And when they come home, most of all they will want to take out their toys and sit down with them somewhere in a corner, in a room that is familiar and familiar to them.
It is very difficult for a young student to adapt to a new environment. Often children go to school with pleasure, but their motivation is purely external: “They will buy me a new briefcase”, “I will be an adult”, “I will have a pen like my brother”... In order for the school world with its daily plans and responsibilities did not cause rejection in the child, the child must really want to learn and, in addition, have a good idea of ​​why school exists and knowledge is needed. In academic terms, by the time he enters first grade, he should have created positive internal motivation.

Table of contents
Part I Problems of poor performance and “wrong” grades
1. ...And success in your studies! (What learning difficulties do parents and their children face)
2. I don’t want to go to school! (Why don’t first-graders strive for first grade)
3. It’s so difficult for him to study! (Why a smart child turned out to be a “bad student”)
4. Great and mighty (about the causes of childhood illiteracy and ways to combat it)
5. Are left-handers special children?
6. Is it good to cheat?
Part II Problems of communication and self-esteem
1. What may be hidden behind the twos, or The real reasons academic failure
2. Tears invisible to the world, or Incorrect self-esteem in children of different ages
3. Don’t hit “nerds”, or how an excellent student can get along with classmates
4. If the class doesn’t accept you... or What to do if your child’s classmates don’t like him
5. “Lapusi”, or How excessive guardianship interferes with children’s lives

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The book “We solve school problems. Advice from a neuropsychologist” is written on material collected during ten years of work at the Research Center for Child Neuropsychology. It reveals the reasons for the difficulties that children may experience in the process. schooling, are educational, behavioral problems, as well as communication problems with peers and adults. It gives effective advice, tested in practice. The book is addressed to parents of schoolchildren and teachers. After reading it, adults will be able to realize their own mistakes and, by correcting them, achieve harmonious relationships with children.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.


Dear parents! Dear teachers!

Everything written in this book is taken from real life our children. Parents will sometimes feel that the pages tell the stories of their own children, Petya, Antoshka or Mashenka, whose problems and difficulties in the lives of mom, dad, and especially grandmothers are experienced more acutely than their own.

Teachers will have the opportunity to look at their students with different eyes, and perhaps it will become at least a little easier for them when they understand that the troubles that careless students cause are not created on purpose and not out of malice. Trust us: no child wants to be bad and does nothing on purpose. All Petya, Antoshka and Mashenka want to study well, please adults with exemplary behavior and excellent grades. But not everyone succeeds.

And they begin to become better and more successful only when you fully understand the source of their problems, when you sit down with them on the same bench in their soul. And they must also feel that first of all we want to help them, and not educate them by reading morals. In general, like all of us, what children want most is love, warmth, attention, sympathy and understanding.

In this collection of articles, we invite you to think together about our children. We believe that it will be interesting and useful for adults to understand and evaluate not only children’s mistakes, but also their own, in order to achieve agreement and mutual understanding in the “child – teacher – student” triangle.

The advice we give, despite its apparent simplicity, is very effective. Don't believe me? Try it!

There are only a few geniuses by nature. Capable children who excel in all subjects and do not cause any trouble to teachers and parents make up 15–20% of the class. But what to do with all the other children, so different? Smart but absent-minded? Capable but hyperactive? Those who know textbooks from cover to cover, but do not know how to answer the question posed by the teacher and use the rules and formulas they have learned? Those who by the fifth grade are still reading syllables?

IN recent years practical psychology and pedagogy around the world are increasingly turning to research and description of the causes and methods of correcting learning difficulties in children and adolescents in public schools.

Learning difficulties mean both school failure itself and those cases when a child succeeds in all subjects to the detriment of his health (see: Akhutina T.V., 1998). In former times, the main reason for a child’s school failure was considered to be his poor upbringing in a socially unfavorable environment. However, in recent years, more and more often, teachers and psychologists are faced with the opposite phenomenon: a child, seemingly from a completely socially prosperous family, turns out to be unsuccessful in a number of leading school disciplines. Often, more or less acceptable academic performance is difficult for a child, causing harm to his physical and mental health. Such a child pays for good grades at school with headaches, constant acute respiratory infections, neurotic or asthenic reactions.

