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Seminar on geography. Regional scientific and practical seminar for geography teachers

The Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Kuban State University is conducting a series of free seminars as part of the project “In-depth study and systematization of knowledge in geography” to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The topics of the seminars were selected taking into account the results of the analysis of completed tasks of the Unified State Exam in 2012 - 2018, the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography in 2014 - 2018. Often, students have poor practical skills in determining temperature amplitudes, reading maps, explaining the physical mechanisms of meteorological phenomena, and analyzing graphic material, including climatograms; they mistakenly equate federal districts with economic regions or do not know the composition of federal districts; have poor practical knowledge of identifying agricultural areas.

Schedule of free seminars on geography
for the 2018-2019 academic year

Seminar date

Seminar topic

FULL NAME. teacher conducting the seminar

September 2018

Earth is like a planet. Shape and size of the Earth. Evidence of the sphericity of the Earth. Geographical consequences of the shape and size of the Earth. Earth movements: daily (axial) and annual (orbital) movements of the Earth and their consequences.

October 2018

Geographic Maps. Measuring directions and distances on plans and maps. A variety of maps according to the methods of constructing cartographic projections, the nature of distortions, scale, and purpose of the content.

Boyko E.S., Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Geoinformatics

October 2018

The structure of the lithosphere. Internal forces that shape and change the surface of the Earth. External forces that change the surface of the Earth. Weathering and its types. Anthropogenic factors of relief transformation. Basic landforms. Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean.

Zhirma Valery Valerievich, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography


Hydrosphere and its composition. Components of the World Ocean. Characteristics of ocean waters (chemical composition, salinity, temperature regime). Water dynamics. Ebbs and flows. Currents in the ocean. Sushi waters.

Nagalevsky Yu.Ya., Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Physical Geography

November 2018

Atmosphere. Types of climate, factors of their formation, climatic zones of Russia.

Chekhla Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of the Department of Physical Geography

December 2018

Climate-forming factors on the territory of Russia. Characteristics of solar radiation and patterns of distribution on the territory of Russia. Types of air masses and their circulation. Atmospheric fronts, cyclones (passage paths) and anticyclones on the territory of Russia.

Nagalevsky E.Yu., Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography

December 2018

Geographical envelope of the Earth. Latitudinal zoning. Natural area as a natural complex. Natural zones of the world, their characteristics (geographical location, relief, climate, water, soil, flora and fauna)

January 2019

Patterns of soil distribution around the globe. Land protection; Peace Land Trust; soil erosion and its types.

Bekukh Zaira Adgemovna, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography

February 2019

Physical geography of continents and oceans, analysis of tests and tasks.

Komarov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geoinformatics

February 2019

Analysis of tasks on knowledge of the location of various geographical objects using texts and contour maps.

Pashkovskaya Alena Anatolyevna, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Physical Geography

March 2019

Features of the natural resource potential, population, economy, culture of large countries of the world

Shatilov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography

March 2019

Geographical position of Russia, its types. Analysis of tests.

Mamonova Anna Vladimirovna, teacher of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography

March 2019

Population of Russia. Factors influencing population dynamics. Natural movement: birth rate, death rate, natural increase. Demographic situation in the regions of Russia. Mechanical movement of the population (migration). Types of migrations.

Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna,

Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography

April 2019

Language families and groups. Ethnic and religious composition of the population of Russia and its regions. Analysis of tests.

Deyko Sergey Yurievich, teacher of the department of economic, social and political geography

World economy. Structure and features of the modern world economy (internationalization, integration). Regional economic associations (European Union - EU, North American Free Trade Area - NAFTA, Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN, etc.)

Konovalova Anna Vitalievna, teacher of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography

May 2019

Regions of Russia. Natural and economic zoning of Russia. Principles of zoning. Geographical and historical prerequisites for the formation of large natural and economic regions on the territory of Russia. Types of territorial structure of the economy and population distribution.

Philobok Anatoly Anatolievich, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography

Please note that workshops are held from 11:00 to 14:00; at the address Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 149, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University", Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service, room 218 (second floor) for all students in educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory.

Meeting in the Central Hall of the university at 10:45 according to the dates of the seminars.

“Pedagogical technologies for the education of high school students in the context of the transition to new Federal State Educational Standards”

The difference between a traditional lesson and an active one

Comparison options

Formative paradigm

The purpose of training

Developmental paradigm

Transfer of knowledge, skills, abilities

Integrated Characteristic

Development of student's ability

“Do as I do” (model work)

The nature and style of interaction between teacher and student

Forms of work organization

“Do it, I’m with you” (pedagogical support)

Frontal, individual

Teaching methods

Group, dialogue, collective


Productive. Using subjective experience

Comparison options

Formative paradigm

Methods of absorption

Recognition, understanding, application.

Teacher's position

Developmental paradigm

A carrier of information, a promoter of subject-disciplinary knowledge, a keeper of norms and traditions.

Student position

Creating a situation of success. Analysis, synthesis, evaluation.

A performer who does not fully realize his cognitive interests

Collaboration organizer, consultant, tutor, manager, assistant.

An individual who realizes cognitive interest through research and project activities. Independently selects the content and methods of teaching.

At the center of modern education is the personality of the child, who must realize his potential. The content, methods, techniques of developmental and personality-oriented teaching technologies are aimed primarily at revealing and using the experience of each student, helping to develop a personality through the organization of cognitive activity.

The main thing in the lesson is the acquisition of knowledge through identifying the experience of children, including them in cooperation, and an active search for information and personal meaning.

Elements of innovative pedagogical technologies used in lessons at the lyceum:

- personally-oriented training; - educational design; - information and communication training;

- research;

- problem-based learning; - critical thinking.

Technology for the development of critical thinking.

The goal of this educational technology is to develop students’ thinking skills, which are necessary not only when studying academic subjects, but also in everyday life (the ability to apply informed decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena, etc.)

Lesson structure within the framework of critical thinking technology .

The basis of the technology is the construction of a lesson according to a certain algorithm - sequentially, in accordance with three phases: challenge, comprehension and reflection. Only compliance with technological stages contributes to achieving the desired result.

Basic three stage model.

Stage I - challenge

Stage II – comprehension (realization of meaning)

The teacher is faced with the task of not only activating, interest the student, and motivating him for further work, but also “calling out” existing knowledge or creating associations on the issue being studied. At this stage, predictions are made and goals for reading or research are determined.

Stage III – reflection (thinking)

There is direct work with information, and the techniques and methods of critical thinking help keep the student active, make reading or listening meaningful to achieve new understanding.

Information is analyzed, interpreted, and creatively processed. The stage gives students the skills of analysis, creative rethinking of information, and is the most significant for reproducing the entire three-phase cycle.

Training in technology for developing critical thinking .

Staged lesson Diagnostic goal

Motivation - why?

What do I want to know? What do I know?

Interesting, I know

How will I use it?

What else do I want to know?


I will use I know What else do I want to know?

Correspondence of lesson stages and technological techniques.

Lesson stages

Techniques used at the lesson stage

Logbook, peer learning, keywords, brainstorming, taxonomy of questions, discussion, three-part diary.


Logbook, mutual learning, two-part diary, discussion, zigzag, “catch a mistake,” “text marking” (insert), clustering, multi-level reflection, “leave me the last word,” working with narrative text (reading with stops), taxonomy questions, three-part diary


Logbook, ten-minute essay, cube, thinking “hats,” zigzag, multi-level reflection, five-minute essay (resume), development for independent assignment, syncwine, three-part diary

The national treasure of our Motherland is Baikal - the deepest freshwater lake on Earth. When studying Baikal and its modern problems in the form seminar or discussion, it is advisable to highlight the main issues, messages based on which students prepare ( messages can be illustrated slide show, or the guys are cooking presentation on your topic) :

    1. Location of Baikal. beauty

    2. lakes and coastal landscapes. “Singing” sands and other attractions of the Baikal landscapes.