A pressing problem modern system education is an increase in the number of students who do not have clinical diagnoses, but demonstrate pronounced learning and behavioral difficulties in secondary school(see: Akhutina T.V. et al., 1995; Glozman Zh.M., Potanina A.Yu., 2001). IN elementary school These difficulties manifest themselves primarily in difficulties in writing, reading and counting - types of activities most in demand by the social situation of the child’s development. The variety of symptoms of school failure is associated with various mechanisms:

♦ neuropsychological(immaturity of individual mental functions or atypia of their development, weakness nervous system etc.);

♦ social (relations in the family and in society as a whole);

♦ pedagogical(pedagogical neglect, overprotection);

♦ characterological(child’s behavior and communication style), etc.

What conditions need to be created so that children can realize their abilities? What components make up the success of a child’s learning and socialization at school? How can I help him cope with problems that seem insoluble to himself, his teachers and parents?

According to the canons of classical psychology, the leading activity of a schoolchild primary classes- his academic and self-esteem completely depend on how he studies: good or bad. The practical experience of our center fully confirms this observation: a child who is unable to study initial stage, does not live in harmony with himself. But everyone has their own, at least tiny, talent, which makes itself felt by a feeling of discomfort and inner dissatisfaction, which the child himself cannot explain... So, then, we are looking for talents? We develop abilities, but give up on school performance? Of course not! Because by surrounding the child with an aura of exclusivity, without insisting on general knowledge, we guarantee him serious psychological tests later. What if he himself soon becomes convinced of his own chosenness, that he is not like everyone else, and begins to forgive himself all his mistakes? Life practice shows that in adulthood the “prodigy” begins to “fever.” He either feels like a genius or a nonentity, and there is not enough basic knowledge to achieve simple everyday happiness, and as a result - collapse, social, psychological, personal.

♦ If your child is smart but distracted, you can help him. How?

♦ If a child does not want to study, you can awaken in him a thirst for knowledge. How?

♦ If your child spends a long time learning lessons, you can speed up this process. How?

♦ If your child does not like studying at the school you have chosen, it makes sense to look for an ideal option. Where and how?

♦ If your child is left-handed, then he develops according to different laws. According to what?

These and many other questions will be answered in this book.

The book “Solving school problems. Advice from a neuropsychologist” is written on material collected during ten years of work at the Research Center for Child Neuropsychology. It reveals the reasons for the difficulties that children may experience in the process of schooling - these are educational, behavioral problems, as well as problems communicating with peers and adults. It gives effective advice, tested in practice. The book is addressed to parents of schoolchildren and teachers. After reading it, adults will be able to realize their own mistakes and, by correcting them, achieve harmonious relationships with children.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Copyright holders! The presented fragment of the book is posted in agreement with the distributor of legal content, LitRes LLC (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, please let us know.

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Solving school problems. Advice from a neuropsychologist


Dear parents! Dear teachers!

Everything written in this book is taken from the real lives of our children. Parents will sometimes feel that the pages tell the stories of their own children, Petya, Antoshka or Mashenka, whose problems and difficulties in the lives of mothers, fathers, and especially grandmothers they experience more acutely than their own.

Teachers will have the opportunity to look at their students with different eyes, and perhaps it will become at least a little easier for them when they understand that the troubles that careless students cause are not created on purpose and not out of malice. Trust us: no child wants to be bad and does nothing on purpose. All Petya, Antoshka and Mashenka want to study well, please adults with exemplary behavior and excellent grades. But not everyone succeeds.

And they begin to become better and more successful only when you fully understand the source of their problems, when you sit down with them on the same bench in their soul. And they must also feel that, first of all, we want them help, and not educate them by reading morals. In general, like all of us, what children want most is love, warmth, attention, sympathy and understanding.

In this collection of articles, we invite you to think together about our children. We believe that it will be interesting and useful for adults to understand and evaluate not only children’s mistakes, but also their own, in order to achieve agreement and mutual understanding in the “child – teacher – student” triangle.

The advice we give, despite its apparent simplicity, is very effective. Don't believe me? Try it!