    3. History of the formation of Baikal. Origin of its basin. Hypothesis about the connection between Baikal and the Arctic Ocean.

    4. Baikal water – volume, quality, color, transparency, temperature, softness (low mineralization). Rivers feeding Baikal.

    5. Features of the climate. High air ionization.

    6. Natural complex of Baikal. The richness and endemicity of the animal world. The epishura crustacean is a natural water filter. Bottom inhabitants. Sensitivity of lake inhabitants to water purity.

    7. Animal resources of Baikal - seal, omul, whitefish.

    8. Baikal is a national treasure and its scientific significance. Reserves on Lake Baikal.

    9. What threatens Baikal? Construction and operation of non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, energy, and pulp and paper enterprises. Discharge of wastewater into Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it. Air pollution. Death of forests. Coastal pollution and destruction due to sand and gravel mining.

    10. What has been done to protect Baikal? Reducing the discharge of wastewater, closing particularly hazardous industries, prohibiting mole rafting on rivers, transporting petroleum products, refusing to develop new deposits on the shores of the lake, prohibiting the discharge of domestic wastewater and dirty water from ships, etc.

    11. Economic assessment of the environmental management of Lake Baikal: destruction of omul pastures due to the raising of the Angara level by the dam; decrease in the population of epishura, lower animals - the food of omul (due to water pollution); decrease in the number of seals. Destruction of unique lakes - sources of mineral healing mud. Pollution of Baikal’s unique water is a threat to the entire natural complex.

    12. How best to use the natural complex of Baikal? Discussion student projects. For example, the project “World Research Center”, the project “National Park”, the project “Headquarters for the Protection of Lake Baikal”, etc.
When discussing projects Students come up with many interesting suggestions. The teacher directs the discussion towards real environmental problems: how to ensure that environmental management is both environmentally friendly and gives an economic effect, and contributes to the development of the territory. Students note that the basis of the economy can be comprehensive waste-free wood processing in small enterprises. Preservation and restoration of fish stocks will provide an opportunity for stable fishing of omul, etc.

  1. Summing up the lesson.
Summing up the discussion, students conclude that the Baikal zone should be declared a protected area, and all industrial production should be gradually removed from it. Enterprises that are remote from Lake Baikal, but whose emissions and waste negatively affect the surrounding environment, must be reconstructed and transferred to the latest waste-free technologies. Production that causes environmental damage is ultimately unprofitable for our economy and therefore unprofitable.

  1. Homework.
In addition to the textbook paragraph, students receive an advanced task: prepare a presentation -

characteristics of natural complexes of the Far East.

6. Lesson grades.

On February 18, 2015, a city seminar for biology and geography teachers on the topic “System-activity approach to teaching natural science subjects in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” was successfully held at the MBOU “Secondary School No. 25” in Bryansk.

The seminar began at 10.00 after registration of participants with a presentation from MBOU Secondary School No. 25 by Vera Viktorovna Grebneva, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work.

Next, Liliya Aleksandrovna Katrovskaya, a methodologist at the MBOU GIMC, made a presentation on the topic “System-activity approach to teaching natural science subjects under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” and invited teachers to attend a block of open lessons in biology and geography.

  1. Biology teacher of the highest category, Zhuchkova Svetlana Vladimirovna, conducted an open lesson in grade 10A on the topic “Biotechnology. Methods of Biotechnology” .

The lesson began with updating and posing a problematic question: what are the modern methods of using living organisms. What methods and techniques are used by modern biotechnologies. The lesson objectives were formulated together with the students.

In the course of studying new material using student reports and multimedia teaching aids, the concepts of the lesson topic were formed: genetic engineering, its tasks and meanings, plasmid, how vectors are built. To consolidate initial knowledge, the teacher suggested performing practical work on modeling the processes of constructing vectors. After checking, the students worked with the presentation “Obtaining transgenic plants and GMOs”, the result was conclusions on the problem of using transgenic products. Next, students reviewed the basics of cell engineering and industrial biotechnology.