There are only a few geniuses by nature. Capable children who excel in all subjects and do not cause any trouble to teachers and parents make up 15–20% of the class. But what to do with all the other children, so different? Smart but absent-minded? Capable but hyperactive? Those who know textbooks from cover to cover, but do not know how to answer the question posed by the teacher and use the rules and formulas they have learned? Those who by the fifth grade are still reading syllables?

In recent years, practical psychology and pedagogy around the world are increasingly turning to research and description of the causes and methods of correcting learning difficulties in children and adolescents in public schools.

Learning difficulties mean both school failure itself and those cases when a child succeeds in all subjects to the detriment of his health (see: Akhutina T.V., 1998). In former times, the main reason for a child’s school failure was considered to be his poor upbringing in a socially unfavorable environment. However, in recent years, more and more often, teachers and psychologists are faced with the opposite phenomenon: a child, seemingly from a completely socially prosperous family, turns out to be unsuccessful in a number of leading school disciplines. Often, more or less acceptable academic performance is difficult for a child, causing harm to his physical and mental health. Such a child pays for good grades at school with headaches, constant acute respiratory infections, neurotic or asthenic reactions.

An urgent problem of the modern education system is the increase in the number of students who do not have clinical diagnoses, but demonstrate pronounced difficulties in learning and behavior in secondary school (see: Akhutina T.V. et al., 1995; Glozman Zh.M., Potanina A.Yu ., 2001). In primary school, these difficulties manifest themselves primarily in difficulties in writing, reading and counting - the types of activities most in demand by the social situation of the child’s development. The variety of symptoms of school failure is associated with various mechanisms:

♦ neuropsychological(immaturity of certain mental functions or atypia of their development, weakness of the nervous system, etc.);

♦ social(relations in the family and in society as a whole);

♦ pedagogical(pedagogical neglect, overprotection);

♦ characterological(child’s behavior and communication style), etc.

What conditions need to be created so that children can realize their abilities? What components make up the success of a child’s learning and socialization at school? How can I help him cope with problems that seem insoluble to himself, his teachers and parents?

According to the canons of classical psychology, the leading activity of a primary school student is academic and his self-esteem completely depends on how he studies: good or bad. The practical experience of our center fully confirms this observation: a child who is not able to study at the initial stage does not live in harmony with himself. But everyone has their own, at least tiny, talent, which makes itself felt by a feeling of discomfort and inner dissatisfaction, which the child himself cannot explain... So, then, we are looking for talents? We develop abilities, but give up on school performance? Of course not! Because by surrounding the child with an aura of exclusivity, without insisting on general knowledge, we guarantee him serious psychological tests later. What if he himself soon becomes convinced of his own chosenness, that he is not like everyone else, and begins to forgive himself all his mistakes? Life practice shows that in adulthood the “prodigy” begins to “fever.” He feels himself either a genius or a nonentity, and there is not enough basic knowledge to achieve simple everyday happiness, and as a result - collapse, social, psychological, personal.

♦ If your child is smart but distracted, you can help him. How?

♦ If a child does not want to study, you can awaken in him a thirst for knowledge. How?

♦ If your child spends a long time learning lessons, you can speed up this process. How?

♦ If your child does not like studying at the school you have chosen, it makes sense to look for an ideal option. Where and how?

♦ If your child is left-handed, then he develops according to different laws. According to what?

These and many other questions will be answered in this book.

Problems of poor academic performance and “wrong” grades

1. ...And success in your studies! (What learning difficulties do parents and their children face)

At the beginning of May, a mother and her son Seryozha, who will turn six in four months, came to see a neuropsychologist. Seryozha is puny and short in stature. In a month, the family is expecting a new addition, Serezha will have a little sister, and his mother can’t decide whether to send the boy to first grade on September 1: on the one hand, the situation is favorable, because she won’t work and will be able to combine caring for the baby and helping her son -first grader. On the other hand, a kindergarten psychologist does not advise rushing to school. What should I do? My closest friend gave up her son when he was seven full years old, and he walked around for two weeks and said that he had known all this for a long time and would come to class again when they started learning something new. Will Seryozha be bored at school in a year?