In order to consolidate what they had learned, students were offered a test task and peer control. And after grading and receiving homework, an exchange of opinions and reflection took place.

  1. Biology teacher of the highest category Elena Mikhailovna Kovaleva conducted an open lesson in grade 8A on the topic “Heart. Work of the heart"

The lesson began with riddles about the heart and reading the poem by Eduardas Meželaitis “What is the heart?” While studying the structural features of the heart and its functions, students had to answer a problematic question: Why is the heart able to work continuously throughout life? Schoolchildren studied the structure of the heart using tables and multimedia diagrams, worked with text materials in groups and pairs, watched and analyzed a video by an American cardiologist about the structure and work of the heart, completed tasks for the initial consolidation of basic concepts, participated in an experiment on counting pulsation at rest and movements. All eighth-graders gladly answered the teacher’s questions and actively discussed problematic assignments. At the end of the lesson, the students remembered well-known sayings and proverbs about the heart and its meaning, and carried out reflection in order to identify interesting, complex, important points in studying this topic.

  1. Geography teacher of the highest category, Zhanna Olegovna Derkacheva, conducted an open lesson in grade 6B on the topic "Land waters. Rivers"

The lesson opened a poetic organizing moment that set the students up for fruitful work. The actualization and formulation of the problem began with listening to the music of flowing water and riddles about rivers, after which the students independently determined the topic and goals of the lesson.

When using a multimedia presentation, schoolchildren who prepared advanced tasks read poems about great rivers and named them. During the study of the material, sixth-graders, together with the teacher, formed the concepts: river, channel, source, mouth, delta, estuary, floodplain, river system, river basin and others, and also compiled a basic lesson plan. As the concepts were mastered, three practical tasks were completed in pairs using atlas maps.

In the middle of the lesson, the teacher conducted a physical education lesson that was in tune with the topic of the lesson:

The water splashes quietly, We are floating along a warm river. (Swimming movements with hands.) The clouds in the sky are like sheep, scattered in all directions. (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.) We crawl out of the river and take a walk to dry off. . (Walk in place.) Now take a deep breath. And we sit down on the sand. (Children sit down.)

Students worked with the text of the textbook and definitions of terms, found large rivers and their tributaries on the map, determined the regime and nutrition of rivers, types of economic use and environmental problems of water bodies.

As reinforcement, the children completed a test task, which was checked by the teacher after the lesson. At the end, a conclusion was summed up with an emphasis on a quote from L.N. Tolstoy, who compared rivers with people, then students were offered differentiated homework and reflection was carried out in order to determine the nature of the atmosphere in the lesson (sixth graders expressed their mood and impressions of the lesson in the form of emoticons. )

During all lessons, technical equipment and multimedia teaching aids were actively used. Each of the lessons was held at a high-quality methodological level, taking into account the system-activity approach, complied with the second generation Federal State Educational Standards and was highly appreciated by the seminar participants.

An interactive discussion of what was seen in the context of the seminar problem took place during the discussion. The seminar participants discussed the activity-based form of training and education demonstrated by teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 25, correlated the requirements of the standard with the results of basic general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the possibility of achieving them through natural science subjects.

Summing up the results of the seminar showed that the goal of the event was achieved. The teachers came to the conclusion that the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program can be met by using modern technologies and teaching methods and updating the potential of the subject.

Based on the results of the survey, all participants noted the good organization of the seminar, the significance, importance, content and depth of the information received.

A study of the guests' opinions showed that they were completely satisfied with the content of the seminar. Colleagues thanked the speakers and organizers of the seminar.


1 GEOGRAPHY Plan of seminars for geography teachers Date: October 13, 2015. Place: MBOU gymnasium in Zernograd. Topic: “Use of new means of control and improving the quality of teaching geography in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education.” Goal: to expand the knowledge of teachers in the field of purpose and application of second generation standards. 1. Round table: “Designing a modern lesson based on electronic educational resources and new generation information technologies.” Baranova L.S., teacher MBOU G-Borisov secondary school, Menyailova N.A., teacher MBOU secondary school Zernograd. 2.Exchange of experience: “Updating the system of control and evaluation activities of teachers and students as a condition for creating an educational space for personal development.” Yavryan N.G., teacher at MBOU Konzavodskaya Secondary School, Mikhneva E.I., teacher at MBOU Svetlorechnaya Secondary School. 3. Workshop (master class): Mobile computer class in teaching geography at an educational school N.A. Romakina, teacher at the Zernograd gymnasium. 4. Problems and main solutions when preparing students for the Geography Olympiad. Ezerskaya N.A., teacher at the Zernograd Lyceum. 5. Summing up. Development of recommendations. Ezerskaya N.A., head of the RMO. PHYSICS Plan of seminars for physics teachers Date: October 14, 2015. Place: MBOU Secondary School (Military Department) Zernograd. Topic: “Modern physics lesson in the school science education system.” Goal: improving the methodological system of a teacher’s work based on the use of innovative educational technologies. 1.Open lesson. Gurova A.V., teacher of MBOU secondary school (voivode) of Zernograd. 2. Lesson analysis. 3. Interdisciplinary connections are the main condition for improving natural science education. Shivchkova A.V., teacher at the Zernograd Lyceum. 4. Innovative teaching technologies in natural science education for schoolchildren. Lagutkina E.P., teacher MBOU Mechetinskaya secondary school. 5. The use of innovative educational technologies in achieving the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO. 4

2 Bogomol A.S., teacher MBOU Zapolosnoy Secondary School. 6. Workshop “Features of solving qualitative problems in physics included in the exam tasks of the OGE, Unified State Exam.” Menyailova G.N., teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School UIOP in Zernograd. 7. Summing up. Development of recommendations. Menyailova G.N., head of the RMO. IZ O Plan of seminars for fine arts teachers Seminar 1 Date: October 16, 2015. Place: MBOU gymnasium in Zernograd. Topic: “Techniques for organizing extracurricular activities for children within the subject area “Art”.” Goal: improving the skills of teaching staff in order to improve the quality of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 1. Extracurricular activities. Open lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “Spectacular forms of circus art.” Beregovskaya M.R., teacher of fine arts and art and art at the MBOU gymnasium in Zernograd. 2. Self-analysis and analysis of an open lesson (all teachers take part). 3. Analysis of the work of the RMO for the academic year. Work plan for the academic year. Kazmina E.V., head of the RMO. 4. Master class “Techniques for organizing artistic activities in the subject “Fine Arts”. Pustovetova G.N., teacher of fine arts and art at the MBOU secondary school in Zernograd, Slesarenko S.V., teacher of fine art and art at the MBOU secondary school in Zernograd. 5. Creative workshop “Organization of pedagogical activities as a means of developing the artistic and creative abilities of students in Fine Art and Art classes” (in the direction chosen by the teacher). Generalization of experience. Yushchenko G.I., art teacher of the MBOU Manych secondary school. 6. Summing up. Development of recommendations. Kazmina E.V., head of the RMO. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Plan of seminars for foreign language teachers Date: October 20, 2015. Place: MBOU Secondary School (Military Department) Zernograd. Topic: “Preparation and design of a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.” Goal: familiarization with the new requirements for drawing up a lesson plan within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. Study and effective use of fundamental documents on the subject in activities. 5