The fact is that six-year-old children may be differently prepared for learning. But to become a first-grader, you need to “mature” physically, intellectually and psychologically. Due to high school loads, even a seven-year-old sometimes becomes absent-minded and inattentive, and begins to study poorly.

Not only is Seryozha weak, but he also faces the stress of having a baby in the family. It is better not to combine these two events. And you don’t have to worry about the fact that he will be bored at school. Most often, first-graders enjoy doing what they can do well, better than others. If Seryozha gets straight A's, this in itself will increase his academic motivation. The first grader says that he is not interested and does not want to go to school, not because he really “knows everything.” The reason most likely lies elsewhere. Perhaps he does not find contact with his peers or with the teacher, perhaps he is uncomfortable in the classroom for some other reason, which can be identified with the help of a psychologist or neuropsychologist. And Seryozha was advised to have a good rest in the summer, eat better in order to grow up and mature, enroll in some club or section and wait a year for school - she will not get away from him.

And after Seryozha, Katya, who is already in the sixth grade, came to the reception. A completely independent, sociable girl. Mom is concerned that the math teacher constantly accuses Katya of cheating, saying that her work is like two peas in a pod like her neighbor’s work. Mom has always considered Katya to be a completely successful and honest student, but now she herself cannot figure out who is right: the teacher or Katya, who claims that she does everything herself.

Book “Solving school problems. Advice from a neuropsychologist” is written on material collected during ten years of work at the Research Center for Child Neuropsychology. It reveals the reasons for the difficulties that children may experience in the process of schooling - these are educational, behavioral problems, as well as problems communicating with peers and adults. It gives effective advice, tested in practice. The book is addressed to parents of schoolchildren and teachers. After reading it, adults will be able to realize their own mistakes and, by correcting them, achieve harmonious relationships with children.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.


Dear parents! Dear teachers!

Everything written in this book is taken from the real lives of our children. Parents will sometimes feel that the pages tell the stories of their own children, Petya, Antoshka or Mashenka, whose problems and difficulties in the lives of mothers, fathers, and especially grandmothers they experience more acutely than their own.

Teachers will have the opportunity to look at their students with different eyes, and perhaps it will become at least a little easier for them when they understand that the troubles that careless students cause are not created on purpose and not out of malice. Trust us: no child wants to be bad and does nothing on purpose. All Petya, Antoshka and Mashenka want to study well, please adults with exemplary behavior and excellent grades. But not everyone succeeds.

And they begin to become better and more successful only when you fully understand the source of their problems, when you sit down with them on the same bench in their soul. And they must also feel that, first of all, we want them

educate them by reading morals.

In general, like all of us, what children want most is love, warmth, attention, sympathy and understanding.

In this collection of articles, we invite you to think together about our children. We believe that it will be interesting and useful for adults to understand and evaluate not only children’s mistakes, but also their own, in order to achieve agreement and mutual understanding in the “child – teacher – student” triangle.

Part I

Problems of poor academic performance and “wrong” grades

1. ...And success in your studies! (What learning difficulties do parents and their children face)

At the beginning of May, a mother and her son Seryozha, who will turn six in four months, came to see a neuropsychologist. Seryozha is puny and short in stature. In a month, the family is expecting a new addition, Serezha will have a little sister, and his mother can’t decide whether to send the boy to first grade on September 1: on the one hand, the situation is favorable, because she won’t work and will be able to combine caring for the baby and helping her son -first grader. On the other hand, a kindergarten psychologist does not advise rushing to school. What should I do? My closest friend gave up her son when he was seven full years old, and he walked around for two weeks and said that he had known all this for a long time and would come to class again when they started learning something new. Will Seryozha be bored at school in a year?

The fact is that six-year-old children may be differently prepared for learning. But to become a first-grader, you need to “mature” physically, intellectually and psychologically. Due to high school loads, even a seven-year-old sometimes becomes absent-minded and inattentive, and begins to study poorly.