3 1.Open lessons (give by all teachers of a given school). 2. New approaches to teaching a foreign language in a modern secondary school. Shishina E.Yu., teacher at the Zernograd gymnasium. 3.Designing a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Batalnikova V.G., teacher at the Zernograd Lyceum. 4. Introductory lesson: Drawing up a technological map of the lesson. Agafonova V.N., teacher of the Zernograd Lyceum. 5.Exchange of experience: “Methods of preparing students for Olympiads.” Sapsay E.A., teacher MBOU Mechetinskaya secondary school. 6.Difficulties in teaching students to write and ways to overcome them in English lessons. Minda N.E., teacher at MBOU secondary school (military scientist) in Zernograd. 7. Summing up the work. Development of recommendations. Tkachuk S.L., head of the RMO. COMPUTER SCIENCE Plan of seminars for computer science teachers Date: October 21, 2015. Place: MBOU secondary school in Zernograd. Topic: “Self-education of teachers is a necessary element for the success of a teacher.” Goal: through self-education of teachers to develop key educational competencies in schoolchildren in accordance with the standards of the new generation. 1.Lesson on the topic of the seminar. Kirilova M.Yu., teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School in Zernograd. 2.Self-analysis and analysis of the lesson (everyone present takes part). 3. “Innovative models of activity of a computer science teacher in the context of the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards.” Moiseenko V.V., teacher of the Zernograd Lyceum. 4.Creating personally oriented situations in the classroom for the purpose of effectively organizing the educational process. Shevchenko G.N., teacher MBOU Zapolosnoy Secondary School. 5.Use of digital educational resources in lessons. Sumina Yu.A., teacher at the Zernograd gymnasium. 6. News from the courses. 1) “Content and effective technologies for achieving educational results in computer science in the context of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard”; Borshchevskaya O.N., teacher MBOU Gulyai Borisov Secondary School. 2) “The Federal State Educational Standard as a meaningful and targeted basis for ensuring high-quality preparation for the State Examination -9 and the Unified State Exam in computer science.” Dumenko M. N., teacher at the Konzavodsk Secondary School. 7. Innovative educational technologies in computer science lessons. Lutsenko N.A., teacher at MBOU Krasnoarmeisk Secondary School. 8. Preparation for the Olympics. 6

4 Benberina O.V., teacher at MBOU secondary school in Zernograd. 9. Innovative forms of control and evaluation activities in computer science in the context of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard. Gurdesov Yu.V., teacher MBOU Mechetinskaya secondary school. 10. Summing up. Development of recommendations. Benberina O.V., head of the RMO. TECHNOLOGY Plan of seminars for technology teachers Date: October 23, 2015. Place: MBOU gymnasium in Zernograd. Topic: “Technology for preparing a technology lesson in a modern information educational environment within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.” Goal: improving the professional skills of technology teachers aimed at achieving quality education. 1.Open lesson. Bandak N.E., teacher of the MBOU gymnasium in Zernograd. 2.Analysis of the work of the RMO for the academic year. 3. Formation of universal educational activities in technology lessons in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Kopenkina L.M., teacher MBOU Novoivanovskaya secondary school. 4. “Development of a draft work program on technology in grade 5 in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Accepted textbooks." Ponamareva I.V., teacher MBOU Mechetinskaya Secondary School. 5.RMO work plan for the academic year. 6. Business card of the person being certified. 7. Summing up the seminar. CHEMISTRY PLAN for chemistry teacher seminars Seminar 1 Date: October 28, 2015. Place: Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum of Zernograd. Topic: “Structure and methodological features of a lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.” Goal: to increase and improve the professional level of teachers in the field of assignment and application of second generation standards. 7

5 1. Modern chemistry lesson: didactic foundations and design features (presentation, from work experience) Kharchenko L.V., teacher of MBOU secondary school (military scientist), Zernograd. 2. Master class “Chemical properties of acidic and basic salts” V.F. Patalakh, teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum in Zernograd. 3. Methods for the formation of universal educational actions in chemistry lessons E.M. Karunina, teacher at MBOU Klyuevskaya Secondary School. 4. Methods of control and self-control when solving calculation problems in chemistry T.D. Glichenko, teacher at the Svetlorechensk Secondary School. 5. Information technologies for the implementation of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards: creation of a website and pedagogical and information resources on the Internet. Galanskaya E.V., chemistry teacher, Donskoy Secondary School. 6. Summing up. Development of recommendations. Molyakova N.E., head of the RMO. 8

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Plan of methodological work of the regional methodological association of mathematics and computer science teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year Head: V.A. Okolovich s.burla Methodological topic: Formation of key competencies

Reviewed and approved at the meeting of the Department of Natural Sciences on August 27, 2015. APPROVED BY: Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum of the City of Otradnoe" A.A. Rudkovskaya WORK PLAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SCIENCES Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum of the City of Otradnoe"

Appendix 18 Structure of the organization of methodological work in the municipal educational institution Bozoi Secondary School General school methodological topic: “Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in the context of the transition to federal


Work plan of the methodological association of teachers of the “Natural Science” cycle for the 2017-2018 school year: Elena Nikolaevna Utkina Methodological theme of MO: Increasing professional skills as a condition for improvement

Page 1/1 MBOU "Krasnozavodsk Secondary School 7" Considered Agreed "Approved" at the meeting by the deputy director of the humanitarian cycle. according to UVR School Director protocol /I. N. Potapova/

Work plan for foreign teachers 2016-2017 Topic of work for foreign teachers Ensuring a high level of professional competence of teachers in the context of the implementation of the federal state

Goals and objectives of the methodological association of teachers of computer science and physics MAOU "Lyceum 36" for the 2018-2019 academic year Methodological theme of the Lyceum: "Self-realization and socialization of the personality of the teacher and students in

WORK PLAN OF MO MATHEMATICS TEACHERS FOR THE 205-206 ACADEMIC YEAR Topic of work of MO: “Improving the forms and methods of conducting a modern lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard” Objectives: Introduction of new teaching technologies; 2

Approved by the Director of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Krasnoye S.N. Zotov. WORK PLAN of the Department of Primary School Teachers and Aesthetic Cycle MBOU Secondary School p. Red for the 2015-2016 academic year. Methodological theme of the Department of Primary Teachers

WORK PLAN of the school methodological association of primary school teachers MAOU "NOSH 1" in Magnitogorsk for the 2018-2019 academic year. Methodological theme of the school education for primary school teachers: “Creating conditions for

Municipal budgetary educational institution Shchelkovo gymnasium, Shchelkovo municipal district, Moscow region, Shchelkovo WORK PLAN of the department of teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science

Plan of methodological work of the school for the 2016-2017 academic year The methodological activities of the school are a system of measures based on modern achievements of science and practice, aimed at developing creative

Contents Department of Management, Economics and Law... 3 Program “Modern Educational Management”... 3 Department of Pedagogy and Psychology:... 5 Program “Physical Education and Health Promotion”

WORK PLAN of the school methodological association of teachers of the humanities for the 2018-2019 academic year. Methodological theme of the school for 2017-2022. “Improving the quality of education, updating the content

Approved by the Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 1. Zavitinskaya E.N. Nazarenko Order from the school’s methodological work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year Methodological theme of the school “New standards, new quality of education” Goals: increasing

1 Theme of the department: “Development and education of individuals capable and ready for intercultural communication” OUR PEDAGOGICAL CREDO: The main thing is faith in the child, respect for his personality, the desire to help him achieve

Plan of methodological work of MAOU Secondary School 15 for the 2015-2016 academic year Methodological theme of the school: “Improving the quality of education in the context of the development of a modern creative educational environment of MAOU Secondary School 15.” To priority

Work plan of the methodological council of a secondary school with in-depth study of a foreign language at the Russian Embassy in Austria for 2015-2016. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the teaching staff

“I approve” School Director 253 A.B. Pluzhnik 2017 Work plan for September 2017-2018 academic year Date Event Responsible 04-16.09 Consultation seminars on the analysis of common errors in social studies

“Approved” School Director Kuts G.V. municipal government educational institution "Pokrovskaya basic secondary school" Chistoozerny district of the Novosibirsk region Methodological work

Considered at a meeting of the MO of natural science teachers Minutes 1 of 08/28/2017. Agreed: Deputy Director for Research and Development N.E. Zorina August 28, 2017 Work plan of the methodological association of science teachers

Methodological topic for teachers of the Russian language and literature: Increasing the professional competence of teachers of the Russian language and literature in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Goal of activity: increasing efficiency