2. I don’t want to go to school! (Why first-graders don’t strive for first grade)

It’s hard to imagine that such a phrase could be heard from a first grader. And yet…

Children are not always able to calmly move from one environment to another. Everything changes: the people around, their attitude towards the child, his attitude towards others. If earlier he was the “center of the Universe”, the whole family admired him, but now he is an equal among equals. After all, they are still very small, our first graders. Look how they walk from school. Behind his back is a huge backpack, in his hands is a bag with “change”, which most often stretches along the ground. And when they come home, most of all they will want to take out their toys and sit down with them somewhere in a corner, in a room that is familiar and familiar to them.

It is very difficult for a young student to adapt to a new environment. Often children go to school with pleasure, but their motivation is purely external: “They will buy me a new briefcase”, “I will be an adult”, “I will have a pen like my brother”... In order for the school world with its daily plans and responsibilities did not cause rejection in the child, the child must really want to learn and, in addition, have a good idea of ​​why school exists and knowledge is needed. In academic terms, by the time he enters first grade, he should have created positive internal motivation.

3. It’s so difficult for him to study! (Why a smart child turned out to be a “bad student”)

Why does a child easily perceive one subject and cannot master another? Why, knowing all the rules by heart, can’t he write correctly? Why is he so unfocused and restless?

We can answer these questions if we get to know the structure human brain. As you know, our brain is asymmetrical and consists of two hemispheres. The right hemisphere is responsible for assessing spatial relationships, imagination, holistic and concrete perception, color and rhythms, and simultaneous understanding of several stimuli. The left hemisphere specializes in evaluating temporal relationships, verbal expressions and numbers, analytical and sequential perception, abstract and generalized thinking. The right hemisphere is associated mainly with the sensitive sphere, and the left - with motor and speech. The right hemisphere is responsible for the work of the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere is responsible for the work of the right half. Information first arrives at the lower (first) level of the trunk, which creates a general energetic background on which all mental functions are based. This is the foundation for the development of other, higher structures (memory, attention, thinking, perception). Insufficient development of subcortical formations from the brain stem leads to distortion in the development of the above structures.

One of necessary conditions increasing tone is the provision of oxygen (neurogymnastics), blood flow (special massage), and motor correction.

4. Great and mighty (about the causes of childhood illiteracy and ways to combat it)

5. Are left-handers special children?

The main direction of our center’s work is the correction of learning disorders and behavior of schoolchildren. The reasons for their failure are different: this is the lack of formation of the brain functions necessary for the learning process, and its structure, which is associated with the peculiarities of schoolchildren’s perception of educational material, and pedagogical neglect... None of them - believe me! - does not want to be a loser, and behind the external bravado there is often hidden a feeling of inadequacy, and therefore an insecure and unhappy person. Among such students, sometimes you come across a type of poor student who is especially interesting. Neuropsychological diagnostics reveal that their intelligence and all types of memory are above normal. However, all these qualities do not prevent them from being extremely unfocused and receiving bad grades. These are lefties. Teachers note: there are more and more of them in classes. What kind of children are these?

Portrait of a left-hander in the interior

Very often these are dirty and lazy little ones. Their poor performance, often interpreted by teachers as mental incompetence, is explained by psychological and pedagogical factors: they are so sensitive that they are not capable of anything in a state of mental discomfort, and their brain is so organized that they perceive things differently. educational material. They either delight or bewilder teachers because they can answer simple questions asked of them in a non-standard way. They are extremely slow and drag down the entire class when it comes to reading technique or problem-solving speed. They are absent-minded and uncollected, they write illiterately, but often receive positive marks for oral answers, especially in those subjects where the teacher is a creative person and managed to captivate... Teachers speak of them like this: “He is capable, but extremely uncollected; “absent” in the lesson... In mathematics I ask: “Vova, what are you thinking about?”, and he: “How to build an airplane!” There is constant chaos in their notebooks, in their room and in their thoughts. They react indifferently to any call for orderliness. Ask parents: is it easy for them to get a child ready for school every day, who, while pulling on his trousers, talks at length about how his leg moving along the trouser leg “creates the illusion of a shark”, and, without pulling them all the way, thinks about the secrets of the underwater world. When they retreat into their inner world, they do not hear the question addressed to them, which also irritates both teachers and parents.

Parents do not know what to do with the fears of such children - but they can be afraid of anything. Mostly something they invented. Sometimes they deceive, but the purpose of their lies defies logic and does not pursue personal interests.