AGREED BY APPROVED Deputy Director Director of the Undorovsky Municipal Educational Institution for educational and methodological work of the general education lyceum Karandin L.S. Gorshkova V.A. August 2012 August 2012 MO work plan

Work plan of the methodological association of teachers of Russian language and literature, history and social studies for the 2015-2016 academic year Goal of work: increasing the level of professional competence of Russian teachers

Methodological topic: “Designing lessons in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Standards of General Education” Goal: Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers through effective

Plan of meetings of the Ministry of Education of teachers of the artistic and aesthetic cycle for the 2014-2015 academic year Meeting August 1 Review and approval of work programs. 1. Preparation for the August conference. Consideration

Main work Plan of work of the Regional Educational Institution of GEOGRAPHY teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year Composition of the Regional Educational Institution Total teachers Education Categories Part-time Higher pedagogical Secondary specialized Non-pedagogical Higher

Work plan for primary school teachers of MBOU "Secondary School 8" for the 2014-2015 academic year. Topic: “Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.” Target:

2018 2019 academic year School of Education for teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science Methodological topic Development of professional competence of teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science, technology as a condition for achievement

WORK PLAN OF THE METHODOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS for the 2017-2018 academic year. Section 1. Plan of meetings for teachers of the natural mathematics cycle 1 meeting (organizational)

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 12 Plan of methodological work MBOU Secondary School 12 for the 2017-2018 academic year Myskovsky urban district 2017 “New to the new school

08.10 Collection of applications from educational institutions for participation in the regional stage of the Regional Olympiad in History and Culture of St. Petersburg (grades 8-9) 08.10 Seminar “Results and prospects of the state final certification (USE)

P/n WORK PLAN OF THE METHODOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS OF MOUNTAIN GYMNASIUM FOR THE 2012 SCHOOL YEAR. Activities and their summary 4. Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons

Work plan of the secondary education of teachers of the humanitarian cycle of MBOU "Secondary School 8" for the 2014-2015 academic year. Topic: “Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.” Target:

“I approve” the head of the department for organizational and methodological work of the MKU “Center for ensuring the activities of budgetary institutions of the city district of Sudak Yu.A. Sobko Work plan of the city methodological association

Minutes of the 1st meeting of the methodological council of the Sambek secondary school Date: 08/31/12 Present: 1. Ermakova O.F., Chairman of the methodological council of the school, Russian teacher

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION BASIC EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 3 ANALYSIS of the work of MO teachers of the natural and mathematical cycle for MO teachers of the natural and mathematical cycle

METHODOLOGICAL WORK PLAN OF THE SCHOOL FOR THE 2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR The methodological theme of the school is “Development of professional competence of a teacher as one of the conditions for ensuring the quality of education.” Goal: creation

APPROVED Director of MBU DPO TsORO S.A. Zagvozdina 2018 AGREED Head of the Education Department L.I. Lysak 2018 WORK PLAN OF THE METHODIST FOR THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR Work plan of the municipal methodological

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary school 16 of Pyatigorsk CONSIDERED At a meeting of the Methodological Council Minutes 1 dated August 31, 2016 AGREED

I APPROVED: “TsODSO Tula” A.S. Honest 2016 Work plan of urban professional communities for the 2016-2017 academic year Objectives: 1. Increasing professional competence and improving pedagogical

Plan of methodological work of the lyceum for the 2015-2016 academic year Methodological topic: “Formation of the creative potential of students and teachers in the conditions of modernization, implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.” Goal: promotion

I APPROVE the Director of the School Work Plan of the School of Education of Humanitarian Cycle Teachers for the 2018-2019 Academic Year Methodological theme of the municipal educational institution “Dmitrievskaya Secondary School”:


WORK PLAN OF THE METHODOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF PRIMARY CLASS TEACHERS for the 2016-2017 academic year “Approve” Director of MAOU “Secondary School 108” E.A. Zvegintseva 2016 Order of 2016 Methodological topic of primary school education:

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School-Gymnasium 1" of the Sudak urban district Considered at a meeting of Teachers of Russian language and literature, native languages ​​Minutes of 2016 Director. A.